WoW Classic

What happens if someone cuts the line???

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I've never played a MMORPG game before.
What is that line for? Why are they getting in line in the first place?

They're lined up to kill a certain enemy that respawns every five minutes or so. It's not really representative of the MMORPG experience. Everyone is subjecting themselves to this garbage right now for fear of missing out of the "magic" of the great WoW Classic launch

imagine this being one of your highlights of gaming in the past month

Nothing, only redditors stay in lines.

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It would be extremely painful

You reeeeeee as hard as you can while I proceed to not give a fuck.

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those bitchboys will drop the game in a week

That's lame. They should just go first come first serve; waiting in line for anything when you don't need to (and even if you need to) is boring.

its the same thing with outrage culture, people get mad so randoms that dont know the situation get mad, just low iq effort of forcing a vanilla tight knit community vibe

They would have to fight for tag against the current group in the front of the line so they might never get it depending on ping, or they will outclick them and be on their way.


Imagine spamming Yea Forums for months with CUMMING HOME wojaks
Imagine paying money
Imagine being hyped
For this

you get added to the line-cutter list of your server and blacklisted by everyone

>name change

>be level 18
>join a group for VC
>check all the names against my personal shit list
>notice one is a filthy kill stealer from the starting zone
>announce to the group "X is a kill stealer! He's blacklisted! Kick him!"
>nothing happens
>insist again that he be kicked for disrespecting the queue
>You Have Been Removed From The Group

What the fuck, I was told there would be consequences for this! That people would be blacklisted and never be allowed in groups!

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Flag up. Oh wait

Some incels would write you in capslock and spam /duel on you. Both ignored while laughing away.

Why the fuck arent these things instanced???

>paying $15 a month to line up

*By a bunch of people who will drop the game before level ten while you and every smart line cutter are already 60 and ganking the line of opposing factions

No changes. NO CHANGES.

>go first come first serve
That's what the line is for. First come first serve, second come, wait for first to finish its serving, etc.

very cool post user

must be some cuck servers
on my server people team up and camp the mob with instant spell target macros like normal people

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>Going to work to earn money so you can come home and spend money to go back to work at a different job in a simulation

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I just stand around and tag the mobs so no one can do the quest

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thanks for the money kiddo
don't forget to buy bfa if you want a queue-free game

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who tf would wait 30+ minutes for a quest mob? Just go kill shit and you'll gain a level in that time.

Fucking NA, I swear

Because WoW classic is meant to be a seamless open world. Instances kind of destroy the point of that.

If these people were smart they'd party up and do it as a 5, so each kill would count for all 5 party members.

It's my duty to improve all wow threads with slampiggies.

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>queues to log in
>queues to do quests
jesus fuck, anything else to completely waste your time

>for fear of missing out of the "magic" of the great WoW Classic launch

They don't have to do the quest. There's no other reason why they would subject themselves to this. They could just move on to the next zone.

>tfw hate horde but all my friends are horde
>have to split my time between my hunty dward and undead rogue
>my rogue is twice the level of my dward because my friends are always playing
this is pain incarnate

That's life of vanilla for you. Everything is grind and queues.
Queue for your desired raid item, queue for the quest item from dungeons (there will be some lategame items that will require you to fullclear the dungeon just to drop one for the entire group) and so on.

I told y'all we can never go back but you wouldn't listen.

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Someone cut the line and post a webm of redditors seething ffs

>Doesn't understand that lines are what happens when >100 people want to do the same thing at the same time
>Alternatively, riot mobs

I seriously hope most people knew we can't go back. Also your pic is spot on

All the walking

I would just cut the line, abandon quest and cut the line again

I always had fun right until I started raiding. Then it was like babysitting 40 retards for 4 hours each night while they whined and did the bare minimum.

Raid leading is unpaid babysitting and sucks all fun out of the game. I would rather go to my job and get a paycheck after leading whiny retards.

>they just kill it
What now

Just play horde only, you incel

>Seamless immersive open world
>lines everywhere like a theme park, lined up for infinitely respawning goons

>Needing to stay in line just to stay in another line
Is this the Soviet Union simulator?

99% you're underrage


> implying WoW cucks are used to anything besides waiting
And while they're waiting, they don't know it yet but their whole life isn't waiting, it's running at full speed and won't stop.

They still wouldn't complete the quest lol

They get shitlisted by trannies who unironically call that shit game their home

Queuing for an item kinda make sense, if everyone was packed on it no one could click but you just need to spam tab and attack to steal a mob
Why would I spend an hour in a queue when I can cut the line, steal the mob for my group, and go back to leveling in 3-4 tries?
> Inb4 hurrr the autists will add you to their bad guy list and you wont play with anyone
Not only do I have a lot of friends playing the game but why would I even want to play with someone petty enough to give a fuck about an imaginary line several levels latter

says while shitposting on Yea Forums

horde areas are fucking ugly

you die in real life

I'd rather play Ace Combat 7

Oh my that is a brilliant idea. What level do I need to get to be able to do this effectively on a quest that is important enough to wait for.

seconding this request

>Why the fuck arent these things instanced???
Because ticking off quest checkboxes wasn't actually the point of Vanilla WoW, questing was just supposed to be a little incentive to get you moving around the world seeing different zones, doing something other than kill the same 3 rats over and over again for maximum XP gain.

Well-trained worker-bee zoomers like you who do not understand the appeal of adventure in a virtual world see each quest as an assignment that must be completed. You'll feel uncomfortable and won't get satisfaction until you complete each assignment you are given, even if that means waiting in a dumb line to kill your dumb quest mob and then complaining that it's not "instanced."

Can we get another funeral raid ?

nostalgia really warps people's brains

God forbid anyone want to experience the lore and establish even the faintest vestige of motivation for doing anything in game besides filling up a bar

>they didn't scale the mob spawns with how many people are on

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Dumb answer. There is a shit ton of lore in WoW and you won't see any of it while sitting on your ass in a line for that one specific quest you just have to complete now. There are dozens of quests available at all levels. You do not need to do every single one in order. In fact it's basically impossible to avoid out-leveling low-level quests.

>cut the line
>they all rally to link your name and account to an email
>message your boss
>get fired for cutting a line in a fucking video game

He realizes the line was the friends he made along the way

Its designated cuck lines for shitters which dont know how to level

The reward for that quest is so fucking miniscule, it's not even funny. You could probably just leave the starting zone, kill four pigs and get the same XP in a fraction of time.

>queueing simulator
just visit your bank bro

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Do americans still physically visit banks?

>Getting fired from my job
Please god fire me

White people so civilized


I'm certainly not defending standing in line but people are literally saying don't bother questing, just grind mobs, which, whatever, this game isn't for me anymore anyway

nope zoomer they didn't

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Boomers in general do

Goddamn that pic is good

There are still people that get cheques at their jobs and need to physically visit the bank to cash them every single time
There are even apps that help with that, but people still do it

Most questing in WoW is grinding. Just grinding on specific mobs after talking to an NPC and then returning to that NPC for bonus XP and rewards.

Yup. That's how I've seen it.

then you'll be on a blacklist

Imagine paying for this trash

>this game isn't for me anymore

then what was? just curious.

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You do know that you can just skip the bounty quests, right? Just move on to another quest, you retard.

How are the Barrens treating you Yea Forums?

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Bet that bitch STINkS of tuna

you say that like it matters

pussy tastes sour desu senpai, is that normal? It doesn't bother me but I dont get the hype of eating it

I know you can skip pretty much everything and level to 60 picking flowers for fuck's sake. I don't want to. You're right that I am a retard but not for this reason.

pussy shouldnt taste too bad. Also >eating pussy

dont be cuck

It does if your gf eats a lot of animal meat. Mine is a vegan and her pussy smells and tastes of nothing, even her sweat is odorless, while all my previous gf's ate meat and had that acidic taste and smell.

>blacklisted at low levels
lol that wont matter if you're a tank/healer, or a week later when no one cares anymore

People who play classic are all neets who want a job experience but, due to various mental issues, are unable to get one iRL.

That's straight bullshit mate.

listen man I wanted to try it because of the hype, it wasn't worth it though

I didn't say to skip everything you cuck. Just to skip the bounty quests if there's a waiting line. That's like 1-2 quests in every zone while you can play the rest of them perfectly fine

>tfw you picked a server with 30s queue times
Honestly? I'm feeling pretty comfy right now. Could someone please call me based?

>Why the fuck arent these things instanced???
what a fucking ni-

>tfw 3rd day of nothing but playing wow classic
feels good man

>just came home from work, time to play some classi-

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>he didn't roll on a PvP-RP server

You did this to yourself

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Blacked and cucked

>all the brainlets did this while the group I made skipped it and was able to push ahead of the curve

I selected mograine when it was low, thinking I was super smart and avoiding all the queue
whats the difference between pvp and rppvp anyways?
is it full of *teleports behind you* emotes or what?

Should I learn first aid as a Shaman?

I was said to but I'd rather sell the ingredients.

>whats the difference between pvp and rppvp anyways?
It's just a rp server with world pvp. So if your designated roleplaying partner doesn't want to roleplay with you, you can just kill him. It harbors the easiest prey for pvp.

Poop classic. lol

Learn it, you'll make more money vendoring bandages than you will selling cloth on the AH this early on.

you would run out of quest anyway you zoomer

I legit am loving Vanilla as a person who played WoW from Cata to WoD. Every piece of gear feels like an achievement

>establish even the faintest vestige of motivation for doing anything in game besides filling up a bar
The primary motivation should be the core gameplay itself. If you don't have an inherent desire to go see the next zone because it's there and kill mobs because killing mobs is inherently fun, then obviously: the game is not for you. In general you should never play a game just because the objectives are interesting.

In fact, questing is only there to solve the problem introduced by the tendency of players to get too caught up in the goal of "filling the bar" in the first place. If players just didn't worry about trying to optimize safe and predictable XP gain, WoW probably never would have implemented questing mechanics to the extent that it did.

I haven't fapped once since classic released

Anyone else?

Nobody did this in original WoW, only current gamers are retarded enough to play like this.

>they're making the freaking troggs gay
ok that's pretty funny

Wow, it's almost like gaming culture evolved as a whole ... how shocking, shocking I say

This. Imagine playing a multiplayer game completely solo.

I Skipped the fucking Cuck line everytime fight me faggots

Shouldn't being really good at the game feel like an achievement instead of an arbitrary numeral that only exists to compensate for the failures in game design?

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Why do people call DM 'VC'? Dire maul was added later and people always run a paricular wing so DM is and always will be deadmines.

Seems like communism. USSR had queues even in grocery stores.

>Because ticking off quest checkboxes wasn't actually the point of Vanilla WoW, questing was just supposed to be a little incentive to get you moving around the world seeing different zones, doing something other than kill the same 3 rats over and over again for maximum XP gain.
like standing in line waiting to kill the same rat?

No one gonna remember you

I am DL'ing classic as we speak. I had no intention to play, but the constant threads gave I have the worst fear of missing out on this game and the social experience it is. I want to speak about the lines with my friends and remember back to this time as something funny in the future.

you just never know if that lvl 19 dwarf paladin in westfall wants to do deadmines or wants to do a king run so you gotta be sure

unironically want her to sit on my face

>"then you'll be blacklisted"
nice joke guys
blizzard turned every single game to shit by enforcing communist like rules because people don't know how to blacklist "toxic" people
you won't get anything by cutting lines, at most you'll have a snarky comment in a dungeon later on, but it doesn't matter because if you're smart enough to cut a line, you're smart enough to be a tank / healer

No. Is your IQ about 85 by any chance?

Nothing because the kids and sois that play WoW these days are too dumb to form blacklists.

Stop trying to force this. It's been VC for years and will be no matter how many times you bring it up on threads

i think people who enjoy wow classic's pve are the kind that have vivid imaginations and/or simple minds and can amuse themselves with the mental images of themselves exploring a foreign world and defeating enemies and getting stronger, even though all those things come down to some really basic number crunch and stat values going up. there's nothing really challenging or demanding about vanilla wow aside from how you sometimes have to endure the tediousness. there's also the fact that wow, and most mmorpgs in general, are very easy to play with your brain set to 0, which make them great games for stressed out salarymen, and also people who live their lives with their brains set at 0 at all times.

i don't really like wow pve, but i do like how the pvp melds together with it in the later zones. it's fun when you're camping out in hostile territory, hiding away from ganksquads and finding evidence of past skirmishes in the form of skeletons lying around, which hint towards danger. i also like the fact that you can perform wow gameplay at 99% efficiency even when you aren't trying at all, which means i can do difficult programming work all day and then come home to a few hours of slaying boars to calm myself for bed. that said i can't imagine anyone actually playing as their primary mental task since it's very simple and monotonous

We called Deadmines DM and Dire Maul DiM

pls see

>Wow Classic...
hahahahaha *breathes in*

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Just tab out and hit "play" in the client once more, you'll skip the queue. Did it all day on launch while fixing my addons

Is this pasta? I can't tell if you have ever even played the game.
>you can perform wow gameplay at 99% efficiency even when you aren't trying at all
This is just not true. WoW (unlike previous MMOs) makes it very easy clear 65% efficiency, which is good enough to just cruise along and level up for most people. But if you actually want to get anywhere near peak efficiency you need to to coordinate well with other players.

VC stands for veiling caverns you idiot

>Browsing a "home" thread yesterday
>All those people pretending they played in Vanilla and outing themselves as lying faggots

Truly who Classic was made for, the retards who pretend they played back and farmed Vanilla raids in WoTLK and put ZG enchants on the armor so they could stand in Orgrimmar wearing their "Old Gear" and think they looked cool.

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I think you'll find it stands for Vazorfen Craul sweetie.

yet they have shitty sharding

>follow leveling guide's waypoint
>mash out your tiny rotation or write an autohotkey script for it because 99% of mobs will just autoattack you until they die
>don't pull too many enemies at once

i don't really see it as a game where you have to really concentrate on the game at all times, like quake, an RTS or even an assfaggots game. when it comes down to it, there's a fuckton of mental downtime due to all the running, brainless ability mashing and busywork like skinning, looting, mining, gathering and other shit

Have fun having nobody around in a week.

>quake, an RTS or even an assfaggots
You're comparing the most basic PVE components of WoW to highly competitive PVP games. Are you sure you're not retarded?

>Just tab out and hit "play" in the client once more, you'll skip the queue
does that mean that the first client will get disconnected?

alright, i can compare it to ninja gaiden (2004) or dark souls too. those games are pve games and they're mentally way more challenging than wow is. ninja gaiden even came out the same year as wow did.

The real question here is if you are retarded. Even compared to other MMOs, WoW has less management of cooldown and abilities in combat. Grinding literally comes down to not pulling too many mobs and pressing 3 buttons max. Watch any Mage AOE leveling stream right now and you'll see this "engaging" PvE experience

Did anyone remember people standing in lines back in vanilla? I started 3-4 months after release but I cant remember a single fucking line to got a quest mobs.
I do however remember killing flight masters in smaller quest hubs so people had to run to the next hub

Yikes, I want retailfags out of classic.

Yes, then you will instantly log into your account on the second one, then just close the other one once your on the character screen on the first one.
Been opening new clients to switch between characters too, its way faster.

Anyone who pretends there were these EPIC GAMER FRIENDS UNITE lines in Vanilla is outing themselves. People either fought over spawns or joined a group. The queuing in line meme came from the MoP beta, pretty much the first time it ever happened.

Killing Flight Masters was a thing, so much so that they had to make them level 60 elites AND summon flying mount adds when they were aggro'd.

zoom zoom

Thats what I figured, I never saw a single fucking line when I started in vanilla. I remember people stealing my tags and me stealing other peoples tags. Then calling each other faggot and parting ways.
This entire line meme needs to die the fuck out.
In a month or so all the casuals will be gone I hope

This is why I don't even bother with Classic. Horde is lame and no way I'm playing fucking WoW solo.

Read the thread. It's only gonna get worse. People love this shit, they probably think it "builds character."


>If these people were smart they'd party up and do it as a 5, so each kill would count for all 5 party members.
Wait, people aren't doing that?

nothing really

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Thats fucking gay. I'll level my priest, get the raids done, then dip the fuck out.
One of the pros of being a healer is that I can be a major cock and still get raid spots, so I'll be calling out every twitch meme spouting faggot I see and line faggots

yuropoor here, I'm yet to see this behaviour and I've played on 3 diferent servers, maybe it only happens right after server launch

if the game is free to level 20
i can just play retail right? til level 20?

>Thats what I figured, I never saw a single fucking line when I started in vanilla. I remember people stealing my tags and me stealing other peoples tags. Then calling each other faggot and parting ways.
>This entire line meme needs to die the fuck out.

As I said, I'd wager a large portion of HOME posters never actually played in Vanilla. I've met so many insufferable faggots over the years who like to pretend they did even though they clearly haven't.

So one person says "YEAH I MEMBER THESE LINES FROM VANILLA IT'S JUST LIKE THE OLD DAYS BROS!!!!" and then a bunch of other posers jumped on this bandwagon because they can't fucking think for themselves and now there's this whole *sip* Ahh lines just like I remember from Vanilla meme.

It takes a special kind of pathetic fucking faggot to try so hard to fit in and none of them realise they're all living a shared fucking delusion because not a single one of them actually played Vanilla.

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>join medium pop RPPvP grobulus server
>no queues
>no lines
>everyone helpful
>run into the same people every once in a while, chat about our progress and help with quests


imagine playing on herod

>somebody paid money, waited the long ass queue to be a fucking line janny
i can't believe it

>copying the queues from FFXIV and Raubahn Ex

you get a bunch of people /sigh at you and having a cry in chat.

Or maybe your player base is hemorrhaging to classic?

Herod is a feeding frenzy right now, everyone is going nuts trying to get silver, gold and levels. It's pretty interesting, i like it actually, it's hectic. I made an alt on kromkrush and the nelf starting zone is completely devoid of life, it just isn't the same.

Seems like such a wierd fucking thing to be lying about
"I playing in vanilla, trust me, Im hard core :3"
It makes you sound like a sad loser to brag about playing a video game when it first came out, how about just be glad that it got a re-release and just enjoy it?

we called DM "DM-whateverwing" and deadmines nothing because thats for alliance shits

This but with Deviate Delight EDT RP-PVP

Zero queue, populated but not a mob tagging frenzy; and unlike a regular RP server, you can kill enemy-faction autists RPing in the overworld. I even get to report everyone with a meme name. Feels devilish.

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Is there a free trial for classic?

I know it seems weird, but I've met more than a few who did it. One particular guy was a real piece of work, he'd stand in Orgrimmar in full wrath with a thunderfury and ZG librams on his head and legs. Despite the fact that I knew him IRL and he only started late TBC.

I really don't get it, I played in Vanilla it's nothing to be "proud" of.

Only 11 minutes left!!
I'm almost in guys

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I'm playing on Fairbanks ally, and it feels pretty lifeless. I've joined a couple of parties for quests, but that's about it. There are barely any people, as well. A few times I've had to wait for mobs to spawn, but they've never been camped.

no , just tried
>free to level 20
doesn't count for classic
fucking jews

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thank you user, I'll try it out

prboably would get mass reported
and seeing how pussy blizzard is these days, he'd get banned

>niggers trying to wrap their heads around civility

Okay. Thanks user. I'll probably stay away then.

>I really don't get it
You must be a simple man.
Anything that gives someone the aire of seniority is something that ticks their satisfaction box. Just like how gearing/leveling/goldmaking gives you the feeling that you've accomplished something (you haven't).

That's oddly specific, almost as if you've done those things yourself

>Anything that gives someone the aire of seniority is something that ticks their satisfaction box.

I suppose. Reminds me of being in School when kids would make up lies about secrets in video games and shit.

That's what you are you people in this thread right now pretending you played Vanilla, you're kids in the Schoolyard pretending you can fight Cloud in Final Fantasy 8 trust me it's a secret boss I swear.

>those games are pve games and they're mentally way more challenging than wow is.
you're making dumb claims, though. Killing mobs at a high rate at peak efficiency is harder than it sounds in WoW. Take a solo Warlock, for example. You have the safest method of using a voidwalker to kill mobs one at a time. Then you can step up to using the succubus to kill mobs one at a time, which is higher risk and requires you to better manage your DPS and you and your pet's health, but in the long run should yield a faster kill rate and faster XP gain. Or you can try going full fear-kiting of multiple mobs to maximize DoT efficiency, which is probably works best going back to Voidwalker to free you up to spend more time casting spells. This last strat is far more difficult to pull off, introducing a lot of uncertainty as fear has a variable duration. You must have excellent situational awareness and know where each mob is, how many dots have landed on it, how much mana you have left, how much health your pet has left, and so on. But if you can pull it off will yield even better efficiency.

Sure Dark Souls is more technically demanding on dexterity but even then it's only certain situations. Dark Souls has 100% static enemy placement and level design so memorization and muscle memory goes a long way to trivializing it. Unless it's a 2v1 boss fight like O&S, the game is very predictable.

>it's a "WoW is dying" episode
You retards have been saying wow will die soon for like 15 years now

Well, I had a RL friend do it as I said here.

But you can try to reflect it on to me to protect your bubble if you like, whatever makes you happy my dude.

They are partied up. It's still a damn long line even in a group. That's just how many people are playing in the server.

>stand in line
>make a macro to instantly target and cast on named mob
>spam it

fuck yo commie queue shit, nigga

Definitely weren't any lines in vanilla

This all reminds me of when Burning Crusade came out... I fought for so many spawns in Hellfire Peninsula

It just goes to show how much people missed classic so much

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Sometimes it's required to loot the head, so only 1, group would not matter

I sits.

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stonespine maximum 60 min

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No one will remember or give a shit when they've already uninstalled a week later, and the only people who think they're going to magically be blacklisted are the zoom zooms that never played classic, they just watched YouTube videos saying 'hurr your reputation matters!!' but that's bull shit

>Grinding literally comes down to not pulling too many mobs and pressing 3 buttons max
peak ("99%") efficiency though, which is what you claimed, means pulling the maximum number of mobs for your available hp and mana resources.
>Watch any Mage AOE leveling stream
So in other words, your knowledge of the game comes from twitch not actually playing it.

She's got a "autistic kind of cute i could pound in a con" existence.

Is the old day/night cycle back or is it the shitty retail one?

Yeah it became more cuckified

>Wants to play Van WoW
>Doesn't want to wait on queue, but want a decent population for raiding
>Doesn't want to pay $12 a month to play it when I'm also paying for XIV
Life is suffering

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fuck off normalfag

Dude it's the valley of trials, you can't really move to the next zone at level 3.

Stop user you're breaking his deep classic immersion

She has nudes

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Nope. And i will keep fucking con girls and ditching the numbers all i want.

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finally 3 digit numbers, mograine bros

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What are you talking about, you can get the quest to go to stormwind/goldshire at level 2, you 4head.

Are you trying to make your own post into a meme? What a nigger.

I just won't play it but I'll tell everyone about experiencing the lines as if I actually played

I'm not even playing classic. I played vanilla at release (and played Dark Souls, think it's a better game, and would much sooner play that today than WoW).

It doesn't change the fact that he's an idiot making dumb generalizations about a gameplay he hasn't personally experienced.

>tfw only one rp-pvp servers in eu and it's full

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>Doing Sarkoth on a fresh launch.
I'm glad there are idiots like this that will wait over an hour for one quest.

theres a mega que for every server its a disaster

C'mon nigga at least pretend you know what you're talking about

>you 4head

Can't someone just walk past the line and attack the mob?

actual pepega OMEGALUL

The faggot is using Twitch memes

Yes. Better yet, they can skip the quest and make just as much XP killing the normal mobs or teaming with a >friend and bypassing the starting hub altogether

>Classic 2 happens in 2034
>People use a tetris addon to duel for the rights to quest mobs

A neverending cycle.

Need help. Playing a Human Paladin on the RP realm. Should I go engineering or blacksmithing?

Already started mining and not sure which way to go.

Shit the link I had is dead, so this is the best I can do, sorry

Everyone who keeps talking about how blacklisting didn't exist is retarded and didn't play back in the day. That said Blacklisting didn't happen for taggin' a mob first or anything minor like that. consistently doing things like rolling need on everything in site, running off with enchant mats and generally going above and beyond to be a massive cunt got you on peoples shit lists.

imagine waiting in a line in a video game like a fucking normie
redditfags are praising this shit glad I didn't pay

>t. Tyreese Nzingo-Umbonte

blacklisting was a thing even in wotlk. server ninjas and stuff

I haven't had any queues and I skipped bottleneck quests and just grinded mobs for about 5 minutes somewhere else. You get the same XP you would have from that quest.

It's only during the initial launch of a server that you have these sort of overcrowding problems. You get one massive wave of new characters working their way up all at once, then it steadies to a slow trickle.

I really don't understand this whole "lining up" shit going on right now. I saw one on my current realm, but just bypassed it and killed a buncha shit until I leveled and could do other quests. The people in line were mostly just talking in general, and last I saw they were still in Ironforge like 3 levels behind me.

There's no reason to line up, even if it's super busy. Just go do something else.

vegan pussy tastes like cabbage

Blacklisting definitely was a thing, another one of those "I like to pretend I played in Vanilla" delusions like pretending lines existed. But yeah, you didn't get blacklisted for stealing quest mobs, literally everyone did that it was a fact of life. You got blacklisted for basically being a cunt as you said. Some people actually had to transfer servers or reroll characters to get rid of that stain.

Engineering for cool glasses

>They should just go first come first serve
So... they should make a line?

Fucking this. I'm only level twelve but I've just skipped quests where people lined up. Most of the time people don't line up, they form kill squads. Group up and basically wait for the spawn, then mosh pit the boss to death in half a second. And then 5 people get it. Its a good system

>He sold the tokens at 140k ?
>Crash it

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Engineering for the cool MC craft shield and death rays while bubbled and

Also cool glasses

I had one who was a vegetarian and that shit tasted almost sweet. Never sour. God I miss her


my exs smelled like fish... was it a yeast infection? glad its not my problem!

This is a tough call. If you're in it for the long con and want to try to get your mitts on a Sulfuras, you can take Blacksmithing and begin the autistic grind through the Thorium Brotherhood, put your time in as a healslave, work up to the Sulfuron Hammer recipe with your guild's help, and get priority on the Eye of Sulfuras because Warriors actually do more damage with other two-handers still in MC like Bonereaver's Edge and maybe Obsidian-Edged Blade, leaving the mighty hammer to be for PvP-focused Rets/Shamans. At this point though you'll have no more use for Blacksmithing and will want Engineering, which is bar-none the greatest profession for increasing your own personal power and utility and also a necessity for PvP, but not so hot for profit.

kill yourself zoomer faggot

Can you buy and sell tokens in classic? Haven't made it to a capital yet so I can't check.

Nope, you have to do that in retail still

So what's the max player cap?

you guys sure they aren't trollin?
Im going to join in those threads and start saying this even though I didn't play wow vanilla for more than 10 minutes and don't even play classic.

Yeah, any infection basically makes your peepee or cunny smell like that.

>oh I'll only get a few addons, just 1 or 2 for weapon swings and vendor prices I guess
>this happens

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damn thats a nice ass.
I wanna suck tomorrows shit out

>you guys sure they aren't trollin?

Nobody can ever be sure, but then you get people making "informative" posts about how Voice Chat worked in Vanilla when it wasn't added until TBC and you just know that they're full of shit and trying to fit in.

if I am not mistaken, you can make a party and if one party member kills mob, everyone gets quest done or get to loot quest item
So if they were even remotely intelligent, they would not wait 1 by 1, they would wait in already made parties.

Some quest items are single pick-ups only, but I am fairly certain that doesn't apply to starting zone stuff



>Blizzard make the servers have really low pop caps so they are always full

I remember when fucking TOR did this so they could pretend the game wasn't dying.

The pick up a letter quest in undead start zone we all got the letter so we grouped in parties of five. With the bring back his head quest he naturally only has one head to bring back so people lined up to kill him.

Full pop in vanilla is like medium in classic

Literally all cosplayers are whores.

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bring back his head in the human starting zone?
when I was waiting for him to spawn, 4 randos came, invited me to party, I accepted, mob spawned and got instakilled, I was able to loot him and get quest item, party disbanded.
Everyone went their seperate ways
Was I the only lucky guy who got the item or did other people in party not need it?
If I remember correctly, I saw other members do the loot animation as well.

I have been on Yea Forums for too long to fall for that

Explain this to someone who has never played WoW

Why dont they just make it like other MMOS where as long as you contributed in some way, you get credit for killing the mob and any item needed from it, only losing out on some EXP. I assume its needed for a quest,right?

>get through a 6 hour queue to play a queue simulator
hahahaha oh no no no no

Single quest items should drop for everyone.
>The Boar King's Ass 0/1
>everyone can pick it up

>diamond dozen common boar's ass 0/10
>will only drop one per mob

When I was on full blown vegan diet I could go weeks without showering and smelled like nothing. My skin was better and my face stopped swelling, my facial features had the sharpness of Chad

With a regular diet I smell like garbage the very next day, even if I shower. My sweat smells like onions and feet smell like some french moldy cheese. I also get acne easily. So I pretty much got no other choice than to be on fruits and veggies only diet

We called it VC in vanilla though? Due to half the classes only giving a shit about what he dropped in the first place, something that was lost on retail due to heirloom fuckery. DM was always Dire Maul.

Blizzard did implement a system like this; however, it wasn't around in vanilla WoW so it's been excluded from classic.

that's more or less how it works it retail. the entire point of wow classic was to recreate it as it was in 2006

why not just grind mobs

this is literally wasting time.

DM was always Deadmines you cuck.

I know what I saw, and I explained why it was that way, and why it's not applicable to the retail mindset. Shit I didn't even realize it was called the Deadmines for quite some time and thought that was just the area outside of it. Though, perhaps it was also based on the individual server communities.

Bros... will Deviate Delight be okay?

>First RP-PVP server, Grobbulus
>Pacific time; everyone swarms there
>6 hour queue so they add an EDT RP-PVP called DD a few hours later
>Low when Grob is high, medium when Grob is full
Are west coast fags just degenerate?

ignore the numbers, its just names i reserved

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DM is Dire Maul. Deadmines is VC

Some people have the time to waste
But most likely not doing the quest simply didnt occur to them

where did i say that you mongoloid?

I guess it must've been infuriating back then when you wanted to go questing. What happens if someones too weak to kill it? do they forfeit their turn or something?

Go back

DM is Dire Maul. Deadmines is nobody cares I play Horde.

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They join a group with other players

It wasn't a thing back then. Hell, it's only a thing now because there has been way more frontloaded population congesting the starting zones than there ever was in Vanilla. But the starting zones are the only time this will ever really occur, and only until the initial wave of people starting up dies down.

>he didn't make the run over there to flex on allyfaggots and deck yourself in a defias set/mask if you were rogue
You missed out, or you were a Warrior/caster

No you're fucked. Realms already dead

>I guess it must've been infuriating back then

Queuing never happened back in actual Vanilla. People fought over mobs like savages as Thrall intended.

It's only happening on the reddit meme servers.

WoW is for faggots

>Wait over an hour to actually log in because of queue
>Get to stand in line for over 45+ min to kill one quest mob
>Convince yourself that this is not only fun, but that this is what the classic was always like.

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Great, orc warlock is 15 now, starting the ratchet quests and the higher level crossroads quests. Tailoring is at 80, enchanting is at 40 (will pick up now that green drops are more common for the level range of mobs), and cooking is at 75 just from cooking random boar/wolf meat drops.


god damn it. At least I only got to lv 11 yesterday. I can lose a day's worth of progress.

It's a non issue as soon as you get out of the level 1-7 zone. I didn't even bother with those quests just grinded some extra dogs and bats to get out of there.

Havent been on retail since I played WoD for 2 weeks lol

Most people will wait if there's a party already camping the mob but I haven't seen a single line yet. Is this some reddit meme?

Or you have been on Yea Forums for too long to not be able to tell a girl from a boy, she's had her nudes leaked and she has a vagniana

Based hogposter


tfw turbocucks are waiting in line for a shitty quest reward

mfw by the time they complete the quest i've already leveled 5 times.

Anyone else feels Blizzard sortof let the queues to login on purpose?
I think they did this so that players get super excited when they can finally log in (I was back in Vanilla, we also had queues just like those)

As has been said in the thread before, lines were never a thing in Vanilla, but delusional retards who have even begun to believe their own lies have spread this shit like a fucking wildfire and now people are doing it because THIS IS WHAT THEY DID IN THE OLD DAYS TRUST ME I WAS DEFINITELY THERE!!!!

Please please please explain how waiting in line is more appealing than just getting a shit side quest done and over with so you can move on to the actual meat of the game.

The lines are happening mostly in the starter lvl 1-5 zones when the game launched. It was a complete shitshow and there were too many players hitting the bottleneck quests. Usually the "kill the leader/named mob" have long respawn times and it creates a huge backup of players.

Have they said anything about how the AQ and Naxx openings will work? Those were events that came in specific patches right?

Why are people even doing quests. Just run dungeons. Me and my buddies are already lvl 31 and we haven't gotten in a line to quest once.

Fuck bros, I want to play but can't yet. fuuuuuuuuuck I want to make a Tauren Shaman

>Wait in queue for an hour
>Say fuck it i'm taking a nap
>Wake up and i'm still in queue only having moved 2k in place
Bravo blizzard

>an hour

Must be nice to play on a low pop realm

They talked about AQ in a recent AMA but gave a typical non-answer
>what we CAN do is make sure the experience is identical to vanilla

According to somebody on reddit who was rank 14/ 9/9 naxx set, the lines were always a thing.

it only took literally 7 fucking hours but we're in the final stretch

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>People already asking for MORE layers instead of less

I tried to warn you but you didn't listen. I told you retail would infect classic like a cancer until the tumour was inoperable, but you just kept posting HOME. Now you will suffer as they don't remove layers as promised, but instead add more.

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>You have been disconnected from the server.

Lines aren't because people think thats how it was. Lines are there because it's a fair way of doing it so you don't stand there for 14 mins while some dude who just came there nabs it.


There is a grace period of like one minute where you can get back in

I'd be fine with more layers right now if they remove them down the line. There won't be any need for layers when the bandwagon zoomers fuck off.

That works 50% of the time

Why the FUCK does blizzard keep doing random maintenance during the day? Is it to forcefully remove neckbeards and neets who have been logged in for 36 hour? What the fuck

Yeah, like if someone ninja'd a drop that someone else called or rolled need on an item they couldn't use, that shit follows you around if you keep it up.

World of Queuecraft
it's a different kind of queue

Well according to me on Yea Forums who was rank 10 and 1/9 Naxx set because I was a DPS warrior, he's talking a load of fucking shit and trying to spread this stupid gay garbage.

The line meme originated in the MoP beta where there was a quest that only one person could do at a time and if anyone else tried to participate it fucked it up for anyone that was in progress so NOBODY could get it done unless there was an orderly line. Not the people who were there for 40 minutes or the people who just turned up.

See you say that but then you read the post I'm replying to.

Works 100% of the time for me you are just slow.

Maintenance saves lives.

I think its to remove the niggers afking while autowalking into walls


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I wouldn't be surprised if modern blizzard banned someone who cut the line if enough reddit fags cry about it claiming that player was griefing.

The first time i saw lines in an mmo was during stormbloods release, that was fucking hilarious. That had to have been the worst launch i've ever seen, we might have queues but at least it's functional when you get in.

Le mebe i le am le pepe smile face

That's all I've been doing, grouping up for kill quests then leaving the group once we got our shit. Only thing that has been annoying was one asshole yesterday, kept following me in Sen'jin village and the islands. I guess they couldn't find raptor eggs so they just followed me and took them while I fought the enemies, also trained an enemy into me while I was opening a chest then took it themselves.

idk, last time they did it was because there was a problem with the zeppelins that caused people to crash.

Only literal niggers cut so thats ok.

Because nearly everyone only cared about the drops from VanCleef (as much of the loot in there in Vanilla was still only greens, and the few blues there were weren't all that good besides the ring), he came to define the instance for all the Rogues and Hunters out there who NEEDED dual Cruel Barbs, a Cape of the Brotherhood, and a Defias Leather Chest before they could move on into their 20s.

but it isn't seamless
dungeons are instanced
you have never played a true seamless multiplayer game

Only reason to wait is if the quest reward is a good item or it leads to a quest with a good item.

That's just the european server with its natives trying to recreate virtually warcraft 9/11

It depends on the kind mob. If the mob is a unique spawn it can usually be picked up by every party member.

Itt: Chinese gold farmers get mad at white civilisation.

>Cut in line
>Collective "what the fuck man" from the peanut gallery
>They'll forget about you in a few minutes

>cut infront of asmond
>shamed live on stream
>harassed to the point i need to quit
>work gets calls 24/7 asking why im a cutter
>lose job
>lose kids
>lose wife n dog
Not worth doing in 2019

To be fair i'm playing on herod and have only seen ONE(one) single chink and zero advertising in trade chat. It's been nice. I imagine they will be selling gold and outfarming everyone soon enough though so gotta enjoy it while it lasts.

so will i miss something if i wait a month for population to drop

Ultima Online, dumbass

>MFW remembering that lights hope died for this

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fucking neck yourself

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>Cut in line
>Everyone follows the example and creates a mass group at the spawn location making the entire process take many times longer

Help, what servers are flagged as streamer shitholes?!

Why is this a question? Going to the bank is probably one of the most normal things to do, ever.

Chinks need to wait for the initial tide to mull over because they're not going to be able to farm dick-all for mats in a PvP server

No, the population won't drop that much.

retail and private server fags, leave

Yeah the lines for dumb quests

I joined the realm that eventually became the "streamer" server and honestly niggers on Yea Forums were really overblowing the whole thing I have yet to see on and general chat has no mention of them at all.

>penis inspection day at work
>go in for check up but get knocked out by the gas shortly
>wake up
>doctor says "You're cut now. I hope that teaches you a lesson in cutting."
FUCK how did they find out

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>roll paladin
>run around saving warriors and rogues from near death
>buffing melees and casters with buffs
>rezzing dead noobs
Feels food bros.

Saw someone in horde capital trade advertising ERP for their "friend". Only 1 gold up front for 15 minutes.

Sucks for them, cause by that time, I'm out of there.

They're probably ahead of you at this point is why

>horde are erp trannies confirmed

HA I bet you wash your dick

>virtual erp pimps
Nice that reminds me of when me and my friends set up a /roll gambling ring in org, it was fun until we were told to stop by a gm. We made mountains of gold.

Nope I got in the second of release and havent seen or heard a mention of them in all my total 22 hours played so far. I also went horde too which from what I hear is where most streamers are turns out it was just a big boogieman people created.

Blaire Ivory

Should have been on runescape in 2011. That garbage was everywhere until they forbade it. People were making thousands of IRL cash selling the gold.

This, fucking the other side over was literally what made Vanilla fun. It was even better when people got butt hurt because then you knew shit would escalate.

Thirsty cunt

Sometimes because it goes inside my foreskin like a dog and gets a bit musty after my daily walks. Gotta do it for a better me!

>dungeons are instanced
Yeah and if you were old enough or smart enough you'd know there was debate about this even at the time, and whether WoW's inclusion of instancing was a good idea. Blizzard clearly tried to integrate instancing into the seamless world even to the point of having non-instanced portions of a dungeon before you enter the instance proper.

>picked Razorgore because the population was medium
>I'm now in a 5 hour and 40 minute long queue

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People complain about them line hoping. They ignore it walk away and keep playing.

Imagine queing to get into the dungeon portal and needing your tanks and healers to que in order or you get fucked

the absolute state

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>picked a new server
>its already full
>all of them are full
>+2 hours on new servers
>+7 hours on old servers

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Are EU queue times still ass? Not gonna sub unless it's like below 10 mins or something jeez

>join queue
>do house chores and play ff14 during the queue
>log off and play the real game when queue ends
feels good man

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well nvm then

If people ever pulled this shit on a quest giver during vanilla launch some high level from the other faction would just come in and kill the damn NPC over and over again so no one could hand in.

Looooool its weekday and even before school hours ended it was 2h

6 hours long queue on my mid-pop server.
Honestly one can only play in the morning and, if you're patient, early afternoon.
Of course, once you're in, you're in

40 minute queue for Fairbanks. I'm almost in.

Staring at a estimated 800 minutes, 17k people queue right now.

At least I can see that most anons in Yea Forums who preached about "journey" don't give a fuck about "journey" and just level up fast as possible by using quest marking addons.
Other side is trying too hard to imitate "vanilla communications", grouping up with everyone because "this is how old MMOs should works I heard!" and completely missing point. those interactions were natural, not forced because people was new to entire genre. RPing clueless noob is pretty weird.

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no fucking way

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It is real, no idea how blizzard assumed it was a good idea considering it sounds like niggerfucker

>Of course, once you're in, you're in
True, unless you have to afk for 30 minutes like a normie. That triggers the auto disconnect timer, right?

That's not what would happen at all. Instead you'd have permacamps at the spawn points for any named mob worth killing and lines would form there.

Why does EU get all the cool names

>Not playing for 5 hours straight without standing and purposefully dehydrating yourself so you need less bathroom breaks

it's a potion you retards

I've been in queue since 11am, it's 2pm now. Only 1200 more to go and i'm in.

>estimated time: 370 minutes

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Some people are saying it's 30 minutes to get booted to character selection and then another 30 to disconnect, but I haven't tested this yet

It's a potion. Turns you into a skellington

>buy game
>wait 24 hours in queue to play it
>disconected in 2 minutes
>have to wait again
>after 2 days can finnaly play
>do quest
>there is queue
>get disconected when it's my turn

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the chad deathpile > the virgin line

You are lucky mate

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Rember happy day

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> who want to be a wagie

the level of wagie cope here is lul

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I've never played vanilla before, but i had more fun playing classic then i ever had ever in any post-cata expansion dude. I allready uninstalled the modern client. Only playing classic from this point forward. No joke.


I want to play this game but i dont want to sub to blizzard. Are there private servers with classic wow?

thats a bad thing


If you're lucky enough to find a vanilla 1.12 server (not as polished as classic wow), itll be dead, because all the biggest/active shut down.

you mean like all the sane people?

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>going to a convention about a hobby you care and enjoy, plus chicks willing to put out easily

pick one

>wait queue line so I can get in line to kill a quest mob

finally, home

I'm just thinking really hard what is more autistic, standing in that line or cutting it.

chicks and guys that are promiscuous and being whores is bad

Why you don't want to sub to blizzard? No money?

Giving more money to such cucked company would only make me feel ashmed.

Super was surprisingly good.

You must not be able to function in society or buy anything from the store because those are all cucked too.

I buy only from local sellers. And if i want something it's always from china.


In my country, they don't even give cash in banks anymore, we barely even use cash at all. In fact many resustrants and some stores don't even accept cash. They say it's because of "security" and "convenience". Give the bank all the power to monitor all your transacations and keeping all your money in the bank seems like a really bad idea
.t sweden

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Do you not own property or rent?

>server just opened last night
>switched because fuck golemagg 600min queues
>already full
for god sake man
blizzards incompetence knows no bounds

How is paying rent connected to blizzard SJWism.

Aren't swedes letting themselves get chipped?

Your landlord and government are cucked and you are a cuck boy for supporting it.

Im no American.

Yes, they do. Why would you just go on the internet and tell such vicious and malicious lies? Sure, some don't but a clear majority of them still accept cash. Also, you do realise that ATMs are still a thing, right? You don't go to the the bank to withdraw cash unless it's your entire, fucking account.

EU is just as if not more cucked user.

Well let's talk about it. You want to play game but can't because of your internet agenda. Do you understand that you just cuckblocking yourself from enjoyment? Literally. You're fighting against windmills. Redpill: you're no one and your decisions don't affect anything. For Blizzard your money are nothing. If you die no one will notice. Solipsism doesn't exist. Your decisions to support/not support don't affect Blizzard success/failure. You're error in statistics without any weight. That's why you can't fight jews for real. Everything is just illusions. Like in politics you just want to feel importance. Sadly you're not. So go and give jews their money or keep cuckblocking yourself and live in illusionary world.
You pay for internet.

>this fucking lag
it's like I'm playing private servers again

I want to go back to the starter zone and cut just to piss them off

And? Are you from Africa war zone or something?

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It is but i still dont see how is paying for electricity, water and other bills is supporting EU.

Okay but they wont get money because i would rather die than support them. Not even a single cent. As i said i wont play their game and will cuck myself from enjoyment because they are stupid.

>You pay for internet.
What does it have to do anything?


hell ye

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Lol it's called basic hygiene

Some new work place supposedly do this, yes. I hate my cucked people

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what's that?

Keep fighting good fight and cuckblocking yourself my delusional friend.
>What does it have to do anything?
>It is but i still dont see how is paying for electricity, water and other bills is supporting EU.
Well you just baiting at this point. As I understand you just wanted to derail thread. Here is your reward.

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The first person to hit it gets credit.

I guess theres no more denying wow's greatness as the GOAT game, even from the biggest e-trolls.

>people qeueing to complete a quest in the starting zone

Yeah just think about it

>Well you just baiting at this point. As I understand you just wanted to derail thread. Here is your reward.

I think you are just retarded.

item you find in the world that unlocks a good quest chain

Made a Dwarf priest and got to level 10, ready to start Westfall.
It's good to be back, bros.

But they don't. How many swedes use cash? Old people almost primarily. No young people dabble in cash. Yes, normal stores like ICA etc accepts cash still, but a lot of resturants i've been to blatantly say "no cash"

crying about a kill stealer

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Not really disproving that you simply wanted to derail the thread, user

Everyone told me to wait until i was 11-12 or i'd have a miserable time in westfall, i obviously said fuck that and went. They were half wrong, some quests are fucked that low a level desu.

>be swede
>get chipped
>lose your temper one day while wage slaving
>the half dozen devices around you record your hate crime and send it to ministry of diversity and tolerance
>chip dissolves and releases cyanide

so I'm just trying the game for a few hours, I like to wander around ( orc warlock ), I'm level 5.
I've picked a number of quests that are red and the zones are just too high level for me.
So I know I have to go back and do more questing, which sucks, which brings my question :
what the fuck am I supposed to do if I dont want to wait in line? I figured others players have some macros to spam or something, because even with 2ms latency I could barely see the mob before it we killed it, the few times I had to join stupid groups for those quests.
what did you do back in the days Yea Forumsirgins to get the edge

You think i wanted to derail the thread because you couldnt make logical connection to anything so you just think im troll or something. Keep fighting good fight :)

wasnt planning to play classic but now i want to just to mess up those onions lines lmao

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I'm not saying that young people are using it, you absolute mong. I'm just saying that in my humble opinion, you are making it out to be far more difficult to use cash in everyday life than it actually is.

Why user afraid the government will find that secret folder of yours?

fat bitches on the rp servers?

No it's more that your posts are immensely dismissive and you just right into ad homenims.
Also I'm not that other guy

Or to just track your geolocation at all times. You can't hide anymore with this in you. Pretty terryfying when you think about it.

/vg/ is wayyyy cooler than you fags. better at the game too

Which one of my post was ad hominem?

Literally nothing. Skip the quest, steal it, or be a cuck

Holy fucking shit, wowkeks are beyond pathetic. I mean fuck, this legitimately makes me mad.

>I think you are just retarded.
Now please stop fishing for (you)s it's embarrassing

Don't let them chip you when they make it mandatory. Better to die a free man than live as cattle. Chips are for cattle.

dude used ad hominem first so i returned the ad hominem.

>so i returned the ad hominem
Yeah and that's why I posted Nice job

I don't know what kinda keybinds to make

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You wish

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So I'm gonna start as a NE hunter and go on comfy adventures with my cat, anything I should be aware of?
I know Teldrassil up and down from alt leveling in retail but have never played pre-Cata wow before.
Thanks Anons, have fun in game.

You derailed it yourself by using loaded questions.

Why? To prevent some algorithm from noticing I went to Wendy's and spent money there. Wow yeah terrifying.

experiencing the feeling of having accomplished something is an accomplishment no matter what sneaky shortcut you use to get there


>make fun of guild wars for being a theme park simulator
>everyone in WoW classic is literally standing in lines

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At this point i will give kudos to gw 2 for not making people wait in line.

>say something the increasing authoritarian government doesn't like
>gestapo-like troop sent out to find you
>knows your exact location at all times

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No idea why everyone shitpsotign about "standing in lines". It's like /0. If anything such stupid events made by players. This is pure MMORPG shit. But well I'm posting in Yea Forums.

Usually people who believe this tin foil shit are pretty low on the societal totem pole. They only really disapprove of it cause it will just make it more transparent how low they are.

Is /wowg/ still seething over Classic killing their shit game?

>venezuelan food line simulator 2019

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We have this shit in Russia.

Well are you gonna buy it or what? You don't wanna get left behind do you?

hell no, I found something else

Yeah enjoy being left behind fag.

>spend 9 hours in queue
>finally get in
>don't really feel like playing right now
Suffering and very uncomfy.

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I already know most of it by heart anyways
eat shit Joana :)


Whatever you say. You are a good little goy.

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Wanna fuck? Meet me ingame

Imagine this.... a QUEUE... IN A GAME... WOAAAA

Why do people waste their precious time on this shit again ?

first tell me what kinda keybinds to make

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Imagine this.... POSTING... ON Yea Forums... WOAAAA

Why do people waste their precious time on this shit again ?

only took me 30 secs to post cuckistani.

while you still can't get over WoW after 15 years you faggot neckbeard loser basement dwelling cuckistani.

hur muhhh nostalgia
I miss muhhh fat neckbeard virgin days

One to make you suck my dick

You posting on Yea Forums. There is absolutely no reason to post no Yea Forums. It's unproductive. It's just social network. You wasting time. Shitpsoting is not legit hobby.

When Blizzard said NO CHANGES did they really mean NO CHANGES?

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>how dare people act civilized everyone should be a dumb nigger like me!


Orc or something?

*waits 6 hours in queue so I can wait in line for a mob* Woah.... now THIS is a video game... We came home bros...

>233 IPs
This is great

apparently everyone reports you and you get disconnected, having to wait hours in queue

All these people mad about others having fun

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>playing M Night Shaman
>playing with IRL buddy an undead rogue
>we're in Duro getting me to 10 for Call of Fire
>grab Senjin quests, go over to find Zalazane
>theres a lynch mob in his camp
>everyone trying to tag immediately
>miss the first spawn but then a thought occurs
>Earth Shock is instantaneous
>stand right on top of his spawn hitting tab/3 like a madman
>he respawns, I tag him immediately before he gets lynched
>happened so fast my friend didn't even see it, had to tell him to grab the head
Did this to Kreenig too

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Queuing to queue to queue is fun?

Once you get in you can play for as long as you want though. Don't tell me you are a wagie user