*redeems itself*

*redeems itself*

Attached: Star-Wars-Battlefront-2-PC-Version-Full-Game-Free-Download.jpg (2048x1152, 246K)

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*shills shitty game*

>Bumps the thread anyway

Fuck off, shill.

superior game

>has no co op vehicles
You're missing the point!

They fixed the progression system??

*sucks a fat greasy throbbing cock*

Attached: 1558694758839.png (400x173, 27K)

Yeah a long ass time ago

that isn't ion fury

thanks EA

Did they add spawning vehicles like in 2005, did they add vehicles with multiple player slots, did they add modding tools for new factions and map making, did they add ground to space maps, did they add ship vs ships maps ?

Attached: 1542905214681.jpg (368x353, 14K)

Only on one map, but supposedly with more to come

ships vs ships maps are all on rails garbage so might as well not even exist anwyay

I wish the BF3 content was never leaked because it set retards standards impossibly high for shit like ground to space maps. That shit would never work with the current game structure. Hell I'm not even sure Frostbite could handle that considering everything else in the game

It has concurrent ground battles and space battles, but no lifting off from the ground and flying into space

Okay, so this map allows me to invade the enemy ship, plant a bombs, and shot players close to their spawn point inside their ship ?

Suck a dick faggotron, BF3 was leaked way before the cancerous reboot, and maybe, they should have improved on the 2005 version rather creating shit mtx simulator.

I liked it and enjoyed the MP but fuck seems like I need to grind the shit out of it to get gud. Is there something else I need to do to actually be top 5 in matches or what?

Buddy you are forgetting that bf3 was never even released. It's completely unfair to compare a game to one that never even came out. For all we know ground to space was a bluesky idea that they never even got working beyond conceptual beta footage.

it has flaws but i still enjoy playing it

Attached: Star Wars Battlefront II (2017) Screenshot 2019.05.02 - (1920x1080, 2.31M)

You don't plant bombs, but you sabotage their ship.

It's not a flight mode though. It's a ground mode with control points that starts a second phase in their ship when the control points are claimed

Not really, Disney BF2 still shit compared to 2005 BF2, it's natural that any type sequel would be an improvement based on a proved formula, but, no, they reboot everything because, work is hard, and we must do mxt, removed map making and mods, and bf3 had a "working" system that could be improved on, Dice and EA are just lazy and pathetic.


I unironically think EABF2 is a better game at this point.

The maps feel better made for it's modes. Vehicles are WAY more balanced, it's gunplay is more satisfying, I could go on actually
In fact, I will if this thread is still up in a few hours

>shitty DICE progression system: CHECK
>shitty DICE star card system: CHECK
so when did it redeem itself? because i dont see it

Whats wrong with the Star cards?