>jap games are popular in the west
>anime and manga are popular everywhere
>japs girls are popular
>weebs everywhere
how do we stop them
>japan won the cultural wars
You stop weebs by not doing anything, they don't reproduce. Also maybe another nuke.
>muh culture war
What western games do Japs play? I remember reading that they actually liked Heavy Rain when it was released.
>culture war
My friend, you've been spending way too much time on this website.
>manga are popular everywhere
I think you overestimate the popularity of manga, that's pretty hardcore weeb there
keep pushing more propaganda in games, comcis and movies
>how do we stop them
we don't
Agree. More trannies in games is not something bad.
I would pay $1000 to have an affair with this 2D woman.
yeah but it breeds train nerds who burn down anime studios
less pathetic jrpgs are available
Why does Yea Forums love the Japan so much?
Mai Shiranui is not even from an RPG franchise.
Mai Shiranui actually has a caucasian boyfriend named Andy Bogard.
Mai Shiranui hungers for Andy Bogard's cock to the point she makes false claims that she got pregnant because of him when she didnt even have a baby and still maintains a very healthy figure too.
Andy is actually creeped out by her attitude but in the end they get married in one of the canon route(Mark of the wolves).
Those are all niche outside of this place and your little social media circles.
>thinking anime is japanese culture
Are you actually this fucking dense?
Go read a book on effects of Western occupation of Japan post WWII, fuckin gamer
Because Doom Eternal will probably be the only playable western game this year, unless you're into Blizzards bread line simulator.
literally every e-celeb i follow loves anime and/or japan
Unrelated to vidya, but Japanese restaurants have been popping up like crazy in my town in the last couple years, sushi has become the most normalfag food imaginable. I 'member when I used to be a weirdo for going to eat it at the couple joints that made it.
Right, so Kurosawa movies cannot be considered Japanese culture because muh Western influence.
You mean he watched a normalfag anime that aired on US cable TV? Wow what a weeb.
More like:
Western RPGs:
>reddit writing and jokes
>tranny and lefty shit galore
>everyone is ugly and disgusting
>the same boring themes of fighting capitalism/opression and other lefty marxist garbage
>haha look another postapo survival garbage
>existential plot about nature and fundamentals of humans, morality, our place in the universe using demonolog, satanism and Zoroastrianism as themes to subverse western philosophy and open dialogue about them
still better than the anglospherecrap that ruled the world the latest 60 years.
race traitor
more like
>western RPGs:
>literally what you said
>some tryhard "2deep4u" 2-dimensional they dont even understand themselves and clearly ripped from European literature
>also shitton of stat autism and useless garbage loot
oh and waifus with no character traits other than "uguuu muh mc"
do weebs love korea too?
we are better than racist nips
The Whole Asia grown up with Doraemon
The Rest of the world grown up with Dragonball Z
Manga is pretty popular
not him, but there's a shitton of kpop fans that glorify those thots
is korea more popular than japan
we didn't comit any war crimes
nuke japan
>jpop shit on by kpop
>webtoons dominating manga
>anime next
LoL is decently popular.
Japan is generally more known/popular because they export more culture. Go to /int/ for these kinds of questions, or fuck off if you're a larping ESL.
You’re goddamn right there webtoons are decent. God my dick has never known rest reading butcher boy
First you need to create a culture worth a damm.
You see the problem?
better pop culture overall
Alien, developed, non-threatening.
>Alien, developed, non-threatening
then why does the west hate muslims
Because muslims are only 1 out of 3.
Because the latter two adjectives fail to describe most of the Muslim world or at least the average Westerner's perception of it.
because they're alien but non developed but threatening?
you'd be better off asking WHY they like them since he west loves muslims
I can't think of a single attractive real life jap woman. They are only sexy in games or anime.
Because the west is in the middle of a cultural implosion which Japan seems to be weathering reasonably well.
No need to trot out the usual left/right wing bogeymen, it should be obvious to everyone that NA/Euro culture is pretty fucked & getting worse by the year. Can hardly blame people for latching onto something passably functional.
In order to stop a culture you need a culture of your own
We don't have much of that anymore, it didn't sell so we let the corporations get rid of most of it. Now they're selling us political narratives because those sell amazingly well and have great brand loyalty for future sales
A few bits of culture remain in the west, but they are often ignored or otherwise avoided as themes in media to avoid pissing off the people who bought into the political narratives. You can still find them out there, but Japanese is gaining influence because there is just nothing contesting it
I dont know it seems like Korea is more popular now.
Consuming a smattering of jap pop cultural exports and lusting after asian women is not "latching onto" their culture lol.
what am I looking at?
What is going on here? Jav convention?
Delete Japanese language
Yeah, they're not. Got a problem? Seem to be an expert, after all.
not before chinese is deleted
who's the chicke in the bathign suit?
what is this, is there more, and how can i see more?
No shit!
I don’t remember the last time I used my TV for something other than laying videogames
Your gringo culture somehow got even more decadent in the past 5 years when SJW got control over pretty much everything
I've never seen a language this retarded, using 3 different types of characters
it's over
we lost
They've evidently influenced several themes and tropes common in japanese fiction, so it's culture by definition.
Just remember that japan hate you
Glorious Nippon lives in your head rent F R E E.
Go jack off to a white woman who will accuse you of rape and then find out she's a black dick sucking tranny
Whatever happened to her?
Built for BWC.
is she the first weeb girl
WRPGs: Left wing trash only LGBTQ subhumans enjoy
JRPGs: Redpill
You are in Yea Forums.
If you think there is any culture in the west, that can even slightly compete with american, then you probably never lived outside the US.
It's no contest. You're just a weeaboo.
it's funny because americans are the weebest
>gatekeeping being a weeaboo
Truly the apex neckbeard
America is part of every country even japan, just think about the fast food shit people eat everyday...
What does white women have to do with this?
Food is dominated by American culture. Nerd culture is dominated by Japanese culture.
>REEEE the west is dying due moral decay!!!
>BASED Japan being conservative!
>American social decay
1 in 3 American white children are born to single mothers
>Japanese social decay
Some Japs had a bachelor party and recorded it
These are totally, 100% equivalent, yep.
... Didn't I see this same thread yesterday or am I losing it?
Yeah, and the fact that 1 in 4 nip women has participated in porn. Based pure Japan! God I hate myself and wish I was Japanese :'(
>western art
that's gonna be a yieks from me friendo
>turning your kids trans without their consent
>mutilating genitalia
>guilty until proven otherwise
>respecting core family values of male and female
>holding onto the culture of your own people instead of mixing it / throwing it away
Watch as die hard weebs chimp out
it's okay when japan does it
>deny war crimes
>being racist
>treat immigrants like shit
>make sexy girls in video games
things japan gets away
They are, which is why they're so perverted they must maintain their prostitution industries or everyone would end up in prison
so, what exactly is this image supposed to mean or prove?
If I like all or majority those things I'm a self aware weaboo? Or if I regularly consume them all?
What if I like only 1-5 things in that entire list and deem the rest as overrated or cringey garbage?
>Stats on American white children born to single mothers
Official stats from a reputable source
>Stats on 1 in 4 Jap women being in porn
Blog stats and "dude, just trust me."
Then you’re a pretentious weeaboo, the kost subhuman of them all
>n-no it's not true JAPANESE PORN INDUSTRY (the world's biggest) WOULD NEVER LIE
How do you say "weeb + zoomer"? Weemer?
>JAPANESE PORN INDUSTRY (the world's biggest)
That would be America's actually.
Yikes, I love watching white people squirm when someone talks about how Japs are less shit than they are.
It never stops being funny.
But why do I have to be a weaboo at all?
I like to read manga, some anime is good, been a judoka for 20 years, 3 dans, I respect the culture and love the people
Why does it instantly make one a weaboo if they like something japanese related?
>70%+ cheat
Yea Forums told me jap women were good!!??
BASED though they will worship me since I am an anglo
Are you fucking retarded? Weeaboo is a derogatory term
Also, fuck you, there's nothing wrong with being elitist. It's how you keep casual shitheads from ruining communities, like what reddit did to this website since there wasnt enough elitism and persecution of newfaggots like yourself
weebs are people who love japanese things
You. Betrayed. America.
Not per capita. JAV output beats American porn output by a pretty wide margin when population size is considered.
there's a difference between "liking" something and being "obsessed" with something
google the term "weaboo" and its meaning please
I am not a filthy mutt
[citation needed]
Newfags pretending to get words just because they didn't lurk like oldfags did angers me.
No, a weeb isn't one who solely love Japan. That's a japanophile. A weeaboo is a self hating ugly dumb faggot who thinks his life would drastically improve once he "moves to Japan and marry a cute Japanese girl" because their culture is according to him, far superior.
All the while his knowledge of Japan mainly stems from anime and games
Weird how you want citation now, but offers none with your several statements earlier.
Do you have more?
>A weeaboo is a self hating ugly dumb faggot who thinks his life would drastically improve once he "moves to Japan and marry a cute Japanese girl" because their culture is according to him, far superior.
>All the while his knowledge of Japan mainly stems from anime and games
so weebs actually don't exist
i doubt there are such people in the west
So you don't have a citation?
why do you think he's white?
>guilty until proven otherwise
nip conviction rate is 95%, and it's NOT because they're damn good detectives
Where's the porn citation? I'll give you a hint "jav production yearly" vs "American pornographic movie production"
why do you think NTR is such a common tag?
Gears was surprisingly popular.
Still waiting on that citation.
Not a thing lol
Someone must have this source...
Stop being a cuck and embrace it
Ok bro
How much are these women and where can I rent them?
Please source before thread dies
i dont even care about sauce i just want context
seriously, nobody here knowS?
Taiwan Adult Expo
Because whites feel inferior to Asians.
by gitting gud but no one wants to git gud.
>jap school swimsuit
>jap school uniform
why does taiwan love japan so much
Here in Europe mangas are more popular than capes, they probably beat most western comics in general except for maybe stuff like the Disney ones (Mickey, Donald etc.) that everyone and their grandmas buy
>How do we stop them
You don't, weebs won because they realized that 2D is superior to 3D
>how do we stop them
If Sony's censorship didn't work, nothing will.
>Why does this website for japanese media like japanese media so much
IQ gate when?
Call of Duty. For reals.
I dont blame em. Those games run at sold 60fps and are brainless. Good for after work salaryman chilling.
Their only real local ally against China
Korea is too busy with being split up and anything south of Taiwan is shit
We dont. They already win
You would be surprised actually a lot of manga is among highest grossing media franchises off all time.
I don't need serious story and all that stuff all I need from an RPG is to be like fairy tale and to take me away and WRPGs just don't offer that like JRPGs.
Forgot to post a link.
>American Fast Food chains all over Japan
>Their top sport is an American sport
>Learn English in school
>Still have the US forced constitution
>Still have US military bases
I don't think so.
Then Star Wars isn't American
Oui, mais non, monsieur.
I thought people meme about Japs getting motion sick or something from FPS games.
Shut up you frog fuck.
Not seeing frog leg restaurants in every city in Europe.
I see a big yellow M. And when I turn on the television anywhere in the world, do you see some crappy tryhard movies about a mime smoking while his wife gets fucked in the other room?
No, you see the Disney channel and poorly done rip offs of American TV formats.
And MTV.
Fuck off.
Only Japanese otakus and hardcore weeaboos care about Japanese games. Personally I don't like FPS or WRPGs at all but that's how things are
Yeah? Too bad they lost the only thing in the last 100 years that ever really mattered. LOL
>falling for the cultural war meme
A man needs a name?
Because only Jap women care about tiny white cock.
Yeah, i know, being the only country in the west that both to to the US military and imperialism to fuck off breed jealousy, you'll get over it at some point, or try to claim some shit, your people always does.
gonna need sauce on that android 18 image
i legitimately want you to die
I'm more afraid of China desu
I actually hope Japan conquers the world with nothing but anime and jap games.
I want to have sex with that man
To bad their country is dying
looks like the Japanese won all along.
How many of the West's children has been raised by Japanese media?
Japan is still Japanese
Most of the western world's cities aren't western anymore
There's this wonderful thing called Google
Thank you based Japan
Do we have a pejorative word for people who are "obsessed" with Hollywood movies, for example?
make better shut
Movie critics