Hint: you literally fucking can't
Name a better game
I could but i won't.
Ratchet and clank Going Commando Fuckyou
Is it better than the Dreamcast one?
its not as good as the regular version on DC or n64.
Revolution is the definitive version of Rayman 2 because it adds content, powerups, minigames and a fully explorable overworld. And if you don't like the english voices you can just change them back to gibberish
felt like it ran choppy to me, and the overworld is not a plus in the slightest. PC port is the way to go
I played Rayman 2 on DS
Just emulate Revolution then for the best of both worlds and a smoother framerate
>the overworld is not a plus in the slightest.
Ok mr 'Hall of Doors' whatever you say
Theoretically yes but some areas somehow look worse than the Dreamcast version. Tomb of the Ancients is so bright it completely misses the point of being called a tomb.
Don't need to thanks me (And obviously, don't play it in english, go for the french version, 1000x better)
No, the added content is bad and you can't skip most of it.
that final boss was a cunt
>and the overworld is not a plus in the slightest.
It absolutely is, you dumb faggot.
I remember being spooked the first time I entered the cheat code in Tomb of the Ancients to spawn the wooden box to get inside the hidden hole high up in the wall.
Once you get over how bizarre it is it's sort of comfy.
Uhm...the first Rayman?
Indisputable best Rayman.
but does it have nymphs?
Mein negger
Did Rayman's species being retconned into teensies bother anyone else?
Pssh. No problem
I had all the ice music stuck in my head for like damn week
Op is fucking right. This game was and still is absolutely kino and based.
When I was young I was absolutely amazed by how the textures looks for a low poly 3D game. Just look at the little bridge in this gif or the water, and now go goole pictures of Pokemon sword & shield areas...
Be a Rayman fan hurts a lot because we know for sure we will probably never see again such a beautiful and beloved game..
Rayman 2 is still based though
based zoomer
i did the same
Michel Ancel said Rayman 4 kino will be coming after Wild and BG&E2
That the Rabbids guy?
Also, It's maybe not " the best game of time", but I played video games for 20 years now and I never saw a game that have more soul than this one.
Rayman 3 is really cool but there is something less than R2. Rayman 3 looses this mystical part to replace it by goofy stuff (wich is not as bad as Rayman Origins/Legends's goofyness) and it kinda remove a bit of soul in R3.
Rayman 2 is amazing because when you play it, during all your playthrough, you can feel that the creators put all their souls in it. Wich feels fantastic.
wtf I have this box
His crotch isn't even reaching the urinal, he's just preparing to piss on the floor
looks beautiful, go fuck yourself
it's ok, he's pissing with an erection
The crew rollin through.
Yes the atmosphere is easily the best part of the game. I still have a Dreamcast and boot it up every now and again to feel comfy. Also love how the controller does the thing in pic related.
(Sorry if pic comes out sideways)
I wish they made Invasion of the Killer Rabbids from outer space. I wanted to see Rayman go on a killing spree.
The first Rayman doesn't hold up. Origins and Legends made it completely irrelevant and it's not even as good as other 2D platfomers like Super Mario Bros.
Rayman 2 has way more ports than Resident Evil 4. It's not a bad thing, it's just something I don't see brought up much.
Revolution is objectively better than the original.
The new content is good, the game is a bit harder since the original is way too easy, the overworld is fun to explore etc
Just emulate it for the 60fps
Shoo shoo go away thotbot
Objective Rayman 2 ranking:
>Playstation 2
>Had the PS1 version growing up
>That 2D Rayman 2 prototype level you got to play for completing the game
It's one of the worst versions but that always stuck out to me.
>Origins and Legends made it completely irrelevant
are you fucking 12?
from worst to best, i should specify
I could never get past The Blue Mountains. Mr Stone was bullshit.
No, I'm somebody who went back to try the first Rayman after those two games had been released. You should do the same.
What is with the rayman art style that is so soulful and comfy? I grew up on 3D rayman but 2d is also so aesthetic.
>Dissing the Hall of Doors
Standard level select similar to the first game's level select > having to waste time by finding each level's entrance and remembering where it is
>s-sploring is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad
That's what I got out of your nonsense
Legends and Origins are pretty as shit but it feels like they half assed it. Legends doesn;t even really have a finale, it just ends after you beat the nondescript boss of the greek place (Or the Granny's World Tour if you're doing 100%)
what was his endgame?
No one, literally no one likes Crash bandicoot 1 map select over like Spyro 2s hubs. And with Rayman it's the exact same shit.
Saying Yes to Andy
I don't like wasting time manually walking to the next level when I could just tap a direction and have Rayman automatically go to there
I guarantee you only say dumb shit like this with Rayman 2, most likely out of nostalgia. You probably go soi over other open world shit
And I bet you like Majora's Mask 3D more than the original because it changed a bunch of stuff for no reason
Having a hub world interrupts the gameplay loop. With a level select, you enter a level, play it, maybe play the bonus stage, then jump into the next level with the downtime being mere seconds. How long does it take to exit a level and then walk to the next one on PS2, provided you aren't sidetracked by some unecessary NPC quest?
Rayman M
muh Migger
I hope they'll make a new 3d rayman one day, origins and legends were good but I miss 3d rayman
Rayman 2: Revolution > Rayman 3 > Rayman 2: The Great Escape
Rayman Revolution Forth Mask >>>>>shit>>>> TGE Forth mask
post some based rayman songs
This game gave me scary vibes as a kid
Ok egoraptor whatever you say
Please tell me why skyward sword is bad again