Is it just me or is Yea Forums getting more and more reddit lately?
It had to be said
yes, it's also getting more cringe, based and dilated and also other buzzwords
>people unironically using pictures with reddit filenames all the time
>nobody calls them out anymore
you tell me
We have been edgy reddit for 5 years now user, where have you been?
It's getting more refugees in general from other garbage sites, it looks like.
God I fucking hate these people
you mean the last 6 years?
define reddit so i know what the fuck you're even asking
if you let them get inside your head they win
Yea Forums is actually decent these days, believe it or not. It's a lot more like 2011 Yea Forums which is at least a stepup from the horror of 2014-2017, such a boring fucking time period for Yea Forums. For those who don't know and stick mostly to Yea Forums, the rest of the site is a bloody ghost town now.
try 7
Yea Forums has pretty much no moderation and a bunch of dedicated shitposters
It's gonna stay the same unless something is done
Since 2015 op
And at an alarming rate.
How would I know? I don't go on reddit. Maybe you should go back.
It accelerated in 2016
Reddit took over like 6 years ago, the current invasion is twitter/facebook. Seriously just look how many Iphone and Facebook filenames are in the catalogue
Yea Forums got an influx of cripplechan faggots recently, and you know most of them are crossposting redditors
Where is this image from? A comic? A game? An illustration?
No, there's more and more gossip bullshit, screencaps, ironic jokes, ebin "jaded oldfag" and no-fun-allowed posting, and no-effort derivative shitposts.
>reddit filenames
>facebook filenames
>twitter filenames
the only people that even bother to name their files anymore are usually mentally ill avatarfags of some sort, creativity is dead
The format alone saves Yea Forums because the odd quality comment is still visible without it having to align to the hivemind.
Sure, if you wanna jack off to waifus or not talk about video games
>twitter memes
>reddit lingo
This is the average internet user in 2019, and it's only going to grow. Leave this site with grace or continue to languish in obscurity
found the redditor
>Tumblr shutdown
>Trump election
>Zoomers who grew up on reddit, twitter and twitch
They've all been finding their way here.
Its terrible. I will never shit on marky again after seeing what a shithole this site is.
Neogaf too
zoomers have infested the boards
Lol i tried to male a thread exactly lile this, explaining how resetera has pretty much injected itself into Yea Forums, more tranny related threads, lots or moral fags, resetera literally run gay ops here and nobody cares
Feel when your K key is broken
The Internet has been Reddit since 1993.
It's funny because you were infected too and don't even realize it.
Stop using normalfag memewords, retards.
fake and gay
You are actually out of your fucking mind or you're baiting.
Just like your life
What are facebook and twitter filename formats?
I've honestly never been to those sites so I don't know what they look like.
uhm sweaty....
You mean sweety?
6 seems more correct, but it doesn't really matter.
We'd still have a somewhat nice place if moot didn't decide to be a complete faggot and started adding "containment" boards, splitting boards and just listening to newfags.
Of course. I tried to push it on other boards.
Reset era is the real reason this site went to shit
This is a newfag opinion. Containing /pol/ was the only way to stop their autism from ruining every board and if you don't understand the need for /vg/ you might actually be fucking braindead.
This entire website has been compromised for at least half a decade.
I was referring to the likes of /mlp/ you fucking faggot.
If gook moot had any balls he would block mobile tards
The containment boards only congregate the shit and make it grow. We didn't stand against the flood so now we inherit the tsunami
And lose his ad money flow? Are you retarded?
It's apparent in the general posting etiquette as well. normalfags compulsively make redundant or unnecessary posts and treat this board like a search engine.
Just look at Yea Forums and /lgbt/
They are tumblr colonies at this point
You could make that case for boards like /mlp/, but we have stealth-/pol/ threads daily, hourly even, and there's at least three or more pseudo-generals on the catalog at any given moment, and that's not even counting the FOTM shit. Not to mention /vg/ is fucking dead for the most part, so it seems pretty superfluous to make an entire board just to contain a few threads that are actually active.
8gaggers go ho-
>Not to mention /vg/ is fucking dead for the most part
Not defending it's quality or anything but /vg/ is one of the only boards on Yea Forums that have post stats close to Yea Forums
Yea Forums - e-celebs and Twitter screencaps
I want cunny
make another board already for fuck sakes
Yea Forums has been the worst it's ever been and I've been here since 2009. You're right, redditors, resetera, imgur, and leftypol have flooded the board, board quality is way down.
Mods need to step in and save the board. Banning anyone posting wojack and pepe would be an amazing start.
>get a sticky saying Ecelebs aren't vidya
>less than a month later an E-celeb an heroing is sticked
The most infuriating thing about this is making dosh from other people's original content holy fuck
why don't you post some lolis then? you know, to keep the redditors away haha
English please, no ESL here jajajaja
Yeah, that's reddit for you. They thrive off of other people's content, that's why it's full of nigger memes and Yea Forums greentexts.
Regardless literally they just read someone else's post in a funny voice and zoomers love that shit, it's absolute cancer.
Porn is why 90% of posters are here In the first place retard
Reddit and Yea Forums are virtually the same. Only difference is instead of likes everyone is going for (you)s.
At least they talk about vidya on reddit. It seems like all Yea Forums gets are cuckoo and /pol/ threads.
Based redditor
Yea Forums still has far more better taste in vidya than reddit does
fpbp desu
It actually has been getting more and more /pol/
ban faggots like these and board quality will spike up.
Go back to resetera
Just ban Canada and Aus. It will solve every problems.
Prove me wrong
when /vint/ was a thing the worst low quality shitposters were mexican/central/south american, surprising nobody. They had the lowest quality posts, complained about /pol/ in every thread, and spammed wojack and pepe.
What about California?
t. /pol/tard
t. 'it's ma'am'
The gamer filter was based and got most of gamer-posting to stop. Now we just need to filter zoomer, boomer, tranny, dilate, etc
Small subreddits have better taste than Yea Forums. Yea Forums unironically is casual as fuck. The Yea Forums from when I got here would be disgusted by the MW2 loving, Skyrim loving fucking plebians on this board.
A lot of those shitty smash brothers threads always have this fucktarded reddit spacing where they
It's really fucking stupid.
I'd love to give you some examples, but Hiro says I have to give him money if I want to post pictures.
Twitter filenames are easy to learn about. Just go to Twitter right now. Look up your favorite porn artist or something. Find a post with a single image, right click the picture, and View Image. The end of the URL for the picture will have a string of letters, I think most of them will be capitalized, and maybe a few numbers before concluding with .jpg or .png.
Facebook filenames are funky. Whereas Twitter uses some random letters and numbers, Facebook uses an arcane cipher that's about three thousand characters long. You can notice Facebook filenames from their absurd length. Again, the best example is to go to someone's page, like a fan page for something you like or a scanlation team, and view an image there. But this time, go to save the picture and just look at the default filename.
At least Yea Forumsastards used to have the self awareness to know they are the worst board on Yea Forums. /pol/ faggots post just as much garbage with the addes insufferable delusion of we r legun that tops the shit cake
Smashposters either need a containment board or deportation to /vg/.
Latley Yea Forums is just trans rights discussion while I lolipost
then go back faggot and stay there
dumb iPhone poster
liking lolis is reddit dude
yeah sure they do bud, it's totally not because you've engaged /pol/ before and they absolutely destroyed you in every sense possible right? lmao. I can go to Reddit right now and pull up all their posts and match it with Yea Forums, with /pol/ I cant do that because they dont have anything to do with video games, resetera faggot.
FB_IMG_144663.jpeg is facebook. Twitter is IMG_YEARMONTHDAY.jpeg like pic related
>Not trusting all your loli to the encrypted secure enclave
PC and Android are not safe for loli
why does 4channel obsess over reddit?
Quantify "Reddit", jackass, Yea Forums's actual posting-patterns haven't changed in twelve years. What's happened is those posting-patterns have modernized and the proportions of one pattern to another have changed over time. More people are fags now than ever before after mods totally abandoned this board seven years ago, but Yea Forums's always had fags. Conversely Yea Forums's OBSESSION with Reddit began around seven years ago as Redditors began to arrive and could not shut the fuck up about their website of origin or how much they hated it as an attempt to fit in and avoid suspicion.
Raise your hand if you're from reddit right now, don't puss out like a bitch, fess up right now
What are these kinds of filenames then?
Hold on, are the filenames different for mobile? I've never seen names like those when I'm saving pictures from Twitter and Facebook.
UUIDs, he's posting from an iPhone. Steve Jobs' grorious closed platform doesn't allow you to save original filenames.
Mine are iPhone meaning I'm a dirty ban dodging phoneposter
I thought iPhone stuff was like image0 or something, huh.
I'm from /r/Drama. It's pretty much old-Yea Forums without all of the astroturfing reactionaries from /r/TheDonald shitting up every thread.
Android phones don't care and save it as the original filename, or you can change the filename. Windows Phones, rare as they are, save as WP_[gobbledygook] and sometimes have a "C:\System Files\ etc." filepath. iPhones save as UUID stamps.
Image0 is screenshot shit
at this point getting more reddit would actually be an improvement
Thanks lad
Image.jpg was the old format
>Wojak poster pretending he isn't part of the problem
Thats a redditor opinion. An hero.