Esports general

What's your opinion on Esports? Do you think a games community can be improved by it? Have you ever tried competetive gaming?

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People thought it was going to have huge growth and be the new real sports when MOBAs were popular but then they started to fade from the limelight and Battle Royales became popular and now esports are shrinking, not growing

Post the one with the nigger fucking the trap

Fighting games have taken a beating trying to chase esports. Fuck that.

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Hate them
Has never happened and never will

>cant post images
wtf hiro, its not even a mobile IP

Why has there never been a successful black progamer? (I don't count fighting games as esports)


Diversity done right

>What's your opinion on Esports?
like real sports, I don't get it overall
I get playing the game, or playing sports, but I don't fucking get following it
>Do you think a games community can be improved by it?
no because it encourages autistic competitiveness
although if a game was built around being autistically competitive then yes
>Have you ever tried competetive gaming?
I've played competitive modes with rankings in games if that counts but they were too tryhard for me

Quake was fucking neat back in the day
now it's either Gookcraft or 5v5 gayapalooza, no individual triumph

>discredits a viable example/source
I can tell you're Republican

Lemme know when Joe Buck calls the 2035 COD XP grand finals or some shit on FOX, then maybe it'll be a thing.

I was into competitive TF2 for a while until my team realized how much of a joke it was, so we went back to playing casual matches and having fun.

>not chile flag
anybody have the r34 of that meme?

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competitive gaming sucks, single player all the way

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what is even the point of asking that then. i'd guess other genres are less popular among black people, at least in the esport scene.

ive never had a team in my entire life that talked like that (edit coke spill joke aside)

not with friends and even less with strangers

its either silent when we are doing good, or ranting when we dont

Put some commas, you huge fucking faggot
Can't believe you're writting with this level of retardation. Did your hit the floor when going out of your mother's vagina? Did your mother drink and smoke while you were rent free in her uterus?

make me faggot

I'll make you a faggot since you're asking that nicely.

I'm doing you a favor by pointing it out, fucking tranny. With this level of writting you sound nothing but like an underage faggot, which opinion shouldn't ever be fucking listened to.

Dr pepper > sprite > pepsi > coke

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based boomer

Esports are only good if they are not used to generate sales for the game.
Skins and lootboxes are a grey area in this regard but still better than an endless pile of shill sequels.

Post the porn version

where can I get the lewd edits? google doesn't show shit

Esport is a meme pushed by marketters to try to sell their games with the new hype. And all of you Yea Forumsirgins fell for it, like pawns with wallets that you are.

Your mistake is assuming that because I didn't use commas that I don't know how to use them

Esports is trash except for pic related. That was pretty based

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Keep projecting, faggot.

1v1 is good for settling online arguments. Quake, Jedi Outcast and UT are acceptable disciplines for settling disputes in a civilized gentlemanly fashion.

no one has

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but i didnt say anything about you? nice commas by the way, i'm impressed with your eloquence

about right

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Fighting games are the best esports since they're not faggy team games

The only PvP I agree with, as long as it's among friends not tryhard fagg0ts

I do hope you're remembering to brush up on your raid strategy, right, Yea Forums?

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Post the one whe- oh wait you already posted the best one

I think competitive overwatch is actually really fun and underrated.

now this is the best one

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>noticing the grape fanta

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I got a little bit into a couple fighting games, but the skill gap between me and even the worst pro players is so large that I feel I would have to dedicate my life to playing.

>i think i’m at the objective
>i think

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>play Smash bros melee with friends as kids
>have fun, play for hours
>play smash bros ultimate with friends now
>they all play competitively, no fun allowed
Fucking hate the competitive scene

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Why is the parody legitimately so much better and more wholesome feeling than the original?

Based and banepilled

>Plane noises

Gets me every single time

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>company cashcows its audience
>empty void
>actual audience makes meme mocking it
>it becomes relatable

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Esports ruins what would otherwise be fun competitive game. Everything becomes balanced around pro players, which is not the way to go. There are 3 types of pro players, dorky koreans with glasses and the same haircut. Skinny white kids who look like virgins. And pre-trannies. Every once in a while you see a normal looking pro player, but they are rare.

Not everything needs to be turned into an esport, despite what game devs might think.

Someone post the Descartes edit

shut up you retard

This is why I appreciate fighting games; outside of tier-whoring and whining, there is nothing about the gameplay that can be changed by a contrived ruleset. There is no such thing as a banned move, banned stage(barring special examples like the SFIV Lava stage), or banned items. I love smash, and i think the competitive scene has players with impressive skill, but FUCK OFF if I can't play a fun match AND a serious one.

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This. Destiny was a shit show but it had some fun aspects which were removed from Destiny 2 because they wanted to turn it into the hot new e-sport. They almost ruined the game by forcing balancing on everything. Fixed weapon roles, removal of armor perks, two fixed class load outs rather than picking and choosing your abilities. It was such a fucking mess and all to try and force it to be the next overwatch.

soft drinks are gross

Post the V O I D one

>Brazil flag
>Not argentina flag
baka desu

Esports are shit don't watch them

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I agree desu. I stopped drinking them on new year's day for health reasons, and looking back, theyre absolutely disgusting. so much god damned sugar and corn syrup. i tasted soda again by accident a week ago and that shit was like a shock to my system. so overly sweet. now i only drink coffee tea or water


Is the blue guy getting a blowjob?

Someone post 'that' edit

it's not even the sugar, i hate the feeling of carbonated water on my tongue

Post the WE

Literally nothing is better than water or carbonated water. I'm convinced that people that drink soda every day have very serious mental issues. Imagine manually dumping 50 sugar cubes into a cup of liquid and drinking it.

Funny enough that’s the part I like most. I recently switched over to drinking carbonated water but of how awful Soda is for you. I imagine it’s the same concept as vaping to stop smoking.

did you not notice the cat ears and how the trap is missing?

>mfw I was thinking if tranny outed itself or it went to stretch it's wound hole and then I saw the third slide details

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Casual racism is a great icebreaker.

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When you think about it the cast is much more diverse and relatable than the original, and the idea of that bunch of misfits from all around the world working together for a goal is kinda heartwarming.

esports aren't sports, bur corporations leveraging them has brought the wrong people into video game culture. I use to fear the day another industry collapse, like the '84 one. now I yearn for it.

>how the trap is missing?
i thought it was a suicide reference

The parody was made with love
or hate
doesn't matter which

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>mfw fapped to the twink in the sweater
Life is changing for me today

Is it the ultimate shitposting dream team?

Dr pepper > pepsi > coke > sprite

You're in the wrong board, fuckboy

How the fuck do you Americans can drink Dr.pepper it tastes like shit, cherry infused shit

Bad taste; the post.

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the boomers at espn need to hurry the fuck up and kill themselves so we can give franchises like Soul Calibur and Tekken slots and programming towards humanizing the players like what valve does with their True Sight 'documentaries'

the words you're looking for are "Passion" and "Understanding"

This. Stereotypes when done without malicious intent are genuinely enjoyable.

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When I play with other people I play to win, so sure I've tried competitive gaming.
My fun doesn't hinge on me winning though, and I haven't grinded the starcraft or warcraft ladder for years.

I follow some esports, aoe2 and broodwar, they're fun to watch.
I think it's a mistake when a developer tries to push an esport, like hearthstone, fortnite and overwatch. I find it a little disgusting and disingenuous. Those are just ads and vanity projects, they're not trying to make a healthy esports scene, just throwing money into it.
Some games naturally lend themselves more to esports, like fighting games, rts games and fps games.

Post more edits, fuck!

>feminine guy with longish hair is automatically a trap
Fuck off with this bullshit. Not every androgynous guy wants to take it in the ass.

>Not every androgynous guy wants to take it in the ass.
I concur. Lots of them want to pound other guys' asses.

objectively correct

Literally Yea Forums.

>nig drinking vanilla coke

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How come Yea Forums servers are so diverse but "inclusive" game teams are nothing but white Americans?

fuck you
Dr.Pepper is a fucking godsend

big fan of esports
big fan of coke comics
simple as

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this one makes brainlets fucking furious and seethe

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now post the lewd version

I've been waiting for it the whole thread

Any decent Kromcrush guilds yet?