Emulationchads where you at?
Emulation Thread
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Playing Tales of the Abyss upscaled to 4K.
Emulatin' some Armored Whore.
They all emulate very well, even LR if you mess about with settings. I almost fell for the meme of buying an overpriced used copy
I'm about to start playing God Hand. I found a way to force the game to run in progressive scan but it seems to retain the blurry edges or interlaced mode unfortunately.
In the other emulator thread
I didn't see one, where is it?
What is this?
Which dev build should I get? Does it just depend on what games I plan on playing?
Never played this Tales. Is it good?
Bear in mind, I like the series for what it is.
>Which dev build should I get?
Always the latest one.
That's what I figured! Thanks.
You and whoever was posting about God Hand ~24 hours ago really makes me want to replay it.
How well does this game emulate now? I know they fixed the eye thing, but other than that does it run well?
i'm trying to emulate kirby's adventure on the switch and have concluded the pro controller's dpad is shit so i'll just transfer my save to my pc probably
Gonna start Metroid Prime soon with this mod.
Been playing on Citra a lot
now that Jak is fixed, PCSX2 is perfect.
It runs at roughly 200% on a 8600k
It's decent enough. Actually my first Tales game, ironically. I will say it was apparently the first one to implement 3D movement in combat, and it kind of shows because you can do some jank shit with it, but the characters are fine. Protagonist starts out as a fucking dick but gets better. That said, I enjoy the combat so far and I like the cast of characters.
Just beat Pikmin and playing the fuck out of Pikmin 2. Gonna sell my Gamecube since the games look so much pleasing to the eye through Dolphin. When it's PS1/PS2 games I would run them at their native settings to look close to the original but 3D Nintendo games look far better with the improved graphics. It's probably because of their cartoonish graphics.
Emulating MHFU on PPSSPP, I only have mh world on pc so I may as well play the older games I haven't played before while I wait for the expansion
World is the only good MH though
Oh, nice! I'll be sure to give it a shot.
If you like that one, I'd check out Symphonia, Berseria, Vesperia and Xillia (haven't played that last one, but my fiancé liked it).
Berseria you won't have to emulate, and I don't know if Vesperia is emulatable.
It's been forever, so I don't remember if Legendia is good, I played it as a young teen like 15 years ago.
Emulating DS games and upscaling everything is night and day! It's amazing how much detail you can squeeze out that was just hiding behind the DS's shitty res.
I wish it ran properly but its too fucked to finish right now.
Holy fuck, was looking for a ps2 bios and the zip that I got contained . . . over 30. Which one should I even pick?
I just played BoTW on cemu last week.
Surprised not only by the emulation but by being able to tamper with the savefiles for amiibos and stuff like that.
Had a great time.
One of the NTSC or PAL ones, whichever is the newest. Just open the folder in the emu and it'll tell you
USA 2.20
>imagine not emulating the older titles
What if I used 2.30?
your PC explodes
'nother one bites ZA DUSTO
looks like launchbox
Haven't fucked with ps3 emulation yet, is it even worth it on a 6600k/1070 or should I wait until next year when I upgrade?
might as well wait
>is it even worth it on a 6600k/1070
Sure, also worth noting that rpcs3 is the first and only software to make use of Intel TSX.
Because no one else uses it of security issues.
I want a switch emulator really bad to play the Fire Emblem games that get spammed here. Or that they released them for PC but that's not gonna happen.
Or just play the much superior Xcom games.
Replaying Ocarina of Time on Citra. I had never played this 3DS version before, it's gorgeous, even more with the 3x resolution.
Alredy did, but in general I don't like futuristic settings too much (except for Mass Effect and a few others). I like either contemporary or fatasy settings. Like break and breach or ff tactics.
Emulation Station
Played any of the HOMM games?
>not the EX port
Hell yeah. All except 4. I can't get over the graphics. I got AoW3 for free on steam too.
EX a shit bro. It's not even the same game anymore.
Then my last recommendation would be the King's Bounty games.
But it is, it's just a port of the ps1 version instead of the superior Saturn one.
Also played hahahaha. Thank you a lot for your time anyway. That's why I wanted to emulate Fire Emblem seems like my kind of game and I'm looking for something new while I wait for Fantasy General II to be released.
I never tried it, I didn't like what they did to the color pallet nor some of the weird changes.
I might be thinking of Majora's Mask though, come to think of it. I remember they ruined Zora swimming and ice arrows.
Can you this on Playstation or in EX? No? Didn't think so. It's not even the same engine, man. PSX and EX are build engine, Saturn is it's own thing.
Is that Eternal Darkness?
But I don't remember a hot egyptian chick in it.
Never really given the Pirme series a chance - I read that there's a KB/M hack for dolphin - might give that a try one day.
It is. It's pretty early into the game that you get to control Ellia.
The PSX version isn't Build and EX uses the KEX Engine. Only the DOS version uses Build and its a completely different game with mostly the same assets.
EX is a source port on another engine user.
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition is on Steam, has been since launch. It's got all the extras that were previously Japanese only and some minor graphical upgrades. The PC port has some frame pacing issues at 120+ framerates but that can be fixed with Special K so it's not a showstopper.
Too... many... engines...
I never played God Hand on the PS2, does it run pretty smoothly on original hardware? I'm getting some strange microstutter kinda effect running it on PCSX2, and I've emulated several other PS2 games on this setup and not noticed anything like that before.
Try disabling any hacks you might have enabled.
That i5 might be enough for native framerates with enough hacks enabled. Wouldn't bet on it though, RPCS3 really likes more cores and threads.
If you want a PC-like 60 FPS experience though just forget it. Aside from the games that ran at 60 natively the various 60 fps patches are often a bit broken and even when they're not you'd need a server-level CPU to actually run games at 60. Especially considering a real PS3 often had trouble even with 30, falling down to the mid or low 20s.
could be a slow HDD
happened to me in a game once
I'm running it off an SSD.
>server-level CPU
look for the specs in the description user
I don't remember it really running slowly on console.
Fair enough, I guess Nier runs far better than my test case, which were Persona 5 towns. Battle is easy 60 on a 2600X(OC'd to 4.4), towns lag down to the 40s and sometimes even 30s.
CRT TVs would be a lot better at masking microstutter though. From what I'm reading the problem aren't overall low framerates, it's inconsistent frametimes.
Huh - I don't think I noticed when I emulated it either. I feel like I would've, considering I love the music.
I never played a persona game but the teacher is cute.
How the fuck do I emulate Ratchet and Clank? The models and textures all sperg out and it's borderline unplayable.
You wait when the "hd" release is emulateable on rpcs3.
I mean it's clearly running at full speed. I even loaded up RTSS to check the frame time graph and it was jumping around a lot, but even when forcing 60fps and vsync the graph is perfectly smooth but still gives a weird judder when moving the camera and walking around.
It's possible that the emulator itself is running at full speed which would mean the audio emulation is perfect but the game itself is having micro stutter issues.
This can happen if your real hardware is powerful enough to run emulation at full speed but the emulated hardware is too weak for the game. You can essentially overclock the PS2 CPU through PCSX2 but stability is not guaranteed.
Are you forcing it to run in progressive mode or interlaced? Assuming the latter which de-interlacing method are you using, some of them can make the game look like it's running at half speed essentially.
this is nice but seems like its a pain to setup on windows and no guides for it anywhere
update pcsx2
I get werid aliasing in this game
go into speed hacks and overclock the EE, might help
>but stability is not guaranteed.
never crashed doing this, it usually does nothing though. It helps SOTC, Ratchet, and Jak 2 or so I've noticed(I think, SOTC for sure though).
you can also downclock if your cpu is a toaster
only thing I noticed so far was the portraits being glitched.
you have to install a mod/patch to fix that
I've messed around with the maximum overclock and the 60 FPS patches for Kingdom Hearts but the thing keeps crapping out on me with collision glitches. The 2nd highest setting seems fine though.
Anybody have a clue as to why these bars keep flashing on my screen while playing Destroy All Humans 2 on PCSX2? I haven’t had any trouble with any other games so far but I had to play this one in Software mode just to get a bunch of glitchy black pixels off the screen. I changed it to OLG mode because I heard that could help but they still keep flashing across the screen every few seconds while I’m moving. Any fixes you guys know? Sorry for the shitty pic. Couldn’t get an answer on /vg/
I'd wait for The Royal to come out. Seems like a straight upgrade.
If you're really in the mood for some Persona, try 3 Fes or 4 The Golden.
Why does emulation community hate pirated ROMs? If I bought them from a store the money would just go to resellers, not the devs.
Royal is PS4 only though, and I'm pretty sure a PS4 emulator won't pop out of nowhere by the time that releases.
Because piracy gets emulator devs in hot water with publishers.
Since emulation is 100% legal the publishers can't actually win in court but nobody wants to waste a ton of time and effort on defending their emulator in court or dealing with angry publishers because some fucks like downloading pirated roms to use with their emulation software.
ah I used it for KH2 as well, I believe it fixes some issue or something. And yeah don't max it out, I use 1 for most games and 2 for those with 60fps and known dips
So why do publishers seethe when all the legitimate sales go to third party resellers anyways? They make $0 of the sales. Emulating old games is free advertising for their franchises too. Emulating Awakening on the Citra has convinced me to buy Three Houses.
>why do publishers seethe
Because they always seethe. Because they're a bunch of 60 year old men who were born in wealthy families and educated in old school business and they know fuck all about the games or the actual effect of piracy.
Anyone? :(
More like chuds
>Why does emulation community hate pirated ROMs?
They don't. 99% of people emulating are just pirating they're games, even if they tell you they aren't. On Yea Forums in particular people fall into the "sekrit klub" mentality.
That portrait is SPOOKY
Sorry user, I haven't played it myself.
The newer release supports hardware mipmapping so one isn't forced to use the expensive software mode, yes? So basically R&C emulation is now plausible? Is it relatively more demanding or would I be fine with a ~2200 STR CPU?
The PS3 port already has issues before emulation.
You need to install the latest patch, which will also fix 60 fps sped up cutscenes/all-out attack.
Fair enough
I'm right here, buddy.
I dunno what that cpu is but Ratchet 1 worked on a 3770k
A lot of games have proper settings on the pcsx2 wiki. Try looking there or Youtube.
There's a CPU comparison chart that can tell you, but I don't have the link.
Download a dev build instead of the super dated stable version. Every thread there is whining about issues that are in the old stable release that have been fixed for a long fucking time in the dev builds.
>tfw every worthwhile console to be "perfectly" good emulated in the next 5 years
Benchmark figure, recommended for pcsx2 is 2000 STR. I have a 4670k with no/mild overclock.
I see you too are a dev with no respect for the ordinary user, letting their buglist stay full and only bothering to push a stable release every six months so no one ever knows if theyre getting something that will actually work.
>I see you too are a dev with no respect for the ordinary user, letting their buglist stay full and only bothering to push a stable release every six months so no one ever knows if theyre getting something that will actually work.
not a dev, i just know how to google an issue i'm having to see that it's actually fixed
>I see you too are a dev with no respect for the ordinary user, letting their buglist stay full and only bothering to push a stable release every six months so no one ever knows if theyre getting something that will actually work.
>six months
try six years at this rate
Thank you for completely ignoring the explicit point, user.
your point had nothing to do with my point, hence ignoring it
Timesplitters 1. Getting the strategy guides for the series. Might use it to make some top down maps for the games, since there don't seem to be any online.
I'm emulating Half Life 1 for PS2
>use dev build
>this is a problem because [reason a] but wouldn't be a problem if not for [reason b]
>nothing to do with my point
Stop being intentionally dense, user.
but why
my point is people being too stupid to google.
your point went on a tangent about devs.
what frontend are you using?
launchbox with my own customized theme based off of another.
I hope you're using the undub version/patch
>I have never seen someone post something encased in standard Yea Forums mockery
Just to see what it's like, I heard the PS2 version is slightly different with better textures for the first aid stations and such
>dev build
>no one ever knows if theyre getting something that will actually work
Have you really never seen someone both respond to a point and add a tangential comment in one post?
is it the paid version?
I'm trying to get RetroArch to run properly on the Switch, but my SD card is exFAT format
Just format it to a different format. Unless you're keeping an offline copy of Wikipedia on it, you don't need exfat.
About to finish persona 5 emulated.
Yeah, I'll probably do that. I dont care enough about playing online to make an emuNAND so I don't need exFAT
This fella's been pullin his weight the entire game. I don't have any plans on evolving him he's fine the way he is
>P4 Golden
You can't emulate that though.
Does OPL have %100 compatibility? Thinking of getting a fat PS2 and softmodding instead of buying the physical games
Playing Xenogears on my Android phone. Works great most of the time.
It's not 100% compatible.
thanks got it working.
i dont fucking understand retroarch.
i downlaoded like 3 diffrent bioses and dumped them into proper folders and it keeps telling me i dont have a bios
what system, what core?
Each system core is different. Just use the retroarch wiki. Also make sure your playstation bios files are named properly. That's a common mistake.
I have a spectacularly shitty framerate with XBX, which is a shame because it is basically the only game with issues. Even BOTW 4K runs like a charm.
XBX is still a great game so I pushed through until I got my mech, but then it was simply too tiring to play with such a fps.
FF12 and testing IX on the tablet.
My nigga, Soul Hackers was love at first sight for me.
I remember looking up the little info we had besides the artwork and that japs hailed this game and then, out of fucking nowhere Atlus announced the 3ds enhanced port and THEN Atlus USA announced it too the missing entry, my fucking ass though kek.
It arrived with SMT IV and holy fuck it became my favorite SMT game to the point where I still listen to the ost even when going to bed. Hope you have fun with it and become that obsessed just like me
Can you put PCSX2 saves on a memory card somehow?
your reading comprehension is atrocious. but keep arguing with points made up in your own head, you'll win those no problem.
Yes. Use "mymc" to load your virtual memory card, extract your save as .PSU file and put in a pendrive. Turn on your ps2, it MUST have FreeMC Boot, launch uLaunchELF>mass>copy .PSU file>go to mc0 or mc1 depending of which memory card you want to place it>paste PSU>tada
if you want to do the inverse you MUST copy the save from MC and paste as .PSU too.
Trying to exchange saves between PS1-on-PSP games and emulator is the real pain in the ass, so many different save formats oh my god
It might be the built in shader/lighting effect resolution
Demon's Souls looks so fucking good on the emulator.
That DOES look nice!
why wont they make an "HD" version for it? the game is beautiful.
Would you be able to use that ps3/Ps2 memory card reader?
you can ftp into the ps2 mem card with ule and drag/drop raw save folders extracted from the pcsx2 mem card, seems easier
No Idea, wasn't aware this exists. try it
You can? I only used the ethernet cable to play ISOs
It was a memory card adapter for the ps3 back when the phats had backwards compatibility. You plug in the memory card to it and then it to a USB.
I'm not that user - but I would imagine it'd be possible.
as long as it has network connection yeah, ule has the ftp server option in one of the menus
What do you lads think about Ryzen 5 2600x? I'll be getting it soon. Think it'll do me fine for emulating? I'll get a 1660ti too, but I seem to recall some emulators were janky a bit in CPU department. Thoughts?
I've heard AMD stuff is awful for emulation
get an i5 2500k and you'll be fine
I have a 2600 and I can emulate PS2, Gamecube, PS3 and Xbox 360 just fine. Cemu is the only thing I can't really emulate for now but it's getting Vulkan support so it's gonna run really smooth on it once it's out. I think a 2600x is fine.
Both are fine, Intel is better.
You've heard wrong.
AMD has only issues with opengl drivers on windows while they're fine on linux.
It's good, but the 3000 series is better since they have a 254bit bus they run AVX2 much better and they have more cache.
Just finished Echo Night. Weird game, but pretty neat.
>You've heard wrong.
No he didn't, it's worse than Intel and up until recently totally garbage in comparison
i must be a fucking retard because i keep getting this shit while trying
What's worse than intel? Unless you're using the integrated GPU which you never should then AMD's OGL driver doesn't affect you. Unless you also have an AMD GPU.
And Intel's own OGL driver is just pure shite, not that anyone should care since, again, integrated graphics.
And that's not even mentioning the fact that you shouldn't really care about OGL if your goal is emulation. PCSX2 runs DX11, RPCS3 and Dolphin both run Vulkan which is much better than OpenGL. With every other older console you really don't care about losing some performance since they're so easy to run.
What's the best telescopic controller that'll handle a note 9. Want to play timesplitters on the go.
PCSX2 needs OGL to properly run games and AMD cpus are worse than Intel
>he thinks FIRST Echo Night is "weird"
Play Nemuri No Shihaisha and Nebula back-to-back, now.
Retard here, I don't know about any of the logistics but whenever I play certain games on PCSX2 it'll run normally but at some cutscenes or scenarios it'll run extremely fucking slow for a few seconds. Is there any fix for this or is this just the price of emulation?
>PCSX2 needs OGL to properly run games
[citation needed]
>AMD cpus are worse than Intel
[citation needed]
Did Rei try the new Impossible Whopper?
It's the nature of how emulators work and double buffered V-sync. If V-sync is on and you drop from 60 to 30... you're gonna notice.
In a native PC game dropping from 60 to 30 is going to feel choppy but if it's only momentary you'll sigh and get on with your life.
In PCSX2 it will drop emulation speed in half. Which means sound and game logic are now half speed as well, which is just unplayable. Either lower your resolution multiplier, turn on some more aggressive hacks to speed things up, or just get better hardware.
I accept your surrender. It's obvious that you can't argue against the fact that PCSX2 doesn't even support the OGL hardware renderer anymore.
my 2600 is terrible with ps3? I was told that my cpu was the problem. ps2 and gamecube run easy though.
Poo Cringe Shit X-tremelygay 2
No. I'm not a fag.
What ps3 game are you trying to emulate?
How much do you upres? It seems to fucking die and stutter at anything above 2x even with an i7 6700k at 4.4 ghz.
>update to 1.5
>old savestates don't work
>reverting to 1.4 doesn't help either
That's MM. They fucked Zora swimming hard which sucks because I used to spend hours swimming around as a kid but now you have to listen to that annoying buzzing sound while using magic to even bother with it.
I tested a handful, but can only remember skate and demons souls. All of them ran like pure shit
From what I've heard skate is till really hard to emulate even on high end cpus. Demon's Souls run at locked 30fps for me and I can push it to 60fps with the patch but it drops to 50 in the more demanding areas. You probably didn't use the proper setting or something. Here are my settings for Demon's Souls. Also check the wiki page wiki.rpcs3.net
Emulating Pokemon Soul Silver. Shit's comfy
lol what? different user here but the only guy making improvements to the emulator at this point (Gregory) is a freetard and refuses to work on anything other than OGL. Every now and then someone ports his work to one of the Directx versions but OGL is the only one totally up to date with the latest improvements.
I've been emulating some randomized platinum and black2
Well okay, but you're missing on voiced skits and such
>voiced in a language I can't understand
Why the fuck would anyone care about that?
That's the equivalent of typing adfhsljdfhldjsfngljkdsfhglkjdfhgkjl and saying it's high art and you're missing out by not going out of your way to read it.
The original voice actors are directed by developers and thus better express the characters. But if you prefer the middling dubwork then by all means suit yourself I'll take my high art and enjoy it.
demons souls ran about 10fps for me, so I must've been doing something wrong. I'll try with your settings user. thanks.
>The original voice actors are directed by developers
In animated movies, sure. Maybe some very high production TV shows and games too.
In your average anime or JRPG... yeah, no. The script is shipped out to a studio that does the voice work or VAs are hired per hour, they wrap shit up quickly, and the project lead usually laves the directing to a professional voice director that was also hired for a one-time gig.
They mostly don't get involved because that takes away valuable time they could spend doing something else.
So the process is usually: write script - >send it off to an editor -> editor sends it back - > send it off to a voice director, get voices back. The process is extremely similar to how dubbing is done except without the extra step of translation/localisation.
A combination of extreme resolutions, AA removal, and a color rebalancing shader. Clarity's Serfrost for dim monitor, to be exact. It's just three options in the graphics packs for BotW. to activate
In 4-8k BotW looks downright gorgeous. It's kind of a bummer that the game had such low resolution on console to begin with. On the other hand, because the Wii U is so weak, BotW was created with a low GPU in mind, so you can easily triple or quadruple the resolution on any decent computer GPU.
It's like with any emulator, 16x the resolution, almost 16 times the details. For some reasons it always seem to work, even when it shouldn't.
Well Tales of games are rather story centered and a lot of people say the story in Abyss is particularly good. So I'm willing to bet they took the extra effort.
Also on average Japanese dubs are better than English, you can tell by how expressive they are when talking, while English usually sounds monotone, not to mention how Japanese are better paid in this line of business.
Now I'm not someone who'll explicitly insist on listening to Japanese dub no matter what, at times English one may do a better job, but that happens rather rarely. And between you and me, the fact that I don't understand it, makes it easier to listen to.
That's perfectly fine, unless you want to run some PS3 games. A 2600x will run perfectly fine with even the most demanding PS2, Wii U, Gamecube, whatever games. But with the spu 'good idea' of a secondary vector processor, PS3 games are still extremely demanding of cpus, and most of all, of an extremely high clock speed. RPCS3 still has issues paralleling those spu thingies, so Intel is better for extreme frequencies and RPCS3.
I'd definitely choose the Ryzen.
You dont know what you're talking about.
>Having my Shield up and running with all the roms I could ever play on a 2tb drive
>Using retroach with run ahead so I barely notice lag
>Playing Donkey Kong Country 2 on my big tv
>Will I play some N64 later? Maybe some Saturn?
>can emulate demon souls but it makes cpu run at 100%
I know if I watch the temps it's ok but it spoops me
>listed all retro games in my backlog
>hit 2.5k games
I'm never going to finish this shit
It's hardly the only task that gets you to 100%. Video encoding will almost certainly get you there as will compiling code or generating UVmaps in modelling or CAD software. If your overclock can handle 20 minutes of AIDA64 then it's almost certainly good for anything else you can throw at it.
I run my CPU at 100% if i use Blender to render anything.
Its not unusual by itself. But you are right.Its not a good thought that you use 100% to a finite task, like emulation.
is there a netplay patch for this emulator or just stick with parsec?
Hey does anyone know is Silent Hill 2 works naturally well with PCSX2 or does it take some fine tuning in settings to work well
check the wiki.
Playing Xenoblade Chronicles X upscaled to 5K 21:9
Open world is locked 30fps but I still get dips to the mid-lower 20s when walking around the city so I guess I'll just be patient and wait for a proper Vulkan release with shader cache.
Does it even work properly? Last I heard CEMU was a BOTW machine and they weren't doing dick to get anything else running.
wait they fixed it?
is it just the latest dev build?
Is there a certain branch of pcsx2 that's usually preferable.
The lasted build, fixed the eye's and some other graphic issues in games like. mercenaries 1. But Jake 1 still has some small graphics issues that pop in and out.
Any decent RPGS with good job systems, like FF5, that I should be emulating?
Haven't had an issue outside of a few crashes when trying to use multi-core compiler and the crappy fps.
The biggest issue was textures being pink or not rendering properly/flickering but that has been fixed since 1.15 for me at least. Performance is the only remaining crutch for this game.
>Xbox emulator already useable
>360 emulator already useable
>PS3 useable
>switch useable
>PS4 and Vita getting started
Great time for emulation
>Vita getting started
i don't quite remember which one but your fix might me directx 9.0c, 2005 c++ redist (x86 or x64) or 2008 c++ redist (same shit). they're the usual culprits
Anyone here able to help me with Jak 2 and 3? For some reason the game just randomly speeds up. Makes me fuck up jumps. Jak and Daxter works fine, 2 and 3 are fucked.
>Xbox emulator already useable
what? where?
I've got a 7700k and I haven't downloaded a DS emulator yet, but I've seen videos and it's amazing.
I'll report back tomorrow, maybe, with some results. Right now I'm having fun trying to make ps2 games look better.
How come upgrading to the dev build made Steambot Chronicles run worse?
They fix some stuff but accidentally break others.
runs good on my i5 and 970 at 30fps. 60fps works most of the time but can drop in battles so i stick with 30 at 1440p
Played through JSRF a few months ago
Dusted off mame a week ago for pic related. What are some other good games for mame that are easy to configure since I'm retarded and can't get any racing games to work?
don't bother asking Yea Forums kiddies for tech advice. the newest amd ryzen 3000 series is on par with intel single core performance, has more multi core performance, costs less and consumes less power than intel. but stuck up low iq kids on hear still think it is 2013
download this and run the .bat file