Ign 9/10. Switch does it again. Smash hit exclusive after smash hit exclusive. How will pc neckbeards...

Ign 9/10. Switch does it again. Smash hit exclusive after smash hit exclusive. How will pc neckbeards, psfags or Xbox babies ever recover? ITS OVER. Switch is officially greatest console ever

Attached: ASTRAL-CHAIN.jpg (768x768, 120K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>all these action games
>none of them have online co op

What’s the point

Umm, sorry sweetie, a game glorifying cops is just a big yikes.

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>tfw just pre-ordered the game

But do you have Bloodborne?

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>nigger has a problem with police

>releases on PC a year later due to poor sales
okay cool

>Games aren't bad for what they are, they're bad because they didn't appeal to some personal grievance
Holy fucking shit lmao peak fucking entitlement here

switch cant be the greatest without a real VC. wii u wins for me on that alone

Massive switch fan here... And this game really isn't as good as these reviews are giving it. It's a 7/10 at the BEST points, but more realistically a 6/10 overall.

why do niggers blame the police? they can just stop commiting crimes is they fear getting shot so much

I know this is a just a stupid consolewar thread, but this would unironically have gotten a lot more attention on/v/ if it were on PS4 and the shitposting would be turned around entirely. Until then, Sonyfags will criticize this and make excuses or call it shit


Then hack your Switch? Easy solution. Get your VC games plus themes and game mods that way too.

It's fucking hilarious how the biggest pushers of "gamers are nazis" are fucking commie lovers. Vice Waypoint needs to be sent to North Korea to get a taste of the communism they love so much.

police are racist you white trash
they shoot harmless niggs for no reason yet no one cares

>game is supposedly good
So at this point, you can either:
>discuss the game and talk about what you liked
>use it in your console war thread and spend all your time insulting other fanbases

Now, which option did you choose, OP?

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This place really has turned into Nintendogaf huh?

>this would unironically have gotten a lot more attention on/v/ if it were on PS4
Fuck Yea Forums

The game will be a bigger success on Switch. Sony fanboys don't buy anything that isn't western shit

Where were you the last several years?

>Playing a fucking platinum game expecting some deep social commentary

Austin you fucking retard


The last time I saw one of those livestream things the guy kept going "I don't have a gun, don't shoot me you pig" and then reached for his pocket, got shot, and turns out he had a loaded gun.

Here. But its never been this bad.

>Ign 9/10
Oh great, another lazy button masher from Platinum Games. We sure don't have enough of those.

The last one from Donutoperator was pretty good.


>this would unironically have gotten a lot more attention on/v/ if it were on PS4
fuck Yea Forumsirgins and fuck california

"smash hit" refers to a game's SALES, not its "review scores" (lol), you literally fucking neckbeard

This. I'm gonna be honest with you, I don't trust any game that uses game journalist reviews in its marketing.

>Japan isn't the west
Why do people forget this all the fucking time?
>Japan don't need western translations
>Japan don't care about SJW faggotry
>Japan don't care about the west's views on cops
>Japan don't care about whiny western faggots who don't even know what Tokusatsu even fucking is
>Japan know about things related to their industry even if the west tries to bury it BECAUSE THEY SPEAK FUCKING JAPANESE NOT ENGLISH
This isn't hard

Didn't Nier Automata sell a fuckton though? It sold well beyond what Squeenix expected, 4 million as of now. Yeah I know it wasn't exclusive to PS4 but that's where most people bought it. Just because the chart toppers are CoD and Rockstar doesn't mean Japanese games die on this system, you idiot.


I'm honestly in a bit of a crisis with my Switch atm. Its close to being shelved and then forgotten for a couple of months.

Astral Chain looks good but its not a must buy for me, so I'll wait for a sale if anything.
The DQXI demo was nice to play, but the bonus DLC is not worth accepting the abysmal image quality and pop ups for(I really dread how a later area which is full of crops and high grass will look on the Switch...)
Weegee Mansion 3 and Daemon X Machina are things that could be good too, but I'm kinda not really into the Nintendo family right now, so I'm not sure if I'm feeling Weegee.

Honestly, my most played game on the Switch right now, is Dark Souls. A game I already played +300hrs on PC. I'm also thinking about getting Hollow Knight again, but if this is really just gonna be a port machine to play games I played already, then I should probably ignore the comfy/lazy handheld aspect and just play on PC/PS4 again

So? Are you a triggered nigger or what?

>Claim to have played the game early
>Give absolutely no details as to why you think it doesn't deserve that review score.
Thank you so much for posting here. Please continue this level of posting quality.

lol this is sad

I could give a few reasons.

>WAY too cinematic
>combat is also too cinematic
>horrific, disgusting 30 FPS
>characters are nothing more than waifushit and dialogue heavy retards
>way too easy, hence why game journalists loved it

Just for a start.

>yfw u remember the North Korea documentary Vice did back when they werent shit, detailing the trek through Russia and all.

Shit was damn fun and interesting, still sad that Vice turned out like what they are nowadays.

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Nier Automata was probably just a happy accident if something. Triple A action games in general are kinda dying genre, DMCV is from classic, established franchise and sold "just" around two million on all platforms.

So you didn't even play the game, cool.

currently best selling video game on amazon uk
currently best selling video game on amazondotcom
currently second best selling video game on amazon japan
currently third best selling video game on amazon italy
amazon france ran out of stock days ago

Ah, so I'm speaking to an expert of the game. Please, correct what I've said if it is in error.

I remember watching one of some African warlord or something, it was insane. No idea why vice became what it did.

No, I didn't play it either yet all you said could be deducted from the trailers and gameplay shown.

How about you prove you've played it then?
What scene is the insert song for?

>snoygers still desperately trying to push the sales narrative even though they are in total drought for months

>someone says the game isn't a 10/10 masterpiece

>someone blindly claims it to be the best thing ever made and blatantly starts a console war thread as a result, not discussing the actual game in the slightest
>[utter silence]


>No idea why vice became what it did.

Like many other media outlets, their out of touch CEO fell for "untapped audience" meme and actually believed that liberal Twitter traffic and related clicks on their news can be turned into huge revenues. They started giving new guidelines to their staff instructing them to always "side with their (new) audience" or quit and here we are.

You mean the reviewers?

if we go by hacked consoles then the switch is nowhere near the greatest

Federal officer here.
Go fuck yourself.

You mean the same people who love God of War and are already hyping up TLOU2 as the game of the generation? THOSE are the people I should be listening to?

Every Astral Chain thread is the goddamn same. It seems to primarily be just a toy to show off that someone you dislike can't have. I hate all of you.

I have a switch, PC and PS4 and I won't be buying this sub 30fps weeb trash.

Console only babbies, pls stop hyping up your shit exclusives, you're driving the standards of the entire industry into the dirt.

Funny enough modern niggers are becoming cops out of fear of being shot by the cops.
They hear they won’t shoot their own

I'll just wait for the PC emulator

Every BB thread
Every Halo thread
Every God of war thread
Every red dead thread

Every thread about every exclusive ever made

This is literally every new game thread ever.

fuck off you cunt

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>They hear they won’t shoot their own
lmao that's a huge lie

>way too cinematic
Apart from doubting that, it sounds like you just hate cutscenes which I'm more than willing to bet are entirely skippable even on the first time
A dissappointment unless it's stable. A stable framerate is better than "60fps" with dips to 15fps.
>Characters are waifushit
user, this game is toku, you basically outed yourself as being a clueless retard that thinks any female character is waifushit. Here's a hint, just because they're cute doesn't mean they're waifushit.
>Dialogue heavy retards
You mean in the opening scene that needs to set up how the protag comes into ownership of the antagonist's powersource?
>Way too easy
To be determined, Journos play with handicaps.
>way too cinematic combat
More often than not they leave the fancy shit on or Journos put that shit on to make the game easier for them and more shillable. These games often have ways to turn off cinematic bits.

Ok then how does Lappy the dog theme song go?

Works 9/10
Cops on cop shooting is far lower than anything else
More soccer moms get shot than cops

Kinda hard to know when you hate the anime music so much that you literally pause it the whole time. Had the same problem with Xenoblade. I couldn't list you a single song or track because it was all mind numbing garbage and only the mute function saved me.

be retarded somewhere else

not sure if most retarded bait ever or actually vomit-tier taste

>Had the same problem with Xenoblade
Oh, it's just Blunderfag again.

Just Sega and leave

>Apart from doubting that, it sounds like you just hate cutscenes which I'm more than willing to bet are entirely skippable even on the first time
Shouldn't be there in the first place. I'm not paying 60 bucks just to have the game shove cinematics in my face.

>a disappointment unless it's stable
And as Xenoblade and Zelda demonstrate, Nintendo can't even do that. Yet I can't complain there either because then I'd be "entitled".

>Here's a hint, just because they're cute doesn't mean they're waifushit.
"Cute"? That's all you have to say about them? You could've tried defending them in any other way, but that's the only word that comes to mind. Guess they really are waifushit.

>You mean in the opening scene that needs to set up how the protag comes into ownership of the antagonist's powersource?
Yes, put that filth in the manual. It doesn't need to ruin my gameplay experience.

>To be determined, Journos play with handicaps
>More often than not they leave the fancy shit on or Journos put that shit on to make the game easier for them and more shillable.
So it encourages casuals, instead of gatekeeping them and telling them to GTFO the industry? That doesn't sound like a good thing.

it's actually at the beginning of the game

That happens. I have played Smash Ultimate with my brother whenever he visits but otherwise I haven't touched my Switch (or other consoles) much this year. Been mostly on mood for strategy games and boomercore on PC if something.

In your dreams.

Just like Bayonetta, right?

Alright, so where can I find Sushi Striker on Steam?

Being movies, you can find them both on youtube. They're in the movie game section, next to Uncharted and TLOU.

>can't jump
>30 fps
>switch does it again

Right next to Bayonetta 2.

Are you going to link me to its Steam page or not?

Whatever Eric. Hey did you know that Xenoblade 2 surpassed 1.7 million sales?

Huh, that's an interesting fact. I did not know that.

Attached: Untitled.png (640x168, 93K)

what is with you and terraria?

>tfw buying this game not because of the system it's on but because it's a tokusatsu game that isn't fucking Climax Fighters.
This on release and Battride Wars Sousei a day later will make me very fucking happy. Fuck all console war fags.
You should be embracing JUSTICE.

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What is it with you and bringing up sales when it's not relevant, or game journo scores when it's not relevant? Did you think this was resetera, that people would blindly support somethign because their buddy at kotaku and IGN liked it?

I'm not the same user

Attached: Untitled.png (1517x477, 98K)

the point of that post I made was that sales aren't a metric of quality, especially since the guy I argued with constantly says that my favorite games are shit, then tries to argue that sales make Xenoblade good. So I presented them with a conundrum.

so you're saying that terraria is not a quality game? what?

I'm saying it IS a quality game, but never once have I had to use the sales to defend it. Infact, nowhere in my post do I say "terraria is great because it sold alot". This is why I hate Xenoblade and Astral Chain and bayonetta. The fans are unable to defend the merits of these games and so they have to fallback on flawed metrics like sales and journalist scores.

No joke, this game is amazing. I've dumped 14 hours into it already.

People trying to shoehorn strictly American political issues into a Japanese game made by Japanese people should be shot.

I'm gonna be honest Doug, I'd rather staple my fucking ballsack to the ceiling than play Terraria. For someone who claims to care about gameplay above all else you chose a game with some of the shittiest gameplay possible.

nothing wrong with bringing up sales and reviews as discussion points to support your argument tbqh, especially since half the time when you're talking about gameplay other people on Yea Forums won't have played it so will either say nothing or say something contradictory and nonsensical. I guess my point is you can't actually discuss videogames on Yea Forums with any form of sincerity.

Still no proof...
It would only take a minute to provide it.

Nier sold because of ass and anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar.

Since piratebros have the game already: How long is it after all? 10 hours? 15?

Yeah. I actually thought about getting CivVI for Switch just so the console gets some use, but then again, it would just be another port I could play on PC already.

Are you saying Terraria is bad, despite the sales? D-does that mean that your earlier comment about Xenoblade was complete shit and that 1.7 million sales doesn't instantly make it a masterpiece? Joy! The boy can be taught!

>nothing wrong with bringing up sales and reviews as discussion points to support your argument tbqh
I'm pretty sure OP had no intention of discussing the game, considering how he opened up with console war shit.

>pc neckbeards
>xbox babies

Does this sound like the talk of a reasonable person?

10 hours if you beeline through the story, 20-25 if you do all the side missions.

>The fans are unable to defend the merits of these games and so they have to fallback on flawed metrics like sales and journalist scores.
Its more like people being tired of having the same argument every day so at one point they just say "suck it, here's the score and its pretty much agreeable"

saw a report that said around 18 hours if you mainline the main quest without too much stuffing around

>D-does that mean that your earlier comment about Xenoblade was complete shit and that 1.7 million sales doesn't instantly make it a masterpiece?
I'm clearly not the same guy since I know who you are, you retarded Canadian autist.

>I'm pretty sure OP had no intention of discussing the game, considering how he opened up with console war shit.

>here's the score and its pretty much agreeable
Is that the hill you want to die on?

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Another politically related drama for amerimutts, because despite not being free and forced to pick their candidate in a locked two parties system they can't stop talking about politics.

I fucking hate mutts.

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honestly TLoU is a 10/10 film

Are you ever going to get tired of shitposting year after year in Nintendo threads? You manage to be more autistic than every consolewarrior combined.

Attached: Who is ACfag.png (1918x3712, 2.19M)

>generic zombie story interlaced between hallways and bland corridor shootan
>10/10 film

Yikes, you need higher standards.

Shitposting? user, I am doing nothing more than disproving this notion that sales and metacritic make a game good. You say nothing to the OP who blatantly starts a console war thread, but you take all of your anger out on me because I call him out on it.

>implying you even watched it

>this notion that sales and metacritic make a game good.
That's your issue: they don't. You have it backwards.
Sales and metacritic scores don't make a game good, but good games make good metacritic scores and sales.

Your personal distaste for such games doesn't matter.

What exactly is your point here? That you didn't like TLOU? Ok...?

is astral chain the type of game you can play as short sessions or more of a larger chunks at a time kind of game?

It's apparently built in clearly distinct investigation/side questing/mission sections so probably former.

>Sales and metacritic scores don't make a game good, but good games make good metacritic scores and sales.
No, they don't. Metacritic and every journalist opinion there can NEVER be consistent. These paid shills are literally the most untrustworthy people on the planet. Good reviews and sales can literally be bought off if your company is rich enough. And as the epic games store demonstrates, good sales can be bought too. Just buy them yourself and claim that it sold alot. It's one of the easiest and oldest marketing tricks in the book. And you can't just say "oh we can trust them this time" because you're willing to turn your back to a known backstabber, hoping that THIS time he doesn't stab you. How foolish do you have to be to trust that? I'm trying to help you here, but you need to get out of that bubble of console war-induced rose colored glasses.

that's all well and good, and I can accept that, but what about the numerous posters on Yea Forums that are enjoying the game? Many, of which, pirated the game and have footage/screenshots to prove this...Does their opinion also not count to you?

>that's all well and good, and I can accept that, but what about the numerous posters on Yea Forums that are enjoying the game?
You mean the posters who are enjoying the game so much that they would rather spend their time shitposting and stirring up console wars, or spamming porn, or talking about how they love IGN? That sounds like a strange way to enjoy a game.

I haven't seen a single one of the astral piratefags say any of these things

What thread are we in again?

the consolewar shitpost thread, piratefags are all in this thread

>thread filled with people saying it was meh, and fanboys shitposting against them


yeah because it's okay when japan does it right
fuck yourself weeb faggots

actually blind

Second post literally proves my point.

>guy says the game is a bit of a slog
>gets called an autist

Reasonable fanbase, right?

Wut? I'm saying Japan doesn't care about what the West wants. I don't think the West cares about what Japan wants either since their girls get uglier and the gore gets gorier.
Why would the Japs care about some faggots in the west who hate the cops when it's a tokusatsu game?

dude anyone can look at the thread themselves and see that's a misquote

Do the soi journalists give good scores on purpose when a game is on Switch? I have the game and it surely is average. The combat system is good but that’s all. The rest sucks.

so why was he called an autist? Is he not allowed to say anything negative about the game?

I don't know, ask the one user that called him one. There were 3 other anons beforehand that had perfectly reasonable replies.

The game honestly looks boring as shit

>Japan doesn't care about what the West wants
>hurr buy our games but we don't care about your feelings

There are fantastic games out there that you don't even jump in. Onimusha comes to mind. So does Monster Hunter (no jump button but you can fly off ledges).


>3 other anons
*2 anons

Yeah, pretty much

question to ppl who pirate is it better to play as boy or girl.... i heard the one you don't pick has dialogues and is in cutscenes. wondering if better being the waifu or seeing the waifu

>"reported to nintendo :)"
>this is now considered reasonable

hence why I corrected myself

So why didn't anyone else correct it in the thread? They were perfectly fine letting that shitpost remain for 500 posts?

user you're supposed to report and hide shitposts not respond to them.

Judging by the fact that the thread is filled with shitposting, it tells me that there were few to zero reports made. The mods probably couldn't see it inbetween the infighting and console warring.

Journalists don’t rate Nintendo games low anymore because they don’t want to be raided by the NDF. (Nintendo defence force). Better to rate a shitty game high, and let the toddlers realize it’s shit for themselves.

given that this very thread is still up at all, the mods are likely asleep.

If you play as the girl you get to customise her

Okay, so what control setup do you all use? A, B, C or D? I'm using the A layout, but the idea of removing my thumb from the left analog stick to switch weapons is annoying. Which layout is best?

>game journalists
Its a game for kids, you want it to be about police related accidental killings? In what country does that sell when the U.S. is the only country with a nigger problem and white junkies everywhere?

It's a dumbed down reskin of Nier Automata for casuals.

Attached: IMG_20190828_114109.jpg (1080x1614, 260K)

look, he posted it again

>ign is ok when is nintendo

All is fine and fair in console war threads.

yep the fact that you can't have switch weapon on any other button is fucking gay

>another platinum game sent to die on a shitty console

yawn.. imagine being so bad at business that you focus on a fucking meme tablet rather than spending your time making a game for the highly successful PS4, maybe Platinum wouldn't have to live game-to-game. fucking clown world.

This game is sure to be a success as it has good ratings in all the amazons except france's (because is sold out). To compare, xenoblade 2 was top 25 in amazon during is release week and it still ended up being a success, meanwhile W101 wasn't in the top 100 anywhere...

>it has good ratings
this means nothing, you do know that Nintendo games get rated higher because their fanbase generally has lower standards, right?

>40M systems sold
>top PRE ORDERS on all sites
>lol it gon die

Attached: 9d5.png (680x680, 61K)

no I don't know that, could you show me the ass from where you pulled this out?

By ratings i mean sales ratings, user. I thought it was obvious when I mentioned that is sold out in France amazon.

go look up any multiplat on metacritic and see the switch scores are higher for whatever fucking reason despite the game most likely running the worst on it.. I'm not going to spoonfeed you.


I rather wait more for 3 years than buying a shitty tablet.

>it sold out

if they only have 5 copies and 5 tendies buy it then yes it's sold out. sold out != high sales numbers

>check other places on who people gonna play as
>majority are picking female
>some triggered women(?) pop up out of nowhere and start talking shit about the female option how she looks unrealistic and her face is ugly
Why is it always like this? Why do anime girls trigger people so much?


Im finding this much more difficult than TW101 though it has been 6 years since I played that for the first time. I miss the 60fps, dodging feels off without it.

I like it though. Any game that has tights in its own clothing category is pretty based.

I wish we could swap around the up button on the d-pad with the X button.

In the game, up is used for cycling up on your weapons and X is used for items. X is a button I'm rarely ever pressing and because I don't want to use items. It would have been much better if cycling up was on X because it's much more comfortable and less awkward to access.

Do you know if your mission rank is tied to the percentage of cleanup done?

I would hate to replay missions if I have to clean up all the red/yellow alien shit on the ground to 100% each time I redo the missions to get S-ranks.

>the insane logic this guy uses.
Reminds me the blunderfag back when xbc2 came out.

it's 900p docked, now show me which tablet is better

who are you talking about?

Can you give a link to that idiot saying these things?

>how she looks unrealistic
Well, she's an anime girl, so of course she's going to be unrealistic. It's stylized that way. Doesn't make that a bad thing.
>and her face is ugly
Still probably looks prettier than the SJW fat bitch complaining about this.

Couldn't tell you desu as I havent replayed any missions yet. I would like to once I've unlocked the other legions. There are parts of levels that state they require certain legions to do certain things and makes me assume they want you to replay it a bunch, so I imagine the cleanup would count, but cant say for sure.

Read the thread, I refuse to give (you)s to that faggot.

If a game had deep social commentary it would be something like Robocop, being a police officer is hard work.

bloodborne did well.

I really hope the clean-up isn't part of the ranking system. I'm playing this game mostly in handheld mode on my train commutes to and from work. The framerate is already unstable enough, but every time I summon my legion to clean up the alien goo, the framerate experiences like a sharp drop. Not to mention that the alien goo cleanup itself just feels tedious. I just finished mission 2 and already I'm not looking forward to doing more of it.

By the way, is the highest ranking an S-rank? Or is there a ranking above that?

In the records, I saw S+ rank listed.

Thanks. I guess I should read the records more. Maybe my other unanswered questions will be answered there.

What are AED bateries? and AED in general?

Austin Walker tweets are a guaranteed 3-5 (you)s aren't they?

The game is a 7/10 at best, journalists rated it high because nintendo fans would riot otherwise

automated external defibrillator

>All these niggers posting their thoughts on the game
Post proofs faggots.

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Fuck you alphabet, local and state cops are fine but you glow in the darks need to fuck off.
Especially the ATF

We still have DMC 5, Sekiro, RE2, Monster Hunter World and many more. Hell even Pc already have your precious Mario oddessey and BOTW. Keep coping

Attached: 45a.jpg (680x729, 43K)

Kamiya didn't make this game

>game about fascism and cops

Another disabled degenerate mutt hates cops, color me surprised

>niche Nintendo game is sold out
Means nothing since they only print 1000 copies and shoot themselves in the foot since not even actual fans can buy their games. I hope for frenchie's sake that Nintendo decides to reprint it (they won't, they never do).

Played DMC5, Sekiro, RE2, MHW on my monster rig.
Played Odyssey and BotW on my switch.
While i'm waiting for astral chain to unlock, i'll play some bard's tale 4 director's cut.
Keep not playing games.

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This. People who like to pretend otherwise are fucking retarded. Yoshida's character design sold the game.

What about some PS4 exclusives? Keep not playing games I guess.

Not him but I own a PC, PS4, and Switch
Stop projecting your poverty.

That said the last good PS4 exclusive was Spider-Man nearly a fucking year ago.

Based idort but at least you admit pc is superior. Should try botw with mods though.

Why does this game specifically piss people off? It looks like a fun time.

Bloodborne's sales compared to the PS4 install base is pathetic.

It pisses me off that Iceborne is still 2 more weeks away.

>Buy Switch
>Still don't buy BotW because I don't think I could enjoy it without mods anymore

What about Dark Souls compared to all its potential install base?


It's literally next Friday you dummy

The only absolute must play on the Switch is Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate. Mario was all right, BOTW was an open world disgrace, Smash was fun.

Attached: AED.gif (450x253, 1.98M)

As a concept I agree with you, but lack of VC has led to old games being released cheaper and in bundles, instead of individually with a fixed price point. Also as long as they keep adding consoles, the NSO Netflix-esque game collection is better.

Ignore this retard and all subsequent posts he’s made. It’s ACfag.

Attached: 78BF9A52-58C8-484B-B98C-B6BA1C38FB63.jpg (460x306, 32K)

Astral Chain will kill Iceborne and bring back actual MH.

Attached: 2019072200032200-2AE606B8659FEA852E0ED6470C9814D9.jpg (1280x720, 217K)

Shame that Iceborne is the top seller on Amazon JP now.

What exactly is it? Another CUHRAZY DMC/Bayonetta/MGR campfest, or is it something actually new?


Koalas are extinct in Astral Chain world

Attached: w101thumbsdown.gif (300x166, 1001K)

Koalas are even more worthless than pandas, no big loss

Shut the fuck up you iphone posting paypig

good the further away a game is from automata the better. that game was pure trash.

It’s apparently closer to something like Nier Automata, in that there’s a bit more narrative and investigation around the open city, mixed with Platinum action combat, instead of a straight A-to-B stages like in Bayo

>all these long finisher animations taking up time

In short sections where it makes it impossible to get S you have to avoid long animations

it has 100 million sales

>defending ACfag in any capacity
>triggered by an image
Have another

Attached: 28007E4D-505D-4D5A-B383-07955CEB7B10.png (558x382, 217K)

I really don't understand how the score system works. It seems almost exclusively dependent on how often you press the L button when the MC blinks blue

I feel like time is most important and probably not taking damage much

You seem to have such a surface level understanding of the game to the point where it's very evident you didn't touch it.

Are switchfags still seething over MHW? Jesus...

Mein niggas

Attached: D8zrTh_XsAIgkHS.jpg (1200x675, 174K)

I think it’s just Traditional MH idiots

Probably fair to assume a whole lot more species are too

Neat, it even has the sword cutting from MGR blade mode.


Attached: AstralChainAllOrders.png (928x2602, 388K)

He posted a picture of MHXX


Really looking forward to all those reskins huh?

Yeah he probably doesn't get that joke faggot, good job.

No, they are playing MHGU and waiting for a new MH, that one is just a falseflagger


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SJW are shit but game aside, IRL cops are shit

Except many didn't have guns and were shot.
>muh nigger crimes
>Results: We found significant differences between Caucasoids and Negroids on all variables except for serious assault, but all of these significant trends except for homicide were in the direction opposite to the one claimed by Rushton: the Caucasoids had higher crime rates. Thus, point biserial correlation coefficients indicated that reported crime rates for Negroids were significantly lower than those of Caucasoids with respect to sex offenses with rape included (-.77, p

>The DQXI demo was nice to play, but the bonus DLC is not worth accepting the abysmal image quality and pop ups for
just play it on 2d mode. that's what i'm going to do so i can avoid the switch downgrade.

is it true you cant jump?

Should I sell my copy of Mario Maker for this bros?

you say this like most democracies don't only have 2-3 viable political parties.

France gets 20 000 copies of the base game and 6000 Collector's edition.

Honestly yes. MM2 was underwhelming af.

Sorta. There is no jump button but you can leap to your legion and do aerial attacks and platforming

Attached: 1510192807186.jpg (1440x1016, 484K)

>Nier Automata


>98% red matter


>Game journalism

Attached: 1564415113457.png (644x800, 14K)

You can only jump horizontally by moving your legion around and then pulling yourself to it. This is used for platforming and jump attacking enemies.


Attached: emote 2.png (128x128, 31K)

That's not very much, guess that's why it's sold out.

The last 2 months have been crazy, and Link's Awakening is just around the corner.

How the hell is 20k low?

>‘Devil May Cry 5’ (20,872) debuts at No1 this week and is the first in the franchise to reach No1 since the reboot ‘DmC’ back in week 3 2013.

I didn't like Nier Automata.

They could have shipped 50k units, missed sale opportunity.



The game has vending machine WAIFUS.


kirby is male

Imagine her having a robo-orgasm every time you make a purchase as a reward for being a good salesgirl.


Why isn't this a thing in real life its genius!

Attached: smile cat.png (182x184, 44K)

just finished the first few missions
its pretty meh
dunno why everybody is so hyped

fucking Cucky Kong

Is this game dual audio?

Yes. Most Switch games are.

I guess I'll actually pick it up today.

Yes but it forces you right into the intro before you can change it. I had to close the game after it first saved so that i could get to the main menu to change it and start over.


Attached: 20190828_120930.png (720x635, 75K)

There kind of is

Attached: sir...SIR...SIR?!.png (778x738, 492K)

Where'd you get the discount?

Nice try China, but not even your cute server bots can't get my social credit points

>Toddler tries to imitate Sonychads

Attached: 16e.png (915x1024, 240K)

Where's the Astral Chain logo?


>game isn't good
>7/10 or 6/10
>that means its bad
Remember when review scores meant something and everything below a 9.9/10 wasn't considered absolute trash?

I was gonna get this thing and Daemon, but fucking hell the DQXI demo was too good. I'm gonna have to leave Astral Chain for later.

>three houses
I'm still reluctant to play it. I love games like Ogre Battle but I never played a modern FE game.

>Playing an old game while everyone will be talking Astral Chain

What's good about DQ? I tried the demo and it's standing around while auto attacks happen

It's just a generic hack and slash game why is everyone so excited?

Platinumdrones are their own breed of anons.

works perfectly on yuzu

so much for switch exclusive

You were supposed to turn on hard monsters for it to actually be a game

Because fun things are fun.
Maybe you should leave, you clearly don't like video games.

Post some shots, I would gladly stop playing the Switch version for 1080p

>sorry sweetie
>big yikes

Attached: soyak.png (644x800, 15K)


But I want video games to improve and this is worse than what I was playing 10 years ago.

I'd bet against that.

I still don't understand how the black race is so damn obsessed with blaming their faults on others
when they don't produce any media besides twerking and smoking hip hop videos they blame white artists for not making black characters in media
when they realize they're broke they blame "white privilege" while they had the opportunity to study and work for years but simply decided to not do it
they actively cause violence with their gang shit and all their children hope to be a big thug, then when cops kill them because they're a danger to society they play victim and suddenly violence is bad and black live matters despite them killing each other over drugs and hookers every day
and when they're confronted by the reality that their race has made nothing relevant for human race they just make up fanfics about black egyptian aliens
the black race is condemned not only for their thug culture, but also because they'll never accept their mistakes and try to improve

Attached: 69619381_10219752289179700_186689459419348992_n.jpg (720x540, 43K)

>post on a video game discussion board
>unwilling to justify what he finds fun
Why even post,

You can't even see above 40 FPS you retard. 60 FPS is a meme.

Not everyone works at CERN


Attached: 20190828_111807.png (720x362, 73K)

Nintendo says Blue Lives Matter.

Anything with the nintendo seal of quality

>playing what everyone is talking about instead of what you want
Never gonna make it.

DQ is probably the last JRPG that actually retains its soul and DNA from the first game. You'll eventually want to do shit manually in order to not get your ass kicked.

good taste
>caring what everyone else is talking about

You're here. You care.

Hey, I'm interested in the game, even if I won't be playing it soon.
If everyone went around saying it was absolute shit, I'd be glad to dodge a bullet.

>preorder game on amazon with fucked up release date (august 1st)
>"well I guess they will fix it later"
>they havent fixed it
>it just says they don't know when the game will be delivered and they will let me know later
>5 days later I still haven't gotten any mail
they are going to fuck this up, aren't they?

Amazon is shit but it's possible they ship today as best buy did mine. Best buy offers free always on time release date shipping if you order a week or more before release. I never use Amazon for games after my Nier issue

>/pol/tards actually praising a game about pigs
God I hate election tourists.

i bet you don't even own a gun and have to call the cops

>supposedly a handheld but too large and performs better docked
>dock scratches screen
>cheap, flimsy joycons
>library consisting of rehashes, shovelware, the worst versions of multiplats and kiddie games.
>insufferable, delusional community
>manchildren love it
>system of choice for trannies and the morbidly obese.
>smash tournaments known for being comprised of people with no concept of personal hygiene
>an embarrassment to be seen playing in public
>horrible online, overpriced.
>console is overpriced, very low value in general
>often referred to as several derogatory names, some examples include “cucktendo shitch” or just “shitch”, “Fischer price tablet” or more rarely the “NINtENDO SWItCH” (the lowercase t’s representing the low testosterone of the typical Nintendo console owner)
I could go on but I think we’ve all seen enough to agree that owning a Nintendo Switch is undesirable.

Only bayo 2 has had fun and good online so far

all of the day bro

Fourze was the Rider I thought I’d hate the most but ended up becoming one of my favorites, quite a feat considering I hate almost all the phase 2 heisei riders.

except i’m here on my own free will not because everyone else is talking about it, zoomer

>Tsundere vending machine

Attached: cantargueboner.jpg (324x289, 54K)

There is already enough false flagging in these threads

I can. I notice the difference in YouTube between 30, 50 and 60 fps. I don't need to look at the quality settings to know it.

that fucking journalist
>only brings up the worst aspects of cops
>tries to paint it like all Americans view it the way he does

Meanwhile, the nip dev gives a wonderful response. Fuck that journalist though, what an asshole.

Pretty sure it's out of stock on Amazon UK too

>have to call the cops

Which sucks because in USA, police has no legal obligation to help you.


TL;DR law enforcement fucked up helping three women who called for help during home invasion, they got abducted robbed, beaten and raped, sued the police department, and judge ruled that police had no duty to provide aid and protection for women. They should have protected themselves.

>the duty to provide public services is owed to the public at large, and, absent a special relationship between the police and an individual, no specific legal duty exists

Fuck police. Get guns.

I agree with most of his points however I really enjoy the constant cut-scene attacks in the game

Some Police generalize the whole race as criminals even though many actually aren't. It's natural to have some fear of the Police as there are times where they have killed innocents, like that dad of two who was gunned down at the front door of his home as a result of swatting. The fucked up part about it is that his death was sparked by two kids over a $1.50 Call of Duty bet

Attached: nn_rmo_kansas_swatting_death_171229_1920x1080.760;428;7;70;5[1].jpg (760x428, 45K)

sounds kinda not good. being about to cancel 99% of bayos/w1s attacks with jump makes the game feel less tied down.

>judge ruled that police had no duty to provide aid and protection for women
Good thing I'm a man then.

Once you get used to it the chain jumps are alot simpler to execute than they sound

Swatting is legitimately different than regular cops though.
Swat only gets called when it's like, bomb threats or something of urgency. They're not expecting it to be fake, they're expecting it to be a real fucking problem that can harm more than just those involved.

>REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 100% gameplay or "game" is trash!!!!!!! I don't want to read any dialogue REEEEEEEEEEEE
They don't make trolls like before, this is such low quality bait.

I'm at the part where they enter for the first time in the red world (where your MC fight alone a big boss).
God the dodge system sucks, no jump button too, Bayonetta was better in comparison.
Does it get better as the story progress gameplay wise ?

>dmc baby mad he can't uppercut an enemy and jump to hit it while both float in the air and enemies can't attack you
wow, the horrors of actually playing a challenging game, go back to your brainless button masher and let adults discuss their games

I predict the game will sell in USA specifically because it has "good cops". Expect people saying "why aren't our cops like this?".

You unlock a bunch of new stuff once you finish that chapter

Except he wasn't killed by Swat, he was shot and killed by a lone police officer. Tyler Barriss, the guy who did the swatting, contacted the Wichita police department and made the false report that got the man killed.


>Astral Chains

Attached: 1378859051151.png (334x393, 134K)

Toddlers like to claim that the Switch has no cinematics, unlike the PS4, so why are you defending it now?

>He doesn't like launchers

Even Vanquish had a launcher

If the dialogue wasn't just a bunch of anime cliches wound up in a ball maybe it would be more tolerable

You pretty quickly get access to the upgrade system that makes your dodges actually usable because they trigger chain attacks.

The game basically plays like ass until about chapter 6 or so when you finally start getting the hang of the combat and have upgraded your bro enough that he isn't fucking useless. Then you can jump into a room like big dick mcgee and rape everyone.

Lmao, 9.0 is like a 7/10 for IGN.

Seethe Nintendofag. Your company is dead.

Attached: Screenshot_20190828-095642_Chrome.jpg (1080x335, 80K)

You dont like vidya, just move on bruh.


I actually managed to die in DMC games, I still dont know how the extra life system in Astral Chains works because I have yet to die

He doesn't like Switch games, which is understandable because no sane person likes them.

External validation is for losers.

the astral plain is such an uninspired boring level. It's just blocks floating in a void with a bunch of switches that open new pathways to more floating blocks.

I'm really curious just how many of these ''game journalists' actually changed the difficulty after the first mission since it's set to casual by default.

AC has a launcher you unlock really early on, though. Just do a perfect dodge and mash the LEGION HELP ME button for an easy launch.

The problem is that it's pretty useless because it doesn't work on big enemies and small enemies always swarm you, so generally you're just watching legion go to pound town while you're dodging the other 8 attacks aimed at your face.

Last I checked even ninja gaiden had launchers

A shame that you need to play a lot before the game start to be actually fun.
Their previous games like transformers devastation, wonderful 101 and Bayonetta were fun from the start, why having such a poor progression on Astral chain?

>ninja gaiden

Considering how big of a weeb Austin is, you'd think that he'd realize culturally that police are viewed differently in Japan. Not everything needs to be focused on American politics and the culture war over here.

Astral Chain has a launcher too though.

Why even come into thread and make yourself look like a retard by giving wrong info. You've made it clear you haven't played it.

It's so easy it's like the game plays itself for you. Nintendo fanboys like to shit on PS4 'movie games' but at least they can present a challenge.

God of War is the easiest action game I've every played in my life.
The only PS4 exclusive that has EVER given me any challenge was Bloodborne.

The progression and combat is slower because everyone was complaining about platinum making short games

95% of them, the other 5% changed it to very easy.

The game seems like it has a lot of replay shit, the first level is filled with crap you can't open because you don't have any of the other buddies yet.

Honestly, the main issue is getting the hang of the controls. I wish I just changed them from the start to something more sensible, it's one of the worst default control schemes I've ever seen in a game. I'm still hitting Y when I mean to hit X a dozen hours into the game.

>ign 9/10

Attached: ignRatings.png (950x239, 77K)

Astral Chain is even easier, you literally can't die.

>you literally can't die.

W101 had the exact same problem, your initial abilities sucked. If anything it was worse in that game because rising and cyclone were locked behind a pointless level up system.

DMC is easier than absolutely every single Platinum game, starting with the fact that DMC enemies are just punching bags and the whole game is designed to make you win and pop EPIC/RADICAL words to tell you how good you're doing like they're pushing a retarded kid on a tricycle to make him believe he's a bmx pro

stop playing on unchained mode

Attached: Marianne_Portrait.png (1200x1200, 837K)

That is a masterpiece though, please don't compare MGS to a Nintendie rehash.

play it

The first bosses you face in DMC1/3 are harder than anything I have encountered in the first 4 files of Asschain, doesnt help that this game also gives you a metric shitload of full heal items for free on top of revives

The entire point of AC is getting S+ ranks on everything, though.

ye w101 had it the worsed. i put in 80hrs into the demo so to start off with absolutely nothing sucked

Why do you people try so hard to pretend you've played these games?

Can Akira be shirtless in story or customization? I’ve heard that he gets stabbed and stuck into a coma tube while shirtless but he looks like he’s wearing a top in the pic that an user uploaded.

Attached: 469F4C10-1C8B-46AD-83FE-C0AD22940F05.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

DMC games are easy as fuck, the only challenge it has is the clunky controls and dated movement

and that doesnt apply to DMC as well? I never saw anything higher than a B rank in my playthroughs but Astral Chains gives me S ranks for remembering to press the L button every time I see the blue light
I dont pretend that I am good at these games

What you just said doesn't make any fucking sense

but I did

Attached: tests.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

>Playing Astral Chain

Attached: 1446930120686.jpg (472x357, 13K)

posting a webm of ign gameplay doesn't mean you played it user.

Was only 1 button pressed during the entirety of that clip?

That’s a traditional mh
Pretty much anything with flex is

3 buttons actually

Imagine not owning nintendo consoles and missing
>Wonderful 101
>Bayonetta 2 and 3
>Astral Chain

Attached: 1565325870077.png (843x371, 421K)

I'm noticing a trend in a lot of reviews praising the combat for being simple with some nuance.Given that most journos suck dick at action games I'm kind to worried it might be to shallow despite all the flair.

Attached: 1368986748763.jpg (398x342, 35K)

if anything it's not as shallow as Nier Automata

>Madworld left out

First Kingdom Hearts3, then REmake2, DMCV, Bloodstained, Sekiro and now this! Yeah, I can't recover

re-read carefully user

Nier at least had the chip customization which let you change a lot of things up. It also had heavy and light attack buttons with specials

>Generic hack and slash game
>Generic hack and slash game
>Generic hack and slash game

Attached: 1517983981865.jpg (520x735, 443K)

wow look at those awesome cinematics and quick time events

I was already sold and you just sold me again

Attached: 058D490F-1632-406F-8297-A9E281ADFEA8.png (566x663, 437K)

oof looks like I just hit a nerve

Attached: 67604452_1257148321130426_6796807912246214656_n.jpg (826x960, 94K)

So sounds like it's another W101 situation where the combat doesn't really click into place until you get most of the abilities and have accustomed yourself to the controls?

Why are snoys so upset?

Wish Sony could make things like this but it would probably end up being a woke tranny

pretty much

>The game has vending machine WAIFUS.

Attached: IMG_20190828_182309.jpg (500x503, 41K)

Sounds about right, but even at that point, the combat is nothing special. I don't know why they didn't just make the combat decent from the start.

The game really feels like it's designed to be easy for children, but then you get stunlocked with some cancerous effect like fire or something that makes the game feel like they were going to add difficulty, but then they decided against it at the 11th hour.

Holy shit why is there so much of this stuff in the game and Why does it have a fucking 5 second animation lock? It just punishes the shit out of you for trying to have fun with chain jumps

When was the last ps4 game released? I don't remember the last time snoys have been seething this hard.

delete this

You can have fun with chain jumps? Every time the game makes me do them I have a fucking aneurysm because I get hung up on one pixel or something and fall to my death.

>serial shitposters
>twitter screencaps
this is what happens when èyou begin athread with an IGN review

I meant like when you get a line around 3+ enemies and slide kick them all, every time I end up getting launched into some active fire at the end of the attack and have to watch my character squirm

1/10 No Chain Chomps

Not if you’re stupid but this game or even Bayonetta is never meant to be difficult like a souls game.

What ranks are you getting? All S+ I assume if you’re saying the game is “easy”. The challenge is stringing combos and get a good rank.

>yfw the stigma blacks have against police has produced a series of interracial femdom porn called Black Patrol

>stringing combos
you mean pressing the R button over and over until you see the blue light and press L?

>moving goal posts

What ranks are you getting? I would appreciate a screenshot.

Iceborne is coming out in a week and then Death Stranding. Enjoy your discount Nier Automata I guess.

Attached: image_18675.jpg (1000x563, 148K)

I liked that during the tutorial, but I quickly realised that just mashing attack with the baton, then dodging into blue attacks deals way more damage way faster. There aren't enough fast enemies to make it a good strategy, and if anything is in the air you're absolutely fucked anyway because you have to switch to the worst pistol ever.

I wasn't expecting difficulty, it's just bizarre how the game goes from "completely trivial" to "all your health is gone now because you got stunlocked from one attack".

>playing on human

Attached: 1565269870036.gif (360x270, 1.63M)

I don’t think this game has a real combo system.

Hello game journalist

>DLC that isn't exclusive
>then, 3 months later, pissing simulator

>The game is supposed to be shit

why would you play iceborne on ps4 at 30fps
enjoy your pissing simulator though

how do I bring up the score menu? Im not very good at these games but I have been consistently S ranking the bosses after the first file

b-but mgr talked about war

Go to the pc.

Btw I am assuming you’re playing on normal mode right now which is platinum standard. It’s basically the bottom barrel difficulty level to get graded.

>DLC that isn't exclusive
You mean an expansion bigger than the base game that will be exclusive for 5 months?
>pissing simulator
You mean the next game from the creator of MGS, the gameplay reveal for which will be shown next month.
I feel bad for you toddlers, you have nothing but budget rehashes to play and have to pretend you enjoy them.

Attached: image_death_stranding-40356-3637_0010.jpg (3840x2160, 1.36M)

>sales are not relevant

>playing mhw on the interior 24 fps machine
>not waiting to get all the unlocks and bugs hammered out and play at 1440p and 144fps on PC
Thanks for beta testing once again soiniggers.

Im in the middle of a file so thats not an option unless it is, would it really kill you to just tell me the combos I'm clearing missing out on?

This is why. Btw I just made this in MSpaint.

Attached: c2f.jpg (1328x788, 261K)

5 months. 150 days.

OK let's say we give you bayonet ta since it does have a lot of cutscenes
In what was is fucking sushi strikers a meme

And this is probably gonna have 5 times the story bayonetta does

there's more exclusives releasing in September alone on switch than PS4 has had in the past 3 years.

i love how there's a large subsection of people on this site not even trying to foster discussion and just trying to endlessly funpost and fuck with people. Great community t b h.

Attached: 1234125.png (281x349, 144K)

Nintendo exclusives are like a constant stream of diarrhea, there's no shortage of shovelware. Playstation exclusives may not be many but they have several times more content and the content is actually enjoyable to play.

Is ACfag so triggered by astral chain because it's stealing his acronym?

PS terraria sux

>dock scratches screen
>supposedly a handheld but too large and performs better docked
>horrible online
>cheap flimsy joycons
Redundant, "poorly made and optimized" would work fine on its own.
>insufferable, delusional community
>manchildren love it
>system of choice for trannies and the morbidly obese.
>smash tournaments known for being comprised of people with no concept of personal hygiene
Redundant. "Universally degenerate player base" works fine.
>an embarrassment to be seen playing in public
>library consisting of rehashes, shovelware, the worst versions of multiplats and kiddie games.
>often referred to as several derogatory names, some examples include “cucktendo shitch” or just “shitch”, “Fischer price tablet” or more rarely the “NINtENDO SWItCH” (the lowercase t’s representing the low testosterone of the typical Nintendo console owner)
>console is overpriced, very low value in general
Redundant, "Poor overall impression from the gaming community at large in generally every aspect of its design, content, and playerbase"

Just because you can stretch out an argument doesn't make it better, redundancy makes it look like you're reaching. Keep your points concise and clear and you'll be better received for it.


i love this dumb pasta

I can’t stop staring at the mc’s ass bros, what do I do

Anyone who says

>sorry sweetie

Has some sort of daddy issues

>the absolute state of the Sony catalog right now

I mean technically there were more PS4 exclusives before PC chads ate them all up

How am I supposed to roll the can to distract the cat?

>ywn put your bepis in tsundere machine's slot

As a Japanese, I think the problem is those people have almost no idea how Japanese journalists and specialists seriously discuss about Japan's social issues on a daily basis. It's like Japanese MCU fans who have never even read any NY times article think they can say something insightful about America's social issues. Actually it's worse since Japanese games and anime are basically separated from those issues.

Nintendo isn’t even their friend
Just “We won’t censor you” pals

There’s probably some undertone censorship like no blood no human killing no alcohol but that’s just for a T rating.

unless you ask politely

I’m pretty sure Animal Crossing and Assassin’s Creed did that 1st

Oh nonono Nintendo lets their third-party publishers have creative freedom. They consider censorship a bad business strategy. Bayonetta 2 is still pretty bloody.

How do you kill the yellow/golden jellos that run away?

>Discount Nier Automata

The enemies actually attack you in this game though. Weird for the discount game to have better combat.

I was able to on PT-Standard by bumrushing it, following it, jumping to it/combo and using legions skill ability.

Also he did it, he said the line!

At this point, I just wish that the game wasn't exclusive so that there could actually be some better discussion. I'm enjoying the hell out of this game and wish that any mention of it didn't invite consolewarfags.

>game is multplat
>pc bait sony, sony bait switch
console wars will never end

My roomate got it from an independent chain in NYC and has been blitzing through it since noon yesterday.

Currently 15ish hours in, any questions? Can't go into too much detail since I had work but I know the gist of whats happened so far.

Do they know how to quickly accept rewards in the records rather than going through 1 by 1 cos its a chore.

I just asked him and he has no idea.

Who is the hottest character so far?

which legion skill ability? and can you bind it? which weapon did you use out of the 3?

Spinning swords I think it was? In a cutscene at the moment, I did not want to kill it originally, wanted to take a photo of it.

Is there Henshin?

Round Sword it's called. I did not bind it, believe I was using the small baton. My legion did most of the work while I panicked. It ran away twice I think before I killed it.

what did it drop

>My legion did most of the work while I panicked.

>Get home from work
>See big Astral Chain thread on front page and click on it since tokusatsu is my shit
>Thread is nothing but ACfag containment general

Jesus christ can you fuck off to /vg/ or something? We get it already, you don't like cutscenes and any female character showing any sign of femininity is waifushit. We didn't hear you the first hundred times you've made your points

Attached: 1550193198931.jpg (1242x867, 137K)

A pretty good Rare ability I believe
Crit rate +12%
+Anti-slime (not come across anything like slime that slows me down though)
Uses all 3 slots though.

the cut-scenes in Astral Chains are pretty shit though

>start of chapter 5 or 6 is literally you just reading tons of lore
>some files have passwords
>I don't know them

spot the seething Snoy

I like Nier but what is ''trascendent'' about it besides 2-B's ass?

It's a fucking Vice article

You can do certain attacks that cause your Legion to armour you up and it's vaguely henshin like.

Why the chief of course.

I'm trying to keep myself spoiler-free, but as long as they aren't "Japanese humour" tier then I think I'll be fine.

Just bought a switch for this game.... unfortunately is not available until day 30 for me. fug

there are some minor "Japanese humor" tier things but nothing as bad as Xenoblade2, still loaded up the ass with anime cliches though

It's very Evangelion. Heck I just unlocked a colour style that is purple and green.