how can people argue that portal 2 isn't reddit when this character exists?
How can people argue that portal 2 isn't reddit when this character exists?
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stop judging a 8 year old game by current standards
reddit was no different 8 years ago
This game was considered reddit shit since launch, tourist.
Aperture is comical by design. Go ahead and call the whole game reddit for that, but it's the plot that misses a few notes.
>character is described as an idiot
>reeee why does he act like reddit
you just want to complain
the presence of comedy ≠ reddit comedy
there's a difference between acting like an idiot and le random waffles XD
sure sure
normal=reddit i getit
Lurk a bit more if you don't want to embarrass yourself every time you type something.
look at you newfag, all grown up
"le randumb xd" has lost all meaning just like "cringe" and "edgy" because of retards like you.
It had a defined trait from the start and kept it all the way to the end. That's not "lmao so randumb xd", that's a one-note character. If you want to complain about that, go ahead, but use the proper words, retard.
the character's note is being randumb XD and he's not even the only reddit character in the game, all of the cores are something straight out of a rage comic
Rage comics originated on Yea Forums, newfag
because portal 2 is a game and reddit is a website
sorry to dip into ironhead autistic hostility mode but you really earned it
yeah I know, are you really gonna sit there and defend me gusta and trollface.
>8 year old game
where has time gone
Trollface is even older Yea Forums shit
are you gonna defend it though? are you gonna defend this?
What makes something reddit?
Reddit or not, he was incredibly unfunny and soured the entire franchise for me
>everyone has to larp like it's Yea Forums from 2006 or else they're from reddit
fuck off, dipshit. Yea Forums is a normie hangout and has been for years..
Portal humour was reddit-tier shit, just that I never realised it when playing 1
I hate this fucking character though
who argues this?
I liked him but maybe that's just me, not haha funny but sensible smile funny.
If Portal was the exact same game but was only a fraction as popular, Yea Forums would think it was hilarious.
>game have humour
I actually kind of miss the time when "LE REDDIT MAYMAYS" were the biggest thing that Yea Forums was annoyed about.
Considering the current alternative is the same looking wojack, yeah I'll actually defend that.
fair point actually
>Current Yea Forums now has worse content than early 2010s Reddit
What went wrong?
Remember when that one girl cosplayed with the portal gun but it turns out she never even finished the game but was doing it because it was the cool thing that everyone was talking about? Thats peak reddit right there and thats why I fucken hate you faggots for coming to this shithole of all place pretending you like shit. The faggot who made this post is proabbly a redditor himself along with most of you faggot argueing in this thread. You're not even discussing the game, you're litterally just talking about what kind of humor reddit enjoy. You're just emulating what you're already doing on reddit- sucking each other e-cock- because suprise, everything has to revovle around you.
The character exists for like 5 seconds as a dumb gag.
You act like the game stretched out this core's obsession with space over the entire game or that he just yells SPAAAAACE and that's the joke. He only does that yell one time at the very end. Don't blame the game for idiots clinging to a random joke. Same thing happened in Portal 1 with "the cake is a lie", they didn't intend for that to be some epic funny meme, it just happened because Valve is(/was) extremely well known so naturally the most common denominator would find bottom-of-the-barrel shit funny. Stupid people liking a game doesn't make a game inherently bad.
>Remember when that one girl cosplayed with the portal gun but it turns out she never even finished the game but was doing it because it was the cool thing that everyone was talking about?
I also remember that iJustine Let's Play of Portal 2 that got made fun of a lot back when it was new.
all valve games are reddit as fuck
I didn't even know about Reddit until after I started going on Yea Forums around 2011.
>le me (im not black)
Yea Forums stopped being able to laugh at the simple things like Mai Chan's ordinary life.
Honestly, if the ragecomic stealing would have happened today, Yea Forums wouldn't have let that shit happen without a fight. It would have gone the Pepe approach by taking the rage comic format and making entries as racist and offensive as possible so the Reddit normalfags would think twice before trying to claim it as their own.
All video games are reddit as fuck.
I always loved these.
So if that happened, Yea Forums now would still be flooded with rage comics?
Memories of a shit time, but at least it was our shit.
How is he "random" if he only obsesses about one thing (space) through the whole game?
Yes. And it would be suffering from the same issue as Pepe and Wojak does now, in that instead of creating original new content to use instead, it's just a new spinoff of the rage comic face but supposed to make fun of a new type of niche. It would practically be the same as what Reddit did to it more or less, ironically, just with the official Yea Forums seal of approval slapped onto it so nobody can complain.
A simpler time.
Based, Portal 2 was cringe that destroyed the refined atmospheric tone of the first game.
Also speaking about fucking Redditor-tier lol random humor
>half of wheatley jokes (though admittedly they work better in the later half)
>"BECAUSE I'M A POTATO" - glados
>"COMBUSTIBLE LEMONS!!!!!!!!" and most of cave penis's lines
Aperture was flanderized between Portal 1 and 2.
>but at least it was our shit.
I'm a newfag that got here around 8 years ago, and I already feel this way myself. These days I actually miss the off-topic shitshow that Yea Forums was when I was new here, but I feel out of place now that Yea Forums is full of politics and new buzzwords.
Speak for yourself, been here since 2008 since my early college days and haven't left since
>he looks a bit odd, innit
I still have a habit of going on Yea Forums too much, I just still feel more "familiar" with stuff like Costanza, Ainsley, Mystery of the Druids, le monkey face, etc, than any of the new "BASED CRINGE COPE SEETHING" stuff.
Because the Reddit today wasn't the Reddit of yesteryear. Portal 2 is an old ass game. It'd be more accurate to say that reddit is Portal 2, not that portal 2 is Reddit.
I miss grafics cat.
What is Reddit even like today? I remember how they were notorious for overusing rage comic memes, but it seems like even they've stopped caring about rage comics now.
People have been calling it reddit humour since release.
I don't know why anyone cares to take time to insult others with copy&paste insults or defend their honor despite everyone here being user or care what type of console the other person has. But I guess that seeps from the modern culture where everything is valued with likes or dislikes and everyone must be in a team.
>or defend their honor despite everyone here being user
A lot of posts on Yea Forums these days honestly reminds me of that old "My name is John, and I hate every single one of you" copypasta, that was posted around the time before I got here.
When did grapfics cat become popular on Yea Forums? I feel like I've been seeing that cat since I started coming here.
Modern reddit comedy is mostly "dank meme" kind of stuff like on youtube or instagram or twitter although I think they don't like using that phrase anymore, also ironic weebs and screencaps of people being "cringe" on messaging services and social media
>Drop down into old Aperture after Wheatley takes control
>Finally get to explore abandoned places that don't really tell you what's going on like in Portal 1
>Immediately ruined by Cave Johnson barging in to tell you everything
Imagine Portal 1's atmosphere with 2's length and puzzle elements and Stories: Mel's difficulty. One can only dream.
Yeah can you imagine repeating the same stupid, uninspired, insipid jokes on a fucking loop for hours and hours and fucking hours every single day and not having the self awareness to recognize yourself as reddit scum? Boy how fucking embarrassing that would be to anyone who engages in this kind of behavior. Good thing no one like that can be found on this board or this might be really humiliating for them.
And yet they all claim to have been here since 2004 too
>and screencaps of people being "cringe" on messaging services and social media
So like Twitter screencap threads on Yea Forums?
It's that stupid chart that keeps getting posted, everyone wants to be an oldfag.
it's usually conversations between multiple people with a defined protag and antag
>8 years later
>Valve still hasn't made another single player game since Portal 2
or just people making a "cringe" statement (but less political twitter screencap threads)
Around 2010/2011.
Anyone remember rigging that best sidekick character poll on Gamespot to make Launchpad McQuack win? That was the funniest shit.
Nevermind that, I should have said Stories: Mel's puzzle elements. The addition of Death Grids was nice and the removal of Conversion Gel helped not make the game's puzzles a joke like it happens once you discover it in 2.
>Anyone remember rigging that best sidekick character poll on Gamespot to make Launchpad McQuack win? That was the funniest shit.
I think I didn't pay attention to that, even though I remember other stuff like Synchtube and the SOPA/Megaupload shiwshow.
I thought this thread was about portal 2
And not meta wojacks and troll faces and reddit and 9gag
So discuss it instead of making a meta post to complain that it's not being discussed.
le cake is a lie xD
Shut up nigger
I want to go back.
No u
I like how she points out she hasn't finished every single game she's played, like that proves anything when you didn't bother finishing a fucking 1-hour long game, maybe 2-hours long if you really take your time understanding portals and the things you can do with them, but man.
IIRC she had some sort of inner ear problem that made FPS games unpleasant to play. Honestly though, why does it even matter? If someone finds something to like in a video game, why are you so determined to keep her away from it?
Was literally one of the first reddit memes, so of course the sequel is pure reddit, that's like saying water is wet.
it's still pretty good, I liked JK Simmonds
I'm not determined to keep her away from it, she can do whatever she wants. That's not the same as saying how ridiculous it is to be a big fan of something that you barely saw in official content. The ear thing, if true, is good enough as an explanation for not finishing it, so whatever.
It's called appropriation and that's problematic user
My culture is NOT a costume!
I couldn't really finish the game, the voice acting was just too awful and some of the tests were boring. At least it was one step up from a non-story map pack
If you need to ask then you should go back
Your culture is cringe is what it is.
Voice acting wasn't the best, yeah, but I liked most tests. They were well designed in that they were challenging but not huge rooms full of elements all over the place made just to distract you. Many of them were instead in small rooms where you always saw everything you could use, and I liked that despite that aspect, they still managed to make puzzles that could take me up to 20 minutes of thinking on how to approach the puzzle before I could get through it.
Every Valve game is extremely Reddit.
I would like a Portal 3, set hundreds of years after 2 where GLaDOS has honeycombed most of the planet. Done in the style of an adventure game, rather than a FPS Puzzle game.
You didn't play it either so why even bother replying
>You didn't play it either
Is this what kojimbo fans really think? Yikes
>le portal is le 1 hour game xd im hardcore gamer
Keep posting anime pics, retard
The baked goods are a fabrication! Twenty-fourth letter of the alphabet, fourth letter of the alphabet!
Define Reddit
>maybe 2-hours long if you really take your time understanding portals and the things you can do with them
I took about that long the first time I played Portal. It's 19 chambers and they're not very complicated once you really get used to how Portals work.
>Keep posting anime pics, retard
Are you stupid? It wasn't that long of a game.
But it is very short, took me 1.5 hours first time. Including the time I spent trying to glitch portals on the wall or just falling endlessly for the hell of it. What are you trying to say here? How long is this game in your opinion? I know there are those challenge rooms in it but this can't be considered main game, and you know it.
Not him btw.
More influenced by I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, but less psychodrama. Probably be more like The Longest Journey
*holds up hybrid eating utensil*
I mean what's the difference in not finishing a game and just rushing through it?
In terms of fanaticism and bandwagonning
reddit was as much a wild west as Yea Forums 8 years ago user
it even had cute and funny
Yea Forums GOOD
Why are you people so obsessed with reddit and claiming everything that exists is made by or because of them?
reddit sucks now yeah, it got corporatised, they care about their advertisers
unless people figure out a way to fund a website that doesn't rely on pleasing your corporate overlords that's just it for the internet it's television 2.0
>le science memes
>le wacky, awkward companion with british accent
>le crazy boss with those churazay ideas XD
>not reddit
Look, I understand if you like the game, but claiming that even back then it was not reddit is absurd.
2011 Reddit was a different thing altogether. It still hadn't gotten all the Digg refugees, for starters.
Because they're trying their hardest to fit in.
>4channel sucks now yeah, it got corporatised, they care about their advertisers
>unless people figure out a way to fund a website that doesn't rely on pleasing your corporate overlords that's just it for the internet it's television 2.0
you can't even say "the whole game", he's in one fucking segment at the end that lasts less than five minutes
Get out, Pedro
Reddit is a website.
After you, redditfag.
but it is.
portal 2, whilst fun, was a little lacking.
the original had a much more concise feeling. I go back and play it for that incredibly somber tone. There's no wacky crazy rebuilding facility, no dumb assistant, just a calm purity.
Who the fuck gives a shit about reddit?
>has more things
reddit comedy today is the Yea Forums comedy of 8 year sago
but I love the story told through Cave's increasingly bitter and insane rants
No, user. You are the reddit.
Reddit hates Narwhal bacon, Rage comics, and Advice animals now user.
reddit this reddit that because Yea Forums is so much better with the fucking billion different unfunny wojak edits, constant ironic shitposting and the same 10 threads like "she killed millions..." and "for me it's x" we've had on rotation every day for like 3 years now
>one time joke
1. This character is very minor.
2. Back in 2011, people didn't call everything they disliked "reddit".
For me it's Mayu.
You're a retard if you believe this. Reddit used to be tolerable before its founder killed himself and the new fag took control. Not good, tolerable.
Aperture and all its ambience may have been flanderized by Portal 2, but the Space Core was only a thing for 5 minutes. And you have to admit that it had the perfect ending to send off the player.
I like portal 1's mood a good bit more than portal 2 but portal 2 is still a fantastic game
I remember being disappointed by the game after finishing it Because I wanted more Half-Life lore, I wanted to be able to glean some stuff about the borealis but I loved it after sleeping on it.
Yea Forums died in 2011 with the feminist frequency shit galvanizing everyone into bitter tribal boomers without a bone of creativity in their body
everything is sports team bullshit now
In context, this was a perfectly fine joke
Remember when we endlessly mocked r*ddit because they reused the same few faces for a couple years, and then we recycled pepe and wojak for close to a fucking decade now?
Space orb was a ripoff of some obscure aquarium advertisement featuring a goldfish with someone doing a funny voice saying “I want to go to the aquarium” over and over again.