ITT: Sum up your gaming aspirations in one image

ITT: Sum up your gaming aspirations in one image

Attached: relive wwii.jpg (1920x1080, 214K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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Attached: the Destroyer.jpg (777x681, 249K)

Where is this from? Looks funny.

Attached: 269.png (500x375, 289K)

Deep Blue. Genuinely good show in addition to very nice girls.

Attached: 1537853857614.jpg (1400x1000, 332K)

*Grand Blue

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defeated Ilias

-t healer

Attached: COCK.gif (500x480, 330K)

dat user's a slut

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This would be funny if the subject you're trying to build your comedy on wasn't a massacre in which more than a million human lives were lost and countless people had to live their entire lives with the traumatic horrors of war. It really comes out as insensible and mean-spirited.

Where the fuck do you think you are?

Where do the anime girls fit into this?

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I'll get rid of it one day

Attached: v core backlog.jpg (1920x1080, 884K)

Through the hatch, duh.

Attached: Girls und Panzer Dream Tank Match_20180419161155.jpg (3840x2160, 1.23M)

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>haha le wacky face
>haha let's get drunk again
>haha let's scream about how horny we are for the millionth time and try to cockblock eachother for 200 chapters
>uh oh we ran out of jokes in chapter 2
>le wacky drunk faec
garbage belongs in the garbage can

Attached: DE181AFD-EBBC-4370-9252-D8DFA59DB034.jpg (724x540, 136K)

Attached: Z7HeRxU.png (512x512, 361K)

>still no games about loli operators

Attached: 2243a5689948eb89e6faaa3c98e5c0eb.png (1100x1000, 398K)

Isn't that what Girls Frontline is for or did you want a tps/fps?

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Attached: Who is it.png (731x60, 107K)

Definitely not.
>did you want a tps/fps
Yes. I want to play as a loli operator, dress her up in all kinds of clad make her run around and gun stuff.

Which episode is this? I only watched the original run and swimsuit shopping OVA

basically like mad max but with tanks and cute ANIME dykes if possible

Attached: 24ef19bd051d1384b720ec2ab7ef99a706a2716f14c3c9fca13c41b919ee3f6c.png (2061x1089, 1.6M)

The works chosen for the guy on the left really paint a picture of the kind of person who made this picture

I feel your pain. No amount of low budget japanese indie kusoge can fix that either. Closest we have is Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash but that's a bit of a stretch and it's also shit.


Reminded of that loli "shooter" idea now, where you're little girls playing around in playgrounds, someone's house, school, etc., where all the weapons are things like finger guns, water pistols, rubber bands, and when you "die" your little girl just plays dead and runs back to spawn.
Feat. rideable big brother tank

And yet despite all that it's still kino.

Attached: ro2loader.jpg (1920x1080, 1.02M)

Ironically the vidya tastes there are the least pretentious.

The word I was looking for is entry-level, but I guess including them as some kind of beacon of maturity is pretty pretentious

So bullet girls?

Attached: BulletGirls2-30.jpg (800x453, 218K)

Attached: DamnitLlilahyoumademelosealife.jpg (751x607, 103K)


>mad max but with tanks
look into metal max/metal saga series

They better fucking kiss or something I swear to god. The yuribaiting in this manga has been going too far, especially with Shizuka saying she fell in love with Miho in the latest chapter.

Attached: 1549779482546.gif (1280x903, 155K)

Best I could attempt to try and do was mod Fallout games to emulate something similar, but the loli mods are usually shit. And the sex mods are nowhere near as good as Skyrim's so that's an additional bummer.

Don't think there's any lolis there.

Literally Metal Max

The Konoe sisters are literally lolis.

Attached: w0_1980.jpg (1980x1080, 468K)

I love how this image tries to claim some sort of superiority with their tastes when literally all of their choices in books are some of the most common high school required reading novels in the US.

This is why I stopped reading subtext/SoL manga. Constant teasing that leads to nothing.

But do I get to play as them and are there unlockables for the character(s)?

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>there will never be an anime girl tank game that isn't just a glorified TPS

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Yes and yes


from what i can find about is turn based RPG games with poor graphics and too much generic anime shit

That looks very arcad'ish and not operator, but I guess beggars can't be choosers. Thanks, user, will give that game a try.

>that panting

Is she fucking quickscoping?

There's always mods:


>and cute ANIME dykes if possible
>too much generic anime shit
the fuck is your problem man?

Japan doesn't really do first person shooters and the third person shooters they do make aren't very operator. On the other hand, the West doesn't do loli. Perhaps it's just not meant to be.

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if this picture doesn't make you mad then you're a generic weeb

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>Day of Infamy
Dead game.

I wish I wasn't halfway through a different project, then I could work on a loli operator game instead.

again the point still stands, in any other medium besides vidya you would be laughed at for playing a children's game

look at what the original post was asking for you unironic sperg

Threadly reminder:

well yeah, where are the cute anime dykes? all i see is a dual katana wielding generic protagonist beside a terribly painted PL-01. it doesn't get anymore generic than that

Are you blind? She looks plenty dykey

I love nep-nep but her games are shit

thats a dude, retard master

>catcher in the rye

Attached: 1457408891256.jpg (1029x971, 85K)

When's Dream Tank Match coming to the west?

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Look up the phrase "refuge in audacity".

You'd think they would have made a decent point and click adventure for the dark tower or something by now.

I just want smt5

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OVA 3. Its the one with the Monthy Python reference

Never. Just take the asia version.

Attached: DTMDSEA.jpg (1280x720, 169K)

That. and Metroid Prime 4.

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You could try Eliminator Kaede?

Attached: 1556996104187.jpg (1280x720, 183K)

>Tps again
Beggars can't be choosers remains

Played it. Also, there's no lolis in that game.

Ah bloo bloo

>Actual ass
Still though, japs can't into shooters but at least they're trying. West is falling apart because they're creatively bankrupting themselves either due to muh feels or super jew ultra mk III tactics.

If you want an FPS where you play as a loli why don't you just play doom and change the soundfont so doomguy sounds like a little girl
>But I want to be an operator
Use hideous destructor

That's the nicest butt I've ever seen in any Japanese game.

What show is this

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Why is there so little unlockable content?

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>more than a million human lives
six million to be precise

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My fucking god

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Despite being a mediocre game, I enjoyed the first two BG games. Why did the Vita port of Phantasia had to be such a huge turd?

It's been getting worse

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How was this different from the movie other then not having a fat naked guy walk around for a few minutes?


nobody cares retard, I once had a professor who made jokes about the fact he had to live through the Cambodian genocide by hiding under corpses

its also my real life aspiration after I unlock wizard powers

Attached: me_irl.png (998x528, 388K)

you're a bigger faggot than any of us

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Fuck off tranny

are you a teenager?

>muh mean-spirited

Why is everyone suck a fucking limpwristed nancy now.

about 60 million total deaths
jews dont count because theyre not real people

The only thing wrong about WWII is that the wrong side won.

Found the yuropoor

>Genuinely good show
You mean "Good manga".

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>mean spirited
shouldn't you be working on your "cartoon" mister enter

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that retarded comic or meme never seemed funny to me until today

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fake yuri shit that literally trolls viewers to death chapter by chapter
"Subtext" is the worst fucking genre in all of mankind

even SpongeBob is more yaoi than anything subtext

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>subtle vidya clothing

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Brave little toaster turned me gay

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asian version is in english, just buy it dude.

Attached: Girls und Panzer Dream Tank Match_20180426103716.jpg (3840x2160, 1.16M)


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>Google this quote assuming it's unsubstantiated bullshit
>It's real

Man this world is a crazy place.

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Walt was a grown man drawing children's cartoons

He's old-school us


kys to make it another one haha

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The Tingle games are great

Contrary to the modern popular belief, pedophilia is actually pretty much like homosexuality, it has existed since forever at all levels of any society and it will continue to exist no matter how much we try to suppress it

>Harry Potter fags don't exist
You act like the average person reads more than whatever they were assigned in high school.

He was an adult who loved cartoons, little girls and hated Jews. He was literally /ourguy/

Did you know that complaining about things that you never experienced is super fucking gay?

I've been posting about wanting a Battlefield game but with anime lolis for over a decade now on here and I still haven't gotten it. DICE's games are fucking garbage shit now anyway and the only thing that would bring me back is anime lolis. I mean it's not a requirement that anything is historically accurate or authentic anymore anyway according to Demize"FaggotNigger"99 so why not

Well yeah it would be weird to be playing games in any medium other than video games.

bo skeleton rp
i don't get this, guess i'm newfag.

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Show me an anime where one guy is trying to make a game because he somehow dream playing a game that does not exist but in his dream it was very real.

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To be fair the entire point of that scene was that Mowgli was being enticed to return to the man village due to his developing sexual attraction to Shanti. No point in denying they were trying to make a child sexy when its a damn plot point.



This pretty much.

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>culture of a 'master race' burns out and collapses in 10 years
>still blaming jews despite them having no control towards the end
nothing more pathetic than wehraboos

which episode?

a teenager would still laugh at it, he's a manchild

Girls und Panzer, it's pretty great if you like tanks and cute girls.

Anzio best school
Choovy best girl

Attached: Anzio Pre-Party.jpg (1280x720, 487K)

Games for this feel?

So idle clicker games?

Do they do things to their cunnies in Loli basic?

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after watching it, I feel the same.

Where are they all going to sleep? There are only two tiny tents.
Fucking retarded nips and their stupid moeblob.

I love girls in tanks.
Rena best girl subs for the new ova fucking when?

Attached: Andou_embarssed.jpg (853x801, 67K)

On the ground

Attached: gup anzio party aftermath.png (1439x788, 1.7M)


i was thinking factorio but it check out

Enjoy your mosquitoes you cuck.

God Miho is so lucky

Attached: NDPTM 03.jpg (600x1061, 267K)

I don't see the point of this test

Just sleep outside for a night and then the mosquitoes leave you alone for the rest of the year

Attached: anzio.png (1280x720, 1.83M)

I'm getting mosquito PTSD just looking at that, how are people able to sleep with mosquitos just eating you alive?

look at this retard

Attached: Capture.jpg (767x776, 53K)

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>sleeping with shoes on

One magic thing called: Grape Juice for adults

some people don't live in the swamps, Billy Bob

There's mosquitos in every continent, I live in the fucking desert and there's mosquitos

Fuck off Clint

The Gunslinger girls game for PS2, it's a railshooter though.

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keep seething faggot.
I for one am looking forward to second season.

it is blue submarine no.6 you dingus.

it's a comedy show user. were you expecting 2deep4u plot?

There aren't many mosquitoes around where I live
It sucks to be you I guess

Looking for trouble?

Attached: 1533927859066.jpg (1280x720, 121K)

and we have on the picture from let to right, psycho siscon, unreachable bisexual, yamanba in disguise, and blue submarine no.6

you are definitely part of a generation that is dearly missing his own world war.

Attached: 1429897942935.png (646x384, 14K)

but a world war now would suck
>hurr nukes and missiles and shit

WWII was true kino.

Attached: dday omaha beach.jpg (1920x1080, 477K)

>It really comes out as insensible
It's a doggy dog world, user.

Attached: 1460606529242.gif (156x267, 62K)

Parris Island was the worst time in my life

You do know girls un panzer has a game right?

>despite them having no control towards the end
And yet somehow they've wrested control of the entire world in just half a century
Maybe aryans aren't the master race after all

>Glorified TPS in tank skins

The only thing I like about that game is being able to poop.

how much?

Attached: looking at you Billy.jpg (480x360, 16K)

it doesn't specify that is has to be the skeleton that is inside of the word, so you have to put skeleton within the word

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Autism averted

no, I actually have autism, and only an autist would do something wrong from failing to understand the implicit instruction

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You can't put skeleton in there because the skeleton is already inside you

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Minorities and women deserve to be burned alive

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More yukari

It is

I'm going to impregnate Saori

but she is already full of cum user
please pick a better girl

Attached: 1566765084171.png (750x1000, 435K)

ahh, rustling Yukari's hair

Yukari is already full of Miho's cum


But Miho is a girl?

Miho is impotent at best

H-how'd you get this picture of me playing IIDX?

Yes, and her powerful Nishizumi spermies will make Yukari give her many healthy children to continue the proud NIshizumi family line.

No user that is actually exactly why its funny.

Your such a fucking faggot holy shit.

Attached: 07d9e3151490f44d9937072521ae6ac1f9ac122cv2_hq.jpg (532x581, 63K)

Going to pump my sperm into Kay

Attached: 25d2fe02d6f09db9c62fc861d4a0d5b1.jpg (858x1200, 249K)

>hating on grand blue
kill yourself tranny

You cant say that without proof

> but muh uwu kawaii animu
no faggot, ww2 jokes are not funny

Attached: Capture.jpg (390x488, 29K)

Yeah this! WWII is a serious matter and should never be joked about. I lost my grandfather in that war. He fell from a guard tower at auswitch and broke his neck!

she is so cute
i wanna marry her

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Attached: 1514320222148.png (500x371, 182K)

Should I finally watch this show for her or does she not get much screentime?


Best girl

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my wife

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You're literally indirectly killing thousands of innocents paying your taxes, sheeple

Nice bait user, you sure reeled in those (you)s! I'm proud!

who invited this guy?

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t. animeonly pleb

Cute wig

"haha war is so fun"
go back to the whitehouse and do your fucking job you chickenhawk

Attached: 1555513290420.jpg (1791x2529, 435K)

>intermediate cartridge
lolis would only have subguns and crew serviced weapons, they're too weak to handle a full sized rifle

Actual best girl.

Attached: 72753260_p0.jpg (1143x1600, 395K)

What the heck is Chovying?


Attached: 1560919330921.png (738x499, 394K)

I just wanna fuck demons

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Where is the Upotte game?

Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet then?

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is this the hidden yukari thread?

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I wanna eat her lasagna

Attached: 67990274_p0.jpg (1251x1770, 1.15M)

Do you get to play as llenn?

Attached: tumblr_inline_oy4lk2FkMM1rg9psf_540.png (482x317, 137K)

It's an Erika thread now.

Attached: 1468070836001.png (384x960, 224K)

You can make a custom mc and partner
You can both be llenn

Attached: _0.jpg (1017x1808, 194K)

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na is the ww2 thread

Attached: warcrimeanglo.gif (1463x930, 1.35M)

Not only is this a weird ass thread, it also has nothing to do with video games...

You're supposed to discuss vidya based on the images people post in response to OP.

You sure?

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Dumb wani

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> obligatory meme

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I want to fug the Anchovy, but that kindergarten manga also makes me want to protect her super hard.

you aspiration is to poo on the street?

I still want to fuck her

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Attached: EndureThePain.png (770x500, 455K)

she is sooooo cute

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15 years ago

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That's some good c*nny in the back. tite af

Attached: 1563655581778.jpg (9477x6966, 2.71M)

cute and funny

wew lad

I'm sorry, I'm too busy jerking off to care.

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>Try out demo for fatal bullet
>Can't wait to play some GGO with llenn and Fulajirou
>Instead get that faggot kirito and his band of faggots


7/10 bait

Attached: 1539680815081.jpg (480x533, 83K)

The GGO Alt characters do show up later but they're entirely optional and you have to deal with Kirito and his band of faggots the entire game.

I want to eat her shoes


Is this manga good

god I want to look up every anime skirt

Perfect daughter material.

Don't worry I'm sure the sequel will be better and give us llenn as important
At least you don't see kirito in the main bulk of gameplay

Games with big girls

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The Rabbits are for breeding


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Oh, yeah.

Attached: 21371817_515418558797999_8398509763633086464_n.jpg (720x819, 199K)

I played the demo and it's like 70% kirito he even follows you in missions.

Attached: 41646723_p0.jpg (740x943, 530K)

I would go to war with all of Europe just to get a touch of that legendary fluff

Attached: fluff.gif (709x625, 1.82M)

Name one game

There's a sequel? I hope it has a simulated/actual squad jam. Would be cool.

New better fluff

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I'd rather an hero.

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attack on titan's art is so fucking bad, jesus christ.

I can't read moon

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have sex

Uh I think people are missing the point of this thread.

Post maho

I don't think you need to read moon to understand it

can you not post my gunfu

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Fuck off, Xanax


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Never watched GuP but I guess I have tons of fan art of it saved.

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Is there any correlation between driving tanks and having homosexual tendencies?

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It's fun

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Why won't they just fuck already?

bo skeleton rp


We have a winrar

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user you should blame Poland for that one

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walt was too based for this world

This is suppose to be a tank show.

Isn't it great?

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This would be fun.

Attached: turbokat6.webm (640x480, 1.05M)

I enjoyed watching Yea Forums and /k/ team up to out-autism each other while watching this show but I can't make it past the second episode.

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What's the prize?
Call /tg/ and add some BANEBLADE.

I'd fire my artillery in her butt.

Attached: 58684736_p0.jpg (648x900, 221K)

Reminds me of BangaiO

bo skeleton rp

Acciughe peggiore bambina

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blideo qames

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I heard you can play naked in this.

I'd buy a gun and start a war for that fluff

You heard right.

I said wizard powers user, trannies die first before it happens

more like 70 million - 100 million, its hard to get a somewhat accurate count since every city in Europe was bombed out for the most part

I require photographic evidence in the form of gameplay screenshots as proof
For research

Being Megucamarine is suffering

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>all these Ass blasted Yea Forums faggots

What about two little cute anime dykes but no tanks?

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>implying this wasn't saintly compared to everyone else

Us # 1

World War Two only happened because the powers at the time wanted access to her fluff but were never able to acheive it, to cover it up they agreed to draw straws and agree upon pretending it was another type of conflict and drew sticks to place blame on guy

Poor Winston Churchill


Attached: fuckyouthatshow.png (768x432, 159K)

my dawg you gotta give me a source


Same. BG is dumb fun

>loli + big tiddy woman
Does anyone know where I could find such a powerful combination? Possibly some useful key words to search?

this desu senpai

/ll/ is what your friend user


Why is /ll/ so great?

Attached: 009.jpg (1125x1600, 840K)

But what does ll stand for?

it combines cute and funny with mommy gf, its essentially the reeses of yuri

its similar to what ss means but just replace the shota with a loli

Locket Launcher. Lesbian loli.

>it combines cute and funny with mommy gf
>with mommy gf
Actual mommy?

Attached: 06.png (814x1200, 346K)

sometimes yes, other times just archetype of mommy gf


That made me realize something. I don't think there's a manga out there where main protagonist girl gets both the loli and her mom. What a shame.

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Rorirabu? There's no Ls there.

Attached: 1563291239662.png (784x512, 213K)

This manga is lewd as fuck, I love it

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Don't Google this.

>googled it
>got mommy JAV

I wish the scanlations weren't so far and inbetween, but that's just the life of the mangafag.

I haven't studied runes in years now, but don't you have to spell it as ロリラビ for it to actually give out the right content?

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I got an art school. Not even the cute or funny kind

Anyone dare try?

It just "loli love" in katakana. It just gives out minecraft streams

Dont do this it just leads to dolphin porn

Dumb yet sexy wani.

Attached: 1521996227595.png (890x730, 378K)

Tried it. Got mustard gas. Now what?

Pump up the Sabaton in your final moments

based Walt

Das Finale 2 BD's when?

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GODDAMN I went to sleep like 7 hours ago and somehow this thread is still alive. Bless you Garupan fags.
>tfw I spent like ¥20K to import pic related
Expensive but worth it.

Attached: ガルパン_panzer_bluray_box.jpg (798x1000, 118K)


What about importing Dream Tank Match DX?

I agree, we should start a movement to completely eradicate Communism and International Banking, so that they can't institute any more tragedies like this.

Attached: income distribution.jpg (908x483, 68K)

Is it any good?