Why is the ending to Final Fantasy VIII so powerful?
Why is the ending to Final Fantasy VIII so powerful?
It's not.
Laguna is the only good part of the whole story.
He should've been the real MC.
It's really not. It's vague and unsatisfying like pretty much every other FF ending.
This. Squall and co. were fucking awful. Based Laguna should have been MC.
I can't believe this dude turned into a girl.
I cry everytime I get to this scene.
What do Raine and Michael Jackson have in common?
FFVII: literally no aftermath, we’re not even sure if Holy wiped out humanity or not until Advent Children
FFVIII: Fairy tail ending that solves every loose end
This thread is for witches only
Actual brainlets. Squall being able to smile for the first time since his childhood is way more kino than anything Laguna related.
>solves every loose end
What exactly happened with Seifer? Was he punished?
Who is even in charge of Galbadia now?
Have sorceresses been completely wiped out?
Does Squall learn about his father?
How do Esthar and Laguna interact with the rest of the world now that they are no longer "hidden"?
Those are just a few questions I had that the ending didn't touch.
laguna was such a chad he cucked general caraway and had a song written about him, impregnated raine, and became president of a city he was once a prisoner of all while being an awkward weirdo
Pale skin, Dark hair
>being able to smile for the first time since his childhood
That's not even true. I specifically remember Squall laughing once or twice during the game's events.
>Squall laughing once or twice
but was he smiling?
Who the hell doesn't smile while they're laughing?
Give an example.
Is it even possible to laugh without smiling?
Should've just kept it to
>Evil sorceress will flood the world with monsters and reign in tyranny
Instead of
>Evil sorceress will flood the world with monsters then 404 time and existence anyway so what is the point
Time compression was a pants on head retarded idea
most of these are completely inconsequential and unimportant to the ending of the story.
>never smiled once until he was 17
actual autism
Also there is that one scene in FH where Squall expresses immense relief that the missile base party is still alive. You can't tell anything from the character models obviously but I'd be surprised if he didn't crack a smile there.
He's also a lot less moody in the JP translation. A lot of the "..." in his dialogue is a result of the translation team in charge not knowing what the Japanese said. So we got moody Squall and it just stuck ever since. Same with Kefka. In Japan, replace literally every memorable line with some variation of "DAMN IT." Then Woolsey got a hold of him and that's the version that stuck ever since.
Squall wasn't half as bad as people say, he just wanted to mind his own business but shit just kept pilling on top of him.
>at the party just chilling
>thirsty tutor lies about mission to get to fuck him
>has to deal with Zell endless talking and Selphie childish behavior
>then this spoiled rich girl playing ISIS keeps nagging him
>then the supposedly reliable sniper can't shoot the target
>oh fuck now Squall got fucking impaled through the chest
>now he's in fucking prison
and it goes on and on, the guy just wanted peace of mind. There's also the localization butchering his dialogue too.
People who refuse to play VIII
They'll never know. This is OUR treasure.
Most of these are answered in-game.
Seifer gets back together with Fujin and Raijin. He probably isn't allowed back in a Garden anymore, but it looks like he dosen't care, he is just chilling.
The Galbadian Army is all but destroyed through the events of the Lunar Cry. They'll elect someone new (all named characters you meet in the game are either dead or accounted for elsewhere).
Sorceresses still exist. Remember that at some point in the future Ultimecia is born.
Squall and company learn about Laguna being his father aboard the Ragnarok (optional dialogue with Kiros / Ward).
Only Balamb and Galbadia interacted with Esthar, things will go back to the way they were before. People knew Esthar existed before Squall gatecrashed it, no reason to change anything afterward. Clean up the Lunar Cry monsters and its back to the status quo.
>I specifically remember Squall laughing once or twice during the game's events
the final boss had the best explosion noises of any FF, that about it
>explosion noises
FF8 Quetzacoatl lightning and Light Pillar sounds busted my TV speakers I shit you not.
i love FF8s approach to rpg meets "futuristic" (from the standpoint of 1999) sounds and setting honestly
i could self insert myself at that age honestly into the "loner" type, probably what got me to love this FF over every other FF title
This will never not be a fucking jam, why is everything about Laguna just better than Squall?
Interesting read. He's a lot more apologetic than an asshole in the Japanese version of the game.
>Your dad will never be as cool as Laguna
chillt mal
this shit makes me wanna speed through the streets
Are these lesbians getting married?
I wish seifer was given a proper treatment
Then again, seeying him watching the balamb garden and smiling, purifies my soul. Hes finally at peace.
Deal with it
Seifer was an asshole, Squall was just the few words type.
L A D S...
It really isn't.
Why the hole in the face tho?
that game was shit
>pumped and dumped raine and left his child to live in an orphanage
Shit father.
He put all his attention on some random girl instead of his actual son, if I was Squall I would've Renzokuken'd his ass a million times the moment I met him and I would've fucked Quistis instead of Rinoa
>we’re not even sure if Holy wiped out humanity or not until Advent Children
Why would it have wiped humanity?
>Play FF VII
>Every single character in your party acts like your 13yo brother or sister