W-well, this is me, Shepard

>w-well, this is me, Shepard...
>I'll understand if you think I'm ugly...

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whats hey pussy look like?

I want to fuck those head slits, senpai

Liarafags are getting desperate, it seems.


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pretty cute but those sparse hairs bother me so time for some lasering

Move aside, magneto, my quarian crew mate is removing her helmet for me.


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I will continue to post this until you stop bullying her.

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Still cute, personality is cute too, would smash then cuddle before the antibiotics/allergy meds kick in and she gotta deal with the bacteria induced seizures

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She looks like a Fremen


This would actually work nicely if the mask cracked and broke

your only sight of tali's face is fleeting glimpse of her corpse after taking a rocket to the face

Can some ME lorefag fill me on why would Quarians evolve to have otherwise normal human general physiology except 3 fingers and bowed legs? I want to say she looks cute in this picture but the 3-finger hands freak me out

Can you imagine the butthurt if the only way to see Tali's face was her taking the mask off just before killing herself in 3?

I never really like ME that much, but thanks for all the fics.
Especially the ones with the futa asari.

I kinda like it desu

that's like asking why the asari look like they do

it's just dumb bullshit so they can sell sexy space babes to the loser famers

Never played one of these games but after staring at it for a little bit, I'm actually totally okay with this.

lore doesn't say anything about it but if you want some kind of explanation real life biology has answers
some humans have bowed legs and leg bowing doesn't impair function or efficiency, it's kind of like hip width in that it just causes structural stress at a slightly different place but it's compensated for
number of (gripping) digits above three is believed to be arbitrary, there's no real benefit in having 5 fingers over having three fingers (of total equal size/strength)
three because two direction grips are shit
fun fact: this is why human hands aren't all skeleton like and have those pads of fat, it increases the amount of effective grip surfaces
it's also why your fingers aren't completely straight and all the joints are angled, spreads the grip in more directions

Alien Tali > literally my mom's secret daughter who she kept locked up in the attic for all her life until she went pale and developed shingles.

>Alien Tali
post it

>there's no real benefit in having 5 fingers over having three fingers (of total equal size/strength)
how about finesse and the ability to carefully handle things in your palm?

negligible improvement that also makes strength based tasks negligibly more shit
same with having 6 fingers over 5, or 7 over 6 and so on

>not THAT spoiler

It's not about how you look, it's about who you are. But for me, it's Liara.

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>me? It'll always be Samara for me

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Damn, Samara-chads strikes back
anyway, all asari deserve some love (even that cop on Illium and especially Tela)

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