I have lost hope for the Switch if this was its best game of 2019

I have lost hope for the Switch if this was its best game of 2019

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Other urls found in this thread:


You're the same user, aren't you? At least tell me that you get paid to do this.

I'm not that stupid user

Attached: screenshot_24.png (784x305, 52K)

>Yea Forums turned into a nintendo board by dozens upon dozens of concurrent FE, Smash and Pokemon threads singing praises
>are ok

>singular negative 3rd party switch game review thread
>deleted for being "flamewar"


post archive link or else

Lmao what is this 2010?

>post archive link or else

Attached: 593326A9-9C1F-4769-8DDB-7026B12652F1.jpg (1080x1020, 72K)

so it's missing big butts? fucking dropped
>jannies and mods in charge of not being retarded

>dumb faggot

Attached: 1fs.jpg (1240x786, 175K)

What is it about this game that has caused all the journalists to get assmad at it and try to "cancel" it?

Musim and snoygers are so similar in the end.

What did Nier have that Astral Chain is missing? I've not played either

You're the only one talking about Sony though.

>Yea Forums turned into a nintendo board by dozens upon dozens of concurrent FE, Smash and Pokemon threads singing praises

300 pounds of robot pussy and ass

>What did Nier have that Astral Chain is missing?
Big ass.

All the FE and other ninty game thread spamming does though. A board can only hold so many threads, and creating new ones, bumps the older ones off the board. For some reason it's only the nintendo fanbase who can't keep their discussion to a single thread. Every day you see a bunch of shitty Smash leak threads, each and every one equally obviously fake and undeserving of taking a thread spot on Yea Forums. But none of those are being cleaned up.

no shit, yoko taro made nier automata kino, not platinum. platinum just made it easier to enjoy by finally giving us a taro game with gameplay that wasn't ass

i'll still get this shit because switch drought (and really just a games drought in general, haven't bought anything on PC or PS4 in months)

This is lower tier than Shitaku. You guys are really reaching to make this game look bad, huh.

They paint policemen as the good guys, everyone it's supposed to hate the popo

Platinum Games just can't into stories.

This is why Nier Automata was their only big hit; purely character action games that are all about gameplay with the story being nonsensical garbage don't sell anything. Bayonetta proves that.

They are as niche as fighting games at this point.

Yes, Nier Automata was the first Yoko Taro game with gameplay that didn't suck because of Platinum, but without Yoko's story, Nier Automata would have sold as much as Bayonetta or Mad World, i.e. not much at all.

If you wanted a nier game when Taro wasnt working on this i really dont know what to say to you as youre too dumb

yeah the reviews dont count unless they're from a nintendo fansite

If anything, nier automata was boring and clunky.

I've skimmed through that article, and the OP's main complaint seems to be not being rewarded for experimenting with different playstyles, unless the game forces you to. And being able to just stick with whatever strongest weapon you have and do well. Which is weird, because Automata did the same exact thing, except I don't remember even being forced to change my playstyle in the first place. But Automata was heavy on RPG elements, leveling and stuff. So while you could potentially do all the crazy Platinum enemy juggling, it was purely optional, and truth be told, not required in a NieR game.

Remember, it’s ok when Valve of Nintendo does it.

Attached: 51408BB7-9F2F-4055-AFB5-8803BA1175D1.png (800x1000, 820K)


Now post the Jezebel review.

>Nier Automata was their only big hit

was Metal Gear Rising not a hit?

Nier's combat sucked dick and the game has much less replay value for subsequent playthroughs considering you play through a big chunk of the game multiple times.
I'll take the combat focused game

and this is why I'm actually glad the game is not on PS4. We don't need this type of pro-cop alt-right fascist shit on PS4.

i guess you could say forcing the hacking shit on you as 9S made me change by playstyle, but i think most people didn't like that change

Who's cancelling it? It's getting sucked off by every other journo because Nintendo made the game easy enough for them.

So play on hard baby

You weren't forced to hack in combat, you could just hack and slash your way to victory with 9S like you could with 2B. Hacking was just overpowered in terms of damage it could do. But not mandatory outside of some puzzles.


You can't play on hard on your first playthrough.

It's sad people hold Shittermata up to some high standard

They liked Nier Automata, despite all the sexulization? That place is filled with more trannies and feminists than Retardera and Kotaku put together.

I guarantee there's a secret code like every fucking other platinum game to do so

Tell me what the code is then.

It's still dogshit to play compared to Nier Automata. Of course I don't expect toddlers to have standards.

why don't you just make threads about games you want to talk about then? You know this is a free imageboard, right? You don't need high Karma or mod status to make threads.

because jannies will delete threads unless they are about nintendo games

Anti nintendo threads anal ravage has always been a strong Sonytard copyright.

>holding Automata to such a high standard when it was inferior to Gestalt in every way except gameplay

Be careful who you call a toddler retard.

You are batshit insane.

Nice site, OP.

Attached: no wonder they hate police.png (1315x389, 848K)

Automata's gameplay loop was trash lmao. God something about nier and rising fags always have such poor standards that they accept a dumbed down version of Platinum combat and tout it as better.

Sales wise? Not really. Middling.

Astral Chain is inferior to both so what's your point?

persecution complex aka paranoia

Nier fags go back to taro dick sucking, you don't even like action games you just like pseudo wank.

>A website being shit somehow makes a game more difficult.

Attached: duherrg.png (559x448, 73K)

your cuhurazee button mashers are garbage.

>too stupid to post archive link
>shills for SOICE instead

The action in any Nier game is a million times better than this casualised dogshit.

Astral Chain doesn't have Yoko Taro trying to get a reaction out of the player

t. ard

>directly linking Vice
Go back.

Speaking of difficulty.
Youtube algorithm suggested my a "S+ rank on max difficulty" AS video by... Gamespot. The player is being hit multiple times and uses healing items and buffs and still gets an S+ at max difficulty. The game's ranking system is definitely a hard cry from Bayo or MGR.

Nu-platinum no longer makes games which reward skill. They make casual garbage solely designed to make the player FEEL like they're skillful with little effort.
Basically the same thing DmC did (at the same framerate) and that game was rightfully torn to shreds. P* gets a free pass here for some reason


Attached: uuy.png (822x844, 222K)

the best thing about Nier Automata wasn't the combat, it was the story, the world and its characters, and also the music. The combat was excellent, but the same combat in a boring world like bayonetta's wouldn't have changed anything.

Granted, I won't be expecting the same level of story-telling and world-building in Astral Chain as I did when I played Nier Automata, that's just ludicrous

>Every game should be Nier
Is the dumbest garbage I've read this morning
Also, yeah

>tfw you realize liking this game is fueling white supremacy

Attached: huh.png (942x273, 20K)

Astral Chain has neither a good story or combat so what does that make it?


That's funny. Nier Automata was a shell of its predecessor when it came to storytelling, plot and world building. Hell even the sections where the gameplay twists into another genre were more successfully done in Gestalt

Attached: disdain.gif (330x166, 2.11M)

>direct link to article
You're right, I wonder why it isn't being deleted for advertising instead.

Eh, I don't think EVERY game needs a ranking system at all. Just solid action gameplay is enough for me, and Platinum do that very well. It's just that they DID implement a ranking system in Astra Chains, and I can't help comparing it to their old titles, which seem much less forgiving on the average.

Nier Automata was not very good from a core gameplay perspective, user. Not sure why you're holding it to such high praise.

>"It feels like Platinum is trying to address the complaint that their games are too short. But the purity and speed of Bayonetta makes its fun to replay over and over. There are parts though from my 15-hour Astral Chain play session I never want to slog through again."
fuck almost bought it

You wonder why an article by a major new outlet isn't being deleted as advertising? And not all the fucking youtube celeb "IT'S UP" threads?

Make an archive yourself if Vice hurt your fee fees so much, toddler.

It really wasn't. You're just being a
kind of faggot.

>major new outlet

Attached: 02f.jpg (655x527, 59K)

This is true. Yoko Taro is a great ideas guy that can make shit like "let's have a big ass animu french maid kill robots" work and also use that to lure us into the big narrative in a fully realized world.

That's why I disliked Bayonetta so much. I played it to know the story, in preparation for Bayo2 (the supposedly better game, haven't played it yet though) but the story was just nonsensical/bollocks and the gameplay was going from combat area to combat area with little to no exploration at all

Lol no, flashy cinematic easy as piss garbage does not beat out actual challenge and combos

Why would I read anything from vice at all?

>I'll take the combat focused game
Look elsewhere then because Astral Chain isn’t that.

pastebin you nigger faggot

>fetch quest side missions
>in a linear, mission-based game

What were they thinking?

>snoyfsg defends vice again
LOL, trannies defend the tranny news site

I don't know ask Taro

Austin Walker here, don't do this, y'all!

He's right, you know. Automata is overrated, especially by people who never played Draakengard or Gestalt.

Now that the dust has settled... When's Platinum's A-team's game coming out?

Attached: baby_eyecatch.png (1800x918, 2.8M)

This is "nu-platinum"'s second fucking game.

What kind of retard is going into Astral Chain expecting something like NieR

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>snoytrannies SEETHING their COPE tyranny website threads get deleted

>In the rare instance that a fight required a little extra oomph, consuming one of the games plentiful buffs always tilted the game all the way towards easy, and because you heal when you take out the vast majority of enemies you face, I never came close to a game over screen. The answer to a fight was never learning how to better mix up my Legion use or to build combos between them.
Sounds like 'cinematic' trite for casuals. If it's this easy I might as well play a walking simulator.

Bayonetta 3 likely comes out in late 2020
Or do you mean Babylon falls aka their C team?

But Taro didn't make Astral Chain


Attached: 1559353827452.png (576x325, 212K)

Did he say what difficulty he played?
I bet unchained.

Oh right, people actually take tranny news seriously now.
How sonygaf of this board.

People who's first platinum game was Nier

People that don't suck off Nintendo and want a good game. What other notable game was there for the Switch this year?

Didn't this bomb in Japan?

Are you retarded?
Or just a tranny?

Mario Maker 2
Fire Emblem Three Houses.
Daemon x Machina in a couple weeks
Links Awakening after that
DQ XI S after that
Pokemon after that


Do you have an argument toddler?

Snoyfags love vice, just the way it is

Attached: 4 the gays.webm (1280x720, 3M)

You mean Nier Automata. Only 300 000 people played Nier.

>snoyfag seething that all he has is Kojima’s walking and pissing simulator

That'd be difficult since it's not even out yet.

So a tranny, good to know.
Dilate and COPE harder

>300 000
That's gotta include the youtube "playthroughs" of the game.

Nier was fucking dogshit and was only propped up by some characters ass that wasn't even that big. I guess it's time to buy AC now, it must be good in this scenario.

Sorry, yes obviously I meant Automata
(And just for the record I played the original Nier)

>Bing bing wahoo
>Visual novel for waifufags
>Looks okay
>3 decades old game
>Better version on PC
Is that it?

Attached: hahaa.jpg (800x800, 42K)

Yoko Taro made Automata what it is, not Platinum. Not sure how game journos can't understand this

COPE more

Cope and dilate

>all this cope

>this is the type of person that owns a trannystation and reads vice

Why would game journos learn the names of the actual people who work on games?

U crazy mang

>Switch game sells bad
>''kek, Nincels play only Zelda and bing bing wahoo''
>Switch game sells good
>''that's cos Switch has no games and Nincels will buy literally anything''
>police bad because they kill innocent black people and because they give me a ticket when I drive too fast
Yea Forumsstation in a nutshell.

Sony is stopping him.

Attached: 1516004397439.jpg (988x1059, 159K)

>Better version on PC
>No orchestra soundtrack, jap voices, 2D mode, and missing dozens of hours of extra content and locations

>talks about standards
>defending Niar Automata gameplay
now THIS is some special kind of retardation

>Nier was fucking dogshit
Astral Chain is just discount Nier.

Nintenshills literally invade those threads and report others to send them to /vg/

There is an orchestra OST, if you download it from torrent and put it there. You are right about everything else.

I like Automata, but it's really not a great action game. Almost all its bosses are pretty disappointing, which is a huge surprise from Platinum. There's no real combos to learn beyond tapping X and Y at random and the difficulty is all over the place. Normal is too easy the whole way through, but playing on Hard will give you a brain aneurysm before you get clear of the prologue.

>this COPE
sonyfags simply don't have any games to talk about, that's why they make COPE threads like this one.


Nope. It was really a shadow of yoko taros previous work. It's clear square enix restrained him a bit. Hell it didn't even end on a tragic note with a super fucked up ending.

You can't even play on Hard in Astral Chain until you've beaten the game.

It's literally some autist who goes to every thread and does that.

I hate that shit.

As an idort Death Stranding looks a million times more interesting to me than casual hack and slash game #62353525

Death stranding is gone home #465358358653, might as well just look at it on youtube

I don't suppose they give you an unlock hard mode code?

Astral chain actually has decent combat and a better artstyle. It's just held down by shit hardware. Once it's on Yuzu, it will be a better experience. Nier is still shit, though.

the hundreds of nintenbronies that immediately spam every sony game thread with "LE MOVIE XDDD" are

not transcendent enough

When did game reviews become post-modern art?

I don't recall what walking sim let you explore the whole of America, fight monsters or use vehicles.


Attached: vicearticle.jpg (797x621, 58K)

Filter the word ''movie'' then and you won't see those posts.

Pretty much standard movie walking sim "Gameplay"
Just watch it on YouTube, much cheaper and you can easily pause.
Objectively the best way to "play" death stranding

>Astral chain actually has decent combat
It's extremely simplistic and piss easy

Attached: 1529731613137.png (435x435, 221K)

Nice victim complex, considering how snoyfags are the only ones shitting up in Yea Forums.
The only reason why there are no decent Sony threads is because sonyfags are too SEETHING to make any

Just like trying to discuss Nintendo games gets you a flood of wojak edits. Your point? At least nintendo fans don't make falseflag threads like this one about PS4 games.

>Yoko story
>Not 2B's ass
If you really think people were interested in the story summaries that were being given by the trailers anymore than any other platinum game, you're dead wrong. It was all the circlejerk about 2B's ass that gathered up the ironic weeb fanbase and made its sales rise.

thinking I'm not gonna trust a site for video game review just cause they're also cum guzzling drunks. I'm a cum drinker myself and I trust vice wholeheartedly

>At least nintendo fans don't make falseflag threads like this one about PS4 games.

>only source he has are the trannies of vice
LOL, nice try snoyfag.

I could play Nier or Metal Gear Rising and wouldn't miss a thing from Astral Chain. Hell I could just watch it on Youtube as well because there's no depth to the gameplay. I can't do any exploration on Youtube however.


one person filtering does not stop the thread from being derailed, you'd need everyone to come together to configure perfect filters for this

it's the same shit with threads, I can probably filter most of the smash spam if I want but that doesn't change the fact that those threads are pushing other better threads off the board very fast

cry more consolewar faggot

>At least nintendo fans don't make falseflag threads like this one about PS4 game


Everybody except for the trannies of vice disagree, including the leak thread earlier.
Nice COPE.

death stranding is a typical movie walking Sim, deal with it.

How retarded do you need to be to write a headline like that?
How could you look at AC and compare it to Nier? Platinum did combat for both, that's the only connection. Fuck this shit.


Only thing new here is you faggot.

It's the article that attracted sonyfags to vice in the first place.

Monster Hunter World threads


The article wasn't written by a tranny though. On the other hand this is your average Switch owner.

Attached: yqab1cjjdu701.jpg (866x768, 215K)

Good. Nier gameplay wise was really meh as far as Platinum games go.

You Mongols are the first to run into ctr, FFXIV, MH threads and scream /vg/

> game isn't trans~

I mean, they are advertising it using DIRECTOR OF NIER:AUTOMATA and shit

>sonyfags trying to deflect
LOL, sonyfags really are cucks

Everybody working at vice is a tranny or tranny chaser.

Attached: 72 percent.jpg (1352x1380, 535K)

Uncharted for Switch? Nice.
Yeah, I'm not surprised.

Link? Also lol
>only game he can think of is not even PS4 exclusive
I'm not even implying that no MHW threads aren't made by falseflaggers or people who haven't played the game. But some people preferred pre-World MH and they're called seething Nintendofags all the same. This is not really comparable.

>snoygroid victim complex

It's not good if this is even worse than Nier lmao, get your fucking head out of your ass toddler.

He was outright asking for a higher difficulty to be available on his first playthrough, so presumably Normal.

Given some of the comments by the game’s director during the pre-release cycle, I wasn’t coming into Astral Chain expecting a critique of policing (even though, despite message board common sense, Japan is undergoing an internal conversation about what role law enforcement should serve in society). But I did hope that the game would engage at all with its core premise, the idea of capturing and enslaving these extradimensional, largely humanoid beings towards the ends of a special police force
>Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex in using a police procedural to examine the limits of law enforcement agencies, the bias of powerful institutions, and the way that an unreliable and corrupt government hurts most those on the margins of society

Maybe I am in the minority but I really enjoy that in platinum games and other action games because it usually means that the hard mode is balanced for replaying the game and for that juggles enemy placements and mixes things up. This in turn gives it more of a fresh experience and allows for much more interesting replayability. It worked really well in Bayo 1 and most DMC games.

You are quoting a tranny fucker.
Got any real source?

>You are quoting a tranny
The article was written by a man.

Automata was Yoko Taro and Platinum's least impressive story and gameplay respectively. I don't know why journalists fellate it so much

Did you just asume xis gender?

there are no ps4 games, user.

A tranny working for vice.
Got any source by a real user man being?

>I don't like the website so the contents of the article are invalid
The absolute cope of Nintensharts.

Hadn't thought about it like that, user.

Attached: 1513652096570.gif (256x191, 2.34M)

Attached: mad max archive links.png (500x436, 319K)

>88 score on Metacritic is the result of paid reviews
Just say it, user. We know you want to say it.

>sonyfags worship vice now
LOL, trannies really do attract other trannies.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-28 Astral Chain.png (2000x2000, 377K)

The fuck am I reading

If Nier is peak Platinum to these people and they're saying they're disappointed it's not like Nier, that's nothing but good news to me.


>there are no ps4
I'm playing Monster Hunter World right now and Iceborne will come out soon, then Death Stranding. Meanwhile all toddlers have for the year is discount Nier Automata. I'd laugh if it wasn't so sad.

The shit sonyfags are actually defending right now

>worst version of a port
>walking Sim
LOL, so this is the "quality" of snoy games

Is this how far toddlers have fallen? They're proud of an 88?

>cry more consolewar faggot
O, the iron knee.

>I'm playing Monster Hunter World right now
While you're posting on Yea Forums?

>sonyfags praised both Spiderman and shilled days gone

88/100 = 8.8/10 aka 9/10
That's pretty good if you ask me.

>I'm playing Monster Hunter World right now and Iceborne will come out soon, then Death Stranding
b-but those are just movies!
unless they're ported to switch, then they're suddenly good games and snoys have been BTFO by losing them

>worst version and a literal movie
When did sonyfags fall so low?


Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-28 Marvel's Spider-Man.png (428x207, 47K)

And snoyfags celebrated for days when Sony bought that dev.

I completely agree fellow nintendo fan, they're all movies if we can't play them
Just like persona 5, a shitty movie game that sux, it should be ported to switch so it can be a good non-movie game instead. Let's make another port begging thread!

I own a PC.

epic burn


> PS4 cat attack
Fuckin lol.

>This rapes the sonysperms fragile mind

COPE more, snoyfag

You have to trust a dev to make a good hard mode though. At least you can trust devs like Kamiya and Itsuno.

>Microsoft announced Ori for Switch
>Dragon Quest 11 S demo came out, the game runs in constant 30fps, just like PS4 version
>Three Houses is a hit, sells pretty good
>Astral Chain gets good reviews
No wonder Snoys are mad.
>b-b-but I own PC, you moron
is their new defense these days. Remember it. And let's not forget the classic
>all games for Switch are shit, I can't wait to emulate them
in 8-10 years.

What's the point of even owning a Switch anymore?

Attached: 1489268871810.png (688x758, 63K)

BotW and Odyssey are already on PC, there's literally nothing else worth playing.

>scouring the internet to find an single negative review - from VICE.com

lmfao you might as well include a 'review' from netmums.com.

Your desperation is hysterical.

Attached: 1565931004441.jpg (179x282, 8K)

Two lies in this post. Be better.

>Got Sword Legion
>He has Zandatsu
Fucking GOTY

You mean Wii U version of BotW, right?

Still better than nier by several times.

>I'm playing the worst MonHun in the series
Ok I guess? I barely could bring myself to finish that piece of shit, it made fucking XX look less shit and XX was fucking garbage.
>Death Stranding
At least use good examples like Spiderman and Bloodborne which were fucking great.

Did you play it? What difficulty?

Imagine thinking N:A was transcendent
Jesus christ

Attached: 1566893421192.png (242x259, 81K)

>what made nier automata transcendent

Attached: vjHZuBz.png (535x431, 52K)

Rules and naturepilled, give Sword Legion a Raiden colour scheme.

I mean the 4k 60fps version. Cope harder


Seems pretty fun. If this is the hardest difficulty I'd probably be a bit disappointed, given that they're getting S+ ranks while losing half their health in some fights, but as long as it's fun that's not really a huge deal. I guess if it does well there might be an additional difficulty update or something but I'm not hopeful.

Nice! Do you have some playthrough videos on Youtube?

>robots have feelings like people
whoa transcendent

Played Gestalt. It was good. Automata was miles better.

>Heil Hitler

It isn't better than anything, even Metal Gear Rising was a million times better.

COPE more

Nier is shit.

t. oddlers butthurt that after 2 years they only got a knockoff of Nier

Are nintendies mad they didn't get robutt waifu game?

It won't be the best game on Switch this year, OP. Luigi's Mansion 3 comes out Halloween, that's the GOTY, let alone best game on Switch.

Imagine posting vice article without archiving

>literally the only bad review of the game
>also points out how the game puts police(that are Japanese) in a good light

It isn't even a negative review, its a "6/10" review.

>turned into
It's been this way since at least 2009

There are post game challenge missions that are supposedly very hard. Not docking rank for getting hit at all is a weird choice. I'm betting it's got something to do with either the 30fps or the camera sometimes having trouble keeping track of both you and your legion that they were more lenient on damage for the ranking to avoid player frustration over having to restart due to stuff out of their control.

vice magazine was directly responsible for the birth of the hipster. let that sink in.

When you use Vice to make any point, you've lost.

no thanks

>Nier Automata
>babby's first existentialism

The pro-pedophilia site?

Pro pedo, pro tranny and pro drinking Cum.
No wonder sonyfags love it so much.

>Vice bad so review bad
>Please cum in my ass Miyamoto

Attached: 1541091599926.png (1083x1128, 51K)

Was the story in automata even good? Route a and b were a fucking slog to go through. 2B and 9S being so boring just made it worse

9s was slog to go though if you didn't hack you stuck the one string combo l and repeating the story from the route A.

go back and take your beard oils with you

oh that's just fucking great, another game triggered acfag yet again

He's got to be a troll. Why else would he constantly enter threads on games he doesn't like and constantly make bad faith arguments that convince absolutely no-one NINE YEARS ON?

>Defending Automata combat saying it's good.
I liked the game but this has good to be bait.

That's pretty low.

Maybe the lack of games is, a playstation classic.

Attached: 1551165949105.jpg (850x1202, 138K)

Well now I know the game will be great

Worse, it's games journalism


why did they compare the two games? Yoko Taro had no involvement in Astral Chain iirc.


Different user but I pirated it you start with 3 modes, journalist mode, casual, and "platinum standard" I'm not too far into p* mode but it is pretty simplistic, you only have 1 attack button and switch between gun and baton with the road, and you can really only move the legion to cause some mixups but the ai can be a bit iffy on which goon to actually attack. Overall I like the presentation and the artstyle is nice

Yea Forums hasn't liked valve ever since artifact and epic situation. In fact even before that Yea Forums hated them

>mfw gay and don't walk like a girl
Think I'm doing this wrong and none of the homos on the float are attractive. Would be the equivalent of fucking oopsie the clown

>Including based goldeneye Chad on the shitlist
Shaggy diggy

That's how you sound.

Automata has shit gameplay, this game seems to have good gameplay, I don't see your point.

I’ve followed Austin’s work for a few years now. It’s worth about 20 reviews from Nintendo affiliated/specialized sites.


>worth anything
LOL, you probably also followed their guide on drinking cum

Let me guess, Austin "The Coon" Walker is mad that you play as a cop?

I can feel how nervous you are from here.

I can't keep up with all the Switch games lately, and they're all so fucking expensive FUCK.

Believe it or not, yes actually


Sure sounds like coping in that pic. Just buy a Swich, bro. That with the game is only like 360 bucks.

His review is worth reading as he put 30 hours into the game and really breaks down the structure/pacing of the game and how it compares to Platinum's other titles

>Here's your reviewer bro.

Attached: 324432432342423.jpg (910x842, 300K)


Austin 'Kaji is problematic' Walker
Austin 'I'm queer to deflect criticism' Walker
Austin 'Triggered by old South Park jokes' Walker
Austin 'Failed his dissertation in English lit so many times that he just never graduated college' Walker

But I guess he thought a Switch game was so so so now he's fine according to nu-v

Fuck the police!

It always works that way.
Jim sterling gave Zelda a 7, now he is a God to the snoyfags here

finished the third (?) chapter here are my complaints

>detective shit is really boring
>making the playable twin silent when the other one is always voiced is really retarded
>combat is okay but only having one button to attack with makes your options feel extremely limited maybe this will get better as you get more legions
>in smaller areas it turns into a complete clusterfuck where you can barely see a thing

the game is pretty fun especially when it kicks into high gear during the latter half of the missions but any time you're not hitting stuff or platforming is snoozeville

>waypoint hates the game
Guess it’s good then

Same argument as with Tomb Raider. If all it takes for people to buy a game is to have a lead female character with a nice ass, Deathtrap Dungeon by default would be an annual franchise now instead of Tomb Raider.

There needs to be something compelling going for the game for the 'fluff' eye candy to even matter. Both Tomb Raider 1 and Nier Automata have that.

Man, fuck Jim Sterling and his windsock opinions.

Transcendentally shit maybe.

>posting vice
>trusting paid reviewers
fuck outta here with that shit

>The only honest and critical review of the game is paid
Your brain on Nintendie

>NieR Automata
Literally the worse Yoko Taro game with the worse Platinum Games gameplay

He's retarded for calling it paid but you're just as much of a faggot for thinking Austin has any say.

Austin is literally the worst person to listen to because he utterly refuses to ever change his play style. He'll find a single broken move and spam it the entire game and whine the game doesn't "push him to vary it up".

>People shocked game not made by Yoko Taro isn't a Yoko Taro game.
Astral chain looks interesting so far.

Guess he learned something from Jeff before he ditched GB.

I consider Automata a significant game but calling it transcendent is retarded.
Still, not quite as retarded as expecting Astral Chain to share similarities with Automata when that game's chief driving force is entirely absent.

The reason Automata was interesting is it attempted some inadvisable things and fared surprisingly well in the attempt. It's a game that must have been bullshitted past the suits.
The gameplay loops are an eclectic mix but Platinum Games deliver on making these mesh together neatly (for the most part).
They're people who know what they're doing who were probably servicing some absurd demands, and they made it work.

It's good but not masterclass gameplay and characters see something of a necessary sacrifice for purposes of story and themes.
Overall a fairly strong fusion of story and gameplay.

There are plenty of valid critiques but shitting on it as a whole is shitting on games that try something a bit different.
One of those that's probably worth having played even if you didn't like it.

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Seems like a good thing. From what I've seen of Nier Automata it's one of Platinum games most casual and unengaging combat systems(of their higher profile games), and the environments are bland and unaesthetic.

vice? on Yea Forums? Wtf do you think you are nigger?

>try something a bit different.
What does Astral Chain do different?

What the fuck is that quote

please end your life immediately. Take your shit vice link with you.

Holy shit "Monster Hunter promotes colonialism" guy is also "Astral Chain promotes police brutality" guy?

>Muh Vice
Toddlers will do anything to deflect legitimate criticism.

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Ass Chump deserves 0 sales. Platinum needs to stop thinking they will succeed with Nintendo.

Make sure to pirate the game.

It being less than Automata is actually a plus for me. Especially if the complaint is coming from someone who calls it "transcendent".

>Nintendies have deluded themselves into thinking a game offering less than its predecessor is a good thing
This is just pathetic

No idea. Was talking about Automata.
But I would call shitting on Astral Chain at this stage a bit premature, even if it does turn out to be justified.
>From what I've seen of Nier Automata it's one of Platinum games most casual and unengaging combat systems(of their higher profile games)
You're not wrong there. Compared to their other fare the main combat system is more casual, less well tuned. On the other hand it does like to alternate genre at times which can be interesting.
The problem with Automata is you really have to play it rather than go by what you've seen, since it's a fusion of all of its elements.

That's actually one of the interesting internal conflicts with the man behind it.
He's all about how every part of videogames as a medium can be used but, at the risk of being unfair, does not have much insight into engineering solid gameplay mechanics.
This is why his partnership with Platinum Games worked so well to shore up that weakness.

what? It's literally just Nier but worse and with more waifubait

>all that butthurt over this game being well received
>Trying to use a review from a guy who thinks this game glorifys cops to hide your anal devastation

Seems like this game is great if it caused this many anons to shitpost against it.

What little i've seen of Astral Chain makes it actually look like an enjoyable action experience, which Automata was not. Astral Chain is not a successor to Automata in any capacity, which is good because it will be more enjoyable for it.

Nobody cares that it's 'well received' people are complaining it's an extremely mediocre hack and slash game devoid of any challenge.

I've played the game for 12 hours so far, it's alright. Nothing life-changing, nothing terrible, just a tolerable Platinum title. The story is crazy bland, which is a shame. I was hoping for something a little more CRAZY, but maybe the last few chapters will improve it.

Funny enough it even PSP fags are called Nintendo fags
Just goes to show how ignorant false flaggers are

This is all because of Nintendo pushing poor quality onto Platinum. They forced Platinum to churn it out.

If this game was with any other publisher, it would be much better. Nintendo has done nothing but hold games back.

Oh shit
Come Friday I’ll make Hitler an Anime cop with Sunglasses

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Those threads are fine. WoW Classic is the one that needs to be banished to vg.

And the only thing they have to back it up is a tranny COPING

>snoyfag defending vice
LOL, how deep can the COPE go?

>Ghost in the Shell and Neon Genesis Evangelion were about the LAPD being shitheels in the 90's
>This Japanese game should be about an American political issue Americans don't even agree on
Why is it so hard to write a review about the game by talking about the game?

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kek switchfags cucked again!

>he sucks off the trannies of vice
LOL, peak snoyfag COPE.

The rest of the article does talk about the game are you illiterate?

Why would he, only trannies read vice.

Is three paragraphs crying about the police and misinterpreting anime he saw on netflix a week ago really useful review material?

He's absolutely right, though. The whole police shit is cringe, but the whole slave aspect doesn't seem to be explored, and the game really is just Eva crossed with Deus Ex.

>inceltendie is transphobic
Not even surprised

>snoyfag is actually defending a tranny
LOL, no surprises here.

>Pokemon threads
>singing praises
You should try having an IQ above room temperature before posting next time user.

>sonyfans cry about a game where you play as the police
What an unexpected reaction.


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Unironically the most worthless source for information on the internet.

>Yoko Taro is a great ideas guy

You do him a great disservice as a director to say he's just an "idea guy"

>posts a fucking VICE link unironically
>doesn't even provide a pastebin
What the fuck has happened to Yea Forums?

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why does Yea Forums want astrial chain to fail?


Snoyfags happened.

Look at this fag and weep , sonyfags are now crying about transphobia

>NOOO you can't just link to an article criticising Nintendo because it hurts my fee fees
>Yea Forums has changed so much bros, old Yea Forums would totally grovel this casual game

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Underage poorfags that somehow can't even beg together enough money to own two consoles over the course of a console generation even though they last longer than ever.

none of these people play video games

>he defends the trannies of vice
LOL, how cucked can sonyfags get?

t. has no idea what old Yea Forums was like

Oh no... They got us...
Pack up nintenbros, it's over...

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what is missing?
is it just the story or is the gameplay actually worse than nier?

So it lacks ass? Fucking D R O P P E D

>wojak poster defending vice
Yikes, probably a tranny too

>Missing everything that made Nier Automata trascendent
Well, they're technically right, so far I haven't seen any semi naked gothic lolita.

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We're being raided by Resetera-types
>Defending Vice

Vice? Lmao!!!!!

>Muh Vice bad

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Pirate the game. Platinum must be punished for working with Nintendo

>Reeee! Hating vice is transphobic you bigot!
LOL, sonyfags are resetrannies.

What's the deal with all the praise of Nier Automata? I don't get it. And I'm a huge fan of the original Nier to boot. Was it the story or something? It didn't really captivate me like the original but maybe it just wasn't for me. I can't imagine it was the gameplay, right?

You have to be retarded or ESL to understand that from my post.

Snoyfags are COPING and SEETHING extremely hard right now

Nier's main cast was definitely leagues better. I didn't give a shit about 9S or 2B. A2 was alright but you'll barely know who she is unless you watch the stageplay. Everyone said it was deep but the theme of "dude what if robots DO have feelings. What does it really mean to have feelings??" is the most unoriginal shallow plotline I can think of and it was basically already covered in the original.

You are accepting the judgment of a vice article, it's exactly what you were saying, tranny


The lack of PS4 games

This is a fantastic article, you nincel!
As a ps4 connoisseur I can tell you are simply a straight white male!

>nier automata

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>i don't like x because it isn't y

cope, dilate and have sex

the snoys have now become full on social justice warriors, I didn't think the Californication would be so fast but this thread just proves it.

If this was old Yea Forums Astral Chain would've been ridiculed for being a simplistic QTE hack and slash game. It's literally worse than games of the same genre that came out a decade ago.

What were those games?

show me where there are QTEs

t. Switchlet

The original Nier, Drakengard, God Hand, DMC 4, the list goes on.

He's not that wrong.

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Retard website.
Go to a real website like Niche Gamer

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>were at a point in Yea Forums where Yea Forums is unironically defending vice, because they said something bad about nintendo
christ snoyfags should just be publicly executed

Is this peak Snoyfag COPE?

Yep an ESL alright.

It warms my heart to see so many anons shitting on vice. There is hope.

We're at a point where Yea Forums is more interested in the name of a site than the actual quality of games out of brand loyalty*

Yep, a tranny defender alright

Of course when they have no argument they have to resort to 'muh Vice'

>sonyfags are Willing to worship trannies if they are the only mediocre opinion on a Nintendo game they can find


>Austin "Evangelion is bad because Kaji is problematic" Walker.

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>he actually believes vice has anything of value.
Do you also follow their how to drink Cum advice?

I was worried for a second. Then I noticed the Vice link. Nobody gives a shit what those faggots have to say.

>Still don't get it
Fucking hell, Pablo.

Were well recieved despite their gameplay

Was often criticized because of its copy paste second half.

The only game that sees constant praise from that list is God Hand and that's 30 fps as well. Guess this place hasn't changed as much as people say.

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>wojak poster not simply COPING hard
Stop pretending wojak posters are capable of higher thought.

Did he actually fucking say that?

more or less

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Who gives a shit about Vice. Also, Taura isn't Taro. They ultimately have different intentions with their work.

Reuse asset the game. Also fuck off automata faggots

What a faggot

And sonyfags here are desperate to defend him and crying he is the absolute authority on gaming right now.

jesus christ games can have different difficulty ceilings you spaz

wow! This is fixed! :)

You're welcome!
Ehy else would snoyfags suddenly defend this guy ?

What difficulty ceiling?

90% of Nintendo’s userbase have hacked Switches. This game will get no sales.

>he says, sweatigg and COPING extremely

rent free

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an ass?

>snoyfag mad about getting called out
LOL, good job outing yourself, snoytranny

I cant fucking believe mods actually do their fucking job. Should had been a perma tho.

that's what happens when you buy Yea Forums pass

Have sex

Whatever Vice says, I do the opposite. They said the newest Dave Chappelle special was bad, and after watching it, its probably the funniest stand up routine I've ever seen. If they don't think this game is special, then I'm gonna buy it at full price.

no fat ass no buy, sorry

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>snoyfag still COPING

Cope doesn't beat have sex


Nier 1 Remastered when?

>only uses buzzwords in argument
Nintendo has been bullying developers for so long. Their draconian tactics are holding this industry back. This game is just another link in the chain.

I only hear a snoyfag desperately COPING and crying.
Platinum approached Nintendo, you dumb cuck.

>he says in a world where Sony is literally forcing devs to censor their games

>Nintendo has been bullying developers for so long. Their draconian tactics are holding this industry back. This game is just another link in the chain.

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Of all the games to shitpost, its this one? Is it cause you fucks couldn't get people to stop having fun with Fire Emblem Three Houses?

it should be mandatory for evry journo that posts public article to have his face next to the title.

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They spammed a hundred bot accounts to spam FE on metacritic.
What did you expect?

Bayonetta did good, you fucking mongoloid. That's what happens when you budget well.

Not even Yea Forums missed the point this hard

You think I’m lying. Have you seen what Nintendo has been doing lately? Platinum is just being baited by money instead of working with benevolent developers like Square or TakeTwo

We see Nintendo treating devs well and Sony like shit.
Only COPING cucks think otherwise.

>You think I’m lying. Have you seen what Nintendo has been doing lately? Platinum is just being baited by money instead of working with benevolent developers like Square or TakeTwo

Attached: raaa.jpg (750x1000, 95K)

There is no evidence Sony is forcing anyone to do anything. All I see, feel, hear, and taste are the injustices Nintendo has committed.

>There is no evidence Sony is forcing anyone to do anything. All I see, feel, hear, and taste are the injustices Nintendo has committed.

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Then you didn't look closely enough retard.
Sony literally forced devs to push back their launch to censor their games.

Nintengaf > Sonygaf >SJWgaf
Nintendo always wins.

Those suggestions are potential improvements to the game. The fact that developers agreed to commit those changes is proof that they completely trust in Sony.

What does N:A and astral chain have in common again

>sonyfags COPING this hard.
No, Sony forced them to or they would block a release.
Why are sonyfags so retarded?

Astral Chain is a bad clone of N:A.

>Platinum must be punished for working with Nintendo
Why? Nintendo probably asked them if they wanted to finish up Scalebound, this is what came out of their funding and backing then.

>Those suggestions are potential improvements to the game. The fact that developers agreed to commit those changes is proof that they completely trust in Sony.

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Just cause theyre futuristic beat em up?

Sony forced japanese devs to attend meetings in American hours, in english, with nebolous as fuck requirements for what to change and censor, Meanwhile when Bayonetta 2 was made, Nintendo wanted Platinum to increase the sexiness and do whatever the fuck they wanted, and this was during the fucking WiiU era, when NoA was infamous for their censorship.

Every Pokemon thread is rightfully shitting on Sword and Shield and/or jacking off to whatever FotM girl got revealed

Honestly if I had infinite money I'd buy multiple copies out of spite to you people.

Vice is right on this one though, its shit

Vice is never right.

If you agree with vice on anything, you might just ha a tranny

>Vice is right on this one though

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Bitch im on the CTR thread right now, and the only problem those threads have its when jannies get assblasted about furries.
Shut the fuck up, no one is stopping you from making a thread about your shit games.

They are though, nobody will talk about AC in a year, no Matter how much it triggers you


>ps4 game
so this is the IQ of the averate nintensoi fan... whoa

>If you disagree with the hivemind you're a tranny

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>COPING this hard.
LOL, just because your snoy brain lives in denial doesn't change reality.
Sony literally forces devs to censor after getting them to commit to a ps4 release.

Automata is one of Platinum's worst games gameplay-wise.

Honestly, lets be real. Automata is only popular because of 2B. If she wasn't the main character then it would have been quickly swept under the rug.

>snoyfag defends vice
You probably also followed their guide to drinking Cum, fag

>a developer known for only ever making clones of a mediocre button-masher made a mediocre button-masher

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Is anyone else stomaching these shitty threads just because they want to see discussion for the game before it comes out but will come to their own conclusions about it then?

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>450 posts of snoyggers seething

If developers do not want to listen to feedback they can release their games on other less successful and corrupt platforms. But they do release their games on Sony platforms since they are the best performing and most well-respected platform.

>If developers do not want to listen to feedback they can release their games on other less successful and corrupt platforms. But they do release their games on Sony platforms since they are the best performing and most well-respected platform.

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Incorrect. Nintendo sabotaged Scalebound’s development to strong arm Platinum into making this game.

Most of these "Valve Bias, Nintendo Bias" images try to sell Yea Forums being unfair towards Valve and Nintendo by being too nice to them, but I actually see it as Yea Forums being too fucking harsh on other companies.

>change your game to suit us or you're locked out!
>It doesn't matte rif you arleady commuted hundreds of thousands of dollars to that version
LOL, and snoyfags still COPE this isn't bullying developers, something they just accused Nintendo of

This is not a surprise. Nintendo uses underhanded tactics to attack other businesses.

My cracked game is apparently corrupted. What do Yea Forums.

>still COPING this hard.
Any proof of that?
Or are you just Going to deflect for Sony again?

just give up at this point


Because of legitimate autism. The only trolling he does is unintentional. The guy just has severe problems and has spent literally entire days replying to every post at him with full paragraphs of his “arguments”

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You’re an idiot if you genuinely believe Scalebound’s failure was anything but Microsoft’s incompetence

Yea Forums always becomes insufferable when there is any sort of news related to Smash on the horizon. Just how it is.

What games? they only have 1.

We have Iceborne out soon which has more content and gameplay than anything on Switch after which we'll get to enjoy Kojima's next masterpiece. What is there on the Switch? A reskin of every hack and slash game for the last 10 years? Pathetic.

Attached: monster-hunter-world-iceborne---button-fin-1563323108549.jpg (1080x1080, 316K)

>multiplat also on Xbox and later PC
>Also its a DLC

The only pathetic thing here is you. I'll be enjoying both.

That sounds like a legit complaint user.

Never ever snoyfags.

Well Nier is absolute crap anyway. Astral chain looks better.

No. How you choose to play a game is not indicative of its quality.

>multiplat DLC and a movie game
Is this the best sonyfags can do?

>Non-ironic Vice citation
Jesus Christ this better be a raider.

Yeah that's his own fault. It's like people who complain about PKP in Bayonetta. It's well known among devs that many players will take the easiest, cheapest path, even if it means sacrificing their own enjoyment of a game.

>with gameplay that didn't suck because of Platinum
Yeah, the game sucked because of Yoko Taro and his shoehorned shmup minigames and shmup combat mechanics.

They are called sonyfags, they literally started complaining about transphobia in this thread.

Have you just not played many games user? Or is Garrys Mod the best game ever for you?

I loved Automata but I'm not gonna pretend the gameplay was anything spectacular. there was no reason to use anything besides the starting sword and buttonmashing was the most efficient form of combat

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I don’t know how you can look at the Switch this year so far and claim there was a drought, especially compared to PS4’s 2019.

But how you CAN choose to play a game IS.

Snoyfags simply can't update their programming, they literally claimed there was a drought the day after both SMM2 and FE game out.

Do sonyfriends really feel that way, or is it just bait fishing?

They actually do.
Look at the thread and how they defend vice in here.



>movie game
Do you mean Fire Emblem? That's a VN not a movie.

>trying to deflect
Death stranding is a movie walking sim, gone home knockoff #20058

>Skyrim is casual
Jfc imagine being this delusional I wish I was in ignorant bliss too.

It’s actually an open word action vn
uncensored too

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>Behold the healing rays of the sun!

Weed is for degenerates

shouldn't this be banned?

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Go back to shilling your shitty articles on reddit

I thought Automata had better storytelling than Nier, but I agree that Drakengard is peak Taro, Automata is better than the sum of its parts and just a joy to play though.

yea i just watched some gameplay of this shit and it looked so fucking boring and repetitive
constant fucking annoying ass hitsounds and "press x to win" typical qte trash, coupled with SUPER EBIN SLOW MOTION every two seconds

why did everyone hype this garbage?

no that was the US