Dog companions are overused, give me a games where you can have a CAT companion. Summoning by mages etc included

Dog companions are overused, give me a games where you can have a CAT companion. Summoning by mages etc included

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Various Monster Hunter games.


Persona 5

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mein kraft

the sims 3 pets

neverwinter nights

Postal II

Attached: Shotgun+with+the+cat+silencer+attachment+from+postal+2+_4c62d7681e49ec23f392feb4836719a6.jpg (1024x768, 87K)

Did Torchlight 2 have a cat pet? I remember it had a feline but i'm not sure if it's a cat or a panther desu.

Gravity Rush

Baldur's Gate 2, but only for chaotic neutral chads.


>summoning an asshole who doesn’t help you

Real life

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>Gravity Rush
Is this any good? I was looking for a game to buy cause i'm bored and this piqued my interest.

Torchlight 2.

Hyena > Cat

Attached: Hyena friend.webm (396x720, 2.85M)

DMC5, but only for part of the game.

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it was called a cat, but it was fairly big
and the original torchlight as well as nutorchlight had it

>2nd strongest jaw in the animal kingdom
oh he nibblein'- OH LAWD

>it was called a cat, but it was fairly big
Ah i guess that's why i was confused, thanks user.

I've always wanted a pet that's tempted to drag me out of my bed while I'm sleeping and eat me

Divinity original sin 2 has one you can get early, is pretty good for positioning in combat. only problem is getting him involves keeping him alive and not walking in fire.

Riviera: The Promised Land

>dog companion
>goes with you on your quest
>participates in battle with you
>loves you unconditionally

>cat companion
>never leaves the house
>stays hidden and out of sight at all times except to beg for food
>if you die and never come back, will just leave the house and look for a new person to leech off of

gee, i sure do wish we had more cats in games

Attached: Hyena bottle.webm (480x480, 1.28M)

>pseudo penises

>Dogs evolved to create social bonds to survive
>Cats didn't
>Dogs literally need you around or they become distressed and can't function, they aren't meant to be alone
>Cat's are solitary animals by nature

I love both but the fact that cats still come by even though they don't even need to should say something no? Cats aren't the devoted surrogate children dogs are, and we love dogs for being that, but sometimes a chill independent roommate of an animal like a cat is cool too

>want a unaffectionate roommate who you still have to feed and care for but has no interest in you

cat owners always bring this shit up without realizing it makes them out to be total cucks

Warframe has space cats now, good luck getting one though.

My cat seems to like me even though I'm not even the one feeding him.

what a fucking awesome animal

Why is he stroking the balls so much?

thats not true. house and feral house cats form groups. its wild cats who are mostly solitary.

My roommates cat adores me and I don't feed it

both dog and cat keeping is cuck behavior because the pet functions as an emotional replacement for the child you dont have.

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>>Dogs literally need you around or they become distressed and can't function, they aren't meant to be alone
that just makes them pathetic incels

he obviously has no clue about cats. i dont feed mine at all. she does that on her own, only gets water and a cat toilet and the cat toilet only so she doesnt shit in the neighbours garden.


Jaguar is first, but isnt 2nd the Hippo and the Crocodile?

you just posted cringe

Any vidya where you can have a jaguar as a companion?

These things really closer to cats genetically than dogs?


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These things are so fuckin cool.

theres already countless enemies that scatter away when you walk towards them

>laughs hysterically

only because they can smell the virgin on you senpai


I've probably watched that like 30 times over the years

Mine loves the closet too, i just leave him there though, wonder why desu.

Warframe. It also has dogs but they are utterly useless. Kot is must have though.

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Based and Gary Coleman pilled

>cats run when you walk towards them
are you dripping with fear and autism or something?

thats not how cats work user

real life

Attached: cat.webm (1280x720, 2.41M)

>literally RNG personified
Fucking cat, buff my kurwa gains, you fuck!


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>mother leaving son behind

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That cat clearly had it under control. That 180 he does to secure the perimeter is proof enough.

Virgin dog vs Chad cat

Chad catbro

>the SON you don't have
Let us not forget that having a daughter is the largest act of cuckholdry a man can put himself through.

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