What's your favourite yugioh card?

What's your favourite yugioh card?

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Sehr gut Brudi

>tfw i was the only one with raigeki among my friends
nothin personell

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I dont know why its so funny to me.

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Glad I'm not alone in this. You are a man of great taste user.

thanks doc

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Anything in this Elder God-tier archetype

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sums the whole yugioh experience post synchros

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the original kaiju

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Mah fucking nigger

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>"Fuck You" the card

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*blocks your path*

Attached: Number 81.png (463x695, 729K)

Pot of Sneed

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He is extremely unpleasant.

Attached: ObnoxiousCelticGuard-SDMY-EN-C-1E.png (477x695, 864K)


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>mfw i see my enemy's face when show him i have Unity

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Gaia The Fierce Knight


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I always have this in my deck, no matter what.

Attached: BlackLusterSoldier-LCYW-EN-C-1E.jpg (351x512, 286K)

Attached: the interne.jpg (550x480, 88K)

Some kid on a bicycle
It's a trap card

Trying to see who takes back the field is fun.

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Kinda wish YGO kept this kind of aesthetic throughout.

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This duel will now take place in 2003.....

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you should use the retrained version

What does "retrained" mean?


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Sugoi monogatari, onii-chan.

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I do have the Envoy of the Beginning one, but I bought that long after I had stopped playing, so I just focus on keeping it in mint condition instead. Even if I did find someone who wanted to play, I'd probably still just use my same old BLS instead of the other one.

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theres actually 3 more BLS cards too

Please no Tyrone. Mom has already been through enought this month.

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Card is even a minus one on paper, but it never fails to enrage the opponent. Also it's a plus gazillion in dark world.

You may want to read the card text yugi, for you will have forgotten how this card works!

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Where my Mirror Force Chads at? Magic Cylinder Bros can come too I guess

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I activate 3 of these

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> both people summon a monster from their hands, then destroy it.

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Madolche Cunnyness

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A reminder that there are still people who UNIRONICALLY like skub.

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I also really liked Defender's Mind
Then I found out it's only in a video game.

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Took too long for someone to post this.

I would bang her mother tho

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Red Eyes in general.

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my wife

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I can't believe no one is talking about one of the best cards in the game.

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Back in my day we called memes "images"

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Use this on a female monster and you win.

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>It took me years to realize that Silent Magician was a girl

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Best boy of course

Attached: WulfLightswornBeast-BLLR-EN-UR-1E.png (475x694, 782K)

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I love using this suicidal card then lucky draw inferno tempest after it

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Spelling bees are some serious shit

I think I'll take a shit


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