Clock's a-tickin, Dragonborn.
Clock's a-tickin, Dragonborn
I couldn't even figure out what you want in 10 seconds so honestly MAEFARAAK AHST VAAL
Throw Voice
that one that traps souls
Dragon aspect
the slo mo one
That dragon one from the dlc
leroooooyyyyyy jenkins!
Yol toor shul
Elemental Fury
Isn't that the most useless shout tho?
I can't see situation where I rather use that instead of any other word of power
the one that makes you fast and the one that makes time dilate
The best one is "clear skies", because it lets you get rid of shitty weather conditions.
The one that lets you run straight up your enemy's lightning blast attack.
desu I never used shouds except for when it was necessary during a quest or something.
felt like some dumb marvel superhero shit that didnt fit in a TES game.
Marked for Death is the best shout in the game it makes legendary dragons as weak as starting dragons
Slow Time is cool as hell.
Good thing that Bethesda will drop the capeshit and go full sandnigger anime in TESVI.
Odawing when attacking an imperial fort
Krilun ass when killing tough single enemies
Aura Whisper is my favorite. Elemental Fury is cool too.
Marked for death
I don't remember any oter shouts
I liked the whirlwind sprint one
>disarms you
>weapon is lost forever, probably fell through the map
This is worse than the bone walkers in morrowind honestly
The one that turns you ethereal free.
the detect life one. you can see surprise attacks like which draugr coffin will open, which hole a falmer will jump out of and if a dwemer spider is in that tube port.
Aura Whisper
I guess it isn't better in actual combat, but it's hella useful for stealth character. Basically just a superior detect life
That's why you always carry a dagger with you bruh
That one was my favourite for jumping from extremely high places and landing unscathed.
Fire Breath is really cool, but sadly does pitiful damage
Dozens of shouts and most of them are totally useless what a shit game
>he's never played Skyrim
woeful redd^t
Soul Tear. Shit's fuckin OP and leads to some funny moments
>Soul Tear Astrid's burnt body
>Comes back to life and you can talk to her with her usual idle response
storm call. it kills everything, even your allies. it doesnt discriminate. thats why its the best.
Become Ethereal
Marked For Death
Become Ethereal breaks an already broken game
It’s the funnest shout.
the timestop one
I honestly never used shouts, they're useful but I just keep forgetting they exist
Ice Form, or Frost Breath if you have Dragonborn Frost. I only play with Requiem mod 99% of the time, and having another free freeze/paralysis in that is just really fucking powerful.
Ice shout
Fus to dah XD
Beastess mating call
mark for death ethereal form and time stop are the undisputed champions
if you dont have access to time abilities when they exist youre automatically a peon
clear skies is nice also
Ice form is the only one I ever swapped.
The thunder storm one is really cool though, coulda had better execution and use though. Like dealing massive damage to flying enemies.
>Shouts had Cooldown
What was Shitthesda's mindset when doing that? Draugr and Miraak dhout all damn day but you had 5 minute cooldown. Why? Without the retarded cooldown shouts work so well in unison.
stop making me want to install it again, todd!
Global cooldown was retarded as balls. Would actually promote swapping shouts, and getting more shouts meant you actualy became more powerful as time progressed.
*inhales* ZUL
>Hey ugly!
>Playing Skyrim
>Having the audacity to call others Redditors
Is there a porn mod shout?
Iz Slen Nuz is superior for CC, Feim ZI Gron for getting out of tight spots and Tiid Klo Ul just breaks the game.
Scratch that, is there a sexy clown mod for this game?
yes, there is a shout in some rape mod that lets you rape anyone by shouting at them
also yes
I know. So many shouts worked in unison like Whirlwind sprint to close the distance on Archers and Disarm on a group. With that fucking retarded 500 second Cooldown youu shout once and the fight is almost over before you can do another one.
dispel negro
God I love the modding community.
Skyrim feels more fun when you ignore the main quest and never use a shout.
It lets me yeet Cicero off a cliff, what else do I need?
Soul Tear
Give Diarrhea
The true way to play Skyrim is as a travelling merchant/scavenger/archaeologist. No main quests. You just hire some followers and travel between towns trading in goods. Sometimes you'll delve into ruins for rare artifacts to sell. You never fight, you just hide while your companions fight.
All points go into speechcraft, lockpick and pickpocket.
Fucking around with ragdolls and knocking off delicately placed silverware is more fun than anything else in skyrim.
I spent like an hour doing this over and over.
That sounds fun actually.
dragon soul relinquishment mod lets you trade souls for shout cooldown or just mod cooldown out
ragdolling people is incredibly busted considering in the base game people take 20 years to get back up
This is what I did on my first playthrough.
So your goal is essentially to have multiple followers clad in full daedric gear?
The dash so I can get to locations faster and not have to play as much of this shit game.
So Bilbo Baggins plagthrough?
>knocking off delicately placed silverware
>Run game at above 60fps
>Walk into a house
>All silverware suddenly turns into deadly projectiles flying around at mach speeds
Fuck that games coding was a mess.
Why are people scared of clowns?
Hey! Skeever-butt!
LOK (first word from clear skies shout, learned from the Greybeards)
It can stagger like a power attack or like level 2 unrelenting force, but it's better in multiple ways. It affects multiple enemies unlike a power attack, it's faster than level 2 unrelenting force, and it has just a 5 second cooldown. The downside is that it doesn't upgrade to ragdolling enemies and it can't be used indoors.
Nah, that would look silly. They need to look like regular mercenaries/caravan guards.
almost made me break my nofap streak
What's the best gear you go for? Which followers?
>childish insults
>not the sounds of their comrades calling for them or someone screaming
full dwarven heavy armour fits in nicely
This, it's easy as fuck to get OP as shit to begin with, at least let people use the more interesting spells then
>Fire/Ice/Lightning stream
>Fireball/Ice Spike/Lightning bolt
>Fire rune/Ice rune/Lightning rune
>Fire AoE/Ice AoE/Lightning AoE
took to long for this to come up
Because they live in a society
Tiid Vok Uul!
Slow Time
Aura Whisper
Imagine what's going thru the minds of those forsworn while a frozen cat man somersaults thru the air
Doesn’t work on enchanted weapons
I'd like to tip you over the edge, fren, but the advertisers would never let me.
>spellmaking turned the game into spreadsheet simulators, which means that it made our games boring so we cut it out
t. Todd Howard before they released Skyrim.
I just used the console to change the shout cooldown multiplier to 0.
Going by the current voicelines for that ingame the shout would be:
>"never should have come here"
>"what was that"
>"I yield I yield"
Bone walkers aren’t as bad as people make out, only in memory are they nightmares
storm call is chad tier
dismay and disarm also
>use in fight
>strikes random passer by
>1000 bounty in Riften
Exactly. The voice used should match the kind of enemy that is closest.
People call wizards skeever butt all day long. They won't investigate such a thing. They tune it out, even in their top secret lairs.
>tfw no VERY special khajiit friend
4 word shouts are the most powerful.
Fashion victim or fashion slave? You make the call!
The cool down should be there, just not as long especially for higher end shout. 10 seconds at most and even then switching shout should set it too zero
can't wait to count out your coin
Clear Skies is tippety top tier in Survival. The first word twice in succession and it's immediately sunny instead of lethally cold.
Shout cooldown should have been linked to stamina. Shouts should have drained stamina.
It's for pre-teens.
>I hate this game
>But I HAVE to play or else
Also I read somewhere that it makes your companions and enemies that spawn regularely on their own permanently weaker ? o
>all that clipping
How did they manage to fuck up all of the super epic killmoves so badly?
None of them, not a single one, lines up correctly.
Uninstall wizard
Will TES ever have good animations? Jesus.
How they managed to fuck up the hitboxes so bad ? Skyrim has to have the worst fucking hitboxes I've ever seen, plays like an MMORPG it's a fucking disgrace for the RPG genre
Become Ethereal is broken
That animation plays with a one handed sword, with their left hand empty. Looks 'good enough' that way.
Guess the game doesn't understand the difference when you offhand a sword in your left
Skyrim feels more fun when you ignore all quests since all of them are trash and feel like they were a rushed afterthought and then install 20+ mods to make it somewhat enjoyable.
Is there a point in alternating attacks while dual wielding? Doesn't constantly attacking with both weapons at the same time deal higher damage?
Soul Tear.
Never thought about using it on her kek.
some of the magic/archery ones are pretty clean to look at, but the rest are definitely dogshit
Elemental fury + the longhammer was how I cheesed my first playthrough, overpowered as fuck
For me it's bonemold
i think my mouse was fucking up at the time so dual wield power attacks weren't working
There's one that turns Fus-Ro-Dah into a fart shout. It basically just replaces the sound with a fart, it comes with an additional animation swap that makes your character turn around and bend over during the fart.
So, there's your niche porn shout.
Thunder Storm was OP as hell, as it almost one-shot most enemies around you. It was only countered by the fact that it killed friendly NPCs as well, so have fun using that with a follower or summon around, or god forbid, inside a city.
What do farts have to do with porn? Farts aren't sexy.
user... erotic flatulence is the thinking man's fetish.
The off hand actually swings slower. Without the dual flurry perk it's dumb.
lmao 2kat
A pool in Jerusalem mentioned in the New Testament.
Vikings didn't have horns on their helmets.
Also skyrim is extremely shallow with bad game design.
Actually, Bethesda was a house, not a pool. And everyone knows horns are impractical on helmets, you feel clever now or something?
Skyrim sucks just admit it
I didn't say otherwise.
They're not-vikings, tho.
Call storm
Bend will
Which one gives you the boost to melee damage?
Whirlwind Sprint
>somehow get torpedoed forward
it's honestly worth it unless you have the Enchanting tree maxed
Dragon Aspect, I think
Alternatively there's Marked for Death which I think lowers the target's health or resistence to damage (i.e. they take more damage from all attacks)
that's why you get this mod
Wouldn't that just make you reverse run with whirlwind?
Marked for death. IIRC it's bugged in that the effect doesn't wear off after the time runs out, so you can keep stacking it for retard damage.
Or was that DAO's version of MFD that was bugged? Can't remember off the top of my head.
Wouldn't hurt to put some points into conjuration so you can summon more backup