What the fuck

What the fuck.
Get this shit off of my Minecraft.

Attached: covfefe.png (854x481, 515K)

Other urls found in this thread:


It's cringe af. I miss Notch

>2012 memes good
>2016 memes bad

It's Microsoft, they're cringe SJW.

Why are you using meme arrows for that. It's not even funny

ok but covfefe isn't funny. The joke is a mistype, which was funny to make fun of at the time but it doesn't have lasting appeal like say, Bush's constant stream of babble

>tfw cant remember my ancient minecraft account

475797479 You're fucking cancer.

you can retrieve it if you remember the email

just keep trying your old emails until one works

you forgot your double meme arrows of quotation

Yeah you know those Minecraft title screen taglines. Real laugh a minute material there.

I remember the email, but that email provider is long dead.

Do not put anything that has even a tangential relation to politics on my Minecraft.

I don't get it


>Bush's constant stream of babble
You are now realizing there are people on this very website, right now, who are too young to remember that.

Attached: download.jpg (300x450, 34K)

Attached: 1566805824844.gif (404x347, 1003K)

It's not your Minecraft. It's Microsoft's. This must be devastating to hear, I can only imagine what you hoped to do with all that money.

I agree, fuck n*tch and fuck j*va

my dad got mad at him for mis-pronouncing "nuclear", and everytime i've had to say the word after that i've second-guessed myself on if i said it right.

>implying Trump doesn't have a constant stream of babble

The man sticks his entire fucking leg down his throat every god damn day. It's the same fucking pattern every time.

>BBC, NBC, ABC, the Associated Press all report that the president has shat himself live in public.
>Fox News: That's a lie, completely fake, would never happen
>White House: Accusations of the President shitting himself are completely without merit.
>Fox News: Why hasn't Clinton shat herself? How to shit yourself more effectively, tonight at 8.

Attached: covfefe.jpg (800x986, 209K)

i don't get it

orange man BAD

its a meme but its 100% true

>remembered ancient minecraft account
>logins don't work, can't reset password, account probably compromised by old password I forgot about
>by the time support gives me my account back two months after I sent in the ticket my friends stopped playing minecraft anyway
at least I can rest easy knowing whoever this fag is doesn't have my account anymore

Attached: f is for fag.png (417x640, 11K)

Now THAT'S a dead meme

Buying Greenland is unironically a good idea for the US because it's a strategically important location for nukes and defense systems. That was literally the third time the US has tried.


As to why Orange Man wants to buy a country that's primarily useful for encircling Russia, maybe he's not actually a secret agent of the Kremlin?

>Yfw Democrat mouthpieces browse Yea Forums


Attached: 1565537948813.jpg (129x251, 8K)

>have ancient minecraft account
>can't log in anymore
>google problem
>find out they switched account system and i need to upgrade
>go to minecraft website
>go through upgrading procedure
>log in fine now
It's not always hax and faggots.

Yeah, tell all the farmers in the Midwest who voted for him and got fucked by Trump's retarded trade war that he's just inarticulate

I remember

Attached: 4L_Q40o8o8m.jpg (689x438, 83K)

The 7 billion corn deal to Japan was pretty beneficial, lmfao.

T. midwesterner, in THE swing state.

That's still in the game, retard.

Is it? I think that shit is gone bro

I don't think people were making fun of the idea so much as the general incompetence of his handling of it. Everyone knows if you want to "buy" a country as the USA you just send the CIA spooks in to destabilize their society and install pro-US goons who'll seal the deal or operate the country as though it were US-owned

This. 2012 memes were better than 2016 memes

>leftists are snowflakes
>gets triggered by stuff as little as the main menu of minecraft
please explain


https:// www polygon com/2019/8/26/20833141/ion-fury-steam-review-bomb-3d-realms-voidpoint-controversy

You can manually check the textfile from which the game randomly pulls out the text lines

Remember that time Google removed an Arabic word from their translation engine and shit to troll Trump? Those silly guys!

Attached: Screen-Shot-2019-08-24-at-2.46.48-PM.png (768x529, 43K)

No you stupid nigger, and you can easily go check for yourself.

They took out every reference to Notch himself and they left a shoutout to the notorious hacker known as Yea Forums?

"Ion Fury has received hundreds of negative reviews like this, often from customers who seem to have bought the game with the specific purpose just to complain about it — after all, many of these posts don’t have much play time on them."


any fren could tell me how do I get my old minecraft account

I bought it long ago and Ive no idea how to download it again

Bushisms aren't even in the same realm as Trump's rambling incoherent nonsense.

Isn't/wasn't there already a massive airforce base in Greenland anyway?

go to minecraft . net

log in

there you go

>700 Reasons why Trump's out of context "controversial ramblings" make modern day America worse than Nazi Germany

Attached: 1565155369581.gif (246x266, 765K)

Relax user. You're being mean

>Brought to you by Google and Snapchat

>Missing a Nazi supporter

Go back to your basement

Attached: 25adcf82908d7420a1076003a42756a5545a5407cb29202998701370bd900f7d_1.jpg (1080x1202, 123K)

That was quite a great leap forward.

My, aren't you are precious little snowflake.

Please show us exactly where the President touched you.

i dont remember my username

jk i still have my purchase email from 2012 in my mailbox

Look for it on the email that you used to make the account

Credit card receipt/transaction number then.

Without any other information you're shit out of luck. Which you should be because what the fuck do you expect them to do with no information?

it's an Arabic word


>people born on 9/11 can post here in exactly 2 weeks

>implying they haven't been posting for years

What, someone breaking the rules on Yea Forums? I can't imagine

I was born in 1999.

Attached: minecraft v.png (1919x999, 2.02M)

All memes are equally bad retard

unironically based

Attached: ph1lza.jpg (1200x794, 153K)

This post being ironic? i hope so also
>3dpd shit
says enough about you

Attached: 1559169571446.gif (200x200, 3.89M)

No he didn't mate.


What? What's your point?

Remove midget zombies