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>spent all weekend waiting in queue
>have to leave and i'll have to come back to more waiting

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It's 4am? How many people you think are playing
Why you going to work so early

not everywhere is USA

Feels good not to be a wagie

>charge mob
>stealthed rogue starts calling me a dick in whispers for stealing "his" mob
If it were yours you'd have tagged it

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I'm 27 and I've never had a job.

I swear to Christ it's so embarrassing to not have ambition, but I've been making so much cash lately doing this stupid Uber gig it feels like I'm cheating life. I fucking love driving, listening to music, and not talking to people. I only drove for seven hours today and I made $130. That's on a Tuesday, you make even more money on weekends. Then you get to work whenever you want and if you accidentally sleep until the afternoon, it's whatever. If you fellow 4am no hope bros have a car, it's a great way to pay the bills while you figure shit out.

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based brainlet mutt

i tried it, they told me my car was too old, and i have no GPS on it

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You don't need GPS on car when you have a modern cell phone.

i live in a small city, its full of old people who dont use uber

You aren't making enough money to cover your car maintenance

Lol yeah I am nigga, especially since I got everything done already before I started driving. Next thing coming up is tires and that's $600, I already got money for that. If you know what you're doing you can make 20 to 30 dollars an hour on busy nights and 10 to 15 on slow ones. Holidays are insane.

always consider yourself more important than you really are
people will believe you and you'll get paid more than normal

I arrived at work bros. Wish me luck for tonight

>losing your mob tag to a fucking warrior
Don't worry, he was probably a shitter anyway

Let me ask you a question, when you go to work, do sodomites try and get themselves lynched through you? What I mean is, so you have giant brown poopy monsters trying to return home to you anus getting you fired for being a hetero-sexual?

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how do i write a convincing Cover Letter?

>going to work when its raining and shitty

what a terrible feeling. and it happens everyday here in florida.

steal shit from internet

im 25 and still live with my parents, which is fine.


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lmao keep living in that dream world bro

In the long run the miles you're putting on your car is going to cause it to breakdown constantly

BEST Yea Forums thread

cast him

imagine the retards that took a week off work


Yeah and that's what savings are for, when that inevitably happens. I budget for that because I'm an adult. If it were a piece of shit on its last legs I'd still only need it to hold together for two months before i could comfortably afford a new car altogether.

>Spending this much time on an MMO that you're worried about missing the launch of a classic version more than your pregnant wife.
I'd understand wanting to play baldurs gate 3 first day, or something, BUT AN MMO, PFFFFFT HAHAHA OH NO NO NO NO!

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meh. feels good not relying on materialistic items


That's why I just /lol'd at him. If you lose your tag to a warrior who has to charge and THEN wait 3.6 seconds to get an auto in to tag it, you're trash.

This must've been asked a lot, but why do people have to stand in line? I only played this for a couple of hours, years and years ago, but can't you just walk up to that person and collect your reward or is this a case about mobs not being able to respawn fast enough?

>only $130
I basically have the same luxuries as you as a traveling technican and I easily make three times or more than that a day for less hours. And I didn't even have to go to college for what I do; the company paid for all the certifications I needed.

The latter. I've heard of RPfags standing in line for turn-ins to NPCs but I've never seen it. Some people try to line up to get named mobs for a quest that just don't spawn very fast to be as fair as possible but honestly it's hilarious to tag it outside of line and then laugh at them when they seethe about it.

Lol aight buddy yeah the job you trained for probably pays more than this gig any 16 year old can do.

just use macro which makes you jump or walk few meters every few minutes in starting area, nobody will notice it

What company? I need a real job


of course you work-a-holics AHHHHHHHHHH

>mfw I play WoW at work and still get paid

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play a better game and you wont have queue

>get in queue at 14
>get home from work at 17
>still had to wait 3 hours in queue

[SPOILER] >Black people [/SPOILER]

so I've got like 2 options now, either I quit my job or I an hero, although the first option might eventually lead to the 2nd one
what do?



>Realm is full, Position in queue: 20454

I get that, but I just moreso hope for tips for a complete beginner.

Businesses have invested billions over the past several decades trying to drill FOMO into peoples heads precisely to elicit this sort of behaviour.

>mfw McWagie assistant manager already at 22
>literally only work, go to school, and shitpost on break and before I go to bed
What do videogames feel like bros


>tfw working tonight until 8pm
>off tomorrow
>agreed to social plans tonight anyway
I'll not get playing till tomorow.
m-maybe the queue won't be too bad

>get home
>sleep til midnight while in queue
>play til 6am and go to work
is this really what my life is about to become

fear of missing out

I guess you could just use some sort of script that makes you run in circles so you never get autokicked.

Not sure if that works

ToS and you'd get banned

and who's gonna notice?

Fear of Missing Out.

If I have a trial character, can I keep them if I decide to upgrade? I want to try WoW Classic before I buy. Never played any WoW before.

just make it look random with some AHK scripting

can you even do trial characters for Classic?
If yes then it should work the same as retail in which case yes you can continue with that one

I think so. A sub gets you WoW and WoW Classic, so I assume you can.

That's good. I'd hate to get top Lvl 20 and have to start over.

team viewer ur pc and leave it on

>never played wow before
>never will
feels good. Reading these threads, I would imagine its similar to never being a crack head

keep it short and tailor it to the company in some way.

I'll try to explain it best I can

the MMO genre as of now is a literal shitheap of themepark games that hold your hand every step of the way. Classic fills a void that's been in the genre since 2009ish

god I wish I had a remote job

I work 50 hours a week from home, at my desk, making above min wage and im able to play while working

feels fucking GOOD

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>read a thread about a game you don't like
>feels good I don't play this it's 100% shit right, right guys PLEASE DON'T TELL ME THE GAME IS ACTUALLY FUN
thats like you sound for me 2bh.

Imagine trading 7 hours for 130$

Alliance. Elwynn, Dun Morogh, and Loch Modan are maximum comfy.

Tell me how plz

I have no idea what to play. Refusing to play human, seems too dull.

google lionbridge or "companies similar to lionbridge" bullshit a resume, then apply as much as you can and then wait.

Japanese gay boy HIKAKIN

play whatever you want, you nigg

Anyone know how to stay logged in without getting the b&

What are you, 18? You're being scammed bro

Why is everyone stuck in queues? I just logged into a Medium world with no issues immediately.

Nethergard Keep BB

Because these are neet hours. No one that is a socially acceptable human being can play right now.

>finally landed a solid government job
>40% of salary is deducted due to taxes and pension
Damn this sucks

That's minimum wage user, on top of the car maintenance and gas, insurance, having no health care, etc you'd be better off flipping burgers at a fast food joint

>I've been making so much cash lately doing this stupid Uber gig it feels like I'm cheating life
>I only drove for seven hours today and I made $130
read up on cost acc

>pay subscription
>still unable to play

You guys got jewed, man!

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you're gonna be homeless in the future, user. don't fall for the meme


Just go home at lunch and enter the queue, it'll be ready by the time you get home.

Or wait a week for the normies to quit

Or night faggots like me that get off work in 15 minutes

Don't worry.
Game will be dead in 2 weeks.
Dead game = no queues.

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Is there a warrior guide similar to this mage one?

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Going to work doesn’t feel as bad when you live in the city. In the suburbs, it’s hell

Best race for Warlock Affliction (Horde)?
PvE/PvP wise

>2 hour commute time
>”just go home bro”

Lots of people hating on you. I say nice. I make about the same at my IT office job where I watch YouTube videos half the day.

I know nothing about WoW. The lore, the classes, the game, the combat, nothing.
I don't know a damn thing.

I'm just going to pick whatever race I think looks cool, and then whatever class sounds fun.
How bad will I get bullied for not minmaxing? I don't really mind but it'd be nice to know that I can have a chill experience.

>RP realm
>no queue
RPchads win again!

Imagine trading 7 hours playing a video game and paying for it. At least with his money he might spend some of it on a better hobby.

An hero now, there's nothing worth staying alive for


Get one of those drinking bird toys and put it on your keyboard

>Leveling at a mid tier pace (not in any way rushing)
>Making sure my professions aren't falling behind
>Running dungeons, reading quest text, finishing quest chains even if they send me back to areas I've already been which speedrunners would see as being 'unoptimal'.
>Currently half way through level 19
>150 Fishing
>150 Cooking
>120 Herbalism
>88 alchemy (but I've got another huge batch of herbs to get it up tomorrow, I'm fucked now after like 12 hours of playing)
Ya'll have no fucking idea just how much fun I'm having.
>Saw like 4 people selling savoury deviate delight recipes on the AH for 2-4 gold each
>Didn't want to shell out for it despite knowing I'm coming to the end of my Barrens adventures
>Go back, I'm running towards the Harpy area to finish the last part of the chain quest
>On my way up see a Giraffe
>Have a really good feeling about killing it for reasons I'll mention in a minute
>It actually drops the recipe, and the weirdest thing is I almost knew it would.
I shit you not btw whenever I have killed Giraffes they seem to drop greens like 50% of the time. I know that's no doubt gotta be pure coincidence but I just had a feeling that my best chance to get that recipe was from that and it fucking actually gave me it.

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i read some linbridge reviews. seems you dont get that much pay for demanding work. how are you able to play and finish the workload at the same time?

I've been meaning to do Uber as a second job but I'm lazy and very content with the money I'm making. If I were to do Uber it'd be to save up some cash to go to Japan for a few weeks.

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play on another server you fucking retards

How. much you need to save for japan?
I want to go to..


sounds fucking good to me man, he could be a dude that walks into the pharmacy with a shot gun, or some bum with a sign shitting up my view by the highway turnoff, or another useless twitch thot providing the world no benefit not even porn, but no the dude is actually working and seems to be enjoying himself instead of waiting for his neetbux tendie waifu jerkoff pillow life to mercifully end.

Dance for me wagie.

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18 dollars an hour is nothing to sneeze at

but I rolled on the server that was opened just a few hours before the launch and it hasn't been High by the very launch, how is it my fault you fuck

t. toilet cleaner

Just the plane ticket is anywhere from $500 to $800. I assume it'll be another $1000-$1500 to stay for two weeks and spend on weebshit.

germans are disgusting and shouldn't be allowed to post anything relate with actual work.

comfy neet bro

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I trade 7 hours for $45 every day, user

not american?



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The trick is to be in queue when you are not at the pc retard.

What a cringe excuse, you probably have much deeper problems so try to identify them and fix them.

I will play a HUMAN WARRIOR

Depends where he lives.
In the UK, this shit is common. People move out for 3-5 years for University then typically either move back home or stay with their housemates somewhere.

Except you arent fucking driving a car all day and accruing the maintenance costs that user is. Hell at the very least after 7 hrs that user had to buy gas which probably cost around 20-30 dollars

Hell yeah dude, I got 20-30 hours a week how you got that much? Multiple jobs? I'm getting around 2000-2800€ a month combined with low expenses and at the same time I can play wow, doesn't get better than this.

europeans are less keen on moving out unless there's either a good opportunity or a really good reason
For example, I currently have literally no reasons (except distance to workplace) to move out. And even if I did move out I'd still look for at least one roommate because fuck spending half of my income on the fucking rent and bills, I don't need that shit

yes sir, please leave a good tip

>$18 an hour baseline
>Then maintenance
>Then insurance
>Then taxes

Eh. I'll pass

If you're interested, you should definitely check out Classic. It's an experience they don't make anymore and you'll never see again.

Maybe go for a Medium population server, or wait a few days for the queues to die down though.

>That's good. I'd hate to get top Lvl 20 and have to start over.

It's not a big deal pre-20, but there's lots of limitations to trial characters. Being unable to join groups or whisper people is a big one, since you'll miss out on doing Deadmines.

based same here

Probably, but I'd be dubious of any of that stuff. It's mostly either written by autists that worry about theorycrafting rather than how the game actually works, or it's wrong on many fundamental levels.

What do you want to know about Warriors, I can probably help you out.

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Your elevators are constantly breaking down and are super shitty. No wonder Krupp lost the war.

Adding onto that, for Warriors, the big thing is to just play carefully when levelling. They're a hard class to level because they have little mitigation and no sustain, but they're definitely worth it at lv60. Among the best DPS and the best tanks, as well as being the most fun to play.

Eat and bandage regularly to keep yourself topped off. Don't buy upgrades for class skills you don't need or use. You don't need Rank 4 Thunderclap just yet, save your money for better skills or your lv40 mount, you'll need it. And make sure you do your lv30 class quest the instant you get it, it's huge. You can probably skip the Whirldwind Axe quest, it's good, but takes a lot of work that may not be worth getting.

Here's a good levelling spec for you:

That's fine for levelling, PvP and PvE (although you'll need to throw on a sword and shield if you want to tank). Just make sure to put ALL your points in Arms to get MS at lv40, it's an Instant Weapon Damage skill, that's your bread and butter (Whirlwind is the other one, it's worth using even against one mob).

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>How bad will I get bullied for not minmaxing?

It's fine unless you do something utterly retarded. Every Race/Class combination is viable, but if you put your talent points in dumb places and become useless you'll get made fun of until you respec.

Play what you want, but try be useful at it, y'know?

>Literally the best Warrior race in the game
>Unless you want to tank then NE is arguably better

>be me
>Wake up at 5 to be at work at 7
>Spend 8 hours with people I don't even like
>Far away from anything I'm interested about
>Job is boring and I can't apply my passion on anything here
>Go home and have to study
>No more time for Vidya
>Get paid and spend 3/4 of it on electricity/gas/etc
>Life is a jail with a hamster's running wheel as my only entertainment
>People tell me it's normal specially the old folks who tell me I also should be thankful

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Thanks! I was levelling a mage but I'm getting too far ahead of my brother, so I figured I'd make a warrior as an alt.

I'm also playing retail atm. I picked up druid for heals, cause I wanted to get into a guild and do some mythic shit to try it out. I usually play Prot Warrior but I wanna be lazy.

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nice try mr sheckelstien

You fucking dont. Most companies cant be fucked to look at your resume, you think they will look at a fucking cover letter?

Spent some time playing today and had fun meeting people and eventually made it to like level 10 or 11, but I'm not sure if I've fucked myself by picking priest. Never got really into wow before because didn't have money at the time, and the times I did play I usually picked other classes. Picked Priest because I was planning on grouping up with ppl but it's been happening less than I'd hoped. Should I stick to it or swap to something else?

As a priest, you'll be desirable with any group. Just stick at it.

What's the most desired class for grouping? I wanna be invited to raids and for everyone to love me and kiss me.

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I have a giant Toyota Tundra and a corvette. Driving is fun as fuck, be it in a tank or a manual car.

>apply for job on monday
>by thursday i have had two interviews
>say they really like me and talk to me like I already have the job
>after they have me tour the facility before I leave they say they have one other person to interview and then they will get together and make a decision
>this was about a week and a half ago
Fucking shit. Feel like i am not gonna get it. Granted I emailed them last Friday to check in and they said they are still waiting to interview the other individual, but i feel like waiting this long means im not gonna get hired.

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>wake up 7am
>login without queue on any server
>set up anti-afk macro and go to work
>come back and play

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Ok thanks for the help user. Still haven't figured out what tree I'm going to be putting points into though, is one more recommendable for grouping/soloing?

>people that claimed they would never play Classic now play Classic so there is gigantic queue and the same players complain

When will retail babies get the fuck out?

Warriors are the number one class for classic if you want to Tank. They're basically the only option. But they're slow and painful to level, although they're definitely a fun class to play.

If you want a class that's just easy and fun to play as an alt, I'd recommend either a Rogue, Hunter or Mage personally.

>What's the most desired class for grouping? I wanna be invited to raids and for everyone to love me and kiss me.

Are you good at the game? Warrior
Are you not so good? Priest, Paladin(Healer) or Druid(Healer)

Alternatively, "Anyone with an UBRS key".

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When my desire to play as my goblin shaman again proves too strong

Hey user!
Having trouble getting into jobs?
May I present you the ultimate trick?

You probably won't group up much when just running around in the world. But there's plenty of dungeons you'll want to be doing, and Priests are a fantastic class for that (healers and tanks are typically the most in demand).

If you want to get groups, go level in Westfall to do Deadmines at around lv15ish. Then you can do Stockades from about lv20. And then Gnomer from about lv30. All great dungeons with great loot and very popular, plenty of people will be wanting to run them.

And they'll allll need healers.

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Owning a house is being materialistic now? What the fuck

I see, I see, thank you based Hestia poster

>about $17.50 an hour
>not including costs such as refueling or wear and tear from driving the car around so much

If it works for you, cool, but that's only decent for a side hustle.

Your lack of talking to the passenger is much appreciated. More drivers need to do that.

no, but there's no reason to get one if you don't need it

Reading their website, I don't exactly understand what this lionbridge thing is about
What exactly is it they do there and if I were to apply what would by job be?


I imagine they do something/all of the stated here

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Make sure you get Wand Spec and Spirit Tap as your talents.

A lot of people play Priests and underestimate Wands, thinking they need to kill things with Smite. Definitely not. Smite is okay, but if you get an Enchanter to make you a good wand (or find/buy one) you'll skyrocket your DPS while saving mana, giving far more sustain.

When you hit lv40 you may want to re-spec fully into Shadow for Shadow Form, but worry about that later.

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>Yeah and that's what savings are for
What a fucking brainlet that you are.
Savings are NOT for making you keep a job, savings are for things like health, important purchases and similar shit.
I bet u also consider your daily food to be paid with "savings", you retard brainlet. You probably never worked a day of your life.
Savings are for big things, the car repairs should be at MOST 30% of what you earn, and that's being catastrophic.
If your salary goes 100% into repairing your car so you can keep earning money so you can repair your car, you've failed at life user.

People will start grouping up more in the next level bracket. Just keep trying to make groups, especially with warriors and rogues (they will love you)

And what qualifies as needing a house or not?

>not queuing up as you leave for work and leaving macro on to prevent afk

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>Are you good at the game? Warrior
Is it hard to be good at the game?

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how is uber eats on a bike? any good, and this is in a very bike friendly city.

New player here
I'm paladin 19 and I'm duo leveling with a warlock.
We are currently about to start Lakeshire quests, we just finished all of westfall except for the Deadmines quests.
What should we do to speed up leveling?

>tfw cant do uber because the taxi mafia in my city drove them all out beating them up and breaking their cars

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This is how it eventually evens out, non brainlette Euros start playing on USA servers and non brainlette Mutts start playing on Europoor servers, suddenly less people are online at any given time.

kill everything you see as you run back and forth around the zone

Warrior fag here, it requires autism. If you want an easy leveling with low skill requirement to be decent get a hunter.

why would you need to ask? seems like common sense

Run deadmines or go to loch Modan.

>game straight up lies to you

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That's what I wanted to hear. Grinding is fun in this game.
How are there people level 37+ anyway? I'm really curious, even if I was a NEET I wouldn't be even close to that.

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Based Abdul al-Habib

>I have to work so I can buy an expensive house
>I have to work so I can put my children through college
>I have to work so I can go to that place everyone else goes to
>I have to work so I can retire after I am already old and weak
>I have to work so I can make my boss richer
>I have to work so I can buy my roastie wife X
>I have to work so I can make the economy not go bust and let the rich 1% live comfortably

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Yeah, your probably right. Helps my parents basically gave me a house too. I'm a spoiled only child.

Having fucking kids? Idk seems like a dumb requirement that you shiuld have taken care of before it comes to that. Whats the alternative? Live with mom and dad or have a roommate? Fuck that i like having a house to myself. Furthermore investing in property is like the safest thing you can do.

Buenos Aires?

Warriors are annoying as shit to level, they're really slow and painful, but they're probably the best class in the game and every raid always needs more of them.

I say "good at the game" because you'll be tanking. And tanking requires not being a moron. It's not very hard, and it's not very skill intensive, but you need to not be a fucking moron or you ruin everyone's day.

If you can't handle responsibility and can't be the guy at the front of the raid, don't be a Warrior. If you can and want attention, everyone sucks (good) Warrior's dicks.

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uhh you observe your current situation and determine if owning a house would fix any of the problems you have? And then you decide if getting a loan is worth it?
I wouldn't know since I haven't bought a house but I imagine it goes like that.
Right now I personally don't need a house.
I don't need a basement, I don't need a second floor, I don't need a yard, I don't need lots of space so there is no reason for me to get my own house


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I say kill em all

So what rent an apartment? Thats literally throwing money away. Sure you can live at home, and its good cause it saves you money. But how long do you do that for?

When the fuck did I say that? I didnt move out of my parents until i was 25. After graduating college and saving up enough money to put down on my own place.

how do i get a job that's not fast food
i used to write applications all the time but rarely got a response so I just stopped bothering and now i'm stuck with this assistant job where i'm only needed 5-6 hours a week and only make €400

This sort of shit is literally not nearly as common in the US as you eurotards pretend it is.

Literally go to Uni. The job market is fucked these days and you need some sort of degree to get any sort of work that isnt basic fast food/retail work

As in, what makes a Warrior hard when you've hit endgame? I'd like to tell my grandkids that I played a tank in Classic instead of them being embarassed I played a DPS class.

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my wife

>specially the old folks who tell me I also should be thankful
Fuck people who say and think like this and fuck boomers.

Does race actually matter for warrior?

I've been levelling an undead, but I figure people will be aspie if I don't play Tauren with stomp & 5% extra health.

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I don't get ameriburgers, it's so dumb
most of my friends still live at home, not because they're lazy/jobless or anything similar but because it's such a tremendous waste of money to get your own place and people in general do not like the idea of renting
>So what rent an apartment?
it is an option yes, or buy an apartment, that's still generally cheaper and you can easily sell it later when you're ready to move on from it
I'm 24 now, finished uni and got hired straight away, I wouldn't mind renting an apartment but strictly with a roommate (one of my friends who are also interested in that sort of deal)
I'm not going to take a fuckhuge loan straight away which I'll have to pay off for longer than 10 years, there is NO REASON and that's too much time in which lots of other things can change.
For example, I could decide to move abroad after 3 years so now I have a fucking house to deal with.
The only people who I've seen to be getting a larger place at this age are the ones that got married/engaged at that time, otherwise people that are even 5-6 years in a relationship still stay at home

>group up with someone for the gnome armbands
>put loot to free for all
>quickly ninja loot every single armband that drops since they arent shared
>complete quest while he still has 0
>disband group

how do i convince my friends to swap to alliance bros? we're like level 5-10 on horde and it's disgusting

Races don't really matter unless you want to get the best possible.

It's REALLY an elitist thing to pick races on that. Or if you want to do above serious PvP.

Of course it's an annoying tankfag telling everyone how much skill you need to tank and how braindead every other role is. Jesus you guys never stop trying to feel grand, is it an inferiority complex?

What's the best tank for BG?

on horde its not a big deal, on alliance on the other hand you should go for human for sword/mace spec

>weekend it was release on a monday 2 days ago

>t. braindead cuck sheep

can't be homeless when you're dead

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>drop out of uni
>finish trade school instead
>get accepted at the 1st place I go to
>only work 5-6h a day while making above minimum wage which is plenty enough for me
>pay depends on how much shit you get done either way so I can work more if I want more money
>boss is chill, lets us take some days off every now and then alongside paid vacation as long as it doesn't interrupt the workflow
>still wish I could be able to work from home or become a neet instead

Ill level with you, I played a tank through BWL. Tanks are free dungeon gear from 12-60. Prebis for DPS spec as a warriorfag is easy since you do so many dungeons youll have 2 sets. Warrior is hard because they are absolute trash solo. I leveled a few warlocks to 60 and they can manage even elites alone if you arent shit. Warriors? They cant do anything, and in pvp they are only good if you have heal slut following you 24/7. Warriors getting geared at 60 in BiS is a pain. All guilds have an established main tank already so you are a hobo hired for chump change. You either form your own raids or hope to get 1 of 20 warrior dps slots. In pvp if you dont stance dance into Sword and board and back constantly you will get rolled. Mage encounters are tallied as an autoloss. Warrior requires a lot of patience, but not just that it requires a lot of money. Repairs arent cheap for plate man, and tanks get hit a lot. If you want an easy warrior leveling experience go a spirit build (Im not even trolling, spirit+highest weapon dps possible.) At level 19 that crescent staff is superior in every way to the taskmaster axe for example.

Truths. I hate myself more every day.

>Of course it's an annoying tankfag telling everyone how much skill you need to tank and how braindead every other role is. Jesus you guys never stop trying to feel grand, is it an inferiority complex?

Did you somehow miss my post here: where I said "It's not very hard, and it's not very skill intensive, but you need to not be a fucking moron or you ruin everyone's day."

I've MT'd everything, I'm fully aware of how easy tanking is. There's nothing complicated about Shield Block->Revenge and spamming Sunder. However, if the tank is retarded and can't do the boss mechanics, then everyone has to suffer through his idiocy. If a Rogue or Hunter can't do the boss mechanics, it's usually fine.

Healing is the hardest role anyway. Except healing in Vanilla raids is so awful, because 40 people and 0 visible feedback, so it makes you want to kill yourself.

>I'm not going to take a fuckhuge loan straight away which I'll have to pay off for longer than 10 years, there is NO REASON and that's too much time in which lots of other things can change.
Not that user, and I could be wrong since ive never bought a home (however I am thinking about it). But isnt it possible to still sell your house after 5-10 years. I mean you should at least be able to get out from under the mortgage right? I mean it isnt even too crazy to make a little bit of money assuming the housing market wherever you live has gone up in price, which is pretty common these days..

Being tank requires much greater situational awareness due to muppets constantly pulling aggro

Lads, is it best to jump in now to keep up with other people, or...

... is it okay to wait a week so I have no queues? Can I still catch up with people who are ahead then?

Races don't matter at all. Tauren HP is nice, but no-one's really going to care. If you're Horde you should be an Orc anyway, because their racial is so fucking busted it's actually unfair how stupid it is.

Best races:

Alliance: NE(PvE), Human (PvE, PvP)

Horde: Tauren(PvE), Orc (PvP)

No-one tanks BG's, tanks are a wasted slot. So, Druids I guess, since they'll go Feral Form while holding the flag.

>tfw your country banned Uber

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I don't really know, I try not to turn to banks for solutions

>not getting up early and enjoying not only the beauty of a sunrise but having the world to yourself

>wageslave at 6am
>early morning hours still full due to the neet scandis that stay up til 5am and sleep in
there is no way to win

>third worlders have to wait hours to get in

How's Druid in retail? I wanna heal. I wanna try mythic shit.

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Yep, taxi drivers here are scum and a bunch of lazy assholes.

>Life is a jail with a hamster's running wheel as my only entertainment
>People tell me it's normal specially the old folks who tell me I also should be thankful
Jesus fucking Christ, I didn't ask for these feels this morning. I relate to those so much user, I genuinely don't understand the innate drive people have where they're content (even reluctantly) to trade 40+ hours of their lives for meager pay that gets devoured by various entities that have made simply existing cost money. I would honestly rather be dead and the only reason I'm not is because everyone's always like "omg dont please call this 800 number thoughts and prayers" and I can't go to a doctor to be put down humanely.

what's the Yea Forums server?

more like
>I have to work so I can stop putting my parents through misery and disapointment
being a neet is fine but if you are a """neet""" who still lives with mommy and has her pay for everything you need to get a grip of yourself

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Lott'a iffy advice here.

>Warrior is hard because they are absolute trash solo.

Correct. Warriors are painfully bad to level.

>They cant do anything, and in pvp they are only good if you have heal slut following you 24/7.

Correct. Warriors lose every single 1v1. Including against Rogues, a good Rogue will beat a good Warrior. I've played both and I would only ever lose to a Warrior if something very stupid happened (eg. Orc stun resist fucking everything over).

>All guilds have an established main tank already so you are a hobo hired for chump change. You either form your own raids or hope to get 1 of 20 warrior dps slots.

Definitely false. MT is set probably, but the last thing anyone wants is a fucking DPS Warrior, there's a million of those. What raids WANT is a hybrid Warrior. Someone who can DPS on most fights, but can tank the multi-tank fights.

If you actually have a proper defense set and are willing to throw on a sword and board, you'll get invites over every single DPS Warrior every time.

>In pvp if you dont stance dance into Sword and board and back constantly you will get rolled.

Swapping weapons incurs a 1.5second GCD and theres's almost no cases it'll ever benefit you. You're almost always better off using a 2her. Who would you want to S+S against, a Rogue? Nah.

>Repairs arent cheap for plate man

Repair cost was normalised

>graduate uni
>father is in industry and says he can help me get work
>he cant
>tells me to just accept some shitty job that doesnt actually require a degree since "some experience is better than no experience"
>do that for about a year before I start looking for jobs that utilize my degree
>experience i have is worth fuck all so i am still having to apply to entry level positions
>cant find anything
>father tells me "might have to start going door to door and handing them your application in person"
Actual boomers are unironically fucking retards

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warrior is so fucking shit solo, I made one and got to 15 and quit and went and made a warlock and im leveling so much faster

Spam dungeons for ez money and even better exp

I get that. My logic is just that you should at least be able to sell your house for around what you bought it for. If not a little bit more.

Kek. Why the FUCK do boomers think their experience from 2 or3 decades ago is still relevant. How do they seriously have such little self awareness.

I know, it's only logical
But the problem here is you have to deal with selling it.
Unless you hire somebody else but then that'll cost you and depending on what happened on those few years you could end up getting back less than what you paid for.
In short, I'm just saying that I wouldn't be up for it due to all the tedious shit that goes along with it and I am not gaining that much to justify doing it

> go to work
> log remotely to pc and queue from phone
> get home at 18:00 and in rdy to go
Step up bros

What are we supposed to say? Kill yourself, there’s no way out this ride?

I'm too lazy to set up the remote connection

That’s all they know, user. It’s their experience and they act accordingly. It’ll happen to you too, down the line.

just use chrome desktop and queue up when you want before you get home.

>tfw only got membership 24hrs ago and have 20hrs played

Your future is grim

People like that don’t go over 35, user.



>I'm a spoiled only child
fuck only childs, most of you are insufferable

Nice, my dad did something similar.
>Finish studies
>Dad says I have to go out tomorrow immediately and get a job as soon as possible
>Live in a small ass town, any ads I look up expect people to have 1-3 years of experience already
>Tell him it's impossible and that it'll surely take more than one day
>Gets angry, tells me to not be lazy and to go out and ask anyone for a job since you don't need to apply because he thinks jobs grown on trees and are given out like candy
>Somehow actually manage to find one and get instantly accepted, flexible hours and everything, pay is above minimum wage
>Pretty happy with myself
>Tell dad
>Gets furious, asks me if I'm retarded for accepting such a small wage job
>Mom has to calm him down
I wish I was joking desu. He has anger issues and it's affecting me as well since anything he does triggers me as well for some reason.

stay mad wagie

>all my favourite streamers are now playing this shit
>just some cartoon character running around left clicking shit with bad graphics
damn, i've really missed out not playing this trash when it first came out!

>going to work

Lmao what a fucking loser

i just turned 25 and i'm considering killing myself how the fuck could you last that long?

Who are you trying to convince, wagie? The neet or yourself?


wrong, they live long lives. my dad is 50 and hasn't worked in 20 years

are you driving a horse carriage?

This is my personal anecdote with this. I bought a house for around 250k. After 5 years i had to move because of work. By then my mortgage was about 180k. Sold it for 260k. After paying off the mortgage and deducting closing costs and shit i think i had around 65k or so left. It was pretty nice, especially since i made money off of it. But hell even if I sold the house for a little less than I originally bought it, getting a chunk like that at once in your bank is pretty nice.

nah, I think i'm gonna make my third character. what race/class user? ;)

Lmao this nigga thinks he's making bank driving his own car. Glhf losing most of it in gas alone.

I don't like this language at all but that's a toxic environment. Gtfo asap

How many hours per day, workaholic?

>especially since i made money off of it
didn't you 'lose' money on interest though?

>You millenials don't know how hard we had it back in da good 'ol days
>I worked my ass off after finishing those super hard HS maths until I finally got into a comfy position at this company that I worked for all my life
>Now stop lazying around, git that full-time job and finish your STEM engineering degree
>Damn lazy millenials

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One thing I learned when applying is even apply to the jobs wanting 1-3 years experience. Alot of times they count internships or just anything as long as you've been in a working environment.

Anyways i tried explaining that going in person is just going to be a waste of time and most likely they will just tell me to apply online. The most soul crushing bit of this whole experience is i talked to a recruiter and he flat out told me that I would be a hard sell because most companies want "fresh grads" and wont look at me as a person with a degree but as a person who has been in the field the past year. So i feel stuck and somewhat bitter towards my father for leading me astray

He's alright, most of the time. He also didn't bother me about the job since. Though there are times when he gets really angry at me for such petty reasons that it's laughable. I dunno if I inherited or he's just affecting me but I also get more angry easily, but I don't usually show it and just manage to calm myself down. Though sometimes I think about visiting a therapist/psychologist or whatever.

Leaving home isn't really possible either since half of my wage is taken by them. I guess I could rent out some cheap 1 room flat but then I doubt I'd be able to save up that much money (though I'm not saving much now either) and I don't want to leave my mom alone with my dad since she also has health problems.

>paying to queue

These are rough estimates. The house itself was around 250k with the interest lumped in. Although I guess you could say money is lost through property tax and any sort of maintenance I would have done on the house. Either way its a small amount, and getting 60k in your bank at once is pretty nice. As opposed to living in an apartment or whatever and getting nothing when moving out.

They don't understans applying for work is far different now thanks to computers and stupid race shit

In what world?
>Friend lives and works in the city
>Had to take public transit with multiple connections to get to the bank he worked at
>Got moved to a new bank, forced to drive a car and suffer city driving (Chicago, not quite New York tier but still horrible to deal with)
>Dad works in the city and lives in the suburb
>40 minute-1 hour commute both ways
>I live in the suburbs and work in the suburbs
>sub 10 minute drive to work

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Well, I hope you somehow find a better job, user. Or find a way to make money by yourself and in a way that's enjoyable for you. I've unironically thought about trying to make a porn game and use patreon just like most weg dev scammers, but the market seems quite oversaturated already and I'm really lazy so I dunno.

The commute is what gets me. I lived in a big city for a year. Commute both ways took me 2h. Fuck that.


Don't your mommy prepared your tendies yet?

So your dad is a POS?, okay.

>all these casual fucks happy as a clam for the game that killed the MMO genre and turned everything into a normalfag tier casual fest with actual anus everything

I actually make decent money. Like 80k a year. But the reason is because I work ridiculous hours. Literally 80 hour weeks minimum. Whats worse though is even when i am not "on the clock" i still have to stay out on location.

>Work afternoons, have tuesday and wednesday off
>just went to bed when I got home on monday, got a good rest
>logged onto grobb and played my hunter all day because low pop at 6 am
>go to sleep around midnight
>wake up on wednesday at 8 am and go to make a horde alt on Stalagg to play with "the boys"
>it's high pop but get in with no queue

My mother wants me to go to this waterpark with her and my nephew for a few hours, but doing so would result in a 5 hour queue as I try to log back in mid-day, plus I don't care much for waterparks anyway. I do feel a bit guilty about not going but I honestly don't really care about my nephew.

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eh kind of but he's didn't choose to be like that, he's crippled

I'm 23 and I've saved up 30k living with my parents. Feels real good.

I wish boomers would stop trying to make me give a fuck about children that aren't mine. They're just annoying, especially with their unlimited access cellphones.

Oh. But 80h a week seems ridiculous. I also posted this I'd much rather get less money but work less hours desu. I see free time more valuable than money. But that's just me and I know it's not possible for everyone.

You'd be making much more money flipping burgers if you landed a job at a fastfood join that's at walking distance my guy.

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I wanna try wow but I'm afraid I'll get addicted. Can you play the first 15 days for free or something or do you have to cough up $15 to even try it?

Why not get into queue before going to the waterpark? Either way just choose what you want, user, don't feel too guilty.

why the fuck do parents give kids cellphones/tablets? all they do is watch dumb shit that they shouldn't be watching that teaches them to be ever more obnoxious

Because not having a phone kills your social life, dumbfuck.

why does a 10 year old need a smartphone for a social life?

>Parent friends come over and bring their kids over
>"Oh, user just loves kids he'll look over them"
>One of them breaks my controller's thumbstick
>Another keeps jumping on my bed even though I tell him not to
>Third barely talks and doesn't want to do anything, just sits in silence
This was back when I was still in high school mind you. I dunno why they instantly think you want to be a babysitter.

You're kidding, right. 10 year olds legit make plans and talk to eachother through their phones. You should've said

It's not the 80-90s anymore, user.

It is fucking ridiculous. But like i said what makes it worse is I literally LIVE there during my hitch, once its over i get like 3-4 off days before another hitch starts. And a hitch can be 2 weeks or if shit goes really bad it could be 2 fucking months. Granted the job is super easy, but nothing is more soul crushing than living in a shitty trailer in the middle of nowhere with another guy for damn near a month.

Well can you at least play vidya or watch/do what you want while staying there during work hours?

they don't need a smartphone for that. use a house phone.

I'll own the house when they die.

El oh el.

I'd do this but I have a bmw so putting on it is a bad idea

>be paladin
>bash head on keyboard
>become top player
Other classes are you even trying

Yeah of course. Although typically after my tower i will eat and then go to sleep. But as i said the job is pretty easy. You assemble a tool, but after that all you do is send out surveys every so often as long as the tool isnt fucking up. So you can technically even watch movies or play video games during your tower (although higher ups out here dont like seeing that). Thing is internet out here is shit so you can only play single player (kinda sucks since i would be playing classic) and you have to come ready with whatever movies you wanna watch.

>not calling your wife 10 minutes before you leave work and having her log in, so by the time you get home your que is just about done

Takes about 2 minutes, either that or wait 6 hour queues
You can join a “low” pop server but that will be dead in a month

I make 190 a day and I feel like I'm having an over-average pay.

I bet you still live at home.

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Depends on the company but don't necessarily always keep it short like the other user said.

Do an opening sentence eg. I am a graduate of X applying to X position

Paragraph on your experience and how it relates to the role
Why you want to work in that field / role
Why you want to work for that company ( be specific, look on their website etc )

I started listening vanilla music on my commute back home from wagie center and nearly started crying because it reminded me of the 7 hour queue that I'm in for when I get home


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Cover letter is by far the least important things you'll send over. Focus on the right things friend

How, like how do u eat

not him but it's no so easy, my mom wants to go to seaside for the weekend but god damn I could be up by at 15 levels during that time and I'd feel bad ti decline for a dumb vidya game

I get it. That feeling of being behind. But at the same time building relationships with family is important and lasts a lifetime (hopefully) at the end of the day how badly does being a few days behind some people effect you? And 3 years from now will any of that even matter?

Then dont play. Or alternatively, play back when it was relevant.

>not queueing from home via remote connection

Ive thought about this but installing remote viewer programs onto windows just seems like a retarded idea

>work 80 hours per week on top of living at your job
No way this is real right? This literally sounds illegal. Hell even 80 hours a week sounds like its pushing the boundries of whats legal, i thought most companies couldnt/wont go over 60? Im assuming this isnt in the states (or any 1st world country for that matter)?

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>Imagine not having a do nothing 9-5 cozy office job

lmao how could you fail at life so bad?

Arbeit macht "frei"

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I do but I still can't play vidya

Women like me respect guys who have a job. If you don’t have a job then we don’t like you.

Trolls are better than Tauren for Tanking in PvE, since they can grab aggro faster and better with Berserking.

Not him but it sounds like you drive a shitbox

>tfw career gf funds my neet lifestyle and fucks me every night when she gets home

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>you arent from the states
As a matter of fact i am. So ig it isnt illegal

Nah women like Chad, doesn't matter if they are have jobs or not. I know a lot of Chads who smoke weed and play video games all day with GFs.

very close to home, too close in fact

This desu. Friend is a literal neet and his gf supports him. She's an office lady as well who's a few years older than him. Guy's living the dream.

>put q on literally 7 hours ago
>7k, worried I'll get afk DC'd by the time I get home
>get home
what the absolute fuck this is beyond insane

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Absolutely exquisite.

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you can't be serious

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I actually wanted to play Classic, but considering all the horror stories about queue time and shit, I'm glad I passed on this.

Just wait until the friday.

hello fellow Migrane chad
i've been here since 13:20pm

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ye I've been in q since noon CEST, here estimate just jumped to 90 minutes
Wish I had another account, I would've went and leveled on those medium servers

Can anyone confirm that WoW keeps like a session for a few minutes when you quit the game and you can skip the queue if you log back in during those few minutes?
My friends had it happened and I wanna restart the game but scared of that 10 hour queue

Are the nights bright like in retail or dark like it was in vanilla?

I can confirm that you will have to wait again in the queue.

>hi there i represent all the women in the world, thats how special i am
Ok snowflake

>be neet
>wait 8 hours in a queue
>be wagie
>get in queue before heading to work
>get home and not have to wait in queue
I dont see how this is in favour of neets

What will you do when your parents die?

>be wagie
>get in queue before heading to work
>get in while I'm still at work
>get home and I've been kicked out for being AFK

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he said he loves driving, listening to music and not talking to people though

he's essentially doing what he loves and is being paid for it

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Whore his little asshole and mouth out every night for singles. Tens for niggers

bot sure why you're replying to me, I'd rather look for an enjoyable job than a high-paying one
t. last reply
also don't give me some bullshit extreme non-argument in response

mythic raids useful but not top tier
mythic+ absolutely disgustingly godmode

Which class does the most dps in retail and classic? I only care about numbers and my e-peen.

Are you seeking approval with this comment? You must be popular with ladies.

>Logged in at lunch from my phone
>10 minute wait when I get home

>what are macros

How the fuck can something not be top tier in easier content but top tier in harder content?

>t.never played WoW

there's no queue at 7am

what would you guys call a fun class in wow? i was thinking of trying hunter or druid but im not really sure

>how do i convince my friends to swap to alliance bros? we're like level 5-10 on horde and it's disgusting

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I’m assuming his money he gets is after tax, which puts him above minimum wage by a lot.

Mage, for sure. You can CC just about anyone and if you're ever bored you can spend your time polymorphing low-levels in STV and watch them stay in sheep form for 40 seconds before you do it again and again until they quit the game for a couple of hours.

how are the waiting line to enter battlegrounds ? does one side get in more quickly ?

Enhancement Shaman. Every fight is like pulling a slot machine.

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just log into your pc with TeamViewer a few hours before you get home, easy


they aren't out untill phase 2 but horde is the most popluar faction on every pvp server, so alliance usually gets queue pops faster

Big yikes

murica fuck yeah

I thought i read somewhere uber drivers are responsible for paying their own taxes. Granted you can probably get alot of write offs but yeah

Ive never played wow until today and it was terrible.
>5 hour queue
>no direction for quests
>cant equip items im a paladin but i cant use a sword or an axe?
>fuck huge spread on everything for no fucking reason
>every base and vendor is in nonsensical places and absurdly spread apart
>no markers to tell you where anything else
>finish a quest
>no quests
>takes fucking 12 minutes to walk to a quest area
>have to fucking walk 12 minutes back to turn it in
>if you die you have to walk 12 minutes back to your body
>turned in a quest when i was lvl 6 and i fought lvl 9 monsters
>got a +15 gauntlet when mine was +45

I had high hopes seeing as everyone supposedly loved this game and I never played it because I was poor.
I did play Phantasy Star Online which I loved and thought was awesome and I was expecting a similar experience, but man was I fucking disappointed.
I lost a lot of respect for my friends today who wouldnt shut up about this shit as if it was some great thing, but it was some korean dogshit perfect world reskinned with warcraft characters.

>i need games to baby feed me to enjoy them the post

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>Had to hunt, fight for food, compete with other animals and other humans, often die in the process or starve.
>Basically either you were though or you died.
>What do you mean i am piece of shit if i don't work, im like, smarter than everyone haha (why girls don't like me owo)


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Are you saying zoomers aren't human? Because if so then this post is Based!

the government hates me and is in the process of replacing me so why shouldnt i take their money

I’m sticking to herod like the retard I am
I’m too scared of dead servers and all of the fresh servers that open every day seem like normie or tourist bait for peole that can’t wait and will play a month then leave

mograine EU

You're describing millennials, not zoomers.

I know i am responding to bait. But that top half doesnt apply to 90% alive today...

Serious question. Why does 4channel act like such bootlickers for boomers? Granted this thread isnt too bad, but alot of threads like this here usually devolve into people slurping up boomer ideologies.

ok we get it its not for you. happy?

I feel for my bros in other regions that got so few servers, specially when there are so many languages being crammed into 1 server

>all those replies about maintenance.
yep, it will cost some money but people are talking like a car needs daily maintenance.
5000km on my shit box with wheels on god awful thirdworld roads and not a single problem.

>pay a monthly fee to wait in a queue
is this real?

The issue is maintenance on a car is pretty fucking expensive. Id be genuinely curious how much money that user makes after a year deducting all he had to spend on maintenance and gas and shit.


whats your level bros, i hope youre at least level 20

having fun killing 500 boars per level?

Im level 7 still. I have 6 hours into the game. I know i am doing something wrong but I dont fucking know how to speed it up

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He has no excuses, classic was announced 2 years ago he had time to plan around it, if anything he should have waited til classic came out

>paying to wait in line

Looks like little dovahkiin will have a new friend

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wait a month til queue times go down and peoples nostalgia googles come off


I've been lurkin for years and still dumb shit like this puts a smile on my face

What is this, a picture for ants?

>300 in queue
>feel sleepy as fuck

Good night user.

n-no, not yet
I have to play, at least 4 hours til I gotta sleep and get back to my wagiecagie

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How long till some turbovirgins clear MC?

end of next week

> Get in Queue before work this morning
> Came back
> Still in Queue
> Its getting dark
I want my money back

Is there a way to, not get kicked?
Like a Automatic Clicker Programm at the Character Screen?

There are a lot of people using them. Usually theres 5-6 in any given inn doing it while running against a wall

You underestimate the absolute state of virgins, they'll probably get rag down on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Or just use the DayZ Method and put a key under a Button. Or try with auto Running. I dont know if this counts

itt: dumb niggers who can't run a server emulator

Any of you smart Anons has an idea how to easily make some kind of Anti-AFK-Kick gizmo? Something that will automatically press buttons for me for 8 hours, but it's gray area enough not to get a Ban because I was using third party's software.

Why dont they just add a couple more servers?

Money and Server Merge. They don't want the bad press in a month and idiots saying the game is dead cause they had to merge 3 servers.

They added 4 more US servers last night. They were all full with 2 hour Q's within an hour


>in queue for almost 7 hours
>still looking at atleast 3 hours more of queue
fuck this Im waking up early tomorrow to skip this shit

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I've never played on a PvP server but have played WoW for a long time. How much will I hate myself and get ganked?

>brainlets waiting in queue when you could just join a low pop server

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you are stuck in queue because they dont want you

Don't do it.

something called inheritance goy.