Based Catherine

Based Catherine

Attached: New_Catherine_ending.png (1003x581, 699K)

Fuck my life.

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Japanese government paid for this breeder propaganda.

Based Abe

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what happens to Katherine in this ending?

C used all her power to travel back in time with Vincent so they could grow up together like he did with K, so she's actually happy they're together and attends their wedding. In the new timeline she's heavily implied to get together with Paul Miller, the guy who was dead in the original timeline. She's a total bitch to him too.

Does Vincent still have his memories? Seems like a dumb fluff ending if the events of the game don't matter.

Yes, both he and Catherine still have their memories and he uses the opportunity (and a loving supportive partner this time) to succeed in life. By 22 he's already more successful than 32 year old Vincent.
Full Body really shits on K and 100% confirms that C is the better choice. Which I'm not a fan of in general but the ending is so sweet I can forgive it.
Also this is the ending that supposedly pissed off all the retardera trannies by having Eric still be Eric instead of Erica, even though it was the most retarded manufactured outrage since this is literally the past and before he transitioned at all.

Is the one in the back a boy or a girl?

Girl, and smug as fuck. Vincent's son (who's totally Joker from Persona 5) is gonna grow up with 3 half-succubus sisters.

Of course he'd be more successful, he could be one of the richest people in the world with his amount of foresight.

>10 years pass
>character looks exactly the same and is wearing the same exact outfit

They literally traveled 10 years into the past at the start of the ending you dolt. That's Vincent and C in their new lives at the same moment the game in the original timeline took place.

>both he and Catherine still have their memories
>they grown up together
>at some point he was a teenager with a willing loli
Based japs

They only went back 10 years not to middle school. If you want loli Catherine look at that trio of semen demons in the OP.

So do all their daughters whore themselves out to drink the semen of bald, fat and faceless old men?

Didn't Katherine's new ending basically turned her into an independent woman that doesn't need Vincent? Ironically, I remember a lot Katherine fans asking for that sort of ending so I guess they got what they wanted. Personally I'm happy with the new ending for Catherine since it what I always wanted since playing the original game.

To our knowledge C never had actual sex with her targets, as we're told Vincent was only tricked into thinking he had sex with her and given hallucinations. For all we know she's literally a virgin succubus until you bed her in her endings.
The 3 daughters are half human though so they crave the cock.

What about the trap though, how's his route?

Fucking hell they both have the name of my parents.


Katherine and Catherine?

Didn't he went to hell to live forever with her or something?

Yes, K's new ending has her totally ditch Vincent. Which only confirms the most prevalent earlier hypothesis that Vincent and Katherine are poison to each other. They drag each other down and needed intervention from a fucking supernatural force to even have a shot at a functional relationship.
I wasn't a fan of how blunt Full Body was about C being objectively better for Vincent than K, I liked the ambiguity and duality of the original.

>boy looks 100% like dad
>girls look 100% like mom
I have a gut feeling that that's not how genetics work.

That's in her original ending, which was too surrealist SMT for my taste. It had a nice premise until they literally made Vincent the fucking demon king. Good for shock factor but easy to write off as a pointless fantasy while Katherine got the grounded realistic ending.
Now each girl got a new "true" ending, and Catherine's true ending is just a better version of Katherine's old good end.

>Have Sex is an insult against people who struggle getting into a relationship in the west
>Have Sex is Abe telling Japan to procreate

Clearly they both reproduced asexually and just put the children together in the hospital.

2bh I always thought the original was unfair to C. K got a sweet, wedding ending and C got a jokey, lord of hell ending.

From the sounds of it this swings too far the other way.

Can we talk about how the OST is 10

The original was definitely more vague about the rights/wrongs especially with how the morality play of Vincent's "cheating" is skewed by Boss's manipulations anyway. I do think that Fullbody tries to factor bigger consequences in lieu of Vincent's choices, hence the newer endings. It's definitely more ham-fisted though I'd be lying if I said I didn't like what they did with C's new ending.

They also set KyoAni on fire to combat the "cute girls doing cute things" plague.

Attached: Kyoto Animation arson.webm (640x360, 2.83M)

Catherine's hair looks so much better here

He's the Marie of this, crowbarred in
At least in his ending it's implied Vincent regularly gets black out drunk and beats him

It's a common trope that's used because the artstyle is too limited to portray the kids in a way that they'd resemble the parents via facial features alone.

Can someone give me a summary of Qatherine's ending?


Don't worry user, I love you.

WTF This was the ending I got did they edit the localisation or smt?!

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Persona5 protag is his son

seething ninceldo

I really hope he makes good use of those cunnies.

It's tuned to your Pornhub history.

>childrens are clones of their parents not a mix of the two
Thats not how genetics work.

Lmao rekt

>tfw I am the exact clone of my father except the nose.
>tfw my sister is the exact clone of my mom except the eyes.

It happens user. I even inherited my fathers voice.

Tell me how semen demon genetics works.

I wasn't going to address it but curiousity caught the better of me. Is that motherfucker eating icecream off of the goddamned table? What the fuck is going on over there that causes people to do this? Madness of the highest caliber

It's cotton candy.

You can see the glass dish on the left and right sides on the bottom you fool.


So basically, if you like Katherine, buy the vanilla game, and if you like Catherine or trannies, buy the remake. Fair enough.

>nips so desperate for more people that they're implementing policies to recruit immigrants

>son has dad's face and mom's hair color
>daughter has mom's face and dad's hair color
Sometimes anime genetics work like this.

She had sex with millions...

It's not because it's the past, it's just Eric became Erica because of something related to Vincent and K.
since it never happened, then Eric never became Erica. why is it still the past? because he's with Tobby who is 10 years younger than Vincent. it's simple : Eric never became trans and just became gay.

the whole "trans since born" is BS. my best childhood friend became a trans, and back then, he literally was the manliest of man and never said anything hinting it to me (and we were very close.)

Attached: TobyEricaAlternateTimeline.png (613x721, 392K)

why is it no the past*
sorry did a typô.

Yeah about that

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At least he didn't chop his dick off in this timeline, so it's an improvement.

>not being king of Hell
>Catherine's haircut in pic
yep, OP is a fag

I wanna marry and impregnate Catherine


but seriously though, feelsbadman

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>a half-succubus posts on Yea Forums

What a world we live in

The policies aren't about refugees, they're bringing now much more immigrants as workers.

are they retarded? Refugees arent inmigrants.
Japan is so fucking demanding even their lifestyle kills their own. Fucking resetera, man

So instead of bringing in illiterate bums by the thousands to live off welfare they're bringing in properly screened and supervised skilled labor who can speak the language and pay for their own shit?

Could you link me a paper on the biology of succubus and human interbreeding please?

>Eric never became trans and just became gay.
It's heavily implied that he still goes through with the transition in the future, i'm guessing the devs just wanted to show Erica pre penis cut.

Show me the dialogue showing it's hinted.
for what i saw, it was just Eric hitting on Toby. saying him in stealth he love him.

tfw no qt japanese samurai husbando :/

This looks so fucking retarded

There are still a decent amount of women who want this. Just be yourself and you will find the woman of your dreams.

>they're bringing labor who can speak the language
FIFY, the standards have been getting much lower, even some european countries now are much harder to immigrate in than Japan

He saying to Toby that the angel like girl that he wants is closer than he thinks is kinda of an heavy hint, he could've said something like "why not seek Angel boys instead ;)" if it was the his gay route.

>some european countries
vague weasel words

>couldn't even be bothered to edit the moonrunes

Getting into Japan from Greece is difficult.

>ywn be impregnated by Vincent

Attached: end me senpai.jpg (960x720, 79K)

>had to go on reddit once to look for a game guide that I once remember seeing on that site
>end up on their front page showing currently trending topics
>see something about Japan's population decline and shit
>a gut feeling told me that I know I'm just gonna find posts relating to immigration
>click on it anyway out of morbid curiosity
>"what Japan NEEDS are refugees"
>"Refugees are what they NEED to repopulate their country"
>"Refugees will help make more babies"
It's like some fucking dimensional breach from cuckold fetish threads into reality or something.

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The are bringing in Indians and South East Asians

More vague weasel words

Getting into Japan from Greece is more difficult as opposed to other European countries.