You think you do but you d-

>You think you do but you d-

Attached: 55.png (840x711, 450K)


literally sitting in a 400min queue now

we get it, you're having fun again with your nostalgia game. Stop spamming the board with this shit and see you in three months when they'll shut it down because nobody is playing it.

>stop talking about video games

stfu zoomer

You sure are talking about videogames in this thread

Attached: 1557582029872.jpg (525x525, 62K)

>stfu zoomer, you had to play this game when you were young, it's the best game ever made, you had to!!

Attached: 1553222560620.png (691x653, 146K)

>the amount of contrarian butthurt
delicious tears

zoom zoom zoom