Hey Yea Forums, fuck Pokemon! What's your favorite Digimon?

Hey Yea Forums, fuck Pokemon! What's your favorite Digimon?

Attached: Veemon_t.gif (628x660, 68K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Ranamon and Minervamon

Attached: Ranamon_minervamon_submarimon_jumbogamemon_digimonweb.jpg (700x600, 134K)

>fuck Pokemon

My favorite mon is Gabumon.

this guy right here

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I should re-watch the movie. What should be my first digimon game lads?

None, digimon is a ripoff

Tie between Mugendramon and Megadramon
Try Digimon World 1 if you can handle the crypticness and general jankiness. It's a fun time.

Attached: Megadramon.jpg (1920x1080, 940K)

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Which Digimon game has the best metagame?


Attached: Kokuwamon_b.jpg (320x320, 53K)

The whole Tentomon line

Mah man.
Also Gigadramon is very cool.

when I bought bulk pokemon figurines as a kid from a yard sale that same little blue fucker was in the box of them, what's he about

Attached: Cannonbeemon.png (700x700, 605K)

but I would fuck both pokemon and digimon


Lopmon and Globemon

Whichever is the most barabait.

That's my favorite.

You deserve an HD render for your good taste

Attached: Kokuwamon.png (1200x1400, 1.38M)

Have his X Form as well

Attached: Kokuwamon X.png (700x495, 284K)

Betamon, Marine Angemon and Gundramon

What's barabait?

Thanks user, will gladly use these from now on.

omegamon is just so magnificent

Attached: omegamon taichi yamato.png (798x516, 742K)

Big and manly.

it means having the shittiest taste to exist, l;ike worse than shit tier taste

Why, my favourite has to be Bancholilymon of course!

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The Banchos are all underrated

Attached: Banchostingmon.png (700x700, 393K)

do they have a story behind it or were made for fun?

Attached: BanchoLeomon_b.jpg (320x320, 64K)

Bancholeomon gave coats to Digimon that he was defending the weak.


This little baby right here.

Attached: botamon_by_abjahmy_by_abjahmy-dd682z4.png (933x857, 220K)

Literally the one in ur pic

>That episode of 02 where Hikari nearly gets raped in order to birth the Dark God

Needs more shotguns

got your back, user

Attached: botamon.jpg (3300x2550, 613K)

>It is said that only Digimon who continue to emerge victorious in battles with fierce champions, without their spirit being "broken", are able to acquire the title of "Bancho", and only five Digimon which possess this title have been confirmed in the recorded history of the Digital World.

It's yaoi between buff guys, though everyone just uses the term to talk about muscles, even when talking about women.

Dorumon is my favorite.

Attached: Dorumon.jpg (320x320, 17K)

These 2 goofs

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>Realising as a kid that DemiDevimon, Ken, Impmon, and Beelzemon were all the same guy doing different voices
It blew my mind, man.

>guilmon was voiced by the same who voiced this character
now that's what i call talent
cluck like a chicken!

Attached: yugilp.jpg (969x549, 140K)

Why did people hate 02 again?

>Plot was all over the place and ended threads with no conclusion
>The first 20 or so episodes are literally the same as the first Adventure arc
>Very predictable, even for digimon

Dorugamon easily the best
Bigass fluffy dragon dog thing like who cares what he even is, he's great

Dorumon and Guilmon also may as well be best

Attached: dorugamon_by_yellowrabbits-d6u7447.png (737x825, 280K)

>not wanting to fuck both Pokemon and Digimon


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For me, it's Wargreymon

Vanilla Leomon was joocy as fuck.

Attached: [RyRo]_Digimon_Adventure_08_[91B92E7A].avi_snapshot_02.46_[2019.06.08_00.41.54].jpg (640x480, 148K)

>can evolve into Greymon
>can evolve into GeoGreymon
>can evolve into Tailmon
>can evolve into Angemon
>can evolve into Stingmon
>can evolve into Growmon
>can evolve into BlackGrowmon
>can evolve into Kyubimon
>can evolve into Wolfmon
>can evolve into Shoutmon
>can evolve into Sorcerimon
>can evolve into Coredramon
>can evolve into Devidramon
>can evolve into Gargomon
>can evolve into Fladramon
>can evolve into Lighdramon
>can evolve into V-mon
>can evolve into XV-mon
>can evolve into BlackXV-mon
>can evolve into V-dramon
>can evolve into GoldV-dramon
>can evolve into Magnamon
V is from Victory because he's the best

Attached: Vmon_art_dss.png (150x173, 25K)

He needs to get together with Angewomon.

>Yea Forumsmon
>the best

What's the best Digimon game, and what is the competitive multiplayer like?

more like mary-suemon
>one of his evolutions founded the royal knights where 2 of his other evolutions are part of it

I like Next Order a lot, dunno about competition

Name one good thing from aquatic digimon that doesn't involve dramon type



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Attached: Digimon Story_ Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory_20180219103701.jpg (1920x1080, 238K)

Imperialdramon being a largely ignored bastard child of of the RKs, while Omegamon is still one of the most popular mons warms my heart.


Attached: Plesiomon.png (1400x1200, 1.1M)

looks like champion

Coelamon is a bro and looks cool

Attached: you need a ride bro.jpg (320x320, 75K)

>millenniummon is a jogress of chimaeramon and mugendramon
>both made by merging many digimon parts together
>Ken and Ryo fought millenniummon and eliminate it
>years later Ken, as the digimon kaiser, was building chimaeramon from scratch
I wonder if this was caused by the dark spore that millenniummon shoot after its death and subconsciously made Ken to revive it

Attached: gabumon pointing at his bf.jpg (913x720, 74K)

Only 2? I can think about 4 at least
>can evolve into Growmon, who can evolve into MegaloGrowmon, then Dukemon
>can evolve into Greymon, who can evolve into MetalGreymon, then WarGreymon then Omegamon
>can evolve into XVmon, who can evolve into DORUgamon, then DORUguremon, then Alphamon
>can evolve into Magnamon
And I'm pretty sure I can find more. Half of the Royal Knights are Vs

should be called the Royal Vnights

>evolves into seadramon

The loli that becomes a cake from Digimon Frontier

It's a Mega, actually.

exactly, doesn't look like mega

Still top tier design though

C'mon man, at least post Vikemon if you want to lie

the one you posted

i like unexpected results, is the essence of digimon

Renamon and Flamedramon. Would fuck both, either gender.

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You're just looking for complaints now.
Greymon growlmon are not part of it's line it can evolve into it, but not part of it's mainline.
Guilmon and agumon van also evolve into growlmon, veedramon and xvmon in theory, but it's not part of their canon line.

I love me some waifumon, but he can't be topped.

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tfw no twinky flamedramon to sandwich with renamon

fap material: Lilymon
would raise and be bros with: Kotemon

stop naming flamedramon, you are going to trigger that jannie

was V-mon inspired on V-dramon but later created XV-mon to not use V-dramon since that would be giving too much credit to V-tamer's creator?

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i would too but only male because girls are ugly and gross

>Not liking Plesimon
Shit taste

this but only female
and with much lower standards

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faggot tumor lover

Probably XVmon to not reuse veedramon too much and have the MC of the cyrrent season have someones sloppy seconds. veedramon also didn't have a complete line at the time.

When will Ogudomon have an anime presence?

Why is mega evolution in tri so shit compared to anime from 2 decades ago?


But I'm not complaining, Vmon is fucking awesome
Also digimon have no canon lines, they have lines more frequently used and heavily inspired in previous forms but none is "canon", they canonically have different possible evolutions depending on their individual characteristics (eg Ofanimon and Holydramon are both popular and frequent evolutions for Tailmon but any Tailmon can evolve into both depending how you raise it)

Kindred spirits, user.

It's Fladramon you filthy furries

Attached: Fladramon.jpg (736x2484, 86K)

More like LAMEdramon

Haha, gottem.

im not a fucking moonspeaking slanteyed midget

Making Daisuke have a V-dramon would make him even a cheaper copy of Taichi (the one from V-Tamer but still a Tai) that's probably why they made an alternative Champion level V

The card in Digital Card Battle said Flamedramon and that's what stuck with me, dude.

Vmon is the most CUTE

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That is what I mean digimon can usually evolve into whatever the fuck they want, but it's clear that some evolutions are more closely tied than others with their previous form.
Guilmon might be able to evolve into greymon, but guilmon>growlmon>Megalogrowlmon>ddukemon is THE guilmon line.

deus vult brothers

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I've always wondered why some digimon have metal rivets in them.

Any great digimon games that came out recently or not so recently? I played digimon game on ps1 where you walk around in a tank in dungeons

because the whole animation budget went to appmon instead.

Attached: aguwarp.gif (431x239, 2.07M)

Cyber Sleuth and Hacker's Memory are the most similar in that it's turn-based team battles but it's not exactly the same system.

(shits on the floor)

think it's just 90s/early 00s edge

all the angel digivolutions were based, though the dragon is a bit meh


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Why did appmon look.so good?
I mean it's toei.

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i think Tri wanted to go for the stylistic choice of using thick traces so make it look so dynamic and cool and paused movements for impact, something shown in Xros War op 2. but even the CGI was shit coimpared to applimon which lead to believe they were focusing more on applimon than tri

>all the angel digivolutions were jobbers

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>Ken and Ryo fought
Wasn't it just Ryo, Kens Wormmon was a worthless shit for 75% of 02 but I haven't seen it in years

they had to give the protagonist some sort of good impression

MetalGreymon has always been my favorite and will always be my favorite.

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In 01 Angemon was the opposite of a jobber though. Whatever that would be called.

ken's flashback shows that ken was there when millenniummon was eliminated, therefore there is some implication he was involved somehow

Nah he mas a cheerleader at best

Too bad the angels never manage to get a good impression.
Literally the only time they are actually wprth their salt are when they fall from grace.


Should they just drop the shit and come out saying Appmon are a "kind of Digimon" already?

Attached: Gatchmon.png (700x700, 491K)

I love how pokemon tries to avoid that shit (pun not intended) most of time and then Digimon lets you own a mascot named after Lucifer himself and let him take a shit on the floor of your house

Agumon literally shits on the back seat of some dude's car in the anime

He barely accomplished anything.
He suicide bombed devimon after getting powered up by every digidestined.
After that he either jobbed or fought low level mooks.
When he becomes holyangemon, he couldn't even finish off piedmon and needed wargreymon and metalgarurumon for his instakill to not be worthless.

I would be fine if they added some appmons to the games.
The appmon and their levels are way easier to implement than the xross wars levels and frontier levels.
Gatch>dogatch>Globe>gaiamon would be child>adult>perfect>ultimate respectively.

I used to stick my arm inside a pvc tube and pretend I was him

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I'm thinking they'll be in that game with 'every Digimon' they'll make

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Musimon. Have a yokai.

Attached: Oh my Swirls!.gif (358x202, 1.76M)

Seadramon/Metalseadramon/Gigaseadramon, always.

Excellent taste ITT.

why most insect look like machines? im not complaining, they all look cool but does it have to do with Blitzmon?


Because insects are cool, machines are cool, therefore machine insects are exponentially cooler.

Wizardmon for lyfe

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Toei Animation does better cgi than 2d animation nowadays, with the exception of precure.

Why did the Bandai_Digimon twitter suddenly stopped posting HD art? Are they releasing something new?

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All the bugmons are descendants/inherited the power of ancientbeetlemon who was the warrior of thunder and looked like bug tank.
This is why all bugmons look mechanical or have thunder powers/attacks.
Blitzmon is the reimcarnation of ancientbeetlemon

Attached: AncientBeetlemon_b.jpg (320x320, 90K)

I thought Appmon were kind of Digimon already (but that could be because I never watched Appmon. Is it even a series?)

when it comes to cute girls, people will push for good 2D quality

Don't forget when he was confused and scared because he "ate a lot" and wasn't able to shit at all

Wish there was an english patch for the game.

>Is it even a series?)
Yes a very homosexual series.
It did have best girl though.
Her, Hackerman and not!moot where the only characters I liked.

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you know, from the opening i thought best girl was going to be more like Ruki and be a bit more aggressive since she likes to punch but end up being different, shge's still likeable though

Gomamon line
Terriermon line

Insects literally look like machines irl, user.

Attached: dragonfly-Blue-Dasher-submitted-Janet-Nelson.jpg (800x600, 93K)

It's gap moe, she wants to be a feisty haughty girl kinda like Ruki, but she is actually just a total sweetheart.
Although she gets more agressive by the end, she straight up tried to deck and kick the traitor's shit in by the end.

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Digimon World 3 (PS1) was my favorite game of childhood

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digimon world 3

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digimon world 3.

Attached: 51982-Digimon_World_2003_E-10.png (1030x797, 143K)

i woulnd't mind if she steps on me without taking off her shoes

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digimon world 3 battle scene

Attached: Cara Main Digimon World 3 Di Android.jpg (600x400, 89K)

Good taste
It was lots of fun to explore the game world, level up your digiman and play a weird but also cool cardgame
Childhood me creamed his pants every time a new fusion was available

digimon world 3 three colors of Agumon

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digimon world 3

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that's enough thank you

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Attached: Skullgreymon.png (442x600, 337K)

Man, I really wish ToyAgumon had a proper evolution. Hell, I would even be okay with ToyGreymon.

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skullgreymon and wizardmon are tied for my favorite

Attached: coldwizard.jpg (500x440, 61K)

For me it's Lilithmon

Smart,nihilistic,with a wicked sense of humor and big fucking titties god dammit I want to fuck this monster

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I've played that game enough to say that it's garbage.
The battles are slow, there's constant backtracking and it just isn't very fun.
Only redeeming feature is the card minigame.

>dehydrated eel torpedo cannon on his back
that's some scary shit dude

i would've likes if mamoru hosoda directed Tri, at least the style he uses would make the entire ova bearable to watch

Attached: Impmon X.png (800x880, 490K)

My favorite Digimon is Kimeramon

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Attached: Kazemon-line-digimon-35449261-1024-768.jpg (1024x768, 142K)

Survive releasedate when aaaaa

Attached: digimon-survive_6038655.jpg (617x347, 61K)

Just have him blast evolve to Perfect.

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i never seen any other race of digimon have this strong influence from their ancient ancestors


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Toyagumon can simply evolve to bigger toyagumon because he can disassemble himself and turn into something completely different iirc

Post it

Attached: New_Lilithmon_Render (1).png (1000x1422, 1.61M)

Wargreymon and Metalseadramon. It pissed me off both had to fight in the show

N-No. I mean that post about a guy meeting Lilithmon then becoming one with her

well very few fire digimon have a helmet but is nothing compared to all insects either be machines and/or have electric powers

I need to know what this is

Attached: rearise_pumpkinmon_update_august23_2019.png (1200x628, 526K)

that was one of the most hype fights in Adventure 01 tho

why did they make veemon so hard to acquire?

Mobile game for digimon that has an upcoming event where pumpkinmon gets an ultimate/mega

>There's still a fuckton of Digimon without official art
Bamco what are you dooooooooooiiiiiing

Attached: Jazamon_dl.png (1496x1481, 1.19M)


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Someone could just color this one properly so I can call it an official render

Attached: Weddinmon.jpg (360x500, 47K)

gentleman scarecrow

>Arsene but a pumpkin
Would be kino

An ultimate couldn't deal with a mega? Say it ain't so

>fuck Pokemon
absolutely would.
I don't have a favorite Digimon, but I love Gomamon, Hawkmon, Armadillomon, Honeybeemon...
Also pic related, the adorable little jobber that he is

Attached: my favorite jobber.png (405x427, 212K)

Your point is kinda moot when his mega is a bigger jobber than Leomon

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Thanks for including the filename! I asked for a pdf of that artbook and got nothing @ vg. Googling the filename sent me to gallery.withthewill.net/thumbnails.php?album=632&page=1

Thank you!

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Didn't he cause a whole saga in Frontier because he got pissy at Seraphimon and Ophanimon?

Attached: 56702446_584681098691359_5542444207960337587_n.jpg (709x640, 54K)

i have too many favorites, i'm just gonna dump em all.

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I unironically think Angemon is the coolest angel design in all of fiction

Attached: Angemon.png (400x590, 309K)

Attached: pendulum_artbook_203_omegamon.jpg (3243x4587, 1.51M)

Way better than regular Metalgarurumon

Attached: Metalgarurumon X.jpg (600x934, 127K)

Digimon are at their best when they look like mechs

I had meant in Virtue mode, though he's still pretty cute in Vice mode.
And iirc he got corrupted(against his will, at that.) Kinda felt like a kick in the dick when Ophanimon tricks him into thinking she can purify him back into his Virtue mode and he willingly gives up in that second but she actually can't so she steals the spirits and he gets super mad.
Poor guy.

>digimon is a ripoff

This is what I thought, too, as a ten year old when Digimon came out within a year of Pokemon and didn't watch Digimon out of principle for some time, but a kid at school convinced me that it was completely different and started watching around when Myotismon was the villain and started watching all the reruns.

Digimon, up to Digimon Tamers was good.

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I think it's explained on the ws games that is kind of a loop.


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I thought Savers was pretty good.

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Not always the case

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Can someone tell me Digimon lore? Don't know much about the franchise but seems like it has interesting stuff

he's cool but not mech cool
the only exception to the mech rule are tittymons

It was already upset with the other human type angels because it felt beast type Digimon were being discriminated against (though they kinda forget to actually show any of that),
that darkness in it's heart allowed it to be possessed by Lucemon, though Lucemon didn't managa to control it fully so it just turned evil and made it's own plans.
It also apparently had a crush on Ophanimon which is why it kept her at it's base of operation and went along with the purification offer.

There's a lot to cover. I'm not sure I even understand the timeline, or if the games are canon. But from what I do understand, Yggrdasil, the god of the Digital World, constantly destroys and recreates it so that's why it's always changing.

Digimon world 2 or cyber sleuth and next order tbqh

digimon digital card battle, fight me

Attached: AtlurBallistamon_b.jpg (320x320, 39K)

>not a single angewomon

There is no specific lore for all of Digimon, all the different series and games are separate of each other and only follow common trends
If you want the Digimon lore most people here are familiar with go watch Digimon Adventure 01
If you want the best Digimon story you should watch Digimon Tamers
If you like mango go read Digimon Adventure V tamer
As far as vidya go you can emulate the PS1 games, Digimon World 1 and 3 to be specific or play some of the newer cyberslut stuff

Good, there's plenty of way better waifumon

He deserves to be in the games more. This design is too fucking cool

This, desu

>When you're so fucking pissed about losing that you transcend death to keep fighting

Digimon has canon lore, but the it isn't required.
The v-pet lore and digimon descriptions are usually the standardized digimon lore.
The games and anime can take as much liberties with as it wants.

Why does every digimon thread have to mention pokèmon.

Attached: Kokabuterimon.jpg (320x320, 73K)

I've not seen Digimon in years, but this evolution, I remember

Cause americans grew up with the rivalry.

He only jobs to the Dark Masters. He's just kind of irrelevant between his first appearance and then, showing up occasionally and usually winning or at least not losing, but not against anything important. It's reasonable for Angemon to get stomped by the Dark Masters, HolyAngemon at least contributes to defeating one of them, he's the only perfect level to do so after Wargreymon and Metalgarurumon start taking all the spotlight.

Savers was great because of Marcus and his Agumon, everyone else was meh

He was supposed to be one of the main cast Digimon in Savers iirc

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I am not talking about just adventures.
Angemon line jobs in the V-tamer manga, he jobs in the 02 movie and he jobs in frontier.
Angel digimon are always either irrelevant and when he is relevant he jobs.

This and Megadramon are my favorites.

Attached: Andromon_b.jpg (320x320, 46K)


Attached: Gundramon.png (640x640, 402K)

I thought Ikuto was pretty cool.
He had a pretty neat backstory.

Attached: 20-03.jpg (640x480, 49K)

Yo dawg we put guns on yo guns in yo guns so you can shoot while yo shooting

Good taste.

>Waifuing angewomon
>When she already perfect two evolutions before

I still don't get why they can't just add the "modes" into the names when the changes are so subtle
I mean, we already have stupidly long names like "UlforceVeedramon" so who cares

Because it's the same digimon, but with a different temporary form and not a straightup evolution.

Digimon is one of these franchises where everything is canon in some universe.

Because modes usually stay at the same evolutionary level, and adding a suffix to the name better conveys that it's not a conventional evolution even if the form is technically stronger. It's also better for alphabetical organization.

You wan't to fuck Plotmon?

Attached: Plotmon.gif (180x200, 12K)

I want me a sealboy

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Thanks for the explanation, my dude
I'll commit it to memory now.

Delete this right fucking now

Weird, she used to be a cat the last time...


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How do you feel about his x-antibody

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Vamdemon X is amazing. I love 99% of thede new x antibodies.

Attached: vamdemonx.png (720x720, 326K)

texasdramon is a pretty cool dude he doesn't afraid of anything

What's the 1%

Gatomon/Tailmon is actually a champion/adult stage
the more you know

Reading the profiles on Wikimon is a good start.

Attached: Ludomon.jpg (660x585, 323K)

Can't wait for the Plamo releases of these

Gatomon is permanently a champion/adult level, because of the abuse from Myotismon, so only one evolution before Angewomon.

getting final fantasy vibes from this one


The guy designing them have some serious neon triangle fetish

A cat is fine too

Not him but I love it. I hope we get his virtue form in the X3. I loved the 02 movie so much that it feels wrong to not have him be purified.

Attached: Cherubimon_(Virtue)_M03.jpg (704x396, 121K)

The cutest and funniest one.

Attached: yummy.jpg (1000x1000, 187K)

Seraphimon has a quote from Sephiroth on his loincloth

>final fantasy
Nah. Cherubimon X is clearly something right outta Megaten

I watched the sub version and it blew my mind that Guilmon's line was voiced by the same person who voices this character.

Attached: Son_Goku_YoungAdult.png (220x359, 177K)

Reminder that there is literally a Sephirothmon

Attached: Sephirothmon.png (464x512, 249K)

I'm a basic bitch, I love pic related and Wargreymon I even like the edgy emo one better

Attached: magnamon__full_body__by_xxsteefylovexx_d54v9kv-pre.png (678x1178, 497K)

>Gatomon/Tailmon is actually a champion/adult stage
Wait... what? had no idea

Back in the early 2000s Asmarias mech X antibodies had blue crystals, and he only did maybe half of them or less, but recently a bunch of the old artists got together to make new ones and they all have them now. I kind of love it. It reminds me of Tron.

Attached: Tyrannomon X.jpg (700x700, 80K)

>looks it up
>sees pic related

Attached: 0096F9FC-04AB-4C4D-96B2-4B4CB007921A.jpg (320x320, 28K)

How does it... Do anything?

>see this design
>think it's played straight and someone actually thinks this looks cool
>find out it's just Impmon being chuuni as fuck
This little shit is the best.

Attached: 635838bc4a2136c10ec6a84b6f3fabde.png (1100x900, 724K)

Attached: Numemon X.jpg (720x1000, 92K)

If I recall correctly It's literally the cube from the movie the cube so each ball has a chamber inside

I hate him and beelzemon because they killed my boy leomon but I love him and Beelzemon because they brought a great arc to a great series

It fires elements out of its eyeballs. And in the show the kids got sucked inside it and there were tiny worlds in there. Then he crucified Seraphimon and used his data to evolve. He was pretty based.

Attached: Ogremon X.png (740x710, 586K)


Attached: 15dobq.jpg (1280x720, 62K)

>>think it's played straight and someone actually thinks this looks cool
i do

Yeah but evolution is already temporal in digimon, even in the games where it's not supposed to be temporal you can still revert it somehow

Sounds hardcore

>"removing its eyepatch will allow it to unleash its true power...which is what Impmon assumes"
>it doesn't actually do anything
It's perfect

That's the old Ogremon X here's the current one

Attached: Ogremon X (Final Artwork).png (820x840, 759K)

Oh no what's happening to my peepee?!

Is there a difference?

>She is permanently a champion because abuse from myotismon
Why is that a thing? Is it some sort of protection mechanism? Is this something any other digimon coul do?

Did they accidentally upload an unfinished version to Twitter?

Attached: Mephistomon X.png (700x697, 453K)

His chainsaw-Axe is also a guitar now.

Axe is a guitar now

In universe it was because she was fighting with his army si she built up experience through training, I think.

Attached: EDDWrKWUcAAqZZu.jpeg.jpg (1897x2048, 620K)

Are those tits on mephistomon X.

2nd one has guitar club, first one is just a club

The shitty treatment made her grow stronger, which allowed her to maintain champion level.
She briefly turns back into Plotmon after evolving to Angewomon for the first time since it exhausts her.

Digimon normally evolve when they grow and get stronger, that the partners of the digidestined do is basically cheap with the power of friendship, that's why once the power up ends they go back to their normal form (or revert even more for the energy consumption). Plotmon had a hard life without her partner so she naturally evolved into her champion stage (Tailmon) so for her that's her natural state

The thing I love most about Digimon is that the Digimon become like a reflection of the character's heart kind of like the Stands in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. It was so satisfying to see Habu talk about this in Survive's Dev diary. It seems like he really gets it. Even in Hacker's Memory we had Wormmon.

Attached: D-jz-OsUYAEG74R.jpeg.jpg (627x885, 91K)

Yep she's a she now.

Attached: Mephismon.png (640x640, 239K)

It always had them, they just weren't as pronounced on the normal one.

Attached: Mephismon_ex_collectors.jpg (360x480, 49K)

Digimon don't have gender

Incorrect, digimon have gender. They don't have sex, tho.


kill yourself faggot

Perhaps they SHOULD have sex...with me

Didn't renamon explicitly said Digimon had no gender

It did, but then we also have Cutemon in Xros Wars calling itself a boy, and a Burgermon in Frontier which has parents.
So it varies from continuity to continuity.

she's a dumb furry and there's more evidence to the opposite claim at this point, what with a large amount of digimon with titties existing

I like to think it's like robots, where they can look like males or females, but technically don't have gender.
That also explains why male looking Digimon like Angemon can turn into female looking ones like Angewomon.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that. Everyone else thinks it was a man because its boobs weresmaller ln the movie

The real answer.

Attached: 598CFC52-D064-47B5-B53E-3702D6AD3832.jpg (647x450, 43K)

>Gomamon and Hawkmon
Based, Hawkmon doesn't get that much love.

Maybe cuz he's saddled with Yolei

so the answer is the same as NiGHTS: it's whatever the fuck you interpret it to be?

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It's okay, but I prefer the original.

Pretty much.

Reminder that ALL Digimon poop.

Attached: 1565981454021.jpg (850x1190, 931K)

People usually use sex and gender as the same but we know that's not the case I mean you know, right?
Digimon have no genitalia whatsoever so they can't have sex, but some digimon refer to themselves as males and others as females so they do have gender. It's all in their minds

>no genitalia
This a big honkin pair of tits right above you

>they can't have sex
The poop has to come from somewhere...


Yeah, it might be like this, a lot of Digimon switch between male looking and female looking forms all the time after all, yellow waifu inclided.

cover your chicken bits, Hawkmon

Good taste, she's not a loli though, she's just short.

Attached: 1539200701693.jpg (700x757, 114K)

>They can't have sex
Where there's a will there is a way

>Digimon and genders
Look, we all know this discussion comes up because you degenerates want to fuck monsters.

In recent years we've been giving furfags way too much breathing room.

The thing that tipped me off about that thought is that Sistermon Blanc's profile refers to her as girl-shaped.

Only the furry ones and that has nothing to do with this discussion

The best one of course

Attached: Gryphonmon_b.jpg (320x320, 77K)

We only got Impmon's baby forms this fucking year. 18 years later.

Well, it's obvious that they make many Digimon specifically to appeal to the dick - Kazemon, Lilithmon, etc etc. Can't really dodge that much.
tbqh wojakfags and others are way, way worse than furfags currently are, but many people would throw a shitfit of denial over it

When is Cyber Sleuth coming to PC?

Actually it come up because of Mephismon X suddenly looking alot more feminine.
Though since it's based on Baphomet designwise it probably also has a dick.

My draconic nigga, this classic right here
Heartily seconding the rec, World is a gem


Not like I didn't say I wanted to at the start of the thread breh mainly just Lilithmon though

Attached: 74233976_p2.jpg (3437x2480, 421K)

I’m aware user, but this discussion is so frequent it usually ends up in the same place.

When do you think we can realistically expect more news and a releasedate on survive?

Attached: tenor (1).gif (320x240, 1.62M)

This is the site that allows racial, sexist, and political baits run rampant for hours but God forbids a single pony or furry looking pic gets posted because all hell is loose.

Lillymon a cute.

Attached: 56135237_p0.png (776x850, 493K)

Maybe TGS in September. Other than that fuck knows. But we have a chance for info every month in V Jump.

I mean they don't have sex in the same sense sexual creatures do, not in the sense of having sexual intercourse. You literally can fuck cars so I doubt there's a single digimon you couldn't use for sex

Maybe they just baited us. Wait a month after release of cyber sleuth complete edition and then drop the date for survive feburary 2020

A card can't moan my name in pleasure in the way a digimon can

Stop looking at her you creep

Oh please, you know she wants it.

Attached: 1549828468446.jpg (1920x1080, 241K)

DW2 is the worst fucking pick. You literally have to play game on 200% speed

Wolf bump.

Attached: 10CD346E-B42F-4E05-B1B0-ECFC0C9AAEF8.jpg (1700x2517, 444K)

It's a good sign then, no? Means they're finally caring again. We'll get the ramaining ones in no time, you'll see.

Attached: 63823572.png (344x523, 118K)

nah I'd rather fuck digimon instead

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Cat bump

Attached: 7B70F4F7-2485-4C20-B11D-78EAB6A7F510.png (560x700, 296K)

Post the vore scene

I don’t have that.

Attached: B2BF4653-2FD7-43AB-B185-95FC1956006D.jpg (2480x3999, 997K)

>TFW male digidestined
>TFW when she is your digimon
>TFW you're destined to be together for life.

>"For life"
You mean till the end of your season where you saved the digital world and then lose contact

>destined to be together for life
Did you forget the part where the Digimon and their partners say their goodbyes at the end of their adventure, that almost every season has?

I think he's implying that one of you will be killed.

>fucking your partner digimon

Attached: DdWBqBnVMAAnsPC.jpg (920x487, 44K)

there's digimons based on the Egyptian gods?

a couple

Attached: anubimon.png (640x640, 397K)

If savers was good for something was to teach us we were always allowed to say "fuck goodbyes" and live in the digiworld with our partners happily ever after if so we choose.

A few, Anubismon is kinda important lorewise, cause he judges who gets to reincarnate as an egg and who doesn't.

I want to fuck you.

Attached: nice safe ass.jpg (800x700, 771K)

Being a Digidestined/chosen child is overrated as fuck. I don't know why anyone would want to be one when you can be like the World 2&3 or Story games protags and have

>Multiple Digimon
>High vareity in what your Digimon evolve into
>No need for psychological trauma to Digivolve,and they also stay at that level until you say otherwise
>Potential to make a digital harem of your dreams and my pic is literally possible as your "team" of sorts
>To not get thrust into some rabid ass world with nearly no warning and suffer its chaoticness

I mean maybe if you're 12 that's ok but not even SMT Heros have it that bad.

Attached: theywillcrushyou.jpg (3500x1400, 1.67M)

Not a god but still a really cool design

Attached: Nefertimon.png (1000x1000, 766K)

I wonder what this guy relationship with Plutomon is like

Attached: Plutomon_b.jpg (240x240, 50K)

I love you, Veemon.

Attached: Veemon line.png (4535x5814, 3.54M)

>Human digimon harem
You disappoint me

>Being this wrong

Not him, but another lover of the Lopmon line:
Cherubi X is fucking rad. I'd like to see a Virtue X too.

Disgusting. Bamco step up your fucking game and release the Olympos Xll HD renders already


a lot of digimon pics on the wiki are low res

Attached: JupitermonvsPlutomon_crusader.jpg (1147x800, 154K)

Plutomon needs a child for his line.

Giromon and the other Mamemon-like Digimon are underrated as fuck.

Attached: Giromon_illustcon2.jpg (267x378, 16K)

He has a branch of the cerberumon.

Attached: Cerberumon_Werewolf_Mode_b.jpg (320x320, 23K)

>Appmon are a "kind of Digimon" already?
They don't have to because Digimon is literally in the title of the show. The only difference between Digimon and Appmon is they type of code they are made from.

Yeah, Dobermon > Cerberumon > Plutomon is perfect. There's just no accompanying child that goes into Dobermon.

it's because you are ugly like a kimera

Veemon, Hawkmon, Gomamon, Guilmon Gabumon and Impmon are best Digiboys from 1-3

Are there any good boys from S4 onward?

What about labramon?

Attached: Labramon_b.jpg (320x320, 52K)

Please, tell these are your favorite Digimon because you are a girl, and not a faggot.

Masaru is a good MAN.

Attached: 3798973_640px.jpg (640x480, 27K)

Cool image
This is the "baby form agumon" dressed like that dinosaur-mon

>tfw your favorite digimon is from the worst tv show

Attached: Arresterdramon2.jpg (320x320, 68K)

I was going to post him

Attached: Labramon_Collectors_Child_Card.jpg (360x480, 35K)

She is so sexy! Wow! I didn't remember her from over 15 years! But now my brain remember her, I know I have already seen her, even though I'm not sure if she's from Digimon and I don't remember any of her name. I'll search.

This female aqua character for sure is based on Princess Ruto from Zelda OoT

Attached: Young_Princess_Ruto_Artwork.png (1258x2380, 1.81M)

Sexy Beautiful Woman. I wanna marry her. I know she would be a good wife.

So, they can exist in the same universe?

>a guy meeting Lilithmon then becoming one with her
>then becoming one with her

You mean sexual intercourse, right? His penis penetrating her vagina...

Or a fusion? Like in DBZ and Digimon itself

You can have an entire pokemon harem but they only say their names OR you can fuck your one digimon partner that speaks your language

What do you choose

I want to ride his fire rocket

Digimon has a lot of pop cultural references in their monster designs, so yeah, probably.

Attached: Lucemon X.png (820x810, 522K)

Attached: Wargreymon's bitch.png (824x1000, 1.02M)

If whoever is in charge of the show or games wants them to appear they can. They are digimon in everything but name.

She literally hugged him until they merged together

Veemon is only attracted to low IQ but heroic people.

for me it's alphamon

Attached: c0992d2383f90d5176665e2c227f12ca.jpg (5000x7000, 1.03M)

So just save a couple people whine about the girl who wont notice you and he'll put out for you?

Sounds doable

this guy

Attached: Baihumon_crusader.jpg (320x320, 43K)

not 100% true tho

Attached: Ageisdramon.jpg (320x320, 36K)

Ghoulmon (Black)

Attached: 20212f7337506451a7041e8b57cd62f3-badass-interpretations-of-videogame-characters.jpg (600x776, 112K)

Thanks, realistic Mario

No, you have to prove your heroism by kicking Digijews in the face.

Attached: rina.jpg (1280x720, 106K)

My digital god can't be this cute

Attached: d7ox7yj-d48fd8b6-aac6-4d34-869e-9804dfc8dbcb.jpg (360x480, 94K)

Everyone's gay awakening

Attached: DKZNHxIUEAEcH7N.jpg_orig.jpg (1630x1350, 242K)

I never noticed those things on the side of her head were eyes.

Attached: 1557462837879.gif (585x430, 769K)


W-what's he doing to that patamon?

Attached: 3262366.png (350x272, 109K)

Because it didn't go anywhere

Fox bump.

Attached: 5E339B6B-9D3A-42A4-B832-C34C3007BF49.jpg (1056x1280, 154K)

Ex-fucking-cuse me what the fuck. How did I never see that.

Attached: 1553610130573.jpg (840x700, 61K)

I like Cyclomon. He embodies the whole mechanical bio-horror theme that Digimon used to have before it went generic.

Technically there are two gods. The current god of the digital world is Homeostasis and apparently was there since the first anime series. The old one was Yggdrasil and it was replaced and seems to be at war with Homeostasis? Not entirely sure.

Impmon is the cutest.

Not that user, but if they needed Angel Digimon to job, then better when faced with a truly powerful enemy and at least show the bad guy that he had to break a sweat fighting someone of Seraphimon's calibre.

Forgot the image.

Attached: Cyclomon.jpg (320x320, 95K)

I've never played Digimon so the only one that stood out to me was Greymon. This guy seems kinda neat though.

Attached: Blucomon.jpg (320x320, 34K)

I agree when people draw Impmon as female.

They do? Show us examples

Really? Come on, now. Boobs aren't genitalia and they do not have any function for reproduction. Genitalia is only whatever's between your legs.

>Chinese original phone game Digimon
Huh. His line has some pretty cool designs, hope they actually put him into something.

I'm fine with them taking as long as they need to make it right. In other words, do the opposite of what Game Freak is doing with Pokemon Sword & Shield.

Can I pretend at least?


>Genitalia is only whatever's between your legs.
That's not completely true. Stuff like ovaries and Fallopian tubes also count as genitalia, for example.

But you're right about breasts. They're not genitalia.

Tried being the key word. Why was she never allowed to properly punch baddies?

For me it's Lillymon.
I wish Aruraumon could digivolve into her, though.

Attached: Lillymon.full.2013781.jpg (500x778, 383K)

It can though?

I would but it's all porn.

It was a very good attempt she was going for some wack wombo combo, but she was fighting a literal robot so he dodged it all.

Attached: 129.png (600x676, 397K)

Which games can it? Cause it's never been able to in the ones I've played. Only shit like Weedmon.

Now that I think about it, why would a robot even need to dodge?

Dokkan punches are too powerful.

Attached: dokkan_punch_to_your_heart__by_riza23_dbn33m0-fullview.jpg (400x1407, 121K)

Is there a way I can listen to the instrumental OST for the US version of Digimon adventure? I can't find it anywhere

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I love her appmon partner. I'm a sucker for huge mecha hands

Their dynamic was cute.
Girls don't often get "male" mon as partners.

Attached: 7da.jpg (1280x720, 164K)

Still happened several times though. Should have made Hackmon a girl to balance things out.

Virusmon is a genius design. Dammit, I want Appmon to appear in Digimon games

Lucemon Satan Mode

wait, is all the appmon shit totally separate?

Agumon appeared in an episode, so I guess not entirely. It's up to the writer's universe.

mein negers

>Still happened several times though.
I only remember Juri and Leomon.
I guess there was Nene and Darkknightmon, but Sparrowmon was Nene true partner and she got mervamon later on.
Was sparrowmon "male"?

Attached: tenor(2).gif (600x640, 1.87M)

Attached: 3785638745.png (559x378, 318K)

Yolei and Hawkmon
Renamon is a dude in the German Dub

Seems Sparrowmon was never given a gender in the original. Apparantly the dub made them male for their first appearance but female for everything after. Also there was Chika and Biyomon.

23 years have passed and you're still mad, huh?

Good fucking lord why do shoulders turn me on?

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I've never played a Digimon game. What's a good place to start?

Cybersluts. Coming pretty soon.

A lot of Pokémon have proven to be able to talk, like Zoroark in the games, or via telepathy.

See if World 1 is your thing. If it is, beat it and then see if you can play Re:Digitize and/or Next Order which are more of the same.
Cyber Sleuth and then Hacker's Memory is another good one to start with. You could also check World 2 and 3 if you have the patience.
Also check out Digital Card Battle if card games are your thing.

Yeah, but they're rare. Literally every digimon can talk

my son

Attached: DUwQBU_VAAAEvES.jpg large.jpg (320x320, 12K)

>Zoroark in the games
I don’t recall Zoroark speaking at all in that B&W event or any Zoroark beyond that. Pretty sure that was anime only.

Your son is an expert's assistant

Attached: Terriermon Joshu.png (1400x1200, 1.12M)

It wasn't even Zoroark, actually. It was just Zorua. Zoroark kept roaring like an angry prostitute

Digimon are essentially the same thing, not the case in Pokémon.

Also all Pokémon speak in PMD


Okay, not him, but you know that’s a special case.

Your son is cute


87.5% male, 12.5% female

Well, shit.
I didn’t know that happened, mainly because I skipped out on B&W2.


Xros had some really good mon. Nothing to be ashamed of.

Attached: Greymon (Xros).png (640x640, 266K)

he can't evolve into shit, retard. he digivolves

The real chads are into the musclemons.

Attached: ExVeemon_b.jpg (320x320, 83K)

>can evolve into a cute cumslut
Truly the best

Attached: not a slit.png (1000x1200, 502K)

I love my wives!

Attached: womons.jpg (1743x1306, 696K)

You can't have both, faggot. They'll fight

Attached: 538753536.jpg (900x638, 147K)

>implying he needs to evolve to be either of those things

Veemon is the most versatile fuckbuddy


>you can't have both

Attached: slut and her sluts.jpg (450x244, 21K)

I like that Digimon World's plot essentially boils down to beating up savages and forcing them to be productive members of society

We'll see about that.

Attached: 1542692053046.png (878x800, 534K)

It's a pretty understandable plot because Digimon are basically just people.

don't forget macro

Attached: frNlmA9.jpg (480x270, 74K)

Oh yeah that too, I never got into that one but he could do that if you were

Is Re:Digitize any good? I need some get my Digimon fix while I wait for Cybersluts.

Attached: Lilithmon_b.jpg (970x970, 539K)

Re:Digitize is pretty rough. Go Next Order if you have the option.

Do you guys think Cyber Sluts will sell good on switch? After all it broke a million on ps4 and that's a normalfag system

I love dragon men

Attached: wargreymon.jpg (661x982, 66K)

Considering its price and the fact that its 2 games bundled together, I believe so, some people might even double dip.

Appmon is by far one of the best seasons of Digimon. prove me wrong

>Cyber Sluts will get people's feet wet and get them familiar with Digimon Story
>Digimon Survive will probably sell very good based of Cyber Sluts goodwill
>This will all culminate in the new big budget Digimon Story being a fucking massive hit never before seen for Digimon games

My dick is so ready. I've wanted Digimon to have huge budget videogames forever now

Attached: sweating.jpg (426x341, 31K)


I think it'll do alright.

Personally I want more Digimon World but I'm fairly certain NO did way worse than CS.

You do know this is Bamco we're talking about, right? They keep Dragon Ball and Dark Souls on tight budgets still.

>Sees the chance to capitalize on gamefreak's laziness
>Make a game with ALL the Digimon

They said they're planning on making a game with every Digimon in it, so we're probably getting it

tales of arise has noticeably better production values than any other game in the series and that franchise is nothing compared to digimon.
i could definitely see the next story game having a similar bump in budget, especially since they know those games sell the best in the west and they'll be trying to impress the western audience.

Attached: tales-of-arise.900x.jpg (900x506, 86K)

Now that the thread reached bump limit, I can now say that I want to give Belphemon RM a deep rimjob.

Attached: 1463083358188.jpg (2048x1582, 921K)

I don't believe this but I want to. Please give me a source so that I can get excited over it.

Attached: garbagemon.png (640x640, 367K)

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Habu said it on an interview

Where's the goods

Attached: 1566951747917.png (846x470, 761K)

Ah fuck I don't have a PS4/Vita. Maybe I'll replay Digimon World 2 or something.

Just go ahead with Re:Digitize. It's hardly a bad game, Next Order is just better since they had the chance to reference Re:Digitize and smooth out the lumps.