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what's the best character to start with?


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In terms of who makes the game easiest, Cyrus. In long term however, Therion because purple chest mechanic.

The localization team really needed their asses beat for this

shut up faggot

>He doesn't like her accent

Fuck off. I bet you hate the Dragon Quest accents too.

Pretty sure it was

Your excellency

>I bet you hate the Dragon Quest accents too.
not even in the same category but as to be expected from a middle school dropout.

Best girl and easy money. Is also right next to cyrus so you can get him immediately after her.

Is Cyrus an absolute chad or what?


>saddling everyone with the merchant class for half the game
There is a special level of hell built just for people like you. The answer is Therion, Cyrus, or the apothecary, all the other starters are trash

Tressa is genuinely OP with hired help tho

You're going to compare hired help which you never actually need early game to purple chest, concocting, and auto-analyze?

When is it going to be cracked? ;_;

yes. women are all over his dick through out the entirety of the story. the only thing holding him back from getting laid though is his crippling autism.

not him, but in contrast to the things you mentioned a maxed out hired help with Aelfric Auspices is enough to kill most bosses. Yeah I consider that OP too. Though Conconct is also up there with its support options.

granted Aelfric isn't available early on, but getting enough cash for the maximum hired help is ridiculously easy for Tressa and her passive.

>Best girl
Highly debatable

>easy money
In the timeframe it takes to get her you won't be getting too much of a headstart anyway, compared to being forced to drag the lead and Therion everywhere if you didn't pick him or Alfyn's OP Concoct.

imo Alfyn takes longer than Tressa or Cyrus to become unstoppable because lack of mats at the start, Tressa can get a fortune within the first hour by running around that level 50 cave

Tressa is the only one with wind magic, and she's a better mage than cyrus if you give her a certain lance (I don't remember the name) and scholar as sub-class. Buying items from npcs is also good and doesn't depend on rng lke therion. And you get cyrus right after.

I picked Tressa first and didn't find any difficulties in beating the game, in fact I beat almost every boss 5 levels under the recommended in the first try.

Twice now I’ve wiped out on the second form of the final boss.
Not sure I can take much more of this, bros.
What should I do?

11’s accents made me play with audio off. Which sucks cuz the game is like 70 hours. I couldn’t stand the fake as shit brit cuck accents. It was overly done like an American trying a Chinese accent.

Tier list
>Always useful tier
>High utility
Everyone is good though

Do you have all the battle tested weapons?
Do you have the passives from the hidden classes?

Thaaank you!

Just go buy new gear what the fuck
It's a JRPG, not fucking differential calculus

Posting the best track

Doing postgame sidequests and I still don't have an idea of how to kit H'aanit. Everyone else seems to have at least a few classes that gel with their bases, but I haven't found one I liked for her yet.


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Make sure to have the hang tough and saving grace abilities on all your characters. Equip everyone with battle tested equipment. Alfyn's concoct is the most broken shit in the entire game, abuse the shit out of it. Spamming Winnhilde's battle cry and Balogar's Blade is effective.

I loved Octopath. I hope the devs make another game like it. A SRPG with teh same graphical style would be dope.
purple chests don't even have good loot most of the time

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Did anyone else see this?
I think it is a bug, but I wasn't 100% sure if it was meant to be there to freak you out or something.

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Yeah its just a bug. Not sure what causes it.

Has literally anyone defeated the final boss?

Assuming Olberic is your War Master H’annit does struggle a bit more for a niche.
H’annit or Therion can rock the full debuff set as a thief/hunter
Also Leg Hold Trap is busted

of course. It's a great final boss.

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Yeah it was my second try but I did it.
Probably my favorite jrpg final boss as it basically forced you to build two competent teams although the second phase needed some Runelord Tressa Cheese



Gonna post the ending pics

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This game is soulless as fuck. It feels like every single area was designed by an algorithm. The dungeons are almost all identical.


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Why are they so damn good

Magic is stupidly OP, The game is kinda badly balanced. I really enjoy it but if they ever make a sequel magic needs to be nerfed.
None of the classes are useless. Anyone but Alfyn is fine. Merchant class is actually very useful especially when mixed with runelord.

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Octopath is octoshit

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Apothecary is the worst class but Concoct is absolutely busted.

The chad himself Therion.

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What's up with Square Enix and shitty localizations? Why can't they just do it normally?

keep saying it


I'm getting so frustrated, how do I avoid the grinding? Or how do I get it over quickly? I don't understand why I have to grind mindless shit just to continue the story

Did you play most of the game with Cyrus’s passive skill on?

Alright travelers, post your:
>Starting character
>Favorite job
>Favorite character story
>Favorite boss fight
Ill start
>Pic related

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lol sounds like you're trash, i only had to grind once and that was for the final boss. btw if you're running away from every wild encounter than you're a fucking retard.

Did Olberic fuck the prostitute?


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>Sorcerer for hearing those glorious lines from everyone
>Alfyn’s for personal reasons
>Is Galdera too much of a cop out? If not that’s got to go to Erhardt

You shouldn't be doing ANY grinding unless you've completed everyone's stories, at which point you've technically beaten the game and only have postgame left which is a grind depending on how efficient and resourceful you are

I use Cyrus always but idk
I did every characters's chapter 1 and my highest char is 17, I just can't beat the boss on chapter 2, and no, I've never ran form a random encounter

>Starting character

>Favorite Job
Runelord on Tressa, of course.

>Favorite character story
Toss up between Olberic and Primrose

>Favorite boss fight
You posted it. Shit was kino.


Sorry I'm such an edgelord

You have a shit party or a shit strategy. Which boss is it and who are you using?

Make sure the boss you’re fighting isn’t one of the stronger ones, chapters 2 and 3 have different levels for when to approach them.
Cyrus has a passive skill that’s fine in short bursts but fucks the exp curve
Find side jobs, they give stat bonuses and more tools for breaks

the boss in chapter 2 of Therion, I've got Therion as main, then Cyrus, Oberic and Ophelia

>mfw still haven't figured out how to unlock the true final boss

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Forgot Tressa

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It’s pretty fucking obtuse, use a guide


Oh good, it's not just me being a brainlet. Guess I'll be going to Gamefaqs then

Do you have secondary classes?

Has this been cracked yet?

what is that?

Who the fuck is Theresa?

Never ever, faggot.

The reclassing thing which is apart of the main thing in the game.
Basically everyone can become a hybrid of their base class and something else which helps with breaking and general team composition.


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It's probably Tressa in phoneposter lingo


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Hiw is therion such a chad

Do you think Marth looks down upon his bloodline that lead to this

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keep bumping op nobody cares

Tressa is the cutest.

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Why is she so perfect?

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I would say all olberic tournament

Just google job shrines. You are struggling because your party is at half power.
I suggest you use the following combinations at first:
Thief / Dancer
Scholar / Cleric
Cleric / Merchant
Warrior / Hunter
Main strategy against the boss should be to abuse shackle foe and leghold trap.
Give your cleric the merchant passive that prevents getting one shotted.
You can survive party wipes by stacking sidestep or reflective veil on your cleric.
Boosting support skills makes them last longer.

Is that a quote from some squirting competition or something?



Cheated as it is 2

Homu homu

H'aanit is pretty cool guy eh gets in the house and doesn't afraid of anything.

That's not even what she says.
It's "Letten my arrow flyen true"
It's basically watered-down Middle English. Like The Canterbury Tales.
>Here bygynneth the Book of the tales of Caunterbury
>Whan that Aprille with his shoures soote,
>The droghte of March hath perced to the roote,
>And bathed every veyne in swich licóur
>Of which vertú engendred is the flour;
>Whan Zephirus eek with his swete breeth
>Inspired hath in every holt and heeth
>The tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne
>Hath in the Ram his halfe cours y-ronne,
>And smale foweles maken melodye,
>That slepen al the nyght with open ye,
>So priketh hem Natúre in hir corages,
>Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages,
>And palmeres for to seken straunge strondes,
>To ferne halwes, kowthe in sondry londes;
>And specially, from every shires ende
>Of Engelond, to Caunterbury they wende,
>The hooly blisful martir for to seke,
>That hem hath holpen whan that they were seeke.

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Apothecary skillset is incredible especially the divine, what are you talking about?

the final boss is the best part of Octopath

where is the torrent

Apothecary is shit outside of concoct. The skillset is lacking in both power and utility.

So it's generally agreed that the character tier list is Tressa > Alfyn > Therion > Olberic > power gap> Ophilia > Cyrus > H'aanit > Primrose right?

Tressa is just busted, Alfyn has Concoct, Therion is the best caster and Olberic is the best attacker. Meanwhile Ophilia is generally ok, Cyrus is good until endgame where he becomes mediocre, H'aanit is a worse Olberic and Primrose is just all around useless.

The game is easy, that's the point, so convenience skills like chest opening, concoct, and Cyrus's autoanalyze become really nice to have

Apothecary is fine, they have a ton of defense and can absolutely shit on people with their axe skills, and obviously concoct is borderline broken