The incel married

At one time he was getting off the rails thanks to /pol/ BUT ((((they))) quickly corrected him back to the straight and narrow.

Now he will have to play minecraft for another 40 years everyday and everything will be fine and dandy

Attached: 5ca1d6ccc6cc50118c102b34-750-563.jpg (750x563, 42K)

Why do you keep using words wrong?

Pewdiepie is a corporation, he does what gets him money and u literally can't fault him

PewDiePie could go entirely offline forever tomorrow and live on his mountain of shekels for life


It's almost like Yea Forums just parrots buzzwords or something

and ((((they)))) would just let that slide?


I wish I was an eceleb and some jewish person would take an interest in me ;(

rly meks ya thinkg

You mean like kino?

I still remember when Pewdiepie made videos part-time and worked in a port as his dayjob. Crazy how far he's come

>puts on a different persona
>Yea Forums laps that shit up thinking they're any different from the kids who watched his screaming shit

you now remember his cringey filthy frank phase

Yea Forums is kino xD

>different persona
What kind of person stay the same as they when they were 20 as when they're 27?

>The incel married
But he dated this woman for almost as long as he was popular, maybe just before then as well.

ITT: Retards reply to a tripfag's thread
Yea Forums is dead

Stay seething Yea Forumstards, I'm telling the boys back at Yea Forums about this

Literally who?

people mostly just hate him because he's having a good and easy life while their life sucks

>has a comfy life
>paid his wedding most likely with just one minecraft video
>donates a shitton of money as well but isn't a fag about it
He is a chad

Because it makes Yea Forums incels mad.

>namefag complaining
Who gives a shit you stupid one sided double flaming nigger? just because he's making 10k a week and you're still on your fat ass doing nothing hoping he'll crash and burn will do nothing, fuck you for making me post

Absolutely soulless wedding, not a true and honest gamer at all.

Attached: marriage.png (932x594, 872K)