What are some must have Wii games? I want to plug any holes in my collection...

What are some must have Wii games? I want to plug any holes in my collection. I'm sure I'm missing some great games I haven't heard of.

Already got...

No More Heroes 1 + 2
Super Mario Galaxy 1 + 2
New Super Mario Bros Wii
RE Umbrella + RE Darkside
Dead Space Extraction
Conduit 1 + 2
Silent Hill Shatmems
Excite Truck + Excite Bots
Mario Kart Wii
"Arcade Hits Pack" with Gunblade and Machineguns
House of the Dead 2 and 3 Return
Ghost Squad
The Last Story
Castle of Shikigami 3

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Fap Hero 3: Turbocharged Micropenis

the trauma center games

WarioWare Smooth Moves
Smash Brawl
Xenoblade Chronicles
Mad World
No More Heroes 1 and 2.

I forgot about these good pick.

I'm not a big Smash bros fan. I'll check out Xenoblade.

DKC returns and radiant dawn
for radiant dawn need to play path of radiance in the gamecube first

Endless Ocean + EO: Blue World if you think you'd be into an underwater exploration game
Punch Out
Metroid Prime Trilogy
A Boy and His Blob
Red Steel 2
Mad World
Tatsunuko vs Capcom if you like fightin games
Monster Hunter Tri
House of the Dead Overkill
Sin & Punishment Star Successor
Murumasha The Demon Blade

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>not owning the single best version of Resident Evil 4

Bit.Trip Complete
Blast Works
Deadly Creatures
Dokapon Kingdom
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Fatal Frame 2 and 4
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Fortune Street
Geometry Wars: Galaxies
Kirby's Return to Dream Land
Mario Strikers Charged
Metroid Prime Trilogy
Muramasa: The Demon Blade
Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii(NSMBWii ROMhack)
Pandora's Tower
Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition
Rhythm Heaven Fever
Rune Factory Frontier
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars
Trauma Center: Second Opinion and New Blood
Trauma Team
Zack & Wiki
Zangeki No Reginleiv

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Pandora's Tower
Goldeneye remake (play it on the hardest difficulty)

It's kind of depressing how many good games flopped on the Wii.

For all the shit people gave 360/PS3 gamers for refusing to step outside of their comfort zones it seemed that the Wii audience was just as bad about it if not worse.

The very people who claimed to be avid gamers and adored the PS2 for having a bunch of unique games off the beaten path completely ignored the Wii's library and just stigmatized it over Wii Sports, so pretty much EVERY good 3rd party game on it was a hidden gem by default.
It really did take dolphin's development to show people that Wii's library was damn good.

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I'm glad that I got stuck with a Wii through the seventh gen. It actually forced me to look into interesting games, but the console had plenty of gems. Anybody who thinks the Wii was nothing but Nintendy games and shovelware is a retard.

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Battalion wars 2

>these lists

it really was shit

Sin & Punishment 2
Wario Land: Shake It/Dimension

Wario Land: Shake IT
Super Paper Mario
Twilight Princess
DKC Returns (only if you have a friend to play it with)

>it really was shit
I mean sure, if you have no taste

Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces

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>Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces
Came here to post this

FF Crystal Chronicles my life as a dark Lord