Rebel Galaxy Outlaw

EGS bias aside, is it any good?

Attached: rebel_galaxy_outlaw.jpg (1280x720, 110K)

It's mediocre and way too short.

No. The game is really poorly balanced and dogfighting feels completely weightless and shitty. A real waste of effort.

I was waiting for it but its shit and uninstalled after 15 minutes

is it fun to control the ships?

Not at all. It barely feels like you're controlling a space ship.

no, it just feels like rotating a camera with a spaceship jpg around

They removed big ass ships from the first game so nobuy for me. The first one was fun though and the music was great.
Just pirate and see for yourself

cockpit jpg*

imagine a gnat sized spec you are following and then it zooms past you even though you are autofollowing. its pretty bad

it's a soulless Privateer clone. Boring and barren as fuck. The first game was much better.

what does the first game do better?

More ships
Unique and fun battle system
Better FOV
Dynamic music
Blank MC

The biggest thing it did better was actually distinguish itself by being a capital ship simulator with broadside guns, rather than what we have no which is just the most bog standard boring shooter possible. It literally feels like you're playing an FPS with noclip on and maybe a forcedly slow turn rate.

That sucks, sounds like Everspace already did it better.

Everspace did it better, yeah. Hell, even Freelancer did it better.

I remember playing a video game decades ago where you pilot a fully explorable ship menign you could get up from your seat and put out fires in the back of the ship and stuff like that. Does anyone know what game I'm talking about?

Is it true the main character is a fucking tranny?

granny, not tranny.

Mediocre, a lot of the encounters are built around the lock on function, dev videos make the game look a lot better than it is. Also the FOV is too narrow and when asked about changing it the devs just insulted people.


I find it mindboggling how awkward the mouse and keyboard controls are. They almost completely kill the game for me. Yeah I know it's optimized for controller, but I can't wrap my head around the fact that a developer wouldn't know what key conventions are used for current day games. It's like in one menu you have to press 2/3 to switch tabs, in the other menu it's Q/E. Targeting an object is done with Z (what the fuck?). Aiming shots in the pool game is done by holding the right mouse button and moving the mouse. Plus, this takes into account the Deadzone value of the mouse which means controlling the direction of your cue becomes godawful.
Then there's the auto-pursuit which feels like it's dumbing down the dogfighting.
Aside from that the game feels fine. I don't mind the main character because she was already in the previous game. I don't mind the setting because it's done well. Feels like the game lost a lot of its potential with some poor design decisions.

holding right click or some key and moving back and forth to strike the ball is pretty conventional in modern pool games. not sure if that's what you meant though

I believe you in an instant. It's just that this key combo was not explained anywhere so it's a mystery to anyone who hasn't played those games. They later added a patch that mentions the right mouse button in the key mappings.

Holy shit this game fell the fuck off. Bastards wasted all that time mocking Scam Citizen and they end up being no better.

I quite like Everspace. Really gives me Freelancer vibes with a lot of the ship designs and colors in space.

Just hope with the next game they gave players the actual interesting ship designs.

Here's your protag bro :^)

Attached: 12349286491286349.png (768x495, 444K)

>Elite Dangerous is undead
>Star Citizen never ever
>Rebel Galaxy Outlaw is a piece of trash
Starpoint Gemini 3 will be shit too, right?

>space ships with ARPG-tier abilities
It was always shit.

Oh and
>you can't just freely enage in jumps if you don't have a destination

she's female, she just has a male face

I just wish someone would do a space combat game with elite dangerous gameplay
elite dangerous is too basic if you only want to do combat

>Abysmal mouse controls
I don't get it. Freelancer is a million years old and it worked just fine there

Fuck off Zhang.

I don’t recall, but if it’s any consolation you can do that in subnautica.

Subnautica is not space you son of a bitch.