>And our character creation menu, for instance, compared to the last demo we now give you so many more options. For instance, you don’t choose your gender anymore.
>And our character creation menu, for instance, compared to the last demo we now give you so many more options. For instance, you don’t choose your gender anymore.
Other urls found in this thread:
What's the problem?
Either you approve of gender identity shit and think it's good that it's being inclusive, or you think gender identity shit is socially degenerate, in which case it's perfect for a cyberpunk setting.
>implying i would be comfortable playing something that's denying biological facts
Think of it like how Saints Row did it.
It will be like that.
Body modification, so gender change, is part of cyberpunk, because the body is no more sacred, it's just a shell, or a tool
its like this basically
problem, op?
Why not just add body sliders? Make a man with tits or a woman with a bulge, give the option to give them a male or female voice regardless of body type and presto, everyone should be happy. Why even appeal to people that won't play your games? I fucking hate trannies
Can i make a character that looks like me (pic related)?
i am a goy
It's impossible to respond substantively to question marks with no question.
where's the femboy option, though?
>Game set in 2077 dystopian america
>non-whites are the majority
>crime everywhere
>mentally ill made up genders everywhere
>pic related
I think they're making a statement user
I thought this was a GTA ripoff though, and V is transphobic at any opportunity to the point where a random angry pedestrian can yell YOU LOOK LIKE A TRANNY at you.
Empire of dust.
>the whole point of transgender is to be a different gender
>in a fantasy world full of possibilities they would rather still be “transgender” then the actual gender they aspire to be
Proof that trannies are mentally ill.
gender change has to be done while the baby is still on the womb tho
either that or you need resident evil levels of fuckery
resetera has been outraged at CDPR for months so they finally caved.
these "people" will be offended if they read "male/female" anywhere so they changed it to "body type" and "male sounding voice" and "female sounding voice" which you can mix and match
>implying trannies will actually go female V with male voice
Ganna make a sexy goth hacker with huge tits and a HUGE cock and plow my way through these bitches on the streat.
Fuck the norm, futa for life!
>Can i make a character that looks like me (pic related)?
what's the point of changing your gender, just come out as a fag.
It's going to be 10-15 preset "body types" in which half are male and the other half female
r/the_donald kids are too dumb to get it even when the game's setting is supposed to be a dystopia
This image is as disturbing as the real deal
It was a joke in Saints Row, CDPReddit are pretending it isn't.
I have some friends that work at CDPR.
They are so tired of everything being sexist, racist or transphobic and media spinning bullshit because one of the graphics people asked about something on a forum or liked a tweet.
Don't believe anything "journalists" are saying about Cyberpunk or CDPR.
Polish culture and mentality is not compatible with the American political scene.
Also apparently Keanu is a dear
>you don’t choose your gender anymore
I don't mind. It's all fiction anyways Just like the gender spectrum
Fuck off tranny shill.
Don't know, mental illness is such a complicated matter
>Literally .01% of players actually care about gender neutrality
do NPCs use pronouns when referring to you?
Can I still choose my pronouns?
Just change "gender" to "biological sex" lol
i can already see the menu..
> No Tits - Dick
> No Tits - Pussy
> Tits - Dick
> Tits - Pussy
> Apache
Cyberpunk is a degenerate genre where in the future people don't care about who they're fucking since you can get an entirely cybernetic lower body with whatever you want attached to it so none of it matters.
But then since this is the case, why is there a need to pander to "gender nonbinary" faggots? The game already allows you to play in a setting where nobody fucking cares and you can fuck and get fucked by whoever you want.
I understand by the same logic you could say "but since no one cares about gender in the future this isn't so bad" but why put it in since it doesn't matter either way?
>But then since this is the case, why is there a need to pander to "gender nonbinary" faggots?
They're mentally ill, dude. If you were truly transgender, you'd just play the in-game sex you feel comfortable with. But that's not what they want because it doesn't garner victim points. You can't shout and scream at the devs to cater to you because an option to play as a woman already exists.
>Tits - Dick
My favorite character class.
If you try to make a game for everyone you end up with a game for no one.
>CDPR figured out how to appease the whiny soi-crowd while only having a male and female option
>only way you can play as tranny is through headcanon alone
is there a more subversively based dev?
So whats it gonna be, Yea Forums, you gonna be a male or female V?
>make something everyone would be comfortable with
Overloading on spermae in the cerebral cortex truly destroys a man.
>tfw you realize "V" was actually a pronoun not a name this entire time
Shut the FUCK up, cyberpunk doesn't mean degenerate minorities, it means a pure utopian white world that happens to suffer from the jew problem, and the struggle to free the noble white race from slavery by rising up to the corporate masters.
They're the same who shat themselves in protest over that movie showing white Christian rural folks being hunted by the liberal elite and got it banned.
They literally have no self awareness.
There are some people who don't want to be a specific gender.
Though I'd rather be a brain connected to the internet than anything else.
They didn't really change anything. They simply threw all the character options into one big list. You still choose between a male or a female voice. And that determines which gender your character is perceived as. NPCs still have their own preference whether they want to hook up with women, men, or both.
Sounds like you've got your role play picked out
Wasn't there a demo where your character wakes up next to a dude no matter what, so you have no choice but to make your character female unless you want them to be gay/bisexual?
>Though I'd rather be a brain connected to the internet
aren't you already?
Absolutely patrician
1st playthrough: only male options
2nd: only female options
3rd: meme playthrough where i make a fucked up ugly mixed V and add nude mods for all characters
Not this shit again. They had that set up in the demo to portray the variety of sexual preferences the game has.
In the actual game, you can be as straight, gay, or bisexual as you like. They're not forcing anything on anybody.
First playthrough. Hot lesbian, professional, corporate, hacker ninja, something like the Major from Ghost in the Shell.
Second playthrough. As gamebreaking as possible giant asshole thug dude with brute forces solution to everything, and fucking over everybody in the city.
>he thinks he can play a futa
Lmao. You can play as man with woman voice. That's it.
>he thinks there's going to be boob slider
lmao enjoy your default flabby teats
>CDPR tries to be “inclusive”
>Realize the sheer number of “””””genders””””” is ridiculous and degenerate
>Take away gender entirely and instead just go by body and voice
Pretty good way of handling this desu.
4D chess fellow CDPedes,
I wish they'd put out a press release saying
>Just make your own fucking game with your own money then you fucking niggers
>Just kidding, you'd never pull that off, you'd just termite your way into a company like ours to try and control it from within
>It'd be better if you just all killed yourselves right fucking now in a brutally painful way to do the whole wide world a giant fucking favor for once.
we cant have those in a videogame
Orange man is indeed bad!
This thread will be relatively fun and then mods will nuke it
>Tits - Dick
non sequitur isn't an argument, zoomy
>butthurt conserva-fag upset that the future is even more "degenerate" because conserva-fags always lose the culture war.
I don't even like trannys, I just hate conservatives more.
It's likely you hate yourself above all else.
Conservatives are basic bitches, this guy is clearly a white supremacist or some form of fascist
When I want to be a guy I want to be a real guy. When I want to be a girl (that is a lesbian) I want to be a girl.
I don't want to be a vague hermaphroditic mash-up that gets treated ambiguously gender neutral in ever interaction I have, thus making gender a purely cosmetic thing akin to hair color.
> Tits - Dick - Pussy
> No Tits - Dick - Pussy
Now every tranny is latching on this series saying shit like "It's the future gender doesn't exist anymore and everyone will be trans on some level". I know they're mentally ill but are they aware that they barely make up a percentage of the world population? And outside their little circle jerk bubble of social media most people treat them with indifference and disgust?
Who cares? Deus Ex was peak CyberPunk, everything else wishes they could be it.
Number one: That's terror.
Number two: _________ ____ _____That's terror.
They don't care, it is practically illegal to question them. Recently some trannies got into a fight at a bar and got kicked out of the bar. They started bitching that it was discriminatory and the bar gave them all the profits that bar collected for the whole week to get them to leave them alone. It's all a big grift, a way for them to bully polite society.
>Now every tranny is latching on this series saying shit like "It's the future gender doesn't exist anymore and everyone will be trans on some level".
WILL BE? "gender doesn't exist and everyone is trans on some level" is something that they're saying right now.
>twitter trannies can't cry about gender if we say there's no gender, despite leaving all the usual visual gender options intact
400 IQ move desu
works for me if it means i can make better tomgirls now
It's amazing and creepy the /pol/ autismo
i'd like to believe this is based but /pol/ really do be like that these days.
Why are lefties so ignorant?
If you make the options genderless as default then you aren't trying to please everyone, you are ignoring the majority to pander to the minority already.
It's not though, because the bottom one demands you accept that gender is fluid when almost everyone does not.
It's the equivalent of HOW MANY LIGHTS DO YOU SEE!
That scares me.
But it's the degenerate dystopian future where every autist has modified their body to some extent. It's basically the leftie utopia so it makes sense that gender isn't even a thing anymore.
>there are people out there who won't play an absolute slut female V
oh great it's one of THESE threads again
are these created and curated by the mods?
>all these cdpr shills saying that its okay because cyberpunk world is degenerate
Hahahahahahah who the fuck are you trying to convince that developers will show tranny shit in a bad light, are you fucking retarded for real? They would commit PR suicide by doing it
I'm christian, it makes me feel highly uncomfortable.
>the game may look like GTA V but fear not we put a bunch of resources into making trannt characters
>choose female character
>unlock augments and upgrade her to horsecock futa
i'm like 90% sure it's the mods running these threads to get paid for advertisement
an actual funny, poignant meme gets filtered out
but any time a new game comes we get ten thousand threads a day basically forcing people to argue in favor of it
this is just marketing
+1 sheckle has been depositedi nto your jannie bux account
Not that simple. One thing is for something to exist within a dystopian setting and another for it to be part of the dystopia. Gender mental illness may have been presented as dystopian in past works but all points to it being just "a thing" in this setting, if not a positive.
That's all fine and dandy but can I make a sissy femboy or not?
yes, BBC loving sissies are the only kind of gay people that /pol/ approves of
Can we just ban cyberpunk threads until the gameplay stream? Lets be honest here, these threads are nothing but /pol/ shitflinging.
you are not cute
That Haruhi cosplay girl is 100% female, she used to get posted on /jp/ years ago when that story broke.
This, unironically, would be a cool setting for a game.
/pol/ is here to stay you fuck off libtard.
/pol/nigger here
Cyberpunk is literally about a shithole future where the Jews win.
Why the fuck is anyone mad?
if what was possible in cyberpunk 2077 were real anyway you know you'd even be running into shit like people with lifelike furry augsuits and enhancements. Complaining that there's girls with penises is stupid.
>wed like to make a product appealing to as many customers as possible
People here think every ugly girl is trans now, their radar is fucked up beyond repair at this point. People were even saying the hit or miss girl was trans.
Man trannies are literally the ugliest fucking creatures in the universe.
A fucking Tapir is more tolerable to the eye than these sorry fucking aspies.
Honestly, I'm sad that they're trying to virtue signal, but technologically it really is a step up; one base model you can mold as you please should be a lot more efficient vs two base models with limits in place that requires more time and resources that could go elsewhere. If people want to play some lady with an hourglass figure and a mountain man beard, well, that's on them I guess.
This is what you get when you replace your creative director with a non binary freebleeding hamplanet.
Well I would be perfectly fine with your section opinion if it wasn't being pushed like the normal liberal bullshit developers pull.
That's called androgyny and it was around long before being trans was considered a thing
You mean those pigs with trumpets? They are cute as fuck
Right side of history user. Everything is fine and dandy AS LONG AS YOU MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE ^_^
Mate that's literally canon in cyberpunk
>Remember the days when I trapped and had fun, I wasn't some transgender freak, I just enjoyed wearing girl stuffs and look whorish
>Now it's something taken serious and all the ugly freaks that don't even look girlish or sexy are doing it to be "accepted"
I seriously blame Obama
>not saving your virginity to Jackie
>we added more options for example removing options
>having a gender in 2077
>missing the entire point of CP
Cut your hand, replace it with a prostetic one and have sex with it.
>remove 2 options
>add a lot more
People getting mad at this are brainlets.
>add a lot more
It's amazing how degenerates can take something mentioned in passing and focus on it so intently. It really is a mental illness
Even if you like or dislike gender bullshit, it makes sense that the setting lets you swap out your genitals just like your arms or jaw like we've seen previously. The bodies in this game are modular so you can slap a big fat dick on a midget or turn that midget into a snu-snu having amazonian, seems alright to me.
don't lie Yea Forums, you'd get cat implants/a real gender surgery with natural boobs and vagina and a functioning womb if you could
i know i would
>it makes sense that the setting lets you swap out your genitals
Unless it comes up in the story it is hollow pandering and nothing more.
Include mod support and you won't have to worry about this.
>loool no, your days with the redkit are over, you want mods? Have this shitty tool that can only do texture replacers.
CDPR has become like Rockstar, used to support mods early on pre GTA 4 but then didn't.
Kill yourself motherfucker. It feels god damn good to be a guy.
Gay fuck
Yes it does equal gay. If you are a guy and
The thing your Fucking has a dick it's gay
>CDPR has become like Rockstar
You know what's funny? They've said that's their goal many times.
>deshonra a la familia
Stop jerking off, really bro.
There won't be an ass slider, i'm 100% sure
They're not adding anything, they're removing "male/female" and just let you imagine you are whatever the fuck you want to be.
Blame Universites they where the place that spread the infection the worst it could have ended in 2014 but Universities didn't want to be "problematic"
Blame marxism. It's been used to tear apart and subjugate nation's for over 100 years now.
Robot bunny girl gang when and I mean real bunny girl not the casino outfits although those are hot too
wtf are you even talking about? they just removed some text
Seize the means of reproduction! Real communism means pregnant girls (penis)!
/pol trying to shove down their agenda through our throat
We don't give a fuck about gender we just want to play good games
Go jerk off somewhere else
>muh pol boogyman
Fuck off snoyboy
Based user realizing that the entire point of cyberpunk is showing how degeneracy and technology is leading us to the help shown in 2077
How are you supposed to ignore game developers being blatantly political? If CDPR's next game had you kill racemixers and homosexuals would you still be telling people to hold their thoughts?
Really? You're here now?
Go kill yourself
you can play a fucking trap ???
Oh well. I was tired of open world games anyway.
And my 2011 PC probably won't be able to run it, and playing a first person game on the PS4 is a no go.
Many problems here.
1- they are explicitly moving away from cyberpunk as a theme, for example removing that from the game's official description on twitter to say it's an adventure game instead.
2- they are presenting these concepts to the media as a good thing that people should like and accept, therefore it's very unlikely the game will paint a bleak picture of the concepts (see 1).
These are the main issues, but aren't the only ones.
Uh excuse me, tapirs are cute. Ever see a baby tapir? They look like watermelons.
it is part of the larger game world user, there is giant advertising showing chicks with dicks. and plus, unlike games like Mass Effect Andromeda, it fits with the larger theme of the game of people overtly augmenting themselves because they feel inadequate
Don't you get it? They only exist to destroy, that's why self mutilation has become normalized. Even if they are "gamers" their nature always precedes their character and they destroy.
I'm pretty sure if it was the other side of the coin you'd be up in arms about Nazis.
>it means a pure utopian white world
Literally not a single cyberpunk setting features a utopia as its main setting. They are dystopian by definition.
It's a shame all the hippies became science fiction writers.
Yeah but its not like you cannot choose a gender. Its just semantics. A gender is still an option but now is a body type. Fuck you op, always a faggot
1. They did no such thing as removing cyberpunk from twitter, they removed RPG from the twitter. And also said it is very much still an RPG game.
2. Corporations painting bad things as good is still very much in line with cyberpunk, you're just being retarded.
Man you guys have no argument besides semantics, do you?
You are being deliberately obtuse and arguing in bad faith. CDPR is a real-world company, it is not a fictional company in cyberpunk 2077. The comments they make are on a real-world scale, not within the confines of a game. But you already knew that.
>Welcome to the official Twitter account of Cyberpunk 2077 — an open-world, action-adventure story developed by @CDPROJEKTRED #Cyberpunk2077
Where does it say it's a dystopian future or cyberpunk-themed game? Nowhere, because they removed it.
This is in line with recent screens from the game where the vibe is no longer cyberpunk at all.
Unless these augs are expensive as fuck in the setting whats stopping every man from looking like a square jawed Chad with massive muscles and a big thick bulge?
They're supposed to be insanely expensive and unaffordable. Also you can't customize your appearance beyond human so really this is just them virtue signaling in the lowest possible caliber
no i wouldn't. Actually i want a game in which you play as a nazi trying to take over the party from Hitler, or maybe a game set in a reality in which the nazi's survived to modern times by fighting with the allied powers against the soviet union
fuck trannies holy fuck. I don't know what the fuck is going on with those polish fucks or what they're trying to do with this insane marketing approach where they're fucking alienating 99% OF THEIR FUCKING CUSTOMER BASE just so they can pander to some loud-mouth faggot retards.
>muh gender
they still have only male and female voicelines recorded, people will still call you either HE or SHE, there's no way they're spending fucking development funds on re-recording lines so you can have THEY or XIR or whatever the fuck these retards want, so at the end of the day, when the game launches you'll still have these assholes triggered because an NPC called their player character SHE or HE. fucking hell I just want a developer to come out and say: it's ok if you hate it, the game is not for you, don't play it. or simply FUCK OFF TRANNIES
Anything other than cishet + cishet is gay
Even if trannies weren't a thing, you'd basically have to be a retard to think with the level of casual augmentation that goes on in the setting that there wouldn't be dudes with tits or every flavor of heshe running around in the center of the cities.
The punk part of cyberpunk is indicative that it includes subversive things. It doesn't say it's "good" or "bad" just like anything subversive isn't inherently good or bad.
Because even if they were cheap, not everyone wants to look like a Tom of Finland drawing. Also augs aren't perfect on demand gene splicing, it can only be additive of or modifying what's already there. Trying to give yourself aug muscles is probably closer to synthol freaks.
Augs in 2077 are expensive unless they are black market (shitty), yet the society is in which if you don't have an aug then you are left behind.
you mean American degeneracy
>we now give you so many more options
>you don't choose your gender anymore
Also, they removed the different childhood heroes. There's only fewer options
It fitting in the setting has nothing to do with a non canon character creation menu
That doesn't mean they would like to be genderneutral. It just means the concept of gender is deeper than genitals-deep, which is a much nicer concept anyway even if you want to be a tranny-pushing SJW retard. The real reason they don't do that is because they're hacks, just like any other sjw.
i dont get it
why put stuff that only aims to 1% of population if more than half of the rest is going to hate it?
is american industry this retarded?
Well guess what? That will never happen because the industry is incredibly biased and is growing increasingly so. So forgive me if I let my thoughts known on developers pandering to mentally ill people.
Or it's indicative that in general society nobody gives a flying fuck what you identify as.
Do you even know what Marxism is? Most of "American degeneracy" is fueled by it. Same as Europe.
They're polish
if biological accuracy is not that important to the game, why not also let us decide the amount of arms or legs of the character?
I doubt 99% of people are going to care.
Cool. Gonna play as chick with chrome skin, fat tats, an extra thick cock, a second mouth for downing hallucinogens twice as fast, and a doctor girlfriend voice.
do you even know that frankfurt school and western marxism was funded by CIA?
whole worker and red movements were subverted on west and used to divide and rule general population
>Spending all this time developing bullshit to appease blue hair trannies and cucktaku.
Yeah this game will be a pile of dogshit lmao
they got westernized
before they were slav company now they have plenty of westcucks in ranks and are ruled by suits
and suits are always the same
Useful idiots user. Let's them die with a smile in their face and a hole in their groin.
In that case people would pseudo-randomly choose a pronoun to address someone (which might be different of what others in the same conversation choose) and nobody would care. Again, it wouldn't be genderneutral. Genderneutral explicitly means you think it's such an important issue you don't care about the structure of the very language you speak or speech harmony.
no it will just be disappointingly mediocre simply because it is a AAA game released in an era where AAA games are on a schedule, which retards will rate 10/10.
lmao i feel like all trannies see themselves as this kawaii litle anime girl when in reality they're fucking monstrosities; a perversion of the female (and male) form. its hilarious. no matter what people say to your face EVERYONE finds you disgusting. they're cringing internally, i assure you. people just have to pretend to be nice because it'll ruin their lives if they're not. this isn't even a pol (i know i'll be told to go back) opinion its a sane one.
I'll still pirate it but my expectations for this most over hyped game of all time are rock bottom.
Nobody said it's gender neutral, it's non-labeled gender. Also it's not hard to get around gendered pronouns, look at the stupid FL4AK stuff in BL3, it took people 5 games to realize robots have never been gendered in the Borderlands universe.
i am just tired of it
>but muh commies
fucking commies couldn't even defend their own governments from getting overthrown how they suppose subvert USA with Hollywood, agency and all this money?
it could be questionable 20 years ago and seen as red propaganda but now its pretty clear that USA and west is behind most of fucking degeneracy and race mixing
Are you clinically retarded? Claptrap was always a he. Even flak is still a he outside of English language.
>Claptrap was always a he
Literally never once referred to as male
>lesbian NPC
>make the most masculine guy ever
>make it a "girl"
>upload the romance and sex scenes to youtube to trigger snowflakes
How long would it last online
Because only obsessed Yea Forumsirgins (another 1%) care.
True, except throughout the entire fucking game in both voiced dialogues and written texts.
Nope, claptrap is referred to as "that robot" or some variation.
Nope, it's explicitly he in non-English languages and it is they in english.
Irrelevant and non-canon.
>not wanting to be the big dick gf
I mean easy way to avoid that is to make a lesbian avoid you if you look to much as a men. TITS does it.
why the fuck can't you just pick your character gender what the hell
Oops, misread that. That was for flak. Claptrap is still explicitly referred to with either it or he in existing material.
But that's transphobic
>*calls for magic car*
>autodrives on road to quest marker
>*cybernetic implant toucan sam vision activates*
>"Mhmm....giant blood stains all over the crotch....a tranny™, it's gotta be"
>"Come on, K.I.T.T."
>*follows augmented nose*
>guys in women™ costumes appear
>"Shit you stink" WUBWUBWUB *sets guys on fire and they stumble and dilate immediately, does a cinematic headshot and blows guy in half"
>"Mhmm....men™ pretending to be women™......better tell the district head about this"
>"Come on, K.I.T.T."
>*autodrives on road back to metropolis*
>"Just some trannies posing as women™, here's proof *shows wig*"
>10 eddies received
If you actually look into it the CIA and FBI are controlled by marxists. Just like the UN
I already have a dick. I don't feel like having tits would be additive. If there was some mod where I could swap out having a dick for a pussy but could swap back I'd try it.
you use the wrong words
globalist internationalist elite is the right one
John Brennan and Comey were both admitted communists, the directors of the FBI and CIA. But even they were puppets to the Obama administration if the newest information can be believed
>no worries, that will be possible
>we really want to make cybertranny inclusive, something everybody is comfortable with playing.
Well im no longer comfortable playing this
I mean that 1% is Yea Forums and Trans folk.
>to be destopian we have to pander to trannnys and let them decide what we add or take away from the game.
yea, nope
>classified non-white skin tones as “extra” skin tones
Oh sweaty
I wish I was a discord tranny so I could flood official forums and inboxes of developers to get them to bend to my will
Real question, if you go full cyborg, will your gender even matter to you? I mean, having an actual option to be neutral or something, would that be interesting?
I don't know how deep the customization is or how augmented you can be, but I guess that would make sense. Also, you better have a option to have a robotic voice.
As for being a tranny, they are literally just added a option to choose your voice despite your "body type" since they're not calling gender anymore, which is stupid af.
same retarded argument
they can have whatever the fuck they want in the game, tranny fags ALL FUCKING DAY LONG
Still doesnt change that CDPR added tranny customization only AFTER resetranny cried about it
caving in to crybabies to the point they are changing their game is the fucking problem you retarded fuckstcks
Why is that so god damn hard for you tards to fucking understand, its like you faggots are purposely ignoring this
They have already caved to tranny crying once, do you really fucking believe they are going to let you shoot or side against those degenerates in the game?
The following part of that paragraph states you pick voice and body type now, so two options instead of one. Retard faggot nigger.
Right weenies be like "muh degeneracy"
Left weenies be like "muh tranny misrepresentation"
Me like "muh delicious weenie"
Adding on to what you said, the script will be fundamentally broken in CDPR's native language if they go full "ZIR." Even ResetEra-tier retards openly admit this, and while I could totally see them going with the Ubisoft flavor "body type" in lieu of "gender," there's quite literally no way they could fully implement pronoun autism in Polish, or 95% of slav languages in general.
Damn, that's a cool poster.
The extreme majority of vocal "trans" are just AGP dudes who don't have gender dysphoria.
>if you go full cyborg
>he doesn't know
>cyberpunk vidya should be """comfortable"""
NO! Cyberpunk, like all *punk is meant to be masochism.
I think you can. You'll probably be able to browse a bunch of bodies and facial features and stuff and pick the obviously male ones and wa la you're a man.
They just left out the bit where it explicitly says "man" or "male," and probably have some ambiguous or androgynous bodies and features to choose from so that sjw people think it's a powerful important statement about gender identity when for most people it's really just a sci-fi gimmick.
This is pure speculation btw, I haven't seen anything of this game yet.
Of course they can't. They're just removing male and female from the character creation and shaking their dicks at us
>you think gender identity shit is socially degenerate, in which case it's perfect for a cyberpunk setting.
this, and is the best part about cyberpunk2077
these degenerate slaaneshi hedonists unironically do not recognise how their """""gender politics""""" are being co-opted by globalist authoritarians with the eventual aim of total human control through electronic integration
absolutely fucking gas desu
Yes. While they're at it why don't they put abortion and Islamic terrorism in the game as well
even in a cyberpunk future a persons sex is important.
>every time I read the news of the game I lose more and more bits of hope I didn't know I still had
>Real question, if you go full cyborg, will your gender even matter to you?
of course not, you long ago gave up your humanity and disregarded the base idea that the body is sacrosanct, which ironically, is the same idea of trannyism but just playing the long game
It's hilarious that they're passing off laziness for "inclusive". You're just a body user, everyone reacts exactly the same way regardless of what you look or sound like!
>Lost Planet 2 let you mix and match torsos with legs along with heads and masks
wtf I hate LP2 now
i preordered this game but im starting to worry, i now actively hate faggots, niggers, trannies, and any other special interest group that isnt white. and i dont give a shit if it makes me a rascist homophobe, im sick of fucking hearing about this shit in my games. im a straight white male i want prett women (not lolis), 2 sexes, white male protagonist like me. and if thats not a reasonable request put that on your games cover 'racists not welcome' inclusive multigenders only' 'trans friendly gaymers only' and i wont but it.
i didnt used to give a shit about any of this because yes industries catered to my demographic. so are they still? cause i have other hobbies and wont give two fucks if every dev on ewrth becomes homeless because i stop buying games.
>he thinks that matters when the body is no longer sacrosanct
exactly as intended :^)
just wait for the OH WOW EPIC COOLNESS of body mods
>Islamic terrorism
id just call it islam desu - its a goatfuck religion created by a pedo warlord from the 3rd century
Pretty mediocre pasta
You can't go full cyborg anyway because it will mess up the cutscenes. There will probably be less visual representation of augments than Deus ex.
Exactly, so why should it matter if this future is degenerate? I also want satanic baby raping rituals and human trafficking.
>full cyborg
what exactly does that mean ?
id say there will probably be pre-defined cosmetic mods that will have an impact (ala witcher3 hair / beard / armour etc), but most will just be behind the scene
ah, so no consequences for choices made in character creation either.
>Exactly, so why should it matter if this future is degenerate?
if youre going to die anyway, why even live now ? :^)
nice meme response though - i suppose the race to the bottom of the barrel is a thrill to you ?
>I also want satanic baby raping rituals and human trafficking
youre just not powerful enough to do it, but a brutality form will probably come to you slaves eventually
ill probably be dead in the luddite war
You know, like having a metal face with lenses instead of eyes? Having four arms or one that was just a weapon. Or hell, having no head at all
thats just cyborg senpai - youre implying that "full" means youre just a machine
I also would like to be able to fuck little boys and make them my slaves that I can also kill or sell into slavery.
you dont choose your gender, you socially construct it
They should make a gender slider where you can literally see the dick retracting out, or falling into and turning into pussy hole when you pass the 0 point between male and female sex.
who cares?
can I still cute waifus?
is it really a robust character creation or just a couple of preset sliders to mix and match no more than a few prebaked options?
if the latter, bad.
Are you retarded? I don't want to argue semantics with you, shoo
Kek. And if you go too far it starts coming out your ass
He deserved better...
wrapping error
of course you do you slaaneshi degenerate - unfortunately for you (thankfully) you will not get to live those dreams, but will more than likely be a mindslave stuck in their simulation
For real it would be a great feature tho. I can just picture as the balls retreat inside and become ovaries, while the penis head becomes the clitoris.
nigger tier iq
back to school with you
No I'm on the official forums right now and we had a vote. Cdpr has to add in fuckable little boys or we will boycott the game.
>is a faggot sodomite
>is a pedo
still amazed that this connection has been downplayed, but then again it is the aim!
I'm perfectly fine with 2077 being "Inclusive" However I'm NOT okay at all with them trying to make it "Comfortable" for everyone. That's F'n BS.
>reeee they can't do that only we can do that reeeeee
What you didn't know? I signed up for the tranny reading club so I could watch boys make their poopy. I've already been in prison so I'd like it if cdpr would just get with the times and let me fuck kids in the game
>anglos with their gender pronouns again
>What you didn't know?
>still amazed that this connection has been downplayed, but then again it is the aim!
read you dumb nigger
You're just mad because you are repressing your desire to fuck underage butthole.
thats some projection!
So, what, you choose between George and Elaine? Because that's who is in the OP.
I hate this idea that everyone deserves to be pleased and catered to. Why can't we have some things that are meant for a specific audience? Quality is dragged down when a product is spread too thin. I guess this is OK for some things but not for things that are perceived as being for straight white males.
This culture fucking sucks. Everything was better 20 years ago. Fact.
Because nu-marxism is about bloodletting your privileged culture to prop up the most disturbed minorities. For EQUALITY user
>Says the faggot that likes 18+ pussy
>Everything was better 20 years ago. Fact.
Literally false. Today is better than any day in human history. Tomorrow will be even better.
Yeah, what with endless war, death and famine. We've totally ascended past our once primative ways. Somebody cut my dick off quickly!
agreed. one day closer to death.
That's because convervacucks and white supremacist are uncreative and haven't a single imaginative bone in their body.
They can't write interesting songs, or stories, they don't know what good direction is with film and tv, naturally the most creative are liberal people.
I don't speak genocide. What does this say?
Let's just ignore the nepotism and the fact that 90% of people in the industry are hardcore leftists
>perfect for the cyberpunk setting
literally EVERY NPC shown so far uses "cis gender" terms when referring to each other.
sociology here
that's not nu-marxism.
that shit is all on anthropology fags
marxism is just the evil your tiny brain could think of. Please stop using in such a wrongful manner. It's funny because it's a very broad and all encompassing term and you still managed to fall outside its domain. Stop being a brainlet please. Study more. SJWism or some other sort of more recent neologism (buzzword (for you)) would be far more appropriate for whatever nonsense you're trying to argue in favor of.
I'm going to assume you choose shit like your chromosomes and genitals instead, with complete freedom of facial and bodily features.
More choice, less bullshitting.
It will be possible to play as a male, don't worry.
epic falseflag
Lack of sex choice makes me uncomfortable and I feel excluded. Good job CDPR. Not even worth a pirate
Oh look. The pseud dropped by to say "nuh uh". Cultural Marxism is the cause of all this bullshit and nothing you can say can change that faggot.
>it was just a joke!
for the effort
got yourself another (you) at least
Still waiting for your oh so educated explanation.
How has Twitterfags reacted to this. Do they still hate cdpr
>think gender identity shit is socially degenerate, in which case it's perfect for a cyberpunk setting.
Where did this meme come from? Cyberpunk never was about social degeneracy. "low life" refers to extremely low standards of living. Look how little degeneracy actually was shown in the most acclaimed and classic cyberpunk pieces,such as Blade Runner or Deus Ex. Just a few (less than 10) prostitutes total in each, maybe a pimp, someone maybe used a drug once. There were some people with colored hair too.
Jesus Christ how degenerate, literally people fucking dogs and vomiting on children in the streets
It's just shitposters damage controlling
you are online.
don't wait on anyone.
Everything is one key word away from you. All you need is one small drop of motivation. Why don't you prove me wrong instead, there's a very easy counter-point against what I was saying using linguistics, it's kinda of a cheap one though.
Oh you're just a shitposter. Look up intersectionalism
>Oh you're just a shitposter.
that I am indeed.
>CDPR figured out how to appease the whiny soi-crowd while only having a male and female option
Exactly this, they found the only win/win option in this shithole SJW war
Based Europe win again against americucks
You keep coping but it keeps not working like that. I'm not sure why you keep saying that. The game CAN both be a fucking degenerate shithole and completely and utterly endorse gender identity and "freedumb". Which is exactly how it is, both in this videogame and the pen and paper. Transgenderism, faggotry, degeneracy are ALL endorsed in this series.
>Oppression, racism, sexism, homophobia, ageism, anti semitism, ableism, and transphobia all come from the same source
>We must remove white men from positions of power to save our society
Nani the fuck
yes. they refer to your pronoun based on the voice type you select i think.
I thought it was obvious that everyone was just going to call you V all game?
kek what a fantasy, men still wouldn't be able to deliver children because men's bones aren't flexible enough to handle the strain of delivery, and oh you'd have to replace your spin as well since the center of gravity needs to be shifted, or youll fall over all the time and damage the infant inside.
if that's the case then this is even less of an issue to begin with since it was never going to matter anyway.
>he's a wingfag
Bending to suicidally depressive forum warriors isn't an issue?
if i wasn't going to get called "he or she" in the first place then who gives a shit that "male/ female" has been replace with "body type" in the character creation screen of a video game.
>displaying violence against women in video games isn't an issue?
you sound like Sarkeesian
When did I say that?
Yeah that's great, but you had no idea about it until I told you.
Remember when Obsidian pandered to only trannies on their forum and stretched themselves thin to meet their demands and delivered a stillborn game that flopped? Remember how it was so bad they had to sell themselves to Microsoft to make sure Outer World's would launch without a problem?
>Starship Troopers
you're implying that there is something inherently wrong with adding the possibility of gender ambiguity/ neutrality to a game, as if it will have some kind of negative impact on the real world. Its the same argument Sarkeesian made when she pointed out female NPCs being killed in video games.
And it doesn't matter that you pointed it out to me. If the game was scripted since the beginning to primarily refer to the PC as V and not he or she, then nothing besides some text in the character creation menu has changed. I'm basically getting the same product, regardless of what I expected, with regards to how my character is addressed in game.
except the only thing CDPR has done is change some text in the character creation menu and give you the option to select what voice you use, which is something they said they were doing like two weeks ago.
>"Xe! Xe! Xe!"
>"Shim! Shim! Shim!"
Heinlein was a libertarian and anti-communist. He was was a self described anarchist however and his main followers were hippies.
Doing something to benefit nutjobs isnt something you can talk your way out of. No matter how minute.
lmao, sure, i bet the trannies will really get a leg up in the world because some text was changed in one menu in a video game.
Slippery slope user. The requests to obsidian started innocuous enough
>Dumb the game down
>Less reading
>Too difficult
Quickly turned into
>Remove these characters because they hurt my feelings
>Remove this because I don't understand it
>Do a full voiceover when there's on a few months left
>Make the game open world
>We need romances
>We need gay romances
>We need you to turn straight characters gay so we can fuck them
>We need to be able to fuck our crew
>Put a horny Muslim hillbilly in the game
>Put backer only content in the game
>Put more VO in the game
>Put more characters in the game
>Put a horny talking sword in the game
>put a vampire loli in the game!
>Put a naked furry Loli in the game!
I don't need to tell you how that turned out
Show me where it actually says you can’t choose a gender please.
Just gook it "you don't choose your gender anymore. You don't choose, you now choose a body type. Because we want you to feel free"
Show me
>You don’t choose your gender anymore. You don’t choose, "I want to be a female or male character" you now choose a body type.
very cute
>You can mix and match, connect them any way you want, however you feel.
At least they make it sound like you're playing with Barbies and putting a dress in a man
Their creative director is a bulldyke feminist. They'd sooner put rape in the game
Why would you bend the knee to a lobby that represents less than 0.01% of your customers and society in general, at the cost of alienating at least 10% who will get angry about it
It's so bizarre
your average magapede isn't concerned with such trifles as why
they are screaming after their next dopamine hit, they need another internet argument to win
At the end they're left breathless, sweaty, panting, clutching their chest. It's been achieved, Nirvana.
That's one of the art directors, not the creative director you mong.
based truthposter
but (((they))) will get mad at your post
>punk anything
>pure white utopian world
based retards
Anything that makes Yea Forums mad I support. Can't wait to buy this game on any digital storefront not named Steam.
You can't please everyone.
Whites invented punk.
Blacks were in proto punk scene back in the 70s.
You have literally no idea what you're talking about.
This pleases about 1% of people, and angers about 50%, the other 49% being npc's who "don't care".
That's just history, retard.
Pivot to talking points and begone /pol/yp.
>can more easily make traps and tomboys
Literally what is the issue?
Good marketing tactics if you think otherwise you're a dumb ass. Faggots will buy it because "OMG THEY NOTICE US." For the sake of that only. I have many gay friends and I swear to god that's how it is. I just lowkey keep to myself.
>in a western game
user you're getting trannies and brick faced butch dykes.
>I have many gay friends
>I have many friends
>I have friends
Sure buddy.
Ah, I see western developers prefer realism.
They already infected you with the gay
If this was an American game, I'd agree. But these slavs seem to know what they're doing.
I find no problem with this as long as I like it and find it enjoyable.
So? Who gives two shits. Just go roll a character that's a crusader who slays degenerates for a living. That's what role-playing is about in a role-playing game.
Fucking cunts
Poles are wannabe westerners. And we're yet to see a single cute girl in CP2077. Far cry from the pretty women of Witcher 3.
It's still the same as choosing gender. This is just to make the stupid people (game journalists) happy.
threads like these, what oyu gotta know is that OP isn't being genuine, he probably doesn't actually have a position on the issue presented
you see OP just wants (you)s
OP is the equivalent of clickbait vidya journalism
She was made the creative director
you tell the retards, my friend
bet they don't even know the difference between vaporwave and cyberpunk since they're uninformed zoomers
naw you see Cyberpunk is Blade Runner and Chillwave/Hiphop Beats to Study To on Youtube
Punk started in the UK and Australia you stupid nigger.
But why? It's not like lefities just get selected?
It just that these people with more liberal mind of thought where the type to even consider video game development as a career 10-15 years ago, they are the ones who went into this filled.
replublicucks shunned the medium,
>Lefties don't subconsciously choose other lefties for positions of power
Did you know 97% of all history teachers are Democrat?
>they're adding trannies, faggots and niggers just to play 4D chess with the twitter trannoids!
>they're making all women look like goblins only to ironically pander to oversensitive roasts!
>they are only pretending to be pozzed, they're actually secretly redpilled!
user. Come on. At one point the (imaginary) reasons for these actions stop mattering. Because in the end your game ends up being filled with shit anyway.
In a future where you can vae a literal horsecock mod, a lizxard tail, a platypus mouth, cat ears, and goat eyes, gender is fucking nothing, you're actually an Exotic, otherwise you're a he OR a she, literally that is fucking it. They them they're always means multiple people, NEVER a single person or entity, it and it's is more proper, and accurate.
>They them they're always means multiple people, NEVER a single person or entity, it and it's is more proper, and accurate.
Linguistic prescriptivist nonsense. Singular "they" has been used for literal centuries.
Always within context, never in second person.
>never in second person
Do you even know what you're saying?
That sentence is an example of a second person perspective, directly addressing another person by saying "you". Where the hell would a "they" enter into it anyway? He/She/They are third person.
>we want to make this inclusive
this isn't made by Polish devs, is it
So when you're talking to somebody you often refer to them as "they" instead of "you"?
That's a completely nonsensical question. In what way does that apply to the situation at hand?
They got castrated.
So when you're talking to somebody you often refer to them as "he" or "she" instead of "you"?
It shows that referring to somebody as they in second person makes no sense and violates the English language. Faggots like you who try and subvert should be hung from lamp posts.
this doesn't sound like CDPR at all.
outsourced game?
>It shows that referring to somebody as they in second person makes no sense and violates the English language.
Who the fuck is trying to use it in the second person? Are you retarded?
Apparently it's all the rage on twitter
But that's exactly what they want you to do in case you misgender someone
No, you fucking moron, at no point would you ever use "they" as a second person pronoun. It's a third person pronoun.
You're still referring to somebody as they to their face.
No, you're referring to them as "they" when speaking about them to another person. That's what makes it third person, there needs to be at least three people involved, the speaker, the person being spoken to, and the person being spoken about.
Yeah that's to their face you stupid asshole.
Not really, no. You can have a conversation where you describe someone while they're on the other side of the planet.
Are you unironically ESL or you just had American public school education?
Why are conservatives obsessed with dicks?
No shit. But if you try to have a conversation with three people and one has "personal pronouns" you will be using them more often than not incorrectly. They is not used today as a singular pronoun. If you refer to somebody as they and they're standing right beside you there might be something wrong with you. It's like referring to yourself in third person.
>MFW I already cancelled my preorder yesterday
when I learned the world was going to be smaller that was it for me.
>They is not used today as a singular pronoun.
And now we're back to
>Linguistic prescriptivist nonsense
It doesn't matter if you approve of it or not. Singular "they" took off around the 14th century and opposition to it really only kicked up around the 19th century. Pretending you can be the arbitrator of what's correct when things that have been established for hundreds of years fall in and out of favor is ridiculous. It absolutely is used today and you're in denial to say otherwise.
Then I'm going to start signing all my checks The Honorable user. And demand people refer to me as His Excellency.
Sure. If you can get enough people to do it, then it'll be a recognizable linguistic convention. Until then, your excellency, kindly fuck off.
Trannies should be in the game but they should be a commentary on degeneracy and plastic surgery.
If you don't do it I'll sue you faggot.
You've given up entirely on trying to argue a point, haven't you?
What? That ancient language is being used to somehow try and force people to talk differently? My personal pronoun is heora.
Languages change constantly, user. Usage is the only thing that matters in the end.
Not when the only reason for this change is because some gaping axe wound doesn't want to have to scream "IT'S MA'AM" at the top of its lungs and become a meme
This looks like a crop. Is this a crop?
Yes, regardless of the reason. As long as it's being done, it's part of the language.
>Positions of powers
lmao holy shit you're cringe, altright cucks don't go into creative filled because they lack talent and creativity, and the republicucks last genernation are the same but worse, sorry
pondsmith was ahead of his time. he coulda called it cyberpunk 2019 and still been right on
So like I said. I'm going to start making my own contributions. My dick henceforth shall be known as xylophone. There, put that one in your little dictionary
How is history a creative field?
Making entertainment media is.
Why reply to a post out of context when the context proves you wrong.
Remember, I already said it's all about usage. As soon as you can convince enough people to say it, it'll become a linguistic convention. Until then, your excellency can suck your own xylophone.
im pretty much done with cyberpunk 2077 at this point. theyre not getting my money.
But my discord server already does and that's like 15 people. One of them even wrote a paper on xylophone (my dick).
I can't imagine it's a very good paper if it was written in less than 9 minutes.
Turns out the extreme minority that queers are will be the norm in less then 60 years. What a faggot.
Doesn't have to be. It's being used, therefore it's part of the language. Every time we kill a bad guy we also hold our tongues and say "apple" but what really comes out is "asshole". So you should probably jot that one down too
You're rambling at this point.
>mom I don’t want that game any more
I'm proving you wrong and rubbing your stupid nigger nose in it.
But....... i can create a futa????
Thank god. After Voidpoint reversed their decision I was worried that I wouldn't have any pointless culture war shit to cry about for a while.
No, you're throwing a tantrum because you've been repeatedly refuted and have given up trying to articulate an argument. Hell, you started this conversation insisting people wanted to use "they" as a second person pronoun. Against all evidence, I don't believe you're stupid enough that you still don't understand how usage defines language, so all this just comes across as whining.
But saying a word even incorrectly makes it part of the language to you. So I can call you a traffic cone and now it's a part of the English language.
Back to /pol/
I know its disgusting
go dilate, fucking freak
male or female, humanity would not exist without the 2 and only genders.
>what if I wanna be a guy
yeah what if I wanna be a trans person
great to see how many ppl finally get to feel like what trans ppl feel every time they look for an option for their gender
>its pandering if its the trans ppl that get what they want
well now it would be pandering to your loser ass if they would put in a male gender wouldnt it kiddo
Fuck me, every time I turn around cd project red one up themselves, cant wait for this game.
>great to see how many ppl finally get to feel like
I'm feeling suicidal already
haven't really been keeping up with this game, and I don't feel like reading this whole bait thread, can you still make a normal dude?
I think it's body type actually
Define normal
>what if I wanna be a trans person
you mean dead via suicide in 5 years?
Go fuck yourself. Preferably off a tall bridge.
simple answer, yes
long one, yes but you cant pick pronouns
Problems came in when they started hiring Americans and opened a LA office. Californians ruin everything
You're ignoring the fact that all this tranny shit was the creative director's idea. (SHES POLISH)
>But saying a word even incorrectly makes it part of the language to you.
With enough usage, sure. Let's examine a word where that already happened quite a long time ago.
Consider the word "awful". It's the sort of thing you might say if someone told you their dog died of kidney failure. Around roughly the 1300s, if you were to call something like that "awful", you'd be met with confusion. Awful's original meaning is fairly easy to grasp just from the word itself, it clearly being rooted in the word "awe", it was meant to be used to describe something that strikes you with awe.
It's not an arbitrary process where one person can declare it and it becomes so, linguistics is about describing the conventions that people use in language. You can have words that have a ubiquitous or near ubiquitous understanding, words that are commonly used but may have multiple interpretations, or niche usages that rarely come up. It's all about to what level you can say something and reasonably expect the other person to understand what you mean.
found the problem.
Poland is based but women are women.
Ok. If .1% of the population of English speakers uses a word incorrectly it becomes correct in that context. Great. I'm glad you could enlighten me on how the English language doesn't matter and is completely made up
>the English language doesn't matter and is completely made up
Now you're getting it.
What I get us you're a nihilist piece of shit and think that makes you better than other people. Small wonder what you're doing defending trannies on Yea Forums
No, moron, I'm just explaining how linguistics work.
And rubbing your retarded "god is dead" reddit philosophy all over it. Pathetic fuck. I bet you'd make a nice sound having your throat crushed.
Do you think God invented the English language or something? That it's sacrosanct and not only has never changed, but can never be changed? God has nothing to do with it.
>My philosophy has nothing to do with why I'm such an irritable prick
Stage one, denial
And you've just been such a peach.
I'm not the depressive that thinks nothing matters and try to make other people think that way too. Did you drop out of high school?
>I'm not the depressive that thinks nothing matters and try to make other people think that way too.
All I've done is explain how linguistics work.
>Did you drop out of high school?
Of course not, since I know the difference between a second and third person pronoun. Did you even make it to high school?
Whatever faggot. I'm glad you think personal opinion trump's reality. I'm sure that will get you real far in life.
Who gives a shit? Pre ordered.