This game does absolutely nothing to improve on the games it emulates. It just mimics them. The weapons are generic as fuck. The enemies are bland and forgettable. It's worth 10 bucks at most, not 25. It's absurd that Yea Forums would fall for this shit and I can't help but imagine we have some shady marketing going on.
This game does absolutely nothing to improve on the games it emulates. It just mimics them...
Remember when Neogaf went down and you faggots were all joyfully celebrating and saying that the meanie SJWs would never ever get to affect the industry ever again?
Gahahahahahahahahahaha, RESETERA ALWAYS WINS, BAY BAY!!!
>mfw subverting this industry to fit my leftist ideals with the power of capitalism
you brought this upon yourselves
all it takes is to ride on some little nostalgia wave for boomer fags to throw their wallets at the devs, pathetic.
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli and rape now
That's why not
Is this how you cover for your hopelessness /pol/? By pretending to root for progressives?
I'll let you in on a secret, /pol/: progress doesn't need cheerleaders, your attempts at acceleration are not going to result in a "pendulum swinging back", because society has always moved, and will always move, towards progress. Reactionaries will always become old, irrelevant and die off, and they will be rememebered as unfortunate signs of the old, shitty times, if they are remembered at all.
Why is Billy D not happy with our victories? Yes, they still censored fagbag and still gave the 10k, but they made a step in the right direction and that's something to celebrate.
Is this it? Are we finally, after 4 years of struggle, risking our very lives on the internet battlefield, winning the war against the sjws? This is like WW2 retold but with the good guys winning! Based Billy was right, it truly was "... for now"
Ironically based
Unironically based
>Why is Billy not happy with them only half-cucking out to ResetEra
It's because of low standards and expectations like those that we are losing.
Going to buy it at launch even if I'm never going to play it, and maybe I'll buy some extra to give around.
It's his job to be permanently angry. Only then can he wordsmith the finest clickbait articles for his adoring angry gamer fans
It's already out, fake gamer boy
Billy isn't happy m8
Look at OP's image more carefully
He's not an easily impressed cuck like nu-Yea Forums
Yea Forums isn't easily impressed. It's just coping and trying to spin anything as a win. That's how bad ResetEra is dominating.
>Not as easily impressed
>defends scam citizens with everything he got
4d chess
You can't delete the truth, jannies. ResetEra's reign will never end.
They took three steps backwards, then took one step forward. This is a loss.
Based Billy D calling it like it is
Harsh but fair
illiberals are incapable of producing anything that isn't creatively bankrupt.
And yet we still completely control the industry and you are powerless to stop us
Will Billy ever stop losing? It's getting pathetic at this point.
Name one thing this game improves over the older ones it's emulating
>It's not being censored
>We're leaving Ogay
>We are based
>We are also removing fagbag btw
I don't really care at this point but why does it sound like they're trying to placate both sides? Doesn't that never work ever? They should've just picked ONE side and stuck with it. Even if they kept fagbag in this makes them seem kinda spineless. If they got even more negative reviews after this would they undo the undo they undid?
This could be a PR team vs Dev team thing and this is the compromise they got. Voidpoint did mention that the PR team they hired are the ones that caused this mess in the first place and it was even going to be worse if they didn't put their foot down.
Voidpoint should not have listened to ResetEra in the first place.
imagine waking up and your first thought is i'm gonna go participate in a culture war on twitter
god damn i love being your centrist bogeyman
It wasn't them user. They stated the PR company 3DR hired did everything.
>i love being your centrist bogeyman
I don't get why they hate Centrists so much. Resetera is absolutely seething whenever someone there says they are a centrist. I don't get why
It was 3d realms decision. And they learned their lesson the hard way. I feel like other devs and publishers will see this and realize you dont make deals with trannies.
Forgive me if I remain skeptical.
>Resetera is absolutely seething
lmao naw Yea Forums seethes at "centrists"
wait till that one dude gets in the thread and starts talking about jewish conspiracies
Are you fucking retarded?
It's legitimately the best build game ever made, the level design is fucking phenomenal, literally my only complaint is that some of the weapon audio isn't quite punchy enough for my liking.
They didn't though. The only censorship they're going back from is the O'Gay soap. They're still doing
>Sensitivity training
>10k donation to suicide tranny hotline
>No more edgy jokes
This is just them trying to placate people who only read headlines. Which is a significant number. Either way lesson learned or not people will likely still be skeptical of them going forward.
It's a damn shame this culture war tainted the game so much. Any discussion will always have what happened brought up. They'll probably need to abandon this IP for a while and just make something new.
Oh user, even you aren't that fucking stupid.
Yea Forums ribbing centrists is not the as the shiteras going assmad at them user.
genuinely either the most ignorant or the most willfully ignorant post in this entire thread
who the fuck are you lieing for
>Yea Forums doesn't get assmad at centrists
>especially on /VOL/ and /TVOL/
yeah okay, first day? welcome to Yea Forums
>The weapons are generic as fuck.
Ah yes, they're so generic that the starting pistol has McCree's ultimate built in.
Someone needs to post that chad pic with the faggot centrist
>$10,000 bribe and "sensitivity training"
what the fuck
>Doesn't that never work ever?
It literally just worked. There were like 20 threads on Yea Forums jerking them off and bowing to them. The reviews are overwhelmingly positive now. They did it.
Both /pol/niggers and ResetEra seethe at centristchads, and that's why it's so great to be one.
I don't think sales will really tick any more though. Most important time for games are launch and the whole launch period was this mess.
what they should have done is said nothing and let the retards bark and whine in a bubble
just responding to this shit was a mistake
>I feel like other devs and publishers will see this and realize you dont make deals with trannies.
lmfao, you've been saying this for 4 fucking years, my man, how can you delusionally keep coming back to this cope HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
see you in a month and a half when another game bows down to us
He was 100% right then and he's 100% right now.
This studio will never live this down without culture warrior faggots REEEEEING at it. It'll be fine, as long as they keep making good games, though.
>hill to die on
all they had to do was say nothing and leave it alone
taking the stance that it doesn't matter proves that even further
Ah, surely you mean this one
Any developers lurking here or future developers.
Do no interact with sites like resetera or twitter or any other outrage mob gathering hole.
Yikes, that's going to have to be a loli post from me chief
If you must make a statement, just use the generic "Your concerns have been noted" line or some other actual PR shit.
That include Yea Forums?
Devs should be free to do what they want.
People should be free to be outraged over it.
finish the quiz Yea Forums.
Yes. Even if it's silly.
Anyone posting Billy should be auto-banned to be honest
and everyone should be free to not listen to it
He can never be happy. As long as women and black people exist, Billy D must post clickbait
>literally a just a childish replacing of the L in olay with G for ogay
>libs fuckin' lose it
You're a funny one user.
No kidding. Just copy the worthless Governor of the State of Oregon, Kate Brown:
>Hate the Death Penalty
>Work with fringe group to get it overturned
>Realize it CAN'T be overturned
>But it can be amended using legalize that makes it impossible to adjust without an overhaul of existing Federal Laws
>Help write an amendment to current Death Penalty laws that ensures ONLY people who are a proven member of a declared and federally-recognized terrorist organization AND who killed more than two people in the course of their terrorism can be executed, everyone else can only get 30-Life
>And it's totally retroactive to include the current prisoners on Death Row, despite promising victim families that it won't be
>AND this means that five criminal scum on Death Row are immediately up for parole
>Yet when the press and public demand comment and action to fix what is reported as an "accidentally badly written law"...
>Say nothing and wait for the heat to die off, then go fuck-up something else & repeat.
God fuck what is wrong with Oregon?!?!
>People complain about thing
>Say you'll change it
>People complain about change
>Say you won't change it
Have some fucking backbone, christ
It goes without saying that no one should listen to Yea Forums either. Our pathetic impotent attempts to influence the industry are literally just as morally valid as ResetEra's or Twitter's
How does a soap bottle saying OGay make them think people see faggots as less than human? Does anyone even unironically see gays as less than human?
>implying there's something wrong with getting rid of the death penalty
Dev here. In the next 2 years I should have something ready. How bad would an AMA for the game go here? Is the media gonna throw a shitfit?
Because it combines Faggotry with Irish. Both are subhumans, so together they are inhuman.
Even they can't be this sensitive. I'm betting this is their way of getting back at Voidpoint for that "transphobic" comment.
Go away Kate Brown. The justices in your state decided that the punishment fit the crimes. You have no right to override the justices final decision.
It means they aren't fully willing to submit to the whims of the socialists, so they're an enemy and must be persecuted as much as possible.
It seems like an extremely bad idea. How are you gonna react when someone asks you a question about muh SJWs and the industry? How are you gonna react when someone asks you about cunny? About your thoughts on niggers and trannies? People here are gonna try to weaponize you as one of /their guys/ You're essentially forcing yourself to pick one side or piss off both of them.
I wonder how the media would react to a company doing an AMA on both sites. One in Yea Forums and one in the same time
I figure the only people who'd do an ama on Yea Forums would be pretty much anti-sjw. It'd probably give them a journalist blackout outside of hit pieces though.
It means they think the word "gay" is somehow inherently funny.
>Does anyone even unironically see gays as less than human?
First day on Yea Forums?
>Name one thing this game improves over the older ones it's emulating
don't talk to anyone
get your publisher, get your money, release your game
do what you want with it
none of this shit matters
That'd be an interesting strategy desu. Have the devs not talk to anyone period. No journalists, no redditors, no fags. Nothing.
This I gave up after the 2nd level
The launch was great, what are you talking about? It held overwhelmingly positive for quite a bit, the controversy was days after.
also went back to the top sellers on steam as soon as the censorship decision was reversed.
take that drumpftards
What’d it post?