What is your favorite fight in Monster Hunter World and which one are you looking forward to the most in Iceborn?
How do you feel about the additions to each of the weapons in Iceborn?
What were your feelings on Monster Hunter World at launch and what are your feelings on the game now? Do you expect to be feel underwhelmed or satisfied with the expansion?
What is your favorite fight in Monster Hunter World and which one are you looking forward to the most in Iceborn?
MHW made me enjoy MHXX a lot more, it's the end of an era, 5th gen was a mistake
Underwater Lagiacruz is my favorite fight, a shame it didn't make it into world
I'm in the unique spot of hating pretty much every single actual fight in mhw but loving the game as a whole anyway
I expect to be satisfied with it. I’ve been satisfied with every other G Rank game and Iceborne is looking to be the biggest so unless they somehow fuck up something completely essential which is very unlikely I’ll enjoy it immensely.
Stopped caring after Jho.
That thing did NOT work well on World's terrain. The little bumps and holes made fighting it in the forest a nightmare, so it's no wonder they changed its location. At that point I was worn out from all the wonky mechanics, though.
World was lame, Iceborne looks great.
Oddly enough, I think I like Odogarron the most. As a GL, I like fast paced combat, and I have high hopes for Iceborne with Ebony Odo, Tigrex, and Narga.
Nergigante is always fun, not sure which fight I'm looking forward to but pretty much anything that isn't a subspecies.
I like the changes for SA, CB and HH, especially the latter with Impact Echo waves so I'll be playing that mainly to complete Iceborne.
I feel like Lance got shafted, ignoring clutch claw moves that every weapon got and some slinger stuff, Lance didn't get anything great. The power guard into slinger or clutch claw might be alright, but other weapons got something that doesn't rely on these like SA getting a finisher on wild swing or CB, LS and SnS getting new moves. Lance never was about combos but it would be nice to have something new because wild sweep is just straight out garbage and the Lance kit is already tiny as it is.
It's very good to see the numerous quality of life changes that will come with Iceborne, things like every important NPC in the gathering hub, more graphic options, charms not showing up if you have them or not after you upgraded them and many more that I can't think of right now.
It's the little things that make putting in a lot of hours extremely annoying, I don't want to imagine how much walking I'd have done if it wasn't for the gathering hub mod in World which did fuck with people's saves if specific requirements are met so that coming to the base game is reassuring.
Best fight: Teostra, Nergigante
Future fights: Basically all monsters, even G-rank Jagras
Weapon addition: All good, I cycle all 14 weapons every couple quests so every hunt is a fresh experience, the additions will only enhance my enjoyment
Feelings: World is shit, but it's MH so I always come back anyway. Iceborne will see to satisfy both my nostalgia boner and my New World boner, if the endgame grind is similar to Everwood grind in 4U it would be the best game of the series for me. Not having monsters I want is a bummer, but I don't always get what I want so I can wait, I've been waiting for 15 years anyway
When's the beta?
10 years from now and people will still be salty about this game.
The expansion comes out for consoles in a week and becomes actually playable in January. Don't expect any more betas.
Someone from the last thread literally posted an update for the upcoming beta. I just don't know when it's up.
They literally announced another one yesterday user.
Beta this friday for console
>Not having monsters I want is a bummer,
Is there a full monster list? I'm not up-to-date with Iceborne info.
Thanks lads.
Odogaron was top tier, the feeling of being pushed against the wall with sweat all over my control was fun as hell
I feel like I'll never be good at this game just because I struggle with vanilla Lunastra so much and can't do AT Elder Dragons
Any advice for this shit that's obviously not git gud / hit monster til it's dead, but I welcome someone replying with that, since it's pretty fucking obligatory
Most people aren't going to be able to beat velkhana in the demo and wont buy the game desu
I don't think iceborne will sell nearly as much as base mhw.
>favorite fight
>fight looking forward to
>additions to weapons
Not sure what this means. Care to explain?
I really enjoyed it. I played a few of the older games before this one so I was disappointed by the lack of different monsters and the bland weapon design. It was nice to give us a few free monsters as dlc however and I hope Iceborne has more unique weapon models.
>underwhelmed or satisfied
I expect to be satisfied
tailor your build to the monster you're fighting
For starters, tell us what weapon(s) you prefer.
I find normal Luna more of a pain in the ass to fight than AT Kirin, AT Vaal, AT Kush, or AT Teo.
AT is more or less just a gear check, make sure you have a high enough defense if you can't block/evade reliably.
It's basically a given that there'll be a drop off in sales for Iceborne simply because of how high World's initial numbers were, there's no way every single person who bought the initial release will also buy the expansion. The question is just how big or small that drop off will be.
Demo Velkhana will be piss easy just like Demo Nerg was before World.
Confirmed so far;
Nightshade Paolumu
Shrieking Legiana
Yian Garuga
Coral Pukei-Pukei
Beotodus (new Piscine Wyvern)
Acidic Glavenus
Fulgur Anjanath
Banbaro (new Brute Wyvern)
Viper Tobi-Kadachi
Ebony Odogaron
Ruiner Nergigante
Namielle (new Elder Dragon)
Velkhana (flagship)
They’ve said there’s plenty more to reveal too.
I never finished the HR half of the campaign, can I catch up in time for iceborne?
Here's hoping the penis monsters won't make it in. I always feel silly fighting those elastic things.
Yeah it’s not that long, there’s a couple of parts where you have to grind for tracks though.
I do that with mantles and decorations on armour
I ripped off some guy's armour on YouTube for the best Diablos charge blade set, but I also use Hammer, SnS and Greatsword. I also know every move with CB other than the one where you use up your charged vials in one slash with the sword which I've only seen done once in a YouTube video and can't find any instructions for it.
Oh yeah I lied, I have beat AT Kirin and it's simple to do, but then Luna made me scared of attempting other ATs.
They already said Khezu ‘probably isn’t in’ the game so that’s one penis not in. A Gameinformer preview mentioned a ‘bat monster’ and the guy claimed to have used it in MH Stories but didn’t remember the name. Khezu was in Stories but this guy didn’t even remember it’s name so it wouldn’t be at all surprising if he confused it for Gigginox. There’s also the possibility it’s a completely new penis monster too.
>What is your favorite fight in Monster Hunter World
>and which one are you looking forward to the most in Iceborn?
Oroshi Kirin if it ever happens. Otherwise Namielle or Zinogre
>How do you feel about the additions to each of the weapons in Iceborn?
I dont want hammer buffs othewise they seem good. The KO bonus is probably ok but Imma pass on claw.
>What were your feelings on Monster Hunter World at launch
I loved World at launch even though I was on PC. Constantly connections dying and Teostra supernova dipping FPS like crazy.
I had a lot fun with sets when drachens didnt exist and Kulve wasnt there to fill in every set you can find. I played most of my 1k hours before AT Teostra hit on PC and I quit for half a year before even fighting Teo.
>what are your feelings on the game now?
Really good, though PC gets a really short stick on losing all events while consoles get to enjoy the newest expansion. I hope you consolebros have fun with it at least. Im joining in next year
>Do you expect to be feel underwhelmed or satisfied with the expansion?
Definitely satisfied. Im already satisfied and Im sure they havent revealed all of their monsters they have to offer.
I couldn't derive much pleasure from World despite beating the whole game and fighting most of the AT/Behemoth endgame shit. I can't even point my finger at the exact reasons for that, but I simply feel better going back to past games.
>I had a lot fun with sets when drachens didnt exist and Kulve wasnt there to fill in every set you can find.
Such a shame this had to happen really
Apart from the SnS, all 3 of those are slow, meaning you need pretty pinpoint movement and great timing to get hits on Luna.
I recommend giving her a go with the DS. They aren't that different from a SnS and they have enough of a damage output to not require you to only hit weakspots like SnS does.
Giving GLs a go would also be a good idea, as the change of perspective you get from the radically different playstyle is invigorating. Just take into consideration that GLs have different playstyles depending on ammo type. Wide 4 would be best for Luna in you case.
As for the CB sword attack, you're referring to the one that slams the sword to the ground and allows for a bunch of benefits to kick in? Yeah, I have no idea what the input is. I leave that up to my muscle memory.
Thanks, informative user!
No problem user.
I would just like to say FUCK mantles, drachen, and everyone using them.
Thank you for listening and have a good day.
With your shield charged, press R2+O and immediately hold triangle after. It'll charge your sword after the second click. Release it to slam it onto a monster.
I'm not trying to insult you but you kinda talk like a marketer.
Maybe they were talking about Garuga?
What if I say I use drachen but never mantles?
That's a bird, not a bat.
Then you have a little backbone to you, and that's better than nothing.
Very helpful user honestly, I've killed it with SnS before, but still struggled, so I'll try DB for a change.
Thanks a lot for that
But what if someone uses only mantles and no Drachen
I’m glad they’re nerfing Temporal mantle tbqh, I always feel guilty using it but like fuck I’m fighting ATs without it.
Nah, canta for example struggled against velkhana but found demo nerg very easy
It'll be too hard for a chunk of the playerbase
Huh, now that you mention it... I really do.
Guess being away from Yea Forums for years and occasionally forum posting did screw up my posting style.
>What is your favorite fight in Monster Hunter World
Depends on the weapon. I play CB most of the time and Nergigante is just the most fun to bully with it. But with a gunlance it's probably Bazel.
>which one are you looking forward to the most in Iceborn?
Maybe Brachydios. Never fought against that one.
>How do you feel about the additions to each of the weapons in Iceborn?
Didn't check everything but they seem okay for the most part. Iai slash for LS is fucking stupid though. Fuck off with this shounen anime shit. Also don't care for integrating the slingshot into movesets.
>What were your feelings on Monster Hunter World at launch
Very happy that it tried to reel in the overly anime bullshit, paid more attention to solo players, reduced the grind and was on real home consoles and PC instead of handheld shit or a Nintendo joke console.
>what are your feelings on the game now? Do you expect to be feel underwhelmed or satisfied with the expansion?
I'm disappointed that they didn't take more steps in the right direction and that Iceborne is taking even more steps back by bringing dogshit like Glavenus, subspecies, clutch claw gimmicks and absolutely stupid looking armor sets.
He said he fought it in the caves in the lower section of Hoarfrost Reach, and I don’t remember Garuga ever appearing in snow or cave areas. I haven’t played a non World MH in fucking ages though so I might be wrong on that.
Post those killscreens
then they can still fix themselves by simply not using them. Drachen users would have to build an entirely new set without their fully optimized crutch pieces.
It baffles me that people have the gall to complain about the game being too easy while using only complete meta sets, abusing 2 mantles, and solely taking favorable weapon matchups when variety is 90% of the game.
1. Kula Ya Ku and Yian Garuga
2. Cool I guess.
3. The Dark Souls of Monster Hunting games. I expect to die a lot! XD
>the "dismiss Palico" animation
I admittedly made drachen just to see how stupid its setup was and will likely change back to my older "fuck stuns and fuck roars" set I used before then once Iceborne drops.
The Tempura Mantle nerf is BUENO and makes it serve the purpose it was originally intended for.
>people thought this was real when i posted this as an example as to why you shouldn't trust every icon you see
Hardly, it's just too good for what it offers. Shitters are actually more prone to carting thanks to its awful fire resistance, while good players thrive with Drachen. Take it away and they'll just migrate to the next best thing.
I want to fuck a vigorwasp
I planned to solo when the game was announced, but the guilt that cat unloads on you prevented me from doing so.
>the purpose it was originally intended for
Cheating the game?
there were some really funky threads, i member
I really hope they keep the arch tempered monster stuff moving into master rank, its a real good system desu, and adds just enough complexity to the fights you know to throw you a curve once in a while, nerg and vaal are good examples of this.
and now im off to suck a million aids dicks at a rave.
The difference is that the supposed in-game screenshot of the yaoi hands dragon that came later matched up to what the first leaker claimed was Shara Ishvalda's second form, so it has at least a bit more going for it than an easily faked icon.
>Cheating the game?
Did you even see what the nerf was?
You basically get something like 4 dodges out of it now then it's gone.
Any shitter who relied on it is going to be fucking carted after 10 seconds.
Yes. Just like wearing armor or using decos and charms.
>Want more information
>Hate getting more information because threads inevitably go to shit more often than usual
Wearing armor makes you automatically evade attacks?
Here are the basic CB moves for full buffs (with Focus +3):
>tried this once in FU
>the animation of the cat walking away from the camera with tears streaming down its face as it walked away before giving you one last chance to change your mind
>that celebration animation that played when you let the cat stay
Dear god how do people even manage to pull the trigger on dismissals?
No. It cheats the game in other ways.
yeah it's 100% a good change. too bad I'm a pc boy and won't see the changes for a long time
then you're a good one
>while good players thrive with Drachen
EVERYONE thrives with drachen because you make 0 compromises while wearing it besides as you say fire resistance, which really is not that big of a deal as far as I can tell. You can beat AT teostra and the like with negative fire resistance as long as you're putting out good damage, and getting master's touch along with every beneficial damage skill will allow you to do just that. The whole point of putting together sets is having to choose skills and make compromises.
>why yes I did play MH1 online on PS2 back when it was active. How did you know?
Dodogama and Radobaan are my favorite fights honestly. The only fights with any real difficulty in World I don't find very entertaining so just having monsters that act as neat little punching bags is nice.
how was fatalis on ps2?
>EVERYONE thrives with drachen
It opened the door to everybody having unlimited white sharpness and 100% affinity, which is really boring.
favorite fight in world so far has been red dog, as it is the most aggressive and the rotten vale theme is the best theme in the game . brachy rose too the top spot of favorite fights within the series a kick ass theme to boot, followed by gore, so those are the two i am most looking forward too.
As for the weapon changes, i can now do 'nothin personal kid' weeb stuff with the long sword so that should be fun.
I warmed up to world, it was never a bad title but it sure wasn't challenging in solo or group hunts. Its too bad that the the returning monsters arent likely be refreshing to fight, if the tigrex in the demo was anything to go by
Never played this game nor know anything about it. Is it good to sink a gorillion hours into for someone who liked taking down big monsters in Dragon's Dogma? Do people mostly play online or solo?
>tfw GP only odo kill
No Gammoth.
Nobody asked for her
ughh, why does animeshit like glavenus, barioth and brachydios have to polute world?
if i wanted kiddieshit i'd play on a 3 inch screen with shitty controls
pretty much, also completely powercreeps teostra's cool armor sets
>he liked dragon's dogma
you better buy mhw now
>EVERYONE thrives with drachen because you make 0 compromises while wearing it
No, you give up being able to run certain skills you may desire, at least if you want high affinity (which is the whole point of using Master's Touch). You'll find that average players benefit best from QoL and defensive skills more than nigh-infinite sharpness when facing a tough monster. Drachen isn't a crutch because it doesn't hinder good players in the slightest, and worse players can/will hit a point where what the set offers isn't enough to help.
>barioth and brachydios
I get Glav for sure, but why are these more anime than the average MH monster like Anjanath or Rathalos?
>What is your favorite fight in Monster Hunter World
I never asked myself this... I think I just don't like a monster enough to say I like to fight it in this game, which is fucking weird of me, so I gonna pick the safe option and say Diablos, something about world feels off but I can't put my finger on it.
>which one are you looking forward to the most in Iceborn?
bambaro, Glavenus, Nami, specially Nami, I want to hunt her.
>How do you feel about the additions to each of the weapons in Iceborn?
My mains either get buffs or super small changes that won't affect the way I use them so is ok.
>What were your feelings on Monster Hunter World at launch and what are your feelings on the game now?
I stand on my posture and say that the game is still not as good as people make it to be, MH6 or world 2, whatever they call it, will be superior and polished to the point of perfection, I think what world lacks the most is variety, charm and style, we need it to be more colorful, we need crabs and apes, we need the weapons, even the LR ones to look unique and cool, that is the driving force that keep people making weapons, just so they can look at those nice designs but as you know world have an obnoxious bone and iron fetish with the weapons, the music change is also another awful choice, I'm sick and tired of orchestra shit on vidya, the online mode is yet another fuck up, I think it is actually the worst fuck up on the game, it makes online feel clunky and uncomfortable, please never bring back SOS on the next game Capcom and just stick to rooms of 4 people no need to ruin an already good system with stupid changes like SOS and online sessions and all that crap, Iceborne won't fix any of this either.
>Do you expect to be feel underwhelmed or satisfied with the expansion?
It will be just a new G rank game, it will be good, everyone will enjoy it myself included and it will last us until they release MH6/MHW2.
wasn't gammoth on monkey skeleton?
>Is it good to sink a gorillion hours into
>Do people mostly play online or solo?
You can do both. There are 2 monsters you'll want to co-op for, though, as they're massive time sinks to grind otherwise.
>No Gammoth
>No Blangonga
>No Khezu/Gigginox
>No Lagombi
>worse players can/will hit a point where what the set offers isn't enough to help
Doing mad-ass damage shortens fights considerably, and the shorter the fight the less likely people are to make mistakes.
is 2p online scaling being made for base game shit too, like the balance changes?
>tfw only need one more tallfang to make Dark Devourer
Of course people will. It marks the fall from grace of MH and how it turned into a soulless westernized and casual series that sells a lot to normies and literal shiteaters.
How long until we get a new weapon?
1 piece of equipment, at least 5 gemslots, and a charm isn't enough to run skills that you want? I think you'll find there is plenty of room for utility. Fewer 1slots for sure. But it hardly matters when all of the most valuable skills are accounted for.
>It marks the fall from grace of MH and how it turned into a soulless westernized and casual series that sells a lot to normies and literal shiteaters.
I didn't realise we were talking about Generations Ultimate.
>No shit Monsters
>Only kino like Valstrax and chad garuga
I'm okay with this
nah, it returned to its roots by doing away styles and arts while adding the much needed QoL. This is the cold hard truth
silly user QoL is casualization according to people afraid of change
>it's ok when P3rd, 4U and GU casualized everything
It's listed under Monster Adjustments. Anything without the Iceborne symbol next to it will be in the base game.
I can guarantee that anyone that makes this statement only played 4th gen and beyond
Go back to Astera cocksucker!
>Returned to its roots by doing away with a gimmick that was only going to be there for the anniversary games no matter what
>tfw no Valstrax in Iceborn
Yes, that's why I said "when facing tough monsters." How many times do you see shitters bringing their Drachen set into ATs and even Extreme Meme only to get wiped?
Believe it or not, that's pretty mediocre. Weakness Exploit and a slot of Maximum Might or two really reduced your options since you're aiming for high affinity (not even max, just high). Shit like tremor resistance, stun resistance, wind resistance all require heavy input. There's no doubt in my mind Drachen is overpowered, but it's simply not a crutch.
>Returned to its roots by doing away with a gimmick
Exactly. Valor style trivialized the entire game
>uncapping skills (e.g: artillery 3->5) is only available to MR armor set bonuses
Yeah, all HR armors will instantly be made irrelevant
This is just as retarded an argument as the people who say that mantles' inherent existence is casualization.
Young me playing MHF2 was hopeful that MH will one day end up evolving in this direction, so I'm pretty darn happy.
The direction needs some tweaks, but they're getting there.
>back slide
>condensed elemental sword
>basic rotation
>using "rotation" at all
Back to WoW general with you.
i like nergigante the most.
Want a REAL cold hard truth? World is a modern remake of FU. Iceborne solidifies this
>I can guarantee that anyone that makes this statement only played 4th gen and beyond
3rd or 4th. Basically the post-Dark Souls "hardcore" poser hipster gatekeeper retards.
>公開日時2019年08月01日(木) 00:00
>tremor resistance, stun resistance, wind resistance
The only one of those that is in any way relevant is wind resistance. And ONLY against lunastra.
Or they didn't play any of them and you're falling for the local shitposter's lazy bait again
Not him but as a MHFUchad, I think you are fucking retarded, stop posting.
>not at the same level of anime as Glav
Come on, stop kidding yourself.
>How many times do you see shitters bringing their Drachen set into ATs and even Extreme Meme only to get wiped?
I'm sure they'd get wiped with Health +3 and Earplugs +5 too desu.
>tfw no Valstrax in Iceborn
I think using weaposn is cheating, I think a real hunter uses only his fists
This always happens with a fuckton of games. Why do they do this?
>What is Xeno and tremors
>What is Teostra and his stun potential
Come on dude. Shit, let's mention Kushala and how wind resistance is useless, meaning you'll have to ditch Drachen and run his set if his wind is giving you trouble (something that good players won't struggle with).
Nergigante and Kulve Taroth
because these people literally have no lives other than trying to stir shit for a tiny bit of entertainment.
jet dragon is cool and all, but he fight was very wasnt very hard to learn and it wasn't all that fast even in rage mode.
What are you talking about? You can't unequip weapons afaik.
No, Popo skeleton
Shitposters used to get actively ignored in MH discussion but for some reason people actually decided to respond to them after the World reveal, and the community took damn near 2 years to even begin to recover from the damage.
/mhg/ has been unsalvageable ever since
you say that like it wasnt a thing in every game with a grank.
/mhg/ was unsalvagable because they have more than one autist to deal with. No offense to PC players, but the PC release is what opened the floodgates, just like what happened to dark souls
hud, armor skill, and inventory system so overwhelmingly complex, it fried the mind of worldlets so they had to scrap the entire thing and remake it as baby's first MH.
He will be in or in the DLC maybe, I dont think they would let the rest of flagships out besides Lagi.
God, handler is so fucking hnnng hot in Iceborn
That's why no one loves you
What's the best order to hunt the elder faggots?
>hud, armor skill, and inventory system so overwhelmingly complex
in your dreams.
t. worldbab currently playing FU to pass the time
xeno's tremors are incredibly annoying but I wouldn't slot in tremor resist because it really doesn't make him any more dangerous. Unless I'm recalling this correctly he doesn't hit you after tremors at all, and his explosion move does only a short tremor beforehand.
Also it's fucked up that you can get tremored in midair
Teostra's stuns are a legitimate concern but again not something I would slot in since stun resist at 3 full levels is the only time it's worth using and three level 1 slots can be way better used elsewhere. It's also worth mentioning this is also getting nerfed in iceborne.
you deserve this (You) for making me laugh
>wanting to fuck a crackhead looking bitch
You truly have low standards, user.
in my reality more like. World scrapped all of it in favor of an infinite item box sat next to monster's nest and baby's first armor skill system.
No, that's why no one loves Valstrax.
I seriously thought that was a screenshot of the Vergil boss fight from DMC5 for a sec
t.in denial of world's oversimplification
>in my reality
that no one but you lives in. Take care of yourself, I'm going back to FU
No, your issue is the constant need to find a part of the playerbase which is worse than the rest.
Every platform has a mix of chill people who enjoy the game and complete cunts who look to prove the're better than others in a co-op title.
Generals always end up with avatarfagging, degenerate fetishes, elitism or clan drama wresting the flow of conversation away from the actual game.
>didn’t want to add gammoth because he’d be afraid thered be “too many X/XX monsters”
>when there’s only one
Diet frontierfags btfo
gaslighting = proof of a lost argument. enjoy.
I said 'basic moves', and didn't know what else to call the .webm. It's just what I always use on the pole to get all the buffs then SAED as fast a possible. Never played wow.
Have this instead:
The "master race" meme ensured that one part of the pc community will always be absolutely insufferable cunts.
Not this limitbreak business though
He does hit you after tremors unfortunately. And stun resistance being useful only at 3 is exactly why Drachen doesn't cut it for average-and-below players. At that point you're missing out on the other skills that make Drachen good, and thus are better off running something else. Fortunately none of this will matter come Iceborne.
Gammoth is about as far removed from a typical Frontier monster as you can get
the only thing that you could argue was complex about those systems was the armor system which doesn't take more than a couple of braincells to understand
>skills are locked behind point thresholds
>armor gives skill points
wow my brain is literally fried that is absurd and innovative
Armor not having drawbacks anymore is a bit of a loss but at the same time said drawbacks were so ludicrously minor and easy to circumvent that it makes almost no difference in the grand scheme of things.
/mhg/ became unsalvagable ever since Tri came out, its been nintendo fanboys shitposting ever since
what? Source on this and how many skills are "uncapped"
Ive never been hit by the idiot toddler after a tremor. You can roll every one of his followup hits after. He ain't vaal/nerg.
I spent some time farming at xeno with different weapons and I noticed that he generally has a long gap between moves when causing a major tremor like most monsters. In my personal experience he doesn't capitalize on his major tremor moves, maybe I'm just lucky, but I doubt it.
I think we will have to agree to disagree on stun resist because the only things that can really build up stun fast enough are the flying wyverns doing chicken walk back and forth and AT teostra constantly doing pawslams and charges.
It absolutely fucking wasn't.
As long as you had armor pieces with enough skill points and slots, you could complete an AuXL set before G. Nothing technically prevented you from doing so.
oh, there....
I like the idea, it MIGHT make it so the sets from the lower rank monsters are not 100% fuck all worthless (thanks to no transmog) after all
>fun as hell and the best to use all around, just switch between these weapons when you play this game seriously
GS(youre the man, what is to be said that hasnt been said before, the poster boy for a reason, loved by all)
LS(resident edgy, everyone knows you are cool as fuck thats why theres so much controversy around you)
DS(stop crying about blood not being in world dexfags)
Hammer(just a nod of approval i know thats all you want, you fuckin chad)
IG(style over substance sick verts for life bro, technically shouldnt even be in this group because of your puny dps in world, but you make up for it by damaging egos flipping over shit and styling in general)
>fun with friends
SnS(youre probably that guy everyone loves, the guy who is prepared for any situation, be it items, attacks, trapping, whatever you do it well. the unsung hero who lets GS get the fame, 90% chance they have the biggest brain of the group)
GL("they" cant keep you down)
HH(2 HH 2 Hammer= a doot bop group)
>gimmicky shit that is fun but you always feel like you could be using the REAL fun shit
CB(you, you could be in the first tier but its just something that holds you back, the monclave cant put their fingers on it, you also have no style wow its a big sns and a ugly greataxe
>fucking range bitches please kill your self
(kill yourself no one cares about anything you do, its all easy as fuck)
>boring and nap tier
Lance("fucking g-g-grug shitters stop tripping meee" no one cares if you never cart shut up and keep poking)
The monclave encourages you to use every weapon but remember all weapons were not created equal and some are funner than others.(OBJECTIVE FACT)
>talking to kirin trannies
Shit was still chill and people were still running FU. The banter back then was nothing compared to the shitstorm of the past couple years.
Fact: this is wrong.
butthurt they finally made the games good
I'd say it does complicate things enough for "oldfags" who whines about drawbacks knowing they'll never get the endgame HR-tier of full offensive skills
If it really won't be available as endgame deco it'll make it so lower tier MR monster has values as armor mats
ah yes
>First there was doodle
>Then there was squiggle
>Then someone thought itd be funny to teach a pukei to talk.
I don't even remember if I killed her, or if she killed me.
>Posting the same list as a previous thread only with bait attacked to each section
Not even worth replying to properly.
love how you blatantly never actually played OG monster hunter because you think handler dialogue is somehow worse than the giant village elder walls of text popping up every 2 steps to remind you how to fish
GOD I don't want to double dip again. After spending so much time playing the PC port I just can't go back to the sub 20 fps of the vanilla PS4. And on top of that, I'd have to pay for PS+ too.
But the wait is so fucking long too. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
whatever none of this matters, the monclave is right though
Just play other vidya, you retard.
Play sometime else to keep yourself busy.
But I want to play Iceborne..............
What am I supposed to play for FOUR whole months?
Literally play anything else, then. There's a whole world of MH to explore in that time.
one is forced on you, the other is done on your own accord
but I guess that doesn't matter to you since you're a spoonfed shitter
Hot take: For almost every good change World made, it also made a bad change, so ultimately it balanced out and isn't really much better or worse than most previous titles overall, just different.
/mhg/ is far worse off than most generals.
user, that's a pretty big backlog I bet you have. You could probably play a new game every few days without spending a penny
your [the hardest monster from any game in series] proofs?
That's a strange way of spelling hand-holdy.
You'll get ignored because you speak the truth
I enjoy it all the same as GU/4U, looking forward to Iceborne
I've been playing since F2. I've already played enough of pretty much all games.
I'd replay 3U if the wiiu port was emulable.
>are you an experienced hunter? no/yes
>game puts you right at velocidrome and you don't need to read a single wall of text
Disgaea 5 will last you exactly that if not more.
kys zoomer
I've actually played a couple hours of that on switch.
There were so many DLC characters and shit that I felt overwhelmed and I didn't really know what to do or how to make my characters stronger. The characters were fun enough though, I might get back to that.
If you want him to play a grindy, brainless timesink, why not tell him to go play a gatcha game?
I miss when KO damage scaled on sharpness color and being able to stall for a second before initiating the triple pound golfswing. Also fuck needing a brace jewel for the hammer is dumb as fuck. Power charge and big bang are cool though.
I hope the next secret monster in the Velkhana beta is Brachy.
I just miss always being able to reach monster heads instead of having random terrain elevation fucking everything up.
>Jho shits Scalps and Gems but is always stingy with the tallfangs
How can you say this on a monster hunter thread? are you aware that MH is one of da grindan games where you can sink hounded if not thousands of hours?
You need a brace jewel on hammer?
Rank Weapon Usage
1 Longsword 19%
2 Bow 15%
3 Charge Blade 10%
4 Greatsword 9%
5 Dual Blades 9%
6 Insect Glaive 7%
7 Heavy Bowgun 7%
8 Hammer 5%
9 Light Bowgun 5%
10 Switch Axe 4%
11 Sword and Shield 3%
12 Lance 3%
13 Gunlance 3%
14 Hunting Horn 1%
I bet this formatting is gonna fuck up but how do you feel about this?
Thing is, I said brainless timesink. MH isn't brainless.
>Lance brotherhood down at the bottom
They just don't realise the true glory
Jesus fuck that too. It's fun and all but half the time it happens when there isn't even a slope, or it won't work when there IS one.
It is for a vet.
>gunlance lower than lance
Same as the last time I saw it two months ago, which Im pretty sure was the exact same numbers.
I play pretty much everything except for HH and SnS. I'm pretty sure LS and Bow will go way down when IB releases.
Anyways, lance has always been my favorite and they'll be the same in IB so I don't expect the usage to go up.
>headlocking with the Black Dragon Spear
Good times
I don't feel anything
t. uses all 14 weapons
If you don't want to have to reapply Powercharge every time a fly sneezes on you, yeah
It should just give a level of Brace all the time by default, not only during your charge attacks
Longsword and Bow are the most normal looking weapons, so casuals pick those and then never touch the game again. Simple as.
>tfw LBG and lance
We are rare and precious.
>HH 1%
>corner horning exists among that low of a number
>LS will go way down?
What makes you think that? Bow will definitely see reduced usage which makes sense considering how strong it is, but the parry on LS is still the same I think and it's really easy to play in general.
>lance counterbullying diablos with a CB bro.
life is ok sometimes.
Didn't they also bring LS' damage down?
I mean, the new stuff looks pretty fucking dope and I might "main" it, but I thought they were reducing its damage.
It isn't. You can always find a way to entertain yourself.
>or it won't work when there IS one
Every time this occurs, I can feel something inside me breaking.
Like a pretty snowflake.
>LBG getting buffed in Iceborne
>You can always find a way to entertain yourself.
You can say the same of Disgaea, the item world is basically infinite, the numbers can never get too high, you can always get them higher you can always improve.
tl;dr version: somebody fucked my wife and I’m okay with it
titzi is such a bro
I'm pretty happy with the changes to the weapons i play
>Hammer grugs better
>LS got nerfed but it doesn't bother me and the Iai slash looks fun as hell
>SA is better overall
You can't get invincibility on Foresight Slash unless you spend a full bar now. Not exactly a difficult condition but it's not 100% always going to be an option now.
I wish they would've just scrapped it entirely and replaced it with the new Iai counters instead of keeping both.
Goddamn I'm hyped.
I'm still missing a couple Kjarr ones, though so back into the Kulve mines I go. Good thing the PC release is in January haha
>lance 3%
Feels good to be the rare lance chad
He's just best world monster
Playing just to see stats go up stopped being fun quite a while ago for me, user.
this limit break thing and transmog really might make low tier monsters keep there value. I like it
Maybe for you but not for others.
whats the best status effect LBG? the workshop bonecross one?
Yes, but I thought Foreslight Slash was unchanged. Wasn't aware that it was nerfed like said so you're probably right that LS usage will go down.
I hate myself and I must meme. please. tell me
Great Lance fucking when?
>mostly play gunlance, horn and swaxe in that order
MH Diary 2 when?
Someday i hope
>Not editing it to have Plessy chasing him
For shame
I still have doubt that Transmog will still be in.
>german thot "PR" capcom rep that only says "like transmog? no i guess"
What if it's still in but with other method of grind?
probably killed you, 'cause when you defeat a monster they close their eyes.
they specifically said XX's form of transmog isnt in and that they'll use the layered settings instead.
Not true.
And they didn't specify whether it's still event locked or is now grindable no?
I doubt they'll move the entire thing into smithy just to have the system be the same
>Hammer that low
Guess people don't know what 'going for the head' means...
that just means it's at the forge instead of the delivery center
Based Fuck hip-check
I don't think I've ever seen one of these lists where IG wasn't at 7% usage.
No, it doesn't. You are just m entally ill and have no life.
This freak ruins every single MH thread with his fake leak and endless samefagging about it.
Holy shit.
It wasn't and people rightfully complained about it, newfag.
rajang when?
So... when does PC get the update?
no you dope, he'll provide layered armour in the same way as the regular kind
MHP5th or MH6, whichever capcom feels like next.
Winter 2019
*January 2020
>rolling styles and arts in movesets
>going back to the roots
You people are fkn stupid.
Getting KOs was shitty in multi
integrating them into movesets and removing styles and cheese arts is the best way to not lose all the move potentials.
Oh that's not bad at all
It's also the best way to not go back to the roots of the series, you fucking mongoloid.
This hasn't been confirmed at all, but I'm still hopeful. I want to wear Kaiser X forever.
it is closer to the roots by not having a single button that dodges everything with no skill
4-month delay is pretty embarrassing, user. It's 2019.
this i would be ok if it were 1 or 2 but 4~5 it's just too much...
It's so stupid after the fucking 9 month wait for the base game.
Why would they take so long to port the fucking expansion? All the groundwork is already there. Are the new systems really supposed to be THAT complex?
I might be paranoid, but it smells of "timed console exclusivity" shit
No, you're not paranoid at all, it's exactly how it went
Im afraid that would be the case fellow hunter.
Every day i hate soosny way more
isn't it on Xbox too?
Not like I can do anything about it but lie there and take it.
What are you, my wife
>oh wait you're right, well i still hate for even a bunch of megafaggots.
Then maybe capcom would plan all this to sell more, idk, something like that.
Yes user, today's our anniversary, didn't remember?
It is a plan to sell more. They've been doing this for literal decades. They released SF2 over 10 times and tons of other games getting re-released over and over
CAPCOM? More like CRAPCOM am i rite??
im taking a fucking nap
Yes, but pcfaggots need to find a scapegoat for ryozo taking them as an afterthought
i got some of my normie friends to play world when it was on sale recently and none of them could even figure out how to use cb effectively. i’m surprised cb has such a high usage stat when your average world player is too much of a brainlet to even use a rather simplistic weapon
Good night, you'll be sleeping with the fishes
Japs have no idea what an Xbox is
Xbox is pretty much irrelevant compared to Playstation at the moment, and I doubt World's sales there ate into its sales on PS4 very much at all. Meanwhile PC probably could have put a massive dent into the PS4 version's sales if it had been a simultaneous release, so I wouldn't be surprised if Sony pulled some strings to delay it. It's pretty obvious they're the platform holder most involved with Monster Hunter at the moment so it would make sense.
At least is peaceful down here...
>Xbox is pretty much irrelevant.
There, fixed it
The MH dev team insists on doing the port themselves and World was their first PC release, its no wonder they ran into hurdles.
makes my capcom stock go up so I'll begrudgingly live with it
that doesn't make sense. DMC5 was marketed by Xbox and it wasn't locked on Xbox only, it was on all platforms. If you want a good example, SFV was released on PS4 only initially
'cause xbox is microsoft and microsoft is pc pretty much.
He's in.
It was their first Xbox port too and I didn't see that version delayed even by a single day. But PC shits are used to being treated like the trash they are so they accept it with a smile.
Why do people think porting it to multiple consoles is the same as PC? with consoles, they have only a few variables to check through. PC has millions of combinations so its a bitch to optimize
Learn to program Ryozo
I had a dumb jew friend who kept saying that Zinogre should have been called Zingore instead. He didn't even like MH and wanted it to be more like Devil May Cry.
Don't wanna put oil into the fire but the console's have their own low level API and two configurations, it much easier to develop something for a single hardware rather then on pc where u have to make sure its compatible with everything and runs on all the shit possible
>wanted it to be more like Devil May Cry.
What were his ideas? """""""""humor""""""""?
I want to get angry
Explain the technicalities behind DirectX porting compared to Xbox API.
Consoles don't have wildly varying hardware and have minimal overhead processing unlike a standard Windows computer.
how anally devastated would the Zinofurries be if he's confirmed not to be in like lagi and kakarot?
Well, I tried to introduce him to the series when 3U was the new thing, he criticized that the combat wasn't fast paced enough, and that it needed more perfect frame play. In hindsight, he may have been autistic with how difficult he was to talk to.
Monkey dick was deconfirmed?
On launch for sure, and doubt they'll add the skelleton just for him as DLC. As much as I would like it
Did you really think he was going to be in?
With no monkey skeleton in sight?
At this point we pretty much know what's in store for Iceborne. So the time has come to get excited for the eventual MHW2 or whatever they end up calling it.
What are your dreams?
GU in worlds engine.
Or frontier, for the salt mining.
>Water combat
>+100 monsters
>Weapons go back to their old design conventions
I know its a bit greedy, but World and Iceborne give me hope
People thought it was real, when not only was it April 1st, but fatty doesn't and won't have an icon. At least the other fake icons had the decency to put a "?" icon.
Takes place on the island of bugs. Jungle bugs, lava bugs, ice bugs, beetles, centipedes, spiders, scorpions.
Crabs too.
All armor looks like gundams piloted by kamen riders.
W-well back in MH1 Fatalis had a unique skeleton no other monster used
Hotsprings monkeys use some of the animations but that doesn't mean much. Crabs and frogs had animations on endemic life but they're nowhere in sight yet.
>wipe on my best at luna attempt so far in the last area because i couldnt get an opening to heal
It takes place under the sea, all mosters are plesioths, hammer is your only weapon.
Don't they already have crab and monkey skeletons in world/iceborne with the endemic life? Couldn't they just scale them up for the large monsters?
remove as much anime shit as possible while keeping the concept intact. includes but not limited to certain weapons, moves, monsters, armor sets
remove clutch claw
only 1-3 subspecies and variant shit. meaningful and sensible ones, not trash like black diablos or azure rath
reduce the verticality of the maps
also lagiacrus
otherwise just keep doing what base world did
Doing her without health regen is impressive. Good luck.
Not gonna lie, i would be mildly butt blasted
New weapon: big boomerang.
A flagship that isn't an elder dragon but is still ED level, possibly an animal they haven't yet used for a design(no gay crabs)
Leviathans and monkeys back
Reworked swimming
Sexy guild gal with a personality that isn't "lmao eating"
No delays
Bring back the old crafting system
clearmind+gatorade, you shouldnt need regen after that. bonus for mantling the novas.
I finally managed to beat AT nergi, it was the only one I had left.
I'm really happy I finally managed in the last day of the event, fuck I suck at this game.
>Tropical themed
>Focuses on bringing back Leviathans, Fanged Beasts, Neopterons and Carapaceons and adding many new monsters of these types
>New and improved underwater combat, with many new and old monsters utilising it
Did you enjoy the super awesome reward of an advertisement for iceborne?
>final trailer for iceborne
>screen is black, drums beating faintly and slowly increasing in volume
>suddenly lightning strikes and lights up the screen
>Rajang shows up breaking Zinogres spine
>Rajang confirmed
Actually kinda? I was really satisfied so even the
>you are a true monster hunter
made me happy for some reason.
God I love this sword
Everyone loves it.
Man, Zinogre's upper body is impressive.
Hipsters dont.
I know everyone's tired of seeing it because it's the best GS by far but I hope it has an upgrade path into master rank.
My only regret is I never got a Guard Up deco.
If there's some justice in the world it won't
But it will
It would cause a huge backlash because it had the most solid leaks of all monsters. If it isn't in launch, its probably DLC. Completely omitting the No.1 most popular monster is just stupid
Anybody know if they have already chosen a new fan designed weapon for iceborne and which one was it? there were some preety cool designs thrown arround here
Why not? It looks fantastic, it being great is just the icing.
I really hope the giant hand GL wins and I don't even play GL much
I like to have variety in my weapons, the only good thing i can say about that retarded shit is that at least it's not unlocked via Kulve Taroth
Monster Hunter Labo announced!
Your mileage may vary. Every friend I've played with finds him preety meh desu, and I wouldn't be particularly outraged either
Yes, it's simply an amazing design.
Just make it viable or decent without being OP af
there was a train one that was preety sick
>t. I dont know how computers work
And how does that oppose it getting a master rank version? It doesn't need to be the end all GS again, just keep up with the rest so it's a valid endgame option.
I hate it. Would rather use one of the jawblades, or even the axe.
That yu gi oh card thing is pretty nice. Little kid me would've played with that shit for hours.
The Nips would obviously go nuts if they don't include him in IB
Say no to bing monsters
Say no to shitposting.
Nergigante or Odogaron are the most fun to fight, looking forward to Master Rank Odogaron if that will ever be a thing and I'm glad Barioth is back.
Still waiting for Alatreon though.
Ebony Odo has been confirmed for a while.
Every monster except Behemoth and Leschen is getting a MR version and Odogaron is also getting Ebony Odogaron
How would you feel if lord mara got into monster hunter?
>implying a ton of the shitflinging doesnt come from ps4 players
This, what the fuck is wrong with those threads? Its nonstop autism.
>muh absolute evasion
Is it the only art you ever hear about?
You do know that evade extender and evasion used to be one skill which basically let you roll through almost everything pretty much like Frontier.
Jack Frost Palico outfit plz Capcom
hopefully no zorah or kulve either
Absolute Evasion is also not always available, while EE and EW are always on.
>some idiots in drachen
did it crash shit or something or was the autism trolled2stronk
Demonica would be dope
They did say no MR Zorah at some point I think, and we're getting a new seige monster but there's no word on Kulve coming back
Tigrex and Narga walking on their hind legs was absolutely retarded
>not wanting shiny mommy to sit on your face for R12 kjarrs
you do not belong here.
Absolutely based, you mean
i'm not sure i could stand grinding that cunt again
un fucking bearable system
I think he was talking about adept and valor
Is SnS getting put in the cuckshed now that everyone can do slinger unsheathed?
still good for people who like to play healer
PC netcode is buggy as fuck. I can't hunt for more than 3 minutes without being disconnected.
Their arms are adapted to walk on all 4s, id anything they look kore awkward flying than anything. Also
>A bat
>The IRL that does the pseudowyvern knucklw walk IRL
>doesn't knuckle walk
>check out the Switch Axe Velkhana 7'57'' run
>it's just clutch claw spam
not like this...
velkana when
the trick was to not farm her till ATKT. because anyone who didnt see that coming, soz.
that maybe your problem.
t.guy that did today like 30 quests without a single disconnect.
Be sure to post your sub 8 Velkhana kill here this Friday :)
Paolumu is a failure of a monster in every way
>check out speedrun
>runner uses mantles
not like this...
How do I stop playing MHW? I play for about 3-4 hours a day and play pretty much nothing else. I don't even like this MH as much as the others I've played. I could be playing other games, yet every day I spend all of my video game time grinding for decorations.
>Just use mods
I don't like cheating in games
bruh. what.
ive got hundreds of hours in MP and ive DC'd like 4 times total ever, outside of "everythings exploding everywhere for everyone oh fucking god why capcom" but we dont talk about those times anymore. nope. hahaha. ha. haha. ...
God damn it. Should I pick up DS or CB?
Did you expect them to handstand everywhere or what?
They're two fundamentally different weapons, depends on what you want
>werks on my machine
Oh thanks bro that helps a lot.
I want a god damn sword
if you want fast like sns pick DB. CB is much slower
Demos with demo weapons are hardly indicative of speedrun tactics
And that guy wasn't even following TA rules he used Rocksteady and still died the moment he mistimed his shit
just for you brother
don't tell capcom
I've only played Hammer in the 70 hours I played MHW. Which weapon should I use next?
I don't engage is TAs/speedruns. Can someone explain to me why TA rules exist? What is the point of restricting what a player can/can't do?
Doot the snoot.
If you don't restrict things get degenerate.
artificial difficulty.
sns is gonna be fine, same as always.
Its designed to create more of a straight fight with the monster
I don't follow speedruns either but it sounds more impressive if someone isn't relying on autododge and shit like that. The goal is probably to make a more impressive run.
worse with TA rules cause the game is made around exploiting weaknesses of monsters
like flashing flying rats out of the sky
or flashing luna to get rid of her nova before farcasting
other bullshit i cant remember
What the fuck did Capcom do to make Iceborne airtight in leaks? I swear there's a high chance we won't get any leaks till 2-3 days before release. Even then, people won't reach to the juicy part of the game till way later
they are holding the cum sock hostage
Anyone who tells you its so the super autism 3% of speedrunners dont destroy the shit out of the other 97% that make up the 'communities' including the people who run the forums/site/etc is wrong as fuck. look at the hitman bullshit if you dont think its restricted so the faggots can still compete.
This. Seeing some guy find a ledge and repeat the aerial attack for 2 minutes straight is pretty impressive in its own way.
Unleashed the fishes
Meant to prevent anything people might deem bull shit. Like in the case of grugsteady and temporal, what are you proving by ignoring the entirety of the monster's moveset? It just becomes a training pole.
There's still the issue that even if you're a good player, RNG is what's going to decide how fast your run is.
Street Fighter V DLC leaking before EVO.
Anyone who tells you its NOT*
FUCK. God damnit.
>it's just clutch claw spam
>and bolders
>and para knives
>and stun
>and mount
>and mantles
>and he still dies once and almost twice
How much content will Iceborne add compared to the base game?
I really hope switch axe isn't going to be overpowered in iceborne. I like it because it doesn't feel too strong or safe.
This much
about the same i guess
The point of a speedrun is to go fast you dumb faggot. Anything restricting the go fast is for retards who cant do the shit so they dont get their feefees hurt.
Roughly half, if I had to guess
>put my dick on a chariot, thats meals on wheels
SnS is fine. Perfect Rush and across the board elemental buffs saved it. It also has slinger burst on command. Everybody else has to combo into the burst.
>remove god mode
>"I-it's so that shitters have a better chance at competing!"
Learn to play without temporal.
>we should hold everyone back so they cant run faster than me
you a faggot my nigga.
Why play the game when you don't actually have to play it and it dodges for you?
speedrunners dont use temporal you cuntbucket because its not fast. rocksteady is.
i know youre used to other people being hobbled by the autism rules faggots like you cry till implementation, but do try and keep up on your own for once.
From what we know theres already more than half the monsters that are in world, and we still dont know all of them + updates, soooo
Keep seething tranny, i'll care about what you have to say when you start playing the game without cheating
About 10 monsters. Base world had something like 25 at release. Also some new armors and weapons. It's somewhere between 25-50% the content I'm guessing.
>About 10 monsters
>we're already at almost 20
>About 10 monsters.
Get a load of that smoothbrain.
Booty blasted.
Anal annihilated.
Rectal Ravaged.
Kiester Killdozer'd.
Shitter Shattered.
Is shrieking your way of Temporal Mantling your way through a conversation?
learn to play the game
0/10 bait see me after class
Guy with an early copy here. Ask me anything that doesn't involve spoilers.
is the temporal mantle good or is it just a shitter blanket? ive never used it because ive never had any problems dodging monsters attacks in any monhun, and if i did id just use evade extender. i think i just answered my own question
>Beotodus, Banbaro, Brachydios, Tigrex, Nargacuga, Velkhana, Namielle, Garuga, Glavenus, final boss
doesn't seem like 20 desu
>PLAY THE RIGHT WAY!!!! all grown up and shitting his pants on the internet.
No wonder you faggots got beat up in school.
It's the mantle you use if you don't care about actually playing the game
It's an overpowered shitter blanket, Iceborne changes it to only work as an emergency backup that you can't rely on all the time. It's still useful but you have to actually play the game.
>no items
>no environmental hazards
>no mantles
>no buffs
>no decorations
>no canteen
>chargeblade only
>final destination
Wear it, dodge shit with it on, learn timings. if it goes off you fucked up.
Or put it on and go ham because lol w/e nigga its odo for the 420th time. MAX DEEEEEEEEEEEEEPS.
its just a tool like any other.
It lasts 90 seconds on a 5 minute cooldown and getting hit interrupts your attacks, it also doesn't block damage that doesn't have strong knockdowns.
In Iceborne it will last 120 seconds but lose 20 seconds every time it blocks a hit
What's with this gigantic projection, are all speedrunning trannies like this?
Reminder, you're beneath me, learn how to play the game and maybe i will give you antoher (you)
Subspecies and variants always count as new monsters or you may as well think every other g rank is absolutely barren.
I miss the event quests that were literally this, filtered a lot of "speedrunning gods"
>Old Everwyrm
>Yan Garuga
>Acidic Glavenus
>Nightshade Paolumu
>Coral Pukei-Pukei
>Viper Tobi-Kadachi
>Ebony Odogaron
>Fulgur Anjanath
>Ruiner Nergigante
>Shrieking Legiana
provide proof
>or you may as well think every other g rank is absolutely barren
They are. G rank has always been a fucking scam.
>YOURE projecting
Nigga you giga-gay. You like freddy mercury without the talent. You like boy george 2002. You like all the village people rolled into a gay ball.
This is a waste of time but whatever i'll play along, give me any kind of evidence you have an early copy
It also makes using weapons like GS absolute hell.
Nuh huh huh, i told you i'd give you another (you) if you learned how to play the game without cheating, this won't do tranny
This, temporal mantle is just a safety net, recklessy charging into a monster with it is often useless since it'll halt you mid-attacks, it's still usefull against heavy hitters like at nerg since it can save you from a cart if you fucked up one attack.
full roster or fuck off
AT Nerg is the only monster who somewhat counters the cheater blanket since his jab hits like a truck and doesn't activate it.
replay the first story quest and post the first three hints the handler/captain/serious handler/etc. give you
Why use Temporal when Evasion 5 exists and ISN'T tied to a timer or cooldown?
>Subspecies and variants always count as new monsters
Maybe if you have negative standards.
>you may as well think every other g rank is absolutely barren
Never touched any of them but if they're even worse off than Iceborne in terms of low effort rehashed content then I do think that, yes.
Pressing a button to dodge is too difficult for the western swine
>Maybe if you have negative standards.
They introduce enough changes to the fights and the monsters play different enough.
You can't replay story quests though. But do you mean the part with the Legiana tracks in the forest, or the first Hoarfrost Reach assignment with Beotodus?
yeah that's why they added Valor and Adept on GenU right?
Because evasion 5 costs DPS. Temporal costs nothing unless youre garbage at base dodging.
>lol i just run max EP, EE, ED, and tremor resist
>why cant i finish any 15 minute 5 rewards? :(
>muh XX
Why are you so assblastedly obsessed about a dead game when we're talking about World?
>b-but other thing
>Nerg keeps jumping around or doing the tailspin that nealy oneshots you with 500 def and 200 hp
>Put on temporal mantle
>Only does the fucking jab that halves your hp without activating the mantle
>max EP, EE, EW, and tremor resist
If you have evade window you don't need the rest because you can easily dodge everything without needing frame perfect reflexes.
I swear the jump is specifically made just to interrupt potions
Very nice. Every series creator wishes for fans like MH's.
>getting hit by the jab
Like ok sometimes the tail thing can surprise you if youre hitting him in the ass and cant see
but like, dont fuck his nostril? thats all you gotta do to not get poked.
Breaking his face is the easiest way to have trip him
All you niggers have to do is NOT to reply. That requires you ZERO energy to spend. Just don't give attention to shitposters, you fucking idiots.
You can hit his face from the god damn side unless youre a naruto running idiotblader.
To be fair, even if you are right under him the tailspin kills you.
>Favorite fight
Gonna give it to Bazel desu. Love knocking him over and making him lose his dumbass bombs.
>How do you feel about the additions to each of the weapons in Iceborn?
Pretty happy with all of them. Glad Bow shitters are getting nerfed.
>What were your feelings on Monster Hunter World at launch and what are your feelings on the game now? Do you expect to be feel underwhelmed or satisfied with the expansion?
Liked it a whole damn lot when it first launched. Running into the Ancient Forest with friends, lost and not knowing where to go, encountering Anjanath with 4 player health scaling when we only had the shitty starter weapons? Shit was dope. I'd say my enjoyment started to wane around the time the AT monsters started popping up. Pretty much been dead since the Anniversary Fest at the beginning of the year and have played only GU since then. World was fun, but it's one of those games that really got less fun as time went on which I guess can be blamed on how a lot of the post launch monsters were and me playing it almost nonstop up until the end of the Spring festival. As for Iceborne genuinely hyped and that feeling I had with World at launch is starting to come back, probably won't be as strong but to have fun with it again? I'll gladly welcome that.
AT nergs biggest problems is the 360 noscope backwards and to the left 3 frame jump slam, and the fact that his AI pathing consists of "place stomach on hunters head."
I got reckless because i put on the baby blanket, after that now i use it only when i need to heal.
Good shit. Use the tool, don't be one.
>cuteposter is a rude asshole
who woulda guessed
To be fair, people that keep biting don't deserve to be treated with respect.
Bugged posting mechanics.
Nothing we can do.
Fuck, forgot what fight I'm most looking forward to in Iceborne. Um, Glavenus, Ebony Odo and Garuga, I guess.
I was too much of a poorfag as a kid to get to play online MH1. Don't think our house had an internet provider around that time either, shame.
Fighting a big nerg is hell with Lance, he parks himself on top of you and you can't see anything past his wings
Iceborne is adding a silouette option so you can still see your outline through monster models apparently.
That's it faggot. You're going into my blacklist right now.