Man, I just can't get into Fire Emblem for some reason

Man, I just can't get into Fire Emblem for some reason...

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Man, I'm just suddenly obsessed with Mortal Kombat for some reason...
*muffled chaching sounds in background*

>1 month passes

Eternal reminder that he was right all along. Have you apologized yet?

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At least he's honest

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clown is literally incapable of understanding anything not a fighting game, pat has to translate to for his mongoloid ass every time he talks about a game

>tfw you have every one of them

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Who's the white boy?

Why the fuck is he worse at Mario Maker than Egoraptor? How is that even possible?

Even worse is him not being able to describe real life things without using video game analogies
Its gone from being charming to generally concerning over the years

not until he's dead

I'd rather he killed himself than parrot other people's work and pass it off as his own

>Exactly one month later, they're crying about how trannies get treated by Atlus
Like pottery

REMINDER: Pat and Woolie are right Naoto is trans

He'd be fine bumbling around a game if he had people with him that were actually entertaining. He knows and admitted that Minh is a charisma vacuum and doesn't understand comedy, but still puts him in everything.

This. Also Kanji is gay as the day is long
Also never forget that Catherine is the big oof yikes for real

>He knows and admitted that Minh is a charisma vacuum and doesn't understand comedy, but still puts him in everything.
Woolie unironically said that he thought Minh was going to be next Karl Pilkington. I will never get over this. What a complete fucking fool he is.


>illiterate manchild with no sense of spatial awareness
>make videos with two mushmouth foreigners without an ounce of charisma between them
aw gee why my channel not get big :((

bring back tablelords you nigger

Naw bro it's cool he's just in the process of finding his audience, fuck SBFP fans he wants fans who love his ESL boyfriends and shitty ass literal who games

Dude jojo lmao

>thought Matt is killing the channel cuz he was such a boring bitch
>new podcast without him
>it's 10x worse
oh no
oh noo
also woolie's channel is so fucking bad
the only e celeb i pay attention anymore is jerma

>His excuse was literally "I'm sorry, I thought people wanted something different" and "I thought people were tuning in for us"
At this point I've completely stopped watching Woolie's channel and I've maybe tuned into Pat's streams 2-3 times and regretted it every time. It's even started to be a chore to get through an entire podcast without skipping through 70% of it.

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Joking aside, why is nobody else's Shadow ever taken at face value?

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That's not true, sometimes he can describe things by using Jojo as well.

Holy shit I know. He talks abouy 'LP anxiety' but has he ever really looked into how he's never really attempted to apply himself to a new game like that? He just clams up and tries to play so carefully but he doesnt use his brain

No sorry it must go into the pile of abandoned and failed woolie projects.

Can we make a list of these
>his villain game
>his graphic novel
>learning japanese
>super best friends
>kirby lore
>gun to your head

>gon in 60 seconds
>woolie will figure it out

Anything I missed?

Eli puts out the best content at this point even if he only updates once a blue moon.
Let's Plague Vagrant Story when?

>woolie fucking up every missile counter against Jeanne and completely missing the entire cruise missile counter sequence

I'm 37 hours in and still not enjoying Three Houses that much. 3/5 game, which is lower than I should be wasting time with but I've come too far to stop now.

>literally fucking forget to turn on the mic of one lf them, for an entire 40 minutes of LP
Fucking looooool. Dude sucks

Mattfags were completely vindicated by the past year.


They are though
The way Chie and Yukiko’s shadows are taken is that they actually feel that way
Yosuke’s whole deal is he has to accept that he actually resents living in Inaba, isn’t it?
Did I miss something? I thought shadows were suppressed feelings that people had but they were actually had those people really did feel

Are you in Part 1 and are you in Blue Lions? Part 1 is only decent in the Blue Lions route because the cast has a personal connection to the part 1 plot. Part 2 is a massive improvement, especially Deer which has lots of cool shit in Part 2. If you picked Eagles hoo boy, sorry, enjoy waifu shilling and bad writing.

Shouldn't Liam be happy that his friend is doing well?

They are "exaggerated" versions of it. Like how Yosuke feels guilty about being happy at a death since something interesting happened while his shadow goes FUCK YEAH SOMEONE DIED.

Matt is just churning out 'videogame analysis' videos that more competent people have already made before, so mattfags remain btfo

>Plays game for 1 hour
>Pretends to be an expert

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My take is that in woolie becoming more "offical" with the partnerships and what not, they wont be ablen hang or have their normal relationship anymore, especially since hes pretty much stuck with pat at this point.

Sorry Matt who would have thought the green haired black and ginger eggman where the sjws all along

The podcast if fine, even if there's the Atlus shit in quick succession. The only thing it misses from the old cast is what new horror shows were on Netflix that week.

>Should I play this game or even just do research for 30 minutes before hitting record?


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If your channel isn’t doing well enough as a stand-alone entity, you usually attach to a larger entity for some safety in numbers
Think about it in game terms: if your last game sold well, chances are you can self produce and self publish
If you’re not doing so well, you’re more likely to take the offer of a big publisher to be acquired

that doesn't bode well, not that dude but I played gay deer route and I was bored to tears because he had no personal connection at all to the stuff happening besides wanting to open the borders, even fucking off to his own country in the end, and they didn't explain shit.

>yeah I know all about SMT, I played SMT games like Persona 4 and Tokyo Mirage Sessions

>Hey what's up guys, Woolie here with a new quick look at a long form RPG game that will run way too short and result in me playing nothing but the first half of the tutorial, but don't worry, I also have my two literally fucking who friends here to ruin the videos even more with their indecipherable accents, run-on stories, bad jokes and shitty mic quality

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Shadows are how you think other people see you, they're the kind of stuff going through your mind that doesn't really represent how you truly are, but you are afraid it might.

>Oh yeah the audio is fucked up on this video lmao
>Huh? FUCK NO we're not gonna rerecord that segment fuck off faggot also here's ads lol

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>Gets carried by his fanboys in XIV
>Pretends he is an expert at XIV

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Ah, in that case you will like Blue Lions a lot more. I'd say try giving that a chance. Blue Lions is a lot more personal and the characters are tied in to the country and plot, Claude is a filthy foreigner that gives no shits and really doesn't even care much of Edelgard subjugates the country.

Even though some hate Matt or Liam, all 4 of them together make the best bantz. Those mailbag videos and old podcasts are top comf. I really wish that time would heal all wounds and they get back together. So we can get Shitstorms, Fisticuffs, Rustlemanias and the likes.

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I love how he said that SMT 3 isn't very good, but can put hundreds upon hundreds of hours into Persona 3 and up (because old Personas don't actually count as true Persona to him). I don't think he's even ever finished Strange Journey.

>Criticises people for being suboptimal in XIV while he gets his ass carried

Same, honestly. They all have their flaws, but together they really were able to make something special

I picked Golden Deer because I liked the characters. Blue Lions seemed like Holy War douchebags. But even though the character writing is solid I found myself skipping cutscenes and dialogues about 10 hours in, so if the story is great or bad I wouldn't know. I don't care for the Persona-like Monastery stuff. I don't like roleplaying like I'm a professor. School sucked and I wish Japan would stop obsessing about it.

The dipstick couldn’t figure out the weapon triangle in #FE when there was a clear pattern shared by all the enemy rehashes they fought, I figured the base series wouldn’t be up his alley.
Matt’s still a whiny, obnoxious faggot & his video essays are still very trashy, bare-bones, & full of shit literally anyone can find through a quick Google search. I’d be more willing to see his side of things if he didn’t act like such a fag about someone being successful enough on their own merit to become a homeowner than mooching off a rich fatso for vacation coupons.
>im soery guys i cant do this today
>i m just sick and i don’t know whats wrong
It slays me every time.

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Just like Fisticuffs. 20 minutes of learning how to play, 5-10 minutes of somewhat competent matches.
Except games with gimmicks, like Hisoutensoku where they didn't figure out spellcards.

>tfw will never be as comfy as listening to those first 120 or so episodes of podcast
they were goat, covering wide variety of topics and genres of games and still funny.
cannot stand any one of them seperatly

I remembering him talking about SMT II during the Barkley playthrough.
I find it hard to believe he made any significant headway with it at this point.

Pat called his pay pigs peasants who pay their lord a tithe on his latest stream

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Sure but I suppose that would mean there’s still a version of those feelings that are true, since they’re uninhibited by the Super Ego of their host.
Ultimately it comes down to whether you think Kanji is a little gay or not gay at all since not a lot of the other shadows get the sort of roundabout interpretation that Kanji’s or Naoto’s did. It’s usually “I guess I do sort of hate inaba” or “I guess I do sort of like dominating my friend”
The weirdest thing is Naoto’s though. Her outwards behavior suggests she’s comfortable with the idea of being a boy, it’s not something she’s trying to suppress
If anything, it’s more insecurity at being a child than a girl

Confused as hell after buying his own bullshit. Believes in some magical self-energy that is supposed to shine through just by him trying to be bold and forceful like Pat. Decent content, but not a good leader and very quickly is taking on the defensive anger of an isolated smartass channel
A sincerely lazy and proudly antisocial troll of a man, pared his life down to literally just a camera on him popping pills, red bull and fast food while pouting and acting the expert on everything he doesn't know. Is literally a mental wear on anyone sane, and together with his girlfriend are in a feedback loop of selfishness and willingness to shit on anyone on a whim. Really a weak person in decay
Cushy dumbass who manages to actually make the best videos even if theyre redundant. Way too deep in his own trans-coded wifey tumblr cuddle bubble, but actually decently functional, if an immature childless toy-collecting canadian 'cool wine husband'
Spiteful and sniveling child of divorce with a small comfort zone and truly feels entitled to never leave it - will outwardly threaten and cower as an argument when made uncomfortable
Am i missing anything?

This actually

>Except games with gimmicks, like Hisoutensoku where they didn't figure out spellcards.
It always irritated me that they never picked Suika and didn't realise. They usually were pretty thorough on trying every character at least once, too.

He and Woolie both cleared it. I think Pat went Neutral.




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Wait, that’s not right, is it? I distinctly remember shadows being how people ACTUALLY felt (albeit exaggerated as the other user said) and the only way to properly defeat them is accept that you feel that way so those feelings stop being suppressed
It was the Midnight Channel that actually showed how other people think of someone, hence why Namatame acts like a fuck on the Midnight Channel but he’s actually not like that at all: because the Squad thought that’s what he was like and had their perceptions reflected back at them by the channel

They think the raw reaction will be better for views.
Problem is you have to actually learn games, so the start is always awkward.


That's one smooth looking dome.

remember to sage and report eceleb threads

That's kind of amazing, considering.

Why his head be so smooth?

She looks like a romanian gypsy

Cool farm boy who became bitter with the world. Tries really hard to hide his porn.

Naoto is literally just a work-focused person who thought pretending to be male would increase her role in the work hierarchy. Thats it, zero anything sexual or 'she should be a boy just because she could.' Shes not motivated to be a male unless it helps for work.

why don't you get some real friends instead?

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Eli bothers me because he thinks he's more profound than he actually is. At least the best friends are goofy and self-aware at their shittiness. Some of his videos are alright but I can't listen to him without being bombarded by fraudness

Pretentiousness made flesh

I'm not surprised, considering how anal he is about doing things the correct way.

>Implies the only reason a person wouldn't know how to play chess is because they're stupid
>Earlier in the LP he revealed he always bruteforced the sphinx's riddle, even with Woolie telling him the solution (4, 2, 3) which he responded to with "Why would it be that?"
How is Pat real?

Trying really hard to be confident in himself, while being a mentaI health patient in recovery. A good boy but boy does he get defensive

Pat's streams are off the rails in the bad sense.
It's like 10% bad gameplay, 70% sub dickscuking, 10% eating and 10% incomprehensible discussion with his gf

>I should leave the hardest new non-savage duty after two quick wipes with new players even though I have instant queues.
>Man, fuck toxic players and assholes who waste your time.
>Mocks and does not understand people who like to sink time into non-fighting elements.
>"Thanks for the free stuff, crafter fans."
Pat is the worst kind of person to deal with in an MMO.

this, it's the classic case of people being useless by themselves but absolute dynamite together

Kanji probably is bi since he wanted to fuck Detective Prince Naoto.


>jerma makes the transition from youtube to twitch
>actually creative content like the green screen stream, innovating on the platform
>pat makes the transistion from youtube to twitch
>stream is mostly reading donations and arguing with random chat members

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Yeah, he is a bit on the pretentious side, but I still find his solo content the most entertaining of the lot.
I wish he'd do another let's plague and something other than DaS for once. He keeps namedropping Vagrant Story, he should just do that.

It's all up on sadpanda tho

yeah, what a fag, he gets turned on by girls

He should do a let's suffer through DaS2
He is at his best when he is bitching about shit that every one agrees is shit

What's his porn handle?

>He gets so asshurt he goes looking in the archives
No one cares faggot


I'll apologize after he delivers on his promise to shit on the Netflix Godzilla movies with Mother's Shillment

Imagine going through all of that effort....................

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>He thinks people call the new fighting game characters Woolie as a different word for nigger and not because big black man with dreads
What's his problem?

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The shadows exaggerate your thoughts and feelings, but that includes thoughts that might be based on false assumptions. Naoto thinks she'd be taken more seriously as a boy and wishes she was born a boy as a result, but that doesn't mean she actually identifies as a boy or really wants to be one.
Kanji thinks he likes a guy and is confused as a result, thinking deep down that he might be gay as a result. Honestly, whether he's gay or not is neither here nor there, arguing about it misses the point of his story. The real take away is that you don't have to be put into a neat hole based on your hobbies and likes. He believed in the stereotype that liking cute things made him gay and Naoto only compounded that, but realises that he doesn't have to label himself like that.

I mean let's be real, the fun part was two best friends playing through video games together, not two best friends playing through video games on their own in separate channels and doing a podcast where they talk about current events for 20 minutes longer than they need to when you already know everything they're going to say because you were in threads talking about it a week ago when the news first broke

That's why it's not called 'two best friends' anymore, user

>okay, so there are two types of ____ players
>alright, so there are the old players, and then there's the new players
>okay and theres an entire half of the game, you can just skip. Like it literally has no value
>and I guess theres an entire fanbase that likes that, but whatever
>and because thay half of the game is useless, theres no way to actually get the items you need from that part of the game without playing it
>okay basically what i meant was that technically nobody who does any of that has any fun, theyre just crazy
>no its not like that at all, okay fine it is like that but you know, thats the way it is
Shut the fuck up. Why does Pat always have to come in hot declaring new fucking rules everywhere for every game he plays. He's so half-baked

Forgot pic

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>Imagine being so sad and pathetic you even care in the first place
>Imagine not knowing how to use ellipses...

Thought it was a dude, hence bi.
Definitely not just gsy since he wanna smash puss.

>He is at his best when he is bitching about shit that every one agrees is shit
It's easier to digest, for sure.
Though I'd kind of like to see him suffer through DaS3 or Bloodborne simply because most of the stuff he'll complain about is stuff people won't agree with.

So it's not just his body that's getting bigger and fatter too, huh? Glad I stopped watching his streams shortly after the breakup.

yeah so what's the point

the DMC5 playthrough was fun, then it was back to kind of boring.

hey man at least he gets to feel black

>imagine having no reply other than pointing out a deliberate typo, but still writing it down and posting it

>Deliberate typo
Oxymoron moron

Hell are you on about?

And yet a useful phrase, so here we are

Pat's unending desire to make grand wishy-washy statements about the makeup or behavior of games and fanbases he doesnt know much about, basically every podcast attempting to cast himself in some elite role or understanding that Woolie always makes him backpedal on with basic questions

What did he mean by this lads?


>man, if only i wasn't so much of a woolie
what did he mean by this?

Thanks, I always wondered what it was.

That an oxymoron like 'deliberate typo' effectively communicates the reality of an error made intentionally, and is the perfectly appropriate descriptor while also being a verbal oxymoron