Sure, PC has the potential to have better graphics than PS4 but let's be real...

Sure, PC has the potential to have better graphics than PS4 but let's be real, how many of you actually have a rig that could play with graphics on par with Horizon Zero Dawn, God of War or Detroit: Become Human?

Most PC gamers are on mid-spec and only a small percentage are on ultra-high.

Attached: God of War_20190807162341.jpg (1920x1080, 486K)

Other urls found in this thread:

even mid spec gayming pc is twice as powerfull as ps4 pro

>a small percentage are on ultra-high
most of these "gamers" exist to be contrarian

console games are actually optymized
most people would be able to play on ultra if not for the fact that on pc this is not the case
just compare specs of an average pc and ps4

Oh look, another stupid platform wars thread!

Any gaming PC built after 2011 pulverizes both PS4 models by default.
Not exaggerating. That's how low tier the consoles are, and those games hobestly are nothing special visuals-wise.

The thing is games like HZD and Goof War look like shit. Literally shit. Indies look better.

Thats why I have a playstation for games like that and use my shit PC for tactical games like total war and civ.

I have i7 and GTX 1080ti
I'm good

Attached: 1.jpg (348x540, 79K)

>showing god of war
Fuck off you baiting retard. The game cant keep up with 30 fps even on the pro version

What are you even talking about?
A 15 year old laptop can play them as long as it has Windows Media Player. Most of them at a higher framerate too.

Attached: 123597566264.jpg (452x452, 33K)

The problem wasnt fighting nazis the problem was the game was about teaming up with communist brown people to kill as many american whites as possible

I paid about 250 bucks for my PC and it shits all over the PS4 Pro and potentially even the PS5.

This, but also the fact that console tech is supported for so long and that 30fps is standard rather than 60.
It's also not worth it anymore for someone like crytec to come along and make a game that is to show off graphical capability of pc whereas exclusives on console don't need to make a profit to be a success in the eyes of the console maker, they just need to show off the consoles tech.

The biggest problem is very few developers actually make games that are exclusively for Pc let alone AAA games its just console games that get ports.

Even a $500 shitbox is at the very least 3x as powerful as the original PS4 by now.

>What are you even talking about?
>Most PC gamers are on mid-spec and only a small percentage are on ultra-high.

it's not hard to understand user


How did you steal the parts? I would need to spend $600 before tax for something that can beat a pro definitively. Do you have a source of cheap Pc parts hook a brother up.

>I would need to spend $600 before tax for something that can beat a pro definitively.
God I love being American.
Cheap PC parts, no Eurotards, only problem is Canadian fags like this.

>but let's be real, how many of you actually have a rig that could play with graphics on par with Horizon Zero Dawn, God of War or Detroit: Become Human?

Attached: 1556113572711.png (427x1011, 66K)

I didn't steal shit and there's no way I'd give anyone my sources.

Attached: 1546302461017.png (601x518, 96K)

Before I bought my new graphics card I could play Nioh at 1080p 60fps. The Playstation 4 Pro can only do one of those things at a time, and just barely.

God of War can barely hits 60 fps on a PS4P and it was designed to squander the player's time to maintain its "one take" gimmick, a sacrifice made pointless by the PS5 which will be backwards compatible and have a SSD that would have significantly reduced the hidden load times.

>God I love being American.
Till orange man launches the Big Mac nukes by accident and your Pc is jammed up with secret sauce

This was relevant past gens but not this gen. This gen ps4 like hardware can easily run same game in 720p 30fps or whatever resolution ps4 games are using.

1. The ps4pro can play Nioh at 1080p 60fps
2.the ps4 pro doesn’t play gow at 60fps

It’s like you can’t even use google

>, how many of you actually have a rig that could play with graphics on par with Horizon Zero Dawn, God of War or Detroit: Become Human?
why would i waste money on a pc to run those graphics if no games that interest me with those graphics exists?

i7 8700k - RTX2080TI ultra graphics with over 100fps for all games. Not rich, just saved up.

Attached: 1489882389832.jpg (800x600, 30K)

It can hit 60 fps when its in a small section without any enemies or in a corridor designed for loading the level. Saying you can play on 60 fps is disingenuous at best

>1. The ps4pro can play Nioh at 1080p 60fps
It uses dynamic resolution scaling in Action mode and drops as low as ~900p.
>2.the ps4 pro doesn’t play gow at 60fps
It has a 60 FPS mode that targets 60 FPS at 1080p.
The irony in you telling that other user to use google is hilarious.

Funny how snoys think that looks good
but I guess anything looks decent when there's 20ft between you and the TV

>fell for the 2080ti meme
no bud no one is mistaking you for rich, only broke ass niggers blow their entire McPaycheque on shit like that. I know someone is making bank when they post a team red build because its clear they know value when they see it.

Neat ... still sticking to my i7 8700k tho, maybe if the single thread difference is of 20 fps or so I'll consider it, but atm I'll settle for now, I'm happy with my 2080ti tho.

Attached: 45.png (245x206, 68K)

Pretty much everyone has that, the PS4 is a piece of shit and sounds like a jet engine

Meh, I like it, and the 11gb of memory are a nice addition.

Seething poorfag detected

OP's point seems to be that you can't afford a rig that can run games with those graphics. If he's not rich and can afford it, then that doesn't really sound like it's the case now does it?

>I have i7 and GTX 1080ti
>I'm good

Attached: C50E9CF3-E04C-45D9-ACD3-EE850325B5A7.png (800x750, 106K)

cope harder nobideo shit. Now that Navi is out Nvidia is tanking hard.


literally willing to pay twice what i would for a new gen console in the long run if it means getting to play games at 120+ fps
once you experience the input difference it makes anything else feels like shit. my eyes physically hurt now when i have to look at sub 60 fps

nioh is optimized like shit

Ran Quake II RTX no problem, I'm gonna be shitting on your performance for the next cycle and a half easy.

Why wouldn't I be?
oh boy

Skyrim with a couple of graphic mods isn't THAT demanding

Attached: 1553632477585.png (1920x1080, 3.85M)

>entire village has to daisy chain buckets of water from the Ganges just so pajeet can make one (1) post
I bet you had to get the Bangladeshi department of fire safety to sign off on owning this thermonuclear rig.

Attached: IMG_2020.jpg (640x477, 27K)

that looks worse than skyrim with mods and something like Ryse

Graphics are overrated.

Isn't navi made to compete with the 2070 ? Aka, not good enough to beat out 2080ti in terms of power?

delete this

Attached: 1523130403578.png (1920x1080, 3.18M)

>not good enough to beat out 2080ti in terms of power?

Who gives a shit if it beats the retard bait option. It beats out the 2070 super at an incredible dollar/fps ratio.

And RVII DOES beat the 2080ti so if you really need MUH FPS thats an option for you.

The ps4 is weaker than an rx470. I imagine a lot of people do.

>how many of you actually have a rig that could play with graphics on par with Horizon Zero Dawn, God of War or Detroit: Become Human?
pretty much everyone, do you have any idea how out of date a jaguar cpu is?

the lack of ambient occlusion makes this scene look really fake, a bit of shading around the grass and models would do wonders. But enjoy giving sony money I guess

God of War is really REALLY fucking ugly.

Attached: God of War_20180422173632.jpg (3840x2160, 3.27M)

All those PC exclusives that released in the last year are such "graphics" powerhouses like MOBAs, early access titles, CSGO and all other indie games. You can really how good those graphics are when they arent "held back" by consoles. Those PC exclusives wipe the floor with PS2 games!

A better question would be what developers would actually make a high end PC game these days? Crysis proved it was a failure to do this, PC gamers don't buy games they just pirate them.

>The ps4 is weaker than an rx470

show a game on pc looking better than god of war running on a 470... go on im waiting cuckarino.

Ah, "optimized" that magic button consoles get but somehow never reach a stable 60 fps minimum.

Remember when people were saying the Arkham night pc port was shit and the console version was "optimized" I remember the console version running at 30 and the PC struggling to stay at 60, it's like the standards are completely different

>cherry picked screenshot

Can you even buy something less powerful than ps4? Without going for something like a pentium and a gt 1030

How do you like the 9900K?

Euro user, tell me.
Do you know what an RX 470 is?
I get the feeling that, like most of Yea Forums, you're borderline retarded.
An RX 470 not only takes a giant shit on a PS4, it even outperforms a PS4 Pro in most games.

Not the same user, but "targeting 60 FPS at 1080p" is not the same as being able to play 60 FPS at 1080p. It's just a nice PR/marketing wording for unlocked framerate. The reality is that you will only get 60fps if you are staring at the floor while no enemies are around in a small area. You will get like 35-40 fps more the most part at best.


It's actually around the 40-50 range during combat, but the point remains, it does have a "60 FPS" mode.

No, the game is genuinely fucking ugly.

Attached: God of War_20180422173708.jpg (3840x2160, 3.12M)

A regular PS4 is like HD7850-7870 tier. I don't blame you for not knowing that, you were probably too young back then.

>Euro user, tell me.
>Do you know what an RX 470 is?

yes because i have a 480 in my pc and my ps4 pro exclusives look better. i only have a pc so i can pirate multiplats and occasionally play emulated dreamcast and ps2 games. but once more, answer my question faggot

The XboneX performs at RX470 levels, and thst is better than a PS4 Pro. Don't waste time trying to argue with deluded consolefaggots.

No, the point is that the PS4 pro doesn't play GoW at 60fps.
It does have a mode that unlocks the framerate, however it's disingenious to claim that means you are playing the game in 60fps because you are not, and you also know it. Why you still stick to your retardation is beyond me, but keep doing it if you like.

>No, the game is genuinely fucking ugly.
>wins 100`s of awards for best graphics and art style in your way

Oh, so this is just another illiterate Eurotard.
But yes, please tell me about how looks amazing.

>Good graphics
Is this a joke thread?

But I already can.

Attached: sas.png (515x345, 28K)

The joke would be if you claimed it didn't have good graphics.

>still cant name a pc exclusive that looks better

hhhmmmm.... really makes you think. enjoy paying 1000$ for a 1080ti so you can run multiplats at a higher fps with slight graphic improvement

show a pc game that looks better. also that screen looks like it is cherry picked. that area didnt look as bad when i played it on a pro. even so, better than whatever pc exclusive you can show me.if you can even find one that isnt a 2d indie.

Attached: real human bean.gif (450x432, 27K)

>show a pc game that looks better
What do I win?
And followup question, how will you cope?

Attached: Control_DX11_2019_08_28_08_25_13_971.jpg (3840x2160, 3.55M)

>show a pc game that looks better.
For (you)

Attached: 54CCA51F-2267-4EF9-A732-250F36EAD506.jpg (1902x1080, 202K)

I gave up on consoles when it was clear that console gamers have no standards and just want to shill for their favorite corporations.
Even here on Yea Forums most of the consolefags are also Applefags, hence all the iOS filenames.
I don't like being part of cults that worship corporations like that, so I don't waste time on consoles.

It's definitely nothing special. Hell, MonHun on PC looks better.

Hunt Showdown can run on a rx 470 at 1080p and looks better than God of War

So do other games such as Inner Chains, dreadnaught, Bard's Tale 4, and Quake Champions and Unreal Tournament.

Pc faggots spend $100000 to play pixelshit made by trannies and korean ASSFAGGOTS.

No, consolefags don't know what good graphics look like, so they think their upscaled garbage with no draw distance and very, very heavy LOD reduction which somehow also performs incredibly poorly is "good". They literally don't know better and cannot tell the difference, in the same way they "can't tell" if a game is running at a silky-smooth 21FPS or at 60+FPS. They think what they're saying is actually true.

Star Citizen, Metro Exodus, Battlefield V, Control, nuRaider all look better on PC.

I don't know what you mean by special, but it does look impressive. Other games looking as good doesn't mean it doesn't have good graphics.

>control isnt on console
how retarded are you?

what is this some wii-u port? looks like shit
>hurrdurr i can make cocks im so mature

>Hunt Showdown
coming to console soon, not a exclusive


>moving goalposts when proven wrong

>>control isnt on console
Any multiplat is basically PC exclusive.
Multiplats on console are only considered for poor people.

>Star Citizen, Metro Exodus, Battlefield V, Control, nuRaider all look better on PC.

my posts where never about what looks better on pc. want to spend 10x the cost of a console to run it slightly better? go ahead. i asked for EXCLUSIVES that looked better than what god of war and other console exclusives could do.
>star citizen
thats exclusive to pc i believe. so good on you. its literally a ponzi scheme for autists but sure.

>draw distance of ten feet
Any midrange PC can stomp that

The lighting in Hunt is phenomenal but they've slowly downgraded everything else in favour of performance. Textures and lod distances in particular have taken a hit, pop in is so noticeable now.

Attached: 20190722015926_1.jpg (1920x1080, 262K)

>Any multiplat is basically PC exclusive.
ahahahahhahahahahahahahaha! holy shit pc fags are desperate. this has to be a false flag.

Compare Witcher 3 on ANY console to PC.

>what is this some wii-u port? looks like shit
>hurrdurr i can make cocks im so mature
It’s a game called genital jousting on steam I was actually just being a smart ass but it flew right over your head

Yikes, that poorfag cope.

those ps2 trees are hitting LOD 2 5 feet away, buddy.

My current pc is a Ryzen 1700x, 16g ram, Sapphire Vega 64. It can play anything the ps4 could with much higher levels of performance.

I unironically agree. Unless its 60fps on console and takes kb+m input then yes.

So really only the new modern warefare on Pro/X fits that bill.

>how many of you have $400 worth of hardware
Every PC user in this universe.

Attached: 1349248830970.gif (255x235, 498K)

This looks like Skyrim with some low-end enb preset.

My pc is 3 years old and still smashes console. Usually between 80fps to 144fps on average.

>Any multiplat is basically PC exclusive.
This is a level of autism that threatens the very fabric of reality


These games dont actually look good. They use tricks to make it looks better.

I played a bit of gow4. They put a lot of effort into the foreground, but slouch on the environment. I remeber seeing stalagtites that I swear were just low res sprites at one point. And thats shit one thing.
>low fps
>camera up the ass
>low res
>low fov

Only a conslepleb whose used to eating shit would think these games look good.

My 2013 build still looks on par with a PS4 but has way more use. Wouldn't buy a PS4 even if it was twice as powerful. Wouldn't even consider it. Maybe of all the time I spend behind the PC, 5% is actual gaming.

Attached: tumblr_op57yj3iOw1vib72fo1_1280.jpg (640x1049, 83K)

>that area didnt look as bad when i played it on a pro
Ah yes, guess my PS4 Pro is somehow different from yours and makes games uglier. Either that or you're a lying cunt.

>heh this overrated game made by pollocks who cant optimize for consoles because they are a shitty dev proves me right!

a fucking switch can run the witcher 3 pc cuckaroo. cope more. its not even a exclusive. i like how no one can name a exclusive that looks better.

>valuing game awards

Consleniggers really are stupid.

Most console-only gamers on Yea Forums are habitual liars, so I wouldn't put it past them.

Any multiplat is basically PC exclusive.
I know you need to justify your purchase but come on they are literally called multiplatform titles

can it play god of war? oh wait... you only have multiplat ports... and 2d indie shit a f2p cash shop korean games from nexon....

Yeah but if the multiplat is on PC then in the vast majority of cases the console versions are so horrendously inferior that there's literally no reason to choose them unless you're poor and cannot afford to play the clearly superior version on PC. They're not literally exclusive, obviously, but from a practical point of view the console version may as well not even exist for everyone who can afford better.

Speak for yourself, poorfag.

Attached: 1564363703979.png (641x576, 58K)

get a non shit hdtv? like seriously op`s pic is on some vizio or insignia tv faggot shit for niggers and spics.

Got a 1080, so yes. But it's not like pretty graphics are the entire point of games. You don't have to run everything at max settings. A guy having to play a hypothetical God of War port at medium settings isn't an argument for consoles being a superior platform.

>10x the cost

Do you retards actually believe this?

>400 base console
>400 ps4pro
>60 a year x 4-6 years online

I spent less on what was at the time a near top of the line computer, including shit like buying a new case. Thats not even accounting for games being much cheaper on pc

You retards spend more money for less and are still stupid enough to brag about it.

>paying all that money to run ea/activision ports with sligt graphical improvements


h-hold on
you think that looks good?

Attached: ninja.gif (300x166, 344K)

Are you retarded? Does this look like a picture taken with a fucking camera to you?
Those are direct screenshots from the game, that's how the game looks like, no matter what screen you put it on.

That laptop cost $1500. Are you that poor?

no, it looks like a cherry picked screenshot though

Jesus christ, Eurotard consolefags are somehow even dumber than American consolefags.

GTX1080chads report in.

To be fair I don't care about graphics that much. Story and gameplay matters for me

Attached: 1518631107041.jpg (643x720, 154K)

>Detroit: Become Human
We'll see in a few weeks

people who buy overpriced crap tend to be poor. i worked with some spic lady who would always get the newest iphone. went to her house once, had roaches and like a chair,a cabinet and a 20 year old tv. eat shit and cope

Christ, that looks like a glorified PS3 game.

Nu GoW in a nutshell.

Yeah that and it was a complete broken and buggy mess on pc but sure

Oh please user, let's not pretend that you don't also own an iPhone.
iPhones are the epitome of "shit that poorfags think is a status symbol."

$1500 isn't expensive.

The op looks like ass too you retard

The Switch version of Witcher 3 looks like ASS.

PC may not have exclusives but any game that you can play on a console will ALWAYS look and perform better on PC and there's NOTHING you can say otherwise.

>has better environments and runs at 60 fps

Attached: fountainhead.jpg (760x428, 45K)

>400 base console
>400 ps4pro
>60 a year x 4-6 years online

I didn’t buy the base console
I did purchase a Pro used for $200
I don’t pay for online as every game worth owning on ps4 is a single player game also said games are fucking cheap as this gen is almost done

>2019 using a smartphone
i dont actually. i will admit i bought a ipod touch4 and sold it a few months later because my gf at the time wanted to facetime me. when i found it it was just skype i sold the device. never bought anything apple prior or in the future. apple is for fags and chinks. currently use a 7 inch blackberry playbook tablet from like 8 years ago over wifi open networks to call and text when needed.

drm and shitty ports exist by the boatload. Not to mention technical issues that appear from newer drivers having poorer support for older games, and especially older operating systems being phased out in favor of new ones. Splinter Cell - even with the fan patch, still has half of its shadows missing and broken with no signs of it being fixed. This means the best option is either running a very old PC or playing the Xbox version which has exclusive levels, making it the superior game by default.

There is no defending being the PC multiplat race.

Looks like a ps2 game desu. But honestly I've always liked the ps2 jaggies style with the flat objects and such.

I've played free mmo's that look better though for sure.

prioritize story over anything else in videogames is retarded

>problens that dont exist

Ask me how I know you dont play on pc

I can't deal with the dogshit performance on consoles in 90% of games so I play on PC.
Poorfags don't @ me, seethe elsewhere.

>PC may not have exclusives
thanks for admitting it chump

>will ALWAYS look and perform better on PC and there's NOTHING you can say otherwise.

no one especially me is even argruing that. i just mentioned it retarded to pay 1000$ for a 1080ti to play some console port with slightly better shadows. ouch. i can taste you seething over my internet connection. lose weight fatty. you taste like bacon grease.

Attached: clowns run this world.gif (374x383, 20K)

How do you tolerate 30 FPS and controller aim? That shit is gross.

>Detroit: Become Human
Its on PC

And the graphics are better shitposter.

remember when the standard for action games was 60 fps? DMC5 seems to remember why cant GoW

>with slightly better shadows
And tripple the framerates. Double ouch!

>prioritize story over anything else in videogames is retarded
>*bing,bing,wahoo* intensifies in the background

How people don't vomit on console fps is beyond me.

>give example of thing plenty of people do
>b-b-but I didnt

K. I know not everyone spent 1k+ gaming on a ps4. There are plenty of people who do, then bitch that pc is too expensive, lets not pretend otherwise.

>Lower everything
>Not, add them to an Ultra or Ultra+ graphics option.
Why do devs do this?

>And tripple the framerates

no one even cares about that shit but autists. it just looks like your playing a game at 1.5 speed like a youtube video or something. its just a gimmick gpu companies use to make you feel elite to people who didnt buy this years gpu. what a retard. anything over 60-75 fps is literally retarded

Obvious cuck falseflag thread.
150 dumb platform warriors fell to the bait.

I don't play on PC any more, it is too much of a shitshow for an inferior version of all games.


Attached: 1559421787479.png (1446x417, 1.09M)

>look better

>dead game

>150 dumb platform warriors fell to the bait.
>onlything in this thread is pc fags trying to justify no exclusives and paying 2thousand dollars to run a game slightly better than a 300$ console

hhhmmm..... i think you need to calm down and dilate you discord tannyfag

Attached: discord tranny.png (604x630, 334K)

Only one of those is dead, the other one is just shit. They both still look better than God of War.

>action game
Good one.

And why the fuck do you care? Go play your games and shut the fuck up.

Attached: 2019-08-26.png (904x789, 871K)

Are genuinely retarded? What shitshow?

I always hear people complain about pc having problems, except from people who actually play on it.

The worst shit I deal with is
>fug, some setting like mouse acceleration is on/off
>google solution
>mod or ini fix is found within 5 min
>life goes on

Is that too much to deal with for your double digit iq?

>And why the fuck do you care?


They don't really look it to be honest, I'm not convinced.

The only reason I own a PS4 is exclusives, remove those from any modern console and I'll stop buying them.

Attached: 1565187712079.gif (360x202, 1.58M)

Better question, why are you not reporting shitposters?

I play everything at max with 144 FPS because I’m not poor/know how to stay my hand and save up money

I am.

>still cheaper than a pc that plays the same games but actually has exclusives

whats your point pc cuckarino?

Not him, but do you have like a (you) fetish or something? What drives you to make posts like this?

Good lad.
Be sure to instruct others to do the same as well.
Mentioning the word "report" makes anons 60-70% more likely to report obvious shitposts.

>announing reports
>trying to clean up the board so its reddit 2.0


Attached: trannys are gay.png (1250x700, 982K)

Cope, sony nigger.

Attached: discord trannies.jpg (3640x2140, 2.06M)

Telling anons to report shitposters != announcing reports.
But I'm not surprised that platform warriors are also /pol/niggers.

ill be patient with you. you almost made a readable sentence... what are you trying to say kiddo?

Attached: autism.png (568x433, 122K)

>Telling anons to report shitposters != announcing reports.
yes it is and you cant report people because they have a different opinion
>boo hoo hoo he plays on console
>mods! punish this man because im offended! i need to dilate!

is this reddit?

Attached: tard jail.png (1373x833, 59K)

>using the price as an anti-pc argument
>when most sony users bought a ps4 THEN a ps4 pro
holy shit no wonder you try to cope this hard

Attached: 1394143625837.png (579x482, 462K)

PS4 Protato is a joke.
It's a housefire vs Xbox 1 X and less powerful

And snoyggers think it can compete with PC? L M A O

>>when most sony users bought a ps4 THEN a ps4 pro
I'm pretty sure that's statistically wrong.

>still cheaper for both system and the refresh than one top gpu
>even if you buy a 1000$ gpu at console lauch by its console refresh your 1000$ gpu is shit and performs worse
>still no exclusives
>not factoring in cpu,etc


>third time this thread my images wouldnt post

mods are seething jannys on suicide watch and dilation wash

Attached: bane desu.png (671x794, 648K)

It is, PC gamers need to lie in order to pretend they have an argument.

>yes it is and you cant report people because they have a different opinion
It's not, and you definitely can report people for flame warring and shitposting, especially when they're as flagrant as you.
Last (You) you're getting from me.

Attached: discord tranny!.jpg (1000x850, 112K)

Both sides are fucking garbage, I don't want to hear that from someone who sides with "this game didn't look as bad on my ps4".

>dollar sign in the subcurrency position.
Eastern Europoors opinion discarded.

I don't want to hear from some centroid dunce who thinks there's ground to be shared with people who believe you can own your games and people who don't want you to own anything.

My $250 GPU is several times stronger than a PS4. Cope.

>checkerboard 4K
>medium graphic settings with shitty DOF/LOD
My rig can 100% do all of these on any game.

>My $250 GPU is several times stronger than a PS4.

show a screenshot of a pc game looking several times better running on your 250$ gpu then

go ahead...ill wait...heh

>and it only cost me 1000 dollars and an agreement that I don't own anything I buy!

got em

Attached: gib me foreskinz goy.png (314x395, 190K)

>1000$ gpu
you have so little idea on how this stuff work it's almost embarassing.
please stop, what are you trying to use as a "argument" next ? the 1500$ apple screen stand ?

>K. I know not everyone spent 1k+ gaming on a ps4. There are plenty of people who do, then bitch that pc is too expensive, lets not pretend otherwise.

Yes and there are plenty people that go buy expensive pre built PCs you can be budget minded with both consoles and Pc gaming but I would say generally Pc is more expensive because it’s more of a premium experience the more powerful thing costs more money like a bmw costs more than a Toyota.

>please stop
no. sorry you so mad tho.
>forgetting to dilate
poor you

Somewhere around that amount yeah. Got them gradually in the span of a year though. Also now I can pirate anything that's available on it, including emulation so the amount I'd give for console games essentially went to building the rig.

And don't give me that bullshit about hacking your PS4. Needs an outdated firmware and the scene isn't nearly close to hacking newer firmwares. And ofc no online, not like hacked PS3s had with ban prevention/workarounds etc.

>. Also now I can pirate anything that's available on it, including emulation

>only reason pc fagz buy a pc is too steal shit since it costs 5-6 times as a console

ahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! beg for more ports faggitz

I don't beg for anything. I wait and the game, whatever that is, eventually gets ported/emulated.

The argument that "PC to play game is expensive" only really applies if you're still a kid.
If you have expendable income, you can generally afford a High spec gaming pc as a near random purchase.
Hell, when I was on £20k/year, which isn't what anyone would call a high salary, I still had about £600 left after bills per month. 3 months of heavy saving, or 4/5 months of regular saving would get you a PC that can run PS4 games on higher settings at a more stable framerate.

I know it's bait but, if you can't afford that, you really should think before outing yourself as underage in a post.

>you should spend all your expendable income on childrens toys, marvel merchandise and nvidias newest gpu every year or else your poor!

libshits are so fucking stupid. dilate you nigger tranny

I own all 3 consoles and a gaming PC, each for various reasons, but yeah, my PS4 is only for exclusives. Worse than the XboneX in every way for multiplats.

I own a decent PC but I'm not seeing much point in it anymore desu.

Attached: download.jpg (637x358, 56K)

>im a good goy cumsumer. fuck saving i need to spend thousands on a pc so i can have more fraps per second! slighly better shadows than the console class! same multiplats and no exclusives but who cares! intel and nvidia tell me what to do! they say i will feel like a man if i can trash talk people online!

>and an agreement that I don't own anything I buy!
says the guy who owns a physical drm box lmao

A pretty walking sim is enough to make you buy a console?

I don't give a fuck what the graphics are, I just want it to have a high resolution and high framerate. That's what leads to a good gameplay experience. Anything else is wank.

>physical drm box

imagine being this retarded.
>durr steam is the goodguys! lol!

have sex my dude. bet you couldnt get a hot bitch like pic related. id eat her asshole raw

Attached: gamer chick.jpg (450x578, 40K)

Yet a PS4 pro struggles to load MHW yet PC has it done in secs fuck snoboy.

>only pc exclusives are jump scare walking simulators that tried to rip off kojimas fake game demo he made for shits and giggles

really makes you think

Attached: tranny meds.jpg (673x801, 255K)

i don't play 30fps games

you guys know most games on consoles use TAA for everything? you're not even playing in 1080p and its filtered to death with bullshit cinematic crap that hurts to look at

I'm replaying GTAV on my new PC and it looks better then modern sandboxes.

>i pay a extra 800 dollars to play them at 60fps though

Optimized = stuck at 30fps and under 1080p.

Aggressively culling visuals and assets while forcing low fps and resolution is not a band-aid for gaming.

A 2014 mid tier pc btfo of a ps4 pro. Actually running better looking games at 1080p/60 at least. Destiny 2 being one of them.

>Muh walking sim
It's a Kojima game, he'll reveal gameplay at TGS. Iceborne is also delayed for 5 months for PC.

Attached: Death-Stranding-Release-Date-Trailer-Screen-26.jpg (1920x1080, 304K)

Most console games are at low spec with a few at medium low.

Get it right. low framerate is for smegmabrains

GTA V is actually a good example

The PC version is undoubtedly the definitive one. however, most PC gamers will be drawing the traffic waaaaay back, decreasing draw distance and pretty much playing at specs worse than PS4. It's only going to be a small percentage who play at ultra-high, and they would have paid much more than a PS4 for that experience.

>Iceborne is also delayed for 5 months for PC.
Not sure how this is relevant to this thread. You're not a manchild with the patience of a toddler, right?

its my only hobby

>800 is a lot for a premium experience in your favorite hobby

Neets and underage are the worst

You're lying and you know it. I've compared GTA V on PS4 and PC. Low spec settings are PS3-tier.

Whats the problem with this scenario? Thats the benefit of pc to most people id the pay for you want experience. With console you options are the cheap and shit experience.

>Not sure how this is relevant to this thread.
the point being that they have to spend 5 months making it look slighlty better so pc fagz can justify a thousand dollar gpu so they dont cry and forget to dilate there sin hole

Youre not factoring in the pc exclusive settings. After factoring in shit like no fov, no aa, etc it might as well be low settings.

I don't think you understand how underpower consoles are...

I'm not a shit eater, no, so my time is important to me.

>its my only hobby
sad. have sex. start a family.
>but but i have a family!
spend time with them. have them remember you taking them to play and have fun not watching you play console ports and blowing there inheritance on doing so

i feel sorry for you. i will pray for you. your gross but can change. please change.

DMC5 and RE2
get fucked snoynigger

>all that blur on the main character

>play game now
>play game later
>time is lost somehow

Is this just a shitlost or are you actually retarded?

those games are on xbox and playstation though. wheres the pc exclusives? oh wait...... ahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but if you pay 500$ for a gpu from nvidia the shadows around there feet look better!

every fps is pc exclusive because playing them on a controller is fucking cancer

You consoleshitters and you graphic whores always make me laugh. It's called better framerate, user. Frames Per Second. The only people literally obsessed over graphics are console fags.

> (You)

the point is that the games run buttery smooth on mid tier pcs at max settings.
meanwhile consoles get to enjoy low graphics and framedrops.
also how are you enjoying your 20fps monster hunter world?

And look what fanbase is behind it again

Why are you still responding to him?

There are so many pc exclusives released yearly we don't make a big deal about the 2-3 papa sony and uncle MS give you kids every year.

Don't forget not running at 28fps and 900p. That is why us non-poorfags keep on making fun of you smegmabrained children.

Rx 580. Cope.

>also how are you enjoying your 20fps monster hunter world?

i wouldnt know. i dont play shit games.

>It's called better framerate, user. Frames Per Second. The only people literally obsessed over graphics are console fags.

any fps over 60-75 is pointless and looks like you smeared jelly on the screen

>i'm not a shit eater
>plays Monster Hunter

>Don't forget not running at 28fps and 900p

rather have that and exclusives than paying 1200$ for console ports and no exclusives

it's fun to poke retards

keep backpedalling snoyboy
>any fps over 60-75 is pointless
but your console can't even hit that

you'd like the 2070 super too

Hes not a retard, its really low effort bait. Stop encouraging this shit.

user, people pretending to be retarded are still retarded

>asks for a screenshot
>he posts his gpu

heh. point proven.
>but your console can't even hit that
doesnt matter 30 fps is fine. at least we have exclusives you cant play. you just have our games ported running better. not worth the extra 800$ if you ask me. rather use that money on my family and buying more property and actually going outside and living life

Attached: stupid nignogger.jpg (360x394, 135K)

Its not even pretending to be retarded. Its just spamming empty buzzwords.

>user, people pretending to be retarded are still retarded

>he doesnt realize something real is different than acting

>bro! mark ruffalo acts as the hulk! that means he is 10 feet tall,green and can smash building irl!

thats literally what you said. are all spics and niggers this stupid?

>Its just spamming empty buzzwords.
>getting mad i told you too dilate earlier

lol no wonder the suicide rate for gays and trannies is o high you get #triggered by everything

>doesnt matter 30 fps is fine
keep backpedalling
if you buy prebuilds you mean

isn't that the same as being retarded?

>inb4 i was just pretending to be retarded

God of war looks like ass. It looks muddy and doesn't even have a dynamic lighting system. The characters look amazing but the environments are nothing special.

Detroit become human looks good, but the game's scale is pretty small. Nothing an average gaming PC can't handle.

A Plage Tale give you the PS4 generic games experience

Attached: ss_dc1d4b2aef9ee44b300229f47fff802dd075ffc9.1920x1080.jpg (1920x1080, 425K)


Attached: gtas.jpg (3840x2160, 3.32M)

I'll do even better. I'll show you than an RX 470 is better than both a PS4 "PRo" and an XboneX.

>beautiful, optimized ps4 exclusives
>better than PC
>t. blind

Attached: file.png (829x504, 895K)

and how much is the gpu.cpu,ssd,ram,etc cost all together vs a 300-400 console? exactly. wow! more frames from the same experience on console! omfg the shadows on the grass look a little less blurry so worth it!


>cherry picking and being thirsty for console exclusives

On paper. But not in performance when the devs design their engine to be as optimized as possible for PS4.

Attached: 1559705923398.jpg (1920x1080, 344K)

When people thinkg "PS4 exclusive" they think Bloodborne, and Bloodborne looks and runs like shit, user. This is a fact.

A fucking RX 470 and an i3 6100 aren't expensive, you stupid mother fucker.
>wow! more frames from the same experience on console!
Cope more sony nigger.

I have a console too, even RDR2's forests don't hold a candle to gtav

Attached: 2019-06-11_11-45-07_AM-4whpllmx.jpg (3840x2160, 1021K)

The lighting engine is pretty inconsistent in that game.

Attached: 1557647508268.jpg (2048x1152, 187K)

>the game with the most embarassing reflections in recent history

>intel and nvidia tell me what to do!

>pc`s cant handle this

ahahahahha! gow on ps4 looks amazing. show one(1) pc EXCLUSIVE that looks that good

>control isnt on console
it is but it runs at 10 fps on the snoy4 and 20 on the pro.
not even kidding look up the benchmarks. it's fucking funny

>giving am(pooinloo)d money

What do you think a mid-spec PC is? because I guarantee you a mid-range pc is better than that.

Reflections are overrated anyway.

Attached: 1545872892177.jpg (3840x2160, 650K)

Attached: 1540597334997.jpg (1920x1080, 252K)

a midrange pc is literally a ps5

How could they fuck up reflections that badly?

lmao my garbage tier GTX 1070 beats the shit out of my PS4 Pro. What are you even talking about, consoletard?

> doesn't realize sönyggër and xbone are both AMD

Wew lad

Attached: 1565069076841.jpg (375x375, 34K)

jesus those blurry low res textures are embarassing

Who gives a fuck
PCGaming is gay



>how many of you actually have a rig that could play with graphics on par with Horizon Zero Dawn, God of War or Detroit: Become Human?
If these were on PC they'd run at 4K 100fps+ on my PC.

Attached: 15665863155451.jpg (480x480, 80K)

yes, "my", indicating that I have personal experience with both systems
unlike you underage consoleniggers who have never even touched a PC other than your mom's shitty laptop maybe

>Close ups of a single character
Wow, truly this is peak graphics.

>it is but it runs at 10 fps on the snoy4 and 20 on the pro.



Attached: 1564207830241.png (1414x657, 559K)

seriously not lying. check the reviews and benchmarks. it's hilarious

i7 9700k, RTX 2080 SUPER, 16GB DDR4 3600MHz

Why do you hate fun?

Attached: 1566310056298.jpg (1024x614, 57K)

You bought the only i7 without hyperthreading? Nice job, cuck.

Hyper threading is a meme

>reviews i saw say it stable 30fps but drops lower the longer you play
>patch will fix this
>if this was a pc exclusive youd be crying that its okay a patch will fix it but thats not okay when its on console as well

really makes you think

not low res or blurry.

Attached: 1551323459652.jpg (3840x2160, 1.57M)

>laughs in 16 threads

Attached: screams-thermally-th-gen-nlocked-a-true-angel-37269065 (1).png (500x441, 112K)

imagine being this asshurt

Attached: 1565948625115.jpg (675x1200, 240K)

>uses cutscene or photo mode pics

Every fucking time.

I'm talking about the lod textures you dummy. these games always have good looking character models (at least for protags) but the environments look like ass
>hurr durr well yeah they're lod
they're fucking awful even for lod standard

They look photo real

Attached: 1555511648596.jpg (675x1200, 162K)

Too bad Spiderman PS4 was a boring as fuck game, Batman Arkham Knight wannabe.
Dropped it after like 2 hours.

No shit Sherlock. If I write a quicksort to run on the PS4 and a bogosort to run on a high end PC which one do you think will finish first?

>ctrl+f "architecture"
>no results
>no results
This post is correct.

Those engines could run on a PC, they use the same cpu micro architecture, the "problem" isn't console exclusive optimization, because the same optimizations would apply if they ported the games to PC. A PC has to be a lot more powerful than a console when it wants to EMULATE it, that isn't running it natively, but if sony wanted to they could port the PS4 games to PC so they would run native, and the "on paper" PC's would run it just fine.

So technically yes all of them "could" if sony ported the games to PC, but none of them can because sony wont port them.

>everything looking like the lens was smeared with vaseline is photorealistic

any 5yo high end pc can run all ps4 game at max settings

I don't, which is why I don't waste my time playing a shitty jap offline mmo grinding simulator.

see >vaseline
I think that is just your glasses user. That image looks super sharp.

Attached: 1561551063566.jpg (3840x2160, 1.73M)

Every single pc can run your meme games at ultra BUT in your peasant fps,the thing is,no one on pc WANTS 24-30 fps.

That background looks atrocious, it doesn't look photo realistic at all.

You'd rather give your money to EA or Activision for instant gratification loot boxes/ surprise mechanics? Gotcha.

Attached: a21 (1).png (1029x1000, 1.34M)

That depends on what you are sorting and if your collection has any comparison points.


Spiderman PS4 was boring and repetative as shit.

>acting this ignorant
are you doing this on purpose? I'm talking about the environment, not the fucking spidey character model.
It's really interesting how you always pick screenshots that display as little environment as possible, only showcasing the high detail main character model. it's almost like you don't want to admit that everything but the main character model looks like ass

Every Spider-Man game since Spider-Man 2 on the ps2 has been the same.

>Horizon Zero Dawn
my toaster is good enough to play shitty unity games whiout shadows

Attached: next gen cant into shadows 3.webm (960x540, 2.86M)

Spiderman 2 was the GOAT spiderman game.

>being blind

Attached: 1562469029328.jpg (1000x1560, 703K)

which makes it all the more sad that these people wave it around as a reason to get a ps4

>posts a blurry background instead.


I didn't know blurry jagged buildings and god awful water was "photo realistic". And you have the audacity to call anyone else blind?

It's because games are developed FOR the ps4, milions invested directly into the games just for the console.

There aren't really any triple A PC games.

>rubble under her feet appearing for no reason

Everyone knows the reason to get a PS4 is Knack 2.

so you are aware that the environment looks like ass and thus decide to hide it by picking pics with tons of blur

You are just asshurt anons
Bottom image is your spider-man game.

Attached: 1546669096674.jpg (3824x4320, 1.94M)

Top: Souless
Bottom: Soul.

That was desperate user.

Attached: 1558331419855.png (1920x1080, 2.63M)

>It's because games are developed FOR the ps4, milions invested directly into the games just for the console.
Coded to the metal isn't a thing on console anymore
>There aren't really any triple A PC games

>blur and apply film grain to try and mask ps2 tier low detail environment
keep on coping snoyboy

Anything. Cave Story

Both of those looks like they're from a video game.

Top: No fall damage, if you websling from falling from a building the game sort of stops you in your tracks before you websling and it looks unatural as fuck, webswinging is complete fucking ass and slow as fuck, it was faster to just climb to the top and webzip off buildings all the time, QTE boss fights were boring as fuck.

Bottom: Fall damage, webswingning from height retains your falling speed, webswining seems rewarding and fast, webs attach to buildings only. Lots of fighting shit you can do made it fun. Boss fights werent DTE trash and some even had puzzles. Based as fuck narrator.

snoycope as usual.

>bad reflection
>shitty shadows
>glow unnaturally glowing effect due to shit lighting
>flat muddy textures
>"photo realistic"

I have a 1050ti
Ps4 graphics is weaker than a 1050ti
That's a $100-150 GPU
Next thread

see Again. Desperate.

Pic related was used to fool people into thinking it was a leaked shot from Far From Home for months.

Attached: 1544042357024.jpg (3647x2054, 679K)

I can play BF5 on ultra settings don't think I'm going to have a problem playing games optimized for a console that came out 6 years ago

And of course you have no argument like the seething cuck you are.

Why am I not surprised.

>Sure, PC has the potential to have better graphics than PS4 but let's be real, how many of you actually have a rig that could play with graphics on par with Horizon Zero Dawn, God of War or Detroit: Become Human?

Attached: 1553807737336.jpg (1921x2160, 2.32M)

>close up view of the character model while blurring the awful looking background
keep on going

What? Ps4 is like mid range pc from 8 years ago lmfao

We'll find out soon enough considering your PS4 head wants sony exclusives on PC lmao.

how the fuck does crysis still manage to dab on every single console release

>this image was used to trick people into thinking it was going to be a capeshit movie with terrible CGI for months
Is this supposed to help your case? This doesn't look real. It's clearly CGI, so either you're shitposting or the people who actually believed it are retarded.

I don't need an argument. Your irrational and desperate quest to shit on this games graphics is so ridiculous that nothing needs being said.
You done yet?

Attached: 1539202825220.jpg (3840x2160, 3.01M)


aww yea i sure enjoy staring for 50 hours at my nice looking character model instead of the godawful environment. buying a ps4 was such a great idea!

>pauses game and goes to screenshot mode
>resolution is upped and graphics are maxed out
>soiggers think this is what the game actually looks like

Attached: 1522965001304.jpg (657x527, 45K)

>I don't need an argument.

Attached: 1564619387968.png (340x314, 249K)

show a pc exclusive running on your 1050ti that looks better than god of war

>shit on this games graphics

Fuck off I listed a lot of reasons gameplaywise why PS4 spiderman is inferior to PS2 Spiderman 2. If you arent going to aknowledge them and just dismiss them like a fucking 12 year old then youre a dumb sony cock sucking cunt.
Cope some more and come up with a fucking argument that isnt just

Its amazing a fucking PS4 game is inferior to a game that released on the PS2 15 years ago.


>has trophy notification
>thinks this is photo mode

>why does a heavily modded game look better than insert title here without mods

i wonder why retard

Someone did that already, but you just said "No".

Attached: 562.png (1597x1600, 532K)

You're astoundingly retarded.

This is your life right now. This is how insecure Sony has made you guys.

Attached: 1541418387891.jpg (2048x1153, 459K)

Almost all of these are obviously photomode shots, you fucking retard. How about you show us the game with the HUD?

proof? he showed console ports if we are referring to the same post. wow it looks 5% better for only 600$ more. show a PC EXCLUSIVE that looks better than god of war or spiderman



Another blurry background photo mode screenshot that does nothing but focus on the character model?

what the fuck is going on with his hand. jesus christ this is horrifying

Lol that brick texture looks so fucking flat and wrong

>5% better
the level of cope

I could simply mod Skyrim to look really fucking good and run at 30fps with motion blur just like all Ps4 games run.

Inner Chains
Unreal Tournament
Quake Champions

Nigger, read better next time. Someone specifically named these games.

Thats very cool user. When are you starting school like a big boy?

Attached: 1542935902532.jpg (3652x2052, 1.14M)

>heavily modded
delusion has now kicked in too huh?

STALKER modded looks better than anything on PS4.

Attached: LujKRetPrXfXhpLtdgS6bU.jpg (1920x1080, 1.03M)

That's nice, now show is the rest of the game without blurring the background with photo mode.

>pc games

Attached: 1565762886354.jpg (3200x1800, 688K)

>no background at all since he finally realized that no amount of blur can hide low details

It isn't modded, and even if it was how does that not count? If it runs with mods it's fair game.

Its really not hard to do that with a mid level pc. if all you want is 30fps locked its even easier

spot someone who have zero knowlege about pc gaming

Yeah a second gen i5 and a gtx 760 will surely destroy a PS4 pro. That’s pretty dumb my guy. 2011 was awhile ago

>2007 title features more detail in distant objects than a 2018 game

Who the fuck wants to play horizon zero dawn or god of soi?
And Detroit's literally a movie

It literally has a mode that achieves 1080p and 60fps soooo

reminder that detroid is coming to pc. yet another shitty title less for sonybros

No it doesn't.

>The lighting engine is pretty inconsistent in that game
It's almost like the visuals have be compromised somewhere because it's running on a console. All these exclusives will have parts that look stunning, and others that look shitty. Some devs are just better at hiding those parts that look shit than others.

Remember when Creative Assembly dabbed on consoles by saying no total war game would run on consoles.

Attached: Total-War-Three-Kingdoms-benchmark.png (1920x1080, 2.96M)

how about you show footage of how it looks then?



no one can answer me. no one. just admit it. im not here to gloat, i just want you to admit it.


Attached: 1543989319720.jpg (2160x3840, 1.8M)

Yeah, for the whole 5 mins that you're transitioning to a different area, then goes back to 30 and below when the enemies start swooping in

Yes it does

>Unreal Tournament
>Quake Champions

>Inner Chains
let me google it
>graphics look like they could be on console easily
>low ratings

i said look better

Attached: graphics look like shit as well.png (1330x882, 518K)

Good Skyrim modding is a PC exclusive. It's not even that well optimized and a very good looking Skyrim looks better than any Ps4 titles on a 1050ti at 30fps with motion blur.
>but you can mod skyrim on consoles too
With barely ANYTHING

60 FPS? You fucking deluded console faggot. The game can't even hit 50 FPS outside of cutscenes in performance mode. The framerate isn't even capped, it's dynamic.

Attached: 1566003787383.png (1356x737, 1.44M)

>he thinks that looks good


Nah I’ve never seen it go below 30. Usually is right around 45-50 in most places

guess you ran out of blurred images huh? now you finally have properly shown how godawful the environemnt looks

and? it performs and looks much better on pc making console version subpar and thus console experience subpar

>code game with special PS4 procedures to get the most mileage out of the console
>PC gets no special treatment
>PS4 runs "better" than mid-tier PCs
I wonder what would happen if they optimized their PS games for PC? Hmmm?

Looks good and has more soul than any PS4 game.

>skyrim is a pc exclusive now

lol. name a better pc exclusive. do it. c`mon justify your overpriced console port machine

>posts ratings instead of ingame screenshots
the cope

I didn’t say it was always 60fps I said it achieved 60fps and 1080p, something the previous poster said the PS4 could only do one at a time. So fuck right off m8

Is this actually supposed to look good?

Attached: 1543626266371.png (1767x499, 1.34M)

Oh so now you're looking for ratings too? I thought we were talking about graphics. Ratings can easily be bought. Sony could've easily spent a ton of money on making sure people rated it well just so everyone talks about it and buys it. You have to be naive to think ratings work these days.

It's not 1080p, it's a dynamic resolution. The game doesn't run at 60 FPS either, so he's right.

Show me a PS4 game that can run at 4k 60fps.

I'll wait.

>achieving 60fps for 1 second before dropping to 40
wow, pcfags btfo'ed amirite?

Yeah, I can achieve 60fps on a shitty computer too if I stare directly at the ground. See why consistency actually matters? With your logic, my 2001 computer achieves 60fps at 1080p with Crysis.

My rig far surpasses it. Not only can it do those shitty graphics, it can do them at 120+ fps or at 4k. Consoles are a bad joke that only PC users get to laugh at.

Attached: 20161125174522_1.jpg (1920x1080, 165K)

They did make a Total War game for consoles once. Because right after their acquisition, first thing Sega did was try to take it away from PC as immediatelly as possible, publishng a console exclusive Total War game that was massive departure from the previous games with Spartan Total War

looks better than any pc open world exclusives... oh wait. there is none
>Oh so now you're looking for ratings too?
no. im sorry if i misworded that. the graphics are shit. i was just having a laugh at the review scores
i dont see anything that looks better than what a console can do. its just grimdark shit for turbo autists

basically all simulation/4xgames/grandstrategy/rts/mmos/mobas ever made

now you'll see those don't count or are bad
guess what else doesnt count in my eyes : sub 30fps exclusive that barely function on the machine its made for

>special PS4 procedures
found the brainlet. ps4 and xbone are glorified low end pcs. they don't actually have any unique, experimental hardware like in previous gens
>PS4 runs "better" than mid-tier PCs
but it's always the exact opposite

Which would put you in the small percentage

Why are you suddenly focusing on ratings, you stupid nigger? Everyone knows Inner Chains is a bad game. We're talking about graphics here, not scores.
>>graphics look like they could be on console easily
Except they aren't because it isn't on consoles. Nice coping mechanism, sony nigger.

>basically all simulation/4xgames/grandstrategy/rts/mmos/mobas ever made

post one of them then if there is so many. post one that justifies the price over a console.

I never said Skyrim is a pc exclusive. My PC is also no overpriced. I'm the guy saying I have a 1050ti that runs better than a Ps4. If you wanna talk about overpriced machines then we can. Show me ANY game on Ps4 that can run at NATIVE 4k 60fps.

Most people have a rig that isn't weaker than a fucking RX 470.

>Except they aren't because it isn't on consoles
>heh this shitty indie game couldnt afford to be ported to pc. so i win

looks like shit graphics though

Consoles are holding physics simulation, environmental destruction and particle effects back. I wish more games looked like Control and I sincerely hope the next generation of games have more on that front.

No it’s just a dynamic frame rate on the pro in performance mode. The resolution mode adjusts it on the fly

Who the fuck cares about graphics in videogames.
Holy fuck you legit virgins.
Gameplay and replayability comes above everything else.
If you care about graphics as number one priority, do everyone a favour and off yourself. So watch a movie.

Talking about normal gameplay my guy stop being pedantic

>show us a pc only game that has better graphics!
>that doesn't count

God of War doesn't fit that criteria either.

Well you have to be more specific because when you give your enemies an inch they'll take a mile and so will you and you know it.

what are you on about ?
control is a fucking memery
wow you can shoot at the papers and they fly around
killing the hiss makes em pop like a cloud of shadersmokery
so fucking good, really pushing the boundaries here
i hope you're trolling

>Who the fuck cares about graphics in videogames.
>Gameplay and replayability comes above everything else.

and this is why consoles are superior. we actually have exclusives

Nah I have a pc too it’s just that many are shallow and think they’re better just because they only own one device and or haven’t played a game and just like to parrot memes

Attached: KittyHawk_E3_withLogo_003-2.jpg (3840x2160, 2.95M)

it didnt have better graphics

Just because you’re disengenuous with you’re argument doesn’t mean that I have to be as well.


its also on console. i said exclusive to pc.

Attached: xb1.png (848x512, 144K)

No I don’t think it would run on your 2001 computer either, I agree

None of your exclusives have gameplay or replayability.
None of them ever sold over 5m sales anyways as top sales on PS4 are GTA V, CoD and Fifa

>implying anyone will play it on xbox
All these are PC 4k Screenshots.
Post something that looks better. I dare you.

Attached: KittyHawk_E3_withLogo_001-1.jpg (3840x2160, 2.02M)

>break glass on ps4
>fps tanks
If you want memery, consoles are still stuck with SSR. Apparently the PS5 will remove those shackles so it'll be great if we see more games that aren't held back by console limitations.

Attached: Ascending-through-the-clouds.jpg (3838x2158, 851K)

>dude a 3000$ pc has better graphics!!!

yes i know. but it has no exclusives. rather spend 300 dollars on a console and invest the rest of the money into being a functional adult. and not a autist.

You’re not my enemy, you’re some random fuck on an image board.

reminder that if you have a smartphone, you already have something more powerful than a switch.

no lol
you're playing on low spec hardware

Side step right?

Attached: xhu0as4kkcj21.jpg (480x480, 124K)

>n-n-no post something that looks better on PC!!!
>Posts something that looks better
>n-n-no Id rather play 900p games at 24fps

Attached: Intheweeds-2048x1152.png (2048x1152, 3.67M)

>you're playing on low spec hardware
show that game on high spec on pc then... oh wait... you CANT!

>>n-n-no post something that looks better on PC!!!

my whole argrument is post a better exclusive on pc that looks better than a ps4/xb1 exclusive. a pc game thats exclusive. not a port,mod of a console game,etc

console cheaper than pc
TV more expensive than monitor

Attached: $RFG0NIX.jpg (1000x548, 195K)

It does on PC at max settings, cuck.

Attached: 1560005811369.jpg (1920x3246, 1.18M)

Functional adults earn enough money to have a disposable income. If $300 is placing you in a bind, perhaps you should get off autismbux and find a real job, NEET.

Attached: philosoraptor.jpg (400x400, 18K)

yea control really game me FEAR vibes with tons of shit being destroyed and stuff flying about in firefights.
real fucking shame that people forgot about that and instead decided to push for static shit

I grabbed a 2080 for $650 like 5 months ago, I'm good for the next two console iterations

Post something that looks better.

You can't.

Attached: KittyHawk_E3_withLogo_007-1.jpg (3840x2160, 2.3M)

Who cares about graphics?
We have the games.

Attached: future-of-gaming-2019.jpg (1200x6324, 1.44M)

Damn dude, that's pretty good looking for a GTX 560 Ti.

Did the same with a Radeon VII, and got 3 free games. Looking into VR titles ATM. Having a lot of fun with beat saber and New Retro Arcade Neon.

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.08.28 - (2560x1440, 3.37M)

>no exclusives

WoW, Eve, Diablo 2, Counter Strike, Warhammer, ...

Attached: $R4OHEE6.jpg (720x540, 37K)

Knack 2 baybee!

Why are you posting screenshots of the PS2 games?

Then why do ports always run like total shit?

OMFG the buildings aren't even reflected

Because they offload the job to pajeets and inept code monkeys instead of the main dev team.

god fuck ssr. such a godawful ugly looking hack that makes refletive surfaces look nice from certain angles.
too fucking bad that from any other angle it goes to shit and breaks immersion

Not that guy, I'll give you your answer. There is none.
The appeal of PC gaming isn't exclusives. people like PC gaming for mods, for ports, for backwards compatibility, large amount of controller options, free online multiplayer, etc etc, not for exclusives. Let alone exclusives that have high budget graphics. If a game has high budget graphics the devs and publishers wont want it to be exclusive to PC because there is no financial incentive to do so. If sony makes an exclusive game they have financial incentive to do so.

>TV more expensive than monitor

you can get a 4k 50 inch tv with hdr on amzon from 200-300 dollars. lets see a monitor with those specs for the same amount

Used or New?

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-08-28-19h01m27s938.png (3840x2160, 3.5M)

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-08-28-19h01m55s556.png (3840x2160, 3.13M)

Attached: 1556962156521.png (1054x910, 446K)

incompetent porting that breaks during interactions with windows os because the code monkeys contracted from some no name small time developer don't know how to code shit.
on a hardware level there's no issues, since as i mentioned, ps4 and xbone aren't any different from a regular pc except that they're running a console os


Attached: 1567012084237.jpg (3840x2160, 2.02M)

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-08-28-19h05m15s724.png (3840x2160, 3.48M)

>Actually wanting a high latency input display that cannot run the consoles attached to it at native resolution AND at sub 60fps

Attached: Screenshot_20190704-195725~2.png (331x368, 105K)

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-08-28-19h05m28s246.png (3840x2160, 3.1M)

you can run better looking games than shitty Horizon easily

Attached: fc5.jpg (3840x2160, 1.88M)

>far cry

Attached: index22.jpg (150x150, 6K)

I have a pc that cost me exactly 400 bucks, yesterday I was playing MHW +60fps on ultra 1080p, not to mention that I didn't have to pay for the game, can your 400$console + 60$game do the same?

no, can do

but why would I game on a 4k/ 50inch monitor anyway. either buy a TV at that point or buy a 24 inch 144hz non 4k monitor for less

Attached: pcmonitors.jpg (1114x906, 114K)

yeah but its not like Horizon sets the bar high
it looks like absolute shit beyond 5 meters

Attached: Horizon Zero Dawn™_20180505114357.jpg (1920x1080, 577K)

>he actually thinks and are the same argument
You brought this on yourself, people replying to the OP are replying to the pre-goalpost moved argument.

Attached: A320_StrasbourgFeb.webm (1920x1080, 2.88M)

Idgaf about Graphics

That is all

Attached: c6b.png (1000x1000, 177K)


Attached: flat,550x550,075,f.u1.jpg (543x550, 21K)

This is some of the worst cope I have ever seen.
So many PS4 exclusives you will never ever get to play.

Attached: 1563694258385.jpg (1920x1080, 154K)

and a 60hz monitor (like your TVs) would be less than 80 bucks


In all areas of life its only low iq niggers that care about exclusivity

I will buy a ps5 if it guarantees 1440p 60 fps and full mouse and keyboard support.

But that is far from likely.

i love how poor consolefags when cornered with 0 arguments always go back to "you will never play these games because you have no PS4"

not everyone is as poor as you lol

Attached: cryinlaugh.jpg (400x459, 42K)

More like flew right into his mouth
cos he's gay

oh boy, i sure wish i could play totally not dark souls, dad of war, horizon ubishit, spiderman and uh...
damn i sure want to buy a nogames console

Nice housefire.

Attached: Temps.png (1327x1222, 69K)

Mouse and keyboard support might be a thing, but likely developer dependent. PS5 using zen2 chips and navi might actually be good enough to do 1440p@60. Maybe better if they include SMT. It's a miracle jaguar cores got this gen this far.


I bought my Gpu in early 2017
It has better specs than what the ps5 is claimed to have

Fov sliders and better resolutions make PC worth it


Can PS4 do 4k 60fps yet?

No of course not.

and pray tell what are you "saving" for

Attached: 1548179614777.jpg (1920x1080, 122K)

Who needs sony exclusives when xbox exclusives are better?

This is like bragging about using unreal engine 4 on a PC.

Why the fuck would I care about sonys cinematic third person over the shoulder games with the gay included that run at like 24 fps and are linear as fuck.
Fuck off.

console fags can't even 1080 m8

>unfinished poor mans game engine for consoles

Dragon dildos. What else?

Attached: 1541740696985.webm (720x720, 322K)


how many are you planning on buying if you're saving up?
gonna try and fill every hole at once?