No More Heroes 3 stream

Happening in 30 minutes

Get in here!

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Other urls found in this thread:

What can we reasonably expect from this?

>suda saying stupid shit
>japanese people clapping and screeming
>"we will actually show something in 6 months bye"

The English translator @ marvelous will be on stream apparently

>suda being moe

Unironically based


Attached: Suda stroking it.webm (1920x1080, 2.7M)


okay, fuck going to bed I guess


That looks like a comfy place for a presentation.

based translator guy

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Who dat white guy?


Is that translator a balding version of that one guy from Big Bang Theory

Suda51 puts it into his contract that all of his public appearances be accompanied by a token white guy to hang out with him on stage.

looks jewish

With all this Joy Division imagery will there be an Ian Curtis boss whose main attack is seizing so hard that he constantly slams his body against you, and then you hang him?

So the odds of them showing anything new are basically 0 right?

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what the fuck this is so cool


dude henshin lmao


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Are they really making NMH3 in one year? NMH1/NMH2 weren't exactly high budget but they probably took at least a couple years to make each.

?!?!?!,! He back?!?’

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>audio gain suddenly turned up 500%

Attached: screech.png (808x805, 423K)

Wouldn't be a Suda presentation without insane audio mixing.

>They showing characters but only to audience members
Yea it’s him again

>english interpretor's mic doesn't work
hahaha ironic

fuck my ears

This is the SUDA quality i expect

>Sister doctors
Oh boy my dick is already revving up.


>Dr. Naomi is Juvenile's sister

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I love seeing Suda happy.

I hope he talks about Kamen Rider again

Only disappointment is that it's not like the TSA stream where they spent like 20 minutes talking about Build. I want to hear Suda talk about the insanity that is Zi-O

>don't want to reveal characters
>leak them in the filenames

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He was getting so hype over Decade returning.


>MULTIPLES Thanos level enemies
Avengers is fucking FINISHED

Glad they're at least gonna address why he's beaten up at the beginning of the trailer.

I wonder what he thinks about Grand Zi-O and Oma Zi-O forms and how they happened. Those were fucking crazy.



A NMH1/2 port would be badass

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>You guys want port or remaster?

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I hate this.

Suda really out there showing his presentation to class

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Good catch, user.

>Older Kimmy designed by Bayonetta character designer

>Destroyman coming back
>Kimmy Howell coming back

Will she be back for senpai's head?

Attached: KimmyHowell3.png (1131x752, 312K)

I'm so happy this game is even happening

>We can't say his name

BASED user

>Wrestling belts with deep seated power imbued in them
Peak Suda.


It's marketing, retard. They want it to get leaked. Leaks automatically generate hype and it costs them fucking nothing.

Capcom are the champs of it.

Mask De Smith maybe?

Oh she'll want senpai alright.

>famous person who has never designed a character for a game before
Who is it, guys?

>pucci in my NMH



>loli/shota confirmed

are they just not showing the characters to the stream?

Hunter and Jeane?

Hope some brave user will upload some "illegal" photos

how is this gonna work, an army?

I want that NMH3 Joy Division shirt.

Your friendly postman is back.

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I want to drink a beer with suda he seems chill as fuck

lmao this Suda eatin beans

they said they're mass produced so yeah, someone just made either clones or robot copies

>Pee is stored in the hero

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That Akira artwork with Travis.


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Is Kozaki back as the character designer? Or will it have shit godawful art like TSA had?

It's just not NMH without Kozaki designed characters!

> Or will it have shit godawful art like TSA had

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can you imagine if suda just randomly showed off an episode of seinfeld during a press conference

They said older Kimmy Howell was designed by a Bayonetta designer. And apparently there's a new character designed by someone famous who's never done work for a video game before, but they wouldn't say who.

Attached: HENRYYYYYYYYY.png (996x2047, 1.61M)

oh my god these guys have horrible taste

>all these shit heads with shitty favorite games
Except the mystical ninja dude, he's a nigga.

What the fuck is this video?

God i need one of these shirt.

>only 30


>these are the faggots that go to gamescom
No wonder gaming is fucked.

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>No one said Slave Tetris
Shit taste

Attached: What.jpg (1280x720, 184K)

It's normies, user what do you expect

Though they probably have better lives than you.

Whats with the mention of Italia?

When will those retards in the audience leak the pics?

well that sucks
Kozaki's art is a huge part of NMH, and to have yet another game without his art and designs really kills a lot of my hype for the game

I doubt it if they're suffering from shit taste that acute.

If it's mainly a Japanese audience give it a couple of days or wait for the info to release officially.

There are fans of the series there.

Italian here. Can confirm.

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>Suda will never be your teacher
Legit kill me, bros.

Is fucking Kamui coming back as well? Is that the friendly character he was talking about?


10 minute break?

What do you call that westerner's hair style?


The White guy in Japan.


I wonder what his classes are like

Attached: 1560326418508.gif (254x348, 2.29M)

business on the side, chill on front.

>that one fag in the comments constantly complaining about Resetera
We get it you don’t have sex move on man.

The yellow fever.

>SJW tranny in my Suda threads

Go back


No, it's Notorious from the final dlc chapter of Travis Strikes Back

Attached: notorious.png (395x775, 358K)

>hey this guy keeps repeating the same jokes over and over again when people wanna talk about SUDA
you have to be over 18 to post her buddy

You can stop whining now, emo kid.

Attached: crying over guest designers what a faggot.png (1245x529, 838K)

>Special Thanks

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Never forget.

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whats this?

RIP white guy

>that pic of Suda

I don' teven know what you're talking about, tranny, no one here said anything about resetera or your SJW shit until you brought it up.

What happened to the times where libtards feared this place and avoided it? NeoGAf implosion?

Oh boy, they're talking about tokusatsu again!

What did I miss ?

>it's real
What the fuck were they thinking? It's so jarring seeing how bad that is right next to the akira poster

John Wick confirmed

Attached: file.png (1371x774, 559K)

I meant YT comments, not Yea Forums tard

>Chado Sutaeru Suki
>Love Chad Style

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Nobody in the thread said anything like that? Could it possibly be because they called out a retard acting like a retard in the comments, not the thread?
Why did your ass get so triggered and upset by it?


user, I...

magari ci siamo incrociati quando ha visitato il vigamus anni fa

what does it MEAN

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>protecting the sanctity of a youtube commenter
please have sex

He literally cries bitch tears in TSA and then Travis says they're friends.

So you basically blogposted here.

Why would we care about your Youtube comments? Fucking trannies have to shoehorn their mental illness into everything.

It's literal discord trannies, I can't go into detail or the thread will get spammed into oblivion but that's where all this stuff is coming from

Yeah with my virgin girlfriend when we're married in two months. :)

Degenerate freak.

>please have a shit life like me so I feel less bad and alone with it

Isn't the whole thing in TSA is that Travis has gone from "slash slash wahoo!" to "yeah I don't enjoy this anymore"

Why are you so upset to protect a youtube commenter
Get real, you got your ass called out and now you're mad

>person talks about the stream in a thread about the stream
holy fuck who could’ve saw that coming?!?!?!

I know that we have a very notorious SJW in NMH threads for some reason.

maximum cope

When the FUCK is Suda going to put Flower, Sun, Rain on Steam? When the FUCK is Suda going to put Moonlight Syndrome on Steam?

Guys, don't feed the SJW. You know it's all just for attention. Just go back to the stream. Fuckheads.

>the video stream are the Youtube comments
This is your brain on trannyism.

No one cares about what triggered you this time, stop shoehorning your problems into everything.

I don't know anything about nmh
what are the games like? what platforms are they on?

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Play NMH 1-2 on the Wii, or emulate it, avoid the PS3 version tho it’s bad

But this entire reply chain started because you were mad and acting like a retard in the comments section, got called out in a single post on Yea Forums, and now you're stomping and whining in here.

You're the mad "triggered" one here, dude.

>muh trannies!
please go back to tumblr

You’re one of those people who “””acts””” retarded as a joke huh

I'm not spending money on a game I know nothing about and I don't emulate
you didn't answer my question

Kind of. Once the ending credits roll, he's ready to get back to the bloodshed. It's a fairly abrupt change.

He does not own the rights for MS unfortunately; He is in good relations with Spike Chunsoft and they discussed porting over some stuff but apparently, the coding for the old Human Entertainment games has been lost

It's more than one person and they organize on discord to fuck with every suda community out of some weird sense of supremacy, if you've discussed this stuff anywhere online you'll have come across people from this specific discord, it's really weird and kinda scary but they'll put bait like that in these threads and then mass reply to prevent people from discussing suda games, if you come across it then just avoid any interaction

1 and 2 are on the Wii and really nowhere else. 1 got a port on PS3 but it's a pretty different experience despite being the same game. Travis Strikes again is on switch, but coming to PC and PS4 in october. It's a sequel in narrative but a different style of game.

The proper games are simple, but satisfying action games. Nothing in the way of combos but a bigger focus on timing and weirdly calming to play. Most people like them for the top tier boss fights and the story since it throws itself wholesell into ultraviolence.

I don't even read the comments because I'm not a tranny actively TRYING to get triggered. I watch the stream right here embedded in this thread.

Kys already and fuck off back to Plebbit or NeoFAG.

You are not welcome in NMH threads, coughing your aids-appended poison on everything and everyone.

>discord raid
what a sad reality we're living

Oh shit your right, pardon me, it’s an action game with a lot of style and a fun story with a likable character, combat is meh but the story and charm make up for it making a pretty amazing game all around.

I bet Suda would liken to the guilt you'd feel after masturbationbut give it some time and Travis is back to perpetual edging

>complete edition
Whats the difference? I thought the original Switch version had all the dlc in it's update already

If it doesn't bother you, why do you have to get mad about somebody calling out the comments you don't watch?

The physical version had a code for the paid DLC, yeah. This one will just include it.

>I don't even care about the comments, now watch me get extremely mad and constantly twist the thread into trannies and discord raids like every other thread on Yea Forums
unlimited cope

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Because I'm calling you out for bringing what triggers you into the thread so everyone is triggered like you when there is no point for that.

This is what you tranny freaks strive on.

Also stop samefagging.

DLC is included in the base game (instead of having to be added with updates) and it has some new shirts.

>stop samefagging
Buddy you’re acting like a faggot, just own up to being unfunny and move on people wanna talk about SUDA

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Why are they just talking about Hollyjew globohomo normie movies now?

What's happening to Suda? From El Topo to Marvel?

I'm not the original commenter, but I am samefagging a lot of my replies because you keep eating them, fucktard.
Quit being a blight on the thread and stop eating the bait, you easily triggered idiot.
Nobody gives a shit about youtube comments, so quit getting asshurt that somebody called youtube comments shit.

Travis was pulling away from his hedonistic love of killing in 2, there he started to develop an actual cause as opposed to the fake one he had in 1. In TSA he's abandoned his family and just seems to be ashamed of himself. He still likes killing and the thrill of battle, but it's pointless. Assuming the E3 trailer is legit, Travis will probably get hurt (neckbrace) at the start and renew his bloodlust since someone can actually push him to the limit again.

cinephiles are fucking weird

I didn't even say those two posts were samefagged.

You are not talking about Suda.

Everyone can use phones.

Fuck off and stop ruining NMh threads, Tranny


Where are all the games?

No More Heroes 1 is a hack and slash which acts as a satire on videogame narratives that manages to sneak in some themes about mass consumerism and social isolation / sociopathy of people obsessed with pop culture. The gameplay is very basic, and it's broken up by boring parts where you work odd jobs which are boring on purpose as some thematic statement. It requires a wiimote to play so if you're not into waggling I suggest you wait for a port, they've been talking about one for ages
NMH2 is just the first game's combat slightly reworked and capped at 30fps, there really isn't any satire or anything more interesting than the very surface level going on
TSA is a spin-off with different gameplay (top down perspective, coop, special moves) which serves the purpose of tying the nmh series together with a bunch of other games from the developer (the silver case, flower sun and rain, the 25th ward, killer7, diabolical pitch, killer is dead, let it die) and to introduce nmh3 at the same time
nmh3 will supposedly have gameplay closer to the original 2 (as in, behind the back camera, hack and slash, finishers are performed with motion controls etc.)

Not like us gamers, though

SUDA is just talking about movies he likes rn

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Yeah, in the stream Suda said after Travis returned to Santa Destroy he was attacked and that's why he looks like the way he does in the trailer.

Suda is taking a break to live shitpost on Yea Forums.

I just started watching, is it related to No More Heroes even remotely at this point? They're just talking about movies.

Attached: えっ?.png (697x777, 579K)

Suda's a big fucking nerd for everything.

Welcome to a SUDA stream, 20% games 80% SUDA talking about stuff he likes

based user, keep it up

The first part was more about the game. Kimmy Howell is back, Destroyman returns, some new characters although they didn't show the stream any of the pictures.

Is it really complete though if it's removing the Nintendo shirts and Zelda spin attack?

What draws libtards to NMH of all franchises?

Michael Mann kino confirmed.

fucking based

there's a schedule literally at the bottom if you could read japanese, the section for NMH3 is over
boy I can't wait for all you EOPs to get to the section where they start shilling other western indie games

Attached: 51561651.png (1432x701, 483K)

>that person stops commenting after this mini shitfliging chat
hey Kojimafag, how you doing buddy :)

>assassin 1
it's ichi the killer user

>Why are people of a different political persuasion to me allowed to enjoy things I also enjoy?
Have no idea

you do realize it's just an image auto translator right? there's no way some person is writing everything in horrible broken english like this

we're gettin gameplay boys

Attached: unknown.png (366x78, 11K)

What are these high school tier slides?

>He does not own the rights for MS unfortunately

What about FSR

Attached: 2131313131313.png (1429x683, 468K)


unironically this
Not going to lie, I'm pretty interested in whatever Suda shills. He rightly incorporated Hotline Miami instead of some Shovel Knight shit.

I thought it might've been a particularly dedicated esl

>Suda forcing us to listen to him talk about the movies he likes because he knows we want to see gameplay
Based Suda.

I wonder if he watches them in English with gook subtitles or in his bing bong ching chong language?

>not coming to a stream to watch SUDA talk about Movies

Part 3 in 7 minutes lads

you watch them in their native tongue so the emotion isn't tainted by understanding

Warning that it might be some kind of mistranslation as the schedule doesn't say gameplay anywhere. They might be talking about the other Indie games they are about to show. Absolver and Heave Ho. And NOT NMH3.

most likely yeah, but if you WERE going to show gameplay of NMH3 you'd do it at the end. I remember the reveal for Ground Zeroes was attached at the end of a anniversary event and never implied ahead of time

They just said they'd do gameplay after the break.

It was just 2 dlc packs, right? Shinobu and Badgirl?
I bought TSA back at launch, but am ashamed to say I never got around to starting it. I made sure to at least put in the season pass code, so I should still be good

Correct. DLC pack 1 is kind of light though. It just adds Shinobu as a playable character and Badman gets his own, short visual novel sequence. DLC pack 2 adds Badgirl, Killer Marathon and a new chapter of Travis Strikes Back

As a sidenote, it's totally worth it to play as every character in the Player 1 slot, even though Badgirl and Shinobu are just copies of Travis and Badman stat and gameplay wise.

thanks for the clarification. I'll have to make sure they both downloaded to my switch. Probably actually start it too, after this new gameplay drops and I get excited for it


>absolver gameplay

Attached: youthinkthisiscute.gif (238x300, 94K)

Oh shit, Absolver was actually good. Just had like no content at all.

is right too, the characters have their own unique dialogue throughout the stages and at the bosses badgirl's is kind of bad though, it's just very repetitive
Friendly reminder, Suda is actually bad at games and can't even beat Ape Out

Are they gonna have ANY NMH3 gameplay at all? Have they revealed anything at all about the game, besides influences and those files revealing a few boss names?

absolver is dead, why are we seeing it again?

Probably not. They said early on they don't have any major news until the end of the year.

They said they are only around 50% done with the game. Suda hasn't even finished the script yet.


Then why have this livestream at all? Why call it a NMH3 livestream?

Is it just a "Have a good time with good ol' Suda" stream?

Looks like pure fucking shit.

Yep. he does that a lot. Suda also enjoys giving exposure to cool western indie games for the japanese audience

>Steam error noises

Attached: 1565928834841.gif (325x244, 1.84M)

>Is it just a "Have a good time with good ol' Suda" stream?
That's literally every Suda stream. He does this with every game.

This is most likely high balled, Suda also said they were only 25% in a Famitsu article published at the beginning of August
>Is it just a "Have a good time with good ol' Suda" stream?
Yes, it was sold as a special event. That's why they didn't stream the images of the characters and have limited edition shirts.

You can choose your player slot? or do you just mean do a playthrough with each character? Cuz I was planning on that anyway.

Yeah the translator was clearly emphasizing the "ish" part of 50ish% done.

Just do a playthrough with each character, because each has special chips of their own and dialogue lines that are original to them.

is the main target audience for his game 13 year olds?

I personally expect it to slip to early 2021 like TSA did.

I Told you not to TOUCH IT!!!!!!

Attached: no_more_game.png (492x556, 144K)

Bassato e rossopillato

Non penso non ci sono mai andato.

I'd be surprised if it made 2021, unless it looks as hideously unpolished as the trailer for it's final build.

>caring about zoomercore games

>Have they revealed anything at all about the game

This stream? no, not really. People at the event got an early look at some bosses that we didn't but otherwise nothing major. It' more like 'a night with Goichi Suda'. Since Grasshopper (and japan) is so small you can have a more direct connection with fans through these little get togethers and it's basically free to stream so why not?

as to how far the game is in development we've gotten different answers but I assume most of them are 'correct'. The team seems comfortable with the engine and has probably put together the combat system and enemy types. He's mentioned before wanting to specifically put in what fans wanted as thanks for their support. Suda games don't have super complex assets so even their small team can produce them pretty fast, but it's hard to say how much time that'll properly take.

Genuinely this is more entertaining and wholesome then most of the game live stream events other companies do

It's really easy to pick out the people who have never seen a japanese game stream before. I still can't believe people thought they'd reveal Travis for Smash at the Japanese launch details for TSA or believed him when he said Travis wasn't in
To be fair, all the teaser trailers for the NMH games are really janky even compared to the final games. I don't think it'll take too long to develop though. The only reason 2 took as long as it did was because Suda was tied up with the EA fuckery for SotD. Now they only have NMHIII to work in

Wake me up when the gameplay kicks in

So is it still switch exclusive?

Suda said he will continue no more heroes until his death. And probably will manage to clone himself to continue the work infinitely.
What do you think about that?

Here lies user, he never woke up

Fantastic news.

gameplay BTFO

Pretty bad.


Probably depends on how well the PC and PS4 ports of TSA. It sounds like they're designing it around the joycon functionaily pretty heavily though

It's just the PR response he does to western journalists when they ask him the same question they've done time and time again.

Do you think he can tell they're just feigning interest even through the translations? That E3 guy in particular was really bad. Didn't even know RAD voiced Travis and said his favorite bosses were the ones with guns

I mean, the dude gets the same canned questions every single time, he just makes the same canned responses. "WOW MAN HE SHITS TO SAVE?" "THE THING WITH THE WIIMOTE IS FUNNY LIKE JERKING OFF" "IS TRAVIS LIKE JOHNNY KNOXVILLE" "IS YOUR WORK BASED ON TARANTINO" etc

Wait really? Did he say that?

I'm amazed at how often people pester him about Lollipop Chainsaw too


>No gameplay

Attached: IMG_-19ihyz.jpg (726x1084, 402K)

it was a neat concept, too bad the game couldn't deliver I'd like to see an Assassin version of her in NMH but she's a serial killer now who talks to the embalmed head of her dead boyfriend

Excellent taste Suda

Miura can't do my boy like this

it's literally Miura's job to do him like that. laughing nightmare mind wolf thing

His eyes are bulging. Does he have a thyroid problem?

Does being a postman make you that jacked?

what did i miss?

He seems to vary his weight immensely over periods of time.


If they're not showing gameplay, it'll be Q4 2020 release.