Steam’s current business model is “unrealistic,” says Ubisoft

>Epic, unlike Steam, takes only a 12% cut of game revenue, which leaves 88% to developers/publishers, as opposed to Steam’s 70%. The 70-30 split, for what it’s worth, is very common in the digital space, employed by PlayStation, Xbox, Apple, Google and many other digital stores.

>Ubisoft’s vice president for partnerships and revenue, Chris Early, told The New York Times that Valve’s cut is no longer realistic.

>“It’s unrealistic, the current business model that they have,” Early said of Valve. “It doesn’t reflect where the world is today in terms of game distribution.”

>Although Ubisoft is happy to keep its games away from Steam to exert pressure, the publisher’s endgame is ultimately driving traffic to its Uplay store, where it doesn’t have to pay a cut.

Tick tock, Steamies

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Other urls found in this thread:

bait. also steam at least has something they can justify taking 30% for, unlike Epic

>it worked since its creation and when other platforms were created
>EGS who has no good games somehow threatens it
EGS drones delusional as usual

lmao ubisoft

why do they keep attacking steam and yet steam absolutely does nothing at all? I don't know if its arrogance or indifference

>It's unrealistic for a distributor to put customers first. If they aren't complicit in milking every last penny from the dumb goyim and funneling that money into our pockets, their business model should change to better suit us.

>company that has to give a bunch of money to steam says that they should get to give less money to steam
wow what a shocker

>"It doesn't reflect where the world is today in terms of game distribution."

Tell me Yea Forums. Where IS the world now in terms of game distribution? Stadia streaming garbage and subscription passes?

Probably the former as consequence of the latter. They know that they're not going under any time soon. In any case, it's not like Epic Store is actually competitive with steam in any way- certainly not competitive in a way that benefits the consumer. I think Epic is highly overestimating the amount of people that want to buy games backed with the Chinese fortnite dollars.

Into the trash it goes

>make your own distribution platform
>still sell all your titles on the competitors storefronts

sack ree blue

Yes. The future is an ownership-less, subscription based service.

>losing side keeps shittalking
>"why don't steam do anything?"
Why would they?

The only thing keeping Steam valuable is the sales because people are stupid and end up wasting money on games they never end up playing because they think they saved $25 for buying a $30 game for $5. When in reality they just lost $5, but "gamers" aren't the most intelligent people so that's fine.

Other than that Valve has been ruining Steam for a while. I don't know why anyone finds it acceptable that Valve found a way to monetize your Steam profile, but unsurprisingly these neckbeards spent a bunch of money level up their account just to make themselves seem valuable. Y'know since they're losers in reality. Really? You have to PAY to be able to add more friends? What?

Plus all of Valve's other "features" have been total failures. No one cares about SteamOS, Big Picture, etc. They're all just bloatware. If you talk to a Steam user rationally you'll realize they don't have any valid reasons for liking Valve or Steam. They're just in denial because they invested so much into one DRM platform and now they can't leave. In the end, even though it sucks having different stores, it's a good thing because it forces competition.

But they themselves just said that not only steam does it, so why is it only about steam?

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>It's unrealistic
What is he even trying to say

Oh no, better listen to the guys who made some of the worst online games in the last decade, they really have their finger on the pulse of gaming in general and definitely have opinions worth heeding.

t. delusional Steam drone

People said the same thing about Steam when it was released. It was slow and useless, but look at what happened. Epic Games has a lot of money to throw at this and they're a serious competitor. You're the one that may be in denial because if Valve doesn't fix their platform, they're not going to last long.

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Fuck china.

I live in Sydney and have friends from Hong Kong.

Oh man. It's been a while since I last saw an article go hard on the MUH 30% shit.

thats why EGS is dominating the market with its 8 year old games right?


Good to see they go EGS/Ubisoft Launcher exclusive and stop offering their games on PSN and Xbox because it’s also 30% there and that’s bad now


>they're doing better than us, so lets call it "unrealistic"
Acting like a bunch of sore losers. This is from the same set of companies that support the disgusting practices of DLCs, seasons pass and microtransactions.

>It's unrealistic
>doesn't explain why



But they did, they released blunder after blunder like Dota Underlords or Artifact

are you retarded? why would they even care? it's like paying attention to women gossip.

I wouldn't trust anything Ubisoft says about Good business, because they don't know the first thing about it.

>publisher who is rivaling EA in terms of jewishness who doesn't even use Steam doesn't like Steam taking a cut

Someone ask them about Sony and Microsoft.

>read article
>literally no example or reasoning as to why it's unrealistic
>they never expand upon what the present world of game distribution is
is this what passes for journalism anymore?
just quoting empty statements that've been parroted ad nauseam without any concrete examples at all?

why is this allowed?

>Tommy Refenes

Isn't this the piece of shit that turned SMB platforming kino into a fucking runner?

game """"""""""""""""journalism""""""""""""""""" has always been garbage

>complain about steam
>sony and microsoft takes exactly the same
The french brain works in mysterious ways

Modern journalism (in general, not just vidya) is a joke.

is this perhaps...

Best post on Yea Forums right now, but it'll go unnoticed because it's not a oneliner with buzzwords.

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Ah so Ubisoft is going to pull their games from Playstaiton and Xbox since they also charge 30%, right?

This industry is a fucking joke.


The wording is maliciously misleading there.
It gives you Epic's share first, then the devs share later, then gives you steams percentage and doesn't tell what it is. Then it shows you the devs share first and then steam's share later when showing steam's actual numbers.
An uninformed person would think that steam bags 70% profit as opposed to 12%.

are you incapable of inferring from what was said?

Since you can sell from your own shop, without a strong monopoly there's little advantage for publishers who have the capability to market and sell their games themselves.

Steam was cheaper than selling physical product in stores, but it's now more expensive than running your own 'storefront'.

Whether this is GOOD reasoning is beside the point, it's clearly what he meant.


>The french brain works in mysterious ways
>Have known some fresh off the boat French for two years
They really are wired differently, oddly.

>Epic, unlike Steam, takes only a 12% cut of game revenue
and more if you want your game to be advertised in it, making it... oh 30%, who would've guessed.

what justification? they don't even spend that money. at least MS and sony use their share to run their ecosystems and develop their own exclusive games. valve doesn't do fucking anything with their money. they haven't made a AAA game worth a shit in ages, they've done minimal improvements to their storefront in like 10+ years, they don't invest it in hardware like an updated steambox or controller. the biggest thing they've done in recent times is develop proton for linux but that's still fuck all. i'm not defending epic but valve doesn't do fucking anything with its money.

>caring about platforms
I'd buy the game directly from the devs if I could, I don't give a shit who is holding it hostage.
Also EPIC is like any other starting company. Great offers until they build a library and userbase and then it turns to shit. Fuck off.

>Since it was like this Steam, it will be the same with Epic

I'm surprised nobody ever brings up the support a creator program and how it can make the cut higher than Steam.
>Developers could choose to permit user reviews on their games or opt out altogether. They can also revise the influencer payout up or down as they please, or not participate at all. Remarkably, Galyonkin speculated that smaller developers might choose to pay a higher percentage — like 20 percent — because of their comparatively smaller sales. But in already giving up 12 percent to Epic (a very favorable split, to be sure) a 20 percent commission for an affiliate link gets them less than the 70 percent they would make selling through Steam.
Borderlands 3's support a creator cut right now is 20% which means that Epic is charging 32% for each copy sold via that system which is higher than Steam's cut (which would drop to 20% since BL3 is guaranteed to be a hit).

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>In the end, even though it sucks having different stores, it's a good thing because it forces competition.
>game on store A costs 59.99, exact same game on store B costs 59.99 if it's even being sold on multiple digital stores fronts

i sure do love competition.

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> the publisher’s endgame is ultimately driving traffic to its Uplay store, where it doesn’t have to pay a cut
So Ubisoft is bitching about having to give Steam money despite using their platform and ad space. Nice, got it chief.

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These are the same faggots who put microtransactions in single player games
I refuse to buy ubisoft games now because of that shit, the last assassin's creed was a disgrace.

>worked a decade
>no one ever had issues with it

Fuck off, Ubisoft.

You'd be a good game developer if you didn't fuck up and nickel and dime people with microtransactions among other shit.. You can't be "good guy" Ubisoft while saddling your garbage with Denuvo AND UPlay frontend DRM because PIRATES LOL right after admitting it doesn't help, jumping ship AS SOON as Epic offers a cheaper cut and trying to be all US GAMERS talking about how EA fucked up.

As much as EA is evil, as much as they fuck up, they've not sat there and bitched about other companies while doing the same shit they're doing. I haven't bought a single Ubisoft game since they suckerpunched me with Blood Dragon having the DRM of having to be run through both Steam and Uplay in that order. Least EA got off all other platforms instead of using them as an excuse for additional DRM, not that Epic probably even serves that purpose well.

My friend worked on Watch Dogs: Legion and I still refuse to install their shit for it. Literally offering to let me play it for free and I still refuse. I don't even want to pirate their shit.

>>Epic, unlike Steam, takes only a 12% cut of game revenue, which leaves 88% to developers/publishers, as opposed to
and i care because...i'm a shill? investor? work for the company? which one is is you shit shill?

my nigga

They spend it on steam you doofus.

Oh, and in addition to that, Epic and Ubisoft allow their games to be sold on third party sites like GreenManGaming which still take the 30% standard cut.

The revenue split talking point is a somkescreen to demonize Valve.

Yes, Valve should take tips from Ubisoft on how to create a successful digital storefront.

>DUDE, Steam is shit you should use OUR store instead

uplay is actually pretty decent. there is some truth to what they say.

oh no, i won't get to play shitty ubishit games

The consumer mostly doesn't care about who pays what a bigger cut.

No one cares that EA takes 100% from origin for example. It's splitting games across multiple platforms that people don't like. other publishers have done what EGS is technically doing by making things exclusive to their platform only, Blizzard, Bethesda, GoG etc. the difference being that these only ever put their own games as exclusive (even Valve have this policy).

Neither of these companies have pursued so relentlessly trying to attack steam and valve that EGS have done, and that's why people won't use your chink store to buy literally who indie titles noone cares about. They'd be better off just investing those fortnite autism dollars into a different sector, At the moment they're like yahoo trying to beat Google. What it really comes down to is that THERE IS NO DEMAND FOR THE EGS. It's the result of a company trying to carve out a bigger portion of the distribution profit with no real reason other than profit, they're so aggressive because they're trying to create artificial hype and demand by forcing people to download their client.

Spam twitter, change the narrative that epic's 12% is too much. 5% or bust. Or even 0%, people deserve to sell on their platform FOR FREE.

Believe #Ubisoft

ok so , steam get a 30% cut from games so
if a game is 100€ ( for making it easy) on steam
a ubisoft game on the ubisoft shit should be 60$ right?

the steam UI fucking sucks and has less features than fucking origin or uplay. just navigating it and the settings feels the same as it did 10 years ago.

You're retarded. You're comparing the Epic cut plus creator support vs the Steam cut. If they released on Steam, they'd be paying 30% plus whatever amount of money they give to "creators" to stream and shill their game (which is often a lot). So if they are giving 20% of their sales now, then on EGS it's a total of 32% lost per sale, while on Steam it would be a 50% loss.

Steamcels are retarded.

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artifact, sure
but Underlords? 40k-50k peak players each day is nowhere near blunder
Tekken has like 3k players and the online is very active

>PlayStation, Xbox, Apple, Google
They use the revenue from their digital stores to subsidize their other products. Valve doesn't.

30% was a great deal when Steam was the only name in town and you didn't want to deal with selling a physical PC version that would sell way worse than console and not know how many units you'd need to produce. Playstation gets 30% because there's no other way for you to get a licensed Playstation game onto your console, same with all the other shit besides Android.
Valve created tons of features to make it seem like they're offering you value for 30% but then most publishers realized that nobody fucking uses 90% of them, or is used by the consumer to convince people to NOT play your video game. When's the last time you listened to a Steam Curator's opinion on a game? When's the last time you posted in a game's community hub when Yea Forums or a specific game subreddit exists?

Yes and no. Ubisoft still pockets the extra profit instead of pricing the game lower.

>Rent-free shilling
OP an hero

I use guides and discussion all the time

same faggot

The reason Steam is doing well because despite its blunders, people actually like the service. ES doesnt have a fucking shopping cart something so basic and its missing. Steam has the community features sales little gimmicks that people like. You are both brainlets.

Epic brings no competition to the consumer as far as they are concerned, shitty service with an even shittier head at the reigns of Epic. The only advantage Epic brings is not to the customer but to the developer, but you honestly think Epic can win people over with their exclusives while having such a shitty store? Not a chance. And yes people said the same thing about steam when it launched but guess what, they improved their service and are good now.

Besides its funny how Epic keeps bragging about they are the only ones bringing the competition when they are already years late. GOG exists, Blizzard. Ubisoft, EA, Microsoft, all with their own stores and better products than Epic brings but still they havent dethroned steam.

Fuck off chink shills

If anything, Steam's existence is more required than ever.

Some storefront has to deal with the absurdly large amount of games coming out, no one is willing to open the floodgates to everybody so Steam might as well do it.

Valve doesn't have a support a creator program you fucking dumb faggot.

>30% was a great deal when Steam was the only name in town and you didn't want to deal with selling a physical PC version that would sell way worse than console and not know how many units you'd need to produce.
They all made physical copies with a Steam key inside, so your argument is wrong. Companies like Bethesda still do this.

Steam UI is fine. I use it all the time.

And yet it's still 10 million times more usable than EGS and Uplay combined. Go fuck yourself.

>plus whatever amount of money they give to "creators" to stream and shill their game
So 0.

>it's a good thing because it forces competition.
I'm glad we have amazing successful competition like GFWL and Origin and battlenet and the microsoft store, oh wait a minute these stores are garbage that barely add anything of value to PC gaming beyond stopping steam from being a monopoly and without steam the would either not exist or be far shittier than they are now.
Think back to 10 years ago, imagine EA or microsoft doing anything to benefit PC, none of these companies gave a shit about PC before the platform came out of the 2000s slump, it was always console first and PC second.... sometimes...... eventually.

Forget about valve for a second and remember who we're talking about here, we're talking about a bunch of companies (microsoft, epic, ubisoft, EA) who at one point stopped taking the platform seriously, treated us like second class citizens and here you are sucking their nuts because they realize you're not a filthy pirate and you've got some money they want to sniff out of your pocket.

Believe it or not people don't want to download chinese malware, it's a big deal breaker for a significant number of people.

EGS could put every big name release for the next year and i'd still not use it.

does it matter if it's more expensive if you also rake in more sales due to popularity of the storefront?
Would you rather sell a million copies on steam and have bigger cut taken from you or sell 1000 copies on your own storefront and get full price?

If you make a product in the real world, you don't set up a lemonade stand next to a street and sell your product, you go to a store and have them distribute your product and pay them a cut for the sales

>It's unrealistic for PC but not for consoles

so all this discussion can be ignored because only shills give a fuck

In the real world I do both you /biz/ness bitch. No wonder you fags are trying to trick people into buying your used 1080s. You're financially retarded.

it's extremely dated compared to its competitors

except it isn't. it's lacking in features and UI elements that origin has had for years just as an example.

>It's unrealistic

Tough shit. You created an industry where production costs have to go up and up just because you want the latest motion capture gimmick in your game. Take a lesson from the Japs on how they keep costs low while also making a profit: fanservice

Not to mention that when Steam was released it begun to set the standard after some early troubles, the whole distribution model was in its' infancy relatively and Steam are irreversibly associated with PC gaming the way Nintendo and Sony are asociated with console gaming

How is it dated, give actual criticism. You have said anything of value in two posts yet. Examples, give them.

Hey I like big picture....

>throw massive amounts of money at streamers/game "journalists"/ads
>??? return

Ebin Game Store:
>make creator program
>know exactly how your ads impacted sales figures

They should have one.

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They wouldn't dare talk shit about their console masters. Try asking sony or MS or nintendo to take a smaller cut and they'll laugh you out of the room.

Yea Forums is dogshit for looking for support what are you going on about

Steambrahs... I think it's time... I'm calling big T

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>Yea Forums or a specific game subreddit exists
>using Yea Forums or reddit for 'support'
no thank you I'd rather stick my dick in a blender

Fuck you. Steam forums are way more useful for bug fixes because people who actually play the game post there.

they don't need one

just to start, steam reviews + forums, its amazing to see people from PS, XBOX and UBI going to STEAM to discuss their games...

once again, Steam provides plenty of features and services
meanwhile epic provide nothing other than a place to buy games... you don't even have a shopping cart
It obvious they want to make Steam look bad, but it is very obvious once you install EGS that they have literally nothing to offer, so their cut is rather fair for what they provide to devs
Now if Tim wants to bribe dev and journos using the fortnite money, it's his money, but nobody buys the Robin Hood bullshit

Yeah. The greatest marketing trick these companies pulled was to make consumers give a shit and defend their profit. As a consumer you shouldn't be bothered with who gets how big a cut, what should bother you is are you getting the service you want.
I want Steam's monopoly because it's convenient and I'm invested into it too much, with all my games being there (let's call it what it is and get off our high horse), and apparently judging by reaction to Epic exclusives and reactions to "it's just another launcher" a lot of people feel the same. I am going to demand what I want as a consumer by selectively buying and pirating what I want, and if the Steam ship still goes down, well, tough luck, then I will begin using other services.

Valve needs to do something about devs who use steam just to collect preorder money then jump to EGS but continue making good use of steam features like the forums

Is it just going to be a split at this point? Third parties saying their piece?
Did Epic have a deal with Ubisoft to do this interview to counter this interview from Bamco?

Lmao. Steam doesn't need to give two shits about an inferior competitor. And anyone advocating for the chinese store is doing free advertisement for a corporation that ultimately fucks you in the ass. Laughably pathetic

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Steam doesn't provide any expensive features. Running a forum and letting customers post reviews costs pennies.

>valve doesn't do fucking anything with their money.
you are obviously mentally challenged, and quite ignorant of the work behind maintaining a platform like steam, my dude
you probably think the xmas presents come from the north pole. go ask your parents

I somehow think Gabe is concerned. Get back to me when you have bought 600 games on Uplay.

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>Ubisoft would qualify for the higher sales higher cut program

Yeah, because there is a hardware barrier. I can almost imagine Tim sperging out on twitter making his own Epic Console, except that's more difficult than programming a launcher and tossing money at exclusives.

you are beyond retarded if you believe Steam is just a forum, and you know it, lad

There is nothing to do about it. EGS is propped up by Fortnite money and everyone (including Timmy) in the business realizes that. Valve isn't going to get b8'd into slashing their profits just to keep up with a store that is heavily subsidized by Fortnite/chinks.

If running the platform was so expensive, why does Ubisoft choose to run their own?
Hint: It's because running your own platform costs maybe 10% of revenue, not 30%

well you can always refund, also its never a good idea to pre purchase, at this war people are in and everyone is doing some shady stuff i wouldnt pre purchase

just like pushing gaming as service.


no, 100€ minus 30% is $77, since one euro is worth more than one dollar.
but yes, ubisoft is not complaining about games being too expensive to the customer, they are complaining that they are getting too little of the profits, without providing any value of using their store.

> I think Epic is highly overestimating the amount of people that want to buy games backed with the Chinese fortnite dollars.

It's entirely irrelevant for companies like that what people want. They're trying to be in a position where the customers have no choice but to use their services. They want to force their way into a quasi-monopoly (like steam had once) by pushing down the price and buying their way into a beneficial position until it's no longer possible for the competition to stay in the market. With near infinite Chinese fortnite dollars.

>when it comes to deciding whether we want more money or less money we have decided on more money, less money is just unrealistic

>programming a launcher
I don't think I'd call that programming. It's more like they ripped off and re-skinned something they bought at Sam's Club. It doesn't have the feeling that it was made from scratch - just edited from a template.

>I live in Sydney and have friends from Hong Kong.
>fuck china
why do you and your friends hate your own country?

uplay hardly has any features other than cheevos, lad
they have like 100 games available, tops
for the love of god, if you don't understand the scale difference between Steam, and Uplay or EGS, you need to go back to school, my lad

if the features aren't worth the 30% cut then devs can go sell their games on their own website. I guarantee it will cost them more than the 30% of their sales to get everything up and running.

If Steam's cut is so big that it's profitable to run your own platform to circumvent it, then Steam's cut is too big.

>Hosting all those mods, distributing games, providing VoIP and network infrastructure and more doesn't cost money

isn't it even worse on consoles because you had to pay to release an update? I assume that's still a thing, because console players of XCOM 2 were salty that they can't get the Tactical Legacy Pack

How stupid are you?
>release on Steam
>30% cut to Valve
>reserve another 20% to be paid to streamers and "creators" via whatever channel you use
>50% cut
>release on EGS
>12% cut
>give 20% to the aforementioned via EGS's inbuilt system
>32% cut
Are you genuinely braindead? Doesn't matter what channel they use, the money is still going to the streamers, the only difference here is the cut of the storefron, which is less than half on EGS.

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Ubisoft is a giant publisher so they can afford to make their own client to capture 100% of the revenue, smaller publishers can't. Not to mention there's an element of risk, bethesda did this and their launcher was so shit that they abandoned the idea of selling exclusives. It's not as simple as make client, get money.

>Steam doesn't provide any expensive features.
Thousands of servers.

I honestly wouldn't be so opposed to these new popping up stores if you could easily activate all the stuff you've already bought. All the Ubi games on Steam still link and activate themselves on uPlay (not that I've ever used it's library browser on it's own but it's still nice). Meanwhile half the Epic's store I already own on Steam but there is no way to activate those games, if I want to migrate to another service as my main one I have to buy them all over again (not that Epic has nearly as extensive library of classic games).

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I guarantee you that it doesn't cost 30%.
Taleworlds have been running their own store for almost as long as Steam. They wouldn't do that if Steam's 30% was cheaper than running their own store.

so are the anons defending steam here really saying that a platform like steam costs 30% of its massive revenue stream to run and make a reasonable profit off of? really?

it's not too big because they provide plenty of features with no additional cost to devs
it's not rocket science. Tim shills his low cut, but then bribes the devs, while offering a platform with ZERO features, that is also journo friendly because there are no reviews
at least you have to look the coin from both sides, senpai, because if you don't do it, you are a retard
he is not pulling a robin hood, HE IS LITERALLY BRIBING JORNOS AND DEVS
meanwhile the DARQ dev played the scam game and checkmate the millionaire faggot for good

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Ignoring them is the best choice. EGS is the only serious competitor to Steam, and only because they keep buying up exclusives.
Once zoomers move onto the next big thing and Fortnite stops being the money maker it is EGS will go under. Sweeny himself said that the EGS model is unsustainable.

Since when Steam has the "Support a Creator"?

Answer: it never had it.

>Ubisoft abandons steam for their own launcher
>doesn't make as much money as they want
>go back to steam
>but also EGS because $$$

Imagine listening to anything those french fucks say

>>reserve another 20% to be paid to streamers and "creators" via whatever channel you use
Find me one source of Valve providing such a program.

if its not that expensive EGS could do it even better, they have the money...but why they arent doing it ?

never argue with mentally challenged retards spouting bullshit, never

even if steams cut is appropriate, publishers would still try to decrease it because they are single minded in their pursuit of profit, so your argument is devoid of actual logic.

Guess who wants to restrict the supply of 3rd party keys.

>smaller publishers can't.
Eagle Dynamics
777 Studios
Gaijin Entertainment
Cloud Imperium games
Kalypso Media
CD Project
Matrix Games
Wube Software

>what are savings
>what are future investments
>what is expanding the company
>what are market advancing projects
>what is development of software features
>and so on
You are objectively retarded and in for cheap (you)s and this why you will be a sexless virgin by the age of 30.

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hey but the service is garbage
that nobody will buy your game, absolute retard
nice, people will pirate your game and call it a day, nobody will buy it further down the line, and the result is that you sold your game to a store, and not to the users. your bank account ends up having the same money, but the difference is that NOBODY played your game other than pirates

Well you have to use Uplay anyway so why use Steam?

When you launch Far Cry 5 from Steam it launches Uplay so there is no point to buy it on Steam.

Not him, but please don't use CIG for any arguments. They're a scam.

based and thanks Tim

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Turns out maintaining a huge online network that hosts thousands of servers and millions of players across several thousand games needs money

You know, if it weren't down to previous experiences with Valve drones I'd assume I was being baited because nobody can be this stupid.

The developers/publishers themselves have decided to allot that amount to creators, you dumbfuck retard, if the program didn't exist then they'd still allot that amount but via other channels. So in the end, that money going to creators was going to creators regardless if it were on Steam of EGS. So, in the end, the only difference is that on EGS it's 12+20 = 32%, while on Steam it's 30+20 = 50%.

I'm pretty sure Epic's cut is higher than your IQ.

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>PlayStation, Xbox, Apple, Google and many other digital stores.
Why is no one on these guys dick for their cut being 70/30?

>publisher wants more money
No shit

>spending all this effort dealing with a self-imposed strawman

This is why I come to this shithole.

in spanish it's called: pan para hoy, hambre para mañana
basically, food for today, hunger for tomorrow

Yes. Have you seen how much shit the EGS has fucked up these past few months? If Devs getting only 70% means I don't have to deal with general incompetence then so be it.

yeah but ubisofts system of always online grind games full of lootboxes is just fine!

Fuck Epic and fuck shills too.

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So no source? Thanks for letting me know not to waste my time with you.

Talesworlds is big as fuck compared to most indie devs. Imagine the undertale dev or stardew valley dev making their own client.
Think about it this way: you're an indie dev and your budget is small, do you spend some of your budget to run and market your own store or do you use your budget on your game and put it on steam?

>Epic cares about quality control!
>Bee simulator is one of their latest bought exclusives

Are you 12?
If Steam's cut was appropriate it would be cheaper than running your own store. There is such a thing as economies of scale.

>If they do it with Epic they'll do it with Steam too

That's what I am reading.

>he'll be a wizard soon
wow what an insult

Forget Bee Simulator.

Fucking Ancestors is on there.

So you think the support-a-creator program is forced onto devs by Epic and Epic decides the cut?

People got shot over this mere fact in the last couple of months and years.

>literally lying
so this is the extent of epic shills huh?

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If this were an option, it would make potential competition (REAL competition, not just exclusive-whoring) a lot more viable in the market since it would overcome the biggest obstacle - people being loyal simply because Steam is where all their games are.

Taleworlds sold games on their own website back when it was just some turk and his wife.
Notch can't even program and he made millions selling Minecraft on his own website

>successful login attempt from Taiwan

>The only thing keeping Steam valuable is the sales because people are stupid and end up wasting money on games they never end up playing because they think they saved $25 for buying a $30 game for $5. When in reality they just lost $5, but "gamers" aren't the most intelligent people so that's fine.

Honestly, that's 100% right. Steamcucks are really some of the dumbest corporate dicksuckers out there sadly

Okay now these edits are pretty based.

generally speaking, when you save, invest and expand, something comes out from the expenditure of the resources. valve has virtually nothing to show for the years they’ve been running steam. save and invest? market advancing projects? where are these vaunted projects?

kek fuck ubisoft, first fix your boring soulless sandbox """games""" before talking

PC gaming wasn't saturated as fuck back then. Anyone trying to shill their brand new game with their own site in 2019 is going to have a really bad time.

>Mfw I was spammed by epic login attempts when I signed up for their UT beta
No idea what happened to that account, might have been hacked.

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This is the fucking post

Details? Is it knockoff Humankind/civilizations?

so does buying a burger. the point is not that it costs money but that it costs much less than what valve is taking

>where are these vaunted projects?
do you live under a rock?
valve literally just released a VR kit

fucking Dauntless is on there, now that's quality

That doesn't disprove the argument that it's cheaper to run your own store and download platform than it is to distribute through Steam.

If it was cheaper to distribute through Steam, then small companies would shut down their stores and move to Steam. The opposite is happening.

>Costs less than
Kek im sure you'd know, considering that egs and ubisoft have a similar amount of servers and networks to build and maintain
Oh wait

>The opposite is happening
Small companies are distributing by themselves AND on steam, the fuck are you talking about?
Steam is a very powerful distribution tool simply due to its reach and functionality and you'd have to be an industrial grade retard to deny that

If this was true indie devs wouldn't complain about steam's cut while simultaneously putting their game on steam, they would just go make their own store and avoid the drama.

Shopping cart.

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Isnt dauntless that f2p knockoff monhun or is it something else im thinking of?

>this format back again

Attached: todayiwillremindthem.png (1297x896, 219K)

It's the F2P MH knockoff

Small developers are forced to use Steam because dumb assholes like you will only buy a game if it's on Steam.

the steam storefront also has a vastly larger market share and revenue base so i’m not sure what point you’re trying to make

>battlepass in siege, a game already fucking full of micropayments and season passes
>lootboxes in asscreed
>preorder dlc’s up the ass
>different collectors editions to the same fucking game
>Silver and Gold game editions, better get Gold goy for early play!
>even in remote regions bloat the prices to retard levels
>literally increases prices post launch in some regions to fuck over non preorders
>killed Rayman with no remorse
>has yet to apologize for ruining Prince of Persia

Shut the fuck up frog jews, you are the last subhuman that should be allowed to talk.

hard words coming from a company that is about to get swallowed and bought whole in the next 3 years

Nice strawmam.

egs being new and could have learned a thing or two from its predecessors. still fails at what it does other than trying to buyout exclusives. thats all they have and thats all they will get


12%/88% digital store wars now!

Sounds like that's worth 30% to me.

Steam finally having competition can only be a good thing. Valve has been far too happy to just sit on the throne picking their nose.

what makes you say this

The amount of maintenance required for server upkeep increases exponentially with the size of the server in question, and that's not including external factors such as the number of people using it
Not that Id expect zoom-zooms to understand

>Ubisoft, both a wannabe competitor and company that publishes games and therefore benefits from a larger cut wants a larger cut
Say it ain't so

FUN FACT: Ubisoft is one of the few publishers that don't follow regional pricing standards and charge more in most places.

I think Ubisoft's idea of distribution is "Fuck You Give Me Money."

They're also moving towards keyless gaming, i.e. if you buy a ubisoft game from somewhere like humble bundle it goes straight to your account, no keys so there's no reselling unwanted keys.

The one thing to learn from Steam's history is that it didn't matter how shit it was. People installed it anyway because they wanted to play Counter Strike and Half Life 2 and later Total War and others.
The lesson learned is that exclusive games is all that matters.

you think borderlands three or any game that was epic exclusive is gonna come to steam with a discounted price ?

NO ONE here is a developer. so why are you guys only defending developer stuff that screws you over.

How big is the cut for third parties on the uplay? Could it be the same as the cut for steam, GoG, Origin, Walmart, Bestbuy, Gamestop, Mediamarkt, Saturn and hundreds of other stores? I guess reality is unrealistic.

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Unless that percentage is being passed on to me, I don't give a shit about what the publisher gets. Fuck Epic and fuck China.


user I...

>Steam finally having competition can only be a good thing.

Quite agree. I hope this leads to steam lowering the cut to compete with other digital platforms, besides it's not like valve is making any games themselves so they have room to cut

ubisoft games cost $62.50 on egs, I have no fucking idea why, their games were never this expensive on steam and the other games on egs are usually cheaper than $60 for me, for example control is $23 brand new

I havent played an ubisoft game in atleast 5 years
I dont give a shit if developers get a 10 or a 90% cut, games aren't cheaper

Nobody cares about your third world shithole. Selling games to you is more trouble than its worth

most non-indie devs do that here because console games have "normal" prices but steam's default is like half off
I wonder is the economy really that bad here

at least uplay gives me a 20% discount for simply playing the games I buy

>Forget about valve for a second and remember who we're talking about here, we're talking about a bunch of companies (microsoft, epic, ubisoft, EA) who at one point stopped taking the platform seriously, treated us like second class citizens and here you are sucking their nuts because they realize you're not a filthy pirate and you've got some money they want to sniff out of your pocket.

THIS, fuck them.

>it's not like valve is making any games themselves

user I...


Here's my favorite: you click on a main menu item in top, like store, and nothing gives you any indication of what it's doing. Sometimes it just opens up a drop down menu. It's a bad, half baked UI/UX and always has been.

stop it Vivendi, you are not fooling anyone

Apparently steam does since it has regional pricing in most of the stable economies of the world

>don't have to spend money manufacting cd/dvd discs anymore
>don't have to spend money to physically move the products to several stores anymore (who all takes a cut too)



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Do you talk down to ants about your superiority?

the problem with this is, only special privilage devs can put there games on both Steam and EGS, smaller devs are kinda forced to exclusive deals. so weird how cyber punk and vampire 2 get to be on EVERYTHING. the only reason why BL3 took the deal is cause deep silver has a special deal/relationship with epic.

>The opposite is happening
No? Small developers all flock to these places.

Honestly, this competition for the good of the market angle is such bullshit from Epic. If they truly wanted to compete with Steam, they would have a functioning storefront. They dont give a shit about the users, they just want to use the fortnite money to bankroll their way to a huge chunk of the digital gaming space.

Steam is worth it just for the reviews and forums alone.
I would rather trust user retarded hot take than some gayming "journalist" shill. Besides, there are multiple reviews that actually critique the game, and I can go to the steam forums and see videos, screenshots discussions on how the game plays. You will NEVER be able to do that with the epic store.

Marketing, dumbass. You gotta bribe Twitch streamers and soisites to get your game selling.

because inflation and because graphics got more expensive

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Ubisofts uplay is fucking garbage and I would play 30% more to not install it.
But then they would have to release a game I wanted from them.

>implying it's better to suck Epic's yellow dick instead

They're the same price as N64 games were in 2000

do you give shit about dead skin cells orbiting around you? i doubt it, maybe you sneeze from time to time but thats about the extent of you giving a fuck

more like
>they aren't giving us enough money so they're bad

>graphics got more expensive

75% of devs use one fucking engine ...

Sounds like it's time for me to stop using uPlay then, I was only tolerating uPlay out of goodwill, I hate using multiple launchers.

Well let's be completely fair. Ubisoft's discount policy is pretty good.

Why are you here instead of steam forums?

>Install Uplay
>Get constant messages of people tryikg to log into my account
>One sucesfull login from south korea

Same shit with egs

one thing to learn is that steam was first so in the digital storefront game so of course people didnt give a shit if the store was crappy. but now, having a barely functional storefront doesnt cut it, especially one without a shopping cart. it needs to have the minimum quality that the consumers expect since steam first entered. the other storefronts have proven that, exclusives dont mean shit anymore if the storefront is garbo, steam has set a high bar that no other storefront has matched to this day.

>has a lot of money to throw at this
Not really since most of that money is being thrown at publishers to acquire more exclusives.

um sweetie, those microtransactions cost money to make you know
publishers need to eat

Yeah and when all the games you want on Steam are also in the Epic store, along with exclusive games, better prices and trading card-like gimmicks, why would you buy from Steam? Ask yourself if you really expect "exclusive games" to be the only thing on offer in these stores 10 years from now.
All I want is better Steam Sales really, they took a shit in the last few years. Used to be really fucking good.
Valves major focus is being the big VR breakthrough innovator. They don't care about games.

You know it's fucked when Epic uses Valves own systems to curtail devs out of the top 40 and onto their store. I'm afraid to even add anything I am interested in to my wishlist anymore for fear Epic sees it gets popular and tries to fondle the devs balls.

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If game developers figure that what steam offers isn't worth the 30% cut, then that's just how it is. It's a free market, deal with it.

I'm gonna be honest, any company that has a CEO who spends all his day on twitter arguing with people is just not worth my time.

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Why are you complaining about the lack of a shopping cart? You haven't even bought a single game on the Epic store let alone two.

It's literally the exact same business model every other company uses.

What the hell is happening recently that's causing these devs to single-out Steam?

Who cares bro? Pirate that shit.

>both of these companies have been around watching what Valve does for a decade and still releases blunders

Attached: 1456159501340.gif (355x210, 1011K)

>durr you here and not there me prove point!

because dumbass Yea Forums is more than its Yea Forums board
v is more of a social networking place than an actual place to discuss games holy shit you're retarded

look at the catalogue right now, you think I come here to seriously discuss games?

Ubisoft has their dick with Epic and they've been trying to push this bullshit narrative to turn people against the service while pretending to "fix" things. It's just a bunch of people in bed with Epic, dumbass gullible fanboys, and journalists who flip flop depending on what brings more hits.

Attached: Todd.jpg (1280x720, 101K)

Steam big picture is a must for me and most of my friends, not even for the standard use case (which is just as valid). Big picture providing consistent gamepad bindings is really useful especially when it comes to things like VR.

That's why GoG is pretty successful, they are not trying to be Steam and they gave us a lot of DRM-free games.

HLVR? Ring a bell?
They also said that they'll release a game by the end of the year.

Steam was able to get away with its shitty store BECAUSE it was the first of its kind. When there is a new product for sale, you pay for the early access so to speak. Now, in the present, just having a storefront doesn't cut it anymore if you want to seriously compete because its not NEW ANYMORE.

The first of anything was always shit but it improved until people expect a higher basic level of quality. The first car was complete shit but you can't seriously expect to sell that car in the now and complain of consumers not buying your garbage.

gog and galaxy is not successful though

They stopped the good sales due to devs and publishers bitching and how it was undervaluing the products. It wasn't something they did willingly.

I don't really get it. What's unrealistic exactly?

Ubisoft is a nigger of a company. They can't even bother to do anything good with their shitty UPLAY of a launcher. Their games are unoptimized pieces of shit that have only been selling "good" to normies and the little fans they have left.

The only game I played with their stupid launcher is For Honor and it is miserable. The game is broken with a shit ton of bugs and optimization issues and don't get me started on balancing issues. Game won't even fucking close properly thus running in the background and closing it via task manager makes you not save your loadout that you just edited. The servers are whack shit disconnecting you from the game with 1 second of lag spike and that NAT type bullshit that prevents you from partying with other players thus forcing me to install VPN/Hamachi just to play with friends.

steam sales are only shit because you have all the games you want already, new shit is going on at least -25% super quickly because they're flopping

Being a game developer is hard
Its such a retarded job that I think everyone should just quit
As a career path you are literally more likely to find stable success in mobile gaming than actual gaming

it's a thread made by some anti-pc/anti-steam guy that thinks he will gain something if epic keeps getting mentioned

The amount of money they want

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So a video game store not having a shopping cart is like the difference between the first ever car and the cars of today?

Last time I checked I don't buy games in bulk.

>The only game I played with their stupid launcher is For Honor and it is miserable. The game is broken with a shit ton of bugs and optimization issues and don't get me started on balancing issues. Game won't even fucking close properly thus running in the background and closing it via task manager makes you not save your loadout that you just edited. The servers are whack shit disconnecting you from the game with 1 second of lag spike and that NAT type bullshit that prevents you from partying with other players thus forcing me to install VPN/Hamachi just to play with friends.

What a fucking retard oh my god

>Fuck the developers, I don't give a shit
>Developers stick to trends, don't innovate and cut corners and compensate for the huge cut Steam takes

Based Valve retards

Something about the ubisoft brand just disgusts me these days
I feel like neo in the matrix and I can see the code instead of the fake world, I look at ubisoft games and see games where the goal is to get you to waste time going around this dead boring world collecting shit and doing repetitive tasks to earn points or level up so I can go more repetitive shit. The fact that they now also have microtransactions in their single player games was the final nail in the coffin. I happened to see shroud playing the last assassin's creed and at one point he was like 'fuck I need a bunch more materials, I'm just gonna buy them'. That was all I needed to see to ensure that I would never buy that game.

Fuck off retard

Actually Steam Sales are still great but not the "big" ones like "Summer" etc.

The real quality Steam Sales happen in the span of two days during special events, publisher-based sales, and shit like that. That's where the 75% and above discounts happen the most.

>gaben develops and builds his platform and community for 15 years
>takes30% cut
>shitters suddenly realize that the future of the industry is digital
>quickly put together a half assed barely working botnet spyware launchers which are on par with 2005 steam in terms of functionality and have 0 community support
>still charge 12% to 20% for their garbage services
Steam is absolutely right and based.
For additional 10%-20% they provide devs with a superior platform and unbeatable reach numbers. Ubitrash, EA, Epic and others will never catch up, they are 15 years behind.

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Kek, and then screech about no online infrastructure and more. Leddit has already labelled mod support and cloud saves as "those problematic things nazi gamers want".

You don't, I do.

>randy does this
>tim does this
they deserve each other

How should a developer make a good game?

>Last time I checked I don't buy games in bulk.
Other people do. On sales perhaps. Like that epic sale 2 months ago that banned people from purchasing games because they made too many single transactions, due to the lack of a shopping cart.

Of course, you already know this story and this is perfectly fine for you. After all, when you go grocery shopping you enter and leave the shop for every single item, right? How about clothes? Or games from a video store?

In short, you're an obtuse imbecile.

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Quit copying people for starters

Because Steam's cut isn't defensible. Any extra attention they bring to it is going to backfire.
Better just to keep on trucking and hope not enough people notice.

Hey buddy if you're gonna open a store without a cart you're probably the type of guy to show up in an interview with his shoe laces untied too
If you can't do basic shit then my expectations will be very very low

>The real quality Steam Sales happen in the span of two days during special events, publisher-based sales, and shit like that.
This. The sales that happened these past few months alone were pretty good.

>post-apocalyptic sale
>space sale
>bethesda sale
>warhammer sale
>weeb sale
>underwater sale
>etc. etc. etc.
It's pretty good.

its not just the shopping cart buddy, use your brains. the fact that at minimum doesnt have a shopping cart speaks volumes at how much epic truly cares. its the lack of reviews, refunds, community forums, voice chat, community profiles, customized browsing
and many other features that the epic store simply does not have.

>Because Steam's cut isn't defensible.
Yes it is. It's the same cut everyone except, EGS and discord. There's hundreds of stores that take the same cut as steam.

Ubisoft already charges more for stuff on Steam than they do on their platform. They already account and make up for Steam's cut that way. Who are they trying to fool getting on that high horse?

Wanna know the secret to minecrafts success?

It's pricepoint

yeah I'll bet steam is responsible for horse armor, preorder dlc and season passes too

>buy Phoenix Point on the Epic Store
>want to mod it
>have to wait for someone to make a mod manager
>have to manually install each mod
>have to keep a backup of all mods and a backup of the save file if you want to play it on a different computer in the future
>if I want to play X-Com 2 I can click a single button and Steam will not only install X-Com 2, it will have my save file, AND my QoL mods like faster turns and better camera, cosmetic mods, gameplay balance mods, and other mods

Fat fuck gaben already crucified by the industry, i was wondering how much time it will take for people to wake up about his bullshit.
Tim, thank you for saving industry. We are with you on this

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And Discord also had a 30% cut when the store launched but panic backtracked after EGS did 12%. Now the store is gone and all the exclusivity deals they signed abandoned them.

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Fuck gamers

The last time I used uplay was when I got watch dogs 2 for free and I deleted my account later because I kept getting bombarded with login attempt emails.

>Because Steam's cut isn't defensible
It's literally the industry standard. Epic covers their "lower" cut with Fortnite money and black market yuan and operates without caring for actually making money, all EGS exists to do is to take down Steam.

Will the ironic shitposting this company attracts ever go away?

Attached: clifford.jpg (810x1439, 92K)

>where the world is today in terms of game distribution

>nobody on the thread has posted about how the steam cut goes down as the game hits sales landmarks
What the fuck is wrong with you clowns

Good, keep those shitty gatcha games at 30%

lmao jesus he's always been such a tool

Because it's irrelevant to the discussion. Most games don't reach those numbers. Ubisoft is speaking on behalf of them poor ol' indies.

I like how when interviews that go against Steam happen, everyone and their mother jump on it.

But when these kinds of interviews happen that call out Epic's exclusivity.
Game journos are completely silent.
>“So for instance, I don’t see any point of putting Tekken 7 on Epic Store,” he continued. “Epic is just another store. It’s fantastic, they have a lot of strength and [lots of] users, the business model is attractive to us because it’s more profitable but still, their interest is, if I’m correct, exclusivity.
>“And this is not our vision. We want our content to be available for as many fans as possible. I don’t think we’ll deal with Epic in the short term, while we have this strategy. But of course, if they’re open, we’ll go there.”

Notice how this interview never made headlines at all in the mainstream game journo sites?


We can't use logic and facts with the Epic shills
The hamster in their head won't keep up

If the game sells, the developer/publisher really won't shed a tear about it. If despite the changes, the demand doesn't falter, there's no reason not to jump ship from steam. People can screech all they want, if the bottom line checks out then they won't give a shit, and rightfully so. If they want it to change, they have to vote with their wallet. If this doesn't work, then clearly most people just don't really care and it's just a vocal minority throwing a hissy fit.
Some people act like they're entitled to having things their way just because. It doesn't work like that.

Threadly reminder that Domestic Dog simulator dev said on here that he was able to negotiate less than 30% for his next game.
That was before they automated it, of course, but if a game like that was successful enough to get

Then why don't they accept more third part indies into their store and give them a 90% cut?

Because they're hypocrites, why else?

you are absolutely fucking retarded
you hover over it to bring the drop down menu. clicking any of the menu buttons (store, library, etc) without using the menu brings you to the last page you've opened in that category. if you cannot comprehend this very simple feature you are fucking stupid

Epic, unlike Steam, offers literally nothing of value to the devs like Workshop, Community Forums etc..

Industry standard for grift platforms like consoles or mobile walled gardens. At least console makers sell their hardware at a loss and have to cover their costs.

Imagine listening to what the French have to say

pouting at developers because they chose the more profitable option is just so pathetic

They are free to take Epic's bribes, I'll just boycott them. Steam was was got me out of piracy and shit like what the EGS is doing is getting me back into piracy.

> Now the store is gone and all the exclusivity deals they signed abandoned them.
...You got to be shi-
>Can't even find the discord store in the program anymore
...Holy shit I'm laughing. How long ago was this? As I wasn't paying attention after they added it on when it vanished.

someone call a hospital, cliffy is suffering third degree burns.

it's called monopoly you brainlet zoomers.

They know hate fuels their hits better then dicksucking. They know most everyone reading their shit hates egs. Sucking Steam's dick won't bring in views, but pissing off people by sucking EGS dick will.

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Maybe you should actually take a look at the steamworks API documentation instead of talking out of your ass.
Steam has every kind of pipeline you could want as a developer while Ebin Store has to push updates and patches manually.

shit store, shit service, shit company

no reviews, refunds, community but you sure can stick it to the evil monopoly

get fucked retard

>Speaking on behalf of poor indies
Just like libtards to speak on behalf of the so considered 'underprivileged' groups
Let these frogfuckers die out already

Don't forget Epic's game giveaways had people going to Steam forums asking for technical support.

>people disliking being inconvenience is bad
Nigger why would I pay to be inconvenienced? They don't deserve free money, this isn't a charity.

Because anyone who's not a moron knows that these publishers are just blowing hot air, if they really gave a shit about the cut they'd stop releasing their games on consoles and move to Stadia where the cut is likely to be lower.

>Chinkbox 360

>doesn't have any exclusivity deals
EGS shills just keep parroting words they don't understand

Maybe you don't, but lots of people do these days, especially during sales. And don't give me the "no shopping cart puts more values into your individual purchases" bullshit. A new graphics card doesn't become less valuable if you buy a new external hard at the same time.

Hey come on Yea Forums.

At least Anno is still good. Ubisoft has that going for them.

i'm talking about steam you spastic

That's great, go ahead. If enough people think that way to the point where it cuts into their profit, it will actually make them reconsider. But if we're honest, you're probably in a minority, and even taking into account people doing that they'll make more dosh than before.

You think that's an argument, but it isn't. I design software for a living. Daddy knows what he's talking about. Steam's UI/UX is poor.

wait you're genuinely confusing me, we were talking about steam right? but you sound like you're talking about EGS

>Ebin Store has to push updates and patches manually.
Is their game upload system automated yet or are they still doing that by hand too?

>turned the game into always-online bullshit for some features nobody really cares about


>Evil monopoly
Ye it's EGS

>Nigger why would I pay to be inconvenienced? They don't deserve free money, this isn't a charity.
A charity? What are you even talking about? they chose the most profitable way of doing things for them. there is literally nothing wrong with this, people who pout at them for doing so are shitters.

They're actually more than 15 years behind because their mindset is all wrong. Amazon became one of the biggest company on earth by giving customers what they want at all costs. Their mission statement is "Our vision is to be earth's most customer-centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online." This is a company that knows to make money you need customers and in order to get customers you have to give them what they want. These other stores have no idea what the fuck they're doing, they insult the customers, the customer service is shit (steam is guilty of this too), they fight with their customers and insult them in interviews and on twitter, it's fucking insane. Look at jeff bezos, he doesn't have time for that shit, the guy makes millions of dollars per minute, his time is too valuable to post stupid childish shit on twitter like some of these other losers.

March. I was waiting for Last year to come out but the devs had to retract their planned update after Discord decided to fuck everyone. You can only buy games directly from the official server and only nitro games are on the library listing. The whole panic move they did to counter Epic fucked them because, A. Not enough money to toss around for exclusivity and the store and B. Nobody uses nitro to offset the costs. They really jumped headfirst into an Olympic pool without knowing how to swim.

>what justification?
Being the largets platform with the biggest potential buyers is enough justification.
>they don't even spend that money.
Valve put's it's earnings into valve, geez what a surpise, also do you think keeping something the size of steam up and running is cost free?

are you actually retarded? Valve has ran it's monopoly for too long to obtain disgusting margins up to 30% of the games price. Epic Games takes only 12% and that's just it. What is so hard to understand you dumb nostril denier?

The only thing tick tocking here is Tim Store(tm)'s free game giveaways.
4 Months of several year old indie titles left, tick tock :^)

I would actually be glad if they took their trash off steam

maybe you should point out some actual problems with the steam ui instead of boasting about your job while not being able to comprehend a simple function of the ui

Let's say Capcom developed AAA game called X.
Cost of developing; 100 000 000
Revenue from sales before cut: 140 000 000
After epic cut: 140 000 000*0,88=123 200 000
After steam cut First
threshold 10 000 000 is 30%= 7 000 000 000. Second threshold is 25% for till 50mil so 25= 7 000 000 + 40 000 000*0,75= 37 000 000
After that it's 20% so
90 000 000*0,8 + 37 000 000= 109 000 000

Epic cut profit: 23 200 000
Steam cut profit: 9 000 000

Geez, i wonder why people say steam cut is unsustainable

>there is literally nothing wrong with this,
user I...

Was Capcom one that said it though? Last I heard, all there games are selling like hotcakes on Steam.

It's not unsustainable its just better offers are on the table now

>people who pout at them for doing so are shitters.
The only one pouting are the developers, consumers could give a shit less.

Ubisoft is the same company that will steal your money for saying mean words in text chat. They are the least consumer friendly publisher out there these days.

user I...

>Epic Games takes only 12% and that's just it
true, unless this hapensoh my that looks alot more than the 30% of Steam, weren't they the ones who took the bigger cut?

FOR THEM. I not only don't benefit, I get screwed. Higher price due to no proper regional pricing, separated library, no cloud saves or mod support. I'm paying more for less.

I pay less for shit now than I did 20 years ago, although that may be more on regulations and dollar values and whatnot.

Most entertainment!

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>100 million
You actually think they have that kind of money to blow? Try 30 million

Just a random example user

I just found out about this, what the fuck. In a way it's not surpising. They make a service, have a retardedly low profit margin and then put themselves out of business because they would need insane volume to operate with that margin.

>Monopoly :the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service.
"the state's monopoly of radio and television broadcasting"
Steam never held exclusive possession of the market, if anything epic is the one with monopoly practices by the sheer definition of the world.
>inb4 muh half life and tf2
geez company games are on the company store, geuss blizz has a monopoly with and EA with origin too.

Glad I don't play shitty games. There has not been a single Epic Store exclusive worth playing so far. Steam is here to stay, and any corporate scumbag that thinks they can change that can fuck right off.

And yet, in spite of this, this marvel came out on steam
Really makes you think, doesnt it?

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Outer Wilds is pretty good.

That's about it really.

Man, it makes me happy that more people will get to play ZX and ZXA, they were always really unappreciated. I fucking love the Kamen Rider-ish aspect of them.

did you even read what that is about that you are rushing to shitpost it here? Having options on how you want to monetise the game is different from having a fixated price cut for over 10 years. Retard you need to google the meaning of the word "monopoly" before replying to me with that weak shit.

I hate Amazon as much as the next guy, but those fuckers seem to bend over backwards for me whenever I'm trying to return shit. I'll pay no fees on sending shit back to them with the flimsiest excuse and I'll get my shit back 100%. At times they've literally told me to keep whatever it was and they'd still pay me back the whole lot.

They still have nitro games but they no longer are considered a game store and they don't do exclusivity anymore because not enough money and devs don't want to do it thanks to no longer being a store. They were around for a whole 6 months. I give Epic 2 years at this rate since I see fortnites numbers dipping.

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Point is AAA games don't operate at high investment ratios. 20% from that kind of investment is rather good and the cut could potentially eat all of it. It does not matter for for example terraria devs because their investment return is the in thousands if not more. Sooner or later valve will comply or big games will abandon them all together. At least with epic it's more likely that we don't end up with a launcher for each major publisher.

HLVR is a showcase for their VR tech, obviously. Them releasing a game this year is only notable because it's unusual.
And this is why in the next 5-10 years Steam will have a "game pass" subscription style service
Yeah I'm referring to the seasonal sales. There are still great deals on Steam year round but those big sales used to be truly exciting. "Are you ready for a miracle" doesn't really apply these days.

Because Ubisoft needs a third party distributer, otherwise they would‘ve gone the EA route with Uplay a long time ago. They know that EGS isn‘t a goldmine, but they hope to get a better deal from the market leader Valve by making statements like these publicly. EGS isn‘t important beyond its use as a strategic tool to get a bigger share from other platforms.

the top rated game of all time on Steam right now is some shitty anime VN. That's how much Steam reviews are worth
same refund policy as Steam
>community forums
>voice chat
>community profiles
>customized browsing

No need to comply, they aren't permanently being removed and neither is the userbase. Come back when your store can generate 1 million sales in a week without using force Tim and then we'll talk.


>Same policy as Steam
Yet they can refuse a refund if they want to. Even if you have all the requirements

Wanting game on steam is one thing,but defending steam cut? What the fuck

Why would Valve need to do that? Indie trash is just cheap holdover games until something big comes out.

These kids don't realize that Valve's whole purpose with Steam has been to break monopolies, chief among them removing the ability of console companies to fuck with gaming for their own benefit.

Tencent's store is just taking us back to a world where consoles are king.

but they wont idiot. god damn you need to reevaluate your way of thinking.

>At least console makers sell their hardware at a loss
Sony and Microsoft does, but not Nintendo.

etika yourself

>But they won't

The controller UI alone is worth using steam for
Hell, if I want to play on non-steam game with a controller the easiest way to do so is launch it through Steam

Steam can also refuse refunds. It's in the policy

UE era as being default engine ended long time ago, it's basically an unity. Almost every AAA-game this gen is made on a in-house engine unlike ps3/360 era when like every action game used ue3.

>you need to google the meaning of the word monopoly
says the EGS shill who uses exclusivity to counter monopoly

user, wipe gaben sperm from your face before talking to me. Thanks

Wanting game on console is one thing,but defending Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo cut? What the fuck?

This sounds like a fortnite zoomer

Since this entire back and forth would be pointless because it would just be you Nuhuh the entire time

The entirety of the big publishers each had their own store, with less functionality than steam but they have not taken off. As much as you love to deny the fact that the users love these features, its proof that they wont migrate because all of their games are in a service that is easy to use and is very user friendly.

And here is another one that you will probably hand-wave away, steam workshop. Another big factor in helping people stay away from the shitty ES.

Steam doesn't give a shit. It's still the best way for a game to gain exposure. Wanting more cut or no is just capitalism and corporate greed.

so who do i screw over if i buy a bunch of shit like that then mass chargeback? the chinkoids or the bullet-deserving """influencer""" onions golems?

You and me both user. Hopefully it'll sell well enough to give capcom confidence to make a ZX3. I mean, we got m11, the new X game, so why not ZX3?

fucking this as a costumer i cannot say a bad word againts steam so why the fuck i would care ? most of these developers think of me as pleb

If you do not meet the requirements they won't refund your game.

But EGS can refuse your refund even if you do meet all the requirements.

Remove Chinese dick from your ass first, puppet.

And you think that 30%isnt greedy?

>Even EGS store manager has said that their 12% cut is not sustainable
>somehow Valve's 30% cut (which is industry standard) is not realistic

>the top rated game of all time on Steam right now is some shitty anime VN.
the top rated movie of all time on rotten tomatoes is black panther. so what? does that mean reviews are pointless? i don't think anyone will say black panther or that anime vn are the best in their medium purely based on their rating, they're supposed to give people a general idea about their quality

Epic's refund policy:
>you may not be eligible for refunds if Epic determines that you are abusing the refund policy.
Steam's refund policy
>If it appears to us that you are abusing refunds, we may stop offering them to you.

EXACTLY the same thing

ok NPC, just say that you have no opinion.

>Ubishit games
>worth buying to begin with
Ubishit were the publisher who pioneered cancerous retailer-specific pre-order DLCs and milking ASSCREED--their only game--until it finally gave up the ghost. they were cancer.

Can someone explain to my why no single journalist has actually approached Valve about this 30% cut? I feel like everyone and their mother that doesn't work in Steam wants to talk about it but I feel as if no one has actually interviewed a Steam Team employee and asked them to "justify" the 30% or at least ask where that 30% is going.

And no, that one really salty ex-Valve employee that barely did anything counts.

How is the 30% cut unique to Steam? Where is the outrage over Walmart getting 30%?

Amazon's existence fucks over a lot of businesses and they treat the workers like shit but the service is just so damn good and valuable that people can't help but use it.
If tim was smart he would copy bezos as much as possible, he had the perfect opportunity to win customers over with a superior service to the point that we would not even care if he was creating a monopoly but he fucked up, he can't shake the image he made for himself where he's some guy who insults his customers.


So, you have anything intresting to say? Because apart from literaly sucking gaben dick you didn't said anything. Go back to plebit faggot

I would use EGS if it offered me anything as a consumer, but it doesn't, so I'll just continue pirating all the games they release.
It doesn't even have controller support, I need to add any EGS games to Steam in order to use my PS4 controller or Nvidia Shield controller, and at that point I may as well just pirate them (which I do).
This strong arming might work on consoles, but I don't see it working on PC.

I do t think the industrial standard is greedy, no. But of course, feel free to pay a 50% cut for physical publishing, 12% to a dead store with a non-existent userbase. You can also publish it yourself, making the required servers, payment colection and distribution networks, DLC and update servers, etc. in which case you dont have to pay anyone anything. Except for the hundreds of programmers you hired for maintaining the whole thing

I genuinely don't understand why he doesn't hire a PR rep. He seems to be making public mistake after mistake.

It's not. These publishers just want maximum profits.

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wrong poster?
>no argument
k, just admit you want to be on top of the totem pole instead of pretending like you're some savior of gaming


Because valve does not want to answer any question regarding their cut. If you ask them, they will simply say "no comment" or "it wasn't in the script"

If you call it greedy then you might as well call out literally everybody else in the industry.

Walmart has much higher costs to distribute goods compared to a digital store.Their operating margin is below 5% like all brick&mortar business.
Steam's costs are much lower. Their margins must be astronomical.

Just a typical case of Betas trying to get a part of the Alpha's cake

A good chunk of that cut is processing fees and bandwidth charges. The rest goes towards Valve's PC Gaming infrastructure work. Stuff like Forums or the controller UI may be obvious to people on any platform, but less obvious is their work on compatibility tools to ensure that the PC gaming library remains playable regardless of the whims of console and phone companies, and the teams they have working on high performance open source graphics drivers.

If Epic had their way we'd go back to AMD not having any drivers, games would be Windows 10 only, and PC game developers would be powerless against the console and phone companies intentionally holding the platform back.

>which leaves 88% to developers/publishers
How much do the developers get and how much do the publishers get? :)

Yeah but it doesn't hurt to post an article that you at least TRIED asking Valve about it. Since this whole shitshow, not once have I read an article about a journo trying to ask Valve about it. It doesn't matter if they don't answer. At the very least you get a reply.

It's all outside conjecture at this point but if we at least had a Valve interview that said, "uhh yeah no comment." then it would give their """criticisms""" of the cut more weight because Steam refused to actually justify it.

I wouldn't be surprised if he was on the spectrum because he seems to not understand how the stuff he says comes across to normies.

>is a chink
>thinks he deserves a real response

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>I-i-it's just a marketing campaign!

Makes the stance clear there, bro. You're grasping at straws, because clearly a lot more people think you're fucking wrong and didn't buy the game than think you were right.

Removing Nazis from Nazi germany and putting them in what was postwar America is a political commentary, and doubly so when you take potshots at the President while you do it. That would have never been done to Obama...but maybe Dubya. Are you starting to see a pattern?

So new rainbow shit's going up on epic, good to know in advance, glad uPlay failed catastrophically you dumbass frogs.

>Can someone explain to my why no single journalist has actually approached Valve about this 30% cut?
Because its obvious to anyone who pays attention to Valve's open source repositories. They've been burning money like crazy now for years to get PC gaming on GNU/Linux off the ground because they know that left to their own devices companies like Tencent and Microsoft will lock everything down to their benefit.

I did my research, valve cost are about 8-9% per every sale meaning they are left with 22% on every sale.
Transaction fees are around 6% on average. And servers cost them at best 3% per every transaction.

>Epic is ba---


Didn't timtim himself say that 12% cut isn't sustainable? Epic doesn't even offer half of the services that steam has.

They use their silence against them. It's been a tactic the contrarians have used for years about anything they can come up with to shit talk them.

See what? A shill?

whenever I feel the need of installing EGS I remind myself that it will die in a few years and all the games I'd had would be gone and my money would be wasted
that's really the main reason I don't use it

I've been a pirate most of my life. Steam made it convenient enough for me that I'd rather just buy the game. If there's no Steam I'll just pirate games again. The next platform can be the best thing ever but why would I want to split my library? I'm certainly not installing a client for every publisher out.

>Multiplat update on a year old game is proof that egs is working

how come no EGS shill posted any advantages their store has over Steam, just muh 12%?

well you are also allowed to do both
unlike with epic


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>Yea Forums
>game discussion

o i am laffin

Because they dont have any. And that's a good thing!

The entire problem would be fixed if Epic just fixed their store. This entire fiasco just makes the developers working for Epic look like complete amateurs.
Imagine working at HR and you're interviewing one of those guys for a developer position.

Personally, in the shoes of the developers I would sue Tim. Their reputation is ruined, who the fuck would employ developers than can't write a simple fucking array. What the fuck?

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Because money is the most important thing in the entire world, you will understand once you grow up

Valve takes 0% from keys sold in third party sites.

you're right, so why spend money on an inferior store when the current one does it better

>Gears of War
>Libtard game
That franchise is one of the most dudebro games ever created. The fuck is he on about.

Isn't Steam like the only one that has really silly little non-standard payment methods among all the digital storefronts?

Like the extreme prevalence of steam cards across Asia. Which is one of the big components as to why Japanese are flocking to that store.
Or a dude literally visiting your house to collect a cash payment for a game which is a blessing for third world shitholes and a really big boon for Indian customers?

Not even mentioning Steam China which honestly. Is probably a BIG NEGATIVE to the store and will hurt Chinese Steam users more but hey, game devs say that they hate monopolies so isn't it good that Steam is trying to "challenge" Tencent's hold over the chinks? Even if it still means bending over to their awful government.

But seriously, those non-standard payment methods are actually pretty good and I'd like to see other storefronts do that as well.

Yes I am a big fat shill for reality

>founder of lootboxes and microtransactions

is this game even alive? I can avoid dead games on steam by looking at the player count but egs doesn't have that

he said it's for shitholes where they don't pay in credit cards or something
>game devs say that they hate monopolies so isn't it good that Steam is trying to "challenge" Tencent's hold over the chinks?
they're working with Perfect World on that one aren't they, it's not any better, but I get the rest of your point

>fortnite kiddies trying to sound grown up
It's so obvious it's almost cute

cool, when is egs gonna give me a cut for buying games there then

Actually, that's MapleStory.

Why do corporate drones defend their shitty corporation all the time? If people are calling out steam for its shit all you hear in response is that you are sucking epics dick

too busy working on fortnite

Also they make sure that only 5% of all sales were made through 3rd party sites.

No I know. I had to mention Steam China just to be unbiased because that is going to a whole can of worms in the future ready to burst.

But my point still stands for all the other things Steam does that no other store is willing to go beyond.

Pretty sure Epic doesn't have the same devs working on games and fucking websites, mate. The webdev team is probably chink-tastic.


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It wouldnt be so bad if their arguments had any value. You can literally boil every single epicshill argument in this thread down to this
>epic takes 12% cut os why dont you, steam?!

Offering more payment methods is basic marketing and Steam started selling games to BRs and Russians when no one else did and made a lot of money because of it. Turns out piracy is indeed a service problem.
To this day I could buy steam games with cash in my local convenience store.

I don't understand why people are complaining about steam China. Doesn't that just mean there's going to be a separate program and server system to the rest of the world?

I wanna see single player open world half life 3 with microtransactions
this would be the end of valve

I'm pretty certain the only person working on their launcher is Sergey

Maple story came out a month after this stunt MS started and MS were the ones marketing the idea of it to big companies for 2 years before they implemented it.

yes and chinks hate it because of it.

>top rated game of all time on Steam right now is some shitty anime VN
No? The top rated game of all time on Steam is Portal 2.

Except they can't because publishers can generate keys by themselves you absolute fucking retard.

they're probably busy fetching lunch and coffee for fortnite devs
cant have the code monkeys stop working for too long

If american company can freely operate in china, it pretty much means that gaben is not anal virgin anymore.

Not gonna happen if it's a full paid release like L4D or something.

forgive english, i am Russia.

i come to study clothing and fashion at American university. i am here little time and i am very hard stress. i am gay also and this very difficult for me, i am very religion person. i never act to be gay with other men before. but after i am in america 6 weeks i am my friend together he is gay also. He was show me American fashion and then we are kiss.

we sex together. I never before now am tell my mother about gay because i am very shame. As i fock this American boy it is very good to me but also i am feel so guilty. I feel extreme guilty as I begin orgasm. I feel so guilty that I pick up my telephone and call Mother in Russia. I awaken her. It too late for stopping so I am cumming sex. I am very upset and guilty and crying, so I yell her, "I AM CUM FROM SEX" (in Russia). She say what? I say "I AM CUM FROM SEX" and she say you boy, do not marry American girl, and I say "NO I AM CUM FROM SEX WITH MAN, I AM IN ASS, I CUM IN ASS" and my mother very angry me. She not get scared though.

I hang up phone and am very embarrass. My friend also he is very embarrass. I am guilt and feel very stupid. I wonder, why do I gay with man? But I continue because when it spurt it feel very good in American ass.

Because it's easier to fuck up PR by responding to it, and since things like the Epic store have had mixed reception, there's no need to.

Which is 100% more than EGS allows.

I like steam because of achievements, guaranteed game access if a game leaves the stores, and the "social" features like chat and finding people in games.

I'm not sure what you mean by the sales thing other than you "lose" money with literally every transaction you'e made in your life.
>lol this faggot bought a can of beans on sale for $1, he just lost a $1

also, someone post that pic of EGS crawling your steam library and reading all your security certificates and browser settings for the chinese.

No,no they can't for years now.

Reminder to grab your free Celeste tomorrow.

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>company with billions of dollars to host its own infrastructure: "paying someone else to host our software is unrealistic"
It's fucking wild how stating basic common sense is news these days

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unless they block the people already using steam internationally, I doubt it
and if they somehow haven't done it yet I doubt they will

As someone who lives in a third world shithole if it were not for steam I would be pirating games. Back in the late 2000s I couldn't even spend money in some of these stores because they wouldn't sell to my region but steam did.


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They should have thrown money at things like a shopping cart

Good question user, Now we waiting for any response from epic shills

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Woo, yet another reason to stay the fuck away from the Ebin Gaems Whore.

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yeah but the point is games dont sell on epic
so it would be more realistic that the profit is actually lower than steams

Friendly reminder that Yea Forums is currently under the raid from leddit. They literally have their discord where they decide where to attack

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I'm trying be generous so as not to be accused of reflexively hating on EGS.

I don't think there's 3rd parties on uplay, it's all ubisoft shit
I wonder what cut EA takes, would be funny if it was more than 30%


I've said this time and time again in these threads and I'll say it again. All these journos and Tim himself trying to posture Epic as Steam's "biggest competitor" are wrong. Steam has first and foremost always competed with piracy and the prospects of accessibility in countries that haven't really fully entered the PC market.


Steam is literally expanding the range of PC markets and that can only benefit everyone, yes even Epic, involved. Because guess what? Even beyond piracy and accessibility. Valve is competing with EVERY OTHER FUCKING ENTERTAINMENT MEDIA OUT THERE NOT JUST OTHER STOREFRONTS.

Why do steam drones seeth so much about epic opening their own store?
if you dont fancy it dont use and pirate those shitty games

>find a completely useless exploit
>report it to steam
>steam doesnt give a fuck because the exploit is completely useless
>get mad and break the grace period
I still remember epicshills clinging to this like it was a liferaft which, considering the state their store is in currently, it likely was

You can think what you want, or just look it up.

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More like Sell less

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Why does ubi care? Didn't they fuck off to legoland? Or did they lose more than 30% trying to prop-up their ubishit gaming service that precisely 0 people on planet earth have any use for?

What's Ubisoft's store cut? I would find it hilarious if they posted this while they are also 30/70.

Right, so why would I spend money on their games when I can just pirate them?

Fuckepic is genuinely autistic and I hate EGS

this tbqh

and with gog galaxy there's really no point in not just getting all the launchers because fuck it right?

30% as usual

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oy vey, your store is anti semitic gabe
we all have le stores now, face le reality
you either give us a bigger cut goyim or we.. go elseswhere

There's quite literally a recent interview with a valve employee that says almost exactly what you said. The fact that anyone would be stupid enough to think this is a "1v1 me right now" thing shows a lack of thinking and intelligence.

I don't know

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lol k

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0% on their own games because it's owned by them
but you can get a 20% discount just for playing your games

Post the link. I've gone fucking tired posting in every shill thread so I want to hear that I'm right straight out of the mouth of a cunt from valve.

>>he's trying to act like he didn't read the article from literally yesterday where they said what he just did

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Mate. If the fucking archives weren't broken right now I'd link all the times I've pointed out that "a person using the EGS will still use other launchers" and that "Steam has always focused on accessibility and expanding their market untapped regions:

Dammit, I'm trying to find it. I clearly remember the interview being posted in one of these threads with a link but with the archive being fucked I have to Google this shit.

those games aren't even on the store

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I can also just get a 100% discount.

not if it's a bad game like the division that is online

Probably because of the bold text "coming soon" next to the list, sherlock.

>Even EGS store manager has said that their 12% cut is not sustainable
got a sauce on this?

Third-party games available at launch, Feb. 19

Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers, BitComposer
Galaxy on Fire 2 HD, BitComposer
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition, Electronic Arts
Crysis 3, Electronic Arts
Dead Space 2, Electronic Arts
Dead Space 3, Electronic Arts
Mass Effect 3 Digital Deluxe Edition, Electronic Arts
FIFA Soccer 13, Electronic Arts
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, Electronic Arts
Medal of Honor Warfighter, Electronic Arts
Need for Speed Most Wanted, Electronic Arts
The Sims 3 Deluxe Edition, Electronic Arts
SimCity Limited Edition (pre-order), Electronic Arts
Hoyle Cards 2012, Encore Software
Hoyle Casino 2012, Encore Software
Hoyle Puzzle and Board 2012, Encore Software
Wargame: European Escalation, Focus Home Interactive
To The Moon, Freebird Games
Endless Space Emperor Edition, Iceberg Interactive
Crusader Kings 2, Paradox Interactive
War of the Roses, Paradox Interactive
Magicka, Paradox Interactive
Orcs Must Die! 2, Robot Entertainment
The Walking Dead, Telltale Games
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, Torn Banner Studios
Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Batman: Arkham City Game of the Year Edition, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Lego Batman 2, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
The Lord of the Rings: War in the North, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

But why would I want to play trash like The Division?

I mean the issue never was "we go elsewhere" the issue is "Epic paid us to not sell on your store". Usually after a product is finished and had a planned steam release


Legit thought those guys went bankrupt years ago.

Lets have some choice quotes from the article, shall we.

>Titles from smaller publishers and independent studios, such as Paradox Interactive (Crusader Kings 2) and Robot Entertainment (Orcs Must Die! 2), respectively, are also available in the Uplay Shop. According to a Ubisoft spokesperson, "Ubisoft is following the [industry-standard] revenue sharing with the publishers," which likely means the company will take a 30 percent cut of all Uplay Shop sales.
Interesting, "industry-standard", huh?
>Chris Early, Ubisoft's vice president of digital publishing, told Polygon in a recent phone interview that the simultaneous moves are being made with one principal goal: to give Uplay's 50 million users more options for buying and playing Ubisoft games.
Exclusivity = bad
>Going forward, said Early, third-party titles "will be releasing at the same time, day and date, as all the other digital channels."
Limited exclusivity = also bad
>"Over the last year, we've made a number of technological improvements in the Uplay client on the PC," he explained, saying that those changes paved the way for the sale of third-party games.
Ever heard Tim say something like this?
>When we asked why Ubisoft decided to put its games on Origin, Early reiterated his explanation of giving customers choice, then acknowledged that a service like Valve's Steam has a significant number of "consumers [who] are very loyal to it."

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that article is from 2013 so I think soon would have come by now

I don't see any of these games
The only thing I can think of is that ubisoft has some kind of region restriction and I'm not allowed to buy those games

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actual steam rating is pic related.

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Ubisoft seems 2faced as fuck but knowing how greed motivates them I'm not even surprised

I think they just quietly stopped doing it. Interesting that it didn't make the news.

Just a reminder the entire system Epic has set up only works in major economic countries. The countries that spend the most on Steam are none of those.

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>Crusader Kings 2
Jeez, I can't imagine playing any P*radox game without Steam Workshop considering what a pain it is to use their forums for mods.

Even if it was a shitty anime VN, I still don't see this issue? People are getting the product they want. Having a wide variety of options on a videogame store is good for consumers.

it's okay tim had the bright idea to pass the cost onto the customer in those countries so their games are more expensive, EGS can afford to subsidize devs but 3rd world customers get fucked

thank you mr ching chong you're my biggest ally

But how infinite is that dollar? I am starting to wonder if Epic can really remain unaffected by the trade war between US and China. Funding source being cut is a very possible consequence that Epic couldn't have foreseen.