Telltale has been brought back under a new team
It’s time for Batman season 3 my dudes
Telltale has been brought back under a new team
It’s time for Batman season 3 my dudes
TWD already ended, even without Telltale.
There is no need for them anymore senpachi
Oh god no
I was so glad Telltale was finally dead. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to revive this company
How many times will they make the same game before they go bankrupt again?
All new games will be Epic-exclusive. They will be dead again within years despite Epic's bribes
Does anyone REALLY give a fuck about TellTale? Their games have been consistently shit since Walking Dead S1, they have been bleeding money left and right, and the whole format and platform has been shit from the get-go.
Why would you want to revive something that has been obviously grinded into powder half a decade ago?
>linking polygon
Who's ready for some more barely interactive gameplay and braindead puzzles that are made for 3 year olds, with graphics which give the Playstation 2 a run for its money complete with faux choice systems! Fuck yeah!
>Telltale associated IPs + new licenses
And i am reminded that Telltale basically didn't have it's own IPs
Do these people really think this will work?
One of the main reasons Telltale went down was precisely because their business model was expensive as fuck to maintain
Don't hire based on skin color or genitals this time, or go the same way.
Oh good, we can finally get the shitty Stranger Things game they promised us
I can't wait for them to make the exact same fucking mistakes that killed them last time. Lots of businesses go under for reasons outside of their control, but with Telltale, it was 100% their own fault.
there are a thousand better game developers that deserve to be revived and instead, telltale gets a "get out of jail free" card. i am so fucking mad, this company died just because they were fucking morons and no other reason. they should've stayed dead.
>we're going to keep making games that are made to be watched and not played
great idea
Me, unironically
Worked for quite a while.
I could care less.
IPL is basically dead despite releasing one of the best narrative videogames of the last two decades, while fucking TellTale gets bailed for doing a bad thing fifteen times in a row, when it stopped being profitable after the second try.
Fuck this industry. Seriously, fuck this industry.
>with graphics which give the Playstation 2 a run for its money
Why do zoomers always say this? It's apparent you didn't have a PS2 because PS2 games looked like liquid ass, Telltale games aren't gorgeous, but they're not anywhere near being as bad or worse than PS2 games. They're like 360 games.
I strongly suspect that people "care" about TellTale so much exclusively because they care about the fucking idea of a god-damn licenced title. They just want to see more shitty tacked off derivations of the already shitty fucking movies and comics books purely for the satisfaction of seeing a name they recognize.
If you didn't have autistm you would understand the concept of exaggeration for comedic effect/painting a picture you fucking social reject.
Walking Dead and Minecraft Season 1 are the only games to make a profit after Walking Dead season 1.
Wish Lionhead Studios or Visceral revived as well.
Nice backpedaling faggot zoomer.