Attached: pcspec-560.jpg (560x357, 80K)

>same graphics as in BL2
>75GB of HDD space required

Attached: froggo.jpg (660x574, 31K)

I've already compressed it down to 0GB on my machine.

Attached: 1482886029475.png (640x480, 158K)

Shit game on shit store not interested. Maybe will pirate in several years.

excuse me?

Attached: 1555671326492.jpg (1674x854, 55K)

>sep 13
the game doesn't release for 6 months after that tho

How much did Randy charge to put AMD's shit in bold yellow?

Because it's not the same graphics

Attached: BL2vsBL3 (2).jpg (640x765, 181K)

>16gb of ram

Attached: e93.jpg (1200x740, 72K)

>You can pre-order borderlands 3 trough borderlands 2 main menu.

They really want this to sell.

Also, I started a new playtrough with kreig. But I am not sure which skill tree to take.

>They really want this to sell.
Pretty sure pre-orders are fucking insane already, series sold 5 millions in the last 3 months on hype alone

>windows 10 eats up 10gb+ memory just by idling and the bug where it doesn't release any of it still persist 1+ year in
>every PC game from here on out will requires AT LEAST 16GB

it wont even require half of that on win7

Fucking nigger

>mfw people tell me to downgrade to windows 10

Attached: oyvey.jpg (439x290, 23K)

>want to get this to play with friends
>everyone I know is a steamfag who think epic store is some sort of chinese spy network

guess i'll wait till next year

>But dude you can just waste hours of your time googling and trying to fix all of it's shit and yet never fix it fully!

>recommended 16gb RAM along with 1060

the fuck?
I have 16, but this turd ought to run fine on 4.

Attached: 1361238816270.jpg (457x1846, 226K)

>paying for this shit
You have to wait at most 6 months. If the Denuvo is cracked any time before then, pirate it and use a fake-LAN program. Worked for all the past games.

It's for 1440p

I have it on a cheap ass laptop I got for $150 for classes, despite spending an hour disabling updates it still somehow manages to fucking update itself all the time.
At least with Win 7 I fucking own my PC.

God she's ugly

lilith sure got fat

>But I am not sure which skill tree to take.

Just take all the skills. There are hacks on PC and console for it.

>75GB of funny Claptrap voice lines

>He doesen't know that claptrap's voice actor got fired for asking money for his work

High ram usage is a sign of poor coding. Arkham Knight needed 12gb by itself. Also windows 10 uses about 3.5gb just to run (remember, poor coding), which leaves games with only 4gb of RAM before the page file is hit hard.

It finally happened. 16gb is the standard amount of RAM for gaming needs.

Attached: D9bZBiDU0AA3MLw.jpg (1822x1920, 348K)

>75 gig of uglier graphics and subpar voice work
Papika poster got this shit right

It's only 40GB, you just need 75 GB for installing it for some reason

>16gb of RAM

Attached: 1549220487116.png (250x250, 90K)

tfw your high end rig is now minimum specs at best

Attached: 1498902573165.jpg (500x479, 19K)

>no preload because epic store

Attached: 1505979934148.jpg (872x685, 104K)

Come on man. It's only 35 dollars to buy another stick.

better than waiting 6 months if you're a steamcuck

There's only one kind of Ram I obtain and it's free

Attached: RAM.jpg (1192x670, 136K)


I bought my desktop with its 1060 at the start of this year. I feel like I'm on a tightrope. The 16 series is out now and I don't know how much longer the 1060 can hold out at max 1080p settings.

Attached: sexualized.jpg (503x501, 48K)



That being said, hopefully it gets cracked soon since it's a highly anticipated release

it's for all the SICK text and game commentary BRO! LIKE bro COME ON !

well I do have one 1440p, still- these textures never have been super hirez or models detailed.
It's not fucking Crysis 3.



More like... BADASS!

I can’t wait to buy it for literal pennies on steam

Just means I forget about the game until its cracked lol

You don't need more ram to increase resolution. This guy is an idiot.

>buying videogames

Attached: ritTNsE.png (1158x664, 271K)

yeah, new lilith look ugly, like a cheap whore
I like new moxxi though

Better but just goes to show how shit BL2 looked even back when it came out (and this is coming from someone who loved BL1's aesthetic originally)

On a side note, why does BL2 feel worse to play than 1? I played 1 including all the DLCs as Roland and had a blast. BL2 as Axton felt like a slog. I stopped once I got to Opportunity.

I didn't care about the story and the quests at all, the gunplay didn't feel good for some reason (not sure if it was a balance thing but I couldn't find any good shotguns or auto assault rifles so I was stuck with sniper rifles and semi-autos), and the world just felt empty for some reason. It felt like I was just going around ticking stuff off a checklist.

>>buying videogames

Attached: soijak (147).png (631x658, 43K)

>having a blast as Roland
You just have bad taste. Axton is objectively superior in almost everyway gameplay wise

Crysis 3 only needs 3gb ram and 2gb vram
Actual optimisation

You are supposed to play BL1 as Brick while utilising the speed glitch and speccing into shotguns to make the game feel like pg-13 Doom.

>acts like a man
>looks like a man
>sounds like a man
>"agender :^)"

Attached: FL4K-Borderlands-3-Character.png (375x506, 90K)

At what settings and resolution?

Zero sure was under utilised.

That's 40% of my hard drive.

Steam did the same for a very long time. Downloaded files and installed files were separate so there was at time when you had both on your drive before the downloaded is deleted after install is complete.

I know Axton is better in every way but just because the class is better doesn't mean the game as a whole is better.

I didn't even know about that. I didn't really follow any discussion about BL back then. Sounds cool. Wish BL had a mode where you could start off as a mid-level character once you beat the game since I honestly don't think it's worth slogging through the early levels more than once

Robots don't have genders like people do. If they did have a gender identity it would have to be deliberately implemented by their creators. What frustrates me is that the devs seem to think that a genderless robot would even care about being misgendered.

You really should be playong every borderlands game with cheats to max out your skill trees at the very least. Axton is so much fun with dual upgraded teleporting magnetic slag shield nuke turrets. And Brick is just a laugh when you have all of his survivability upgrades. There's programs for it on the ps3/360 games.

BL2 is a lot better than BL1 though, gunplay is the same shit.

To be fair, AR took a hit in damage, but shotguns are still really good, so that's a problem on your end

he's just a robot, so I dont see any problem with him being agender, the problem is BL team forcing the pronouns

Who still on 8GB here?

Attached: 1547309206904.jpg (900x506, 81K)

4GB masterrace reporting in

im not gonna make it, am i?

forgot pic

Attached: 2019-08-28 15_19_20-System.png (285x43, 1K)

Is there any for the PS4?

Something just felt off to me. I can't quite place it myself. Maybe I'll start a new playthrough since I still have the disc.

Also, I never found any good shotguns though I used the same semi-auto rifle for like 10+ levels up until Opportunity (I was in my early to mid 20s by then). Every shotgun that dropped or was available through vending machines was underpowered compared to snipers and semi-auto rifles. SMGs were fine but ate through ammo too quickly for me. Didn't really care for pistols or launchers

Any res max settings. It's a 2013 game.

Me. Gonna play it on low

just download Windows 10 LTSC. It is the best version. You are in control since it is based on Enterprise. For more questions just go to this thread .

Attached: ltsc.png (2560x1440, 767K)

Yeah, but if you sound male, act male, look male, and represent yourself as male, assuming you are male is not that crazy.

>Canada folder
>the LTSC meme

just fucking get ultimate with the KMS thing and get a app called shut up windows 10, and win aerotweaker. I've had basically no issues since i've been using it since early this year, never had my PC decide to update itself like i thought it would.

8gb alone is for processing the BADASS

>can run on my laptop
Good shit. Leak when

>16 GB of RAM

>went from 2012 graphics to 2014 graphics


>screenshot from a shitty 240p fmv compared to an ingame model which barely looks better than TPS

>my 1070 has pretty much fallen off all benchmarks now

It's a robot, fuck off

It really shouldn't matter at all what anyone calls him. If they want characters to use something then by all means if the player wants to call it something then by all means.

It doesn't exist and even in universe is a fucking robot