Hey user, could you lower the price a little

Hey user, could you lower the price a little...

Attached: jew.png (164x255, 54K)

Hey, little girl, can you get the fuck out of my shop?

Attached: Recette.gif (220x400, 30K)

I'm calling the guards.

Attached: 1544695519368.jpg (900x900, 100K)

do you think recette and this girl ever.... you know

held hands?

Gobble my knob and I'll knock like 5% off.

ey yo how much this shit be lil nigga

Attached: Secret_Mix.png (32x32, 601)

how about you lower your pants for me instead then

What a lewd little girl.

Attached: 20180606113518_1.jpg (1024x768, 249K)

Get out

or a degenerate bother. She doesn't look too happy about it

her nose is very small for a jew

Anime girls don't have noses. It's just an illusion.

Attached: 1563231694795.png (464x678, 250K)

Are there any other games out there like this that are actually good and not abandoned junk?

Sure, I'll lower the price....for a price.

Sure, I'll lower the price by 0.1 $ for every cm you lower your panties. How does that sound?

Sadly no. I know it's hard to imagine that there's literally no actually full-featured fantasy shop-keep games but there really isn't.

Seriously I myself spent fucking ages searching for even ONE fantasy merchant simulator game that would take more than 2-3 hours to complete but I couldn't find one. They all have the same problem of basically having nothing to do once you've stabilized your initial financial situation. After that the only content is expanding the store and selling the same shit you were always selling to the same generic customer archetypes. Which basically just feels like you're doing nothing.

i stumbled upon faraway story last week. handling your shop isnt that fun but the story, for a free game, is surprisingly good

>basically having nothing to do once you've stabilized your initial financial situation
how would you solve that problem tho?
i liked the way raccetear did it with increasing the debt amount and making you dive into more dungerous dungeons
the minmax fags who only traded with the guild stock need no apply

Hows the moonlighter?

True and Reccetear remains the best one of this specific niche of game that I have ever managed to find. However it's hard to argue that the game did need to be longer.

I would suggest adding a more extensive story, keep the debt/financial obligation aspect and keep the store gameplay central to the game but expand beyond just that. Maybe make it similar to an RPG where you actually have to supply the adventurers who are going on quests to stop the demon lord or something and the requirements, costs and such constantly ramp up as well as you going with these adventurers to gather materials and items to make new, more powerful gear to sell and so on and so forth.

Basically take Recettear's basic ideas and expand all of that even further to make a fully fledged game that offers much, much more content to explore.