Post your favourite vidya spacecrafts

Post your favourite vidya spacecrafts.

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I love this thing

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There's nothing better than Homeworld ship designs

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>Hi there, I'm boring as all hell

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Most of Eves ships are overdesigned garbage.
There's a couple good ones but the majority is crap.

Not vidya but the expanse has really cool designs as well

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>go for some kind of realism on your ships
>forget heatsinks completely

The most dangerous spacecraft of all.

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>I'd think evaporative cooling at the skin of the ship would be pretty efficient until you ran out of water.
That's what one of the writers said.

I know it's just a space aircraft carrier, but kino design nonetheless

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This is a sore for the eyes

you are gay and wrong eve has some of the coolest ships in all of vidya and also minmatar best

Looks cool but is completely unrealistic. There's no gravity in space, why do you need a runway?

It's ok, you can still like them, even if they look like shit.

>not a sabre
Gay man

Always liked the Silverhawks in Darius

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Say what you will about COD:IW, but I really liked how Mass Effect-y it felt at times:

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99% of the ship designs in No Mans Sky are really cool looking

If it's anything like what you showed us, it's really nothing to write home about.

best sci-fi campaign in the last 5 years

Starpoint Gemini Warlords is game

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Top tier ships are all meh. I'd rather take a Hammerhead.

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Which game have tactically realistic ship design?

What do you mean with tactically realistic?

>best sci-fi campaign in the last 5 years
I'd fell the same way if the SDF wasn't so cartoonishly evil.

Also, best FTL ship coming through.

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Do you mean actually realistic? If so, Space Engine.

I remember someone mentioned that front mounted weaponry have better tactical advantages in space combat due to nature of space travel. So big gun at the front is better that multiple gun monted at the side. Or perhaps that guy is just talking bullshit.


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and tie defenders, shame not much star wars media depicts these things. they kicked ass in FOC

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yeah i agree, the villains were just... there


Shame the game was shit

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How do heatsinks work, user?

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Pic related and also the Hammerhead from Freelancer

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>the villains were just... there
To be fair to Infinity Ward, having a story with antagonists who have sensible motivations is super rare.


*boards your ship*
nothing personnel kid

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Don't get me wrong, Mantis B is also a fantastic boarding ship, but Mantis' 50% attack boost and improved speed can't compete with lockdown. Lanius B is also a decent boarding ship, and it allows you to deal with drones.

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Solid choice, user

This and Odyssey
-t. playing since 2015

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If there were branching optional advantages to the side missions you could go on at will, where you could murder those captains on the wanted board as boss battles, would’ve been hands down the best sci-fi shooter I’ve ever played.

As is the graphics are great and the setting is kino as hell. The characters are also more developed than most CODs.

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The new battlecruiser skin in SC2 looks pretty cool.

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Also is right. Why tf did they have to explicitly say “HURR the SDF has 900% more soldiers than us durr!” They could’ve easily just made them sick of being told what to do from millions of miles away. If you read in every lore entry on the planets or wherever, the SDF is taking advantage of how earth “plays by the rules” per se. really frustrating to watch potential squandered.

The Kol Battleship from Sins of the Solar Empire.

nigga that thing is busted ass ghetto rust bucket propelled by combustion of failed hopes and dreams

pic related is the true beauty

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>The new battlecruiser skin in SC2 looks pretty cool
Eh, SC2 models in general are a bit too cartoony for my tastes. Way too much neon lights.

>the setting is kino as hell
Yeah and some of the missions are straight-up inspired, like the Operation Dark Quarry I've already mentioned.
>They could’ve easily just made them sick of being told what to do from millions of miles away
Exactly, but I suppose not making them into space nazis would create a moral gray zone the writers likely couldn't or didn't want to deal with.

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for when it's on earth

Pyro GX

>the writers likely couldn't or didn't want to deal with.
That’s the thing with CODs. Do the developers not have enough time to dedicate to the campaigns? Or do they usually just not care? Both? Is activision subsidizing moving resources away from campaign? COD has some of the best campaigns I’ve ever played in its lineup but has completely abandoned the campaign (at least in terms of effort). IW’s campaign just shows that even with a tiny amount of effort and even the smallest amount of inspiration they can make a campaign that’s kino as all hell.

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My man ,that ship is the most fun capital in the game.

Probably both. We were lucky enough that COD4, WaW and IW (and BO2 and WW2 for some) campaigns got some love from its creators but let's not lie to ourselves - modern COD games are certainly being made with multiplayer in mind.

>modern COD games are certainly being made with multiplayer in mind.
should it be though? even from a economic standpoint eventually you'd have to see that all the most well received and highest selling CODs have had standout campaigns. I can understand dedicating a large portion of the time and budget, but when the campaign is a husk the game feels more like a husk. Without a personality or aesthetic or characters to really get to enjoy.

Look at blops 4. They focused ALL of their budget on multiplayer with some set aside for zombies. Players liked it for 3 months then did the same thing they always do: jump ship.

>should it be though?
Personally speaking, no. However, the pencil pushers at Activision are probably looking at it in a completely different way.

Yeah i always loved it but for some fucking reason the author decided to nerf it by removing that 2 degree space where all large guns's fire arcs intersect. Like why the fuck?

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>Look at blops 4. They focused ALL of their budget on multiplayer with some set aside for zombies. Players liked it for 3 months then did the same thing they always do: jump ship
Sorry, I forgot to respond to that point here I presume that their line of thinking was that cutting unnecessary costs (i.e. the campaign because it can't be monetized) paired up with multiplayer of whatever quality would be more profitable than making a solid campaign with a good multiplayer.

What am I looking at here? Is that a ship absorbed by an even bigger ship>

based and yamatopilled

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I suppose so. Its just a shame. I almost almost could really love IW.
I think COD is a perfect example of capitalism harming the quality of the product sometimes instead of improving.

You can still get two plasma cannons and a squall on target which is more than enough to kill any ship in the game combined with torpedoes and HE missiles ,especially since you're fast enough to outmaneuver anything that could pose a problem.

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I also like the desing of the phase one

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boring bland ships

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upcoming crab ship, I hate zealots frigates

wat game

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Star Conflict ... they got some for everyone but those are just the mid to endgame destroyers

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I prefer striker recons, the action is unmatched

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Used to bully pirate bases in X2 with one of these and an ion disruptor

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zealot guards and healers in the back

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stealth ships for the sneaky once, wolfhound gunship and far in the end a sniper frigate

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one has to invest some time though

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>EVE Online


That doesen't answer my question. Why nerf the oddysey? It was probably the rarest fucking ship in the game.

I always wanted a space dick, but when I heard the cost the equivalent of a small car and they can be destroyed and mostly stay in the garage i gave eve a pass

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Best ship to fill with more tiny ships.

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last two I swear

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Vic Viper is still the king

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cause they look fuckin stupid

That campaign was unexpectedly enjoyable. Definitely an underrated space shooter.

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Shit game but fantastic engine sounds.

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Is X4 any good or should I wait for the expansions?

>shoots space swastikas at you

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Eternal shame cataclysm never got made canon, but to be fair the somtaaw would have roflstomped all over the vaygr.

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ol' reliable is still my favorite

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Wraith is aesthetic desu

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I'm in the same boat but expansions have always improved the X games.

Best girl

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>Definitely an underrated space shooter
Yeah, the release timing was all wrong. People were a bit bored with futuristic shooters and Battlefield 1 just got announced so everyone (including myself) started pilling up on IW.

>ol' reliable is still my favorite
>starting off with the best weapon in the game
Not surprising.

I expected someone to have posted this by now.

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I like 'em long and strong.

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Looks like a metal turd.

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*coughs in your general direction*

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I'm a bit sad that I've never seen one of these made on purpose at pro level just to fuck with the opponent.

I didn't. The Pillar looks like garbage. Now the Forward Unto Dawn. THAT was a ship.

I loved this ship so much I made in Kerbal space program. It flies like shit.

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What can I say? I'm a sucker for the classics.

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Hail, humans. And take heed.

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Tasty too.

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