How did Mojang get away with this?

How did Mojang get away with this?

Attached: 2019-08-28_12.38.41.png (1680x1050, 584K)

oh my gosh... is this real?

Is there any practical use for that block other than picrelated?
I can't really come up with any
(Maybe because I was never into redstone)

I mean the minecart with the commandblock

think of it as a CPU, you can make commands that activate once specific actions are performed instead of using a cubic mile of redstone computers.

it lets you cheat at redstone
its pretty convenient

It's for scripting in scenarios. You know, people DM Minecraft on some servers.

Why do minecarts exist in current year?
>rails take a fuckton of resources to make
>powered rails required to go up slopes, wasting precious gold and redstone
>outclassed by boats, horses, and elytra
>furnace minecarts are a joke
>can't even make convoys or trains without fearing it'll shit itself with diarrhea the moment it rounds a corner

Attached: Minecart.png (636x600, 9K)

Because they were designed in a time when the game was going for an open world fantasy simulation game and not just meme legos

You can get rails for free from mineshafts and what else are you gonna use gold for?

Attached: FLAOT1.png (985x911, 1.12M)

god apples.

Mineshafts have nothing going for them since every new structure outclasses it. Besides who's autistic enough to mine every single rail?

lmao what? you can't go 10 blocks without striking a vein of the stuff

They need to double the speed of minecarts. In fact they did on PS4 but for some reason didn't apply the change to other versions

Minecarts need

to go fast as fuck and give it a niche as one of the fastest methods to travel in a straight line
>Better Physics
so you can actually jump across chasms and shit if you build up enough momentum and fly off a ramp
>Powered Rails

Knowing mojang they'll half-ass it and somehow make it worse and more confusing than it already is.
Are there any good minecart mods?

>that one mod that adds a ton of real-world trains with accurate albeit miniaturized models
That had to have been the most fun I ever had playing miney crafta.

Attached: 1518395357718.jpg (640x640, 37K)

Command block can do ANYTHING, it makes every other redstone pointless so redstonefags just ignore it because it's pretty much cheating

>How did Mojang get away with this?
stealing the weighted companion cube? just wait until i tell gaben about this

Hopper minecarts and mob transportation with minecarts are really useful

>redstonefags just ignore it because it's pretty much cheating
They ignore it because you can't craft them in survival. Most redstone is made to have practical uses on survival and command Blocks exist to make Adventure Maps better.
At least they were now tgey are being replaced by Data Packs.

But rollercoasters