This game is fucking shit and waaaay too long. I'm so fucking sick of female video game protagonists...

This game is fucking shit and waaaay too long. I'm so fucking sick of female video game protagonists. I can't even remember the last swinging dick MC I played as.

Attached: ion-fury-censorship-reset-era.jpg (1600x740, 386K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: ok.jpg (351x351, 18K)

its super mega homophobic too! me and the other trannies at repedoera agree

Attached: shecky6million.jpg (1600x1030, 263K)


OP confirmed for sucking dicks.

Amid evil > ion fury > dusk

Honestly dusk seemed like a masterpiece when it came out but these other two just blow it out of the water

Agreed, havnt played ion fury yet but amid evil is really underrated. Fucking fantastic level design that actually feels like old school fps.

Wait for Wrath Aeon of ruin to come out.
Fuck this feminist shit.

I get Yea Forums is ass mad about Ion fury but there's literally nothing wrong with female protags in games

Yuo're trying way too hard. I mean, yuo couldn't be any more obvious if yuo posted a photo of yuorself dressed as a teenager trying to be "hip".
Got it right, Jason. Satan, get thee behind me.

Attached: Screen_Shot_2017_07_13_at_1.09.20_PM.0.jpg (1200x800, 162K)

The only people actually assmad about Ion Fury are the baby rapists at ResetEra and the Trannies on Tumblr. Any "rage" at the game you see around here are fakers either trying to stir shit up or are actually retarded.

>I can't even remember the last swinging dick MC I played as.
Probably because you don't play video games in the first place

This isn't feminist you retard

>Devs donated 10K to some tranny charity
>for some reason I have to like it because trannies don't
Wow, cringe and bluepilled. Dilate harder tranny

Nah, those baby rapists are getting 10K dollarydoos from the devs. If anything, you're just shilling to empower trannies even harder. These cucks won't see a cent from me to pay to those pedophiles.

You forgot about the whiny bitches who are upset that the devs removed the fag bag texture that you can't even see unless you noclip outside one of the levels.

Except they're not. The money is going to a suicide prevention hotline.

>some tranny charity
>A suicide prevention organization for gay, bi and trans people

Even bigger waste of money then.

You're right. I wouldn't want a faggot like you to seconds guess killing yourself

>pisses off the right wing /pol/ incels
>pisses off lefty outrage degenerates
Haven't even played it but it's already my GOTY because of the drama

Attached: 1566826542894.png (480x360, 262K)

>This game is fucking shit
subjective, but most likely you are just bad
>waaaay too long
oh, noes game has too much content
> I'm so fucking sick of female video game protagonists. I can't even remember the last swinging dick MC I played as.
have sex/dilate

Would Ricky treat Jim differently if he knew that Jim was actually his biological father?

just turn off her cringy lines

It's Duke3D but with more shit and slightly uninspired weapons, what's there not to like?

And a protagonist made for soimales who can't stand a badass like Duke Nukem

dusk fucking sucks. None of the old FPS games looked like that and the level design is tragic. Maybe I just don't like full 3d shooters in general