What are some FPS games with hot female characters you can play as?

What are some FPS games with hot female characters you can play as?
Off the top of my head - L4D with mods, CSO (but who plays that shit anyway), some of those shitty battle royale games, Fallout NV and 4 with mods.

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payday 2


Are we talking about Clover?

She's hideous

We're most likely dealing with a Sydneyfag here, unless he's talking about Bonnie

joy and sydney but unironically

Insurgency Sandstorm

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Should I start only playing female characters in Siege?
I just love feeling like a slut.

>I just love feeling like a slut.
Then play as Doc

Not a healslut, and I hate playing as Doc.
I like playing IQ the most on attack. Thinking i should play more Hibana through. Maybe Valk on defense?

quack hampions

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>tfw play mostly female operators because i genuinely like their equipment and weapons
fuck off i dont want to be associated with your faggotry

Cry more fag. I want people to degrade me in game

Insurgency Sandstorm

then play the basic slut games like ffxiv or something whats the appeal in siege?

This looks like an extremely boring character design, almost like a background character, minus the blue hair that stands out. Was this meant to be boring on purpose? Am I too exposed to Eastern character design to appreciate this?

go away, kebab smell

It's legitimately in my top 5 games bitch, sometimes I just get horny.


hello roach, taking a break from sucking erdogan's dick?

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Perfect Dark
GTA Online lets you play in a Bikini

what are you talking about, you retarded polfag
stop parroting shit you see and realize that everyone in that part of the world is a mudslime sandnigger

well that's pretty much the default look before you unlock different colors and gear
not that there's a lot to change, mind you

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idsoft are a bunch of talentless hacks now

>female operators in yoga pants
my fucking DICK. There is not enough porn of them.