Why are boomers such manchildren? Grow up
Why are boomers such manchildren? Grow up
Top right is arguably the best out of all of those.
Some of these are not that bad until you realize they're probably obese neckbeards then it gets worse.
I don't know why "gamers" are like this. I try to minimize my exposure to these people and just keep away from the culture all together. It's bad.
Because this generation sucks and we want to go back.
Kind of like how the WW2 veterans felt upon seeing the generation they brought into existence.
You'll feel it too one day.
Where are the adult diapers?
>Why are Americans such manchildren?
Fixed for you.
Boomers are responsible for the mass invasion of niggers and mudslimes into occident,I hope they all fucking die already
That boomer juice priest is pretty based desu.
And then what are you gonna do? Wouldn't it be better to just kill all the niggers instead as they'll still be around once the boomers are gone.
>all those diabeetus inducing and digusting snacks
why do americans have such a shit taste in snacks and candy when their country produces the majority of it?
>Where are the adult diapers?
poop sock and piss bottle, baby
I see you never played vanilla WoW
lad you need some glasses
user they just needed all those calories to stay alive for the duration of the queue
To be fair they need all those calories to make it through the queue.
Why do people post pics like that? Like I give a fuck about their shitty diet.
>woah look at all the artificial trash I eat dude u mad?
C'mon dude, it's so obvious you're one of these people and are in denial. Don't try to validate your own degeneracy. No one cares if you play video games, but they care if you're a greasy incel neckbeard loser.
There's enough calories there for an entire month.
Because it's just sugar made to look like different things so their sugar addicted brain doesn't get bored. They may as well eat a jar of sugar, it's the exact same thing.
For social clout, mostly, it mostly boils down to "haha dude I'm SOOO invested in this haha look how much of a part of the ingroup I am, totally not an outsider here haha"
Yeah there's a german guy and funnily he's the only one with tolerable stuff.
and a bong and two strayans with junk food just as bad as the americans lad
>prepare all that junk food so oyu don't have to leave home for a week
>taking the week off at work
>getting in the mood for 24/7 grinding
>It's almost 12, its happening
Position in the queue: 15963
Estimated time: Try again tomorrow
>actually buying monster zero for the memes
I see they are also retarded as fuck too and fall for this shit
Second top left seems pretty based, actual meals prepared. I'd party with him.
don't forget to wait in line, might need to get more snacks while waiting
>muh walking sims!
>muh I play games for the gameplay!
yeah, right.
>anglos eating all this junk
>1 German in the pic and he eats eggs, tuna, rice, protein,...
lmao, get it together.
That's an ass cancer in the making.
depends what's inside of those and how fatty they are
consider it's a several day task, wouldn't it take longer overall to change diapers than take a quick shit?
Its a joke at their expense.
You insecure fuck wont get it
Life becomes much better when you stop caring about others so much. What are you even trying to accomplish with your post? You think some fat neckbeard will read your shitty post and turn their life around from this alone?
you'll grow old soon too remember that
>You should settle down for a 30yo roastie, get a job, wake up at 6am, drive through 1 hour of traffic, work like a slave for 10 hours and pay 90% of the money you earn to your boss and the (((state)))!!! You can't just enjoy yourself!
>tuna, eggs, rice, tomatoes
Why do they have to eat a shit ton of snacks and trash to play game?
tuna is full of mercury and relatively unhealthy
He should've gone with herring/sardines.
Is salmon alright?
All this shitty overprocessed, gmo, pesticide ridden food, that's been grown in gigantic monoculture fields. Ugh.
>The Virgin WoW Boomers vs The Chad Fortnite Zoomers
if you don't enjoy video games, why are you here OP?
Aglio Olio Peperoncino and 1 glass of red wine its all I need. Disgusting pigs.
>"how pretentious can i be in a single sentence?"
>energy drinks
Just drink soda if you want to, or coffee if you want caffeine
i don't think you realize how popular monster zero is
>junk food is only for kids
funny how only kids think this way
And vaccines cause autism too, right user?
vaccines DO cause Irreversible damage to your body and brain, not autism but they do fuck people up six ways from sunday.
What if people want a caffeine drink that tastes like soda? Very hard to figure why people go for it.
>Not playing on a toilet seat
>not autism but they do fuck people up six ways from sunday
but unvaccinated people tend to be just as fucked up as vaccinated people and also have bonus diseases.
thats completely untrue, unvaxed people are extremely healthy and they do not get diseases.
Yet here you are
because they're dead or literally live in a bubble
Four twelve years olds would struggle through two pizza's let alone all that
only niggers get AIDS from being unvaccinated, not white people, you dont get AIDS if you dont get kikejuice once a month
>AIDS vaccine
Wanna know how I know you're an amerimutt?
They're 21
Why is everyone buying SO MUCH food anyway? Can't you fatties just walk 5 or 10 minutes each day and select what you want without stockpiling a bunch of garbage that you will inevitability feel obligated to finish
>game cook books
if you ever buy one of these you should slit your wrists you fucking dumb cunts
Taking pictures of your massive horde of junk food next to your video games is for kids
yeah. real men take pictures of the turds that the food produced.