Haha, now that Sony and Disney are at odds, Spider-Man will certainly go multipla-

>Haha, now that Sony and Disney are at odds, Spider-Man will certainly go multipla-

Attached: exclusive.png (1207x865, 209K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Who the fuck said that? You're dumb

Sony Interactive Entertainment and Marvel Games are separate companies.

Fuck bros!!! I wanted to play Spider-Man on the Switch.

>Spider-Man will certainly go multipla-
Literally no one said that.
What they did say is that future spiderman games will be.

Why are you sonyfags so obsessed with Nintendo?

I'm glad people will stop shitposting about how Spider-Man games will stop being exclusive over the whole shitfest. Who am I kidding, people will keep posting it like they have been since the E3 announcement.

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Why do people make up fictitious arguments for the sake of shitposting? And why does it always seem to be Sony fans?

He clearly owns a Switch, dumdum.

But nobody said that you retarded fuck. Why would the game that was always exclusive now go multiplat because they put a GOTY sticker on it?

Marvel Spider-Kid is seriously cute though.

Yeah no, you clearly don't.

Why would it go multiplatform is sony own it you dumb fuck.

Kirsten Dunst is such a fucking beauty

You know Sony had creative control over homecoming, right?

>Why are you sonyfags so obsessed with Nintendo?

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Didn’t they come too an agreement and have settled things?

They had final say but rarely veto'd a thing.

>they made the cover art even worse

good job guys

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>a sony property will go multiplat now that sony is no longer giving rights to the character
big think

>They had final say
They were the first and final say user.

ok retard.

oh hey a GOTY edition. Any of the DLC worth picking this up over?

>he doesn't have custom box art prints

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>Sony property
You people are fucking idiots.

Eh, I'd say it's pretty supplementary.

>no one ever said that!
Persona 5 all over again.

I'm just gonna leave this here


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People have to be brainwashed to like that dork.

You mean a bunch of Sonyfags falseflagging to perpetuate a narrative?
Yeah I agree.

Nope, they settled things by coming to no agreement.

The dlc fucking sucked and I regret buying it even on sale.

If they were planning a DD game then it's definitely cancelled now.

What really pisses me off about disney spider-man is that they made Flash some skinny faggot pajeet

Jesus Christ, either provide any proof or STFU

HAHHAHAAHAHA this fucking denial. Seethe cunt. NEVER EVER.

That's what happens when you give Sony creative control.


You're a spastic for not knowing that Sony overseen the entire movie like all the others.

Okay, Mousekektear...

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Don't worry, over the coming weeks you'll see an increased amount of spiderman threads with him saying it'll go multiplat and then he'll will compile an image of those posts

Do you even know what the dispute was?

Disney doesn't care what people do with its stuff, so long as they leave Mickey alone. The shitstorm surrounding Battlefront II actually did get an official response from Disney; they more or less just shrugged.

Holy fuck you marvelfags are pathetic manbabies.
Capeshit shouldnt be watched by anyone above the age of 18.

So is this zoomer or millenial humor?

And why is that? The tv show is still going and popular.

>everyone shitposting sony is a falseflagger
So Yea Forums loves sony?

Sońyggers are balding manlets, they have no gomes so they have to shitpost

do goty editions ever make the box art better? at least they didn't barf a bunch of review quotes and scores all over the front cover.

>"Persona 5 will be 3DS exclusive"
>"Persona 5 will be Wii U exclusive"
>Persona 5 announced for PS3 and later PS4
>"P5R will be Switch exclusive"
>P5R teaser starts with PS logo
>"I-It's VR!"
>Persona 5 The Royal confirmed as an RPG and listed as PS4 only on the main site
>"P5S will be a Switch port"
>It's a Musou spinoff
>"W-Wait for E3!"

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What exactly is the rights situation with Spiderman videogames? I know Sony own the exclusive film rights.

Lot's of people were saying it, it's hilarious that you're doing mental gymnastics to convince yourself that people are lying because you personally didnt see people saying it. Use your brain. It was happening.

You're right but for the wrong reason.

>The tv show is still going


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As much as I want Spiderman on PC(not gonna get a PS4 just for one game unless it's extremely cheap), believing that the debacle between sony and disney would have hany impact on the multiplat possibility of the game is dumb.
The whole thing was about movie rights and the merchandise related to the movies, games have nothing to do with it.

The OP has a game you'll never have.

Case in point.

Lets be real here no one is gonna consider the Xbone actual competition

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Having that image saved on your hard drive isn’t disproving his point my dude

>he doesn't know
They're waiting 2 years to avoid legal issues then continuing from where the show left off.

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Sure thing copeboy, thanks for proving my point.

You say that but the Sonyfags on Metacritic still drop 10s on Sony games using xbots as an excuse.
It seems like different sects have different obsessions.

>DLC not on disc

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More like a small part of Yea Forums loved Sony so much they feel the need false flag as Nintendo fans port begging to make Sony look better.

>They're waiting 2 years to avoid legal issues
There were no legal issues until right now, it's dead Jim.

I didn't know we had a metacritic mod on Yea Forums

Cause fuck you.

>More like a small part of Yea Forums loved Sony so much they feel the need false flag as Nintendo fans port begging to make Sony look better.
There's a group that falseflags without associating it to anyone and then there's a group that is obsessed with Nintendo.
So the first group falseflags and then the second plays the blame game.

What does Sony have to do with Daredevil? They're supposed to be bringing it back on Disney streaming platform

Nincels are natural portbeggers just look at any third party game twitter account

Marvel Games doesn't develop or publish their own stuff, so they get bigger developers to foot. Simple as that. I'm sure Marvel takes a small cut, plus merchandising.

Nintendie here.
Gotta say my respect for Sony has improved knowing that they are odds with that degenerate Jew infested child molesting company known as Disney.

>says the user, as he digs further and further into his 6.7 GB anti-Nintendo folder

>What does Sony have to do with Daredevil?
You tell me, you're the one saying there's legal issues.

Is this the biggest cope non argument of all time?

No? I'm the one saying the Daredevil show is still going and you're the one saying it's dead.

More like your underage consolewarrior self all over again

Are you ready for /ourguy/ Eddie Brock to be in the inevitable sequel?

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Sonyfags are typically literal children, thus they can only afford/have their parents buy one console, unlike everyone else who is an adult who can go full idort

user why the fuck would Eddie be Venom? Did you even play this game?

He is relentlessly handsome and i want to kiss him relentlessly.


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him and venom were both spottable in the first game
Eddie you can just see his name written on something in your apartment about meeting him, and you can see venom the entity inside Harry Osbornes tank at the end credits. So yes. Also there was no Venom DLC costume despite there being 40+ costumes and it was always most requested.

But Switch owners are smart enough to know when a game gets published by a main console manufacturer it’s gonna stay there.

Can’t really say the same with SOME people though, screeching for Astral Chain ports and all

No, because its not an argument.

They also know who owns what hence why the GR falseflagging was so easy to see through.

>10 OUT 10
>includes Batman

haha fuck you PCturds, you'll never get to experience spider-man fo
sp ps44

Sony might have signed off to do more Marvel exclusives. I keep seeing Dr. Strange and Black Panther being thrown around. Even the current rumor of a Dardevil game sounds a iffy. Why would they go from Spider-Man traversal, to slow as shit Daredevil?

>persona 5
I think we're done here tendie

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Are they done making dlc? I wanted a Miles Spiderman story.

Uh, that wasn't published by Sony nor does it fit your begging narrative if no one wanted it.

Lmao go look up more cartoon pictures, sperglord

This is really cute keep it up guys

>watching capeshit
>playing capeshit
Max cringe

Just digging further and further into that folder dedicated to that company you totally aren’t obsessed about huh

>No one wanted Persona 5 on the Switch

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How many times are you going to reply to one post. We all know it's you.

>if no one wanted it
I think it's still a bit too early to pretend all the port begging after joker's reveal for smash didn't happen
try again in a few months

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>Marvel Spider-Kid
Yeah, about that...

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Everyone knows what you do user, you're not fooling anyone but yourself.

Well, at least Spider-Man's web is no longer attached to nothing. He's using the gold trim, as he proceeds his swing.

>I think it's still a bit too early to pretend all the port begging after joker's reveal for smash didn't happen
You mean your falseflagging, right?
Because no one was begging for joker then but you.

wtf why did reddit letter media and Yea Forums lie to me when sony was based and redpilled all along

I'm never gonna stop being upset at this "ackshually the raimi movies were bad, sweaty" mindset MCU cultists keep spreading

lmao you should probably take your meds early today, schizo.

>ackshually the raimi movies were bad
No one said they were well except 3 which was bad.

Every single time you use the schizo line too.
I don't understand what you're trying to do because you're being so blatant about it.

Its called playing in bed negro.

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I see it all the time on twitter and the like

Are you okay user? Seriously you should take your meds, this isn’t funny anymore.

Did you really think Spiderman was going to go multiplat after Sony bought out Insomniac?

I don't see how this changes anything?

Literally no one thought that.

Sony doesn't have to go through Marvel Studios to get permission to make games. These aren't tie-in advertisement games.
Marvel Games is a seperate entity, and right now all they care about is making deals with big, reputable game companies with no real discrimination.
Why would they participate in the dick measuring contest some movie studios are going through?

You know how much money Sony makes for Marvel in merchandising?

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>Sony doesn't have to go through Marvel Studios to get permission to make games.
user, it's not marvel games that deals with the lending rights.

>Marvel Games is a seperate entity
They also only make games marvel proper deals with giving movie/games/comics rights to different people.

lol, that's just sad tendie
btw, can you provide some examples of all the port begging for, what's it called again? astral chain?

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It was made by Insomniac so of course it's not going multiplat.
The think to look for is whether or not Marvel continues to allow Sony to make NEW Spiderman games in the future, assuming they don't have a contract for a certain amount/timeframe

Marvel don't care. More money for them.

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>GOTY Edition
Oh, thank god. I can finally actually buy the game, now instead of shelling out shekels for an incomplete experience.

Spider-Man sold 13M in less than a year. Marvel would be stupid to drop both divisions right then and there. You will never see Marvel treat Spider-Man like the X-Men/F4.

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>Why yes I'm the best suit in the game. How can you tell?

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2019... I still get threads every single day

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haven't played since before the first DLC dropped but that looks pretty sick. Always used Scarlet Spider and Big Time though.

Any of the DLC suits good? Honestly half tempted to get the GOTY version just for them if they are. Only one I remember was the armor one.

What did this negroid user mean by that?