I mean, you can't even fucking see your fucking weapon.
The camera is already way too back behind Snake, but also the camera is right behind Snake's back and you can't see your fucking weapon because of that. Furthermore, for the little weapon you can see, there is a fucking ugly blur that makes it impossible to see the weapon correctly. It's literally GARBAGE.
They give you all this very in-depth gun customization in the game but what's the point if you can't even see your own fucking creation in the game? And don't count on the FPS view, it's garbage.
When you play Resident Evil 4 for example, the camera when you aim is already closer to the body of Leon, but the camera also is slightly on the right and not directly facing Leon's back contrarily to MGSV, making it enjoyable to shoot the guns in this game because you can actually SEE them when firing.
Shooting guns in MGSV is NOT FUN
Other urls found in this thread:
I use first person and it's fine
A thread died for this autism. Just use fps mode you dumb fuck and aim for one bullet in the head. It's meant to be played like that.
who cares about seeing the weapon you autist
Even MGS4 had the decency to put the 3rdAiming camera more up and more to the right of Snake than on MGSV, it's horrible on MGSV.
>Just use fps mode
Yeah right, use the REALLY shitty FPS mode that won't even let you use the gun without aiming down the sight. Really clever.
They won't let you use the gun like in MGS3's FPS mode where you could either fire the gun approximatively or fire the gun while aiming down sight. MGSV is just HOT garbage, deal with it.
What are you talking about? In the image MGS4 snake is clearly closer to the center of the image (about half of snake's width in first pic, whereas MGS5 snake is almost touching the left border) and the camera is way higher in MGS5, where the snake's head reaches roughly halfway up the image. In MGS4 top of the head is like 2/3ths up, so the camera is lower in MGS4.
>It's another Yea Forums is autistic about V thread
Is there a mod that makes the maps not shit?
Nah it's pretty fun you autist.
The guy has a point folks.
>he doesn't enjoy autistic ranting threads
Yeah, it's weird how you've got all those difference weapon with all the various customization and all yet they don't really feel that much different from one another.
Shooting stuff in MGSV didn't feel that good, thankfully the game doesn't rely on guns too much since it's supposed to be a stealth game.
rip 16th smash thread.
CoD:Modern Warfare 2019 won't support dynmaic FOV_viewmodel scaling.
PURE TRASH, don't buy it.
>comparison is to a game where you have to watch the swimmy laser sight forever on every shot
Using lethal guns in MGSV is retarded anyway.
Shooting in MGSV generally just feels worse to me than in 4. It's one of the main reasons I never got into MGO3.
>Shooting in MGSV generally just feels worse to me than in 4.
YES., and I prefer shooting real weapons too.
I know that FOV is mustard race fodder, but really it's something that only a small fraction of the audience is affected by.
I think it has to do with whether you grew up playing 2D games or not. If your first game was Call of Duty or Half Life something I could see needing to care about FOV.
shoot yourself then
Issue here is with over the shoulder camera. If camera was centered there would be any issues.
Bottom looks retarded, I fucking hate fovfaggots
Why do you need to see your gun to shoot your gun, user?
no one actually plays with an FOV higher than 100
What's not fun is being given a huge arsenal of guns but being punished by the game for using them. Is that the "fun" in MGSV? Being tempted to use guns but not because it's worse for your character?
The karma doesn't change anything, but you're killing potential DD units to get better gear that you wont use
Uhm... I play with up to 110 which is often the max in-game setting.
>Complaining about inaccurate shooting
>Wants the option to shoot inaccurately in first person
You're a fucking retard friend no doubt. FPS mode is fine. of all the things to complain about in MGSV this is the height of petty autism
I agree, the positioning is awkward and it looks the same in death stranding unfortunately but I gotta try it first to see.
you're not real
my statement still stands
if the bottom example is meant to be positive I'd much rather play at 60
I probably actually should limit myself to the more sensible 100 or even 90. There's just something so alluring about the maximum.
your exactly right
Oh you sweet naive user, Payday 2 let’s you go up to 91 by dealt, people unironically mod it so they can play at 120 because it’s “competitive” and makes it “feel faster”
those are not people
>third person games are trash
Nooooo who could have guessed
But don't you lose on your score or get less money? I can't remember now
You are punished snake. Start off as a good boy with tranqs, and finish as a bad boy with tanks.
Also AMRs were really fun
You get a score pen but it doesn't realy matter you can still get FoxHound ranks
honestly it has a point.
the visual aspect of the game is also important, and in the end its only a guy and a crosshair, you barely see the gun, the flash, the shaking of the gun, the reload, etc...
add to it the fact that the gameplay between guns of the same class dont change that much and yeah, its only a few differences from gun to gun.
I played the game on release on PS3 so there was no blur on Snake. Checkmate.
If you are shooting too much you are really doing something wrong you fucking nub
T. 1k+ FOB infiltrations.
I understand any complaint about MGSV except the ones about control and general gameplay
Mad Max was a better game with a story that isn't completely nonsensical. literally the only thing that was interesting about MG5 was Quiet, the Dog and calling in your helo.
Shooting guns in a RE game with over the shoulder camera is awful. The FoV is way too small.
>I understand any complaint about MGSV except the ones about control and general gameplay
It's more a question of visual here, not gameplay itself.