Shout out to all the boss niggas in ffxiv playing bottom-tier DPS jobs and getting zero buffs but still putting up the deeps
You the real MVP. Fuck the bandwagon losers.
Shout out to all the boss niggas in ffxiv playing bottom-tier DPS jobs and getting zero buffs but still putting up the deeps
You the real MVP. Fuck the bandwagon losers.
Other urls found in this thread:
Rdm here, kill me for my existance is pain. If having a raise is going to mean my dps is the lowest in the game, take it away.
I just don't get why they won't let SAM just deal BLM damage. I'm not changing mains, I still enjoy the job, but I just don't understand what they seem to be afraid of. At least they understand it needs buffs.
We're all gonna make it.
SAM is not one of the jobs I was referring to. SAM is a top 4 DPS job. - That's the opposite of bottom tier. I realize you think you're entitled to doing the most pDPS of the melee but not being the best doesn't mean your job is bad.
I hope you don't think less of me for using BLM. I've been using it since before it was the current bandwagon.
As long as you aren't a nigger that stands at the edge of the arena and forces your healers to spend another GCD to heal you.
aero 6 is not important
HEAL, healer
Trying to learn SMN. It doesn't seem too bad but I'm doing way too little DPS when I actually checked how much I'm doing.
DNC and BLM nigga here
can be bottom or top
>I want to do big dick DPS, which job should I main
>I know let's pick the one that has reduced DPS due to being the designated raise cuck and has been since it was first introduced
>wtf why is my DPS low
Or crazy thought i know but people play jobs they like and that shouldn't mean they have to be stuck with trash
It's so fucking ingrained now from Savage to stack with the group south that I can't help but sit on my healer in roulettes. Kinda works out really.
Sam has mobility. That's literally it, jobs have mobility tax. Why ranged have the lowest p. Dps.
I'm a healer main so I know better and make sure to use aetherial manipulation when possible and manaward for whenever I decide it's better to keep my distance (like leviathan opening). Your post reminds me of a blm I progged e2s with though
>H East D SW strat for flares
>BLM is picked, just parks at E without telling anyone
>"Healer should have gone SW if I get flares"
>gets picked for hellwind
>parks immediately on puddle without waiting for heals
>"I need more than a pity heal to get through this mechanic"
>by this point I'm sick of his shit
>BLM is picked for stack, all the way in the NE corner. Of course doesn't move. I decide I won't either
>Much to my pleasure, neither did anyone else and he eats shit
>"Ok you guys obviously don't need me I'm out"
As a BLM, if you don't just TM to the group with the stack from the corner you're literal trash.
>Was playing MNK post-ShB and AST as my secondary job
>Have always mained it since late ARR
>Hear retards call it a bandwagon job in pugs and roulettes once in a while
>Can't complain or I come off as a faggot hipster or just a faggot in general
Just wait till they buff NIN and SAM then they'll shut up right?
You're not stuck with trash, your DPS is the price you paid for having raise. You knowingly and willingly made that tradeoff when you equipped the red mage soul crystal. It's perfectly acceptable for some jobs to have damage tradeoffs in exchange for powerful support. If you don't like it, play something else.
Raise is not powerful support dumbfuck. It's actually completely useless in high end content once the party knows the fight and you want to actively avoid using it.
If you're playing at a level that doesn't necessitate raises then why are you playing RDM? It should be no trouble to switch to BLM or SMN at that point.
Because PEOPLE WANT TO PLAY THE JOB THEY LIKE. Why is this so fucking hard for you to understand? Telling people"dude just play another class" is not an argument against proper job balancing
It could be worse. You could be BLU
It's not trash.
Upper quartile MNK is 13k, RDM is 11.6. In what fucking universe does the 1.5k DPS break you? RDM have tons of Savage clears.
Then play something else. The game isn't designed or balanced around optimized raiding, despite how incomprehensible that is to raidfaggots. As far as the devs are concerned, if you're clearing the fight then you have nothing to fucking complain about; this parse ranking bullshit is something the autistic playerbase has come up with on their own, it doesn't actually change whether or not you beat the boss.
>People still seething over Monks
How would you propose nerfing them when they didn't even get any potency buffs but lots of QoL?
It is balanced because as the other user mentioned, it gives great support with raises. Its dps isn't so terrible that you are burdening your team with it as long as you are playing well with it. But it wouldn't be fair for it to do as much damage as SMN or BLM while having on demand raises as well as significant mobility thanks to its dualcast trait.
13k to 11.6k is a huge dropoff.
It matters a ton when you're trying to clear and rely on pug shitters doing 10k on monk and black mage because your ninja or rdm literally does not have the capability to carry the load like mnk or blm can and still clear. As an example, in one of my e1s weekly kill parties tonight I played RDM and would have parsed 90th percentile but we wiped to 0% enrage instead because the samurai were parsing grey.
>it gives great support with raises
>nobody died
>RDM suddenly has zero support
Your ability to function as a support job shouldn't rely on your party members fucking up all the time. Just give them enfire desu.
explain this pls
titania ex mechanic
This might tingle a bit!~
>This may tingle a bit!
13k to 11.6k is not some ridiculous drop off. Your job is fine and you're judging it by some metric random internet shitters made up to compete with eachother for boss speed kills. If you genuinely believe RDM is trash while simultaneously farming content then there's not much that can really be said, you're too far gone.
If no one is fucking up then it literally doesn't matter what your team comp is, you're clearing as long as the rest of your group isn't shit. If clearing 10 seconds later because of your job boils your butthole so badly then just give up and play something else, or just suck it up, stop trying to homogenize everything because of your autism.
>finally leveling NIN
holy fuck how do i keybind this shit
Seethe less, I'm not even the same guy. I don't want RDM to do more damage, I want it to have more support since people keep calling it a support job even though it has nothing to offer.
The job's getting major surgery in 5.1 so there's not much point putting a lot of effort into learning it in its current state.
W-what are they changing? I just hit 80 no more than 10 minutes ago.
>Lb3 priority is
This is literally not okay for a job that's identity is having the highest damage per cast.
Not known for sure but it's pretty strongly implied that mudras are going to be put on the GCD.
Yes of course if you have a good party a good rdm or ninja can clear content but that's not the point. You're still at the mercy of shitters playing better jobs. In my above example, if I had been playing BLM, guess what.. We would have killed it and I would have carried that party because BLM is strong enough to do that. But we didn't, and I didnt, because I played RDM and that meant my 90th percentile wasn't good enough to ensure I could kill it despite my awful party members
Sure, just make it slow as balls and boring, that'll do good.
Then get better party members. Even playing the strongest job in the game won't save you if your party is failing mechanics. If your team is parsing grey then maybe you should blame them instead of your own job.
>Even playing the strongest job in the game won't save you
Objectively incorrect. We would have killed it if I had been playing BLM. Why should BLM fans get to kill the boss on their own merit but RDM fans are stuck wiping to 0% enrage and searching for a new party?
If you're playing a "non-meta" job, then just be the best damn person at that job you can be.
Even though AST was objectively superior to WHM for several patches in a row I just made sure to parse orange and purple whenever I could and manage the majority of the healing. Being good at a supposedly weak job will make you stand out.
I haven't heard SMN complain about their job in a while. Are they finally happy?
I still think it should've gotten a rework to include primal trances and demi-summons starting level 30 or 50 rather than 60. Just looking at it from the outside the job is a thematic mess.
Only reddit retards think Verraise justifies RDM being behind on DPS, and literally none of them could explain how SMN doing very high damage was okay in 4.x despite SMN also having a raise.
>b-but RDM can do it 4 times in a row!
If you need 4 raises back to back you have bigger problems you fucking idiot.
Of course RDM is not the only job suffering from low DPS, at least half the roster needs to gain between 300 and 1000 rdps for the game to actually be balanced, or BLM, DRG and MNK need to be nerfed by similar amounts, right now if you don't have BLM DRG MNK and a rangecuck what the fuck are you even doing.
Good news is that nobody cares, this game hasn't had DPS checks since Midas.
Because you have raise. A person parsing grey is a problem with that person and not your job.
Seriously, just switch. You clearly can't like RDM that much if you're this fucking buttblasted about it having support skills.
Don't pug then bro. Your 2k dps loss was not the backbreaker and if it was then hey everyone grab pots and you clear easy. Any situation in which your team is trash but just barely trash enough that 2k broke the clear is solvable by other means than you squeezing it out of a job change.
The SMNs can't complain because they all have carpal tunnel from all the oGCD spam they have to do.
Pet abilities feel like shit to use now.
blm requires the most focus to play optimally so it gets to be at the top of pdps
sam should be higher than mnk though since theyre essentially the same except mnk has brotherhood
As a whm main, fuck panto 2. I was pretty jealous of that maelific cast time.
I did get 99th% after being dead for 45 seconds at the end of that fight once though.
>blm requires the most focus to play optimally
Nice meme. BLM is one of the most mobile casters in the game and its rotation is barely more difficult than RDM's. BLM being hard is the biggest fucking joke.
With panto 2 I'd just hold PoM for it and I could usually slidecast through most of it. I'll admit that doing that killed me at least a couple of times, because the timing was tight and I basically had no spell speed.
just keeping enochian up and running around doesn't cut it as optimal these days, im not sorry. if you're really, really serious, you probably are just barely a blue parse as blm, if you even play it at all
>RDM is a support job with support skills (plural)
>its only support skill is verraise
>if no one dies, they functionally have zero support skills
I'm a BLM and even I can see that's a bit fucked.
I just want my caster bros to have as good a time as I am. Give SMN summons, give RDM support, make BLU a real job.
This. BLM is literally the third most mobile caster.
Post yours so we can laugh at your "optimal" play.
>high mobility
>quite simple
>doesn't require 200IQ to optimize
>cool looking glamours
how can a job be so perfect Yea Forumsros?
that's not an argument and i accept your concession
There are no cool looking bard glamours though. You look like a fruit no matter what.
I just spammed aero and a swift stone kek
caster mobility rankings
You cannot dispute this
>you look like a fruit
Fuck you.
>Too scared to post parse
>tank not getting 3 hits
fucking scrub
>draining healer resources when you could just do the mechanic instead
fucking scrub
For Eden Prime can you fit 3 people in a delta attack quadrant? I don't wanna run all the way across the arena as a whm if he jumps to the corner opposite me and I literally haven't thought to do this in 5 weeks lmao.
try machinist, it's literally bard but stronger and more fun
AST mobility is strictly worse than RDM until Lightspeed is up.
>AST: 2s of movement every 2 gcds
>RDM: 3.5s of movement every 2 gcds
Let me get this straight, this game has
- MUH NUMBERS dance on schedule autism
- erotic role playing with weebs and furries
- "story" mode where you watch hours of shitty cutscenes
And it's supposed to be good?
they should just scrap summoner and do it over on a fresh new clean slate. its class fantasy sucks, it feels like you have to be a master pianist in order to maximize damage, it's just an abortion.
Just convince the tanks to bait Eden into jumping to your quadrant every time. Worked for me and I never have to fucking move.
>Need 29 more wins for my Garo Mounts
Maybe going through feasts will be faster? What are the go to jobs for that.
The middle one is actually good and carries the game.
they should make so that your skills are just pet commands (many of them, not just EA1 and 2) and buffs to your pets
oh shit you can bait the jump? nice is it just proximity or?
>not having your team meme mitigate it so that DRK takes all the hits
lmaoing at your life right now.
can anyone give me a ninja parse? i need it to make a meme
eden jumps to the corner farther away from its current location
wow, i didn't know they already added male viera
who are you quoting?
greedy melee/ruin mages think they should be rewarded for pressing their 1-2-3 buff 1-2-3 buff group combo but that just isn't the case
tank and healer mains wish their classes differed from eachother more and more but red support just want more dps and it's really a shame
lowering pdps of blm/mnk/drg/sam isnt going to make you better as a player or a job
Fucking this. Who picked summoner in a ff game to be a fucking ruin/poison mage with occasional cool summons. Just have a bunch of demis with different commands.
shit thanks user
Do any WHMs here sit in the middle and Holy spam during Eden meteors? Was thinking about doing that next week since I imagine WHM should be able to solo those and everyone else can stay on the boss.
>It's perfectly acceptable for some jobs to have damage tradeoffs in exchange for powerful support
>laughs in mnk and dragoon
seems like a good way to pad your dps but unless you're running 3 ranged wouldn't one of the melees have to run out and bait one of the rotating orbs?
Having SMN be like dissidia Yuna might be cool.
brotherhood is a meme but yeah, monk's dps is too high
no because i bait one of the orbs in my group but fuck I wanna do that tomorrow
>I haven't heard SMN complain about their job in a while.
thats cause theyve all given up and rerolled blm. Anyone with half a brain has realized that smn's issues run so deep they wont be fixed till next expansion, similar to mch at the start of stormblood.
monk is fine. it's YOUR turn to go into the cuckshed.
We actually do have three ranged so that shouldn't be a problem
I literally rerolled to monk more than a month ago lmao
I cleared titan week1 (day2) on smn and then rerolled blm cause the writing was on the wall. 99s on every fight so much for difficult job LMAO
Support would be actually nice, but all you get is damage buffs, damage buffs and more damage buffs because the only thing that matters is damage, because the developers are completely creatively bankrupt and can only come with with gimmicks instead of creating an actual RPG, so everything that doesn't fit the dodge shit and do more damage paradigm got excised from the game. It's fucking pathetic.
Monk's DPS is fine, SAM and NIN need buffs.
Go it then and throw in an assize for good measure. Maybe see if Misery reaches all 4 meteors if used on eden.
Summoner was a hack job from Arcanist, and they've only just now figured out how to properly separate a job from its base class if they have to. But now they're in too deep to do a major redesign because people have gotten used to the job the way it is. Summoners bitched at the start of Stormblood because they lost dots and they liked being an aids mage. They wanted their dots more than they wanted Bahamut.
Unless a job is completely dead like SB MCH, a job is designed for the people who already like/play it. They're not going to go and remake SMN from scratch to appeal to people who don't play SMN but want it to be something else.
Defensive utility has been phased out because it's a binary balance of
>good so it's 100% necessary and makes the job locked-in for how good it is (shadewalker/smokescreen, refresh, etc)
>not that good so it's not very necessary and has no impact on the game as a result (Minne etc)
SMNs bitched at the beginning of SB because their job was hitting a trillion buttons to get mediocre results, just like it is now. Then it got overbuffed and was the king of DPS, got a slight nerf but was still the second best ranged DPS and stayed that way until the end.
SMNs are bitching now because it's the same as it was at 4.0 launch (too much work for no reward) except now your damage goes to shit if you let tri-disaster drift at all and you have no mobility
>remove EVERY raid-wide buff and level off the dps of every job (taking role into accounts of course)
game fixed
pictured: the people who enjoy SMN as it is now
Put raid buffs exclusively on ranged DPS to make up for their lower personal DPS and leave melee utility as minor buffs like Dragon SIght or defensive utility like Mantra and buff NIN to have high personal DPS.
Why don't we just remove all buttons and leave one button that does damage and you press it and the boss dies.
so Wow?
For me, it's Krile.
I would rather have the game the way it is now instead of "you are required to bring job X Y and Z to this fight because you can't clear it without their skills". MMOs aren't single player games and single player RPG concepts don't translate. It's a lot more important that people can play what they want than whether some autist has a vague sense of the game feeling "RPG-ish".
level 80 blu with quick cast mechanic when!!
Make phoenix down usable in combat already. Sick of wiping when everyone was doing fine but the healers died halfway through a fight.
rework smn into a real pet job and introduce a DoT-focused dps job in 6.0
Why do people still think group buffs are an issue? Even the fucking official parsenigger website takes raid buffs into account now so you can see exactly how much each person actually contributes.
The big shitstorm right now is that some jobs do less DPS than other because they have support utility or because they are easier to play, and this triggers the raid sperg who believes that all jobs should contribute exactly the same damage regardless of anything else.
I'm so sad people don't like shb summoner, I think it's the most fun job they've had in the game's lifetime
The work/reward ratio may be off, but the playstyle itself is so good
DPS should boost their own damage, have mobility, and maybe have a way to boost another person if the job flavor can make it happen. tanks and healers should have the lion's share of raidwide buffs.
>I would rather have the game the way it is now instead of "you are required to bring job X Y and Z to this fight because you can't clear it without their skills".
That's just because Square is completely out of ideas on how to make a game like that work. No shit that model won't work with the whole "4 8-man trials with do or die gimmicks" model. It needs actual party content where you go and explore, actual stuff to do that isn't fucking tranny raids, mechanics where RPG approaches can shine. Ironically it's usually much easier to create lasting content in this way because you don't have to make extremely specific gimmicky boss encounters every 3 months but hey what do I know right, all the trannies keep giving Square money so it will never die.
If only Tanaka was here.
I'm happy. Happy playing any other job.
When using them can be an actual dps loss they do so little damage. Something that used to be automatic because they did so little. The only one not sic'd was contagion because it wasn't cucked by pet damage scaling. Even then it was sic'd too after setup.
It's true I can only complain because I'm a BLM now. Cleared UWU with it and can't stand it anymore.
ESO does this. I hated it.
I don't remember whether it was because of its approach to it, the concept itself, or the combat being so ass that I hated everything else too, but I hated it.
>go and explore
>stuff that isn't raids
>mechanics where RPG approaches can shine
What you described is EXACTLY what Eureka is and yet all of you people constantly complain about it. What you want is right there in the game and yet you people let Yea Forums memes detract you from it.
I wish eureka and the treasure map shit was more popular.
Oh I figured since you were complaining about things being removed that there was some theoretical earlier state of the game you were happy with, but you just wish it was a different game altogether.
Sorry, I don't think anyone can help you with that. I hear classic WoW just started, maybe you can try that.
>remove Mantra
>nerf Trick, but buff the fuck out of NIN's personal DPS to bring it in line with DRG. Give it a skill akin to SSS to make raiton feel less shit to use
>buff SAM's personal DPS to BLM levels. Make Hagakure give you at least 10 fucking kenki per sen so yo ucan actually use it to line shit up so you don't have to hit a strict SS value or have a shit rotation
>add 1s cast time to Xenoglossy
>remove Devotion and buff SMN's personal DPS ; remove the ruin debuff if your DoTs aren't up bullshit. Put Ruin 2 on a different button from Ruin 4
>buff Embolden enough to bring RDM in line with the other casters' rDPS
>nerf MCH's personal DPS and bring back old Hypercharge to give it raid utility
>nerf BRD's personal DPS and bring back song effects to give it more utility than just battle voice
>buff DNC's proc rate to bring its personal DPS more in line with the other two to compensate for their buffs
>buff AST cards and give SCH 1 more DPS skill to bring those two more in line with WHM
>tanks are fine don't fuck with them other than making Living Dead give the DRK weakness if it isn't healed instead of outright killing them
There I fixed the game
Except Eureka is shit because it's just mindlessly doing your rotation for literal hours on end with no breaks.
Eureka was a good first step, but it won't go further than that and you know it. Partying with random people who have similar goals is fun. Helping randoms to do their capstone quests because the area is filled with instantkill enemies was fun. Abusing sleep to escape pursuit was fun. Various aggro types were fun. I'm sorry raid trannies will never be able to appreciate this. I just wish Eureka had more stuff to do. What they had should have been the base design for the game. Not "go talk to Y'shtola for 10000th time so you can unlock another version of Titan to autistically grind with other nolifers every week".
Sounds more like you're salty about being shit at the game than you don't enjoy the game. especially considering you're literally complaining the game doesn't force you to pick one of 8 jobs or be stuck with a useless job that you will literally never find a group for.
It seems like a more sensible way to do it than having 7 dps try to compete based on who can boost everybody else better.
Name a single skill they could add that would be "support" that wasn't just a glorified way of doing more damage AND is actually useful. I'll wait
Imagine deriving your sense of enjoyment entirely out of an arbitrary number on third party leaderboards. And no, I routinely had high purples and low oranges before I stopped going along for Yoshida's wild ride. I can't support this shit game design that gets worse every expansion anymore and honestly, the writing was on the wall from all the way back in ARR where there was actually nothing to do except for coil and relics.
you have to kill a boss and survive, what support can there be other than "deal more damage" or 'take less damage"?
Recover resources might be another.
They don't though? Jobs are balanced based on whether or not they have buffs. A job with no group buffs at all is the second highest dps in the game right now. The job with the strongest group buff is one of the weakest jobs overall.
Did I get transported to the past or some shit? Why does everyone think that synergy is still the be-all and end-all of job balance in this game? You don't have to stack raid buffs anymore.
I unironically want mana shift back as blm and I do not mind clipping my gcd for it if it means helping out my healers.
I liked mana shift
Any support that is "take less damage" just translates to "do more damage" anyway. Taking less damage = more time for healers to deal damage = deal more damage.
Every single skill in a multiplayer game, regardless of what it does, will ultimately be one of three things:
>absolutely required to beat a certain piece of content and thus forcing literally every group to bring that job or be completely unable to clear. Ex: boss has an add that you have to use that skill on or it will cause a wipe or make the fight take way longer
>some form of mitigation, healing, speed buff, etc. that will ultimately just translate to "good skill to use at these times because it will allow players to deal more damage in some way" eg by giving healers more GCDs or allowing melees to greed harder; or just an outright damage buff to other players
>a skill that every job in a given role has like feint, refresh, etc. and thus something you will always have and has no impact on what job you pick within a role anyway
>a useless skill that is never used and contributes nothing (eg featherfoot)
"non-damage" utility is literally a fucking meme and the retards who whine about not having it are the same people who unironically think eureka was good because of the first 12 hours of each tier before everyone had everything completely mapped out and tracked, and have never experienced that same magical "frontier" time in each savage/utlimate raid because they're too shit or normalfag to have a static to do them with on release
>recover resources that will either
>not be needed as you have enough without that skill anyway
>translate to more damage
So it's either useless or a damage buff. Next
Where are patch notes?
And this is why this game is so boring. Dilate.
how do you play monk exactly, i got it to level 70 well over a year ago and haven't touched it since so i dont remember jack shit about it now
Nice job missing every point I made dipshit
Name a single skill. I'm waiting. Literally name any kind of skill they could add that isn't useless or just more damage. Name a single one and I'll concede that you're correct and the based god of male midlanders with shitty WoW names
The game isn't patched yet, sweet child.
I wish they could have tried a bit harder to adapt AST cards rather than split it between "buff melee" and "buff ranged."
The seals into divination bit is cool, though. Having a card for haste, one for mana regen, one for damage reduction, etc and having an extra ogcd heal/damage if you flipped it for a crown felt nice.
>nature's minne
>healing waltz
>feint, virus, arm's length, surecast, etc
>warden's paeon
yeah every skill is just more damage. Even though they removed most of those skills this expac
The problem is that you just can't imagine a game that works differently from retarded "raids" this game has. But even in this design there's room for creativity. Shit, even some of the current skills don't get used. When was the last time you had to slow down a crawling mob so that you had more time to kill it or to space out the damage? They cut that out because relying on your bard to apply heavy is too hard.
>but it's binary! You'll be required to bring someone with heavy
yeah, no shit, if only this was a game in which you're supposed to be able to switch jobs and take skills from other classes you've leveled, oh wait, they removed that too, because instead of designing the game for it, they neutered the shit out of everything
It's not a skill issue. It's 100% content issue. This game doesn't have good content to play so skill system follows into the shit pit.
You might as well argue that peloton is a damage buff because it makes you run to the next mob pack faster.
i wish they would just let people actually level other classes in eureka, it really needs to be more thant "go here to recieve relic" zone
Rescue is still a good addition.
the playstyle is trash too, you just don't notice because you're new to the job and the new car smell hasn't worn off, or you just play casually and parse grey.
The game's problem is just having hallways and circles with the enemies and mechanics being immune to fucking everything. The playerbase's problem is just sitting around and waiting for everything to be solved for them by the best players so they can copy their homework.
Needs a shorter cooldown desu.
My hope is they involve crafters/gatherers somehow.
Or just let me craft/gather there while everyone is spawning NMs.
Don't know if you're memeing, but it genuinely does, I don't know if it's already the fastest it could be, but I feel like it needs to activate faster too.
this is pretty much what i want to, eureka should be treated as a zone people go to during down time with a bunch of different things to do
This, eureka was fun as fuck and all the people that bitched and moaned about it were raid logging faggots who don't give a fuck about anything but their fucking parses. Fuck the bitches that cried about mpk, pay attention to the game you're standing in the middle of 20 fucking mobs that will oneshot you faggot.
>The playerbase's problem is just sitting around and waiting for everything to be solved for them by the best players so they can copy their homework.
Why shouldn't they do it that way? The "best players" will be rushing for world first anyway, and once a fight is known what's the benefit of doing it blind? You're only wasting your own time. What a dumb thing to complain about.
If you're looking for some theoretical magical online game experience where everyone is completely oblivious about everything and it's like a real life handcrafted D&D adventure that unfolds before your very eyes, you might have to invent a time machine and go back to 2004 when everyone in MMOs was a kid and not yet obsessed with optimization.
>people giving a shit about muh performance in raids
who gives a fucking shit, just play whatever you like
that's what I would say, but Imperial Judge is still unavaliable, any advice to numb out the pain of being forced to play an eorzean savage ?
Yea Forums is the epitome of """midcore""" and shouldn't be listened to in the first place.
It's ping dependent. In jap raid videos rescue is fucking instant
t. greylets that get carried every fight
t. calls every purple tranny
play whatever jobs you find fun, actually learn them so you're not a detriment, and stop looking for Yea Forums approval.
That's a DNC glamour, not a BRD glamour
krile with her hat off!
>play smn
>learned how to play piano
>DRG has been consistently great
>latest patches make him even better
feels good man
Just finished HW with WHM and am leveling BLM to match the levels (my initial job before switching to healcuck because of queue times). What the hell am I supposed to do with BLM under level 60? I don't have most of the stuff that goes into rotations and running these earlier dungeons on roulettes for exp bonuses is killing me, especially when I do level 50 synched shit so I don't even have leylines and tanks just run through everything so I can't even finish casting my shit.
You spam Fire 1 hoping for Fire 3 procs
>Can't get Krile hair with hat off, even if I pay $12 for her cosplay
I'm worried about 5.08 nerfing DRG, but I don't think it'll be particularly bad.
>either spend 90% of time standing around afk or endlessly killing trash for muh chains
>zergrush some fate boss every now and then
>rinse and repeat forever in all of the zones
also remember pre-nerfs pagos were people refused to raise you even if you died right next to them and started to use parsers to kick people form chain parties that didn't keep up? Even books and umbrites were better than this shit
just stop caring so much until you break into fireja and things start requiring more effort. keep up thunder, fish for firestarter and transpose constantly inbetween pulls and while chasing the wall to wall puller and her(his) healsleave
Yep fun. Sorry your hourly computer time makes it impossible for you to keep up little Timmy. Maybe try a battle royal or something!
you should of did prog as blm then
Sex with Yda when?
lvl 35 BLM here
whats the point of fire 3 and ice 2?
Well 3 is a bigger number than 2 for one thing
>oh no, he doesn't like my poopsock game mode, better call him a zoomer!
Fire III instantly sets you to max stax so you use it to swap from Umbral Ice III to Astral Fire III, or from base to Astral Fire III instead of building up to it. You also get a trait to collect a proc enabling it for instant cast, which has various utilities.
Blizzard II, however, is fundamentally useless. Remove it from your hotbar.
So I've been playing tank since I started a few months ago. I've maxed out every tank. What role and/or Job should I try next? The one time I went DPS as Sam back during late Stormblood was a nightmare and brought the fear of god into me for letting anyone else ever tank. Gunbreaker and Paladin are my favorites as of current patch if that helps any.
Oh right it does get you astral fire III, perfect for going back from ice.
Thanks for answering. Didnt pay attention to it since i still only have 2 stacks max
Alright, thanks anons.
Is there any point for using F2 for groups? It feels like piss poor damage compared to cast time.
Is there any way to automatically switch to next target once my teammates finish off my current target during my cast and interrupt it with that or do I just have to do it manually? I changed select enemy to one of my extra mouse buttons so I can do it quickly but I hoped there's a more automatic way for it.
let me see your parse
From experience in savage, summoner is in a bad spot right now. It's damage is low and trying to optimize is incredibly difficult because everything must be timed correctly. You are punished Heavily for your fuckups. Also there is a mandatory triple-weave during your first fire bird trance. Im wondering if they will do anything to summoner tomorrow to fix its problems.
I'm not an expert on BLM but if I'm below lvl 68 then if I'm aoeing 3+ mobs I'll go F2>F2>Flare in fire phase, but I don't know if that's better than just Flareing immediately. Once you hit 68 though F2 becomes useless and your AoE just becomes Flare>Flare, afaik.
>Is there any point for using F2 for groups? It feels like piss poor damage compared to cast time.
It doesn't deplete based on numbers, so the answer is yes if there is 4 or more enemies in range, at least until level 72. 72 grants Aspect Mastery so your rotation instead becomes Freeze -> Fire III -> Flare -> Flare -> repeat.
You might swap to Freeze -> Fire III -> Flare -> Repeat at 68 but I don't know if that's certainly more effective than Fire II really.
Black mage is legitimately hard to play. Not because of its rotation but because of its low mobility and having to plan ahead all of your movement. The big numbers you are seeing on fflogs are not easily attainable.
F2 is your aoe spell up until like 68. It feels like the damage isn't good, but it adds up.
A spell without parallel...
Id like to see one of your 99s. Im struggling as black mage.
Pics or it didn't happen
i should've yeah, a couple of early 0.5% wipes might've been kills then. Certainly wasn't expecting to have to flex blm in week fucking one, not to mention all the smn/rdm stat biased pentamelded gear i only ended up using for a week.
You realize he can just search some random person on fflogs who has 99 as a BLM and post that here, right? If you want to analyze a log you can save yourself the wait and just go find a 99 log right now.
>tfw I’m having more fun with 5.0 SMN than I have with any other SMN going all the way back to 2.4.
We just need DoTs to have a 33 second duration so they don’t drop off a second too early.
is it my impression or the duties that you get in the roulette are "rotating"? there are periods of time where for example in the trials roulette 5 days out of 7 the same trial pops
after a couple of weeks the duty changes and it's another trial that keeps popping
the same goes for every other roulette
its random
sprout here
should i bother with getting all green armor sets in dungeons? Or i can buy them somewhere later Getting tight on bagspace here dudes
green gear isn't inherently better than white/pink/whatever gear. Just buy some vendor gear if you've got some outdated stuff. Not worth running dungeons that are lower level than you just for gear. Get rid of any gear you're not actively using to save space.
i mean for glamour and collection sake
stats pretty much dont matter so far at low levels i feel like
>Eureka nerfs in 5.1
What are the chances? It's fucking empty and there is no way you can do some parts solo, right now.
Dungeon drop gear can't be bought, but some sets share models with sets that can be gotten easier. Look up the gear on garlandtools and check the shared models.
Nerfs are planned but no timeframe yet.
appreciate the answer my dude
all they mentioned so far are possible changes or buffs to logos actions.
>Make a job based around supporting the party
>Gut its buffs
What did YoshiP mean by this?
>those primal remixes in eden
>we'll get ifrit, shiva, garuda, and ramuh remixes
All they really need to do is to buff Bloodbath L to have 100% uptime and it'll be possible to solo most stuff.
I just started playing NIN and I enjoy it a lot, but is clipping virtually unavoidable when using ninjutsus?
Maybe Oblivion will finally be a good song?
>Kriles outfit finally goes up on the mogstation
>"Nice, I can finally have a cute hood that doesn't hide my hair"
>Kriles hair comes with it
Yes. If you've got decent ping you won't clip Fuma Shuriken, but anything that needs 2 or 3 mudras will clip no matter what.
I *can* avoid clipping with 2 mudras if I'm super precise but then again maybe my skill speed is too low atm
Assuming you haven't got it yet, once you unlock the third mudra you get an upkeep buff that reduces your GCD by 10%.
I'm not lvl 60 now and RDM feels like a really cool class design-wise that is horribly balanced. I feel so damn weak, and the melee combo doesn't really have the payoff you'd expect it to have considering how much effort you put into building it up
Where's the patch notes
*I'm lvl 60 now
It is done.
id go for whm or sch if you still want to have more control as the not tank job.
it's already been mentioned but yea, fira is good though freeze is better as soon as you get it i've read, that is to say you could just cast freeze and thunder and you would end up with more total potency than switching between astral and umbral up until you get flare
that's bullshit but i believe it ironically
That's the price you pay for having a raise ability.
Only the big patches get a preview.
What’s his name Yea Forums?
You meant heartless angel right?
Yea i think you meant heartless angel.
Red feels better at 70.
Dilatabrea, look what you've fucking done.
Wait how the fuck is BLM hard, brain dead rotation,a teleport to your circle every 3 seconds a blink to your teammates every 10 seconds, and downtime tools
Anyone who thinks black mage is hard must be utterly retarded
I am Dilatabrea now.
Post logs
It's different in savage content where you have to keep doing damage while also moving constantly despite barely being able to move. Teleporting isn't as viable in savage as you might think, you usually want to move manually most of the time.
Rotation is simple but it's different from other classes in that you need to plan your skill usage based on what mechanics you're gonna face, while most other jobs can just keep doing their rotations automatically while moving
imagine if asmongoloid played ffxiv
can we get his armor?
BLMs need to know the fight to position themselves in an exact spot that allows them to move the least. If you have to move - you failed as a BLM
It's one of the DoH/DoL sets if I'm not mistaken
If parse can't get you clears its effectively worthless. Job balance is the worst it has been in years. Stop defending it you dumbfuck drone.
who cares about mods if no one will adore me but myself
Hahaha! I am so hilarious!
You got a link for Ramza's party in the back?
How dare you not properly quote me.
What are you asking for specifically?
Thanks user.
Teleporting anywhere clips your GCD like crazy which murders your parse if you have even the slightest habit of doing it uncovered. You need to cover it with an instant cast skill for it to be viable as a weave and those are on limited supply meaning the teleports must be kept to a bare minimal.
If you're already in the right position beforehand you don't need a teleport to begin with. So positioning, slidecast adjustments, knowing the fight like the back of your hand and knowing when to use X cooldown/resource and when to pool and save for Y phase that you know is coming is how BLM plays. NOT as a teleport mage, unless you just don't want to parse orange ever.
Thats literally just fight knowledge something that most people who are playing optimally will need to grind into their head. That doesnt make the job hard
I wonder how your summoner feels when when you whine about moving when they have zero movement options. Or drg getting a locked. Or melee disconnects in general. Mnk actually has a ridiculous skill cap for a tiny amount of gain at the top end. I dont see how at all blms can high horse over other jobs, just makes me think you guys have some serious monopoly effect.
Group mitigation also increases the margin of error for healers but that just means less deaths, IE more damage.
I rarely see BLM's act like you claim they do so it seems like you're the one with an issue
One down. Now where's Dilatabrea? Maybe my bros can help me.
>drg getting locked
so what?
I play a DRG and it's not a problem at all, if you're a retard and use jump at the wrong time it's your fault. If anything, DRG is extra mobile because of the backflip
I like how you fags suddenly care about 50 flavors of damage as if it wasn't the way final fantasy and all stat based rpgs for that matter were designed
>bbbbbbbut you can negotiate out of a situation in Y game!
Unfortunately that just isn't a challenging activity.
You're still competing against other black mages, yes moving sucks but everyone deals with downtime issues.
Those are a lot microoptimizations that you do throughout the fight sure, but you can't make one mistake on black mage so major that your parse is unrecoverable. MCH and NIN drift is ridiculous for example.
>zero movement options
Mate all of your spells are instant cast any time you're under a trance and you get four Ruin IVs every minute. SMN is the most mobile caster.
Don't mind me, just texting the bros. We are going ascian hunting, you are all free to join us. Bring a katana.
The lad in the far left back, the gal next to the chemist, Cidolfus, and tye lad that's on the opposite side of the chemist.
>post logs
>n-no please
>proceeds to talk big
Not even him but I'm laughing at you right now.
I don't buy the story of someone picking up blm without having learned any of the fights as it beforehand and also running in full smn set (presumably without a week 2 475/470 weapon) and still getting 99.
Care to show your parses?
>You're still competing against other black mages
Point being? If a good number of them do all the things I said while you play like a teleport mage then we're back to what I said. You're not getting orange. I don't think you realize how much teleporting actually clips your GCD.
Trance has to be cut off early to line up with raid cooldowns. The ruin 4s can't be used willy nilly and they have to be in specific parts of your rotation to be played optimally. I'm not a summoner main and I know they have it tougher than black mages at least.
Believe it or not I'm actually laughing at you shitters.
They probably did get a weapon. That alone guarantees week 2 oranges.
They said they learned the fight beforehand, on SMN. People severely overestimate how much effort it takes to relearn as BLM.
SMN gear also isn't much of a loss. Some spell speed would have been nice but it's not like it's that good and it's some quick remelding to get enough to not worry about your despairs. If anything the high spell speed sets from the balance are noob traps that hit their potential on infinite dummies.
>can't be used willy nilly and they have to be in specific parts of your rotation to be played optimally
so the same shit as procs, xeno and triplecast because no one is retarded enough to do it in ice?
You can fit 5 in a single corner, but it requires people to not be shit so good luck with that.
it's random, it's also biased by what duties people are queuing explicitly for, as the roulette system exists to fill parties for them. If lots of people are removing gear to cheese the ilvl requirements, you're gonna get lots of CT alliance raids for alliance roulette. If someone's finishing up heavensward on their alt, them queueing for niddhog means you're gonna get that for your 'random' roulette duty.
*thunderer plays*
Sup mortals, you guys need a boss fight?
Pretty sure better slidecasting and less cast times don't do anything to a dummy
You can't even post your own logs senpai.
Don't mean to interject on your guys's conversations, but if black mages and summoners have it so tough, then why do red mages die the most.
>MNK finally gets rewarded for being the most autistic physical DPS job
>All these retards screeching for nerfs
>That alone guarantees week 2 oranges.
I don't think it guarantees 99 on titan though. Or maybe it does.
>add engagement
>displacement still does more damage
>rdms still fly off arenas/out of heals
laugh every time
>You need to cover it with an instant cast skill for it to be viable as a weave and those are on limited supply
>limited supply
>1 xeno per 30s, 1 sharpcast per 30s, swiftcast and triplecast every 60s
o i am laffin
meanwhile dualcast has high uptime but isn't on demand making it look impressive, but actually useless for things where mobility actually matters like white orb baits/stormy horizon. SMN meanwhile has no free mobility at all and pays 40 potency every gcd they want to move. And the biggest thing about BLM mobility tools is unlike the other 2 casters, you can actually bank them and exercise a high amount of discretion on where to spend them.
>How do we fix mnk?
>i know, this job should do the same damage as the most utility-less job in the game but also has 8x the utility power of a bard!
>proceeds to prove me right
Do you know what "limited supply" means? Or is English just not your forte?
Get better jokes, raenfag.
>still doesn't post logs
Don't forget the 150ish potency toll if you fumble a summon
oh I clipped a gcd cause I had to use my 25 yard dash THE HORROR.
it's not functionally limited if there's no fight that actually exhausts your '''''limited'''' supply
Spell speed doesn't matter for slidecasting beyond shifting your opportunities and faster cast times are most effective on a dummy because it has no mechanics to nullify them. Between every fight mechanic that makes you stop casting, even for a moment, you effectively lose the spell speed over the minimum amount needed to use the amount of gcds you used. Thus spell speed is inherently less valuable than a dummy model would suggest.
Going from a 450 to 475 wep when almost nobody else has one is strong as fuck
Tell me why Ninja, with damage from trick Attack buffing an entire static of sockshitting NEETs included, should be 1.7k dps less than your braindead easiest melee job with no oGCDs. Mind you that the healer GCD saved from Mantra isn't factored into the numbers at all.
Some variables aside, Xeno ties into the rotation if you are trying to play optimally and avoid capping thunder buffs. Unless you're lucky with an instant server tick, at umbral ice you'll be forced to chose between either xeno or thunder. If thunder still has uptime, and it will, the choice becomes either xeno or overcap a hardcast thunder. Back to what I said at the start of this post. Sharp is optimally used on whatever comes next. It all depends on how well you're willing to play at the end of the day. But then again, you don't strike me as someone who is actually interested in reason as opposed to just retarder shitposting or "laffin" like a clown.
Did they say what this would be? If not I imagine they'll be getting rid of field instances.
The logic being on the titan fight in specific the "almost nobody else has one" statement stops being true.
>Unfortunately that just isn't a challenging activity.
Just because something is challenging doesn't mean something is fun or deep, it's only challenging because most mistakes set your progress to zero.
mnk is braindead in ShB, fuck you
Removing NIN.
>no mechanics to nullify them
By the same logic whenever you're not casting your crit and dh are also nullified, considering you can't score those by not casting. What sort of stacked logic is that even? Can I see your logs?
You're both right and not really talking about the same thing.
The gain from saving your procs to bait mechs that give the other two casters trouble, like stormy horizons and paradise lost, is far greater than using them to maintain optimal thunder uptime.
1 or 2 of 8 people will have one per group
More BLM's will have them on average due to groups funnelling gear but you are still ahead of every single one that doesn't.
temporary number buffs to SAM and NIN
Parsing ruined this game. Fuck you all for enabling it.
I didn't enable it, blame pepsiman
>The gain from saving your procs to bait mechs that give the other two casters trouble, like stormy horizons and paradise lost, is far greater than using them to maintain optimal thunder uptime.
Again, it all depends on how well you're willing to play. You can maintain optimal thunder while still pulling off pantos without losing GCD's. You just need to be on point with your gameplan. Your post seems to imply you'd have to necessarily choose one or the other.
parsing existed way before ffxiv came out, cry me a river shitter
How do you possibly come to that conclusion? The point is that the wasted spell speed could have been crit or dh and actually provided a benefit to the gcds you did get off. Wasting spell speed is unavoidable, even with perfect play.
And no, you don't instantly win an argument by asking someone to dox themselves on 4channel.
Fuck SE for that raid too.
Okay great, you can do both. Thanks for pointing that out. Other jobs can't do both.
git gud greylet, it's really not that hard
>I got a 97 on my weekly E1S clear as BLM with an Eden weapon this week so I'm hot shit and you're a grey idiot
Yeah yeah yeah we get it retards. Shut the fuck up.
>The point is that the wasted spell speed could have been crit or dh and actually provided a benefit to the gcds you did get off
Because SpS didn't? What? Also, I'm asking for logs because often enough in this place I see people with some random logic that makes no sense but is entirely perfect on their head despite them being like purple or blue or something. But then again, those are the ones who run away when asked.
So what the fuck am i building on blm? "Speed until comfortable" is just too vague.
Other jobs can't maintain optimal DoT uptime while still pulling off pantos? That sounds like a lie shitposter-san.
imagine not being a chad blm running a minimum SS set
No one gives a fuck tranny. We could get actually interesting fights and gameplay if you fuckers didn't poison the game into making damage the only thing that matters.
They can't play optimally and move fuckhead, how is this hard to understand
>MNK difficult
Please stop this fucking meme already, now that 6 million shitters have bandwagoned this job everyone now knows what a joke this has always been. Before you could pretend to be complex because literally no one played it, now you can't. Not only that but it was made even easier and monk has no fucking ogcds or positionals at all anymore. It's a fucking faceroll brainlet job.
>inb4 anatman
>1 or 2 of 8 people will have one per group
And if the group has a BLM he WILL be one of those 1 or 2 you mentioned for the very reasons you stated. So that's why I figured in the titan fight that statement stops being so true.
You weren't going to get "interesting fights and gameplay" either way. You need to stop coping greylet-kun.
>can't do your opener without dropping enochian or missing raid buffs
>inb4 dancing between flank and rear is difficult
you literally do your opener and use your oGCDs on cooldown (or plan shoulder tackle to use it under brotherhood if you have more than 3IQ)
Sounds like you could use some time looking at 99 or 100% logs for SMN and RDM in Levi and Titan fights so you can learn how to be better, as opposed to whining and throwing shitposting tantrums.
Shut your mouth retard. Brainwashed faggot.
it doesn't matter, every substat evens out for BLM. Only reason you'd want very high spell speed is for specific rotations where you want to skip F1 or something before timer runs out.
Question: What do we get these days with Khloe's Gold Certificates? It used to be current level gear though nothing recently confirms if this has been updated to Shadowbringers level gear
Anyone confirm?
I would say playing mnk perfectly is actually autistically hard.
But considering top monks dont double true, don't pb anatman, don't fist dance, don't do any of these microoptimizations that gives little gain yeah its p braindead
and that fucking retarded overpowered job even has the new riddle of earth that enables you to ignore positionals for 30 seconds with the skill having a cooldown of 60s in addition to 2 stacks of true north
fuck mnk shitters and fuck mnk itself
Do you have an excuse for why you completely ignore the next sentence where I addressed what you said
double true, pb anatman (which is optimal only if you have a very good connection and framerate) and fist dancing are autistic optimizations? really? that's basic monk gameplay, stop trying to sound like a god player
what's next? having a 6gcd pb is godlike optimization too?
>for the very reasons you stated
I literally did address it. Try reading. Man what's up with morning threads being so god awful?
Everyone keeps asking for this but it wouldn't work in FF14 fucking at all. FF11 already did SMN the way you want and it was busted beyond busted.
>people starting to realize they're fellating jobs like mnk and blm for no reason and they're actually braindead easy
hope you guys are ready for the deluge of flavour of the month people switching to your job now that its overpowered.
Yeah responding to your autistic pedantry where you constantly try to misinterpret things to get a leg up on someone anonymously is throwing a shitposting tantrum. Sure.
The 100 rdm on Levi handles stormy horizons with a reprise and running away from the group to get a lucky chance where he wasn't chosen for one of the group aoes. That's not the optimal rdm rotation. He had to fuck his shit up and get lucky.
Okay since you didn't see it I'll post it again.
More BLM's will have them on average due to groups funnelling gear but you are still ahead of every single one that doesn't.
Agree, I fucking hate mnk mains because in stormblood they used to spread this meme about how braindead all other melee were and basically acted like the most annoying smug neckbeards imaginable and then when their job was casualized to nth degree they still try to claim it's some big brain job because anatman(which is done with a plugin). Any time you tell them their job is easy as shit they get defensive as hell and say 'post parse'. They're STILL pretending mnk is harder than nin lol.
Is playing Paladin supposed to be meh? Does it get better later on? I'm level 40 but the rotation seems kinda shitty with low damage.
All these basic gameplay that literally none of the top monks are doing.
Shifting 16/18 times for positionals, anatman during pb which requires you to a. Time it perfectly b. Make sure you can be in a place to not move, knowing the timing to fist of fire, is actually things that no monk bothers to do in savage because it makes the job harder to execute instead of 1 2 3 4 5 6.
But im sure you're way above them all with this basic shit
>cleared all of savage on week three in a static with DNC/MCH/SMN/SAM only playing 3 nights a week
>all of this non-stop shitflinging from metaslaves over top DPS, bottom DPS
Everyone switched to Aether so they could get carried by their favorite streamers, and when that didn't work they started bandwagoning MNK and DRG, as if that's going to magically make them a good party member
Yes, that being the very sentence I specifically pointed to and addressed, directly, when I said "for the very reason you stated". Mother of god. What sentence did you think I was referring to?
imagine unironically thinking that using a skill that is based on server ticks that you can time with a fucking act plugin takes skill
PLD is really strong but it's boring now.
Imagine thinking this game requires any amount of skill.
b-but my orange parses takes a lot of skill
>it depends on how hard you're willing to push for optimal play
From the same person who brought you "o I am laffin" and "ackshually". Going for hypocrite poster of the year are you?
Pld is literally press the same 4 buttons over and over and every minute spam one button to cast 4+1 SPELLS (which doesn't make any sense)
why would a fucking knight use magic spells
i bet they will remove threat in 5.1 altogether at this point
I mean for an MMO the rotations are pretty complex, even the easiest DPS job in the game(MNK) is more complex than your hardest WoW job.
Who comfortably living the DRG-life here?
Reading this thread makes you think that raiding is only about individual performance instead of it being a group effort.
Only thing that matters is that the boss dies before enrage or very soon during softenrage. To that you need X amount of RAID dps. Proving that you do good parse only proves that you can pull your weight and parsings most valuable use is to be able to point out the ups and downs that happen during the encounter and who and where needs to improve.
It disgusts me to see this obsession for personal glory in form of parsing well and trying to get their e-peen fellated when they post it online. You did not even do the math for the rotation you take glory copying. Absolutely disgusting.
I switched from nin to drg because shb made nin borderline unplayable with anything above 30 ping
it's not enough that i can clear
Even bard is worse than monk in that regard. You have to pay attention to server ticks the entire time or else you lose 150 potency on each wasted bloodletter/perfect pitch proc. All monk has to do is not fuck up the antman timing. So this is the fabled monk difficulty... whoa
>I mean for an MMO the rotations are pretty complex
No they are really not. WoW is a bad game to compare it to. Stop it.
It was the developers who decided every raid was a DPS race greylet. If you don't like needing to do DPS in a game designed around DPS, go play a different one.
Fuck you, I'll play what I want.
to be fair with bard you can just spam the bloodletter button every gcd window, the problem presents itself only when you have to use empyreal arrow, and even there it's kind of a gamble because you may time the tick correctly but not get an immediate proc and lose a cast anyway
People don't care about bare minimum to clear because they're clearing anyway.
Square should kill FFlogs to add some more numbers to the famous 40%.
Name one MMO with a more complex rotation than FFXIV so I can prove you wrong. Go ahead, I'll wait.
Enjoy waiting then faggot, I don't answer to you.
I mean but by the data black mage has the biggest amount of skill expression followed by monks.
This is by comparing the numbers the top half of performance and the bottom half.
As long as that dick-waving website exists people will only talk about parses.
clearing is the bare minimum, after that, people like to show off because what else is there to do? you are going to clear anyway, why not flex and post good numbers while you are at it?
For all the talk of parsetrannies, I typically only see casual shitters that can't handle simple mechanics being the hormonal screeching degenerates. I don't get it.
>possibly an original Soken composition for Ifrit
>I was born yesterday, how do human beings work?
Because almost no one literally cares, but parse trannies try to shove it down everyone's throats anyway
no that's just because those jobs are so overpowered at the moment and are often funneled gear first because of it and the grey players are pfing meta bandwagoners with ilvl 450 who probably died.
You regularly see BLM's locked out of PF groups because there are too many bad players that can't adapt to the BLM playstyle so people avoid them despite the big damage output of the job. The difficulty of it is overhyped but it's more difficult than most of the jobs in terms of clearing savage/ex content, because you need to know the fight intimately to get the most out your job. Yes all jobs need to know savage fights well to clear them obviously but for any jobs with mostly instacast skills you can wing some mechanics way easier.
Ultimately who the fuck cares, FFXIV isn't a particularly challenging game and savage content is mostly about autistically learning a dance while not fucking up your rotation.
They DO know how to handle them, but they will lose dps due to it. Healer Adjust.
>Ultimately who the fuck cares, FFXIV isn't a particularly challenging game and savage content is mostly about autistically learning a dance while not fucking up your rotation.
No you absolute fucktard cretin it is about getting the parse NUMBAHS.
Not him but I remember BLM still having the biggest gap in player data even at the end of SB. At the point where omega savage was already out for several months. Can't really hide behind funneling there. That's to say, I have a feeling BLM has always been kind of up there in this particular comparison.
Are you going to spend the entire thread screeching about parsing?
>You regularly see BLM's locked out of PF groups
I honestly haven't seen that yet in SHB at all on Aether DC. Is it really a thing on other DCs?
What compels a man to blatantly falseflag?
You are all delusionals if you think fflogs is the problem and not the retards who cannot do damage while doing mechanics. The fights are not created around fflogs or meta, what makes fflogs and meta so relevant is because the playerbase sucks so much that you have to be good enough to carry other people to get your clears. This is why this shit is so talked and so important, it's easier to get past DPS checks playing with a meta class than without one, of course doesn't count as much on a static, but pugs is another thing.
I'm on Chaos and yes it happens pretty often
Guess Europeans can't play BLM
the amount of frenchies playing this game is overwhelming and they can't play video games in general
the biggest problem with fflogs are brainless retards not reading the data correctly and just looking at what has the highest rankings, without taking into account anything else
parsing is a decent tool to improve yourself and compare to other players, but as usual, there will always be obnoxious fuckwits who ruin it for everyone
>there are too many bad players that can't adapt to the BLM playstyle so people avoid them despite the big damage output of the job. The difficulty of it is overhyped but it's more difficult than most of the jobs in terms of clearing savage/ex content
Stop it, you'll summon that one RDM main.
>tfw red mages keep trying to argue their job isn't the most brainmeltingly easy of the lot
I've mained RDM back in Sigmascape, shit was beyond brainless, I don't see why they are so defensive about it, no one cares if your job is easy as long as you don't suck shit at it
Well BLM is/was one of the more punished jobs for making mistakes and in SB was a bit harder to handle mechanics on with no xeno/30s sharp. In monk the difference was just TK opener. In SHB both these jobs were made easier, mnk more significantly so(even though I always found it easy)
Why are there so few gear pieces for NIN that looks good? The only good glamours are the AF sets
as far as difficulty goes:
That skirt is actually an important part of my tank glam. Not sure what I would have done if I didn't have that
Is there a job that was made harder in SHB? Legit question. Also, even if there is, we both now that's the massive minority. Things made easier is just the standard nowadays, it's not a MNK/BLM thing.
>ranged harder than tank and not the easiest by a huge amount
>healer hardest
Your shit is all retarded
What's difficult about healer? Is it any more challenging than just looking at the enemy's cast bar and prepare the appropriate heal?
Nin and smn are the first that come to mind.
how the fuck do i even use fflogs
MCH was a bit of a clusterfuck to figure out once ShB dropped.
AST was also very clunky until they changed how Sleeve Draw worked.
SMN feels like a piano with how often you have to spam the pet abilities.
NIN still feels clunky with its Mudras.
Type the website address on your internet browser of choice.
the only truly weak classes this expac would be dnc nin and rdm.
but then you'll say dnc can buff people, but then i'll say dragoon can buff people to and still do more dmg.
whats the point of ninja now a slight vuln debuff on boss for a few seconds ?
rdm who actually plays this class it was literally just eureka the job and ez res recovery and now that is on a long cd
>can't have iroha's hair or lance as glamour for the full set
>o I am laffin
that was me, you're been talking to someone else all this time dummy
FFLogs does not and cannot take into account what gear the numbers were achieved with anyway, for you and the party members. Same goes for the multitude of other factors that come into play (ping for starters).
That's why it is fucking retarded to rank parses. Might as well rank apples, oranges and lemons according to their weight too.
The timeline and deep fight/rotation/uptime analysis part of the site, i.e. the one that helps you improve is genuinely good though.
It's just the e-penis (insert tranny joke here) contest part of it that's cancer and meaningless.
>Keep SMN janky but boost its damage to make it worth it
>Dumb down SMN but keep its middle-of-the-road damage the same
Tank is literally position, use an oGCD at the same point every time, and a 4 button dps "rotation". There's a reason that 90% of static callouts come from the tanks. It's because they spend most of the fight standing in place just cycling the same combo over and over. I'm convinced that you can make a bot to play tanks in savage and still hit 7k damage.
what about making smn not feel junky without dumbing it down?
>FFLogs does not and cannot take into account what gear
The WoW counterpart does it. Is there a reason the ff one "cannot"?
Also, let's be real for a second. Savage is not difficult to clear. Everyone and their mothers will do it. Give it enough time and you'll have most people with any semblance of decent skill at around the same ilvl. Right now things are a bit crazy I agree, but it's because it's still week 5.
We're talking about the studio that left MCH totally unplayable for an entire expansion
>its another "healer/tank leaves at the start of aurum vale despite no one having a first time bonus and then everyone else quits the dungeon while we're waiting to replenish ranks" episode
i just want to get to level 50 already
yeah and healer is the same shit except a 2 button dps 'rotation' and no positioning. the only time healer becomes more difficult is if your group is shit.
aurum vale sucks
>It's because they spend most of the fight standing in place just cycling the same combo over and over.
Honestly I don't feel like there's much of a difference, complexity wise, between DRK dps execution and SAM dps execution.
healers have to do mechanics too dawg. my static was stuck on e2s for a while because the healers have to do so fucking much in that fight.
Go do PotD. Nobody’s forced to sit through that shit.
it's easy IMO. you can skip a lot of mobs by just not aggroing them and running to the boss gate with minimal mobs on you.
I'd rather run AV ten times than step foot back in PotD. It's so goddamn mind-numbing.
I don't know how the WoW counterpart does it, all I know is that on the XIV side the ACT logs do not upload what gear people were wearing and that the Lodestone profiles are far from being updated in real time. And there's still the possibility for people to switch gear before uploading the parse anyway.
it still sucks
and it looks like shit
>have to move to SW corner with flare a couple of times during the fight
Every other mechanic in E2S needs to be done by everyone else as well. Hellwind doesn't count as it's basically the same as healing a tankbuster
>this role you just need to position and cd on buster
>noooo this role you just need to use 2 damage skill
>ranged are the easiest
Everyone is easy as fuck if you don't take the fight in consideration.
Ranged physical is the easiest if you don't take the fight in consideration. It's the easiest if you do take the fight in consideration. It's the easiest in every single possible universe split.
you guys are the reason I've never even cleared an EX trial
MMORPG's aren't games targeted to elitists like you, everyone should be able to join every party without feeling the pressure of ""better"" players
>HW MCH was really fun and had a solid foundation for which to expand upon
>SB MCH was a festering dumpster fire that stripped MCH of all the parts that made it fun and they ignored its problems for the entire expansion while shit like WAR got reworks
I will never not be fucking mad, I loved HW MCH and while I very much enjoy ShB MCH, I'm sad they had to scrap everything HW MCH had established because SB butchered it so fucking badly, they looked at SB MCH and thought "okay, we ass fucked everything good about HW MCH and made it an unplayable shitfest, finally MCH is fixed"
what the actual fuck were they thinking?
you can't clear an ex trial? for real dude?
bros I just wanted SAM to not feel like shit and clunky and be actually fun and flowing like in stormblood but they shot down all of my hopes when they said they didn't want Hagakure to be used in the rotation because it made the job too "complex"
how do I cope without changing main jobs?
God I was so mad I fell for the Yea Forums memes and never tried Eureka until the bitter end of Stormblood when it was too late. Now I’m never gonna have my complete relic collection unless they nerf it to hell
>ranged physical has the hardest rotations but no range restrictions
>melee has braindead rotations but has melee uptime concerns
>casters have braindead rotations but have casttimes
all dps are balanced around each other like that, and its not surprise the outliers in each category (smn and nin) are the ones getting the biggest complaints.
They put back Hagakure bro.
You could just check for yourself but I'll spoon feed you anyway.
You can get clusters/crystals to exchange for grade VII or VIII materia or ornate facet chest gear which is the same as the crafted gear except with 5 materia slots.
that isn't SB's hagakure, it's some useless piece of shit that you might be using in expert roulette and that's it.
Dumb apes like this poster went into eureka, thought they were supposed to chain mobs until the end of time, then left.
uuuuuuuuuuuuuh, whoch ranged dps has a hard rotation?
inb4 mch
Hagakure is still used to align sam's rotation with raid buffs.
last i heard it was less of a DPS loss to just overwrite Yukikaze instead, did it change
lack of mobility but it and NIN needs a buff badly
I hate BLM's so much because those crazy bastards always give me a hard attack with how laser focused they are on maxing out dps. They have no sense of self preservation at all
What was the site that had images of every set in the game in different angles?
SAM is less clunky now nigga. Using Hagakure constantly in SB felt awkward by dropping Sen frequently to line up Guren and it gave you less kenki than Ikishoten to boot. They made CDs line up better by reducing the recast timers, giving you longer shifu/jinpu durations, and finally giving you enough skill speed to match.
The only objective issues with SAM right now is Shoha is crap and they do less damage than Monk. But both of those are getting adjusted tomorrow and in 5.1
that gif looks like the ultimate sense of self preservation to me
harder than the melees and blm/rdm for sure. MCH is completely priority based and any drill/anchor drift you will never get back. Likewise for bard where the only complaint you ever see from people used to braindead melee rotations is "omg why cant i stop looking at my bars for procs".
Then again, its not exactly a high bar either when melee is basically hit 123 in the order they light up
xivstyle has pictures of middies in everything, different angles sometimes
Gamerescape has images for each race on lots of gear but some pages are incomplete
Garlandtools has 3d models of gear but I haven’t used that feature much so I don’t know how complete it is
xivstyle was the one, thank you
>picked DRG as my main when I started the game in 3.4 because I like polearm weapon classes and thought their aesthetic was cool
>constantly shat on as a band Wagoner
Fuck you guys
>RDM trades damage potency for raise utility
If only there was some kind of system where you could assign Additional Skills and replace raise with something that gives more damage in situations you don’t need the utility
Nah that’s ridiculous, let’s just homogenize every job instead after all it worked for WoW!
Post level 60 achievement date
I don't get why they dont make meditation a buff instead of a challenged move. Just let it go 15 seconds building up some nice kenki for us and then let us dump a nuke
I know that feel bro
I just want to be able to put as much skill speed as I want. As it is I can't do that because if you're not at 2.13s GCD everything drifts away. So long for making CDs line up. The SB design allowed for stacking either DH or SkS and not be penalized. Fuck playing slow SAM man, that shit ain't fun.
The priority system of SB was much more fun than the fixed rotation we have currently.
I think they should also adjust the dumb fixed 2.5s GCD after Tsubame so that it actually gets affected by Shifu and your SkS. That's probably the thing that irks me the most.
You can also use the screenshot tool, lets you try on any and all gear that's in the game on your character (or on anyone really)
>Shout out to all the boss niggas in ffxiv playing bottom-tier DPS jobs and getting zero buffs but still putting up the deeps
>You the real MVP. Fuck the bandwagon losers.
thank god retards like you stay in your discount version of WoW
I will never understand why people want old MCH back it feels so good now
The Cross Class system was perfectly fine. It's the stupid fucking casuals who complained about "boo hoo I have to spend a couple of hours getting DRG to 28" or whatever
You still have other utility and it's a balancing nightmare to juggle since they don't want to create situations where players only bring 1 objectively best skill and kick/flame other players for not using it.
How's that queue doing?
Your suggestion is literal homogenization dumb fuck
Let everyone raise but they do less damage if they slot it
SkS SAM was terrible in SB though because it was clipping city and crit scales a lot better for damage since it influences the crit rate and how much damage your crits do which adds up more in a 12 minute fight than 0.10s less GCD.
Well if you're overwriting just one yukikaze sen then hagakure to wipe it is a clear gain over that. The sam guide on the balance is pretty good and talks about using filler gcds appropriate to your skill speed to maintain the one minute loop and that usually result in hagakureing something.
Also that is literally how the Logos Action system works but once again people keep ignoring Eureka.
You can bring Raise L and Shell L to NMs if you want to be a good support, or you can bring Wisdom of the Elder and Magic Burst L for maximum damage.
the only good thing about hw mch was that the gauss barrel castbars stopped people bitching about them doing top tier dps. Meanwhile in the current day people are all "hurrr ranged arent allowed to do good dps because uptime", nevermind that if you're a good melee or blm all current savage fights are already 100% uptime for you anyway.
I miss mercy stroke as a drk. felt so satisfying to get the killing blow and receive 20% HP back.
>when you post in a xiv thread on Yea Forums because you're waiting in a queue to enter the queue to stand in a line in game
I feel like meditate needs a rework too. You gain stacks based on the server tick and its inconsistent as fuck. There's a meditate opener that's a slight DPS gain but it's RNG as fuck because you have to pray that you get a tick before the GCD finishes, most of the time you have to wait the full 3s while canceling auto attacks and it ends up being a DPS loss. If only there was an add-on that told you when the server ticks happen.
You're not supposed to keep playing Red Mage when you don't need the raise
Casters share gear
Just swap to Black Mage when you need the damage to beat enrage
any idea why I can double weave perfectly on PC with MB+K but can't double weave on PS4 with any wireless and wired controller? both are using ethernet cables
your TV may have shitloads of latency compared to your PC monitor
But it was fun to play and that's all that matters. Gotta go fast nigger
>mfw i instantly joined whitemane
cant believe retards actually fell for the queue meme
both are plugged in to the same monitor
Fucking this. Be happy you're not NIN doing low damage, having a shit rotation, and can't share your left side with any other job.
PS4 has a slight delay.
no idea then
>Casters share gear
>blm really likes spellspeed
>rdm doesn't really like it
>smn hates it to the point where 1 sps = 0.15 det
lol no
>retards actually falling for queue meme
Your latency is probably worse on PS4 since your ISP takes a different node hop for it.
Red Mage isn't hampered by spell speed and losing 80 DPS because you're using your black mage melds isn't a real problem.
Stop playing summoner
>you were entrusted with the ULTIMATE dilator, the ULTIMATE hormones, and still you failed.
>so much for the glory of trans...
god I want to fuck him then hang out with his sister
we all do
45 queue legit goes by instantly
>1h long que as a tank
when is nier raid releasing, so i can resub when the game is not dead ?
It's 8AM on a weekday after summer vacation is over
anything past an hour is bugged, requeue again
impossible to not get in during reset time
I got 9 minutes for the trial roulette as dps at reset time
but then the real game begins
its 5 pm, few minutes after roulette reset.
>healers are fine guys!!!
If you're on EU then everyone is playing classic WoW. NA isn't affected by this.
They really are
Unfortunately everyone already finished levelling them
seems about right. im on chaos, omega.
ahhhhhh why do sprout healers think that it's better to slap a regen on the full health DPS every 10 seconds than it is to have their aero DoT active??? like use your fucking brain
>Let everyone raise
No still only RDM/SMN, but they also have to option to swap it for a RDM/SMN flavored damage boost
I don’t mean a 1.0 styled fully open cross class system, but that would be an interesting game. XIV hasn’t been that in a long time though
I saw someone have requiescat and holy spirit on 1 button for controller, how do you do that?
Just give it 2 months and people will get burned out of Classic WoW (and patch 5.1 comes out around that time for FFXIV). People are already leveling up faster than they were back in 2004 and the game operates on a phase release cycle so there's hardly any endgame content atm and let's not forget about the weekly 40/20man raid lockouts.
>weekly 40/20man raid lockouts
forgot about those
That'd be cool then
Probably a hotbar switching macro.
Look I get it, I missed out on Eureka. Maybe if Stormblood wasn’t so fucking boring for 4.0-4.2 I would have stayed subbed. I’m ready for Eureka 2.0 this time though
The next expansion should just be all entirely eureka.
You think PVE is bad you should see PVP healer balance
Might as well delete SCH and WHM
Bro, that's just the login queue. There's a queue after that.
Just play 11
to be fair no one has ever said that, the only role that is balanced right now is the tank (and I'm actually very surprised by that, tanks are perfect in that regard right now)
Please no. I hate content that resets your levels.
They should mix Diadem and Eureka together. Have the open world dungeon and logos/elements system from Eureka, include being able to switch jobs anytime without penalty outside of combat and being able to mount right away instead of unlocking it all over again.
Are you suppose to be double popping cds as a tank for tankbusters? I don't mean the two long ones I mean the long cd and the short one.
They need to Poetics that shit
>People are still dying to Omega's starboard and larboard attacks
depends of what you are tanking but often yes, especially if you don't want to burden your healers more than necessary
i.e. don't take a buster with just rampart
there isnt
for you to think that way just proves you dont even play it.
outed yourself brainlet
>2 button simon says is hard
>intentionally being obtuse about melee rotations to make xir's job seem more complex
go dilate somewhere else you ranged tranny, there's a reason ranged jobs are mostly played by women and trannies
Who do you think is queuing for o11
- Experienced players familiar with its mechanics
- Newbies
>people are still expecting new players to watch/read guides for shit they haven't done yet
I am.
>ranged jobs are mostly played by women and trannies
>3rd consecutive day that I get O8N in my normal raids roulette
this can't be a coincidence, there has to be some sort of hidden rotation in the duties
I thought so because I was watching streams of Savage and I noticed the tanks were double popping cds.
why the fuck
do you type like.
then why didn't i get the fuckin' bonus
that's a good point though
It's factually true every catwhore in slutglam(85% tranny/15% woman) plays a bard fucking up mechanics on the easiest job somehow or a shitty whm spamming cure ii
so lucky i just dont flying spin kick your fucking head right off your shoulders
It's the truth. Go on Twitter and look up the FFXIV selfie tag. Most ranged DPS/healers are women, gays, or trannies. The straight men play melee DPS or tanks.
that doesn't
answer my question
Isn't Adampor keep fucked because bots are farming it 24/24?
Wondrous Tales maybe
the chad archer vs the virgin katana boy
But why do they? Because it's the shortest?
They queue in premade groups of 4 so they bypass DF waiting time. But if you get stuck on a "reserving server" message then it means the bots are trying to all get in at once.
fuck bots
easiest dungeon to farm gil when you're teleport hacking underground and multiboxing 4 BLMs
meanwhile world first raiders, including healers and ranged dps, tend to play female miqo'te in revealing gear. just look at EM
mobs drop gil
they aggro everything in the dungeon and pull it to a corner, then teleport outside the dungeon walls and burn them all down, then leave and do it all over again
really glad my server got closed, even though it doesn't even have that big of a population.
Holy shit you can actually macro a bards "rotation" with minimal dps loss and use an act callout for procs, and every job looks at their hotbars for cds anyway. You're the dumbest faggot I've ever seen.
Yeah and they're all fat, smelly neckbeards(many of whom are trannies) who shit and dilate in socks and live in their mom's basement. Really something to aspire to.
is there any way to transfer a character to ragnarok right now? this friend of mine got back to the game after a couple of years and is stuck on cerberus (I transferred here while they were gone)
seems like EU is nothing but bots now.
paid transfer
>tfw no xiv gf
yeah the problema is that ragnarok is a congested world right now, we tried the transfer late at night but it was locked anyway
gotta wait for the status to change. it might change tomorrow since new patch.
>braindead meleefags mad at how easy their role is being exposed