Think they can do it this time? Will they got bankrupt again? What mistakes do they need to learn from?
Think they can do it this time? Will they got bankrupt again? What mistakes do they need to learn from?
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1 cent have been deposited in your account
keep up the good work
I'm just happy for Wolf Among Us 2.
The Walking Dead Game is still being developed by Skybound, and it's new characters.
telltale "games"
telltale tells tall tales
Now that's a tongue twister, yessir!
*Gamers will remember that*
Can't wait to play some more movies with occasional button inputs
>The Walking Dead Game is still being developed by Skybound, and it's new characters.
>new characters
>headed up by f2p mobile games veteran
>published by f2p mobile game publisher
i wonder what will happen
>Implying they learnt their lesson
>Implying they won't immediately double down on buying the rights to super expansive brands instead of doing something sensible like make a Sam and Max which they already have the rights to license
I give them three years before full blown tax debt and taken by the IRS.
So someone just bought the IP and is puppeting its corpse more or less?
If they're not doing anything with Sam and Max then I'm not interested.
>TWAU will get a s2
>tales from the borderlands went from a -10% chance to a 0.1% chance of getting a sequel
I hope they only hire women this time
>Publisher Athlon Games is a partner in the deal, and will handle storefront operations and distribution. Financial backers include various game industry figures, including Chris Kingsley (Rebellion), Lyle Hall (Heavy Iron Studios), and Tobias Sjögren (formerly of Starbreeze).
>Athlon Games
It is owned by the chinks who acquired Digital Extremes and Splash Damage, and it has one published game so far: nu-Samurai Shodown.
There's been Sam & Max merch popping up the last couple years. Maybe they'll get a new adventure... probably not, but I can still hope.
I was re-watching videos on TWAU, and I was thinking "this would be great to see it come back for S2" and this happens? am i god
don't know the answer to that but i do know you are based
Archive that shit.
That cancerous shit should have remained dead
>No Sam and Max set in the present where we get to watch the pair struggle with technology
Yes. Nobody from the original studio is involved.
To bankrupt even faster?
Not OP but here it is:
Are they, dare i say, back?
the only choice that mattered is whether you buy their shitty games or not and it looks like i made the right choice cause telltale went bankrupt
>tfw it won't happen because they would be considered "offensive" nowadays
you're goddamn right!
what a shame
zoom zoom
if TTG came back and announced Season 4 I'd be totally on board
they will my user, you just have to believe
>Telltale Games returning
And nothing of value was recovered.
clickbait headline, real story is some investors bought the rights to the name and are slapping it on something entirely new.
>copypasted feelsbait visual novels with "difficult" "choices" which never matter in the end, and every one having the same "art""style"
SQUEE this is perfect for folks like myself who just love a good story
Literally all I want from them.
Batman season 3 pls I need more John Doe
as for the players :
>Bigby from TWAU
>a cartoon character (i wouldn't like it but you damn knows it will be Rick,i would prefer uncle Ruckus)
>Duke Nukem
>Bosco from sam and max
What did he mean by this
replace Bosco with a comics character and we are fine.
Fuck no. Why would anything good happen?
At least Sony’s movie games look good who the fuck would actually play Telltale games
How would you improve the season with the next installment?
I'd personally like if the decided to make dialogue and puzzles more Good cop/Bad cop with Sam and Max respectively. The games always had trouble in giving Max stuff to do which is why I imagined Season 3 had the whole psychic powers thing. I think having more puzzles and dialogue revolved around who should be the one interrogating and what order might fix that.
Season 2 never ever
telltale's GOT was awful tho
the new max isn't the old max remember, the old one is dead., he doesn't have any psychic powers.
in poker night 2, it's even confirmed the new max didn't lived the same adventure as the old one, and doesn't believe Sam when he's teeling him the story.
it would be cool if it's more like a detective games, like, LA noire meet Sam and Max.
I want to see Ramsay's fate in this one,maybe he will just die offscreen to be loyal to the TV series
They didn't learn anything. They'll make the same mistakes all over again with a woke workforce.
>Get offered freelance work w no benefits
>By the same jackasses who gave no shits about your wellbeing and only cared about their bottom line
>Who fucked over the whole company with shitty business decisions
How big of a cuck would you have to be to say "yes sir please thank you sir for shit contract work so glad to get more unpaid overtime from you thank you"
Asher's gonna be around for the battle of the bastards
Fuck that. I always wanted a new game but seeing the fucking state of TT "games" I was glad the series got to stay dead instead of being butchered by modern TT shit.
I can see it now
>No puzzles or collecting shit to solve puzzles
>Just talk to people in 1-2 rooms then move on
>Max will remember that
Fuck these cunts for ruining adventure games forever.
Poor Caroline
Free market is shit
>spend a whole season having your balls kicked by the whitehills
>game is even an extra episode long compared to other games, allowing the whitehills to kick your balls for a whole other episode
>the very last 5 minutes hint at getting revenge in season 2
>season 2 never happens
Please just give us TWAU2. They can die again after that, but not before we get that game.
Free market killed telltale though
Oh hey maybe we will get more Borderlands and TWAU2
Seriously, what were they thinking
Fucking seriously?
Most game devs are faggots, Telltale in particular. No sympathy.
>Wolf Among Us
>Tales from Borderlands
I really liked those games.
they wanted some kino.
and they did it.
So, the company have the same name, but not the same dev?
good, the good ones already had left anyway.
Nigga just find a new job. Your friends didn't ducking die you can still hang out with them. Ducking drama queen bullshit.
>none of Telltale staff are in new company
>some of them have been offered freelance work if they want
The new company is already doing better than the old one.
All their games are gonna be Epic exlusives
>unironically linking polygon
kys faggot op
No, Skybound isn't linked to Telltale anymore, that's why twd games are only on epic.
>become popular making zombie games
>turn into a zombie
Eh, I'll play a new Batman and The Wolf Among Us. Can't say I care for the rest.
They will still be Epic exlusives i know it
Got Dan phone posting
>What mistakes do they need to learn from?
Hopefully nothing so they quickly go bankrupt again.
to a man who pirates, none of that even matters
>I hope they bankrupt faster this time
Dont be mean.
This game is never going to get a second season. It would have been too damn complex for TellTales.
Remember when they shut down and it came out they were this massive bloated studio in the middle of the most expensive real estate in the country? How they had a staff of hundreds of hack blue hair cat ladies writing tired bullshit and repeating the same themes for every property? How despite that massive head count they had to hand animate anything that moved because their engine had no built in physics?
If they could come back as a real vidya studio and not a SJW writers workshop they have a chance.
>Cool franchises are coming back
>While their leftist devs are still jobless
Best timeline
People who enjoy compelling narratives in their story and are not jebaited by jizzbrain anime girls. T’is a concept that cannot penetrate the thick layer of cum that surrounds your brain but we do exist.
>Linking to poligon
off yourself
>Think they can do it this time?
>Will they got bankrupt again?
>What mistakes do they need to learn from?
More propaganda. Always.
>Telltale is coming back
>Without all the female employees
Based, you ever wonder why every game after TWD season 1 was shit?
They moved the studio to san francisco and hired a bunch of far left women, of course the good writers fled that's a rape accusation waiting to happen
Is this really Telltale? It looks like a zombie company with a few random employees thrown in so they can get their licenses.
>Is this really Telltale?
No. Some ninjas bought their name and some IPs. It's no more Telltale than I am the Queen of England.
Hi! Where is pastebin!?
Why are americans such special snowflakes?
t. never had a job
>can't afford expensive licenses
>they bring back Sam & Max
>Telltale’s Batman adventure is part of the new deal
they are going to die faster than you can say the walking dead
I'd be thrilled if they managed to not fuck themselves into another shutdown before they make WAU2.
not really
the telltale batman series was pretty based
why did sam n max game go from 2d to 3d anyway, 3d looks like trash, same with monkey island.
>Telltale coming back without the awful devs
Really nice
oh awesome, more movie "games" that Yea Forums will praise (despite claiming to hate movie games) because they can pirate them on their toaster pcs.
So their games are not abandon ware anymore?
>"brought back"
>just rely entirely on freelance work
I see the new management didn't learn from the shitty working conditions at all.
There has never been a company that has coasted on the good will of 1 good game to produce a pile of shit more than telltale.
Don't oversaturate your own market for starters. They were shitting out games almost yearly and the charm was lost. Borderlands series was good, Wolf Among us was good, constant Walking Dead turned to shit and Minecradt Story Mode was shit.
if you'd actually read the article you'd know you were talking out of your ass
try reading the article before posting your inane dribble next time
The devs were never the problem. It was that douchebag CEO who tried to churn out the exact same formula for every game and was forced out of the company.
>TWAU2 never ever
>even if ever it's not as comfy
Fables are just too fucking grand with all the invasion bullshit and it goes down in flames with kids
Imagine getting traumatized because you lost your job. It wasn't even getting fired for arbitrary reasons but just her company closing down for lack of money. That happens to loads of people all the time and they just suck it and get a new job
This is why women have no business being in the workforce. They are not rational and can’t be reasoned with. It’s all about muh emotions and muh feelings. Note how a simple business transaction immediately becomes about her. All women are like this.
>actual games
Do they have the rights to The Walking Dead? I want a new season of TWD with an 18 year old Clem and sex scenes.
No, Skybound has the rights to TWD now. They're the ones who finished the last episodes of the final season after TellTale went under.
>tales from the borderlands
>game of thrones
>a wolf among us
actual games.
TF2 Engineer
Harvey Birdman
Bigby Wolf
Agent 47
Sam and Max as the dealers
Yes. Best telltale game
>telltale was literally going to rip off every single one of their customers that bought the final season of the walking dead
>they were literally going to have made people lay for half a game and be okay with that, even though the last episodes were almost done
>skybound comes in to save face
Fuck these retards
>games i don't like aren't games
no. skybound does.
I do agree saying they were traumatized is them being a drama queen but it isn't normal for the company you work for to just suddenly go out of business when everyone thought they were doing well because upper management kept any knowledge of their financial situation from getting out. It's definitely not normal for you to suddenly have your employment contract terminated and not get paid the severance you were entitled to.
first game gets decent numbers based on exclusivity deals/social goodwill. will probably do some kind of heavy dontnod style pandering and make the main theme about how hard it is being a dyke or a tranny or something and eventually fade away
Its solely composed of SJWs who have no idea what a game is like, and thinks that old-school adventure games where you die every 5 seconds for clicking the wrong thing is "too hard" because someone was too damned lazy to make 100 saves.
And there I thought paid shills were just a Yea Forums meme.
Losing your job without severance pay can be traumatic. Can mess up your whole life, especially when it came out of nowhere.
Oh, so they will be free? Good.
all they need to do is to put real gameplay into their game and do them one at a time. They used to work on 4/5 game at once, and no one played the Batmans and Guardians of the galaxy.
Also have real devs instead of dozen of writers
>No new Strong Bad game
Who cares?
All of their games will be Epic-exclusives, just watch
looks like kino is back on the menu boys
hell yes
Maybe they'll learn from the david cage "games" making your choices actually matter.
nah, these fuckers will get lazier every shitty IP they buy
The worst is when you get a choice or option to save someone. Even if you save them they barely play a role in the future, maybe saying a line or three. And they eventually die anyway. When someone has an optional death you know they will die for sure later in the future. I try to save everyone, even villain, because I want to see the full extent of their roles.
>bloated, mismanaged disaster of a company explodes
>some shitty f2p shovelware merchant swings by and buys up all of the burning scrap
Hope you Telltalefags like cynically repurposed IPs and moble game cashgrabs.
>$.01 has been deposited into your bank account
Have you seen literally any telltale game after the first season of Wolf Among Us? It is going to look like shit, run like shit, and be written like shit. It was good they died before they made it to ruin the legacy