Old TR have always had the best water effect and in-water sections in general. Admit that just seeing the pool areas was a beautiful sensation.
Prove me wrong.
Old TR have always had the best water effect and in-water sections in general. Admit that just seeing the pool areas was a beautiful sensation.
Prove me wrong.
The sound effect from TRII when Lara is walking around in water is the best in the whole series.
Actually, no. Ape Escape had the best water on the PSX.
lmao @ boomers and their crummy 5th gen water
TR3 sound design is way better in every aspect, even better than 4 and 5.
Sounds cleaner, that's for sure. TR2 has the worst compression of all the psx games. Still think the TR2 shuffle is a funny sound effect though, because it sounds nothing like moving in water.
The shipwreck level in 2 made me hate underwater levels, fuck those sharks man.
>he fell for ''realism'' in videogames
>says PSX, not PS1
>Posts PC version
I'm on to you.
>sexualizing water
Is this the new low?
>Admit that just seeing the pool areas was a beautiful sensation.
Absolutely true desu. Fuck I want to replay some old TR.
Surprise spooky level that was, at least the first bit of it. It got gradually better once you were actually inside the wreck and on dry 'land'
i want to fuck some water
Yeah the pools were past cool, totally rad
I like the shadow effects you get when you swim underwater in old TR, its the only aspect of the visuals that still looks nice
Crash Bandicoot had better water than Tomb Raider
>venice violins starts playing
that famous Mii user pioneered that fetish before though
Do the old TR games run well on modern hardware/OS without too many headaches?
>can't interact with it in any way outside surfing it or die
what does that have to do with the effect?
OP is clearly talking about the effect not only in visual way but in a psychological sense. TR waters give to you a sense of serenity and chilling, waters of games like Crash only give you warning and anxiety because they just a platform element.
PCgamingwiki has all the info, there are multiple ways of running the games.
he's actually right dumbo
not sure what's wrong with that thought. Look at how Spyro changed from the 1st game (damaging the character) to its sequel (a mechanic that worked surprisingly well).
There is no color when one treats it as a devil to avoid and the other uses it as a medium for expanding its universe.
Did anyone here try that openlara / open tomb source port thingy?
Looks like there was no update since the alpha.
Would be amazing to play 1-4 above 30 fps.
Yeah I didn't notice it until recently. The game cleverly uses oscillating vertex coloring to create a cheap and convincing effect of caustics. The PS1 had to have more polygons on textured geometry to keep it from looking shitty due to the affine texture projection, so they could use those extra polygons for effects like that. If the bottom of a square pool was just a square polygon consisting of two triangles, you couldn't do this caustics effect at all.
That guy was wild. Miiverse was such a beautiful, bizarre blend of rampant internet shitposting and literal actual children.
All the water sections in TR3 were so beautiful.
nice water
>Which PSX water looks the best??
>N-No I don't care for realism
Man Chrono Cross had its problems but it was soulful as fuck.
Heard of it. Probably never gonna be completed, sadly. There was also another guy who started a remake of TR2 but SqareEnix gave him a cease&desist.
You have to think of it as a form of art. You can have the most realistic looking painting, but that still doesn't mean that it is the best looking.
This. From an artistic point of view Tomb Raider is an expressionist-cubist game.
Fuck off, Tomb Raider strived for realism with bad hardware. Its textures are photo-based just like with most 3d games in the mid- to late-90's. You can pretend it's something else but it certainly never tried to intentionally be.
Every game from ps1 and ps2 is.
There were lots of better looking water on the PSX
ackshully, it was more of "the best we can achieve with hardware limitations", which is the reason they have soul even if they were yearly releases
a shame the modern games no effort because that would be mysognist
Its really ironic there's more interesting detail and atmosphere in the old TR games than the current ones. I believe the simplistic geometry both allowed to create challenging levels and managed to recapture the authenticity, as well as simplicity, of old architecture principles from the classical and renaissance period.
Modern TR have needlessly abandoned this "less is more" approach.
The effort itself wouldn't be misogyny. Criticizing the lack of effort in a game with a female protagonist would be misogyny.
>Zodiac Age
you fucked up
Remaster version of FFX had it better.
I love old TR games so much.
>Prove me wrong.
I can't. You are 100% right.
It is so satisfying being in water with Lara.
That was the fucking best level in the game
fuck off retard
It's on the PSX
You are 100% correct. This was my shit, and seeing this is giving me ultra nostalgia.
why are TR games so fucking comfy.
You actually feel like you are really there in these ancient, quiet halls. Playing TR is like taking a vacation.
Not the psx we mean, fucker
Awww sorry you MEANT something that was completely wrong?
Angry I didn't clock on to the fact you were too dense as a kid to let go of a codename that other retarded magazines refused to drop?
Too fucking idiotic to realise that the thing had a placeholder name before it's actual name was thought up and once that name was announced you should start fucking calling it that.
Do you still call the switch the NX? The xbone the Durango?
No you dense fuck you don't.
B-but everyone called it that.
No, independent gaming magazines did and the retards that followed them.
When the name was announced people called it the playstation.
lmao user go punch a pillow
How is it humanely possible to get so ridiculously upset over literally nothing?
Dilate fag
A whole new level of speedrunning has been achieved by this guy:
I love the water in Unreal and Unreal Tournament.
It like starts out as a flat plane and then drops onto are animated in real time and it just starts to move around and looks pretty nice desu ne
No joke. Wreck of the Maria Doria really elevates level design to an art.
I like that Digital Foundry gave this absolute legend a shout-out in their DF Retro special on water in games.
Stay mad, zoomer, just because you outed yourself as a dumb fucker, don't lash out because of it.
I love old TR water but i think overall the water in Crash 3's jet ski levels was better. It has a shiny surface and 3d waves and everything youtu.be
yeah, the way the light moves around underwater is kino
that dragon is jesus reborn in the water
All this post says to me is you bought in to the "it was never called psx at the time!" revisionism and thought I was really clever. Then you got btfo and had to find a new angle to feel special.
Opened the thread to post this
this fucking buffoon doesn't even have good taste in water, that LEGO Marvel Super Heroes water looks like it's clipping through the wall instead of rolling up next to it, fuck this shit. Golden Sun's water looks like crystal as well.
get custom Tomb Raider levels on trle.net
let the guy enjoy his water man
best water from ps2
it has a lot to do with the actual game mechanics, and the grid system. The way modern games are visually cluttered would be a problem for a game like TR where the old ones applied its rules to anywhere in the level, every surface was a surface where Lara could interact with (depending on the angle it would stand on it, slide, or hit against). Now there are a lot of surfaces covered by invisible walls, and if you happen to brute force it somehow the characters jitters around and might float, falling back into the normal play area or fall through the floor.
The Legends era had the issue where you would spend a lot of platforming jumping along the walls in those easy to see ledges, while in the classics it was just a matter if she could on not jump the distance, and if the surface had an angle that could be well used.
With the classics its more of a well defined set of rules with everything being interactive where the player is free to do as he sees fit, while in Legends its a world with two rules, the interactive part and the scenery part.
Then the new reboot is a lot more forced with what can do what, and rules were very contextual (like the gaps in the walls, for some fucking reason, there is where Lara actually pulls an effort to squeeze over, even though it would have come handy a shit ton of other times).