Don't forget to hydrate, gaymers.
EDF thread
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sadly this thread gonna die
Thats impossible!
Hear us as we shout- That's impossible!
Does this game promote terrorism?
They're not terrorists, they're hostile forces
I'll need more info than that
>tfw no bf to play edf with
post boobs(male)
No you
I'll teach these terrorists a lesson!
Aren't wow fags the ultimate cucks? these guys paid for lining in queue while they could play EDF for instant fun
What is your purpose?
Finding out how to get a shared orgasm with my WG waifu, while we hold hands and devour each other's eyes
Post instead of asking, newfriend
What is Plan X?
im 100% and just wanna play missions people need
Civilians used as ayy bait
>hits 100%
>now everyone calls me a cheater
Except in this forsaken place
I'll play later myself
Yeah im getting kicked from lobbies. Actually sucks
Just have your profile public and your ingame time showed. That's what I check when I see randomers with high completion rate
>you're gonna have a hard time once you hit 100%
>cause everyone will think you cheated
Pretty ironic that this came from a chink. And on top of that, it's generally the nips that kick me for it. Thankfully, most people are willing to me a chance to prove myself before kicking.
willing to give*
Chinks kick me because they can't make a private lobby and want to play with their (((friend)))
I do. Doesn't stop people from assuming
can't stop brainlets to be brainlets unfortunately
Stop polluting and either keep an hardest/ inferno room hot or wait like 30 minutes and i could make one
hardest 36
Don't forgetti to pick up the green dots
Played against the giant bomber drones for the first time, found out that using vulcan strikes on them makes them spazz out hilariously AND spit out plasma in every fucking direction, highly recommend trying.
Why is spamming stupid shit with the chat shortcuts so god damn fun?
Reminds me of Tribes ascend;____;
alright it's time
Yea ForumsDF
hard 76
loot them boxes
can drop to lower missions if needed
Post webms
I like how these threads are still being made. EDF 4.1 died way faster than this.
>20 minutes later nobody joined
oh well
gonna try to host later
room's closed for now
Just gotta bump the thread and make it in the morning or something
Better to actually discuss videogame and play than trying to troll over trolls, everyon being underage anyway
If you're the user with Chinese characters for your name, I did give you a chance and once we were in-game you asked if you could use your auto-loot cheat.
Auto loot, at the end of the game, is ok you know.
"wake the fuck up, Ranger"
Jet vehicle when?
careful dude you are going to rustle the n64 dk64 collectathon enthusiasts
One spot open
>Chinese characters for your name
>asked if you could use your auto-loot cheat.
Not me on both parts. Funnily enough, I have yet to meet other 100% players from here. My timing must be horrible.
How do i compete with airstrike chads? They delete whole map in 2 minutes with phobos spam. As soon as i reach the enemies the bombs are about to drop so i fly to another target but situation only repeats itself.
thank them for their cervix?
it's a team game not a competitive game
Is it full again?
Nope, 3 of us here
yah, 4/4 for now
Great bait mate
>there are still no pepe edits of the humanoids
Why even live...
only cheating I do is use an autoclicker macro because the G&M series of assault rifles for Ranger killed my last mouse
Wtf did people get dumber? Macros aren't cheats
I know it's not cheating you sperg, sorry I forgot to put quotation marks around the word.
other anons asked me to use autoloot, of their own accord, without me using it previously. i'm fine collecting or autoloot, to me it doesn't make a difference either way (other than time), i just respect the gameplay experience of others. if you don't agree with me that's fine, but don't lump me in with actual cheaters, or even people who autoloot on their own accord despite knowing how other anons treat the subject.
also it's japanese u fgt
how hard do you have to click to break a mouse? lol
Is EDF on sale anywhere?
be the change you want to see in the world user
Know what your role is. Sounds like you're playing WD so you should be targeting heavy targets like ayys or teleportation ships. Wing Diver isn't good at dealing with large swarms quickly, she can do it, but it's gonna take awhile so just let the AR handle that stuff.
WD is best when handling objectives but she can also be used similarly to the fencer to draw aggro and kite enemies around.
I am the great-- Shazbot!
What's the role of ranger?
heals on wheels, get a reverser and a bike
Hard to say really because he could easily be replaced as the 4th by any other class without issue. He is good at protecting the Air Raider and the reverser (healing bomb) is also very good and even knocks back enemies.
Support your teammates and NPCs. Keep their surroundings clear of enemies so they can focus on the objectives.
I once spent an entire 20 minute round as a heavy spamming [VGCA] with a heavy on the other team responding right back.
EDF, to my knowledge, is the only game that allows the same kind of dumbery.
Get it the fuck right.
drive the bike around with c4 and a shotgun nuking aliens
and don't forget to TK with grenades because your mates happened to be next to the enemy you were targeting
just post screenshots of stuff, I could try adding pepes/apus
If there was one mod for EDF5, I would want one that changes the frogs to pepe heads. I would love killing right wing illegal aliens.
Don't do it anymore, thanks.
underrated post
i am going through training bros wait for me
Energy drinks are absolutely terrible for hydration. Do not drink energy drinks when you are dehydrated.
EMCing kaiju's
Holding the line
Squahing monster balls
I keep one of these ice cold motherfuckers in the fridge, it's the best
stress relief for Wing Divers after big battles
did you literally just start the game?
Hardest lobby, Mission 67
vdf, rage
Buyfrogs, might jump around missions, make requests if you need them
Who's hosting hard?
You, if you fucking host
it's actually pretty amazing how much shit nips can fit on the screen and still not lag the game.
Why does nobody do inferno rooms? I only ever see hard and hardest posted here.
Because nobody joins them. Inferno room hosts are uptight douches that wants to play only the meta.
Really? i thought people would naturally want to complete the highest difficulty.
the trick is using ps2 texture and models
not even memeing at all, i think the fetish for "muh graphics" has absolutely ruined modern games
just as an example, look at Doom 2016, we could have had a game that was like a modern version of the best slaughter wads, with hundreds or thousands of enemies and massive battles, instead we got 12
i would, but i need better armor/weps to not be the team anchor
EU playstation store
It does lag the game on the PS4.
Blame it on the autism, I'm doing hardest clear first, then I'll do inferno. I ran it once, but I want to 100% the lower difficulties first.
I bet you catch all your pokemon with pokeballs as well, faggot
They should just let you transfer the pokemon between different ball types, it's just for aesthetics!
>tfw the EDF multiplayer is so niche people on Yea Forums go to reddit's discord and vice versa to find players
Only three kinds of people want inferno
1) those that have beaten Hardest and want a challenge
>your frog's head edit to make memes got posted on their discord
I want to kms
anybody wanna just play? noob just pirated
You reap what you sow, user.
of course it does. it's a ps4
Yea, like, wow, people want memes, nobody tries to make any, great
I regularly host inferno lobbies here.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of anons playing inferno are #2. I haven't seen anyone being #3 though.
Most people play hard (which is actually easy) and goof off and are able to complete missions because, surprise, it's fucking easy. Then they get to inferno, fail, go "fuck this I don't want to play the meta or bring useful gear or have appropriate armor, carry me or you're a meta-enforcing asshole and bad player, come rez me I died alone across the map", and fuck off on their own back to hard to farm monster balls.
Inferno requires some coordination and prep, and most anons seem to be allergic to both. It's a damn shame. I regularly see the same 10-12 people doing inferno when we've had way more overall since release.
>ps2 texture and models
the models are actually fairly well detailed tho.
but what is clearly noticable is that animations have massively reduced refresh rates at even the smallest distance.
building destruction probably has some under the hood magic.
but the most important thing is that edf does not have too much detail shit in the environment. while most other games throw a fuckload of GRASS AND FERN at you, edf uses this performance power to cram more enemies onto the screen
does anybody know whether lobbies are locked to 4 only or is there a trick to get more slots open? let me know since i can host.
>I want to play inferno!
>people don't have enough armor reeeee!
>I want to play inferno!
>is now gamer
Fuck this board.
It's locked to 4.
If you host, you have to play, you can't be a server and go afk.
i always do, just wanted to know if i can cram more bros in here.
On PC, have any of you had an issue with lag on fullscreen? Running it in window is the only way I can get the game to play, and it's a pain
>reeee i can't reurgitate my favorite reddit meme now!
what's your specs? currently no lag so far and i just got out of tutorial base. maybe i am still in kiddie mode.
You would have noticed, it affects the menu aswell. I have a 1070, and an i7.
doesn't lag on my system even while browsing through the menu. given your specs it shouldnt lag either. maybe you have too much jap porn stashed away?
I will travel to the fabled faglands, thank you
my stash of jap porn is not a factor here user
>he doesn't know how to make his game borderless fullscreen
The state of Yea Forumsirgins
Go away reddit reeeeeeeeee
If you run the game fullscreen, it'll drop the framerate. The issue was the same in 4.1.
Just run the game in windowed borderless fullscreen. Let the game in windowed, pick your way to play borderless (I use Borderless gaming, the software is really good)
so i am test hosting and is there a reason why i can't use regular missions on current progres? looks like i have to start all over when i am in a lobby.
Offline missions don't count towards online, if that's what you mean.
so i have to start as a lv 0 shitter when i go online to play?
>Is water wet
Do you have no reading comprehension?
na i dont
You keep gear and armor, but when hosting a lobby you can only start missions up to the latest mission you've played. But if you play in someone else's lobby at say level 33, you can start missions from 33.
go away shitter
There are no player levels, only % completion, armor gained and weapons collected / upgraded. The latter two carry over between single and multi.
thx bros. anybody up to play pirate?
>finally finished EDF3 today
Only game left in the serie is Iron Rain. Goddammit.
>willingly playing iron rain
>I want to do an endgame thing that requires gear/prep
>level 1s try to join my group for good weapons
>this is somehow my fault
You really this reddit tier you don't get why IR is good. IA was fucking cock, but at least IR is playable.
but why would you willingly play a mediocre, boring game
That is what HE said, fucking lmao kek.
Don't ask don't tell, soldier.
Yea ForumsDF
hard 76
loot them boxes
would be nice to finish hard someday soon so i'm not sure if 0 armor newfriends can join this
Mission 93
buyfrogs only, piratefags not allowed. We can do inferno too if people are interested.
just direct them to your hours on your steam profile
>met that user
>auto-loots without asking
>using bottomless mags cheat, spamming buster bombs
>still died
>have great game with user
>user sends steam friend request
>dont want to be a meanie and decline
>but also dont want to confirm because crippling autism prevents me from wanting to make online friends (also irl) and i dont want to have another friend whom i slowly drift away from and then look back on my friends list with melancholy as i remove them
don't assign so much meaning to your friends list. you can create categories for different games and just stick em in those
just b urself
>user adds another user to play more
>no needs more than that
>can be categorized in your friendlist and never be talked to anyway
>I-I am afraid t-to be a b-bad friend
I just want to try everything the serie has to offer. I also don't have a ps4 yet, I'll probably buy one when enough good games are finally released for it.
I remember reading, about a year ago, that having splitscreen with two of the same class isn't like 4.1. You don't get 2x the armor for that class, you also don't get 1 armor per class you are at face value.
Is there any benefit to splitscreen armor farming besides two people to kill stuff? About to run through 10-15 missions splitscreen before we do inferno and our WD armor is far lower than any other class, just seeing if 2x WD would even matter.
Just say no to those fags, chances are they'll never fucking play with you again anyway and just sit awkwardly on your friends list until you or him removes the other
>when enough good games are finally released for it
so never?
PS4 is pretty much EOL. It will at least get a few more exclusives, but nothing with massive media pushes or Sony telling you it is worth your money.
Last of Us 2 might even be PS5 only at this rate and I know people that bought ps4 pretty much just for that.
For now
Aegis Rim (maybe and if it's localised)
Iron Rain
Death Stranding (not really sure about this one)
GTFO of the EDF thread you faggot.
You are the only mongo that thinks this.
>unironically defending iron rain
what? Iron Rain was trash my dude
thx for hosting and the carry user i had to run. back in 1 hr if you still here.
no problem
it's really hard for new players to play in higher missions but you did fine
Nice moves boi
3/4, we're in the 80s now
if you 404 i swear on me mum
>Spritefall shotting mode
BEAM spam is fun
k i am back who is still alive
no pass
hard, random missions for comp %
It is a lot of fun but I wish it was stronger, or maybe had a short reload instead of credits. Strongest one does around 9k damage, best limpet sniper does 5k damage and has 3 shots.
At the very least it would be a lot better if its credit cost was low enough that it would reload on a single ant/spider/bee kill.
Playing through EDF 5 for the first time on normal, it's my first EDF. Am I supposed to play the campaign on hard again after this or jump straight to the higher difficulties after beating normal? I have around 900 armor on ranger and I at mission 101
You should have started with hard actually
I would have suggested jumping straight into hard online from the beginning. You might struggle on hardest with ranger because the weapon drops from normal are pretty bad.
normal->hard->hardest is great for your armor and weapon upgrades. I recommend it if you're not the impatient sort
You're gonna want to go through hard afterwards since normal doesn't leave you prepared for hardest. If you wanted to tackle the higher difficulties as quickly as possible, you would have to do cheesy farms. Play online to make things more fun. Assuming you're a buyfag, you could host a lobby right now and get some shmucks like me to join.
>or maybe had a short reload
This would be perfect.
Bulge cover the niche of satelite with creditless reload already though
Shot Mode although is pretty good for snipe out drones and other small targets in general in online, it badically instant reload and can shot over a dozen lasers in the time you reload that limpet twice
It's especially good for type 2 drones since they tend to pile up so it's quite feasible to take out multiple with a single shot
Will Bulge operator put his bulge in Spritefall operator after the war?
Unfortunately in late inferno online it's not strong enough to one shot drones anymore. That's my main issue with it, if it can't one shot it can't reload. It needs a bit more damage.
Why do you think she's always losing her composure.
Yea ForumsDF
I want Erginus as a pet
are helicopters really hard to fly or am i retarded
they take off slow if you're fat
They're hard, clunky, and useless
>Japanese game
>you kill god
room is closed
great games
god damn this is FUN
The low level ones are absolute bastards to fly, they only really become worth it in the late game (or for niche shenanigans with the flamethrower choppers, those are fucking amazing and you should try them). The control scheme sucks ass, but at least the higher level ones are agile enough to make it tolerable, the lower level ones get none of that.
>he doesn't know
How do I edit my armor with Cheat Engine? I farmed so much trying to star my weapons that now I have nearly 10k armor and I want to get rid of some.
Just set it lower in the class selection...?
That's all fine and good but people see my armor and think I'm cheating. Kind of ironic.
That's what you get for farming in the first place
Remember what I told you yesterday?
That's the rumor.
No it's not. I've already 70% the game and beat inferno with AR and that's the only class I really enjoy playing so now I'm farming up my weapons.
you better post a lobby or your mom will play iron rain in her sleep
What doesn't he know? Choppers are garbage, except for the auto tracking one, but they're just memey
Eros (with machine guns) is one of the most powerful vehicles in the game. definitely worth practicing at all levels
room name: test
diff: hard
not sure whta im doing come join
What Fencer weapons let you jump? I like dual wielding cannons but hate losing the mobility of jumps.
I usually use a shotgun + melee weapon for up-close and dashing, and a heavy mortar or a 30mm Gallic Cannon and a minigun for distant enemies and jumping, but the minigun spin up and lack of range sort of sucks.
What is a good combo with a heavy mortar/30mm cannon that still lets me jump?
The ones that say jump boosters
autocannons and light/dispersal mortars. the ones that say you can jump in their descriptions
Just roll with the lack of mobility. Get into firing position with your melee setup, unleash some dual cannon terror, switch to the melee setup and punish those who closed the distance, jump away and repeat.
Read this newfriend
have people figured out how to up the player limit yet?
You better suck that dick, user.
Buychads, lootbros, simple instructions
Mission 59+ inferno, can do DLC
I'm do damn close I can taste it, bros.
KM6 StrafeRuns > Phobos
>jump away and repeat.
But you can’t jump with twin cannons. That’s literally the problem described in the post you’re replying to.
Q button though
We need to go bigger.
Monster can skin for life vendors when?
That’s apu
>non powered jump vs rocket assisted boost jump
One is useful for hopping curbs and that’s it. The other is a legitimately useful mobility skill.
Whatever your switch weapon key is, then, mine's Q
he might have kicked me after this; don't really remember
why would you use your own custom keybind to describe an action instead of directly describing the action itself
you are weird
Is iron rain worth playing at all?
it's only worth a couple of playthroughs. there's hardly any replayability aside from drone-hunting. the gameplay is so shit I couldn't stomach continuing after that
>nicer graphics
>low number of enemies
>no gibs
>low draw distance
>small maps
>really good and interesting new weapons and abilities
>have to buy weapons with currency instead of green boxes
>no singing
>havnt seen anyone use the chat function so not even sure it exists in this game
>pic unrelated
make a lobby on ps4
any pirate lobbies up?
ded game
ye ill host
Yea ForumsDF
Based dongmaster, hosting Mission 93 at less than 1% completion