How would you design Final Fantasy 16 so that it doesn’t suck like FF15, FF13 & FF7R?
How would you design Final Fantasy 16 so that it doesn’t suck like FF15, FF13 & FF7R?
Make it about Lightning, she is the only good thing to ever come out of Final Fantasy.
First i'd start by having competent writers.
No Nomura
Cancel it & make Valkyrie Profile 3 instead because Hrist needs her own game
>playing gayinal gayantasy games after the series peaked with 12
>peaked with 12
you're the faggot here, faggot.
U a 13 chad or a 14 chad?
I bet that a FF16 won't even be announced until at least 5 more years
I like 13 but dislike Lightning faggotry. Am I a special snowflake?
Release it in a state where it feels complete but can still be updated with DLC adding to the experience.
Tell a story that makes sense without any outside materials. JRPG tropes are fine but it needs to have enough to be unique and surprising/interesting.
Have a combat system with lots of options for each encounter, doesn't matter if turn based, ATB or real time action, it just needs to be solid with enough options to stay fresh.
Memorable characters with enough back story for you to care about them.
didn't get to finish this but
Beautiful locations and set pieces connected by a world map or just a linear structure but NOT open world.
Have villages and cities filled with NPCs you can interact with for optional dialogue, sidequests or maybe even minigames.
Different places can have their own cultures and backstories that are not important to the overarching plot but immerse you into the world.
based & clairepilled
So pretty!
Why we don't go back to the good ol' medieval FFs?
Get the writers of Shadowbringers to handle everything.
This so much
I'm currently playing through LR again and everytime a character opens their mouth I want to punch something
FFI had robots patrolling a floating technomagic city. Magitek has been in from the start.
this, honestly
FF14 has been great so far
also has my favorite Cid design
are they gonna wait for the FFVII remake first episode before they make it or wait for it to be completely finished?
Yes, but not to the current extent, when people drive fucking cars and there are present time cities
Cars were in as early as FFVII and they want to recreate FFVII's success.
Though FFIV had a hovercraft and a space ship.
>and FF7R
no fucking matter what game they made, you would do absolutely everything to shittalk it and try ruining it's reputation as much as possible
FF7R isn't even out, everything we've seen so far looks great, even on Yea Forums the only single "controversial topic" about the whole game was just that Tifa looks slightly different, yet retards like you will still only shitpost
Shadowbringers writing was really, really not that fucking great. Granted it is a massive improvement over every other xpac so far (already a very low bar) so that's probably why you think it's good
Well, they aren't succeeding
I fundamentally disagree. It told a good narrative arc and properly detailed its setting and characters. The world being consumed by light, the suffering of people in a world where it's always bright as day, the things they wish for when there hasn't been nightfall for over a century, and the slow crushing despair of losing a war of attrition against unrelenting monsters. It was well paced and most of the story had relevance to its overarching plot. Some parts dragged on a bit, like the talos mining operation just to open a gate, and messing around with the dwarves and their pointless dwarf feud, but they were few and far between.
All in all it had excellent writing from an objective standpoint, what were your issues with it?
what's wrong with hw
Go back to bed, Motomu Toriyama
more lolis
ff 13-3-2 when
>FF7R sucks
No it doesn't.
No you're just gay
She really is the best FF girl by far.
commies stole tifas boobs theyll suck the joy out of everything else
half the game will be an extended cloud crossdressing scene
Is the writing really bad or is it the localisation or both? FFXIV has the same shit, it's ultra cringe all the time.
its less cringe, but still shot, in nip
actually make it FANTASY
I want to breed that goddess
pic unrelated?
>bimbofication: the character
get ride of the idea of "open world" instead have lineal mission and the old school world map but give the player several average sized "hud areas" to explore on his own
They should go back to the FFX aesthetic. Try something in fantasy Okinawa instead of fantasy Chicago or some Star Wars shit like with the recent FF's. Just think about how surreal and dreamlike FFX felt.
Forgot pic
You know I'm right. I know, I know. You want to feel like you belong somewhere and the epic Yea Forums clique that hates on her games is the most hip thing around.
Still, she is without a doubt the only good thing to come out of Final Fantasy.
Games with Ali Hillis in them aside from Mass Effect?
>eng VA
Death, taxes and Yuna best girl.
But her ENG voice is hot
the main character is female
include the spunky little autist shit character type like rikku/selphie/yuffie/etc
dial the graphics back a bit, maybe make the character models sprites or something with a 3d worldspace
give it good combat
basically design it after star ocean 2 honestly
This, and/or make a god damned fantasy game at the very least, none of this weird modern shit in a world filled with magic and chocobos. >"peaked at 12"
Hey what's going on in he-
FFX-2 Rikku made younger-me ejaculate enough semen to paint my entire house white.
Go back to traditional turn based combat with limit breaks and switching out party members.
Place an emphasis on exploration, but make where to go to continue the story obvious to players.
Tone down the science fiction elements a bit, but still leave in enemy robots/one futuristic city or something.
Put in some secret bosses or postgame content that is not paid dlc.
Fractals and space boats.
FF13 was one of the better FFs in my opinion so this seems contradictory to me.
Have actually interesting settlements, this was a problem with both XIII and XV. Gameplay being turn-based or ATB or action RPG style doesn't matter as long as it's good and they work to the strengths of the gameplay style they pick. Have a varied cast of characters that all have well-presented character development.
XIII fucking sucked.
Don't be a gay
But it did. It sucked hard.
I really want to play FFXIII, someday I'm going to buy enough heroin to get me through the first 20 hours, then I'm sure it gets better
You're gonna die of overdose before it gets better user.
Absolutely based
go back to turn based
But that's wrong.
This but vp1 gameplay
FFXV is tolerable. It's main problem is that the characters and plot are undeveloped, but the entire FFXIII trilogy is a complete and utter shitpile. I don't think they could've done worse if they were writing this badly on purpose.
Hello r*ddit
But you are wrong too
They say Seymour went to Macarena Temple.
I dunno. FF is pretty flat and uninteresting already. Nice grain, though
>Liking Lakshmi
She's not even the hottest primal you fucking fool.
I agree with this user. It sits firmly in my top 5 FFs. I'm not gonna deny its progression and writing problems but it had the most interesting lore and world from all FFs and even in general RPGs, IMO. All that lore, however was hided behind a database.
And the combat was excellent, too but only really shined in the post game so many of those that played XIII gave up on it long before actually tasting the real meat of the gameplay.
OST is 10/10, too.
Give it to Kawazu
I wouldn't make a 16
Turn based combat.
Just make it a turn-based ATB job system game, Octopath did great for what it was. Keep the plot simple and keep it Victorian-era (ie FF9) in technology at absolute latest.
It can't be saved. You have people who are 30 that grew up on X, XII, XIII, and XV. That's a massive base of people that will find a way to excuse how shit each of them are. Because we all know the answer. Stop making every male feminine, stop making every character boring and flat, write a story (ANY story at this point) and stop making combat a spectacle of flashy flipping faggotry while player input is just one button.
But that won't work anymore because the series is defined by that shit now. What everyone loved about FF has been gone almost 20 years. They chipped away at it, X is passable but a huge step down from the first 9 games. So that now people pretend XII had a plot or XIII was in any way not shit.
Kill off the series. Because most people are too stupid to stop playing them and letting it get worse.
>How would you design Final Fantasy 16 so that it doesn’t suck like every game in the franchise and the majority of the subgenre
I'd start by firing everybody and replacing them with a team of game designers instead of film theory and theater rejects.
Then I'd release VisualWorks from their subsidiary contract and put them to work in the film industry.
Then I'd scrap the project and abandon Final Fantasy to the dust heap of history, like Square did to so many other, more deserving IPs.
You can't fix what was never functional in the first place. Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and virtually the entire JRPG subgenre have contributed nothing to video games.
Seppuku will now be observed for the Flying Dragons headquartered at Square-Enix.
macalania* temple
let people rename all their playable characters.
My fucking sides
Cool world but I didn't like the singleplayer MMO gameplay and Yiazmat taking actual hours of plinking at it was fucking stupid by any measure.
He said XIII, not XII.