Prove me wrong. Pro tip: you can't
Robert House is the only way to save the Mojave
Other urls found in this thread:
>saving a literal wasteland
best ending was to just flip the bird to every other person trying to control and taking over with yes man
He saves Vegas. The rest of the world is fucked. The ending makes it very clear that everyone else is fucked. Also, he's a dictator who can't compromise. He should've been able to work with people like the BoS and not trusted Benny. Maybe with a smart courier it could work out, but House isn't able to be convinced.
You can hate them all you want, but the NCR is the only realistic future for the U.S.A. They have the numbers and infrastructure to actually run a tangible, functioning nation state. They can keep House in check.
Why would you want to save the Mojave? There's only about 12 half decent people in the whole place. The (((NCR))) are a bunch of corrupt tax farmers full of useless worthless citizens; the brotherhood produces maniacs who think its okay to shove an explosive collar around your neck; the legion is full of edgelord poltards; New Vegas is a rape filled hellhole full of sexual deviants and addicts, and surrounded by even worse people; the followers are holier than thou dillholes who demand independence without doing anything to earn it. The only nice people are the New Canaanites ans Goodsprings settlers. And House is just a technotyrant whose motivations aren't even properly explained.
Screw the Mojave. I kill everyone but Goodsprings and the Zion Canyonists when I playthrough.
Generally, yes. You know how every movie you've ever seen was about a bunch of liberal hippies taking down "the man"? This is the exact opposite of how you make a civilizaiton thrive. You need about 20% empathy, 50% logic, and 30% disregard for people's feelings to make a civilization thrive. This 90%-empathy approach we have going on (like what you see in movies) is the fastest way to destroy everything we've built up.
everyone is fucked no matter what you do, all the choices are not ideal, but House is the only real future. The NCR are the same exact people that caused the destruction in the first place.
oh hey, it's my boss
>He saves Vegas. The rest of the world is fucked. The ending makes it very clear that everyone else is fucked.
>You can hate them all you want, but the NCR is the only realistic future for the U.S.A.
That would be the Legion, bub
He is the best choice solely because he is the only chance of leaving the poisoned world behind. A dictatorship with an immortal leader on a new planet would be the best way to prevent a repeat of the great war.
Retard alert!
Spoken like a true nigger.
>only realistic future for the wasteland is following people modeling themselves after the exact same people who turned it into a wasteland in the first place
Exactly, literally every faction in new Vegas is retarded save for house. He's the only one who understands the "great old world" is a failed experiment instead of wishing for the good old days.
>people who constantly need to expand due to draining everything they come across dry have the infrastructure to rebuild
lol they'll collapse easily if they keep going. The best ending for NCR is House or a NCR aligned Courier who still goes yes man.
Ow the edge.
Saying that House doesn't have old world nostalgia is the ultimate brainlet take.
No shit he does, but he knows that nostolgia will do nothing to fix the problem at hand. You think some rose tinted goggles idiot is going to be looking towards abandoning their planet for an entirely new start?
Having nostalgia for something doesn't mean you can't recognise its faults.
>Not being a complete chad and doing the Yes Man path and forming the Mojave the way YOU want it
>NCR is the only realistic future for the U.S.A
That bloated,corrupt as fuck,greedy,incompetent faction being the "future" of anything.
Don't make a fool of yourself,the NCR are the invaders of Mojave and with their get the hell off "OUR" land nevermind that you where born and raised is bound to fail,there is only 1 faction to fight for in the mojave and that's House everything else is just crap
Gee, I wonder who's behind this post
The truth that you so want to deny?
True, the problem with the old world is that the casinos were run by violent criminals. House effected real change in that regard.
But I agree with Houses idea. Why wouldn't I let him rule and do my own thing? Yes Man is always there no matter what you do, you never mention him to House in game. You could always keep him hidden and if feel the need arises (House going unstable, going against what you think is right for the Mojave) there is absolutely nothing stopping you from making a play and taking over. Until then may as well enjoy yourself and do whatever assuming you agree with his plan.
He had 200 years to do anything and did absolutely nothing. He only got off his ass when someone else started moving in.
He was in a coma for most of that time.
This is literally addressed by the story, dipshit.
Uh-huh, right. Yeah, he just happened to only become capable literally when the NCR was on his doorstep. If you believe that bullshit, you'll believe anything.
A Tragedy Has Befallen All Mankind
Robert Edwin House, 261, President, CEO, and sole proprietor of the New Vegas Strip, industrialist and technologist, founder, President, and CEO of the multi-billion-dollar pre-War robotics and software corporation, RobCo Industries, has died.
Generally recognized by Mr. House to be mankind's only hope of long-term survival, Mr. House's passing may well sound a death knell for the entire human race.
Lost forever is his bounty of knowledge concerning human longevity, the depth and breadth of which could, as he was apt to say, "fill several text books". He was not exaggerating. Though he did not achieve his goal of functional immortality, let us not forget that he died at the age of 261. How many people do that? I mean, come on.
Also lost forever are House's singular personality, force of will, vision, and leadership ability. The probability of an equally capable figure emerging from the current human population to lead mankind to a future of equivalent quality is less than 0.000112% by objective measures too complex to detail in this obituary.
Personality and force of will: Born June 25th, 2020, House was orphaned at an early age when his parents died in a freak accident (auto gyro, lightning). Though cheated of his inheritance, House attended the prestigious Institute in Massachusetts and founded RobCo Industries on his 22nd birthday. Within five years, it was one of the most profitable corporations on Earth.
Vision: By 2065, House was certain that an atomic war would soon devastate the planet. At great personal expense, he developed technologies to ensure the structural integrity of the city of Las Vegas (as it was known at the time). On the day of the great war, 77 atomic warheads targeted the city. Mr. House defeated them all. Talk about vision!
Yeah, the story where House is a bitch who's greatest accomplishment in the wasteland is erecting a shitty pastiche of Las Vegas staffed by cannibals, crooks, and backstabbers.
>Did you know some of the White Gloves are... eating people again?
>No, I was not aware of this.
>Is it really so hard not to engage in cannibalism? My goodness...
>It's a violation of their contract. I authorize you to deal with them in any way you see fit.
What do you do Yea Forums?
Leadership: Mr. House survived the war, of course, and would later recruit the Three Families, negotiate the Treaty of New Vegas, and rebuild the Vegas Strip. While these achievements yielded many immediate benefits, they were all part of House's master plan to re-ignite mankind's quest for technological advancement, a plan without which the human race has nowhere to go, and nowhere to turn.
/// Will revise and finish this up later. Have set the age at death to update automatically. Obit makes salient points but "pearls before swine," of course. Let's hope the ingrates never have cause to read it. Who knows how many of them are even literate!
I recall reading somewhere the writers looking back said they should have had him wake up far later, since according to the wiki he woke up in 2138 and it makes no sense for him to do absolutely nothing until 2274 when NCR scouts were spotted in Vegas.
>Let's hope the ingrates never have cause to read it. Who knows how many of them are even literate!
It's a fucking video game nigga, they'd need a excuse why he wasn't top dog. For fucks sake the whole reason why he refuses to not let the brotherhood live is because the devs thought he was too perfect.
wonder why nobody thought the same about Arcade
House is the saviour of mankind, not just the Mojave.
He brings the human race back to pre-war tech and industry and terraforms Mars.
Fuck off ceasar.
>New Vegas is more than a city - it's the remedy to mankind's derailment.
>The city's economy is a blast furnace in which can be forged the steel of a new rail line, running straight to a new horizon.
>What is the NCR? A society of people desperate to experience comfort, ease, luxury... A society of customers.
>With all that money pouring in? Give me 20 years, and I'll reignite the high technology development sectors. 50 years, and I'll have people in orbit.
>100 years, and my colony ships will be heading for the stars, to search for planets unpolluted by the wrath and folly of a bygone generation.
In the meantime, you'd rule Vegas as some kind of dictator?
>I prefer the term "autocrat."
>I would rule as a chief executive. I would not answer to a board of directors or any other entity.
>Nothing to impede progress. If you want to see the fate of democracies, look out the windows.
What's to keep you from abusing your power?
>My judgement.
>I have no interest in abusing others, just as I have no interest in legislating or otherwise dictating what people do in their private time.
>Nor have I any interest in being worshipped as some kind of machine god messiah. I am impervious to such corrupting ambitions.
>But autocracy? Firm control in the hands of a technological and economic visionary? Yes, that Vegas shall have.
>it makes no sense for him to do absolutely nothing
Yes, it does. House is just a petty nostalgic. He had no cause to act until the NCR threatened to usurp what he sees as his own personal kingdom. That's why he can never actually explain his plan beyond, "Space?" and why he never actually does anything beyond reasserting his dominance over the area.
If House was actually interested in progressing mankind, he would have been far, far more effective operating within the NCR. I mean, if it were truly so corrupt, House would clearly put any brahmin barons out to pasture. Despite repeated attempts by the NCR to establish a more active working arrangement, he does nothing, but plan his betrayal.
Even the ending slides indicate no change. Whereas NCR endings have clearly described positive impacts on the area, the best case scenario for House is that things continue with the same cold, robotic efficiency it had before. No progress, just status quo. Meanwhile, worst case scenario is that plus he kills a bunch of people for no reason and spies on others.
Anyone who buys House's bullshit for a second when he's done absolutely nothing to suggest he's either capable or willing, and when no ending demonstrates he even makes an attempt is an absolute retard.
I mean, the courier can be as well what with having the think tank, the guys who made the practically fucking magic vending machines.
>I have no interest in legislating or otherwise dictating what people do in their private time
>kills the kings for setting up a soup kitchen
t. shit sucking sycophant
A post-war hillbilly mailman or the oldest and most intelligent brain in the known galaxy that survived doomsday, with the admittedly capable immortal cyborg mailman helping.
Think Tank could even build House his own android shell to "leave" the Lucky 38 with.
>>kills the kings for setting up a soup kitchen
Go play New Vegas.
>goes full big brother on town because they request aid from the NCR after being overrun by criminals
Go play New Vegas.
but i don't want to save the mojave
Doesnt that one faggot at the think tank have some 200 year old grudge against House?
>kills the kings for setting up a soup kitchen
He kills them because the KANGZ are if you choose(allied with NCR)but if you sour the relationship(Side with pacer) between the two,House leaves freeside to their care for their loyality to Vegas and not NCR
>considers himself an unmatched leader and businessman
>literally every single subordinate is actively fucking him over and he has no idea
If I remember correctly, you can do something about that with a skill check. Probably speech.
Woah, I thought he wasn't interested in legislating or dictating what people do with their lives. Now you're telling me setting up a soup kitchen for junkies and bums is off limits? Why is House such a hypocritical bitch, bro?
>legislating or dictating what people do with their lives
Not what he said. Go play New Vegas.
>I have no interest in legislating or otherwise dictating what people do in their private time
>NCR is the only realistic future for the U.S.A
The NCR doesn't even have a future by the end of the game. They're over extended, they have water shortages, they're already being controlled by brahmin barons and they're food is suffering so much they're resorting to growing in the Mojave desert.
The whole point of Fallout games isn't to show that one faction is better than the other, but to show that they ALL have flaws and in post-apocalyptic America it's about choosing the lesser of two evils.
kings chimped out first
Not off limits but it is implied when House took over the Kings fought him for the NCR.
If the kings fight NCR,Houses sees that as an act of loyality to a independed vegas
And really would YOU allow a band of traitors who sided with your enemy live right next to your door?
>private time
Very different statements, retard. Taking actions that negatively impact Vegas wouldn't be "private time" either.
Go play New Vegas.
>Accusing The Kings of lying with a foreign invader for their newfound ties to the NCR, Mr. House punished them by ordering their forced removal
Oh, boy. Who could have possibly guessed that Housefags were actually massive robocock sucking retards?
>setting up soup kitchens negatively impacts vegas
>homeless junkies are a feature, not a bug
Thank you Papa House for saving our glorious shanty town from the sinister food shelf lobby!
You are purposely bending the facts of the situation to suit your position or you've never played New Vegas.
Go play New Vegas.
>kings chimp out and attack NCR at random for no reason
>house rewards them and stays out of freeside
>kings stop chimping out and negotiate to extend the NCR's soup kitchen services to the broader freeside community
>house kills them to a man
Housefags are literally allergic to facts. That's why this Housefag keeps deflecting.
>traitors aid foreign power
>get punished
Imagine my shock. Go play New Vegas.
Reading these threads always make me turn on the game and plan a new character.
>house can do business with foreign powers
>if anyone else does business with foreign powers, House gets to murder them all
See here for my response, faggot:
>subordinates play by different rules than the boss
I get that you're underage, but just play New Vegas.
>Legion citizens aid NCR
>NCR citizens aid Legion
>Vegas citizens aid NCR
>housefag literally admits House is a massive hypocritical faggot
>thinks that's somehow a positive
Keep digging that hole, retard. I'm sure that space colony you were promised will come any day now. Just wait a few hundred years longer. Your daddy needs to dedicate his time now to harassing local nobodies for no reason.
No vegas citizens aid the NCR. The NCR aids freeside bums.
There is nothing hypocritical about House's actions concerning The Kings. You are mentally ill.
The Kings are Vegas citizens. Freeside is part of Vegas. The Kings supporting NCR and helping them spread their influence is treason.
>house literally gives the NCR the dam, an embassy on the strip, and a military base on his doorstep
>this is perfectly fine
>the kings ask the NCR if they would open their already existent soup kitchen to the entire freeside community instead of solely serving NCR citizens
>this is a capital offense
Christ, the brain on housecum is truly something to behold.
>the NCR is the only realistic future for the U.S.A
You didn't pay enough attention to lonesome road, the NCR represent an old society that colapsed and will do so again given the chance, if you really want the NCR to be different than the past generations you need to let the legion win, otherwise it'll just end up in nukes again.
>The only way for there to not be a second Armageddon is if we intentionally create two antagonistic wasteland super powers
>mouth breather can't grasp the distinction between the king and the peasantry and their respective liberties
>mouth breather can't grasp the difference between House making tactical decisions and The Kings, without sanction, helping NCR engender good will with the community and spread their influence which is DIAMETRICALLY OPPOSED to House's plan to kick the NCR out
>house doesn't tell anyone that he's only pretending to be nice to the ncr
>murders everyone for not realizing he was merely pretending
>housefag too much a bitch to even (you) me
Haha, keep trying, faggot.
You didn't pay attention to the legion either, try his route for once.
Yes because allowing some decrepit old fuck that did nothing for 200 fucking years who’s entire mission relied upon a single dude who ended up shot in the head to rule over anything is a good idea. We are talking about the same man who gave cannibals anonymous a casino, relies on robots to act as his first and last line of defense, and is trying to rule over a luxurious shithole that provides... what exactly? Clean water? Security? A better standard of living? D.C. was already working on the clean water part, the boomers can turn that shithole into a bombed out wreck if they feel like it, and most of the people living in new vegas are chilling in the bombed out slums that are only slightly better than any other settlement in post-war irradiated america. Yeah, sure, you might thrive for about 20 years or so, but as soon as everyone else catches up all vegas is is just another shitty settlement run by a stupid fuck who still thinks its back in the day. His plans are unsustainable, his ultimate goal revolves around the idea that Vegas still means fuck all to the average partially mutated dumbass who’s life expectancy has yet to surpass single digits. The dudes a joke.
>>house doesn't tell anyone
>dirt kicking peasants, who have already displayed disloyalty in the past, should be made privy to House's secret plans
Why is everything in Fallout so fucking dirty and rundown?
You'd think people would clean up the rubble and rebuild but they just live in it.
Just makes me think none of these people deserve saving as they apparently didn't manage to do shit for the last 200 years.
>world's greatest leader doesn't understand how to issue instruction
>kings displayed disloyalty
Now the housefag can't even hide behind his retarded worldview. He's forced to just make shit up.
Done replying to people that haven't played New Vegas.
>buy a post-apocalyptic game
>complain that things look post-apocalyptic
Fallout is a post-post-apocalyptic setting, not a post-apocalyptic setting.
House only works if you go by lore alone. Actual in game House is a fucking idiot. Would've been really nice to hear from House himself how exactly he plans to get mankind into space and colonizing stars, especially to the one guy responsible for making all his shit work, but no.
I went with Elijah. Kill fucking everything.
i don't think you understood my post
The look would be fitting if the bombs fell ten years ago, not 200.
I did, but it was a good excuse to put that information in the thread for the young ones.
See you later, fag.
Fucker couldn't even stop Benny, why the fuck would I trust him with the Mojave?
Following the narrative of the story, only the Yes Man ending makes sense. All old world ideals and structures eventually led to nuclear war in there own way. By declaring an independent Vegas you attempt to stop history from repeating itself.
"Could this wasteland BE any more post-apocalyptic?"
You haven't explained yourself. How does allowing two superpowers to exist mean a massive war is less likely than if you ensure one destroys the other? You're explicitly advocating a cold war scenario and then insisting this is the best possible future.
Why would you side with NCR with they deliberately and maliciously murdered non-combatants? The Khans did nothing to deserve watching their women and children die
lmao fuck off. NCR should have finished what they started at Bitter Springs.
For the same reason we brutally raped and murdered non combatants? You want to live in the United States of Cherokee?
House > Independent > shit > Legion > gay shit > NCR
Caesar explains this himself, it's hegel dialectics over how society would develop itself after the legion's victory, he explains this in the first interaction you get, really just replay the legion's route.
1.The Khans brought the trouble to Bitter Springs on their own accord
2.They have no problem with raiding civies and caravans themselves, particularly NCR folk, whom they don't shy away using for target practice for shits and giggles
3.Bitter Springs was an accident, and perhaps should be seen as a consequence of the Khans behavior
but his weenie is all shriveled up user-senpai!
NCR does have infrastructure and a better groundgame than nearly anyone else, but in the same regard they are overextended and rife with corruption/inflation/institutional rot. They need a defeat to curb their expansion long enough for the system to look at itself and reform into something effective, otherwise they are going to corrupt into a stagnant entity.
House ending leads to Vegas ascendant with the advent of the platinum chip. This is at the present confined to the city itself, but in time developments spurred by House can be expected to radiate out into the Wasteland as he seeks to consolidate a base of control for his own (any ambitious ventures need resources). It will also provide a serious competitor to the NCR in the future, encouraging them to stay on top of their game rather than fall to complacency and stagnate further. Additionally, House plans to send people to space, which finally solves the problem of all the eggs of mankind being in the same basket in the end.
He remote controls the security robots, he could just install a robo dick on one of them. Maybe they already have robo dicks and he needs the chip to activate them.
>it''s pronounced moe-hah-vay
No, shit. What does that have to do with the retarded idea that two super powers in conflict would somehow not result in a cold war scenario?
I unironically hate dishonest contrarian fucks like you.
Not him, but even a Legionfag, but Legion is better than (((brahmin baron))) oligarchy.
The NCR is actively pursuing the opposite of stagnation. The Dam is precisely what they require to elevate their civilization. As it stands, they're still prone to the occasional brown out.
It's hegel dialectics what the fuck are you on about? The legion is supposed to be the next swing to change society so that proggress may occur for the NCR to learn how to adapt to it's better strategies.
And? You're still left with two super powers who hate each other. You think the NCR and Legion will kiss and make up after the second battle of Hoover Dam? How is it even possible you need this explained to you?
I don't know why you two dipshits are arguing because you're both wrong. Caesar wants to conquer NCR.
That's why the other dipshit said to let the Legion win, because he believes that the new society that will come out of Legion and NCR merging will be better than either alone.
No you retard it's HEGEL, guess what happens after caesar dies? the legion gets snuffed out, he TELLS YOU THIS, the only point of the legion is to teach the nations of where they were wrong, the only point the legion has of existing is for them to WIN and be overthrown later on, pick up a fucking book, literally just GOOGLE it before you start talking, play the route and god forbid READ a little.
That's retarded. Literally the exact same shit would happen if the NCR beat the Legion. The other retard was arguing that letting the NCR lose the battle of the dam would somehow not result in a protracted conflict.
You didn't even understand the basic bitch philosophy Caesar was spouting retard. None of what you just typed is ever stated in the game at any point.
first interaction, read a book you iliterate motherfucker.
>the exact same shit would happen if the NCR beat the Legion
It wouldn't and the fact you can't see why it wouldn't only goes to show you don't know fuck all about what's being discussed.
Were you even paying attention? He's literally saying the Legion will change after conquering the NCR. He isn't saying the Legion is destined to be overthrown. The changes the Legion will undergo are deliberate as a result of its new role in the wasteland. How retarded can you possibly be?
Regardless, what the fuck does this have to do with your initial premise, that if the NCR doesn't lose this somehow magically results in a nuclear apocalypse? The only way a second Armageddon happens is if there are two roughly equal opposing forces. If there is only a single super power it doesn't happen. Period.
>NCR is the only realistic future for the U.S.A
But they only hold a small portion of the country under their rule and their constant, aggressive, expansion is stretching their resources and manpower to the limit.
Vegas is about as far as they can go before the strain really takes it's toll and they start to recede. Ironically, they are the WRE and Caesar are the barbarian hordes.
Also, all sorts of weirdo groups exist over the postwar US, though we've only seen a handful of them in game. Who's to say the NE and MW Brotherhoods don't eventually spread west and fuck the NCR up?
The Dam would help them with regarding power, no argument there. They are still stagnating in the sense that their economic and power structures are starting to become clogged and slowed. Substantial inflation is plaguing the NCR dollar, nepotism and bribery is plaguing the political system (see: General Oliver over General Hsu), and Kimball is inept.
The power issue (as well as that of water distribution, as seen with the sharecroppers) is also a symptom of the state outrunning its infrastructure and logistics webs, and looking for large resource pots to solve them rather than repairing their webs of distribution. The latter is conducted by looking to utilize under-used resources they already have (such as Helios One in-game) or working on infrastructure and logistics within the state rather than outward power projection.
In contrast, let's say they acquire the dam. This probably fixes a significant portion of their power issues (though not all - see power apportionment issues in the Helios One quests), and helps with their water distribution problems. As a result of this, they are less likely to work to long-term internal solutions to those fields until they are again outstripped, at which point they might be too big to make it all work.
>hegelian dialectics only works in one direction
You're retarded. The theory is literally that two opposing arguments create a synthesis solution. As soon as these two arguments come into opposition, the synthesis is inevitable.
The problem is that it's an NCR soup kitchen. He wants all NCR and Legion influence gone.
>I've walked the East. You've walked the West, more than I have.
>Circle Junction. Reno. Vault City. Word of you at Fort Aradesh... Fort Abandon.
>Even further West than that, Brahmin drives on the Big Circle.
>Whatever you saw out there, wasn't enough to make you stay.
>Maybe the markings on the package reminded you of the road home...
Where else has our Courier been? Where would he/she consider home? Ashton? Hopeville?
>tfw we never got to visit Circle Junction or walk among the Ciphers of the east.
This is such a lazy copout. You can say this about literally anything. The reality is that the NCR is actively working at improving their infrastructure. You're just arbitrarily deciding this is bad because they are improving it in a way you've deemed somehow bad. On the one hand, you're arguing expanding to take the dam is bad, on the other, you're arguing they should instead be using Helios, another piece of infrastructure available to them precisely because they made a conscious effort to expand into the Mojave.
He should have included that in the list of bylaws in the Freeside Squatters' Charter then. As it stands, he's punishing a group of people for giving handouts to the less fortunate.
Here's an idea: maybe if instead of bitching that the Kings turned to the NCR for help, he should have been providing some assistance himself. It's not as though he's doing anything else with the mountains of money that's pouring in. But no, he creates and allows a problem to fester, then attacks anyone who tries to better it.
>paying NCR to fix NCR's problem with NCR's resources
Don't be retarded
The NCR was already fixing their problem. Initially, the soup kitchen only provided services to NCR citizens. The group that was suffering without aid were explicitly the native New Vegas Freesiders. House did nothing to help them and as a result, they turned to the one group offering a hand. Then House gets pissy and acts like a starving man taking a can of beans when offered is a treasonous and seditious act to be punished by expulsion and death.
Based retard
>here's your own NCR(tm) can of food, sir
>Mmh, I sure do love working for the NCR!
>Who, me? I am just a good samaritan from the NCR who wants to help the good people of Freeside
The fuck are you even talking about? Who are you quoting?
>"gee, I want to replay NV"
>start to replay NV
>it never feels the same
Same. I can replay so many other RPGs easily, but it's been years and I still can't get back into NV. Why does it have to be like this?
For me, it's too big. A full replay is daunting. Whereas I can replay the first Fallout pretty regularly given how quickly it goes.
I am not arguing they should be using Helios rather than the Dam, moreso that they should find more efficient ways of leveraging the resources they *do* currently have, Helios included, so that they can be more consistent in their strength rather than be stretched out between resource hotspots scattered through their territory.
And what do you mean by active improvement of infrastructure in a "way that is deemed somehow bad"? If you mean expanding to encompass infrastructure that isn't had yet, then you have the wrong idea. It is entirely the right idea for the NCR to drive to bigger wells of resources. I am saying it is a bad idea for their logistics strategy to RELY on finding bigger wells of resources through expansion while neglecting what they have gained.
Expansion is a wise choice also, but not so much as you'd think. Remember that barring the Pacific Northwest eastward to Idaho/Montana/the Dakotas, they are expanding through territory that is largely mountains, desert, and arid steppe. This is territory that pre-War would not have been nearly as developed as anywhere in California, and is also mostly lacking in local resources to garrison and maintain hold over (thus making holding it a drain on military resources to project power into/over). If the NCR is already having problems pushing to the Colorado, how much is it going to exhaust them pushing to the Rockies?
>Dawes claims the prison remains a good hideout because it has power and water
>NCR controls the flow of power and water in the Mojave
So, developer oversight or deliberate evidence of NCR's bureaucratic failures?
NCR were trying to take back the prison. I'd doubt they would waste what little time and resources they have to shut down power and water, especially if the NCR were confident that they could wipe out the Powder Gangers.
You're begging the question. There's nothing to indicate the NCR hasn't or isn't improving their internal infrastructure. Neither are the expanding thoughtlessly. The dam was discovered through scouting expeditions. They went there intentionally.
The only context in which the NCR is said to be stretched thin is in their security and military operations, and this is primarily limited to the Mojave itself. They have none of the raider problems in NCR proper that they do in Mojave frontier territory. And the primary hurdles to them being stretched thin are necessities as a result of being actively at war with the Legion and being actively undermined by House. Sans these two problems, the Mojave would be quickly cleaned up and secured, just as they did back home.
>forming the Mojave the way YOU want it
you mean fucking up the wasteland and leaving behind an enormous power vacuum for some other tyrant, but this time without you being able to influence them
Even the Legion path is better
Mojave doesn't need saving.
Legion path is just setting up for a power vacuum in a few years.
yes man is a mary sue snowflake path
Subtlety remove the troublemakers keeping peace earning me employ of the month and the loyalty of the white gloves in the event I want to begin a start up venture
Go play New Vegas
>NCR brings refugees
>Literally all locals want them gone
>If Kings help locals by removing refugees and NCR (enemy) influence house is chill
>If Kings enable refugees and work with the NCR (enemy) house is pissed
Not complicated
he literally kicks them out the first chance he gets go play New Vegas
House's promises are all just hot air. He's a corporatist modeled after the type of man who envied the Nazi ideology before all the ugly genocide stuff made it unpalatable because fascism elevates autocracy and corporate production above the rights of the people. A lot of business leaders of the WW2 era felt Fascism would do a lot more for them than all the organized labor was doing.
Sitting at House's left hand would put the Courier in a position of wealth and success for sure, but that's only because the courier is a part of the autocracy. The same is true for every ending, though - the winner is who you chose, and whoever you chose elevates you to a substantial position in their organization.
There's not really a correct choice in New Vegas. The core mover and shaker is you, so what you make of the situation matters.
>Finland gives the Soviets Karalia to end the winter war
>Finland allows an embassy for communication
>Finnish citizens aiding Soviet agents are arrested for treason
It's not complicated.
No, you're just getting your bias against House get in the way. The devs have outright said they fucked up with that bit of lore and should have had him reawaken much sooner.
>wtf why does House not like the NCR's allies, the people who want to fucking kill him?
This so long as you nuke NCR and Legion in lonesome road if you go independent
He never needs to know who he's making it for.
>newfound ties to the NCR
So it won't. The idea is that the conflict will create an ideal combination of both. Caesar knows he basically has a glorified raider group. By annexing Vegas he maintains the discipline and culture of the legion while absorbing some Civic aspects of the NCR. Don't think of the legion as the Roman empire. They are Caesars army marching on the republic (NCR). The empire comes after
>for no reason
In that case you've intentionally turned the kings against the NCR and helped Pacer gun down a bunch NCRfags
So it wouldn't because the NCR is fully formed. The legion is a new "nation" and is maturing. NCR is decaying.
The Kings never ally or assist the NCR, brainlets. You'll note that House doesn't give a shit if the Kings stop attacking NCR citizens/troops. He literally only gives a shit if the Kings ask the NCR to help with the local homeless population.
You say that like you actually think he wanted those fags anywhere near the dam. He's got enough forces to put a severe dent into the NCRs forces but he knows he'll still very likely lose the war.
>So it won't
So it won't what? This isn't an answer to the question.
Are we playing the same game? The kings "cease fire with the NCR springs into a full blown relief effort". Thats working with a foreign power. The argument to be had is if house's reaction was measured or no, not if there was/wasn't collusion with the NCR
It won't be a cold war. The war ends an empire is born and the savagery of the legion is tempered with NCR civics.
The Kings and NCR end up doing far more then just running a soup kitchen together if you encourage them to cooperate. That's just the first step.
>dies to the tunnelers anyways
The Mojave is fucked no matter what
And then it all comes crashing down since Caesar still has no heir and breaks into infighting upon his death. Nor will a bunch of brainlet legionnaires be easily integrated into a society using NCR's civics.
>scared of fire
>Courier kills the tunneler queen
>Flashbangs fuck them up enough that they either run or frenzy and attack everything around
>Thinking they got shit on cazadors
Fuck off Ulysses.
No, I'm saying that like any sane person sees all this shit and assumes there's no issue whatsoever in doing business with the NCR. You, for some retarded fucking reason, think it's good and acceptable for House to treat them as though they were conspiring against him as if House and the NCR were active or even historic enemies. There is no evidence whatsoever that any animosity exists between them, nor is there any evidence that the existence of a soup kitchen has any negative impact on House's plans or the future of Vegas.
It's pure petulant bullying because House is a petty faggot.
>The kings "cease fire with the NCR springs into a full blown relief effort"
>relief effort for the homeless is treason
Those monsters.
You're also literally talking about the future. As in, shit that doesn't happen until long after House is dead. In the reality that House lives, no such thing happens. He murders them solely based on a single instance of them negotiating food services for the local homeless population. Again, problems of House's own creation, well within his power to alleviate. Instead he punishes those trying to improve the situation. And this is the fuck you think is genuinely interested in the progress of humanity? He doesn't even throw some cash at the shit covering his front lawn.
No, they don't.
Ho can anyone side with legion when the moment you get in their camp you see this, it's absolutely comically evil not even in our history slaves were treated this way.
I get it that the legion is unfinished but god damn, plenty of stuff like this or caesar cursing left and right it's a complete detriment to legitimize your decision to side with the legion outside of being an 80s cartoon villain.
>treated this way
What way? I'm not a Legionfag.
Carrying oversized backpacks up and down an hill when they could use smarter ways to carry stuff around.
>You, for some retarded fucking reason, think it's good and acceptable for House to treat them as though they were conspiring against him
They literally are. Go play the game again, assuming you ever did.
Name literally one single instance where the Kings do anything with the motivation that it will harm House or his position, retard.
>C-Come on goyim, NCR and Kings never become allies
>After the NCR victory at Hoover Dam, the temporary truce between them and The Kings blossomed into a full-scale relief effort for the people. While the NCR made repeated entreaties that Freeside join the Republic, The Kings steadfastly maintained their independence
Cope NCRcuck
>not even in our history slaves were treated this way
That's a mighty big claim, saying that in no point in over 6000 years of human history have slaves ever been treated like that
The Legion is basically a fair representation of how things are run by ISIS or maybe the Taliban.
>smarter ways to carry stuff around.
Such as? It is a steep hill, brahmin would fall.
>changing it from NCR back to Kings to suit his argument
lol okay NCR shill.
>could have had a comfy NV thread
>Instead just some fag sperging out over House
>After the NCR victory at Hoover Dam
>literally proves himself wrong
Try again, retard.
Are you retarded? ESL? We have been talking about the Kings the entire time. If you ever thought anyone was talking about House attacking the NCR you're a moron.
>say Kings and NCR's relationship develops overtime, and end up doing more then just making a soup kitchen
>Post proof they do
Okay retard.
The game proves you wrong by having the NCR ending giving the most freedom for the player's choices and the most possible benefits for the Mojave general public.
>We have been talking about the Kings the entire time.
>brings up the NCR in and how it's not acceptable for House to think they were conspiring against him
Last (You) from me nigger.
This, now go pay your taxes or get off your fucking land like a good goyim.
Bud, read about how Sparta treated their slaves or how the Mongols treated their enemies.
The Legion is combination of these two and there is nothing unrealistic about it.
>ESLfag still can't understand English
We are talking explicitly about House's rationale for attacking and killing the Kings, dipshit. Ergo, shit that couldn't possibly have been relevant to that rationale is irrelevant. How is it that you need this explained to you?
>retard still thinks helping the homeless population eat is a conspiracy against the local casino owner
Are you pretending to be retarded?
Imagine choosing House or NCR, a system just like our modern real world.
How little imagination do you have? Legion or Yes Man is the only choice if you're a not a boring fag.
Imaging choosing Yes Meme and thinking you're helping or doing anything of lasting consequence
>He should've been able to work with people like the BoS
the BoS are a bunch of colossal faggots who can't stop fucking themselves in the ass, all they do is rot away while hoarding technology, they never make allies because all they do is piss everyone off, not good for longevity, hell the Elder knows their current course will kill them and he's completely fine with it
they can't stop fucking themselves either, they are overzealous in their expansion and their own territories aren't safe because they spread themselves too thin
Cable systems?
meant for
>They're a terrorist group, basically. Militant, quasi-religious fanatics obsessed with hoarding Pre-War technology.
>Not all technology, mind you. You don't see them raiding hospitals to cart away Auto-Docs or armfuls of prosthetic organs.
>No, they greatly prefer the sort of technology that puts people in hospitals. Or graves, rather, since hospitals went the way of the Dodo.
Why do you hate the Brotherhood so much? >Because they're ridiculous! Because they galavant around the Mojave pretending to be Knights of Yore.
>Or did, until the NCR showed them that ideological purity and shiny power armor don't count for much when you're outnumbered 15:1
The world has no use for emotionally unstable techno-fetishists. Just wipe them out, will you?
Despite being in denial about his own emotionally unstable techno-fetishes, House is right on the money when it comes to the Brotherhood.
Show me cable systems existing in the Mojave and a position at Fortification Hill they could be installed at.
House isn't like the real world.
If you want (you)'s just ask.
Caesar did the roasting better:
"The worst impulses of mankind, concentrated in one insane, backward tribe... They like to pretty up their mission with trappings of chivalry, but the truth is they're hoarders. They hoard technology. It's been 200 years, and they still have the mentality of scavengers. They say they're preserving these technologies, but for what? They have no vision. They offer no future. They're a dead end."
If you want to propose something, prove it is possible in universe. I can think of a cable system that exists in the Mojave, can you?
Still seems like the best place to live in the fallout universe. Diamond City, Rivet City or Megaton are shitholes compared to it.
Wow, old world capitalist feeding on the worst vices of mindkind (mindless lust, addiction, greed), but now using his little robot army from time to time because of he can after the bombs.
House is pure trash and probably one of the reasons for the big fallout in the first place.
*because he can*
There is a cable system in the game Fallout New Vegas, and you can't even show it or a position on Fortification Hill one could be installed. Pathetic.
>waaah slaves CARRYING THINGS is so evil!!
>feeding on the worst vices of mankind in order to save mankind
Based. Get over it yescuck.
You are dumber than a Legionfag.
Yeah it might be bold, it's just anacronistic that they claim that legion territories are safe and fairly developed and all and then you see slaves treated like absolute trash, i mean even in cottonwood cove there is a dialogue where they talk about the virtues of slaves and how they are valuable goods.
It's even stupid to handle them that way, it's not a smart way to handle resources
I don't know why you're whining. I gave you an example of a structure designed to lift heavy shit easily. Is that not what you were asking for?
I said in universe, you double digit IQ mouth breathing retard.
With a synthesis and a little imagination, the Legion can make mankind better. We see only the early stages of their civilization. They can grow and mature
House is making mankind weaker and not fit for the harsh realities of the post-war, because he want to feed his giant snowglobe.
Maybe he can go to space in 100 years lol (with what, the planet is empty of resources at this point).
Fuck Vegas, and fuck all the factions.
Ulysses had the right idea, nuke it all.
>A lot of business leaders of the WW2 era felt Fascism would do a lot more for them than all the organized labor was doing.
I'm pretty certain Fallout-America is legitimately a world where the state fell under the rule of like-minded individuals.
>muh nazis
>muh fascism
Anti-Housetards, everyone.
>ropes and pulleys aren't possible in a universe with robots and computers and rocket ships
Again: huh?
Imagine being as stupid as this retard. You don't know anything about New Vegas, you can't read, AND you're triggered by slaves in a video game.
NCR have like 5 people on Primm. They only try to take over the prison once you soften some of the Powder Gangers up.
>The only argument people have against the NCR being the right choice is that they are corrupt and inefficent
Pick up a book, the same problems the NCR are going through were the same ones the USA were facing during its industrilization period. Thinking the autismo house could lead the mojave is about as smart as saying elon musk could rule mars.