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The end of videogames....

I can't even use remote play on my ps4 pro that's sitting next to my pc using an ethernet cable without the thing having input lag up the ass, and they are trying to say that wifi streaming to mobile will be good?

It really doesn't.

How does Yea Forums even find these shit articles? Do you seriously stalk shitty sites all day for the sole sake of shitposting?

Did you seriously save this picture in your folder, waited for some time after the death of the original thread, and then made another one? Why? Even waiting in fucking line with reddit in wow is more productive.

Streaming will never fly.

Or maybe OP is using the randomized filename from 4chanX.

the technology for streaming isn't ready

>being this mad

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this is the eventual end isn't it? Trendy techies and any other retard will buy this up and eventually every company will follow in it's path, Eventually there'll be no more physical games and you can have all you games taken away for being reported or something dumb like that, well it's been a fun ride guys but this is it.

Content is Key, so what do they got?


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Nintendo is literally the console which will be the least effected by Stadia and co


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>m..move over facebook

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Absolute retards.

5G, bro


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Wouldn't the streaming service only make the SwitchLite sell a fuckton more? I mean, that is quite literally the type of service like Stadia is made for.

nice try, chang

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Eh Stadia isnt going to impact shit.

but this article states otherwise

>greedy faggot isps literally holding back technology

remember not to go over the data cap or they'll turn off your internet

l......a......t......e.....n......c......y....., b....r.....o...

>but this paid shill article states otherwise


Stadia will prominently feature local multiplayer and splitscreen games?

>Hmmm I love to pay caped, filtered low grade internet to my phone company, o god yes triple those monthly fees masters I need my facebook so much

i thought movile gaming was going to kill nintendo?

Just got off the phone with Patcher, bros, he thinks it's gonna take off!!!

>killing anything
what exclusives have they got again?

So it'll only work in the midst of dense cities? Fuck me, what a terrible design

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Att has 5g here for some reason. I live near and work in the shithole dulvey is based on in re7

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Profits usually plummet a couple years after console release at Nintendo secondary to R&D investments.

>retarded Nintendofags thinking Nintendo will somehow not be affect by this shit

OK I'll humor you

stadia wont even disrupt ouya's dominance of the shit cheap console market

>stream 1080p game outsite for 5 seconds
>data limit reached

All Nintendo has to do is announce the N64 mini and they're set for a few years

>releasing all these scam nostalgia consoles instead of just releasing the games on switch like with the NES games
how do they get away with it

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I'll post the same thing I posted in the other thread
I am baffled that people keep saying that streaming will disrupt the handheld market
Have these people ever tried to watch a youtube video, let alone a stream on their phones? Streaming on wifi is a stretch, streaming videogames on phones is outright retarded
same thing happened to Sony as well retard

They are fucking phonefag


*blocks your path*

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But OP, it will forever live on inside your head.

The one you listed for android is how images get saved on computers too, retard.
Default filename for saving images is set to the post number, the real tell of a phonefag is if the number has an 'm' at the end, which means their phone got a lower quality mobile version of the image.

>switch an play offline everywhere
>stadia cant be played offline

Game streaming haters are actually salty mushroomfags

>on 5G
Yeah this 1ms sure will hinder their ebil plans

>owning a switch/using a streaming service solely for the portability
imagine not being a neet in current year

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as easy as putting a Stadia sticker on the box, and the client installed

I don't really believe that at all. 720p or even less on a Switch screen will still look better than the resolution Stadia is trying to shit out over wireless internet.

the Switch can also stream games, so
but it doesn't matter because game streaming is a shit, premature technology at its core

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again

>being so anti Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft that you want Google’s streaming shit to succeed and push them out of the market

Kys if this is you

>Disrupting anything
They couldn't disrupt a stream of piss.

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>Defending stadia
Have fun slaving away for you big tech overlords goyim.

Default image filenames on Yea Forums are the UNIX timestamp of the post you fucking newfag


I may not be the biggest fan of Sony (In fact I kinda despise some the their policies right now) but I would buy 10 PS4 Pros and 1000 copies of The Last of Us 2 before I spend one penny on Stadia.

Lol if phones didn't do it why would a streaming service have a chance?

>can't play games offline and will have a ton of lag and no Nintendo exclusives
Not at all, Stadia is gonna flop

Don't you get bored of making this thread?

So much this. Game streaming will become the future and the forever, and no games will be physical ever again. This is the eternal 1984 and theres nothing we can do to stop it. All hail Google...

Listen to the article bro. We channers arebliterally the only people in the planet who are the opponents of cloud gaming. Everyone will buy Stadia and it will be the most popular thing. See , the truthest post...

5G is suck a shitty tech
You need to be in line of sight of a transmitter for it to work, a simple bush between you and it is enough to halve the speeds and double the latency and the "" towers"" need to be no more than 4m tall otherwise you won't even get a reception
This will never work the amount of towers needed to cover the same area as a single 4G tower is ridiculous and negates all the benefits of 5G on their own

Please, for the love of god, share your Nint*ddler collection. PLEASE.

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>google couldn't even get Stadia to work during their own conference.
LMAO this shit is DOA

Do you guys remember g00gle glasses and how it changed the smart phone industry forever?

>Thinking streaming would ever be a good thing, even if the technology removed the latency
The problem with streaming, believe it or not, is not the dogshit latency. It's the fact that companies see streaming as the next big way to fuck over customers.

>publishers decide that basically all video games are services now
>much easier to slap another monthly fee
>much easier to close off access to your games even if they're single player
>impossible to play on older versions of a video game if the devs decide against it
and the big one
>streamed video games become nearly impossible to pirate or mod

If you think Denuvo is bad with cracking groups having to rummage through a game's code for weeks/months/years to unravel an anti-piracy program, what the fuck you think will happen when they don't even get to touch the game's code at all? Pirating a stream-only game would require outright infiltrating a server farm and stealing the fucking game code.
These companies don't want to push streaming because they want to save your hard drive space. They merely see it as the perfect solution to piracy. And when everyone sees how effective it is, then EVERYONE will want their game to be stream-only, even if it is for just the first month or so.
If anything, the awful latency is what's preventing this from already happening. Once that's no longer an obstacle, things will get ugly, and they will get ugly fast.

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Streaming 1080p 60 FPS is going to be a challenge over Ethernet, and they think it will become common place over wifi or even mobile data? Adorable

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Fucking where? 3rd world Asian countries have unlimited high-speed internet as a norm while places like the US and Canada don't.

When is stadia even coming out? There were just two bad presentations till now, right?

There was this webm of stadia in some event, I think it had some asscreed playing, the latency looked absolutely abysmal. This shit doesn't seem like it will ever work well, unless some crazy technology removes latency entirely from distant servers.

>Stadiafags this desperate
Have fun sucking google off until the whole thing crumbles down like google glass and all you have left is the google cum in your stomach, because you're not keeping any games

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Maybe it will, but the fact that it took both Sony and Microsoft this many tries/years to even “disrupt” Nintendo’s handheld market speaks volumes for how strong of a hold N had on that market.

That’s only if it’s a success. It might just be the next thing in a 20-year line of things that couldn’t compete.

Nobody replied or tried to counter to you because they know it's true, I guess.

Yeah, I stopped believing in these "Nintendo killers" in the mid 00's.

Stil here

>every working with the US's old as fuck internet infrastructure stifled by zero competition and endless local monopolies

The Google Stadia is already half in the grave before it even launches.

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The technology is just nowhere near as advanced as it needs to be for this shit to work properly.

pretty much this
companies would rather sell you a service instead of a product and that's fucking horrifying

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When quantum entanglement computers/internet is a thing and we cheat the speed of light I can see this being a thing, until then its more unlikely than what the laws of physics allow

Why are Snoys, Stadiots and Ebicstore-shills all shittin on Nintendo all of the sudden?

It's mostly just snoyfags COPING and falseflagging

Astral Chain comes out tomorrow

I'd suck ellies futa cock and swallow her semen before buying a stadia

The worst part is that it will succeed because normalfags dont care
They're gonna kill ownership for good and the normalfags will cheer

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