This is modern Link for tonight

This is modern Link for tonight

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Is his pp smaller than average? Because I don't want a gf with a bigger dick than me.

It is while it's inside it's cage.

He will kick your ugly faggot ass goodbye before continuing his journey with Zelda

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Actually I'm gonna mindbreak him and turn him into my slutty bimbo gf.

All of this because of one outfit.
Faggots disgust me.
>inb4 hurr, I wanted to fuck link before BOTW
Then explain the huge influx of homo Link shit in gerudo disguise.


It was a blessing and Nintendo knew what they were doing.

Everyone knows you gay user, you can just call him a bf now. I'm sure Link would appreciate it too.

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he probably smells nice

The only good modern Link design is the goofy loser looking one that Nintendo made as concept art.

Well pre BOTW, Link never came off as adrogynous to me, he always looked like a man or boy.

The only good modern Link design is the trap Link fanart, she looks gorgeous.

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Link was always cute. Trap link was just normiebaiting.

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imagine if zelda was a grill

Post it or ur a loser lol

What a modern loser!

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It's not my fault that Nintendo made him look like a girl.

Yeah you're right before BoTW I never wanted to fuck him and thought he was cool as hell

Now he's just a little sissy dick gayboy like my friends roomate. Nothing but a cumdump.

Thanks i love him

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you can't make something un-hot by complaining about it

It’s like looking in a living mirror

You can't make something a female by telling yourself that it is.

>those doujins where he is forced to taste cock and acts aggressive at first

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God, better looking than actual women...

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Trap Link is a honorary girl

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>draw girl
>call it a boy

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They're pretty great, aren't they?

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Look at these juicy thighs. I want link to wrap his thighs around my neck while I suck his dick.
and I can't believe I typed this as a straight man


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the Link in this doujin was literally made for straight cock

They are, this one is pretty good too. Love doujins where the guy gets blackmailed into gay shit even though he is "straight" at the start. They never thought they would be desired in such ways, pretty hot stuff.

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It's ok when Japan does it

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I love that guy's doujins

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>cute boys with big nips

awwww yis

>has a prostate orgasm first time he is fingered
I think that the way they are broken is what makes it for me. At first they are disgusted and angry that another man desires them, but then they start really feeling it, while still not wanting to accept it feels good to have another man handle them. I just love tsundere "straight" guys tasting cock for the first time.

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>as a straight man

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